– There’s still time to enroll in Seattle’s pre-k.
– G Line, baby!
– The Seattle City Council plan for public housing seems inferior to the other ballot initiative, and maybe to the status quo.
– You know what’s great? Washing your hands right now. And getting vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Monday seems to be coming up faster and faster these days.
Heterosexual Neanderthal virus strikes again. But don’t worry, nobody knows, cares, or wants to talk about it because of the common denominator of their asexuality and gender. Bitch be dead bitches!
Here’s another bitch gone down by the HN Virus.
Wash your penis with the Bible. Oh wait, that wouldn’t do you any good for that Virus.
Who cares, but sew up her vagina
Amid bomb threats to local schools and other city buildings that are leaving residents in fear, the mayor of Springfield, Ohio, says he would prefer Donald Trump didn’t visit the beleaguered city after his inflammatory comments about immigrants eating pets.
“It would be an extreme strain on our resources,” Mayor Rob Rue, a Republican, said on Tuesday, speaking with members of the media at City Hall, reports NBC News.
“So it’d be fine with me if they decided not to make that visit.”
>> I see one of two things happening: the elderly convicted criminal will force himself on Springfield anyway, or he’ll attack the mayor.
This guy looks like Bob’s horse.
@ 5
>> I see one of two things happening: the elderly convicted criminal will force himself on Springfield anyway, or he’ll attack the mayor.
Which means, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that you missed the fact that all of the bomb threats were hoaxes, and most came from overseas.
You really should try to get your news from sources other than Tiger Beat for Gay Boys.
Now that Alaska Airlines has successfully closed its acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines, passengers can experience doors installed by striking Boeing machinists blowing off fuselages while over 2,500 miles of ocean, rather than just over Oregon.
Look for the union label. While there’s still time.
– The Republican VP nominee picks up and amplifies racist slurs on the internet being spread around by discredited trolls.
– The media react in horror to a major party candidate openly and aggressively using such a racist slur. But they also lend credibility to the racist slur by asking him to provide them with a source they can follow up with.
– The Republican VP nominee doubles down and tried to offer as “sources” the internet trolls, which elevated them and gives them more public credibility.
– Meanwhile the nominee instructs staff to contact local authorities in hopes of getting confirmation for the racist slurs
– Local authorities respond to staff by saying “WTF???” and assuring the Republican VP nominee that the racist slurs he is still spreading about valued members of the local community are false, and also racist, and also very shitty.
– That night the Republican Presidential nominee repeats the racist slurs a half dozen times and refused to offer any source to backup the false claims before an audience of 85 million television viewers now directly targeting violence on that community.
– MAGA Republican bomb threats and Nazi gangs descend on the small community closing public schools, churches, and public offices overwhelming local public safety authorities.
– As violent turmoil descends upon the small community the media continue to give credibility to the racist slurs by asking now both Republican nominees to provide a source for the false claims.
– The Republican VP nominee finally responds to a friendly major media outlet by offering a copy of a months old police report of a missing cat.
– The friendly media outlet contacts the person who made the police report and learns that the missing cat was found a day after the report was made trapped in the basement.
– The Republican VP nominee begins to shift to an entirely new set of racist slurs that are also easily debunked.
– The Republican VP nominee tells the major media that “highly communicable diseases are now exploding” in this small American community being spread by the targeted racial/ethnic group.
– The major media predictably respond by lending credibility to the new racist slurs by asking for verifiable details and contacting local authorities.
– The Republican nominees refuse to respond with verifiable sources.
– The local health authorities inform the major media that there are currently no disease outbreaks in the small American community.
– Local businesses owned by the targeted racial/ethnic group in the small American community become targeted by MAGA Republican bomb threats and Nazi gangs.
Ultimately the media are responsible.
I see what you did there.
Guys, I’m starting to think this Trump guy has no idea about how anything should work and he’s just going to say anything to get elected.
On that note, it was four years ago today that the same very old Republican nominee, fearing that he was about to lose an election, and in direct contradiction of his own appointed vaccine experts who were telling the media that the new mRNA vaccines would become available about midway through the next year, announced in a media address at the White House that the vaccines would available in just a few weeks.
@7. The troll willfully ignores that there would be NO bomb threats if the elderly convicted criminal who doesn’t want to die in jail or baby man had not spread the lies about Springfield in the first place.
“The bombs were fake”
So your logic is “Judge, “I’m an orphan so I shouldn’t face any consequences for murdering my parents. ”
Making a false bomb report is a class E felony.
One could only hope that the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus would exponentially increase, maybe then herd immunity will snuff it out.
Enjoy this video of a walkie-talkie exploding in the ear of a Hezbollah asshole who was attending a funeral for an Hezbollah asshole who died from an exploding pager yesterday.
One of the best things about the Hezbollah ER visits by survivors is that Mossad will have access to all of that outpatient and hospitalization data, which provides a roadmap to all of the Hezbollah operatives that until yesterday Israel did not know where Hezbollah operatives.
See, hospitals aren’t just for sheltering Hamas.
When the 78-year-old Republican nominee was asked at his small Michigan townhall event last night by a retired nurse and great grandmother how he would try to bring grocery prices under control, when he got done talking extensively about windmills and batteries and sharks, he said he would cut off grocery and food imports.
No. Really That’s what he fucking said. And more voters still trust this guy on the economy.
And once again, ultimately the media are responsible.
By way of contrast, when Vice President Kamala Harris was previously asked a similar question she responded by saying her administration would aggressively investigate price fixing by the major producers and retailers and would look at ways to regulate these giant global corporations and reduce their market control.
The major media responded by ploddingly passing along and amplifying opinions that this might mean “government imposed price controls”.
This media shittiness is not accidental or unintentional.
@ 17
No. Really That’s what he fucking said.
What he said is that he’ll work to bring down energy costs, which are a large driver of food prices at the grocery store. He said he is targeting a 50% drop in energy costs to the consumer.
You must have missed that. Or you simply read someone else’s mischaracterization and elected to perpetuate it in the knowledge that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and Welfare Queen YLB don’t know any better than to take you at your word.
If nobody attends Trump rallies why are people lining up 12 hours beforehand to get a seat?
At Trump rallies the attendees voluntarily line up 12 hours beforehand.
At Boxcheck Momala rallies the buses carrying the people paid to attend leave for the event 12 hours beforehand.
As the evidence that it’s all just a huge Ponzi scheme grows it’s getting harder and harder to grift on solar. This won’t help Boxcheck Momala’s dependents in the solar industry:
How many monetary transfers from Democrats in the US government to Hezbollah occurred disguised as subsidized solar installations? Hey, and how come all of those solar panels are shipped in really big cylindrical containers?
Next up: Wannabe millionaire and lifelong failed investor Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is found dead in his private shithole.
G-clown has stepped up to aid Hezbollah by offering to demonstrate a unique method of using blowjobs as a means of communication.
He’s also targeting a 50% drop in his golf score.
The how goes unanswered.
He’s targeting a 50% reduction in fraud convictions.
He’s targeting a 50% reduction in white house male staff.
Can you believe it? They used to line up to throw money as I passed by in my Rolls Royce.
Good to see a well oiled campaign spending big money (stiffing the bill) in New York where he’s going to lose by 20 points and just a short way from New Jersey where he’s going to lose by 6 or 7.
But it’s only about 3 hours from Pennsylvania where he’s also going to lose.
How long would it take to tell the Axios reporter to expect a nationwide illegal immigrant ass-fucking no later than March?
I missed this when it was first reported, but three Senate Democrats are already panicking:
We’ve been sliding in that direction for months. Black unemployment tops 6% and would be even higher if there weren’t a shit-ton of black workers no longer out hunting for jobs.
Three Democrats got 66% of what they wanted.
Dumbfuck calls it panicking.
Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon lost an eye and damaged his remaining one in a pager explosion yesterday.
Takeaway: The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon is part of Hezbollah.
The deep,state Federal Reserve Bank is an enemy of ME.
ONLY I decide when price relief can happen.
This is MY country.
The federal reserve wants me shot at.
That may be true, perhaps buried in his comments about killer windmills and floating batteries. But it does not change the fact that Scotty P’s favorite Grandpa with prefrontal dementia very clearly and very explicitly said that one way he would try to reduce grocery prices would be to restrict the supply of groceries with trade embargos and tariffs. 😵💫🤪🧐
And as you can see Scotty P has a few “RAGRETS”.
Nothing is more pathetic than these spotty incel tech-bros waiving and pleading to superior, accomplished vastly more popular females demanding “their right” to be noticed and perhaps acknowledged.
Wouldn’t you just love to negotiate a settlement with this idiot?
He immediately concedes two thirds of your initial claim and then leaps onto the conference room table and begins a strip tease celebration. I’m quietly sitting back with my phone trying to record unnoticed.
Our airfield in Afghanistan is bigger than Saudi Arabia?
WTF you talkin’ about?
Oh shit. You’ve been confusing an Airfield and an Oilfield. Anyhoo the rosiest oil industry prediction for ANWR is 16B barrels while Saudi Arabia is believed to still have conservatively 300B.
He’s got a plan to drop energy prices by .00009%
Three prominent Democrats urged Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Monday to cut interest rates by 75 basis points, warning the central bank may have already delayed too long.
Delayed too long indeed..
McSame’s econo, Zandi, said this process should have been started over a year ago..
Fed’s record on this is poor and R’s (like Stockman), nutjob R’s like the elder Paul and a lotta D’s have said that forever..
A large part of Milton Friedman’s legacy is agitating Congress over Fed decision making.
Debtors of all “levels” from over-leveraged S&P 500 corps to minimum wage drudges with too much on the credit card are breathing a little bit easier. ’bout time Fed..
After the high profile appearance at the Republican National Convention and the ensuing member questions of “Why the fuck you onstage with Union Busters?”
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has declined to endorse a candidate for president.
Today’s closing loss on the DJIA is a bunch of fuckwads manipulating the market to cash in tomorrow.
He does smell bad, like everybody talks about.
I can’t blame them for trying to be strategic.
If they thought Grandpa Alzheimers was about to win they’d want to get in on the good stuff just like Putin, Kim, Bonesaw, Erdogan, They want a place at the table if a decrepit imbecile like Trump wins the White House. And like all those others they recognize that Trump has no priciples that can’t be bought.
But they have obviously recognized the poll trends and done the math and concluded that he’s fucking toast.
The thing is, I’m not saying Democrats should turn on unions. But I also don’t think there is any reason for the Harris administration or Secretary Verrett to lift a finger for those particular union members unless they come to Jesus first.
Truckers: We’re voting Trump.
Teamsters union: Permission granted.
Teamster member support for Boxcheck Momala actually decreased after the DNC convention and last week’s debate:
Welfare Queen YLB is particularly incensed at the Teamsters’ decision, after her two fucked kids backstopped the Teamsters’ pensions to the tune of $83 billion of their tax dollars:
Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids will pay for decades. Meanwhile, Teamsters will overwhelmingly back Trump and may, in fact, prove to be his margin of victory in the swing states.
Bi-Done fucked Welfare Queen YLB’s kids. For nothing.
I like watching “Judging Freedom” over on YouTube. Today, Judge Napolitano’s guest was Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. Col. Wilkerson stated point blank that Hillary Clinton was a “bitch” who needed to go hide somewhere in shame for her sins.
I heartily agree!
@ 37
… minimum wage drudges with too much on the credit card are breathing a little bit easier.
News to Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids, who are drowning in credit card debt: A half-point less interest isn’t going to bail you out, ya fuckin’ losers. Your momma Welfare Queen YLB already spent $83 billion bailing out the retired Teamsters. Get the fuck back to work, you lazy fucks.
@ 39
Today’s closing loss on the DJIA is a bunch of fuckwads manipulating the market to cash in tomorrow.
Today’s closing loss was even worse in the NASDAQ and S&P 500 indices, G-clown. It’s not market manipulation. It’s the markets’ acknowledgement that The Fed just told it that the US economy is in far worse shape than the markets had assumed.
If things were slowing just a little bit the rate cut would have been 1/4 point. Things are slowing a lot.
… half-point cuts “have been rare in recent decades,” adding that they were used during emergencies, such as the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 and in 2008 during the global financial crisis.
You’re a fuckwad of an investor, G-clown.
Today’s Wednesday, Carl. Yeah, I know how sleepy the middle of the week feels. Still 3 more days to Friday. 🙃
@7 So fake bomb threats are okay? Never mind they closed schools, caused evacuations. and terrified an entire community. All that matters to you is Trump’s rants didn’t get any children killed this time. You’re sick, Bob. For everyone’s sake, get the help you so desperately need.
@15 Bob goes: “More please!” He can’t get enough of bloody mayhem and violent death. What’s next, cobras hidden in food parcels?
Translation: “We tried. We failed. You’re on your own.”
Nothing new about that.
@16 So if a child injured by an exploding device is taken to a hospital, she’s now a terrorist, and Israel will target her?
Bob thinks about this the same way Jaydee thinks about migrant dragnets: So what if citizens are deported, too?
@21 “people paid to attend”
Beans for dinner last night? You’re farting a lot today.
@23 Still here and still a millionaire. I’m doing quite well in the Biden/Harris stock market. You?
My Russian pals only agreed to support the price above $12. Tomorrow I’m out.
The future is imaginary stateless computer money that I control.
Trust me. Everything is going to be great. By summer it just goes away. You’ll be so sick of winning.
@41 Are you sure Jesus wants them?
@ 51
What’s next, cobras hidden in food parcels?
More like rockets into northern Israel.
Q with MI and PA outside the MOE for Harris.
How confident is anyone Donnie can run the table of all the other double digit states because that’s 260.
I give him a 71% chance because Fabrizzio
Every time Bi-Done signed a bill one of Queen YLB’s fucked kids lost six months of lifespan.
The thing is, the way Welfare Queen YLB sees it, every month her fucked kids can’t afford to move out is another month of rent from the poor bastards.
(from FB)
Nate, you misspelled fugazi.
Where Scotty P also got some vaccination cards with expired vaccine lots and maybe even a few good recipes for jerk-seasoned house cat.
You betcha 😉
We’re gonna get Donald Trump’s GOP Government Shutdown ™ just in time for the election.
Bob just put the jinx on a bad economy. The bad economy that he’s been waiting for for the last 4 years.
Imagine being in a cult where the leader is THIS inspirational: (New Jersey, tonight)
More from the Klan Rally on Long Island
@66 I had to beg….. please, please, please give me a snot!
kids can’t afford to move out
One has been moved out for years, the other has gotten two interview invitations for pro-school..
so far..
He’ll prolly move out when he’s admitted to a program. He’s got at least a year of income saved..
who are drowning in credit card debt:
Nope. They don’t have credit card debt.. What bug is up kreepshit’s ass? Something to do with drumpf’s weakening poll numbers?
Dang, IRS audit fear factor dial into the red…
Silver Bulletin
One week ago this dishonest dipshit had it well over 70% “probability of winning” for Fat Hitler.
Kids, seriously, go pull whatever fucking data you like. None of it has changed that much. This lying propeller head is calling a 40 point net swing in one week.
You have before you all the proof you will ever need to make the very wise decision to disregard Nate forever. He’s completely full of shit.
This is the ‘packed’ Klan Rally on Long Island tonight. Really high energy especially when he repeats the lie about Saudi Oil.
Dumbfuck’s favorite liberal reporter Matt Taibbi is going to be a featured speaker on September 29th at the ‘Rescue the Republic’ event alongside Charlie Kirk, RFK Jr., Russell Brand, Rob Schneider, Tulsi Gabbard, Eric Bolling, Jimmy Dore…
Cool cool.
Loomer is on the socials outing Lindsey ‘Lady G’ Graham presumably with Donnie’s blessing after Graham criticized his awful to everyone who saw it and HASN’T sucked Donnie’s dick debate performance.
And the lesson learned here is eight years of slavish devotion isn’t enough. You must praise Donald as your GOD with your final breath on this Earthly plane.
Then stop shutting down the Government.
If you don’t want to be called racists stop saying racist shit or praising those that say racist shit.
If you don’t want to be called fascists, don’t nominate a fascist as your Presidential Candidate.
It’s really not a conceptual Mind Bender.
7:30am EST and Dow futures are up 450 points.
Ohhhhh, how much of a Dumbfuck Bob is.
Bob you are a complete, and I mean fucking complete, Dumbfuck. You have a vagina… and it smells, worse than the horses’.
Dow futures up over 500 pts. It’s a fucking game you f’in idiot.
Absolutely true. And moreover he opens himself to it. As do all MAGA followers.
I think one of the most brilliant and insightful observations ever made by fascist-leaning conservatives and Republicans was to recognize the opportunity this presents and seizing it.
The moment that must have really stood out was when the candidate confessed to them on television that he was a rapist. And then he told them to just shrug it off. And they did.
At that point those who could see understood what lay before them. Seventy million aging white people desperately clinging to relevance, grasping for meaning, and perfectly willing to adopt whatever belief that required.
Scotty P is fully addicted to that brief endorphin buzz now. He can’t live without it. And he knows with absolute certainty where to go and how to get it. He crawls here and grovels before us offering his obedience to Darryl for the thin hope that he can celebrate some ghostly, imaginary triumph born aloft on lies. Or he crawls to his basement to execute another speculative hedge trade equally built on lies.
The losses mount. But as long as that brief buzz can still be had he’ll continue to seek it out and ride it to the grave.
Rhetorical question:
Is MAGA Mike’s son monitoring The Speaker’s phone for all the newly approved Melania porn?
@76 I meant the stock market….. but yes, Doctor Dumbfuck too.
Hey Dumbfuck (Bob) you failed medical school, and you’re no economist. You really are just a Dumb Fuck.
Every Maga better be in excellent health, otherwise leopards will eat their faces
Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance has shared some details about the Trump-Vance campaign’s health care plan, and it allows insurers to charge more for preexisting conditions.
Right now, the law allows insurance companies to bill older people up to three times as much as they do for the young, Vance is talking about making that gap even higher.
Teamsters Won’t Endorse a Candidate, So Local Unions Back Harris
>> Union busting is basically an official policy of the GOP.
Democrats helped save union pensions, want unions to be legal, want companies to pay overtime; republicans literally wants to eliminate overtime pay and wants unions to be made illegal
Despite her “selection” (he was the only one left) of Cut and Run Walz as a running mate, Boxcheck Momala’s lead in MN continues to shrink, and is barely above 4% in the latest poll.
The state will still go blue but not without substantial expenditure of both money and time. Her lead is 4.2 and the MOE is 2.8.
Cut and Run Walz did nothing for her, and Shapiro’s decision to turn down her offer will cost her the presidency. Hey, but at least Welfare Queen YLB doesn’t have to spend the next 7 weeks whining about Boxcheck Momala’s Jew running mate.
@82. Its so weird how the only person have issues with jews is the troll. I wonder why that is?
Skyler Johnson on Xitter
I can see the Teamster’s dilemma here. I’m not sure how you choose who to endorse between the woman who helped save your pensions and the guy who wants to effectively eliminate overtime pay
>> The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization supported Republican Reagan. How did that work out for them? What’s that? He fired them all? Weird.
Impressive cope.
Golf clap 👏 ▫️▫️▫️👏 ▫️▫️▫️👏
In today’s Mark Robinson news,
If he stays in, maybe he can get his poll numbers down to 25%.
whining about Boxcheck Momala’s Jew running mate.
uh kreepshit.. yours truly doesn’t care about anyone’s religion as long as they don’t hurt anyone.
Scientologists preach against drug use but do they hurt people? Oh yeah..
Christian nationalists hurt people.. They want women to bleed out in parking lots outside hospitals.
Hindu nationalists hurt people – big time..
Islamists hurt people – look no further than the twin towers.
Jewish supremacists hurt people.. See the settlers on the West Bank. The apartheid state of Israel has slaughtered 10s of thousands in Gaza over many years. Displacing natives from their land has led to nothing but misery and insanity over the years, so bad that level-headed Israelis are leaving Israel in droves and the economy is in the shitter.
Greedee, kreepee fucks like you and your religion of greed and sadism hurt people all the time.. look no further than the countless frat boi “20 minutes of action” and your own hell week.. Kinda hard for that “religion” not to hurt people.
Count me “phobic” to those “styles” of religion that hurt people.
Josh Shapiro supports the candidacy of Kamala Harris. Yours truly sees that as a big middle finger to moronic always wrong wing keyboard warriors moldering in “retirement”.. yawwwn.. keep spinning your silly fantasies..
While Scotty P struggles to soothe his ever-increasing anxiety with empty concern trolling about a safe blue state we have this thing of absolute beauty to greet us this morning and carry us into the weekend:
Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita are seeing NC slip away and they know for an absolute certainty that they don’t have enough money or volunteers on the ground to defend an expanded electoral college map.
But at least Lara has a new music video. 👍
@88 Last I heard.. drumpf loses NC, drumpf loses period.
There are lots of NC and other swing state events and opportunities available this weekend.
We have their nuts under our boot heels. Time to grind.
us mobilize
Home headlines
Existing Home Sales, Pending Sales Fall to Lowest Level Since Pandemic Start as House Hunters Wait for Mortgage Rates to Drop Further
August home sales drop more than expected, as prices set a new record
U.S. housing affordability is worse than the peak of the 2006 housing bubble
>> Prices go up, demand goes down.
Robinson represents a unique and excellent opportunity for Harris/Walz to expand their map.
I think NC was always in consideration and in the potential mix. But after Biden stepped aside and Harris/Walz won the nomination the campaign seemed initially to be focusing first on a single path going through PA which carried over from Biden.
Harris has her own unique strengths and opportunities. And as swing state voters learned more about her those differences between her and Biden have begun to appear in poll results. There are some big turnout opportunities in NC, even without Dobbs and Robinson on the ballot.
But Democrats will have to work our asses off in a short period to win it.
Never reads….
Not welcome?
But I was always told Robinson was “one of the good Blacks”.
Market is up over 600 pts… I’m sure Bob can explain the doom and gloom of the economy.
Dumbfuck be dumbfucking
and no skirt and no pom poms. Sad little vagina he is.
Do into others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule. This ancient rule has the implication that others should do unto you what you did unto them.
Maybe that’s what’s going on with the reports that Iran is meddling around in the Trump campaign. KOMO radio is reporting the Iranians hacked Trump’s stuff.
Well, maybe this is partial pay-back for the CIA and MI-6 overthrowing a democratically Iranian prime minister and installing a tyrant, the Shah, as head of Iran’s government. Maybe, if we don’t want foreign governments interfering with our elections and government, then perhaps we shouldn’t meddle in their elections and government. We are getting exactly what we deserve. Serves us right.
For reasons absolutely no sane person can ever explain, Trump has ordered his campaign to provide full campaign acces tos his degenerate, drug addicted, bi-sexual, wife-swapping, fellow felon and Florida Man pal Roger Stone. And Stone is so frequently drug addled and insensate that he unwittingly responds to the dumbest possible phishing scams.
I guess any good hacker will tell you that most successful exploits start with stupid people. And the Republican nominee has once again surrounded himself with a surplus.
Vladimir Putin to Iran: “Excuse please. There is line. End is waaay back there behind Burkina Faso.”
August home sales drop more than expected, as prices set a new record
U.S. housing affordability is worse than the peak of the 2006 housing bubble
According to this youtuber, the current day bubble is bursting big time in some places. Florida in particular with its hurricanes and untenable insurance rates.
The near zero interest rate string that begun even before the pandemic has played out. We’ll now see what the current and future interest rate cuts bring.
Recent polls in North Carolina display a lot of ticket splitting with Republican, and Republican-leaning independent voters appearing to support Trump while rejecting Robinson. But what has the Trump campaign worried is the permission that creates, especially among those Republican leaning indys to cast a vote for a Democrat. And with that the concern that Robinson’s outlandish extremism will bring out unexpected numbers of disengaged moderates and liberal-leaning voters to oppose him and possibly tipping the state.
Trump loses his opportunity to push Robinson aside tonight.
Oh Jeez. Mark Robinson. Republican.
Robinson Says Staying in NC Governor Race, National Review Says
@97 “others should do unto you what you did unto them”
The people-with-brains version is, “Do it to them before they can do it to you.” This is a leading tenet of infantry combat, among other things.
That Christian stuff? It’s something Republicans preach but don’t practice. What else is new under the sun?
NC goes blue.
@97 “others should do unto you what you did unto them”
I figured this is one reason that magas are so scared of cultural change and are trying to set up an apartheid nation to stay in power. They are terrified they will be treated as they treated everyone else.
@104 Robinson was going to lose anyway, if you give polls any credence, where he was already struggling to break above 40%.
The interesting question is whether describing himself as a “pervert” and “a black Nazi” in favor of “reinstating slavery” will affect other races, notably the one for president.
Exactly how Bob likes them. That’s what he saw in Puffy.
The CNN piece seems well-done. I found this part particularly interesting:
Other than the Ashley Madison data leak, this is the only example I can think of in which a data leak has actually been shown to nail a public figure.
@ 87
…yours truly doesn’t care about anyone’s religion as long as they don’t hurt anyone.
Welfare Queen YLB, for some reason you found it necessary to refer to JD Vance’s California-born “Hindu wife“. Does Usha come off as hurtful to you?
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman, and Welfare Queen YLB is living proof of that.
We hear there are homes for sale near a place called Motel YLB.
Does the neighborhood smell strange?
@ 69
One week ago this dishonest dipshit had it well over 70% “probability of winning” for Fat Hitler.
Provably false. You really should try to do that less, QoS McHillbilly.
On September 11 Silver had Trump’s victory probability at 64.4%.
On September 12 Silver had Trump’s victory probability at 60.8%.
@ 84
>> The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization supported Republican Reagan. How did that work out for them? What’s that? He fired them all? Weird.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks that Reagan fired 90% of PATCO in retribution for their support of him in the preceding election.
The point is not that there is a substantial number of Jews in New York.
The point is that there is also a substantial number of Jews in Pennsylvania. The Tree of Life Synagogue is in Pennsylvania.
When the locals tell National
To Fuck right off
@ 110
Does the neighborhood smell strange?
Nothing compared with Welfare Queen YLB’s side of the bed.
@ 114
Teamsters Joint Council 32 has 7 executive members. Its website claims 75000 union members.
So your big news is that somewhere between 4 and 7 of the 7 executive members are being paid by the Democrats to “endorse” Boxcheck Momala.
Meanwhile, we learned yesterday that 58% of its 75,000 members will vote for Trump, while only 31% will vote for Boxcheck Momala.
Yes, please. Scream this from the mountaintops.
So, it turns out that white doctors are not intentionally killing black babies.
Not when you realize that black parents don’t trust black doctors to treat the sickest of the black babies.
This is why physicians who do the most dangerous work have the highest malpractice premiums. When nature takes its course, the families of the deceased have to claim it was malpractice that killed their uncle Jerry during his emergency open-heart quadruple bypass and valve replacement and aortic aneurysm surgical salvage effort, and not his 480# body weight and triglyceride level of 550.
The sickest of the black babies were attended to by white physicians. No reason other than that explains the results.
Holy Shit! have you all seen the projected cost overruns for ST3?
Remember now, the urbanists that brought you Sound Transit are also the ones pushing for a new, massive public housing agency in Seattle. I mean, what could go wrong?
A few billion here, and a few more billion there…….
its to late – you’re screwed.
Nothing says fear of interpersonal interaction better than Boxcheck Momala sprinting offstage after her time between two ferns with moderators from the National Association of Flack Journalists.
Wow. You’d think she’d crack a smile, share a private thought or two… But nope. She ran out of there like the Pepto-Bismol wasn’t working.
@ 118
Welfare Queen YLB’s kids are screwed. It’s their taxes that will subsidize it going forward, and cover the interest on the debt incurred to cover the cost overruns.
Yes, but Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids have been paying for the incurred debt on this disaster.
I’d like to thank Boxcheck Momala for taking the reins on this waste of money, and for letting herself be tarred with its results. I hear Jill Biden personally got involved to make sure Boxcheck Momala would get hung with it.
Christopher Rufo, when he isn’t too busy going after The Blacks.
Democrats tried so hard to keep this from making the ballot.
Statewide poll shows runaway support for Prop. 36 measure to toughen theft, drug crime penalties
It’s really too bad they didn’t try hard to stop crime.
I’ll miss all those organized smash-and-grab videos on YouTube in which dozens of “youths” clean out Coach handbag and mall jewelry stores before running out and into waiting vehicles, while police do nothing to stop them.
If you’re the Junior Senator of a state and you cause a state of emergency in your state by stating racist shit,
Ohio’s going blue because JD can’t let it go.
Interesting thing about 121,
Brendan Carr also works for the Heritage Foundation and authored a chapter of Project 2025 for the Trump campaign.
Still waiting on any info on the poll that was a QR code in the Union Newsletter.
How many responses?
From what regions?
This is exactly the type of poll that ‘truckers for Trump’ can game by getting 50 guys on the subreddit together.
That such an overwhelming poll STILL didn’t result in an endorsement is telling.
After the pagers and walkie-talkies started exploding, Welfare Queen YLB removed the vibrator that her husband controls with his cell phone.
Last month she caught her husband watching a Gal Gadot movie a second time. One can’t be too careful.
According to his Xitter on March 26 MAGA Republican radio host and NY GOP House candidate Mike Crispi liquidated his entire investment portfolio and put every cent into DJT.
On March 26 DJT closed at 57.99
Stay poor libs. 👍
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is much worse to the womenz.
That’s part of the problem or reason….because it’s ignored by Neanderthals. And Bitches for Fascism…
@ 126
That such an overwhelming poll STILL didn’t result in an endorsement is telling.
I agree. It tells me that at the national level executives decided not to oppose the wishes of their membership and instead elected no endorsement rather than voting in opposition.
I am told, as well that executives of Joint Council 32 had no difficulty opposing the wishes of their membership in endorsing someone a majority of their members oppose.
Homosexual Poofter Disease
@ 128
According to his Xitter on March 26 MAGA Republican radio host and NY GOP House candidate Mike Crispi liquidated his entire investment portfolio and put every cent into DJT.
I can beat that. Read Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s 10/20/17 defense of GE shares. Someone with capacity to experience shame would no longer post here after that defense.
Actually, the initial claim was that they were the first Asians to service Willie Brown in order to advance their careers.
I’ll bankrupt him….its what I do best. I’m the best bankrupter, nobody bankrupts like I do.
@112 Reagan fired the air traffic controllers to make Gorbachev think he was a tough guy.
Locals 7 & 42 representing CA, HI, NV and Guam endorse Harris Walz.
There seems to he a backlash brewing against National Leadership.
With a small number of forced respondents it would also be easy for Sean O’brein to try to save face from kissing the ring at a union busting party convention.
@123 We all know what you really want to watch is YouTube videos of white cops shooting black teen shoplifters in their backs.
@132 I can beat that: Tesla.
@ 138
No one is talking about Tesla these days. This might be why:
Sold it in the mid-170s and wish I hadn’t. I’ll just have to console myself with the options gains before and since.
GNRC is good for options as well.
JD Vance’s California-born “Hindu wife“.
Yawwwn.. who clerks for degenerate right wing judges.. Doesn’t impress me kreepshit.. I’d say the same thing if she was Mormon.
And she’s married to an greedy, opportunistic asshole who babbles fascist shit. One time he was opposed to drumpf. Said things we liberals agreed with. WTF happened? Was it just Thiel’s munee?
You’d look up stuff on Modi’s regime and the fascist Hindu RSS – no matter – you prefer to be ignorant.. And you’ll ride that ignorance to a crushing IRS audit.
Still nothing about Tulsi Gabbard who is a life-long adherent to an extreme Hindu flavored cult that is guilty of child abuse among other hurtful practices.
You don’t comment because that is embarrassing to you.. She worked out great prepping drumpf for that debate, amirite?
Does the neighborhood smell strange?
Like a rose compared to the dairy and pig farms that liddle maxwipe prefers…
Inhale, liddle maxpuddle.. Low “density”…
Oh and here’s ‘nother feature of the exurbs..
Liddle maxwipe luvs to window shop there.
a new, massive public housing agency in Seattle..
liddle maxpuddle prefers people sleeping under bridges and in their cars. If they all had housing liddle maxpuddle would stroke its popgun a little too hard looking for troll shit to babble about online and end up with a hole in the wrong place.
Like its shrunken head..
@ 140
Still nothing about Tulsi Gabbard who is a life-long adherent to an extreme Hindu flavored cult …
This from the dumb twat who claimed upthread that she doesn’t care about religion.
watching a Gal Gadot movie
Sounds like something that gives kreepshit comfort while it beds for the night in the horse barn..
And it can’t visit the vip lounge because its allowance from Mary Kay has run out.. awwwww..
Before November he’s gonna call out the Haitian Niggers.
doesn’t care about religion.
Chris Butler ordered Tulsi and her Dad to go into politics. For defense of its kult and its degenerate practices. Friends in high places.
The Catholic Order Opus Dei has long been adjacent to fascist regimes like that of Franco and Pinochet.
Crosses a line with me every time. Still a Tulsi fan, kreepshit? Pfft.. After that debate debacle? I laugh at you. What a schmuck..
$42 billion broadband initiative
It was announced in 2023 to be done by 2030..
States are expected to submit initial plans later this year (2023) that will unlock 20% of the funding. Once the plans are finalized, which could take to 2025, the government will release the remaining money.
Yawwwn.. more stoopid from kreepshit..
He was always on vacation
Some cops aren’t who you think they are, and don’t do what you think cops do.
The only thing unexpected, it wasn’t a domestic dispute.
@133. The troll has now posting Asian racist slurs.. Please ban him till he reforms.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett isn’t giving any f*cks today at the House Oversight Committee’s hearing and she just left Republicans SILENCED.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 152
Watch the video. In the first five seconds you can see that there are only two women seated in the House members’ chairs. There are no Republicans who give two fucks about what Crockett has to say. They’re “silenced” because they aren’t there. It’s the end of the hearing, by seniority she is the very last speaker, and everyone else including nearly every other Democrat has already left the room.
Strong, strong post. One of your best. Keep making your fellow homosexuals wince at your poor grasp of everything, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@ 152, 153
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron would have been better off by claiming white Republican men disrespected a black woman by not wanting to listen to her drivel about Project 2025.
@ 151
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron should be banned until he develops the ability to think like a twelve year-old, after which he’ll be able to match wits with Welfare Queen YLB.
Its always better to be in friendly fact free confines like Fox News
‘(The moderators ) corrected me 9-11 times. And the audience was absolutely they went crazy and and the real I thought it was I walked off I thought that was a great debate I loved it.”
There was no audience.
You walked off and into the spin room to complain how unfair it was.
@ 156
There was no audience.
There was Scaramucci trying to get back into Trump’s good graces afterward.
Shohei Ohtani did his best today to convince Boxeheck Momala that there is no reason for her to downplay her Asian heritage.
Boxcheck Momala’s response is that it’s the only accent she can’t pull off well enough to try to fake in public.
141 the only POS derelict looking cars I’ve seen lately is that unsafe horror show of a vehicle you put your family in….and conveniently park at the neighbors place.
The jokes write themselves over at The Hill. Literally
I’m nearly the same age as Mark Robinson and I’ve known since Prodigy Internet was a thing to have an email account that is EXCLUSIVELY for things you never want to receive a receipt, sales pitch, membership card or any trace of your real identity.
How does an early Gen Xer who was a teenager at the START of consumer internet never think about how traceable they are online. Or are Christian Conservatives secretly hoping to get caught? Or is Mark Robinson too stupid to hold office?
Can’t see a dang urban subdivision anywhere liddle maxpuddle.. Wide open spaces.. Look at the tree line in the back ground.. Just imagine the pig farm behind it. Now INHALE!
Great deal on parts for you there maxie.. Thank gawd you’re a country boi!
heh. Been binge-watching Justified..
Bet liddle country boi maxpuddle strokes teh popgun hard whenever it hears “hillybilly doorbells” 24/7..
Pavlov’s Dog YLB, you sure seem obsessed with pig farms….weird.
In fact, you seem obsessed with a range of…let’s just say odd….things.
Can’t say I have ever seen a pig farm, but know a lot about them…. Is that where you met your husband?
Heritage Foundation caught selling patronage jobs in a “future Trump administration” to contributors.
Senate hearings much?
The goodest news about the latest Robinson porn scandal is that no matter what kind of “values voter” you are, there’s something there to offend just about everyone. And that’s before the abortion scandal resurfaces.
I fuckin’ love that guy.
By putting NC on the map he’s taking away every Trump path to 270 that doesn’t go through PA. The Dem SuperPACs job just got exponentially easier. And MAGA SuperPACs are fucked and wishing they hadn’t pissed away so much of the money on hookers and blow.
@153 If a tree falls in the forest …
@154 I wouldn’t say he disrespected her; I’d say he’s too fucking stupid to comprehend the phrase, “This question calls for a yes or no answer.”
This might be the greatest set of Tweets of all time:
Lauren Windsor
@lawindsor • 2h
Are there other prominent conservatives on Ashley
Madison? I may know of one.
Follow me for updates
Lauren Windsor
Update: Email address belonging to conservative Chris Rufo found in Ashley Madison data dump
Lauren Windsor
@lawindsor • 23m
Replying to @lawindsor
**It’s possible that someone else registered his email to the site:
But l confirmed that the registered email is ACTIVE and is HIS… How?
I emailed Rufo for comment to that email and HE RESPONDED
This has been a glorious day for the conservative movement.
One might even say ‘This is the Day the Lord has made’
@155 Be careful what you wish for, because the rules around here apply equally to everyone.
@161 Mark Robinson, former furniture factory worker, is too stupid to hold public office. This doesn’t rule out other possibilities.
It’s past the 11:59 deadline and NC Media reporting that no withdrawal petition arrived at the State Board of Elections.
Rapist/Porn Addict are the top two GOP lines on the ballot.
What color are the Tar Heels? What about Duke?
Under Trump’s Project 2025 tax plan a family of 4 making $100,000/year would get a $2,600 tax hike. But a family of 4 making $5 million/year would get a $325,000 tax cut.
Can’t say I have ever seen a pig farm,
A country boi not seen a pig farm or a dairy or inhaled teh bouquet? Oh sure mr “low density”..
But you’ve seen a junk yard or two out in teh “country” – best deal in parts around..
Here’s another pic for ya liddle mr “low density”.. yawnn..
Thank gawd liddle maxwipe is a country boi..
Yeah, that’ll happen about the time pigs start flying into Hell with cases of ice-cold Heineken strapped to their backs.
It was only platonic …
“minisoldr” played “black nazi” on a porn forum..
If only teh babblin’ butthole were still here.
too funee..
@173 A weak half-measure. Republicans have always wanted to eliminate taxes on everything except wages, but don’t have the guts to say it out loud. The next best thing is a federal VAT tax, the so-called “Fair Tax,” or its first cousin, tariffs.
I’m surprised Project 2025 doesn’t say the 16th Amendment is unconstitutional. Maybe they can get the Federalist justices to go that route.
@175 Biden got within 1.4% and the electorate is less white with every election.
Also younger, healthier, better educated more affluent with each year.
Until midnight last night Republicans were willing to simply hand the Governor’s mansion to Democrat Josh Stein to avoid the risk this anonymous douche nozzle pretends does not exist.
Losing multiple key states puts Trump’s real strategy at risk as well. As we all saw in 2000 a single Brooks Brothers riot in a single state can work out. More than one and America sees 2020 JOO SPACE LASER PROUD BOY PIPE BOMBS happening all over again.
This morning right after opening DJT traded 45% of its average daily volume in just the first hour.
179, 180:
We’ll see how it turns out in 46 days.
RFK Jr. had to tell Cheryl Hines about his affair with Olivia Nuzzi the same day he had to tell her he was being investigated for cutting off a dead whale’s head with a chainsaw.
Look on the bright side: at least it wasn’t a live whale!
So gotcha klownservatic Chris Rufo cheats on his undocumented immigrant wife…
Glancing at xitter it appears Rufo threw his kid under the bus over it.
Quoting “The Handmaid’s Tale”: Blessed Day.
Nope. We get to watch the results unfold in real time immediately.
Trump is low on available cash-on-hand and has only limited means to address unexpected changes in the map in the closing weeks. Until now his affiliated SuperPACs were committed to a three state strategy focusing on Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, with ad buys placed weeks ago when Joe Biden was the opponent they were aiming at.
Trump and the RNC closed state offices and fired staff in March when his daughter-in-law became party chair. They used most of that money saved to pre-fund a joint criminal defense operation in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and the federal districts in DC and South Florida. The rest was funneled through exclusive campaign vendor contracts controlled by Trump children and the two campaign managers.
In order to defend a state like North Carolina they will have to cancel as buys, vendor contracts, and start trying to move people (they’ll never get back all the money they spent on Lara Trump’s debut music video or Melania’s nude picture book publicist).
So us Democrats get to sit back with big buckets of delicious popcorn and munch contentedly watching a degenerate freak show of desperate scrambling and money begging.
And then we get to watch Trump lose again.
Maybe…maybe not.
Let’s see. By my calculations the oldest is fourteen and entering his freshman year in high school in Gig Harbor.
The data breach took place in the summer of 2015 when the boy was five years old.
Now the kid has to face hundreds classmates informed by his own father that at age five he was building an Ashley Madison profile with his dad’s email address.
The Menendez boys come to mind for some reason.
@103 – Once again you miss the point, rodent. The US is being paid back for all the meddling it has done over the past 125+ years. The empire is imploding, and it’s about time. We need to concentrate on America and tell the rest of the world we are leaving all foreign lands. With over $35 trillion in debt, we are broke and will eventually default on the debt.