Man, I don’t know how to feel about Senator Ericksen dying. Obviously, any loss of human life is sad. And you should feel bad for his family. It stinks. While there are things you can do, dying of COVID, or anything else, isn’t a morality tale.
He also made COVID-19 worse in the state, and — because we’re not hermetically sealed — the rest of the country and world. His legacy of conservative advocacy is pretty gross. It’s the sort of thing that you hope to defeat in elections. Having a death short-circuit that leaves a void.
Anyway, on that bummer note, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
So far Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has lost roughly 16% on his Citigroup share purchase earlier this Fall.
There are reasons to hold cash. The current market upheaval is one of them.
Don’t be like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Don’t be a dumbfuck.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has a five-figure loss today.
Sure, it’s a lot of money. But it could be worse.
He could have been exposed as fraudulently promoting himself as a Native American and then he could have caught The Wuhan.
The Wuhan even went back in time to take down Spartacus.
Dude got hisself T-Bone‘d.
I wonder how much on his Depends purchases Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would have saved, had BBB become law.
Probably more than enough to offset his losses in Citigroup shares, since he could only afford to buy two of them.
Thought Iowa was pro-business? Trying to exact concessions from the Canadian Pacific-Kansas City Southern merger. Worried about increased traffic? Might work in other states, but Iowa’ was once crisscrossed by railroads, between main, secondary, and branch lines, plus Interurbans, nobody was ever more than a few miles from a track. Davenport and Bettendorf is just worried that they’ve forgotten the Quad Cities are a rail hub. Iowa Interstate is a pretty good regional despite what infrastructure they inherited. Being a regional, IAiS probably sees more traffic. I short lines and Regionals aren’t picky about traffic, a carload is a carload.The QC’s want the railroad to cover the costs on train mitigation, because it will go from 8 to nearly 30 trains a day. Some of those trains going to and from Mexico, and I don’t mean the town in Missouri.
@ 6
You should add some context, Railfan:
Nothing that a few street overpasses paid for by the railways won’t fix, amirite?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t mind a bit that this chick is leaving Congress:
Key centrist Democrat Stephanie Murphy won’t seek reelection
There are two reasons, actually, that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will be glad to see her gone, even though her seat will almost certainly flip to a new GOP rep.
1. Murphy doesn’t always do what the far-left progressives, want, and what true progressive Democrat really needs a woman who thinks for herself?
2. Once this she’s out of office and he can stop thinking about her, he’s less likely to get caught posting another anti-SE Asian slur on HA.
7)Why, you don’t care for context. Why should I.
YLB to Stephanie Murphy: Good riddance, bitch.
Stephanie Murphy to oppose her party’s ‘rushed’ budget package in committee
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
@ 9
Why should I.
Because it should matter to you, Railfan, that quadrupling the noise, the potential for a serious accident, and the road closures caused by lowered crossing gates is taken seriously by some municipalities.
America shouldn’t be come a coast-to-coast Hobo Junction merely because you like choo-choos.
Manchin votes with Biden 97.4% of the time.
Joe Manchin takes aim at Ron Klain.
So much of this shit just isn’t Joe Biden. Y’all libbies know that. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron must know that. Biden is incapable of performing the duties that the office requires, and has turned policy over to people who will ruin the country unless they are stopped.
Manchin’s just the guy willing to be public about it. He’s not the only guy. And it’s not just guys.
Dumb twats gonna dumb twat.
Schumer promises that he’ll force a Senate vote on BBB early next year, to pressure Manchin or something.
Not at all happy about this:
Cortez Masto
Not in a position in which he would have a reason to give a shit about this:
It seems Metro has retired it’s first hybrids. The New Flyer DE60LF’s , purchased 2003-2004. They had their issues, but rather than give into trolls and other critics, they worked the problem. Unlike the busses they replaced, they could be used on regular city routes, where the Hybrid drive could realize their fuel efficiency better than some of the suburban routes the tunnel used. Then their was the mirror and the tunnel floor, but a strobe light on the mirror worked well. The Diesel engine would kick in on the segment between Westlake and University Street, but a software fix mitigated that. Although I would not suggest using the HUSH mode in regular service. The trade off for restricting the engine to idle was turning off the AC. These were some of the first Metro busses to have AC, that and the 3600 series D40LF.
Was checking a bus fans forum this morning, and the speculation was that they would be back when traffic picks up(UW routes should be on hiatus soon), because a few were still at North Base. Metro North in Shoreline tends to be where a bus is assigned before it’s retired. An insider said of those 5, 3 are for spare parts for a couple of the 2008 purchase of the 6800 series.(Boosted battery capacity, slightly improved model), 2 are just waiting to be towed to Soith Campus in Tukwilla. Metro South serves most of South King County, but is also where we busses enter service, and retired busses await disposal. Hopefully a 2600 ends up with MEHVA , assuming they can get past the King County Prosecutor. Nothing criminal, just that the Prosecutor is also the County Lawyer and by extension, Metro’s attorney, and just said that MEHVA couldn’t be on Metro’s insurance. Haven’t run an excursion since 2019.
The last time a 2600 was in revenue service was on the 10th. Loved tracking a type retirement on Pantograph Pro. It’s an orderly withdrawal, numbers dwindle as they come due for overhaul or inspection, or major repair. Next one I would love to see is TriMet’s Type 1 LRV. That won’t be for another year, Siemens just started construction on the Type 6 but their Sacramento factory is busy, including that 150 car order from Sound Transit. The Type 1 has persevered despite since 1997 having been restricted in use. At the time, some MAX runs were single car runs. The ADA eliminated Type 1s from single-car running, or being coupled with other Type 1s. Rail vehicles can last a long time, the Type 1s entered service in 1986. Portland and San Diego are good places to see LRV evolution in North America.
@ 16
The trade off for restricting the engine to idle was turning off the AC.
You’re praising a rolling blackout on a moving vehicle.
Next up from Railfan:
“The trade-off for permitting the increased weight of the rooftop solar panels was eliminating crash protection.”
11)No. They’ll complain about the quiet too. The Milwaukee had an electric locomotive that was too quiet, and the Engineer had to keep ringing the bell because people were too concerned about the lack of noise.
So much for the Clinton campaign’s claim that the Steele dossier was a GOP document.
It’s official: Durham is investigating the Clinton Campaign.
Enter the Clinton Campaign Lawyers
I can wait.
Oh. She’s running. The real fun begins in 2024.
@7 “Spiegel noted an investment of more than $1 million at a site where Mississippi River cruise ships will dock in 2022,”
Cruise ship docks? Mississippi River? Oh please. You ever seen the scenery around there? All they really have are river boats that front as casinos. They could easily move to shore based activities. Besides, the folks that travel there are mostly red-staters and their numbers are dwindling due to their fierce anti-vaxx stance. Pretty soon they will welcome any commerce train traffic may bring.
20)Railroads and Riverboats always are at it. Not just over traffic, but over bridges. Although the Railroads won on that, hired a loser politician lawyer from Springfield, Illinois. The case was in 1857, and he was just a one-term Congressman.
They did so much, but were nearly forgotten. Won over critics in the AAF brass but not prudes in Congress.
Yes, I know the two are always at it. I loathe gambling riverboats, they clog the waterways and hamper vital commercial traffic. If people are gambling, they are not looking out the window at the scenery. Transfer them to a shore-based facility. Build a waterpark for the kiddos and maybe a putt-putt golf course (The Midwest is already full of those things anyway).
@ 20
Cruise ship docks? Mississippi River? Oh please. You ever seen the scenery around there? All they really have are river boats that front as casinos.
Actually, Newt, you can cruise the Mississippi River from Minnesota to NOLA now. These aren’t gambling cruises.
Search “casino” and everything that comes up is in Europe.
You’ll drop ten grand on one of these full-length river cruises.
Of course, Newt, your error is understandable, because until just now you had no idea that the Mississippi River stretched further north than Biloxi.
Just out of curiosity…
If the Child Tax Credit is so important, why doesn’t a Democrat have a standalone CTC bill already written and ready to go?
Y’all could just cut ‘n paste.
St Paul to NOLA, 15 day river cruise in 2024:
That’s per person.
Now remember: Yesterday y’all had people like Psaki, AOC, Jayapal, Sanders calling Manchin cowardly, dishonest, and untrustworthy.
Let that sink in while y’all ponder this new info:
Howz come it’s OK for members of The Squad to vote against infrastructure but it’s not OK for Manchin to vote against BBB?
There are a lot of blue-state Democrats pissed off at Manchin.
Look at all the stuff @ 27 Manchin reportedly was willing to support. Sure, CTC wasn’t on the list, but that can always be done separately, or next year.
Ah, but there’s something else that Manchin apparently wasn’t willing to support. Something else that we’re not talking about.
Anybody know what that is?
It’s the SALT limitation repeal.
Blue state liberals are pissed that they can’t reward their supporters with this giveaway to the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
Always follow the money.
@1 Okay, you’ve sold me. I need a crystal ball like yours, one that can predict market and stock moves ahead of time. Please post where you got it, so I can get one too. Oh, and …
“Roger Rabbit spews:
Thursday, 12/16/21 at 12:40 pm
@11 … (a) Doctor Dumbfuck sold a naked put on MDT. He makes the put premium if MDT goes up; he gets creamed if it goes down below the strike price. …” (Note: I’ve deleted the embarrassing part to spare his feelings.)
So, how’s the naked put on MDT doing? Did your crystal ball correctly call that one? Is MDT going up? If not, you can cancel my order.
@3 Elon Musk brags about paying $11 billion of taxes. Trump brags about paying no taxes. Musk and Trump aren’t the same. Only one is a billionaire running a successful business.
@8 I’m not the HA poster who referred to her as a “bitch” (and tried to cover his ass by impersonating another HA poster).
@ 30
Okay, you’ve sold me. I need a crystal ball like yours, one that can predict market and stock moves ahead of time.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’ve already got one. In fact, you used it Sunday evening, December 12, when you wrote:
“New peaks every day”, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Like everything else you write, it certainly was pulled out of your voluminous rectum, but that’s where you keep your crystal ball.
@11 “America shouldn’t be come a coast-to-coast Hobo Junction merely because you like choo-choos.”
How a dumbfuck campaigns for the pro-infrastructure vote.
You are such a Dumbfuck it isn’t funny. You think you know so much, but in reality know very little.
I’m well aware about the cruise industry on the Mississippi. I have worked on commercial boats all of my life (just one of the professional careers I’ve had).
The only thing you know about the cruise industry is what you can Google. You know nothing about what it takes to run a passenger ship. You’ve never been a watch stander, let alone a person in charge of a commercial vessel carrying passengers for hire. I have, and have the credentials to still do it
Go figure out an AGI, you are better suited to that line of making an ass out of yourself. You littertally know nothing about trains and boats.
The other is running a successful con on some of the American public.
Here’s my crystal ball for holding cash right now:
Avis Car Rental Share symbol CAR. The first of the year shares were at $35. On November 2 shares reached $357. Why?
I sold my Avis shares the next trading day in November and have been either in cash, sold covered calls, or sold naked puts since.
We’re not done with the reckoning. I don’t know that it will slide all the way to DJIA 30K but we’re not done with the reckoning.
The silliest fucking thing that someone could say to others is “the stock market reaches new peaks every day”. That’s dumbfuckery a very poor investor would write.
You’re an embarrassment, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@13 A seasoned professional politician, former governor and sitting U.S. senator, is going to sink his own party’s biggest legislative priority because some staffers hurt his feelings?
Do you expect anyone to believe that? Does he?
Yeah, right — maybe a few gullible cub reporters and a dumbfuck troll.
@14 “Dumb twats gonna dumb twat.”
Doctor Dumbfuck wants us to know his verbal repertoire isn’t limited to calling female members of Congress “bitches.”
Duly noted.
@ 35 Newt channeling Robin Williams’ character in Good Will Hunting:
I know that Minnesota and Iowa are not riverboat gambling meccas, Newt.
Anyone wondering why he keeps a horse to get laid?
And no, I’m not referring to the hoary old joke whose punch line is, “Most of us just ride it into town.”
@19 Keep milking the “Durham investigation,” doc. Maybe someday she’ll squirt some milk.
@20 “All they really have are river boats that front as casinos.”
That’s enough. In fact, that’s the whole point. In the flatlands, where no geographical feature sticks up more than 20 feet, this is the gravity that coalesces the Trumpers in one place.
@27 Now ask yourself WHY it excludes child care. And why he’s so adamantly against child care.
“Democrats are no strangers to Manchin’s opposition to the child tax credit. He’s deeply skeptical about the money going to good use, privately telling colleagues that he thinks West Virginians would use the additional money on drugs, as HuffPost first reported.”
And I don’t doubt he’s right — about West Virginians. However, this overlooks that low-income working mothers in 49 states are not West Virginians.
@28 They didn’t vote against infrastructure. They wanted infrastructure and BBB voted on together, because they knew what would happen if Manchin got his infrastructure without having to vote for BBB. And they were right. Manchin got his infrastructure, then backstabbed Democrats on BBB.
@29 What kind of dumbfuck keeps insisting everybody who pays over $10,000 a year in state and local taxes is “wealthy”?
Don’t bother to ask.
Actually, it’s not dumbfucky, it’s diabolical. The idea is to raise taxes on the middle class to forestall deficits from millionaire tax cuts.
@33 Yours is irregularly shaped, brown, and its presence is revealed by a distinctive odor you don’t need a rabbit’s nose to detect.
Just like everything you post here.
@37 “We’re not done with the reckoning.”
And guess what, you’re not the only investor who’s figured that out.
The real reckoning, though, will come in hospital wards and funeral homes. The Erickson family were relatively lucky. They didn’t have to wait in line.
@40 In the same sense that Whidbey Island isn’t an intellectual mecca.
I’m waiting for Doctor Dumbfuck to post the list of stocks he shorted last Wednesday.
49)Iowa was the first to legalize riverboat gambling.
@ 50
None. I don’t short. Never have.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit fails to understand the difference between selling a naked put and selling a stock short.
Selling a naked put does not create a change in share ownership. (Closing out the contract might, but the put sale itself doesn’t.) For an up-front premium paid to seller, seller assumes the obligation to purchase shares at a specific price prior to a specific expiration date. Seller’s being paid to take a risk, and the risk itself is what is being bought and sold. To profit does not require the share price to decline, necessarily – depends on the strike price of the put contract.
Selling a stock short involves the borrowing of shares from someone else, and then selling those shares, in hopes that the share price will fall and the shares can be purchased more cheaply at a later date, and then given back to the “someone else”. It involves incurring a debt, because the person doing the selling short does have to pay back those borrowed shares. It also involves a change in share ownership, because the borrowed shares are immediately sold. To profit always requires the share price to decline, and to decline more than the interest being paid on the borrowed shares.
The two actions are not the same. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has never understood this. All Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit knows how to do is buy, sell, and pray.
@ 46
What kind of dumbfuck keeps insisting everybody who pays over $10,000 a year in state and local taxes is “wealthy”?
Not everybody. But nearly everybody.
SALT limitation repeal is something else Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does not understand. Because he and his poor wife take the standard deduction. It’s what you do when you can’t afford to engage in philanthropy, you live in a shithole that has a low property tax assessment, and the government picks up your medical expenses since you finally decided that Viagra won’t ever work for you and isn’t worth the cost.
Gee, one would think that something so devastating would warrant its own piece of legislation.
So write one.
More NHL games suspended, including Tomorrow’s Kraken Game against Arizona. The league is now resuming daily testing.
Selling a naked put doesn’t subject one to a “short squeeze”, either.
In fact, few available shares and rising share prices actually benefit the seller of a put contract, particularly as it nears expiration, while they harm someone who borrowed to sell short and is casting about to find shares to purchase in order to return them to the lender.
The only squeeze Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit understands is the amount of sphincter pressure necessary to keep the catheters from squirting out.
@ 55
In mid-November CA guv Newsom extended his state’s “emergency” proclamation. The Wuhan is such a huge emergency that:
1) it’s still gonna have a Rose Parade
2) it’s still gonna have a Rose Bowl game
3) it’s still gonna host the Super Bowl
If it was an emergency those types of Super-Spreader events would be cancelled.
There’s no fucking emergency. The personal behavior of Newsom and his family has made that crystal clear.
Hope the season still gets finished. Ironically, many Kraken. Fans consider that first Home victory against Montreal finishing the 1919 Stanley Cup. Right now, they got to get these cases under control, as with so many players under COVID protocols, teams are calling up AHL players, if those rosters get depleted, might have to borrow players from the WHL. If possible, would be ironic if some Thunderbirds end up Downtown.(The announcers are calling Seattle Center that, even though the LQA neighborhood is called Uptown.)
57)Trying to get ahead of it. If anything, if the Rams were as bad as the Hawks, that game should have been canceled. I was working at the Key when the WTO riots happened, Thunderbird game canceled, but the Lakers were the golden franchise at the time, couldn’t cancel their games.
@ 58
Hope the season still gets finished.
Maybe some makeup games but it’s likely there will be a complete season and most likely no shortened playoffs.
Unless another variant emerges to prevent it. The season might be suspended but only for a couple of weeks. There might be Omicron parties the same way there are chickenpox sleepovers if it turns out it’s highly infectious but lowly damaging to the infected.
That was a good movie, you could have probably learned something useful from if if you were not such a dumbfuck.
I miss Steve. If Steve was here he would be spewing that NPR/PBS/Marist has First Vegetable Joe Biden at only 41% approval, with 55% finding him unacceptable.
Might be one of those fantastic Mississippi River cruises, that is if the river isn’t frozen over up North or flooding due to rain down south. So much to see in the heartland this time of year!
HA! It would be nice if he sticks to his guns!
HA @61…..first time of your use of that dreaded word towards Bob? Ha!
It’ll be over my dead body that I don’t get a marriage license with my gay husband!
It’ll be over my dead body that I am discriminated!
If I were black, it would be over my dead body that some racist cop abuses me!
Don’t Tread on Me!
Love this story. Must be something in the water in Winnipeg. At least three Victoria Crosses in WWI awarded to residents of one neighborhood. Changed the name of the street to Valour Road. Canada’s first VC in WWII was awarded to a Sgt Major from Winnipeg for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in action in Hong Kong. Althoough those were the first Canadian ground troops in action. RCAF pilots were apart of the Few.
Louis CK has recovered from his bad decisions and has a new comedy special.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will never, ever recover from his bad investment decisions.
@52 I’ve always known this. Or, at least, for a very long time. (I wasn’t born knowing this.) And when you refused to short GE at 22, I learned you won’t short stocks even when it’s obvious they should be. You’re comfortable with selling naked puts in a market you expect (whether rightly or wrongly) to fall, but you’re not comfortable with shorting a stock that’s heading into the toilet because it deserves to be there. It’s all about your investing style. I get that. You’re not a Warren Buffett, Jack Welch, or Ray Dalio. I get that, too.
God bless Anna Shcherbakova’s ass.
The latest Reuters/Ipsos, FOX News, Politico/Morning Consult and CNN polls have Biden at 48, 47, 46 and 48% approval, respectively.
The favorability rating for Kamala, which a dumbfuck here claims is absolutely horrible, is only 0.4% below his presumptive GOP candidate.
Death to GOP traitors.
@53 Know what you remind me of? Besides some guy banging a garbage can lid? Rush Limbaugh ranting that Bill Gates would be eligible to buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Never once mentioned America’s millions of uninsured working people, just Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates. (Whatsa matter, Rush, doesn’t Gates pay enough taxes?) Most dishonest thing I ever heard on a radio.
You remind me of that because you’re similarly, though not as spectacularly, dishonest. The owner of any shack in Seattle is pays at least $8k a year of property taxes. Sales tax easily takes it to $10k. (You only have to spend $20k a year to pay $2k in sales tax.) Buying a car puts you way over $10k, and you can’t fucking deduct it because you’re a “rich person” (who borrowed $40k to buy a car and another $4k to pay the sales tax on the car).
The SALT cap was put in a billionaire tax cut. In purely mathematical terms, it transferred a tax burden from corporations and billionaires to middle class laboring shmucks. And you have the balls to call it taxing “rich people”? Even your horse, who knows your balls better than anybody, is laughing at you.
If you cared about rich people getting tax breaks, you’d never vote Republican. But I’ll tell you what, if you’re that worried about rich people getting tax breaks, let’s just double that SALT cap. That way, no “rich” person would get more than $2500.
I’ll bet you live on Whidbey Island because you can’t afford Seattle housing or taxes. And you obviously resent anyone who can (even though that doesn’t remotely make them “rich”).
@54 I have a better idea. Why don’t Republicans just vote for something that might help, instead of fast-tracking the human species for destruction? And why don’t you stop voting — and shilling — for the Party of Death?
@55 I expect some more unvaccinated Republicans are going to get cancelled, too.
Ironically, the people who whine about “cancel culture” are creating one of their own.
@56 “In fact, … rising share prices actually benefit the seller of a put contract …”
Yes, that’s clear. So’s this:
@57 “There’s no fucking emergency.”
Depends on which hospital ward you’re in.
I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck has had all 3 shots. I’ll bet he doesn’t tell his friends, either.
@58 They could always call Seattle Junior Hockey. The kids would love to play in the Bigs against other kids.
@60 “Unless another variant emerges”
That is the joker in everybody’s deck, isn’t it?
Why wouldn’t another variant emerge? And why wouldn’t everyone expect it?
@64 Today, I learned something I didn’t know before.
I learned Manchin, a millionaire coal broker, just told coal miners with black lung to go fuck themselves.
For years they voted for him, thinking he was on their side.
@66 Patton would’ve worded that slightly differently.
@67 The Few are now down to one.
@70 Shcherbakova is good, Kamila Valieva is better (on skates).
77)Might need to. The NHL now has the season on pause. Too many teams above the limit of positive tests, which is six. That’s two offensive shifts. Ice Hockey reminds me of Vietnam-Era air combat, specifically Operation Bolo.
Kamila recently had the highest score in ISU Grand Prix history. She’ll be very tough for anyone to beat, but if anyone can do it, it’s Anna. Too bad the ISU finals were canceled. Kamila and Anna would have finally faced each other in competition.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the downing of Pan Am Clipper Maid of the Seas, November Seven Three Niner Papa Alpha, over Lockerbie, Scotland. Interesting how Pan Am had been touting beefed up security, but turned out only if it didn’t impede profitability. Broken X-Ray machine missed the bomb, and interline bags were not screened when the baggage was transferred to N739A from the Frankfurt connection at Heathrow. Pan Am had been in financial trouble throughout the 80s as a result of deregulation. Stumbled on the made for TV movie about it.
Also found Last Flight Out about Pan Am 841/842, their flight into, and out of, Saigon. Read about it to, the movie got the plane wrong, it was a 747 not an L-1011, but in 1990 when it was made, Pan Am was down 747s, 1 due to 103, others were about to be CRAF mobilization.
NHL season being cancelled. Why are they even playing any sports? Watch Monday Night’s game broadcast and they talked about 14 players testing positive……all they cared about were the players….and not the iditotic fans? Why would they?
If the players can get it being so close to one another, aren’t the fans spreading germs.
Put a mask on it an refrain from your sex!
I wish he would tell my brother!
Steve, if I can somehow find a photo I saw in a newspaper, of guys from the Spanish Army doing cleanup of volcanic ash on the roof of houses on the Canary Islands…..then I’ll show you some true hot asses.
You know. That’s always been your claim until now.
You know that in a few week’s time the DJIA will drop below 30k because you said so.
You’ve backed Trump tirelessly and without fail through “Rape Tape”, stink-finger-with-porn-star, Ukrainian Drug Deal, and Terror Attack on Congress. You’ve claimed Biden molests children, shits his pants, has had a stroke, and can’t remember what day it is. You’ve claimed to be able to predict market moves large and small and that you profit from all of them every time.
You’re an eight-year-old on the playground whose daddy walked out to hook up with a stripper telling all the kids he’s in Special Forces. You’ve been at this for years, Bob. With Joe Biden at his lowest polling this is no time to develop a character.
Go with what you know.
Simply more lying.
Why? Because only through reconciliation can Republican filibuster obstruction be avoided, unless Senate rules are changed.
So every single individual appropriation contained in the BBB reconciliation package would have to withstand an individual Cocaine Mitch/Rand Paul/Ted Cruz Grand Standing Shit Down minority rule in order to obtain passage. And Republicans have vowed to block anything unless it is another of their beloved tax cuts for billionaires.
Maybe Bob isn’t lying. Maybe he’s just such an enormous Dumbfuck that he really thinks Lankford or Kennedy won’t filibuster climate change.
Learn to swim, motherfuckers. Or turn out and vote for Democrats.
And while you’re at it, if you are a cable or sat subscriber at any level you are funding FOX News.
Tell your cable company you are sick of paying for treason and you will cancel you cable if they don’t cut the FOX cable subsidy.
90)Maybe if more people demand it, cable companies will offer programming packages without Fox News. Although the Murdoch’s have an antidote, they complain about antitrust.
@ 90
So every single individual appropriation contained in the BBB reconciliation package would have to withstand an individual Cocaine Mitch/Rand Paul/Ted Cruz Grand Standing Shit Down minority rule in order to obtain passage.
Not correct.
A bill can be written and passed via reconciliation, which covers climate change funding only, and leaves out all of the other stuff.
Congress can still use reconciliation. It would just have to choose to include only the stuff that will get Democrats 50+1 votes in the Senate and a majority of votes in the House.
So write one.
Here’s the problem that QoS McHillbilly doesn’t want to discuss:
Trim the BBB and you lose Democrat votes.
It barely passed the House. Some of The Squad members voted against it because it wasn’t sufficiently expensive. Trim SALT limitation repeal and you lose some Democrats from blue states. Trim the CTC and you lose some more Democrats. Trim climate change and you lose even more Democrats.
Don’t trim the BBB and you don’t have Manchin. You also don’t have Sinema and you might not have Cortez Masto, Hassan, Warnock, and/or Kelly, although so far Manchin’s objection means the others can get by without having to share their true opinion.
The problem is not GOP intransigence, because reconciliation takes care of that as long as Dems have a bare majority. The problem with BBB is that, no matter what they do, either Democrats don’t have a majority in the Senate, or the Democrats don’t have a majority in the House.
Democrats don’t have a majority. That’s the problem QoS McHillbilly does not want to admit.
is tacit acknowledgement that “We’re the 99%.” is a losing argument. Because the 1% isn’t enough wealth to rail against. Fleecing the billionaires of every single dime they have won’t get libbies everything they want. So they’ll have to start fleecing the merely wealthy – for now it’s the top 10%. The problem is, that means they’ll have to start fleecing a lot more people of color. Yup, there are a lot of well-off minority US citizens, who won’t like being treated as evil because they chose to work hard, and to instill in their children a similar work ethic.
Good luck with that, libbies. Y’all are gonna need it.
According to the Senate Parliamentarian, they only get a single bite at that apple under the budget resolution passed in August.
Pure bullshit. The total size of any increase in the deficit is already established in the budget resolution that is already THE LAW. It can’t be changed in the spending bill. A new budge resolution would have to be passed authorizing additional borrowing and with all new instructions to the committees.
This just renders every bit of your spew as partisan bullshit and empty rhetoric. Only a privileged bill can bypass Senate debate. And only a spending bill that is authorized under the budget resolution can be privileged. What the fuck do you do with yourself all day? Don’t answer that. I’m sorry I asked.
The Chicago, South Shore, and South Bend RR is the Nation’s last Interurban, although I would put an asterisk on that. It is managed by the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District, but service crosses state lines. A worker injured on the job in Chicago thought he filed the claim in time per Federal Law. The Indiana Supreme Court said the NICTD is a political subdivision of the State of Indiana, so 180 day rule applied. The Illinois courts already tossed the case as NICTD did not give consent to being sued in Illinois. The Federal statute he thought applied was a little more generous, 270 days.
NICTD is in the middle of modernizing the line, and since they now use the same bi-level electric multiple units Metra Electric uses, it will be an end of an era. They will be relocating and grade separating the line in Michigan City, Indiana, the last street running portion of the railroad’s Interurban past. That will make SEPTA Rt 101 and 102 the last Interurbans in daily service, but Yakima has the last with original infrastructure. Prior to state ownership, even with constant threat of discontinuance from the C&O, the NICTD was evolving towards a main line operation. Old Interurban coaches were lengthened to 85ft(the length of most North American passenger rail cars), and some of the freight locomotives were the same electrics the Milwaukee Road used in Montana.
@ 95
According to the Senate Parliamentarian, they only get a single bite at that apple under the budget resolution passed in August.
Hence, the invitation to write ONE.
Go ahead. Write ONE. Y’all might even be able to keep it under a trillion that way.
@ 95
The total size of any increase in the deficit is already established in the budget resolution that is already THE LAW. It can’t be changed in the spending bill. A new budge resolution would have to be passed authorizing additional borrowing and with all new instructions to the committees.
I am reliably informed that BBB is “paid for”. Whatever might be the reason to increase the debt ceiling to accommodate BBB, QoS McHillbilly?
Spending bill passage does not require companion passage of a debt ceiling increase bill.
Passage of a debt ceiling bill is required to avoid default when we come close to reaching that debt limit. This happens whether or not a new spending bill is passed.
He’s also saying Joe Biden lied in 2020, when he said he’d stop the virus.
Cuomosexual G-clown learned to live with HIV.
Nothing keeps a lid on prices like giving rich people an unlimited tax deduction.
Ergo, unlimited tax deductions that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy are good for the economy.
It’s trickle-down economics, suddenly popular among liberals.
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than a repuke goin’ rapeshit
See dimfuk’s role model in life Ted Bundy.
“Fuck your kid with Downs. Fuck day care. Fuck pandemic preparedness. Bring on the END TIMES!
See Bob, these are the things that give you away.
You aren’t “reasonable”. You want to burn it all down.
It’s a headline CNN dares issue only on the shortest day of the year. ’cause The Even Bigger Fucking Moron will be the first to tell you that there are fewer hours today for this headline to be read.
Biden’s economic ratings are worse than Carter’s
And hey, it’s still his first year in office.
You obviously don’t get the process. You are confusing terms.
It’s okay. Senator McCain’s prep teams spent months working with Sarah Palin. She never understood it either. And she could see Russia from her makeup table!
I’m “reliably informed” most members of the FREEEDUMB caucus don’t understand the budget either.
dimfuk? “reasonable”? It was certifiably batshit the day it started spewing here.
See the old “Menendez fucking” episode it had way back when.
@ 102
Write clean bills. Watch what happens.
Or, watch what happens beginning in 2023, when the only thing that will become law is a cleanly written bill.
Your choice, QoS McHillbilly.
BTW, it’s nice to get a whiff of your despair. You’re usually pretty good at hiding it.
CNN dares issue only on the shortest day of the year.
Heh.. Too bad teh babblin’ butthole isn’t here and it isn’t Friday..
That would mean its babblin’ would suddenly go “poof” at the earliest sunset on Friday of the year.. If it was on its best behavior and occasionally – it wasn’t..
A sweet time – any which way it cut.
Looking at the Covid stats for WA State.. 809 large and change have caught “teh wuhan”..
Crap, if memory serves that’s less than the number of repukes that voted for exotic dancer Will Baker for State Auditor in 2004. Heh. A high water mark for repukes in this State..
One for the ages.
101)Just saw another movie about that case, American Boogeyman. It was an o.k. movie, put a little more focus on the victims. He was the last one would suspect at the time.
Does First Vegetable Joe Biden have The Wuhan?
Why would Psaki say,
@109.. It was really kreepee that Bundy would stalk victims around the Northgate Mall..
Looks like that movie puts Kathleen McChesney at the center of the story.
McChesney’s myriad law enforcement achievements began in the 1970s as a police officer in King County, Washington. As a detective, she investigated sex crimes and homicides, including the case involving the notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. McChesney joined the FBI in 1978 as a special agent, eventually reaching the third-highest position within the bureau as executive assistant director for law enforcement services.
Of course we can only guess dimfuk’s opinion on her or anyone like her.. See its spew in this thread on AOC. freek..
Does First Vegetable Joe Biden have The Wuhan?
After ditching First Dog Major, First Vegetable Joe Biden expressed confidence in Veep Kamala Harris.
By the way, the Bidens have a new puppy. They’ve named him Commander.
Commie for short.
Bob truly is deranged. No wonders why he couldn’t cut it as a doctor and had to buy a horse
@93 “The problem is not GOP intransigence”
Republicans are against everything that Democrats want to do, no matter how innocuous; among other things they’ve said they won’t confirm any Biden Supreme Court nominee.
But you’re right, the problem isn’t GOP intransigence. However, I agree with you only because you chose the wrong word. The correct description is not “intransigence,” but obstructionism.
Burka Joe Manchin is against helping working mothers with child care in any form, whether it’s tax credits or direct subsidies, because he believes they’ll spend their child care money on drugs. That’s all women he’s talking about. (This may be true of West Virginia women, I don’t know, but what about New York, Arizona, and Oregon women?)
That’s obviously total bullshit, the words of a man who evidently believes women should need a male relative’s permission to go out of the house, and male supervision to cash a check, because women can’t be trusted to not do drugs (and whatever else).
Are you gonna tell me there’s not one Republican senator who won’t break ranks with her party to flush this bullshit down the drain where it belongs? Not one?
Go ahead and tell me there’s not one. You’ll be on safe ground, because there isn’t one.
The problem isn’t Joe Manchin. The problem is Manchin plus fifty Republicans. He’s only 1/51th of the problem. Your party is the other 50/51ths of the problem.
So let’s stop pretending this is all about Manchin, whether we’re talking about child care, climate change, SALT, or whatever. It’s primarily about Republicans. If it weren’t for Republicans, Manchin wouldn’t be relevant. At. All. The GOP is who we got to the Manchin Moment.
By helping Manchin block child care assistance, Republicans are fucking employers, especially small business employers. That removes several million women from the workforce. Can’t hire? Go talk to your Republican senator about it. Democrats did everything they could. They needed one vote, just one vote, from the GOP Senate caucus, to make it possible for those women to work. They didn’t get it.
@93 “Democrats don’t have a majority. That’s the problem QoS McHillbilly does not want to admit.”
Wrong. Child care doesn’t have a majority. Preventing catastrophic climate change doesn’t have a majority. Building back better doesn’t have a majority. Because every single Republican senator is either against all of those things, or believes being a partisan asshole is more important than any of those things.
@94 Piper Scott and other trolls used to say they want a flat tax. To which I always replied, so do I. If billionaires paid the same percentage of taxes on their income as the rest of us, I’d settle for that.
A billionaire businessman who commutes to his office by private helicopter can deduct the chopper as a business expense. His private business jet, too. The cleaning lady’s bus fare to his office building is not a deductible work expense.
Don’t try to pretend the deck isn’t stacked in favor of the rich, because everybody knows it is.
Republicans have done everything they can to destroy the incentive to work. They oppose raising a minimum wage nobody can live on, arguing low-income workers deserve to be paid a child’s wage. They oppose regulating workplace health and safety, and try to bully workers into working in conditions that literally kill them. They’ve largely written this country’s tax laws over the last 40 years, and under those laws, wages are the most heavily taxed form of income there is. But their ambitions haven’t stopped there; if Republicans had their way, only wage earners would pay income taxes, and corporate profits, capital gains, and investment income wouldn’t be taxed at all.
The results were predictable. When a pandemic came and the government paid workers to stay home, they did. When the pandemic aid was lifted, they refused to go back. Millions who did go back promptly quit. The country now has a labor shortage. Why shouldn’t it have a labor shortage? After decades of abusing workers, why would anyone want to work?
In this country, you’re crazy to work, if you can possibly get out of working. Millions of Americans have come to that realization. Those chickens are finally coming home to roost. And the employers who voted for Republicans all these years because they liked their labor and tax policies have no one to blame for their staffing shortages but themselves.
Fuck ’em. They’ll get no sympathy from me. And they long ago ceased to get any productive work from me; I’m a lazy, useless capitalist now, because that’s what our system respects and rewards.
@98 “Whatever might be the reason to increase the debt ceiling to accommodate BBB, QoS McHillbilly?”
We’ve had this conversation before. Apparently you forgot. To pay for spending already authorized by Congress, idiot. By your Congress, at the request of your president. Biden is still in his first year. His budget hasn’t passed yet. There’s no current need to fund it. Treasury is still getting the bills from the previous administration. Can’t pay them? Those Republican spending bills? Okay by me. Cancel the pensions of all the retiring GOP members of Congress, judges, appointees, and civil servants. Starting with Trump’s presidential pension.
@99 Living with the virus means they will shut down.
@100 Like I said, double the SALT cap, both problems solved.
The number of GOP votes for that is exactly zero.
@110 What she actually said: “He tested negative.”
The verbal diarrhea from Doctor Dumbfuck never stops coming.
– GOP Glossary –
Clean: adj.
1) Tax Cuts Only. Only for investors, inheritors, and other parasites with incomes in excess of $1 million per year.
2) No fire engines.
3) “We support in principle the idea of extinguishing house fires and preventing the roasting alive of little children. But we are unwilling to move forward with any legislation to fund firefighting that does not include the support of our colleagues in the FIRE STARTER CAUCUS.”
Shitdown is what happens. Ted Cruz vanity exercise before CSPAN cameras in front of an empty chamber is what happens. Burn it all down is what happens. Trump vetoing a budget for a wall that falls over in a strong wind is what happens. “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!” is what happens.
There is no way forward legislatively with Senate Republicans enthralled to candidate Trump.
@111 The rooming house where Bundy kept several of his victims’ heads in a freezer was three doors away from U.W.’s off-campus law school building (the 7-story concrete tower more suitable for use as a detention facility, which is what it was widely regarded as). The law school moved back onto campus, to a building partly funded by Bill Gates, and I’m not sure what the off-campus building is used for now, but it’s still there; and, last I knew, the rooming house was still there, too.
Wikipedia says Condon Hall on N.E. Campus Parkway is “currently home to Startup Hall, which is a university-sponsored space for local entrepreneurs and startups to work in as part of the university’s CoMotion collaborative innovation program,” in addition to “several classrooms and lecture halls.”
The house Bundy lived in was on 12th Ave. NE, between NE 41st and 42nd, the third house on the block north of Condon Hall (which was built in 1973). A neighborhood map shows an apartment building in the first block north of Condon, which I don’t recall being there, so the rooming house may be gone now. I would recognize the house if I saw it.
I figured out where it was from something I read years ago.
FOX News’ Jesse Waters speaking at TPUSA Reichsparteitag just called for the assassination of Dr. Anthony Faucci.
Sure. They just want a “clean” bill. Then they’ll be ready to act like grownups and join Democrats in trying to run things.
We can’t get past any of this unless progressive voters and other Real Americans cancel their cable subscriptions, and turn out next year and every year. Even with Omicron surging, “conservatives” will just never die off fast enough to save us.
Anyone else hear about this?!
Taxes! No new taxes!
Breeding will not save them. But We can rely on being saved by them breeding