– Oh geez. SPD may kill people in Seattle, but it also costs taxpayers quite a bit, potentially.
– I don’t know any more than what I read, but I think the new Boeing contract is good?
– Grow better, Seattle. Honestly, more density more places, please.
– Anyway, now is a great time to wash your hands. And hey, if you’re eligible, get vaccinated or boosted.
Secretive right-wing network paid influencers to spread sexual smears about Kamala Harris: report
The group would communicate regularly via email and Zoom calls, organized by a man who went by James Bacon.
Semafor was unable to identify the financial source of the influencer payments, though one participant reportedly made more than $20,000 over a couple weeks.
i.e. a nice payday for kreepshit.. Well if you call a benjamin or two off that 20k “nice”..
The thing about sexual rumors involving Democrats is that so often they turn out to be true.
Watching Boxcheck Momala make a fool of herself whenever she isn’t in front of a teleprompter it’s quite easy to believe that the only way she got to the podium was on her knees.
Honeymoon over.
– Harry Enten, CNN
Say, would those month-old polls even be on Darryl’s Monte Carlo analysis at this point in the campaign? Or would they have aged off of his list of included polls?
@ 1
Secretive right-wing network paid influencers to spread sexual smears about Kamala Harris: report
In 2016 the #CrookedHillary campaign paid for the dossier that included intentionally false allegations of Trump in a Moscow hotel room being urinated on by hookers. Her campaign attempted to hide the payments by laundering them through her legal firm’s books.
Welfare Queen YLB, Boxcheck Momala rose to prominence by providing arm candy to Willie Brown in public and a deep throat to Willie Brown in private. In those days that’s the way women got things done when they didn’t marry well.
Right up there with “You can’t hug your children with nuclear arms.”:
But you can become Democrat nominee for president if you suck the right dick at the right time.
How many times has Bi-Done claimed that a deal was nearly done?
Doubts grow in White House about presenting new Gaza deal terms
Of course, while Hamas doesn’t even want a deal it’s all Israel’s fault:
Boxcheck Momala has told supporters in Michigan that woman-beating Minnesota AG Keith X is on her short list to be AG if she wins.
No word on whether Keith X’s girlfriend was on her knees when he beat the shit out of her.
Except that it isn’t. This is a talking head in search of a story.
Going back a full month of polling in PA
NYT hasn’t done a PA poll since over a month ago an sure, it was Harris +4.
Couple days after that outlier you get
Q Harris+3
Emerson Trump +1
Cygnal Harris +1
Emerson Even
CNN Even
None of us are concerned about PA. But how concerned is Team Donald? Well they are out there claiming that the mailed ballots are being counterfeited and saying that if they don’t win it’s because of cheating. The unreleased internals must be devastating if that’s the campaign two months out.
YouGov Even.
Oh, she picked him.
Harris missed ‘big opportunity’ by not picking Shapiro as running mate: Nate Silver
Shapiro turned her down. It only took him a couple of hours after their interview to make that decision. That’s all it takes a smart person to realize that Boxcheck Momala is nothing more than an empty suit with no gag reflex.
Trump-Vance or Hairy-Balz?
Not much of a choice,
if you suck the right dick at the right time.
re: kreepshit’s recent bender.
That was one long plane ride back and forth to the Euro zone to just to fellate Orban’s member.
Call it an initiation of sorts into a new kinda frat.. Walk in the park compared to kreepshit’s hell week.
@10 you seem to be settled on drumpf.. nice doggie.. pat.. pat on the head from Chuckles Koch..
This is kind of fun.
Evangelicals have a massive crush on Steph Curry.
The Narrative:
Steph Curry left ‘woke’ Nike because they wouldn’t let him design a shoe with Philippians 4:13 on them and so he went with Under Armor. (There’s a reason Under Armor is super popular among Evangelicals)
The actual story.
Coming out of College Steph Curry was expected by most experts to be a solid 2 guard who could shoot but not a superstar. Of the six players drafted ahead of him only James Harden has had a memorable career. Blake Griffen could have but he was often injured and never played to potential. Nike did not offer Steph a signature shoe as a rookie and did not do the Beaverton “Coming Out” party that they do for high profile players that will wear the brand. Steph did wear Nike as a rookie This lack of hype for Steph is almost as big a mistake as taking Sam Bowie at 2 when a game changing player ended up in Chicago.
Going into his second season Nike was still not offering a signature shoe and Curry went with UA and the SC1.
The SC1 never had PH 4:13 on it but was a thing Steph had been putting on his game shoes in Sharpee. If an conservative Christian Evangelical kid wanted to buy a pair of SC1s with “I can do all things” they would need to provide their own sharpee.
It was never remotely true that Nike wouldn’t produce a Christian shoe it was a story the Evangelicals told themselves. They are very good at telling themselves made up stories.
They’re currently losing their shit:
with no gag reflex..
kreepshit’s just fine with jacksons these daze.. any sum of munee is validation enough from its “betters”.. yawwwwn…
1 day ago
Curry is a punk
1 day ago
He defaulted to womans rights because he does not know where kamala or Trump stands. He is not a deep thinker and that much is clear.
1 day ago
He took the money, so he does as he’s told.
1 day ago
Poor Steph has been Bamboozled!
1 day ago (edited)
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20
1 day ago
Curry’s a phony. No surprise there.
1 day ago
So top issue for him is the women in his life has the right to delete babies in the womb. Ok Steph we see you
1 day ago
Never knew Steph was an idiot, now I do.
The thing about sexual rumors involving Democrats is that so often they turn out to be true.
Let’s see kreepshit separate the wheat from the chaff here:
Heh.. just kidding.. kreepshit’s been on its own perv paystreak for over 8 years running now. First Hillary now Kamala.
it was a story the Evangelicals told themselves. They are very good at telling themselves made up stories.
kreepshit can relate.. how long has it told itself that story about “fucking child whores”?
Menendez gets convicted and kreepshit is so depressed it was over mere graft the freek doesn’t even bother to babble about it.
kreepshit would be an evangelical but there’s a lot less “20 minutes of action” there.. And its all so guilt-tinged.
If you’re not worried about a ‘safe’ state why take a real story where a mental health crisis got a not-Hatian arrested for eating a cat and turn it into a racist anti immigrant talking point?
@ 18
If you’re not worried about a ‘safe’ state…
Probably because
1) it’s not racist to point out stuff like 75% of those arrested in NYC are immigrants
2) it resonates in border states considered to be in play, and in states in which over the past year residents have lost jobs to immigrants.
That does it. I’m not buying my wife Steph Curry Nikes for Xmas this year.
Steph Curry Nikes will be the first ones looted on November 5 when the election is called for Trump before polls close in Chicago.
Hey, speaking @ 19 of crime in NYC, Eric Adams’ handpicked police commish is gonna be forced to resign before the end of the week.
Democrats in NYC and NY state sure are corrupt.
None of us are concerned about PA.
I am.
Basically here’s what polls actually tell us:
Harris can not win Florida.
Trump can not win Virginia.
Harris can win Pennsylvania.
Trump can win Pennsylvania.
It’s time for another round of the game we call Republican Telephone
When this claim first emerged about a week ago in the alt-Right media sphere the claim was limited to arrests in midtown only. But now the puppeteers who cruelly manipulate our gullible Scotty P have convinced him to expand it to all five boroughs instead of just a single neighborhood in Manhattan where Times Square is located.
And as ususal, when Scotty P fucks up, he makes a point of extending his fuck up across as many shit-posts as possible.
Original quality source:
“I would say about 75% of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan are migrants, mostly for robberies, assaults, domestic incidents and selling counterfeit items,” a Midtown officer said.
He said the figure is an estimate because “you can’t be 100% sure [they’re migrants] unless you arrest them in a shelter or they’re dumb enough to give you a shelter address.”
Did you know that a high school dropout can meet the minimum educational requirements for employment as an NYPD poice officer?
Where Dumbfuck cheers on racism within his party. And goes to ‘stealin’ our jobs’ racism to boot.
Guy on twitter makes up a story about seeing Haitians decapitating ducks. Now the VP nominee makes it into an anti-immigrant plank on the stump about stealing pets by dirty unclean immigrants who eat cats.
Yes. That’s racist.
You know who a cat eating story resonates with?
Asian Americans. Keep going.
And let’s all not forget that lyin’ ol’ Scotty P recruited this bullshit about immigrant crime wave in NYC in order to justify and distract from Republican Senator and current Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance promoting an Ian Miles Cheong PIZZAGATE fable about Haitian immigrants roaming the streets of Springfield Ohio to round up and barbecue cats. It’s instanely delusional and also very, very weird. And that’s probably why Scotty P felt the need to launch a lie to excuse it.
This is the season. Republicans will be lying pretty much non-stop in ways that can’t be comprehended from now until the next insurrection.
And goes to ‘stealin’ our jobs’ racism to boot.
He’s moved beyond that to eatin’ our family pets racism. Which is a new level.
heh.. an always wrong wing rumor out there about migrants killing ducks?
“lost jobs to immigrants.”
Who’s hiring them?
Why are conservatives not going after THOSE employers with the same intensity they go after DEI employers?
There’s no incentive for cops to not kill people. The seven-figure settlements don’t come out of their pockets, or the police department budget; they’re mostly paid by insurance companies.
I can only guess what relationship, if any, there is between municipal insurance policies and the kind of insurance we buy (homeowners and automobile); but it seems possible we’re paying higher premiums partly because cops are killing citizens.
You can’t stop it with financial disincentives. The Washington legislature recently narrowed police immunity and made it easier to prosecute violent cops. That may help. But the entire structure of policing, from recruiting and training to supervision and discipline, is flawed and needs changes.
As these incidents demonstrate, people who shouldn’t be cops are getting hired, bad cops are able to stay in the profession by becoming so-called “traveling cops” who bounce from one police agency to another, and too many cops have a bad attitude. The police unions are a problem, too.
@2 “The thing about sexual rumors involving Democrats is that so often they turn out to be true.”
The thing about stories of Republican bad behavior is they’re nearly always true; and the thing about rightwing messaging about Democrats is that 99% of it is fabricated smears they pulled out of their asses. The one thing you can be sure of with Republicans is, if their lips are moving, they’re lying.
@3 And if Trump wins the election, which he might, that’s a good thing? In your twisted mind, and in the twisted MAGA minds of Republicans, yes it is. For civilized Americans, it would be a disaster.
Keep rooting for the bad guys, dumbfuck. It’s what the world expects of dumbfucks.
@5 The “gas stove ban” is in the same category as migrant fentanyl smuggling. Look, if people like these two ladies can’t process facts any better than this, we don’t want them in the Democratic Party anyway.
@ 24
… the claim was limited to arrests in midtown only.
Fuck, I certainly stand corrected. It was 75% in mid-town, location of these minor establishments:
Oh, and 60% of the arrests in Queens, where 2.3 million people live.
So really, no real big deal in NYC from all of those homeless illegals.
Thanks for the correction. I’m really grateful for the facts.
Well there it goes.
Though the Haitians eating pets is now going to be accepted GOP fact…
Springfield Ohio police have been forced to issue a statement that despite numerous social media posts there is zero reporting of any missing pets or pet eating.
And you know what’s getting attached to every TV story in Ohio about the Vance statement? The revisiting of the Neo Nazi march against Haitian immigrants from last month in the very town Vance said Illegal Haitians are eating people’s pets
Why is the Republican Nominee for President and Senator from Ohio getting his briefings on Central Ohio news from Neo Nazis?
Just asking questions.
@6 If America is to play a positive role in the world, which we should all wish for, it has to conduct diplomacy. A good president will negotiate with bad actors as best he can. A bloviating incompetent will claim he can solve all the world’s problems with a few phone calls, notwithstanding he solved none of them during his four years in office; and blowhards like you blame Biden for Hamas digging in their heels. Neither of you are competent to run America’s foreign policy. Biden is.
@7 You always believe the woman, eh? Or does it depend on who’s being accused? Here’s what Wikipedia says:
So, while we can’t be sure, a judge and a lawyer separately concluded Ellison’s accusers either couldn’t or wouldn’t provide evidence to back up their accusations, and a judge and a lawyer who are experienced in weighing the credibility of witnesses found their allegations unpersuasive.
But you, throwing caution to the winds, are more than eager to run with these unsubstantiated accusations because anything that smears a Democrat is good enough for a Republican dumbfuck.
@18 The story is there’s no story.
An “unnamed poster’s neighbor’s daughter’s friend” is where Republicans get their campaign material these days; and yes, that’s weird.
@19 Midtown Manhattan, not “NYC.” Get your facts straight.
@24 Looks like you beat me to it, but I don’t mind tongue-lashing him some more over his factual lapses, because he asks for it when he posts lies, distortions, and/or exaggerations.
@20 She doesn’t want you spending her Social Security check anyway, so she’s good with that.
@29 It’s just very, very weird.
Vance seems obsessed with cats. First he railed against “cat ladies,” then accused immigrants eating cats. Maybe someone in his Ohio neighborhood is stealing and eating cats, and if so, I think I might know who it is. It has to be somebody who doesn’t like cats and is very, very weird.
The Pew poll released today surveyed 9.720 adults, including 8,044 registered voters.
Boxcheck Momala and Donald Trump each received 49%.
In 2020 Biden beat Trump by 4.6 points in the popular vote.
A popular vote tie in 2024 gives Trump 300 EVs and the presidency.
@37 “Springfield Ohio police have been forced to issue a statement that despite numerous social media posts there is zero reporting of any missing pets or pet eating.”
Well, that’s certainly good news for Jaydee, and he needs some. He can now breathe a sigh of relief that there’s no reason for him to be under suspicion, because there are no missing cats.
As a side note, if cats were going missing, the cat killer would be the first to know about it. And Vance seemed to know about it before anyone else. Maybe the police shouldn’t close this investigation quite yet, because sometimes things happen without anyone realizing at first that people or cats are going missing.
Nate Silver currently gives Trump a 63.8% chance of winning the presidency.
That is a nearly 2 to 1 advantage over Boxcheck Momala.
Where have you gone, Darryl Holman? A liberal blog turns its desperate eyes to you.
A popular vote tie in 2024 gives Trump 300 EVs and the presidency.
It won’t be close.. Me? Vote for a pathologically lying, cheating at golf, grifting, sharting fascist sex predator?
Heh.. Fuck that.
Multiply that by anyone with a freaking brain.
Nate Silver currently gives Trump a 63.8% chance of winning the presidency.
He’s a crypto bro now. Like Peter f’ing Thiel.
Update on RFK Jr.’s Michigan ballot status:
SoS said state law didn’t allow removing his name from ballot.
Lower court judge upheld SoS.
Appeals court reversed lower court.
State supreme court reversed appeals court.
RFK Jr. will remain on the Michigan ballot.
@ 48
Me? Vote for a …
… fellow woman who can give you tips on how best to orally service your husband, Welfare Queen YLB.
Besides, with Boxcheck Momala as president you won’t feel as stupid.
Kamala wants give my family a tax cut and yes that includes my two gainfully employed sons.
With Dems like that who needs repukes with their degen judges and endless wars?
Top magats drumpf and jerkoff dickhead bowman don’t even count as repuke. They’re just fuckin’ weird. And repellent AF..
how best to orally service
projeckshun.. after bonzo, orban and drumpf?
Just hold your nose while it sharts kreepshit as you apply the “service”…
Wanna see a guy who knows he’s going to get creamed?
@54 Next thing ya know, kreepshit will be be beggin’ orange dear leader to hire crypto bro Silver.
drumpf’s internal polling slaves delivering the bad news. Sux to be them.
@ 54, 55
Apparently each of you assholes missed the word “Satire“.
Go look again, especially you, Welfare Queen YLB, since you linked @ 55 to the fake tweet itself, rather than just cutting and pasting.
Hops, I’m pleased to welcome you to HA’s third tier of commenters, in which you join The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, G-clown, and HA’s unserious twat Welfare Queen YLB.
Confidential to Welfare Queen YLB: There is still time to do like cowardly Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does when he’s called out for inanity, and delete what you wrote and thereafter claim you didn’t write it. But hurry. Four minutes left.
Hops, I’m pleased to
bore y’all to “tiers”… as in “seriously” boooorrrriiing… zzzzZZzzzzz…
@ 57 is how unserious twats acknowledge error.
@58.. From now till Nov.. kreepshit be
“seriously” shilling for teh sharter..
got a little ring to it..
Harvey Weinstein devised a way to get out of jail temporarily and perhaps permanently.
I guess this is all for the best, because when Republicans are stealing from each other, they’re not stealing from us.
Some details have emerged on Trump’s gunshot wound from those who’ve seen it at close-hand:
“an ear had never appeared to have gone through less”
“there was nothing to stitch”
“resembled sunburn”
Conservative activist launches $1bn crusade to ‘crush’ liberal America
“We need to crush liberal dominance where it’s most insidious, so we’ll direct resources to build talent and capital formation pipelines in the areas of news and entertainment, where leftwing extremism is most evident,” Leo told the Financial Times.
“Expect us to increase support for organizations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme leftwing ideology ahead of consumers,” he said.
>> What broke him to make him so evil?
If you don’t agree to make it much harder to register to vote we’re shutting down the government.
Trump/Vance and Project 2025 are lying about immigrants eating cats to get back the childless cat lady vote.
You should look at that again. An image file from Donald’s Truth Social.
Donald is famously not on the Twatter.
@64 Go right ahead, Repukes, shut ‘er down.
Evolution is settled science, and the battle over teaching evolution in schools was settled for good by a 1968 Supreme Court case, amirite? Nope, this is what happens when you let parents run schools:
This is 2024, and Bible thumpers are still trying to kick evolution science out of schools. If they don’t want their kids learning about evolution, then they should send them to a private religious school, or homeschool them. They have no right to make everyone else’s children grow up stupid.
60)in Apple TV’s For All Mankind, Weinstein got caught much earlier.
According to the https://www.reddit.com/r/boeing/ discussions, the Boeing offer is not good. They are furious with union management for promoting it.
Boxcheck Momala’s “new way forward” is Bidenomics repackaged. Literally.
How dumb a cunt do you have to be to plagiarize a serial plagiarist like Joe Biden?
So…there’s that. The episodes of With Pod usually go live within two weeks of recording.
The country had the debate and Trump lost. No amount if foot stomping changes that. No dead insurrectionists changes that.
Trump lost.
Chris Hayes confirmed this is true this morning so expect the episode to get out faster. Wouldn’t be surprised if the relevant clip is out today before the debate.
Define ‘plagiarize’
The entire website was copied. This was done on the Sunday night right after Biden stepped aside and has been previously reported on very extensively. The entire Harris/Walz campaign apparatus is simply a rebranding of the Biden/Harris campaign, from O’Malley-Dillon right on down.
That’s how come she was able to raise three times as much money as the Republicans without ever holding a fundraiser.
Dumbfuck doesn’t know what source code is.
This here Word Press site shares 85-90% of its source code with every single other Word Press site.
If your eight-year-old kid’s new $750 Christmas bike was made in China, and Republicans slap a 20% tariff on it, that tariff fee is attached to the price of the bike at retail and you, the consumer, must pay it. The bike now costs you $900. That’s how tariffs work.
Did the migrant caravan survive on pets tossed aside by the new black panther movement only to get stymied by the border wall and then cross disguised as fentanyl in a liver from an American tourist who woke in a Haitian hotel bathtub filled with ice and crude surgical equipment and a Pennsylvania Mail ballot printing press?
I’m just asking questions and we should have that debate.
Nuh uh
You need to do your research, buddy.
Read a book.
No way. Closed the liberal public libraries cause I didn’t want my taxes going toward something I don’t use, and I spent all my retirement money on trump NFT trading cards and DJT stocks so not going to buy any books. OAN. RT and Newsmax are truth enough for me.
Question to Trump – What is your favorite color?
Question to Harris – How do you plan on ending the wars in Israel and Ukraine while delivering a budget deficit? Name and spell all the United States in alphabetical order…while juggling sharks with laser eyes. When did you stop eating cats?
I heard Bob got on his knees to get that Radiology job.
The interview was held at the horse stables for some reason.
Hairy-Balz for ‘24!
@71 Speaking of cribbing, the GOP economic plan hasn’t changed since Reconstruction. It is, and always will be, based on cheap labor and tax cuts for the very rich.
@72 Vance is telling us he won’t follow the Constitution or law, stay within the limits of his authority, or respect the will of the people. We should listen, because this is who he is. Just another guy who wants to throw out fairly-won electoral votes in order to rig the election in the House of Representatives. He’s probably behind cat disappearances, too.
@84 Not even original. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/D-Yijxe22IQ
3 1/2 minutes of CNN taking it to Boxcheck Momala for her 2019 leftist positions and for hiding behind an anonymous spokesperson who said nothing about whether she still supports them.
The backstory:
KFile: Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants
Gee, it’s really too bad that nobody thought to bury that questionnaire.
@ 88
Your near-daily reminder that Boxcheck Momala and Cut and Run Walz are a pair of cowards.
CNN displayed this list of Boxcheck Momala’s 2019 campaign positions:
Hey, don’t blame me. Blame CNN. Oh, and while you’re at it, you can blame CNN for exposing Bi-Done as an octogenarian in such severe cognitive decline that his own party turned against him within hours.
Enjoy this 29 second video of Willie Brown in 1995, especially the clip in which Boxcheck Momala is asked if she is Willie’s daughter.
Also hitting the floor in 1995: Kamala’s knees in front of Willie’s zipper.
@ 73
Define ‘plagiarize’
Well, in this case it was a cut-and-paste without attribution, until someone decided to look at the meta-data.
In this case it makes clear that a future Boxcheck Momala administration would be more of the same Bidenomics that resulted in Bidenflation, only @ 90 notably sillier in some respects.
Hang the Fucker!
Who broke the dumbfuck? I mean, besides Kamala and Walz.
Just kidding. The stupid fuck was already a broken fucking bore when he first showed up here.
@ 72
JD Vance did a lengthy on-stage interview with All-In Podcast today, and among other things reaffirmed that had he been veep four years ago he would not have certified the results.
Er, no. That’s not what Vance said. You provided a truncated quote @ 72. Here is a more extended quote, provided today by CNN:
Hops, your link – which you failed to provide, asshole – left out the text in bold.
Vance did not say he would have refused to certify the election results. Here’s what he did say, and again, note what is in bold:
Now, the preceding material I have pasted might be more than Darryl wants to see, but since it directly refutes a false claim by a libbie asshole on HA, he’ll allow it.
@ 94
Oh, look. Cowardly Steve has come back to us. And look at how he has raised the level of discourse in this thread.
We so much appreciate you, Steve. We’ve been lacking the pointless threats of violence you have spewed, when the conversation doesn’t go your way.
Boxcheck Momala’s entire debate strategy is based on Donald Trump speaking out of turn.
If Trump speaks only during his allotted time, Boxcheck Momala’s got nuthin’.
Looks like Trump has the 12-year-old vote locked up!
That’s rich.
💩🧌Scotty P complaining about context. What a miserable pathetic cowardly hypocrite.
@ 99
… complaining about context.
I complained about length. In a different context I am like your wife.
When Scotty P thinks a “conversation” consists of him being willingly duped into reposting MAGA Twitter Troll lies and we all respond by mercilessly mocking and humiliating him for it.
But none of us could ever hope to mock Scotty P the way Congressman Swalwell mocks Gym Jordan here
Top bonus question for tonight:
“Mr. Trump, you spent 307 days playing golf while you were president the last time. That’s almost a year. How many days would you devote to golf this time if you are elected?”
There was ZERO debate about what sort of election we had in any state
Many many many lawsuits filed…without a single bit of evidence.
A film and book that got pulled because it was so fabricated the distributors decided they didn’t want to be sued.
JD Vance stated that he would have sided with the crazies and allowed for alternate elector slates and a delayed process simply because one candidate was lying about everything but that’s enough to….delay the process.
Nice try.
JD Vance stated that he would not have certified the EV count. Period.
There were no problems. Four years later … “we said there were problems and that should have been surfaced what we were saying that wasn’t remotely true but we said it and it should have been taken seriously that we said it. And if it was ME I would have told the states to send fake electors or have a do over and surface the problems. Or find more votes or what have you.”
Remember when dumbfuck was regaling himself with tales that New Hampshire and Virginia were in play?
Why the need to do more….it was a fair election to begin with.
Keep grasping for straws and when the results are not in your favor until they are. Like Trump making a mockery of the American Judicial System.
That seems like a great strategy. Republicans aren’t going to offer any solutions, only negative fear strategy.
You wouldn’t have to worry about that, and cry like a little bitch about it, if you didn’t realize that he’s bound to speak out of turn on something or everything.
Shit, I haven’t stopped shivering from the pain of 2022.
How’s the golf outing that you were going to go on with him?
When? How?
As of January 6th of 2021 whatever practical, real world things Mike Pence “could have done” would have amounted to unlawfully preventing the constitutionally prescribed procedures to count the state certified electoral results. Whatever Diet Private proposes he would have done in Vice President Pence’s place is still him proposing to break the law in furtherance of a violent insurrection – deliberately, and again entirely unlawfully, gum things up in the middle of the joint session in order to give the boats filled with assault rifles and ammo time to cross the river and be moved into position.
@102. That’ is an f’ed up url.
To the one appropriately called Dumbfuck @95
Let’s be clear: This is illegal and unconstitutional. The American people had voted. The courts had ruled. The Electoral College had met and voted. The Governor in every state had certified the results and sent a legal slate of electors to the Congress to be counted.
The Vice President has no constitutional authority to tell states to submit alternative slates of electors because his candidate lost. That is tyranny. Our institutions held on Jan 6 because Mike Pence refused to violate his oath to the Constitution. Trump picked JD Vance because Vance will do whatever Trump wants, including violating the Constitution. They are both far too dangerous to serve. It’s our duty to stop them.
Continuing to debate Stop the Steal lies is fine with me. I’ve seen the polling data, and especially the crosstabs for “moderate conservative” white voters, responding to these myths, fables, and shibboleths of the extremist MAGA movement. Stop the Steal drives them away from MAGA and Trump. It’s a celebration of lawless chaos. And many of them can’t bring themselves to vote in favor of that shit. If J.D. Vance wants to spend his time out on the stump reminding them what Trump did that day, let him.
While the armed, violent mob that he summoned to the capitol looted and burned, erecting lynching scaffolds and shouting HANG MIKE PENCE!! Trump sat in his dining room watching it unfold on television and ate cheeseburgers.
John ‘hide the boobies on that statue’ Ashcroft’s kid in his role of Missouri SoS unilaterally decertified the Abortion Constitutional Amendment on Legal Abortion hoping to get past the ballot printing deadline.
24 Hours later the Missouri Supreme Court put it back on.
Missouri follows Kansas and goes blue. Bigly.
You mean other than most states make the process of getting an official copy of a lost birth certificate difficult and for many adoptees impossible and a passport costs about $150 for photos and fees?
Kid, if you want to vote someday better hope your parents have organizational skills, never move or don’t live in a flood/fire zone.
The campaign is hiding the Morning Consult drop so Trump doesn’t blow a gasket in stage and start ranting about dead people answering the phone.
National: Harris 49/46
VA: Harris 52/42
MN: Harris 51/44
WI: Harris 49/46
PA: Harris 49/46
MI: Harris 49/46
GA: 48/48
NV: 48/48
NC: 48/48
AZ: Trump 49/47
FL: Trump 49/47
TX: Trump 52/43
I weighted these as unreliable compared to Rasmussen.
@89 Show me a Republican who isn’t a coward.
@91 Most voters care more about Jan. 6, 2021 than 1995. Your molehills keep getting crushed by mountains, doc.
@95 Debates happen before elections, not after votes are counted. Legal ballots were cast, although I did find 3 illegal 2020 votes in Pennsylvania and 3 more in Florida. There’s no such thing in the Constitution or election laws as “alternative slates.”
The “debate” he’s referring to is ambiguous, but the fairest interpretation is he meant a debate in the House of Representatives over whether to accept the Pennsylvania and Georgia electoral votes, given he explicitly stated he would not have certified their electoral votes — which would have violated the Constitution, federal statute, and the rights of nearly 6 million Biden voters in those two states.
@98 If 12-year-olds are old enough to take guns to school, why aren’t they old enough to vote? After all, they’ll receive instructions from their dads in how to handle guns and who to vote for.
This is, in fact, Vance’s plan; except he would give babies votes, too, and delegate the task of voting children’s ballots to parents.
Here’s a debate line for Kamala: “We do not need more Supreme Court Justices who will put guns in schools.”
@100 I’m under the impression you’re the horse’s wife.