I know actual litigation would drag on and be miserable. But geez. Boeing really deserves a lot harsher punishment than the plea deal they’re likely to take. Honestly, it would be good for company executives to suffer real consequences.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Vote Joe Biden today. Get Boxcheck Momala tomorrow.
Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)
🚨 Trump Campaign Releases New Ad — “Who Is Laughing Now”
5:25 AM · Jun 27, 2024
Hard not to believe that one of the reasons DOCTOR Jill doesn’t want Bi-Done to quit is that it could elevate Boxcheck Momala, who used a debate to call my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president a racist.
DOCTOR Jill will never forgive Boxeheck Momala for that.
Good morning America!
It is July 1st and today is Steve Bannon Goes to Federal Prison Day!
What’s the difference between an official act and an unofficial act?
Republican – official
Democrat – unofficial
Justice Sonia Sotomayor did not hold back in her dissent.
“Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”
“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”
@ 4
What’s the difference between an official act and an unofficial act?
Born with XX – official woman
Chick with dick – unofficial woman
@ 5
Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”
What if the bribe – “ten percent for the big guy” – is partitioned, but not paid, before the president becomes the president, and is admitted to exist while the president is in office?
It looks to me Trump would win the election if it was held today. The Biden Team has its work cut out for it if they want to turn the situation around.
Everybody happy that the DNC skipped debates during the primary season?
TSLA shares are up by more than $25 since one of you assholes declared early last week that the company is in trouble. It was a Dumbfuck Rabbitesque observation, to be sure.
Steve Bannon will be reporting to Danbury FCI where he will first undergo a brief interview with supervising corrections officers. Following his intake interview he will receive a very thorough medical examination. That’s often preceeded by a bit of a wait, as with any doctor’s appointment. His prescription medications will be reviewed, blood will be drawn, he’ll be weighed and his height measured, blood pressure, breathing, brief oral/rectal cavity examination, and a urine sample taken.
When completed he will be dress in his new prison issue garments and be moved into a 24 hour initial isolation unit where he’ll receive meals in his cell. While in the isolation unit he’ll be given a admissions and orientation handbook about policies of the unit that he would have already recieved after his sentencing. And a supervising CO will review the procedures and give him the opportunity to ask questions. As a former Navy man this should be something Bannon can deal with. He’ll be told how to address COs, how to dress, what his daily schedule will be, and given an opportunity to express any specific dietary requests with a focus on medical or religious necessity. He’ll take his first breakfast tomorrow morning in the iso unit followed by a psych eval and consultation. Then during the lunch and exercise period he will be escorted to his new quarters in the gen pop unti he is assigned to.
Because Mr. Bannon is involved in certain financial fraud crimes he has been assigned to a low security facility, meaning that it is a secure, enclosed facility with no access to the outside and where resident movements are controlled and monitored at all times. He will be housed in common with other low security residents who will include some convicted of more serious and even violent crimes such as assaults, rapes, up to attempted murder.
It’ll be a fairly boring and slightly stressful first few days. He wont yet have any commisary privileges and he won’t have a full schedule with prison occupation for about a week. He’ll be reading a lot and he’ll be able to receive visitation in the visitation facility by Wednesday. There will probably be a special meal for Dinner on Thursday, typically featuring ice cream for desert to celebrate Independence Day. He will need about three weeks to settle into his routine and get used to the complete lack of privacy.
“Give us our fucking money back.” NBC News brings it:
Boxcheck Momala inspires zero confidence, even among her so-called friends.
This will make the Torricelli kerfluffle look like a nothingburger.
If Bi-Done drops out and Boxcheck Momala becomes the DNC prez nominee, what competent Democrat who hopes to have a national future in the party would be willing to be her Veep? She’d have to pick someone white and probably someone male. Who would take one for the team? Mayor Pete, who clearly will have nowhere else to go come January?
Meanwhile, Trump could nominate Stefanik or Tim Scott, and Democrats would instantly lose their boxcheck advantage.
Are you libbies happy you skipped primary debates?
Well now. That’s kinda cool.
I’m immune from prosecution.
I can’t be prosecuted for any crimes I commit within the ambit of my “official acts” as your President.
Nobody else gets that. I’m the only American who can say that.
Goes to your head, I’ll tell you. Something I’ll have to think about quite a bit. Lots of things to consider. Plenty of interesting ideas.
“Nor May courts deem an act unofficial merely because it allegedly violates a generally applicable law.”
Let me help.
I’m now entitled to “absolute” immunity for all acts that fall within my “core constitutional” authorities. You can go read what those are in Article 2. It’s basically all my “executive” branch authorities as the “executive”. So if I designate someone a “terrorist” and order a drone strike to be carried out on that “terrorist” I can never be prosecuted for it. Pretty cool, right?
I’m also now entitled to a “presumption” of immunity for official acts. We don’t absolutely know yet what “official acts” are. We’ll have to fight over that for a while in court. And some of those lower court rulings about “official acts” will also get appeled back to my new best friends at the SCOTUS.
A word about “core constitutional” authorities is probably in order.
Once Congress authorizes the Executive branch to pursue some objective, within the legal bounds set by that Congressional authority, that becomes a “core function” of the President of the United States. So one thing I’m looking at and the boffins who work for me will be looking at is just what has the Congress authorized me to do?
As long as it’s authorized, either by the Constitution (core authority) or Congress (official acts), I’m immune. And law makers and law enforcement may not consider my motives in making such a determination. According to this decision I can absolutely take a particular official act even if it is for purely corrupt purposes in pursuit of a clearly criminal objective. The act must simply be official, and I have to go through the Executive branch to carry it out. Have you ever noticed how enormous the Exectuve branch is compared to all the others?
I have.
I’m the executive in charge of everything from the Fish and Wildlife Service to the Park rangers at a cannon park in Pureto Rico. I’m in charge of Customs, NTSB, DOJ, Historic Preservation, and even pesticides used in your food. Whatever it is, Congress has at some point authorized an Executive function to promote it, regulate it, or monetize it. And with that authority they also created and funded huge agencies and departments filled with more than 2 million civilian employees. And speaking of my civilian employees, did I mention my non-civilian employees?
We don’t talk about that. 😉
We’re going to really regret Biden’s appointment of Merrick Garland.
Maybe a new AG in the second term. Hillary Clinton might do.
The events of the last few days make it clear that “we” will include essentially no input from Joe Biden himself. This is DOCTOR Jill’s show, and the future funding of The Biden Crime Family is at stake.
@ 17
We’re going to really regret Biden’s appointment of Merrick Garland.
You have no idea.
Michigan goes red.
There’s only one way to save Michigan’s EVs. See what she did there?
Hard to tell whether Gretch’s long knives are out for Bi-Done, or for Boxcheck Momala. Could be either. Could be both.
Either way, gonna be entertaining.
@17 – Let’s do the world a favor and keep Hillary Clinton OUT OF GOVERNMENT FOR FUCKING EVER! Sweet Jesus, do I really hate that fucking bitch!
So, clearly not enough cocaine was used Thursday night.
New consultant hired for the September debate.
Still just a youngster, Biniam Girmay takes TDF ’24 Stage 3.
Give him a couple more years and he’ll really be something.
Which is immaterial since you insist that you only traded on naked option and somehow your equal plays for call and put wasn’t an AT BEST break even position.
The shit you talked was like betting $1000 on both teams to win the super bowl. If the underdog wins at +110 you won $100. If the favorite wins at -110 you lost the vig and cashed in for $900.
Betting both sides is a stupid way to try to make money.
You try so very hard. The only people leaking Whitmer’s name as a replacement nomination are pundits.
Biden isn’t dropping out. The super secret anonymous single source is a great bit of journalism.
Four more years is going to come as a shock to you.
Something to ponder as the campaign heads into the summer.
Not a single one of Donald J. Trump’s stated policies has 60% support. And some of those will motivate a backlash among normal, non hate driven occasional voters.
“Phase out essential goods imports from China” (59% support even though there is literally no way to make this happen in the medium range future)
“Ban surgical treatment for Trangender minors” (55% in favor of a thing that is literally not happening anywhere in the USA due to ‘free market’ best practice health care.)
“Wait in Mexico” (54% for a thing a Federal judge has said, NOPE!)
“Build the WALLLLLLLLL” (52% tried that. Failed. Spent a ton of
Mexicanmoney“There can be ONLY two genders!” (51%)
Everything else is underwater with the electorate.
If you’d like to see the 14 policy issues Joe Biden supports that have over 60% or better support you can see them here. (24 50% or better)
The conventions are going to be fun. On the one side, “vote for me and I’ll punish all of the people you hate.” On the other, “We have ideas to actually make your life better.”
Vote for me and I will take away your raise! – Donald Trump
If only there was a way I could force employers to put my signature on the checks.
Wait, I have immunity so I deem it mandatory that all US Incorporated entities do so.
“Can you BELIEVE Joe Biden laughed when that queer singer used the ‘F’ word? I’m just going to stick with Ted Nugent from now on. None of this woke Septuagenarian superstar shit.”
Donald Trump, “Watch me dance to Elvis.”
You have no idea.
Hardly. I’ve got a near perfect idea.
Merick Garland will vehemently resist any urgings or entreaties from President Biden to delve aggressively into election interference by state and local officials or violent Republican mobs of vandals, arsonists, and thugs. Garland is the film negative image of William Barr. He will not allow the DOJ to be used for political ends. And he will go even further to decline worthy investigations and prosecutions to avoid the mere appearance of political purpose. As he already has repeatedly.
But he can be replaced. And the inauguration of a second term is traditionally a period when such offices are replaced. By custom (Felon VonShitzhispants notwithstanding) Presidents who have won reelection, following a brief period of reflection and celebration, will extend polite invitations to cabinet secretaries, etc. to join him in the administration’s second term. Biden should decline to extend such an invitation to Garland and look for someone willing to use the DOJ as it will need to be used in order to preserve the republic.
Democrats are better than Republican in that regard. We are fighting to save the republic and democracy from an authoritarian revolution. But we can’t afford to be too much better than Republicans in how we go about doing that. The Court has opened this door. Democrats should go through it. Trump would not hesitate.
Vote for me and I’ll restore 100% of your debt. Not mine of course. If you really are having a problem I recommend Bankruptcy. It’s worked like a charm a time or seven for me.
Let’s do the world a favor and keep Hillary Clinton OUT OF GOVERNMENT FOR FUCKING EVER! Sweet Jesus, do I really hate that fucking bitch!
And thus she is endorsed for Biden’s Attorney General in the second term.
Democrats and other patriotic Americans will need an Attorney General who is open to aggressively using the DOJ to go after Republicans.
We may want to consider Chelsea for the Court when the sickle cell finally catches up with Thomas. And have I mentioned that Alito has been out sick a lot lately?
@ 24
Tell us you don’t understand options trading without telling us you don’t understand options trading:
The shit you talked was like betting $1000 on both teams to win the super bowl. If the underdog wins at 110 you won $100. If the favorite wins at -110 you lost the vig and cashed in for $900.
No. Not close. It’s like wagering that a team – any team – will either score at least 28 points or no more than 49 points at some preselected ending point, which could be at the end of a quarter, half, or game. Scoring at least xx points is like selling the naked put, and scoring no more than yy points is like selling the naked (or covered) call.
The difference is that the event doesn’t necessarily end after one, two, three, or four quarters. If the game is winding down and it’s apparent that the sold option will be a loss once the contract expires, the option can be rolled forward and the points value can be changed. Meaning as long as I’m willing to assume additional risk I can get another quarter or three by swapping one contract for another.
Yes, I sold TSLA at 175ish and missed out on the runup subsequent to that. But I also sold naked puts and those are profitable, and awhile ago I sold a naked call that will expire worthless unless TSLA is above $300 by January. Which you asswipes tell me won’t happen because Musk is a fake and TSLA is destined to fail, all evidence to the contrary.
As long as TSLA continues to bounce around the way it does, the volatility translates into nice premiums.
Meanwhile, you’ve been flagged for unnecessary stupidity.
@ 31
A federal appeals court will allow a key part of President Joe Biden’s student loan relief plan to resume as the legal challenges against it unfold.
Alas, Biden’s illegal giveaway to buy votes with taxpayer funds was also stopped by another federal court judge in a different state, and that halt hasn’t been overturned.
So the illegal giveaway is still on hold.
@7 “and is admitted to exist while the president is in office”
Like the Supreme Court, you make up facts to make your point.
You’d make a fine conservative justice, even though you never went to law school, are not a lawyer, and don’t know a fucking thing about the law, because as a conservative justice, you can make up the law as you go along, and facts too.
“It’s not illegal if the president does it.” — Richard Nixon and Six Conservative Justices
@13 “what competent Democrat who hopes to have a national future in the party would be willing to be her Veep?”
I don’t know, but I can tell you with certainty there’s not a single Republican in the entire country that wouldn’t sell his/her soul to be on a ticket with Satan.
Republicans and Democrats are not the same. Republicans have lower career ambitions than Democrats.
@14 “Plenty of interesting ideas.”
That’s what I’m thinking, too.
@20 Haw haw haw, typical Doctor Dumbfuck source. Click on link and get “This source can’t be reached.” 🤡🤡🤡
Village Idiot admits he does not understand how election campaign finance and individual limits work.
We already know from the last eight years that Trump doesn’t either.
@32 “when the sickle cell finally catches up with Thomas. And have I mentioned that Alito has been out sick a lot lately”
God doesn’t love traitors. She loves just about everyone else, though, including all the people who rightwing preachers exhort their congregations to hate.
@33 “It’s like wagering that a team – any team – will either score at least 28 points or no more than 49 points at some preselected ending point, which could be at the end of a quarter, half, or game.”
That’s your analogy? It sounds like dumbfuck investing to me. I would call it gambling.
Girmay won one of the few flat stages of Le Tour. He’s failed to finish two of three Grand Tours he’s competed in.
Tomorrow is the first mountain stage and it’s not impossible that Girmay will be an hour off the lead at the end.
Could he develop as a climber and someday be a contender in any Grand Tour…sure. Has he improved his skills in that area since turning pro? No.
I do appreciate that with T-Mobile I get free peacock and the $99 tour live streaming package from NBC sports is now dead. I would have been willing to get a subscription for $7-15 to a service that I stood a reasonable chance of forgetting to cancel after the event if I weren’t getting it free. But NBC didn’t get shit out of me because it’s easy enough to spoof your IP Location to Antwerp and watch a somewhat Janky pirate feed instead.
@ 43
Could he develop as a climber and someday be a contender in any Grand Tour…sure. Has he improved his skills in that area since turning pro? No.
I don’t recall Peter Sagan ever winning a TDF mountain stage either. In fact, if not for the three consecutive world road racing championships he won, a feat never before and not since accomplished, history might not remember Sagan at all.
One of the two GTs Girmay did not finish was because he hit himself in the eye with a champagne cork last year while celebrating his first GT stage win, and had to withdraw. You might consider cutting the guy some slack. He’s still a kid.
There are climbers and there are classics specialists. Rarely is one cyclist a champion in both.
Virginia. Minnesota.
New Hampshire?
New Hampshire: Trump vs. Biden
St. Anselm*
Biden 42, Trump 44
@45 Nonstop election porn spam.
As an official act, Biden should immediately order Seal Team Six to take out a threat to democracy.
Heh, just kidding. But the threat isn’t.
As it stands Biden could illegally order the Secretary of Homeland Security to replace Trump’s SS detail with a secret team of assassins. If Mayorkas were to refuse Biden could replace him. Then he could order it done immediately following the GOP convention. No current or future DOJ could even investigate it legally.
MAGA Mike could immediately hold a vote to impeach. So what?
@48 Moral: Be careful what you wish for, because what’s good for the gander is good for the goose, too.
I haven’t read the opinion, or dived very far into commentaries, but my initial impression is the decision is carefully tailored (insofar as rogue justices are capable of being careful) to give Trump specific and targeted help in his ongoing criminal cases.
But not careful enough, because it seems that at Biden’s discretion, MAGA Mike, Farmer Gym, Gym Jordan, and Moscow Mitch could all be dead men.
Note this would give Democrats a House majority, enabling AOC’s impeachment of the justices to pass. If Biden executed a sufficient number of GOP senators, the justices could be removed.
But all of this is unnecessary. Biden can bypass that process entirely by ordering the justices killed.
I’m not suggesting he’d do that. But under the New Order decreed by the court, it seems he could.
50)They got what they wanted, surprised it didn’t have a no taking effect until January 20th clause.
50)They got what they wanted, surprised it didn’t have a no taking effect until January 20th clause.
Canada welcomed home an Unknown Soldier from WW1 who when he was killed in action, his home of Newfoundland was not part of Canada. This makes Canada the only country with two Unknown Soldiers from WW1. The US has Unknowns at Arlington front WW1, WW2, Korea, and the empty burial vault for Vietnam wonder if t(e Newfoundland soldier gets the Medal of Honor as we provided for other Allied Unknowns?
There used to be three Republican women in the South Carolina state senate. Now there are none. All three voted against an abortion ban, and all three lost their primaries.
Does anyone still doubt the GOP is a dictatorship of white males?
One has to be able to at least finish in the Peloton during mountain stages to win a GT. Girmay isn’t anywhere close to being able to do that. He tends to finish 25-30 minutes behind the stage winner in the mountains.
How To Interpret The Recent Spate Of SCOTUS Decisions
They all tie together in a common scheme as follows:
“America can’t be a liberal state, it can only be a conservative state, because we say so.”
There’s a thing going on on the socials about what would be the funniest crime President Biden could commit right now.
I say hold a campaign rally in Grants Pass Oregon and then spend the night in a local park in a glamping tent.
I see it qualitatively differently, but reaching the same result.
The six uunderstand that by sticking with Trump the now MAGA Republican party can’t survive this election intact if he loses or faces consequences for all his criminality and corruption. By their own making, the stakes for Republicans this year are just as dire and potentially catastrophic.
So, just as they have so obviously done before, three of the six began with the result in mind and worked their way back from it to this decision. This was preordained from the day they granted cert. Because, as I said at the time, there could have been no other rational purpose for that vote to grant cert. The lower court decision they chose to review was painstaking and thorough in its reasoning. It was incapable of clarification. There had to be some part of it that three of the six needed to reverse or remand. And that part was obvious at the time.
A reversal on core constitutional authorities alone is unlikely to protect Trump from the DC prosecution. By acting to arrange for and submit falsified state electoral certificates and ballots of imposter state electors Trump was way outside of his constitutional, federal role.
And it would hardly make sense to offer a blanket of immunity for “official acts” without without extending it to core constitutional authorities. Getting Trump off the hook for election fraud, at least until after the election, required that they grant a form of sweeping immunity to presidents.
They care only about the end, not about consequences, nor even very much about how to get there. Although I suspect that Chief Justice Quisling, Date-Rape, and Of-Barrett all three are nurturing hopes that the DC circuit erects some strong constraints around “official acts”, they also know that will take years.
That gets Trump through until at least November and probably well beyond. And that saves the Republican party from splintering and collapse for now. But of course they purchase that cushion at a terrible cost, not just for America and democracy, but for humanity and the planet.
All “for Jesus”.
@ 56
“America can’t be a liberal state, it can only be a conservative state, because we say so.”
Bi-Done’s not the only old attorney in an advanced stage of cognitive decline. HA’s Legal Eagle demonstrates the skills that failed him in his career and fail him in life.
The second half of this two-day poll was after the debate:
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden
Cygnal (R)
Trump 48, Biden 44
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
Cygnal (R)
Trump 42, Biden 38, Kennedy 8, Stein 2, West 2
Welfare Queen YLB: “HE HAD A COLD!!!!!!!!!!”
@ 55
One has to be able to at least finish in the Peloton during mountain stages to win a GT. Girmay isn’t anywhere close to being able to do that. He tends to finish 25-30 minutes behind the stage winner in the mountains.
I will grant you that Girmay will never win the TDF, Giro, or Vuelta. He’s a sprinter.
Still, he’s currently in second place in the green jersey competition.
Mark Cavendish never came close to winning a GT. Still, he has 34 lifetime TDF stage victories.
Your appreciation of professional cycling is overly simplistic, Hops.
Seeing Pogacar head into the wet snow melt hairpin on the descent freaked me the fuck out.
Girmay finished 35 minutes after the stage winner.
Anybody else notice the orange makeup Bi-Done wore yesterday?
Orange Man Bad.
Yes, he is a specialist. By the end of this TDF he won’t be anywhere near the Green Jersey. I looked it up and so can you. At the end of his second TDF Cavandish had 4 stage wins (DNF). 10 by the end of his 3rd.
Awfully early to start making that comparison.
How badly did Bi-Done perform on Thursday night?
This badly (poll June 28-30):
That’s a 10.5 point flip from the national results in 2020.
“Joe, you did such a good job! You answered every question and you knew all the facts!”
@ 64
Awfully early to start making that comparison.
It was a comparison between jerseys, not between career performances of two cyclists.
Hey Welfare Queen YLB, Jake Tapper thinks it’s more than just a cold:
Silly twat still thinks it’s Twitter.
Elon Musk slams Kamala Harris for ‘lying’ about Trump on X
She’ll think differently on the first Wednesday in November. If she’s still on the ticket.
The funniest thing you’ll read today:
Boxcheck Momala will energize the Democrat base.
@ 69
The only thing Boxcheck Momala will highlight are the dangers of Didn’t Earn It.
The first House Democrat has called for Bi-Done to GTFO of the race.
Floodgates, opened.
Really irritates you doesn’t it? Educated women. And she’s black. And Asian.
Did someone just hand her a BA from Howard? How about a JD from Cal. I know what you’re going to say….but but but affirmative action! Well think about Howard for a second and then I guess you could go with Nepo baby because dad got a PHD from Berkeley and was a professor at Stanford. Then someone said, “It’s OK we’ll skip the bar exam for you and just let you be a lawyer.” Because that’s how it works.
It’s still Twitter to many millions of people despite Elon’s whole throated insistence they call it by the name of one of his failed companies for the sole reason that he still owned the domain name.
Somehow a decade and a half after she dated Willie Brown she successfully ran for SF DA, got married (stayed married), then successfully ran for California AG, U.S. Senator from CA, and currently Vice President.
Do I think President Biden is going to step aside? No.
But just as a thought exercise, what happens to the “Neither of them” crowd if he does and the choice is Kamala Harris, intelligent, competent woman vs convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump.
Deep down you know.
You really are insistent about this.
OK. For how many days has Girmay worn a Jersey of any color in any GT event?
It’s not a great idea to take a kid having a little bit of success early in his career and start talking about and comparing him to some the greats and what his potential could be.
There’s also a wild card at play. If Cavendish is in the front during a stage other teams very well might protect him to get #35. There’s a mutual respect and code of honor in cycling unlike most sports.
@ 72
Then someone said, “It’s OK we’ll skip the bar exam for you and just let you be a lawyer.” Because that’s how it works.
That’s how it works, now. Because DEI:
Supreme Court: Bar exam will no longer be required to become attorney in Washington State
It’s not often that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and I agree, but I believe he would agree that making it through law school on the basis of skin color shouldn’t be enough. There should be an anonymized means of ensuring that a law school grad actually learned something besides how to suck Professor Kingsfield’s dick.
Raise your hand if before today you’ve heard or Lloyd Dogget who has cosponsored exactly one bill that has become law in his seven years as a house rep.
Didja hear Marianne Williamson has some thoughts on how they should have an open convention too?
@ 73
It’s not a great idea to take a kid having a little bit of success early in his career and start talking about and comparing him to some the greats and what his potential could be.
@ 75
Raise your hand if before today you’ve heard…
In the late ’90s nobody really knew who the fuck Joe Lieberman was. Then he became the first to criticize Bill Clinton’s lack of contrition.
Which changed things a bit.
Really? Your response is to attack the messenger? You’re gonna be that cliché?
@ 75, 77
No one had heard of Barack Obama until he gave a speech at the DNC convention in 2004.
You should realize that the guy represents a deep-blue district and has no reason to do anything other than parrot the current party line. It would be different if it was someone facing a difficult election. It’s someone who could spend the remainder of his career parroting.
…who has cosponsored exactly one bill that has become law in his seven years as a house rep.
John Kerry’s legislative record in 2004 was similarly unimpressive. Which didn’t seem to bother too many Democrats.
Clearly she would. She’d bring home significant portions of Biden’s 2020 coalition and she would also be capable of delivering more stinging attacks against The Convicted Rapist.
But there’s already internal polling indicating that may not be necessary. The massive intensifying of media attention from Thursday night, combined with the outrage from Monday morning are having an effect. That effect combined with a more energetic presence from Biden in campaign events may be enough. If groveling Trumpers like the Village Idiot are so convinced that she’s inferior they should have hoped that the SCOTUS would have delivered that insane repudiation of democracy back in April when it wouldn’t have triggered this kind of anger and resolution. Then the Thursday night debate performance would stand alone as Biden’s failure.
But context is a bitch.
Now in the wake of the ruling even moderate lean-R “indpependunce” are becomming frightened of “Chancelor Trump” and his brand new “Enabling Act”.
“The messenger” is the message, Dumbfuck.
That’s your only fucking point, and the best you can do to defend it is to immediately repudiate it?
At this point nobody is trying to call attention to rando MAGA turds calling for Biden’s summary execution, much less his stepping aside from the campaign. The whole Village Idiot point of that Village Idiot post is to call our attention to the fact that a Democratic member has now done it. It’s all ABOUT the messenger, and little if anything to do with the message.
We deserve better trolls. The ones we have a stupid and broken.
Yeah, the hype on Clark is too early.
Except for being the all time D-1 scoring leader men or women and a rookie in the top five of 3s, top five in assists…
But yeah, a bit overhyped.
So you’re saying a 77 year old Lloyd Doggett is going to ride this to a spot on the ticket and maybe even eight years as president.
Take the “L” dude.
Then he became the first to criticize Bill Clinton’s lack of contrition.
Lack of contrition for what? Fucking around behind his wife? Trump has done that plenty. Admits it (at least once the divorce settlement is finalized). Fucking around with an employee?
Trump has done that a bunch. Also admits it.
By the current day standards of Republicans it doesn’t even matter that Clinton’s fooling around was consensual. Trump brags about rape to busloads of strangers and gets convicted of it by a judge. That’s “okay”.
Just what the fuck is Bill Clinton supposed to be contrite about?
Trump doesn’t even know what “contrition” means. Couldn’t spell it if his life depended on it.
Speaking of Doggett and his safe district.
That was back when the GOP had taken a piece of Austin and drawn a thin strip going all the way to San Antonio to then bury the rest of the two cities in Red. Something they still do by creating 10 districts, five for each city that make one ultra safe blue seat and 8 ultra safe red ones.
So, who will AIPAC direct to replace Biden on the ticket in November?
My cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president is formally being advised by a thrice-convicted felon.
Hunter Biden has joined White House meetings as he stays close to the president post-debate
Everybody feeling better about the wisdom of Joe Biden?
And what? No DOCTOR Jill running the meetings?
Charity is a cold grey loveless thing, if a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim.
– Clement Attlee.
Orange Man Bad.
Apparently if the honest choices are clown, corrupt, and incoherent, Team Biden is choosing for Bi-Done to be remembered as a clown.
@74 The stupid troll who was good at dissecting frogs in midde school biology class but lacks the brains for law school assumes women who earned their degrees by submitting to sexual harassment by law professors.
This is as far removed from reality as the factual recitations in some recent Supreme Court decisions.
When did you last hear of a law professor engaging in sexual harassment? They, of all people, know how big those jury verdicts are. So do the schools that employ them.
Nobody gets into law school who can’t do the work. Those who get, or in the past got, DEI preferences were applicants who met all the admission standards. DEI only moved them up in admission priority.
But an idiot who couldn’t get into a mail-order law school that accepts anybody who pays the tuition would never understand that.
And what? No DOCTOR Jill running the meetings?
Ooops. There goes its misogynist tripe flushing down the shitter.
It parodies itself.
@80 “We deserve better trolls. The ones we have a stupid and broken.”
You should’ve seen some of the old ones we don’t have anymore.
Don’t be stupid! AIPAC owns Trump as well as Biden. As far as AIPAC is concerned, it doesn’t matter who the Democrats or Republicans run in November: AIPAC will control the person who wins, regardless of who it is.