Local races are really heating up all over the state. Here in Seattle, in addition to mayor and some city council positions, we will have school board, King County, Port of Seattle. We’re still a couple months away from filing week, but some of the races are starting to get interesting. Is there any local election you’re looking forward to?
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
First Vegetable Joe Biden had the opportunity to give Cuomo a really, really good shove off of the national stage.
And passed on it.
NY Dems, what good does it do you to do the right thing if your Commander in Chief doesn’t have the stones to back you?
Well, this is a cryin’ shame.
David Hogg’s Pillow Company Seems to Have Already Failed
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit invested what was left of his family’s assets into this venture.
1994, of course, gave us Newt Gingrich.
Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan
And 54 House Republican seats. And 8 US Senate seats.
The Republican Revolution.
The 2021 Republican Revolution.
It’s interesting that the Bloomberg piece @ 3 chose to highlight receipts as a percent of GDP, which does show a downward trend, as stated in the piece.
Not mentioned are
1. The significant increases in revenues that have occurred.
2. The OMB estimates that the revenues/GDP ratio will increase in a few years.
3. The marked increase in government spending during just about any period over the last 35 years.
Because if Bloomberg were to do that, it would be readily apparent that the government’s problem is not a revenue shortfall. The government’s problem is excessive spending.
Correcting item 2 in @ 5 to state:
The OMB estimates that – even without a tax increase – the revenues/GDP ratio will increase in a few years.
When I go back to edit, lately it’s classified as spam and the entire spew is removed. So now when a spew is in need of editing, y’all will get to read about it twice. Call it the
StreisandHunter Biden Effect.It matters whether you have the cognitive abilities necessary to hold a press conference that is not scripted, First Vegetable Joe Biden.
You must be talking about what happened back in January when you and your raging orange man-baby attempted to overthrow our government by inciting a violent mob of insurrectionists to invade the Capital with the intent of killing our elected representatives, including our nation’s vice president.
In case you didn’t notice, your revolution was a fail. Or did you mean you fucktard traitors are going to try again? I hear March 20th is the big day. If so, you might want to consider moving it to tomorrow, seeing as how your orange moron looks like might croak any minute.
@ 8
The House of Representatives is very narrowly Democrat majority.
The US Senate requires the VP to break ties due to a 50/50 split in the chamber.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral margin was due to a very small number of votes in four states, much as Trump’s 2016 margin was due to a very small number of votes in three states.
You behave as if you have a “Permanent Majority”, Steve. What you have is 20 months. By all means, enjoy it and even twist the opportunity to your advantage, but keep in mind that what you have is 20 months. And an empty calvarium in the Oval Office.
Last year your orange moron and his Republican Senate ran up a deficit of $3.1 trillion, more than triple the deficit for 2019.
Obama’s 2017 deficit was $665 billion.
If you actually gave a flying fuck about deficits, you’d vote for Democrats.
You mean I’m behaving like you and making shit up and taunting people with it as if it’s real as all fuck?? Oh, the horror.
Have you ever noticed that Margorie Taylor Greene looks like a horse? Which probably isn’t much of an an insult to a skank who has been fucked thousands of times on pool tables in rural Georgia bars.
He probably went rabid after reading too many of Doctor Dumbfuck’s “Wuhan” comments untended to incite violence against Asian-Americans.
Racist man pepper sprays Asian gas station owner after telling him to ‘go to China
First Vegetable Joe Biden has himself his own Hurricane Katrina.
US to house up to 3,000 immigrant teens at Dallas site
Jesus. No wonder President Jill Biden is petrified of an unscripted press conference.
Let’s not kid ourselves. It’s far worse than what the Democrats cause to occur when Trump was president. If it was truly “similar to…” we wouldn’t be hearing about it.
@ 12
Have you ever noticed that Margorie Taylor Greene looks like a horse?
I have noticed that she is far less attractive than AOC, yes, Steve.
@ 11
If you actually gave a flying fuck about deficits, you’d vote for Democrats.
If you actually gave a flying fuck about deficits, you wouldn’t fellate politicians who lard hundreds of billions of pork spending into an “emergency” stimulus bill, Steve.
Carefully consider the spike in the next announced federal deficit, and realize that it’s a result of too many votes for Democrats. That’s the flaw in your logic, Steve.
The New York Times wishes to reinforce to Steve my point @ 10, 12 that you have 20 months.
Justice Breyer Should Retire Right Now
Breyer looks pretty healthy to me. It’s the Democrat majority in the US Senate that’s on life support.
Alleged cop killers caught.
Leavenworth for these guys if they’re convicted.
@1 Pretty lively for vegetable. Gets around at least as well as the Orange Blob.
@2 You’re forgetting I’m a capitalist much like you. I prefer to invest in dirty, polluting companies that make a lot of money and pay dividends. We really only differ in the dividends part.
278 GOP Lawmakers Voted for Trump Tax Scam, But 0 Voted for Covid Relief.
Republican priorities
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 21
Define “scam”.
Be sure to show how the increase in dividends paid by companies to shareholders, which includes many public and private pension companies that make retirement payments to workers, was a scam.
Be sure to show how the increase in market value of said companies, shares of which are held by which includes many public and private pension companies which use assets as one way of defending payouts, was a scam.
Be sure to show how the increase in tax revenues to the federal government subsequent to passage of the tax reduction bill was a scam.
@ 20
You’re forgetting I’m a capitalist much like you.
You are not a capitalist. Capitalist behavior benefits themselves and those they care about, while your behavior has done nothing but cause harm to your life and your family’s future, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You certainly are nothing like me – not with your slavish dependence on stock dividend payments to meet your monthly needs, and the risks such dependence on dividends cause you to take, such as hanging on to GE shares far, far too long. You bragged about how much money you made on days the markets increased, until those numbers were used to calculate for others just how pitifully little you and your family actually possess. You no longer provide that information because it was used to humiliate you.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are an embarrassment to your family, and to the family of SeattleJew. You’re a fucking clown.
Stay Proud (boy) Bob.
Bob isn’t a Capitalist….He’s a Fascist Insurrectionist.
Just like 2 chances of Impeaching the Fucker from the National Stage….But the GOP stuck with Hitler II. Even if The Fuckhump doesn’t run for relection (seeing that he’s sick as a dog), the GOP told every other fucking Nazi out there that it’s ok to run in 2024.
Great that you have interests that are so important.
Get your fucking Skirt and Pom Poms out, you traitor.
Bob spends another day Trolling…..what every doctor has in mind when they retire, or atleast the failed ones.
The fucking horse doesn’t even want you – it knows that it no longer has to worry about it either – trollings got you too busy.
That Island must be pretty pathetic, nothing to do out there.
Or never.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is to capitalism as a Proud Boy is to patriotism.
Like I was saying, when the dumbfuck has nothing, he makes shit up and taunts us with shit that never happened or ever will happen.
Before 2022 even arrives, five Republican senators will abandon the fascist GQP and become independents. Trump will have died in Attica where Ivanka, Junior and Eric are still serving time. In 2022, the GQP loses 40 House seats and 15 in the Senate. Texas turns red. In 2024 Harris takes the WH with over 500 electoral votes.
Dumbfuck won’t care about any of this because he’ll still be rotting in the woods of Whidbey where #BLM and Antifa buried him back in 2021.
Even cute little homeless puppies are victims of the evil traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby’s hatred of all things good and decent.
Trump claims he had ‘many meetings’ about helping dogs after taking $1.8 million from animal rescue charity
These are awful people, assuming they’re even human and not alien space invaders.
The entire spectrum of charitable tax exemptions is due for thorough review.
Is there really a need to provide tax exemption for private schooling featuring helipads, Michelin chefs, and skydiving excursions? Or for that matter for pet “rescue” involving exotic giant breed dogs for the wealthy?
@3 “1994, of course, gave us Newt Gingrich. Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan. And 54 House Republican seats. And 8 US Senate seats. The Republican Revolution.”
And you’re proud of that, because you’re a dumbfuck. You’re the kind of person who would celebrate a tornado wiping out a trailer park because it missed your horse barn.
@3 Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan.
Let’s talk about that. Taxes. Since you brought it up.
Republicans keep cutting taxes for rich people. Not hardworking Americans, only rich people. They especially cut taxes on capital gains, which is income people don’t work for. (And meantime bleat about the virtue of hard work, which is something they don’t do, and think only other people should do.)
All this tax-cutting creates deficits. More and bigger deficits. Then Republicans wring their hands over deficits. Not when they’re cutting taxes for rich people, mind you; the spending they want to cut is granny’s Medicare and Social Security, because Republicans are self-serving assholes.
Trump cut rich people’s taxes by $2.1 trillion. That’s $200 billion more than Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-relief bill that Republicans are calling a deficit crisis.
Reagan cut taxes for rich people so much he overshot. The deficits got scary to him, his quack economist David Stockman, and a slew of other Republicans. So he raised taxes five times.
Reagan raised taxes five times.
So, fuck off.
(End of discussion about Biden raising taxes.)
The greedy racist incel bragged about the tornado killed more people than COVID.
@5 “The government’s problem is excessive spending,” e.g. granny’s Medicare and Social Security.
Think we don’t know where you’re going with this? C’mon. You told us where you’re going with this.
Remember when then-President George W. Bush’s private security contractors, besides blowing up Iraqi civilians, were arresting people who went to his town halls to object to entrusting granny’s Social Security to Wall Street’s ten
der safekeeping?
We remember.
Man, the dumbfuck doctor is on a slide today. Exposing his flank. Easier pickings than General von Kluck’s ass in the air at the Marne.
@6 “The OMB estimates that – even without a tax increase – the revenues/GDP ratio will increase in a few years.”
Then there’s no deficit problem, is there? There’s no deficit problem. Yet every Republican in the House and Senate voted against Covid relief for ordinary Americans claiming there’s a deficit problem.
Research indicates General von Kluck was put on retired pay in 2016, retired to a horse farm, and spent the rest of his life fucking horses because neither his wife nor any other German woman would have anything to do with the miserable failure of a general who lost the war for Germany.
I’ve also heard stories of doctors getting put on retired status in their early 50s.
@30 Man, get a load of the boldface.
@30 If I were a “Proud Boy to capitalism” as the dumbfuck doctor claims, I would be planting pipe bombs at the stock exchange.
Instead, I’m adding up my capital gains and cashing my dividend checks.
He’s just jealous of my dividend checks, that’s all.
@32 As the acting editor of SJ’s blog, I was on top of that story by Saturday.
@28 “Bob spends another day Trolling…..what every doctor has in mind when they retire, or atleast the failed ones.”
See #40 for more information about Bob’s retirement.
@22 “Define “scam”.”
Posts referenced in @35, @37, @39, and all your other posts.
Deb Haaland, America’s first Native American interior secretary, confirmed 51-40 with 4 Republican votes.
Republicans called her views on fossil fuels “extreme.” We consider their views on climate change a threat to human survival. So we’re not exactly even.
Probably a strong streak of racism reflected in this vote, too.
I think maybe Brazil’s president should fire himself.
He’s more responsible than anyone else for the Covid-19 carnage in his country.
Pope to gays: Fuck you.
I don’t see how any gay person can be Catholic. That religion’s top leader, who wields dictatorial power over its priests, is literally telling you that in his eyes you’re less than human.
I’m not especially interested in the opinion of Team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! when it comes to what is or is not “extreme”.
Fire and Fury
“‘Denuclearization is a non-starter,’ said Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology …. North Koreans see several reasons why they should not denuclearize …. Iran entered a deal with the US only to have the Trump administration withdraw, impose crippling economic sanctions and then assassinate the country’s leading general and nuclear scientist.”
Under Trump’s management, the U.S. ensured that North Korea will now build as many nuclear weapons as it can, as fast as it can, and put them on rockets that can reach U.S. cities, including the one we live in.
Say, isn’t there a big fat sitting-duck Navy air base right next door to Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse acre, and a Trident missile sub base just a few miles downwind?
Go Trump!
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If you already have a WordPress account for your blog, then you can create one using Gravatar:
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@52 That would work for HA?
“Ammon Bundy arrested in Idaho for not wearing mask in court, making him a no-show for trial”
Ha ha ha ha ha !!! Serves him right.
Every society needs rules to function and survive. It’s time to crack down on these anarchists.
Three Percenter rioter threatened to shoot his 16-year-old daughter if she turned him in. She turned him in.
Yes. If the email you use to submit a comment is the Gravatar email, then the Gravatar avatar will appear with the comment. It will work in any website comments powered by WordPress and many others like Disqus, etc.
This didn’t go well.
Lauren Boebert
Gratitude has been a difficulty in the last year.
All of us have faced challenges being limited by draconian restrictions.
I am grateful for the chance to serve my nation & grateful in knowing strength is developed in adversity.
What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?
Rather than backing her up and supporting her incumbency, the Alaska Republican Party has now vowed to spend and recruit to challenge Sen. Murkowski in a fierce and crippling party primary battle.
While simultaneously a sustained surge of progressive activism largely outside traditional party bounds has brought about a sea-change in Juneau and in Anchorage and surrounding boroughs. Legal weed. The most progressive universal voting laws. Min wage jump now indexed to CPI. Big shift in vote composition by age and demographic. And a boost of seats in the state house that will stop GQP efforts to re-gerrymander their state Senate control.
Murkowski could use a friend.
Jared’s an elder statesman now.
Jared Kushner breaks his silence to offer Joe Biden unsolicited advice, gets lampooned on Twitter
Lots of bold text of late. Just one of the effects of his having crossed the orange event horizon. When he goes BOLDFACE CAPS on us, I reckon the doctor will have finally reached the orange singularity.
First Vegetable Joe Biden wants parents south of the border to know that the way to get their young children into the US is to send them across the border on their own.
Don’t take my word for it. That’s a statement issued by Jill Biden’s HHS Secretary.
Lucky he wasn’t black. He’d have been shot!
Kansas Senate Majority leader released from jail
Kansas Senate Republican Majority Leader Gene Suellentrop was booked into the Shawnee County Jail for allegedly driving under the influence and fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement Tuesday morning.
He was also booked into jail for other traffic charges on a $1,000 bond.
Not a crisis according to First Vegetable Joe Biden:
Immigration attorneys are not being permitted inside. I suppose that’s because there’s concern that one or more of them might have a cell phone camera.
President Jill Biden to Central America:
Tomorrow’s GMA interview with First Vegetable Joe Biden is pre-taped.
But y’all knew that already.
Alternative headline: Newsom disrespects the entire Calinfornia trans community.
Newsom pledges to appoint a Black woman to replace Feinstein if she retires
I can’t really blame him. California is overdue for a senator who doesn’t unintentionally make people laugh.
Yes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I know that I misspelled @ 66 California. If I go in and correct it, my spew is treated as spam and the whole thing is deleted.
@ 66
The next US senator from California will be Meghan Markle.
Unless, of course, she’s elected governor in the second half of the recall election.
Bob failed as a doctor, now as a comedian…..so, so sad.
The Troll has no life.
In which Moscow Mitch promises to burn the country down if the Democrats insist on exercising their electoral mandate.
Fuck him. Just change the rest of the rules, too.
@67 ” … my spew is treated as spam and the whole thing is deleted.”
Why is that bad?
@63 No doubt they were sleeping in Motel 6s all the way to the border, and the U.S. ran out of Motel 6s. Obviously, we need more motels along the migration route. There’s a motel gap! Mexico has jumped ahead of us in motels.
@56 Thanks for trying to help. The email part is over my bunny ears. I just go to HorsesAss.org with my browser and type my comments in the “Leave a Reply” box. I don’t get where the email comes in.
Bet they voted for Trump, too.
“They” isn’t a typo. Yes, I know 17-year-olds aren’t supposed to vote in Florida presidential elections. Just like parents aren’t supposed to vote in high school homecoming elections.
Turns out Putin and Doctor Dumbfuck were pushing the same messaging during the 2020 election. Just a coincidence, I’m sure, seeing as those two are just naturally always on the same page together.
President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.
I take it the Doctor would be classified as one of Putin’s “online proxies” as outlined in the report.
@15 “I have noticed that she is far less attractive than AOC, yes, Steve.”
In every respect imaginable.
Personally, I don’t think it’s safe to drive through the northwest corner of Georgia. That’s where the people who elected her live. I’d go around.
Now the greedy racist incel cares deeply about migrant kids. where was the outrage when trump was in power?
@77 He doesn’t care about migrant kids, or any other kids. It’s obvious what’s in it for him: Embarrass Biden. That’s all he cares about.
The greedy racist incel spent four years supporting a fascist dictator who tried to violently overthrow our government by siccing a screaming cop-killer mob on our elected representatives, and that having failed, now calls Biden a “vegetable.”
(Biden looks nothing like a “vegetable,” and will look less and less like a “vegetable” after the filibuster goes away.)
He is what he is, and “greedy racist incel” ain’t half of it.
Eh, I suppose “Russian asset” also works to describe the doctor’s role.
He’s that butt hurt about Trump losing.
Fuckin’ pathetic.
The cult of personality, orange throat yogurt gobbling worship of the orange man-baby leaves these sad fucks with psychic scars that will never heal.
It’s absolutely magnificent.
@79 Most turncoats get paid. He does it free.
It was for justices (who betrayed him) and tax cuts (which President Turnip will take away from him). So, yeah, it was for free.
He probably should have hit Putin up for a few rubles while he still had the chance. No way he’s getting anything from him now. Sad!
Democrats in office are class acts.
Trump on Markle:
I think Bob is willing to help out……oh wait, he’s busy playing with a horse and pressing the skirt for the better days to come, when he’s not being the Troll.
@ 85
If G-clown would pull that stranger’s cock out of his bareback ass long enough to read the article he would learn that 1) it’s a retail pharmacy problem and 2) part of the understaffing is attributed to the influx of new pharmacy graduates.
G-clown might ask himself why all those new grads are contributing to an understaffing problem. Unfortunately G-clown is a psychotic fuck and thinks only of his next anonymous bareback recipient experience.
“…growing larger and more dire by the day.”
The Biden administration is running out of space to put these kids, and is running out of people to process them.
But don’t call it a crisis, dammit!
(Prediction: Biden will “postpone” his first press conference so that he can focus on the border non-crisis. Maybe even do a road trip someplace where he won’t be on camera and can only be referred to as being deeply concerned.)
For First Vegetable Joe Biden, a crisis is when his Jell-O doesn’t set up properly.
You know she’s unlikable when her staff won’t let her talk in public unless it’s scripted.
Tales from the George Floyd Kill Zone:
This is the number media were reporting yesterday:
How do we go from 4,200 to 13,000+, libbies? ’cause 13,000+ is the number reported by CBS News @ 87.
President Jill Biden is a fucking liar is how. A shitbag liar in the Oval Office, two administrations in a row.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s first own-goal is the rapidly worsening border crisis.
He’s also giving China and Iran carte blanche. The results will be just as awful.
I’m just now realizing that someone in the DHS probably leaked to CBS News the truth about President Jill Biden’s deception with the child numbers on the border.
Won’t it be great when Democrats begin to realize that there are some people in government who hate Biden’s guts in much the same way that people in government hated Trump’s guts? Really, that’s not surprising. What’s surprising is that CBS News reported it.
CBS News also employs Catherine Herridge. She formerly reported for Fox News. It’s just an observation.
Some endings are happier than others.
Man in custody hours after shootings at Georgia massage parlors leave 8 dead
@83 “Democrats in office are class acts.”
Compared to your crowd, yes.
@88 “No matter what you call it, President Biden’s policies caused the chaos at the southern border.”
Machine gunning them, as Trump wanted to do, sure would stop that influx or at least slow it down. So yes, Biden’s unwillingness to machinegun kids created this crisis.
Any dumbfuck can see that.
@90 Which makes the cop who knelt on George Floyd’s neck until he was dead look innocent to a dumbfuck.
@93 et al: Why are you so worked up about people flocking to the U.S. to work and pay taxes?
So ODNI has concluded that Giuliani, who served as Trump’s private attorney, was in the employ of Vladimir Putin.
And Kevin McCarthy wants to read Green Eggs and Ham to you while Tara choke-faps to fantasies about shivering Guatemalan toddlers.
Just another day in 2021.
@92 Which do mean, that he was caught, or that he killed 6 Asian women?
This 21-year-old white, Bible-obsessed, son of a Baptist fundie preacher appears to have it in for Asian women. Let me guess: Low-IQ dumbfuck, incel, angry about the “Wuhan virus” and maybe the stolen election, too. So he allegedly goes out and shoots everybody inside three Asian massage parlors.
Yeah, it’s a good thing he’s off the streets. I’m not sure why, after murdering 8 people at 3 crime scenes, then leading police on a 200-mile chase before being stopped by a pit maneuver, he’s still in better health than George Floyd is.
Probably because he’s white.
The Troll has been triggered @86-@94.
Reading the Sum of Us, thought I”d post some thought provoking bits from it.
Chapter 2. Draining the pools. In which whites would rather destroy the institution, be it pools or social services so nobody could use it, rather than share it with blacks.
For Example:
“the original St Louis Fairground Park pool was the largest in the world. It had a diameter of 440 feet, almost one and a half times the length of a football field, and hosted between 10,000 and 12,000 swimmers per day.”
“In 1950, Within the first year after integration, though, attendance at the Fairground Park Pool decline by 80%. By 1954, the pool was no longer profitable enough to be maintained appropriately, and the city closed it down. ”
The greedy racist incel who is so worried about income inequality now should truly appreciate this bill and support it
Sanders Bill Would Hike Taxes on Big Corporations That Pay CEOs Over 50 Times More Than Median Worker | “Walmart, which pays its CEO nearly 1,000 times more than its average worker, would pay up to $855 million more in taxes.”
Police in Portland Oregon had a problem.
An African American female had been elected to the city council. A fierce and outspoken proponent of civil rights and police reform, Jo Ann Hardesty had served a couple of terms in the state legislature before running successfully for an open seat as a Portland City Commissioner. Now she was poised to begin reforming the Portland Police Bureau.
So officers in the PPB detective division coached a victim in a minor fender bender to swear a false report describing Hardesty as the other driver in a felony hit and run. Then the detectives gave a copy of the investigative report to their union president. Union President Brian Hunzeker then handed the file to a right wing, pro-police political action committee associated with a terrorist organization who then shared it with FOX news, some AM hate radio hosts, and posted it on their Facebook pages.
Now police in Portland Oregon have a bigger problem.
Oops. Prez of police union resigns.
The President of the United States announced during an interview this morning with ABC News that he was now interested in working with Senate colleagues to introduce new rules reforming the Senate filibuster. This comes as the White House is preparing plans to release $350 billion in aid to the states. States like West Virginia and Arizona, for example.