Washington state people, there are local special elections. Many, but not all, jurisdictions are having elections. If yours is, you should have received your ballot. Get it dropped off or postmarked by February 11.
In general, I hope you support levies and bond measures. I don’t know the details in your area.
I also hope if you’re in Seattle, that you vote for 1A. It’s not the solution to homelessness and affordable housing in the city, but it is an important step, and a better plan than 1B.
You morons!
You idiots!
You imbeciles!
Kamala Harris?
Kamala Harris?
@1 Don’t throw out your elbow saluting Trump.
ICE agents are harassing Navajo tribal members because they don’t look American enough.
Frankly, I don’t think any of us are safe.
Now the CIA is saying the Covid shit probably resulted from a lab leak. Fauci and Collins were lying their asses off, all to benefit themselves.
If RFK Jr gets the job, maybe he can publicly embarrass those two crooks. We cannot put them in prison – Biden saw to that – but public humiliation is a good option.
@5 And the CIA still has “low confidence” in that theory.
The only thing that’s changed is administrations. Instead of guessing Covid came from animals, they’re now guessing it came from a lab, because Trump decreed which answer box to check. You’re no smarter than you ever were.
They should make the U.S. pay for it, but not with tariffs, because that doesn’t work.
The best way to get a seat on the Seattle City Council is to lose an election for Seattle City Council.
2 & 3,
Hey, you effed up – you ran Kamala Harris in 2024, and that was just plain dumb!
@9 You’re in no position to lecture anyone. Electing Trump in 2024 wasn’t just dumb, it was pro-Russia, unAmerican, anti-democracy, and a vote for lawlessness, corruption, racism and bigotry, billionaires, and screwing the middle and working classes. Trump voters are world class screwups.
I dunno ’bout you, but I’m not going to put any of my money of the whale head, dead bear cub, heroin addict guy being able to embarass anyone except maybe himself, and of course you.
Technically their “fuck up” was running Joe Biden.
Did you forget already?
The charges were pending as he was released. Taake was convicted of Pepper spraying Capitol Police officers and beating them with a metal chain.
Trump will have to do a lot worse than freeing a child molester before I’ll turn my back on him.
And he will.
So in an executive order carrying zero weight of law Donald orders the taps and the pumps and the spigots turned on to transfer water from Northern California to Southern California* and also the non-existent Aqueducts from Oregon, Washington “And even Canada” turned on immediately.**
*All of the relevant aqueducts are owned ether by municipalities in CA or the State of CA and the controversial San Joaquin tunnel project to create a new water conveyance of the Sacramento River away from the Bay Delta was approved for construction in 2024.Construction has not yet begun. That’s because the plan was to issue $25b in bonds from the six Water Agencies that would benefit from the project to avoid having to put the project to a state wide vote. So far, the funding has not been secured.
** Not that it matters as the lack of farm workers due to Donnie’s big ICE plan will make the need for water for crop growing next season superfluous.
Why have the republicans not done anything to bring down the price of eggs?
@16 Because it was never about the price of eggs. Gullible Trump voters only thought it was. It’s really about turning America into an unfree fascist state, as they’re going to find out, too.
Well, that didn’t take long — a Jan. 6 rioter is out of prison less than a week before he loses a gunfight to a sheriff’s deputy during a routine traffic stop. Good riddance.
@15 Putting it another way, “Trump orders Columbia River to flow south to Los Angeles.”
MAGA Mike Jesus Johnson suggests tying fire relief to voter ID noting that his side lost three seats in the house in CA.
Because there is LITERALLY no valid election a Republican loses.
@20 As I posted in a previous thread, I think Democrats should leap at this deal to trade disaster aid for voting law changes.
With that precedent set, when their turn comes to dole out disaster relief to red states, they can use this leverage to end gerrymandering, more voter suppression, and bullshit like what’s going on right now in a North Carolina state supreme court election.
What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose.
Trump has ordered the military to reinstate service members discharged for refusing Covid vaccines with full back pay and benefits.
Also on his orders, the DOJ fired every prosecutor who worked on his cases. The next Democratic president will, of course, reinstate those fired prosecutors with full back pay and benefits.
Imagine how thrilled field commanders are to take back soldiers who refused orders. And how thrilled their troops will be to go into combat with fellow soldiers who can’t be relied on to follow orders, and may pass infectious diseases to them.
If I were China, I’d be dusting off my Taiwan invasion plans right now, while the U.S. military is weak.
This drips hypocrisy, doesn’t it?
In a call back to ‘only fags get AIDS’ thinking, Administration orders halt to distribution of HIV treatments by foreign health organizations who receive funding from the US.
Even if treatments have already been procured.
Give ‘em hell Roger!
Hypocrisy is the natural state of American politics.
@27 But very lopsidedly so across the partisan divide.
Republicans lie, cheat, and steal without batting an eyelash, and are hypocritical to the bone.
I have a theory about why that is. They believe God appointed them, or at least anointed them, and they’re doing God’s work. To them, this any means, foul or fair, is fair.
In other words, in their shriveled minds, the ends justify the means. It’s the oldest dodge from moral responsibility there is, probably older than Adam and Eve.
You should take a look at the insider trading conducted by Nancy Pelosi’s husband and Deb Wasserman-Schultz.
Are Pelosi and Deb paying their fair share in taxes?
There are morons who think this is actually happening. The Army just marched into Eureka and turned on a hose that ends in Bakersfield
@30, Part 1 What about J. D. Vance criticizing Trump’s pardons of Jan. 6 rioters who assaulted cops, then flipflopping within 24 hours?
What does that have to do with Susan Collins criticizing Kavanaugh, then voting to put him on the Supreme Court?
What does that have to do with Mitch McConnell blocking Merrick Garland’s SCOTUS nomination on grounds it was an election year, then putting Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court days before a presidential election?
It does, however, have something to do with numerous GOP senators engaging in insider trading after getting a closed-door briefing on the looming threat of Covid-19, because what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
In other words, you’re a hypocrite for criticizing Democrats for doing what plenty of Republicans were doing.
@30, Part 2 “Are Pelosi and Deb paying their fair share in taxes?”
Presumably they are, but if you want to make sure, don’t defund IRS audits.
Well, at least we don’t have to say “Gulf of Trump” or “Mount Trump,” but I won’t be surprised if some military base soon bears the name of a draft dodger.
I’m a DEI Hire!
Yeah, fuck the law, who needs a constitution or legal rights when you have Trump and Musk leading the way to a greater enlightenment …
I seem to recall a while back some troll complained about being looked down on by the Ph.D.s, J.D.s, M.A.s, and B.A.s who populate this blog’s comment threads.
Well, it’s not that we look down on GEDs who maybe can fix cars but don’t know shit about how tariffs work.
We just don’t think they’re smarter than us, know more than us, or understand complicated stuff better than us, that’s all.
Trump stopped all social spending, including food stamps and wic to go into effect Tuesday 5 p.m.
What about B.S.s and M.S.s? You got something against STEM?
Which is blatantly illegal impoundment and so far 13 emergency hearings in Federal Court have been requested by various states administering SNAP, Disability, Medicaid…
If you’re not familiar with the legal concept or Impoundment, look it up.
“ In other words, you’re a hypocrite for criticizing Democrats for doing what plenty of Republicans were doing.”
The whole point is politics is, by definition, hypocritical.
“ Presumably they are, but if you want to make sure, don’t defund IRS audits.”
Then why are the Pelosis getting away with insider trading? Why are a lot of politicians getting away with insider trading?
And you have some evidence that Pelosi’s are ‘insider trading’ and not that Paul Pelosi is a long-time hedge fund manager who was wealthy enough to own a stake in a couple professional sports franchises before his partner even thought about running for office? I think he might now something about due diligence and evaluating investment risk.
Are you talking about the case where the NYT wrote an article about possible CA Bank Failures and Paul dumped his holdings in those specific banks later that day?
Just for fun, Paul Pelosi purchased at least a 1/4 million dollars each of Nvidia, Alphabet and Amazon on the ‘secret’ knowledge that Donnie was entertaining the idea of giving them and others half a trillion for AI Research.
That didn’t pan out, eh?
I suppose it’s mostly because as long as
we Republicans are electing and confirming rapists and drunks, openly stealing tax dollars directly from the treasury to build volleyball stadiums, and locking up citizens without warrants, probable cause, or habeas corpus, then liberal pussies are too preoccupied and scared to notice.
I’m afraid it’s a regrettable, but necessary unintended consequence.
Well that will play well in ‘The Villlages’
Every veteran applying for a VA home loan will have their application denied and canceled beginning today by President Donald J. Trump.
65% of veterans voted for him.
@40 I suspect where this is going is “fuck the law, we don’t care what courts rule, we’ll do what we want” and then dare anybody to stop them. Which, of course, you can’t if they have immunity.
@45 At last! A Republican mouthpiece who doesn’t know saying “I don’t know” instead of making shit up.
Returning to the question of whether Trump had the military send water from the Pacific Northwest to L.A., what actually happened was some “federal water pumps were down for repair” for three days and were turned back on after maintenance work was completed.
It’s amazing anyone still believes anything that man says. Even the moron element should be catching on by now, if they’ve shopped for eggs in the last week.
One of the casualties of Trump’s illegal federal funding freeze is a King County nonprofit that provides shelter to domestic violence victims.
I think where Trump may be going with this is offloading federal responsibilities onto states. For example, instead of states contributing 50% of Medicaid funding for nursing home care, they’ll either have to pay 100% or do without nursing homes.
Programs whose funding is shifted from federal to state treasuries wouldn’t cost less. Rather, the tax base would change.
This would require states to raise taxes, while the rich are relieved of paying federal taxes. The net effect is to shift two-thirds of the nation’s overall tax burden from progressive federal taxes to regressive state taxes.
This fulfills the Republican dream of making those pay the most who are least able to pay, just like the feudal serf system.
Remember the New Jersey drones hysteria?
There’s your government conspiracy, pearl clutchers. The FAA authorized people to fly drones, and those people flew drones.
Anyone who thinks Republicans, if unchecked by courts and laws, would only deport non-citizens is daydreaming.
Selena Gomez posted empathy for child victims of Trump’s mass deportations. A Utah Republican responded, “Deport her.”
It doesn’t matter that she was born in Texas. If you say something they don’t like, they want to strip you of citizenship and kick you out of your own country.
German Jews knew all about this, too. Still want to argue that at least some Republicans aren’t closet Nazis? We’re told we’re not supposed to make such comparisons, but the emerging situation increasingly calls for making them.
No, Republicans don’t spare kids from their ideological wrath.
McCormick’s Wikipedia bio, at the moment, reads,
This looks like a non-approved user edit that, despite being true, probably won’t be up for very long.
Nazis threw children into bonfires. Calling kids who participate in school lunch programs “spongers” isn’t the same thing, and doesn’t make this GOP congressman a Nazi, it only makes him a jerk. Having introduced Nazis into the discussion, I just want to point this out, to avoid any possible confusion or misinterpretation of my previous remarks. To clarify, all Nazis are jerks, but not all jerks are Nazis, and it’s important for people to grasp the distinction.
@54 Well, that didn’t take long. McCormick’s Wikipedia bio is back to “normal.”
Not surprisingly, a federal judge has frozen Trump’s spending freeze.
Whether Trump honors the court order remains to be seen. If he doesn’t, that’s an impeachable offense. Presumably, Democrats are keeping a diary of the impeachable offenses he’s racking up for possible use in 2027. Meanwhile, Nicolle Wallace thinks Trump is waking a sleeping giant.
Fun thing
The Trump Bible buying asshole in Oklahoma pushed through a policy of requiring proof of citizenship for enrollment.
Never mind that if a minor was horn on US soul they are by law a citizen and Oklahoma is required to educate them.
And yeah, the wording does say Citizen so he’s making a claim that kids of green card holders are not to he in Oklahoma schools.
The Dems should do it before 2027. If Vance assumes the presidency after 2027, then he can run in 2028 and in 2032.
@60 “The Dems should do it before 2027.”
Explain how that works with a GOP House majority.
Breaking news:
It’s pretty obvious they want to get civil service workers they can’t legally fire to quit, so they can pack the federal bureaucracy with partisan hacks who don’t know a weather chart from a roadmap.
A clear violation of civil rights laws, but the victims won’t be able to sue because of sovereign immunity, so this will be a repeat of the WW2 Japanese-American internments: Citizens thrown into concentration camps because of their skin color, and still waiting for compensation 80 years later.
But it is arguably an impeachable offense. Of course Trump can’t be removed from office. But he’ll go down in history as the only president with a felony conviction, multiple other indictments, and multiple impeachments in both of his terms.
Texassians being racist asses: HOA bans Section 8 renters, most of whom are black, prompting a HUD lawsuit.
I didn’t say it was going to be easy for the Dems. They’ve got to do some serious persuading of House Republicans to be able to impeach Trump.