Since I missed Friday, and Wednesday was short, you would think this Open Thread would be particularly long or insightful. You would think.
– Yay for e-bikes on trails.
– Yay for urban gardens.
– Yay for financial statements on garbage initiatives.
– Boo to Burien.
– Yay for getting vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
It wasn’t that long ago that Iowa was a battleground state. The poll just released by the Des Moines Register has it Trump 50, Biden 32.
AI experimentation is high risk, high reward for low-profile political campaigns
>> I predict people even more blindly voting for the R or the D candidate since 95% of everything they will see in the ads will be faked.
Transient ischemic attack.
It’s what’s behind The Biden Freeze. Get used to seeing it. He’s done it on camera three times in the last week.
@3 – I knew someone who had TIAs. That’s too bad for Joe.
@4 There you are, you worthless bastard. Give me back all the money you stole from my damned purse!
@ 4
I knew someone who had TIAs. That’s too bad for Joe.
Umm… not that great for the nation, either.
Weekend at Bernie’s was intended as a comedy, not a how-to primer.
@5 – You’ve been dead for over 30 years. I was actually giving YOU money at the end, so I don’t owe you diddly-squat!
@ 7
… I don’t owe you diddly-squat!
If you were Welfare Queen YLB’s son you would owe her rent each month. She’s saving to get the family car off of the blocks it’s been sitting on for the past six years.
Cool cool.
to get the family car off of the blocks
heh.. we’re reminded of a certain maga redneck renter who hustled kreepshit and then fucked it in the ass and put a junker on blocks in the driveway as a kiss-off.
Funny I can’t figure out how we use the family car to drive to shopping and other errands if it’s on blocks.
Perhaps kreepshit can flesh out its fantasy for us.. ehh.. scratch that.. who gives a flying fart?
rent each month.
Best deal in Seattle. Teaches adult responsibility.. Helps the family out.
A parent’s work is never done..
Kreepshit’s never been a parent.. Not really. Not even a spouse. Married to greed and munee don’t count.
As Biden’s cognitive decline accelerates and panicked Democrats realize they won’t be able to hide it, they pivot quickly @ 9 to accusations that the same is happening to Trump.
Because he said Johnson when he meant Jackson.
My mother’s cognitive decline was on display every time she called me by my brother’s name.
Mine is on display every time I refer to the dog by the horse’s name.
Sure Jan.
My mother’s cognitive decline was on display every time she called me by my brother’s name.
Thanks for sharing that.. Like the freaking Smother’s brothers..
In teh kreepshit case, the wrong brother died. The world is a worse place for it. But only until that certain day..
Dang will that be great for the two sons – and following from kreepshit’s own idiotic babbling.. heh.
Joe Biden quotes the sage advice of a drug addict weapons crime felon.
Unintelligibly. On camera, 10 feet from Barack.
It’s really strange that ‘flayshun has come down from 9 percent to 3 percent – even lower if you go by how other economies do the calculation…
On the way up, kreepshit couldn’t babble hard enough.. On the way down.. still too high, too high – even when it was lower than anywhere else.
America has the best economy in the world right now. Even someone like Larry Kudlow would admit that.
But fear has no bigger cowardly standard than a troll in deathly fear of an IRS audit..
Be prepared to pay for your tax cheating sins kreepshit. heh.
It’s important to keep in mind that the Rust Belt states become meaningless when Trump takes Minnesota and Virginia.
From a Democrat pollster.
@ 15
America has the best economy in the world right now.
Relatedly, Welfare Queen YLB’s family has the lowest-mileage vehicle in her family’s neighborhood. It’s been up on blocks out front for the last 15 years, but …
Why @ 16 did I mention Minnesota, you ask?
This is why:
In 2020 Trump took IA by 8 points.
@17 Is that the best you could do kreepshit?
I overestimated the mileage on the vehicle here the other day..
Most recent odometer reading: not even 70 k miles. Runs like a top.
No kreepshit – your maga redneck renter never put our car on blocks in YOUR driveway..
It’s your ASS that got fucked.
Dang, take your meds.
This is why Welfare Queen YLB doesn’t like the “Asians” in her neighborhood.
France migration CHAOS: 77% of rape cases on Paris streets committed by foreigners in 2023 – shock stats reveal
Welfare Queen YLB has always hoped that when it comes time for her to involuntarily spread her legs for a stranger, it will be a homeless, addicted, unwashed man of her own ethnicity. So add in uncircumcised.
As Republican fever dreams and edited video go up in flames on the debate stage where Donald Trump answered every question with ‘Treasonous District Attorney”, “Crooked Judge” or “Heroes of January 6th” for the second presidential cycle Republicans are left scrambling that voters saw Joe Biden talk policy wins for two solid hours.
Asked for comment former President Donald Trump stated “Al Capone needs a pillow I did everything perfect “
@ 21
… Joe Biden talk policy wins for two solid hours.
90 minutes, punctuated with two commercial breaks. We’ll see Depends sticking out of Biden’s trousers after the second.
And we won’t see anything of substance. From either candidate.
@3 They used to call it “frame freeze.”
By the way, I did a mention on Handbill this morning on doctor clowns who try to diagnose people they’ve never met.
I have to say this thread is off to a slow start, with the dumbest troll comments I’ve seen in quite a while.
Speaking of cognitive decline. only 35 minutes earlier the dumbfuck Nazi coward said it was 6 years.
It’s been up on blocks out front for the last 15 years, but …
Sadly. dumbfucks like our dumbfuck Nazi coward haven’t much in the way of cognitive ability to begin with. Sad!
I don’t owe you diddly-squat!
My worthless son is lying, of course. Over the years he’s stolen over $100K in change and small bills from my purse. With the Ring cameras I’ve installed I now have video evidence of his thievery.
Beats me why he’d lie to save face here. By now all of you already know that my worthless son is a petty thief and a bald-faced liar.
Why am I am not surprised?
Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Admits To Molesting 12-year-old Girl
Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas has confessed to “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady.” That “young lady” was just 12 when it started.
Bananas story out of Maryland.
Pikesville High School Athletic Director is under arrest. This stems from an incident earlier in the year when the Principal was removed pending an investigation after an audio recording was mysteriously emailed to a student that had the Principal and another administrator making lots of racist comments. The other administrator’s voice was inaudible but you could hear the Principal making racist and antisemitic comments about students and parents.
Both the Principal and other administrator insist the conversation never happened.
It now is alleged the Athletic Director used recordings of the Principal and a common publicly available AI program to generate the recording. According to the charging documents from the beginning the principal insisted the tape was faked and said the AD was the most likely culprit as shortly before the tape popped up he had informed the AD that his contract would not be renewed at the end of the school year. An old college email of a teacher at the school was used to send the recording to the student who naturally began to spread, to media outlets and the NAACP.
Shorter, High School Principal framed for racism by Athletic Director and a Teacher using an AI Generated voice recording.
Paid administrative leave.
Currently an SPD Employee.
When a story falls apart, bigly.
@26 I had no idea it was that much. My prosecutor instincts say that’s worth 3 or 4 years in prison. Do you want to press charges? He’s your son, but after all, he’s a worthless son.
@29 Too emotionally unstable for street duty. They can promote him to detective, assign him an interrogation room, and put him to work framing innocent people. He’s perfect for getting confessions from suspects like this.
PI is dumb enough to fall for the Biden freeze-frame videos, but Doctor Dumbfuck knows better; he’s deliberately parroting lies. Just wait until Biden and Trump are on a debate stage together, and Trump can’t remember where he was and what he was doing four years ago …
A Republican is someone who thinks billionaires shouldn’t pay taxes and waitresses should.
Meanwhile, Tommy Tubes reinforces his status as America’s dumbest senator by saying “it’s great” that Trump wants to give tippers a tax break.
Prison guards’ harassment of trans inmate costs state $275,000.
I take it there’s been more glowing reports about The Biden Economic Miracle and that Trump soiled himself during a debate.
kreepshit is only too scared when it sees a young unarmed black guy talking on a cell phone to his girlfriend walking near teh kreepshit hovel..
So it calls out for its secret weapon..
a highly armed vip room bud….
Gudmundsen was arrested in June after he held two roofing inspection salesmen at gunpoint and knelt on the neck of one of the men — who was later identified by CSU athletics as a Black football player — because he thought they were members of the antifa movement, according to his arrest documents.
Oh so kreepshit will babble that Gud was high on some shit – yeah the kind of shit kreepshit and its buds shotgun outside the vip lounge before going inside for their “entertainment”… heh..
@38 “The plea agreement required Brinegar to sentence Gudmundsen to either four years of probation or two and a half years in Larimer County Community Corrections.”
So the D.A. went with 4 years of probation instead of 2½ years in prison to “put the most eyes on Mr. Gudmundsen and provide the most treatment.”
They bent over backwards for the perp and fucked the victim. Don’t be black in Colorado, a state infamous for its violent cops …
J. D. Vance wants to arm Jan. 6, 2025, insurrectionists with machineguns.
Indiana GOP candidate deletes old “joke” about disabled people so he doesn’t look like the insensitive asshole he actually is.
I suppose Doctor Dumbfuck may accuse me of the same thing. If he wanted to argue that Republicans are intellectually disabled too, I wouldn’t dispute that, but I don’t joke about them. I take them seriously, and consider them a threat to our society, system of government, and way of life.
BNSF forgot that Burlington Northern’s deal with the Swinomish is still in effect.
With the tribe on this one. The agreement was 25 cars a day, not 100.
BNSF recently lost a case in Montana over the Asbestos mine in Libby, Great Northern hauled the cargo, but usually the loading facilities in these situations are owned by the mining company. GN, later BN, may have had no choice under the Common Carrier Obligation.
Wow, just wow, this is why smart people don’t live in small towns where loonies congregate.
Axios brings it:
There was a reason – quite possibly more than one – that Team Obama didn’t want POS Hunter Biden around anything official during Barack’s second term. They understood even back then that he was dirty.
Yes, let’s zoom in @ 44 on the crack house that is The Biden Crime Family’s first generation of offspring, shall we?
Give Biden a second term so POS Hunter can turn the White House into a meth lab.
Imagine the movies that will be made of The Biden Crime Family beginning in 2025.
I laughed out loud when I read the Axios description of The Biden Crime Family as “the notoriously private family”.
Yes, notoriously private. Except for the laptop. And the diary. Oh, and Joe telling the world about how much sex he has at home.
Also notoriously private: Anthony Weiner.
The Kardashians are a notoriously private family.
Soon to be released: The POS Hunter and DOCTOR Jill Biden sex tape.
Fisker goes tits up.
Last year Fisker made 10,000 vehicles but was only able to sell 5,000 of them. It’s still got them. That’s 50%.
Think about that when you mock Tesla for having 47,000 unsold vehicles out of a 2023 production of 670,000. That’s 7%.
Meanwhile, The Big 3 continue to lose billions on their EV idiocy.
Exhibit A, a candidates children
Exhibit B, The Candidate is a rapist and felon.
Keep with your bad ass self.
Employees at three restaurants in Philly thought it would be a great idea to unionize, which they did, last week.
Sure, Goldy would pay another 50 cents for a banh mi, but would he pay another two bucks for a watery latte?
Depends on what Nick Hanauer wants him to do, I’d imagine.
Yes, let’s zoom in @ 44 on the crack house that is The Biden Crime Family’s
yawwwn.. we get it kreepshit.. like with Tommy Smothers, your mom liked your brother more.
The wrong brother got hooked on drugs and died. The survivor – turned out a low life kreep who trolls a liberal forum with maybe a dozen participants.
My mother, one of my nieces, one business partner, one partner’s child, at least a dozen people I went to school with, a few neighbors, my town’s current Mayor, Betty Ford, Patty Reagan, President George W. Bush.
Good post 👍
the expiration of a couple of our leases this summer have made it difficult to continue operating the coffee shops
Yet another example of rich assholes shoveling munee at hedge funds, private equity, reits and other outfits who jack up rents so the rich can get richer..
just the way kreepshit likes it.. no wonder it fellates drumpf here 24/7/365..
@ 55
Yet another example of
rich assholes shoveling munee at hedge funds, private equity, reits and other outfits who jack up rents so the rich can get richerliberals with useless baccalaureate degrees assuming coffee is a more worthwhile post-graduate pursuit than it really is.FA.
So they’re admitting they only survived off exploitation of cheap labor?
Why is Gen Z so interested in Socialism?
About 10% of Bowman’s contributions come from within his district.
More than half of his primary opponent’s contributions come from within the district.
Jayapal’s a special kind of clueless dumb cunt. No wonder Welfare Queen YLB likes her so much.
big yawn @ 56…
jacked up rents/leases and the food service business traditionally being the toughest.. restaurants fail all the time.
biggest competition these days is youtube and all these yt chefs sharing trade secrets..
kreesphit of course blames unions and the overeducated and underpaid (Trader Joes’ traditional customer base).
kreepshit is HA’s pet bloviator and fellator of the greed class here at HA 24/7/365..
@ 57
Why is Gen Z so interested in Socialism?
Because they need thuggery, theft, and murder to be “legal”. Otherwise they’d have to get real jobs.
More than half of his primary opponent’s contributions come from within the district.
AIPAC’s ventriloquist dummy at HA has bleated
So AIPAC musta set up shop there. Who’d a thunk that? Bowman won that district with votes there somehow.
How ’bout let’s hear ‘nother attagirl for Hillary now from you kreepshit. AIPAC and the country that can do no wrong has that effect on you.
Jayapal’s a special kind of clueless dumb cunt.
kreepshit brings out the hate for Pramila..
So does AIPAC. AIPAC hates her so much they targeted her sister in OR..
cuz’ they can’t touch Pramila here in WA.
So kreepshit, of course, carries their water here at HA..
good tool, kreepshit.. nasty misogynist tool it is..
By ‘real jobs’ you mean the ones the manager tells you your hours for next week on Saturday morning and pays just enough to be a couple hundred short on rent most months. The ones where the owner is constantly talking about your rack and why don’t you come out on by boat sometime. It’s nice. Big. Bought it with the money I don’t pay you.
The ones where the owner is constantly talking about your rack and why don’t you come out on by boat sometime.
Yeah, kreepshit can relate.. How things went at the radiology klinik, amirite kreesphit?
Biggest contributing cause in my experience has been the completely mistaken assumption by shallow pocket owner-investors seeking “lifestyle” that they can startup a completely new enterprise as a passive investment and achieve profitability within a few years due to “buzz” and “innovation” alone.
The buzzy, innovative new creations that make it involve tens of thousands of uncompensated hours of very unpleasant work by those owner-investors, or adequate outside investment, or a combination of both.
Expecting employees to “share in the vision and passion” always leads to failure.
Second biggest cause is owner-investor develops an addiction and doesn’t have wealthy family and friends to bail them out. See President Bush.
Why is Gen Z so interested in Socialism?
Because unregulated capitalism has failed them. If capitalism was supporting them, nobody would be looking at alternatives.
“All I’m seeing a return to social liberalism, maybe a hint of social democracy. There’s barely a Socialist to be seen.”
“Why wouldn’t young people reject capitalism? It’s easy for boomers to write Wall Street Journal editorials about how lazy young people want stuff for free, but those people don’t face the very real prospect of never being able to retire like us young people. ”
“If you spent 70 years ruining the middle and working class while defaming any programs or policies opposed to this or meant to reverse the trend as ‘socialist’ you start making a very strong argument for socialism simply by failure of your own policies to deliver what was promised.”
Millennials support socialism because they want to make America great — but for everyone
The specifics vary, but what all socialists have in common is a dislike for the class system, where some people work incredibly hard all their lives and end up with nothing, while other people get to make money in their sleep just by owning things. Socialists think that if you work for a company, you ought to reap rewards when it succeeds, and you ought to have a say in how it’s run. Socialists have a sense of “solidarity” with people at the bottom, no matter who they are.
People like the greedy racist incel are very much capitalists. He believes he deserves his wealth and privilege because everyone else is worse than him.
Biden ramps up push to end Convicted Criminal trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy, highlighting the choice in the 2024 election
Biden says that if he is re-elected, he would let the Convicted Criminal trump tax cuts expire next year for people who earn over $400,000. Convicted Criminal trump and Republicans say they want to extend them.
“If Convicted Criminal trump gets elected, he’ll cut taxes for him and his rich friends at the expense of working families. We can’t let that happen,” Biden said last week on social media.
Buttery Males
Trump campaign lists $3.1 million payment to company that does not exist and there is no accompanying financial disclosure of purpose.
$3 million for the dead pregnant hooker and $100,000 for the “lawyer” to arrange it.
Remember back in 2020 when ‘We the people” at the Discovery Institute insisted asking why one refuses to wear a mask is a HIPAA violation?
Chris Rufo probably has some concerns about a potential indictment. Disseminating private medical information is most definitely a HIPAA violation.
Convicted Criminal Trump Says He Wants To Help Tipped Workers. As President, The Criminal Tried To Stiff Them.
When he had the chance to help restaurant workers, Convicted Felon Trump instead pursued a controversial policy to give employers more control over their workers’ tips. The proposal was designed to allow restaurants to “pool” their servers’ gratuities but it was written in such a way that management could appropriate the tips for themselves.
A separate Convicted Criminal Trump policy change for tipped workers let employers to pay tipped workers a sub-minimum wage of as little as $2.13 per hour for non-tipped work, like mopping a restaurant’s bathroom floors.
Vote Blue.
@70 Dr. Eithan Haim faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Good.
One of his arguments is texas mandatory reporting of child abuse, but that means reporting it to authorities not your favorite media agitator.
This is every conservative in any position of authority. They have no qualms with violating any law on the books if it means their personal world view is physically enforced on everybody else.
Yabbut Trump said Johnson when he meant Jackson.
I’m sure Biden will be fine by the time the September debate rolls around.
Today is June 18th.
Steve Bannon meets his cellies in 13 days.
@73. Here are five straight minutes of special effects and careful editing removing context. The party that screams fake news, spreads lies. The greedy racist incel lies all the time, why should that link be any different?
Ford’s EV F-150 is selling so poorly that it’s rolling out a 6-year, 1.9% financing program in order to help move some of the electric deadwood off of the dealer lots.
Welfare Queen YLB’s response: “See? Interest rates are coming down. Thank you, President Biden!”
Ford’s EV F-150 is selling so poorly that it’s rolling out a 6-year, 1.9% financing program
yawwwn… Ford has been doing that for so long for so many of its products..
So a shlub making mininum wage at a gas fillup can drive his dream Mustang only to have it repo’d.
The vehicle equivalent of a sub prime mortgage.
That all ya got kreepshit?
Interest rates are coming down.
Debtors can refi.. Including S&P 500 outfits. And most of them are heavily indebted.
Why does kreepshit hate America so much?
Here are twenty minutes of Joe Biden picking his nose and eating it:
Here is an X-ray closeup showing Joe Biden with a vagina:
Here is a secret surveillance camera recording of Joe Biden meeting with Lizard People:
Here is Taylor Swift endorsing convicted felon rapist Trump:
From now until November.
Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump, who has now been convicted of 34 felonies, still promises at every rally he speaks at to impose a 20% tariff on all imports. Coffee, beef, pork, car parts, steel, clothing, textiles, rubber, cocoa, printed circuits, electronics, appliances, appliance parts, furniture and home furnishings, motors, batteries, softwood lumber and plywood, etc. You name it. If it enters through a port or border it must pay 20% to the government.
That fat-ass bitch that slapped Ray Rice got what was comin’ to her.
Not to mention illiteracy in the classroom.
One in four adults in Cook County is illiterate. Not surprising, as they’re graduates with honors from CPS.
Say, why has Biden’s support from black voters younger than 50 fallen by more than half since 2020, anyway?
It’s a complete mystery.
FCI Danbury for convicted felon and former Trump campaign advisor Steve Bannon.
Danbury is a “low-security” facility, which is more restrictive than a “minimum-security” facility such as those commonly described as “club-fed”. Low-security facilities have surrounding high walls and fences and will house violent offenders in the general population.
Located in southwest Connecticut, Danbury once housed notorious mob torpedo Michael Mancuso and New England Medellin drug traffickers George Jung and Carlos Lehder.
Inmates at Danbury are given work asignments within the facility and are scheduled to report to those asignments daily. Before work call inmates are responsible for personal hygience including showering and for sanitation of their assigned spaces including sweeping and mopping according to posted standards. Bannon’s lawyers are preparing the civil rights suit to obtain injunctive relief from these conditions on religious grounds.
Idaho becomes the latest GOP state to outlaw IVF deliverying a devastating blow to tens of thousands of hopeful families in need.
In September of 1984 on the day that Ronald Reagan unveiled his famous “Morning in America” reelection campaign ad, unemployment stood at 7.3% and inflation stood at 4.3%.
Only in Charlie Kirk’s mysteriously WHITES ONLY!!! “Black church” in Detroit.
Okay. I’ll admit that he did pick up Kwame Killpatrick’s support.
BirdsFelons of a feather…Today is the deadline for TMTG execs, including convicted felon Donald Trump, to exercise warrants on 21.5 million new shares of common stock announced in April. The SEC declared the warrants eligible for cash exercise, meaning the company could issue the warrants and the executives could immediately begin selling.
The company stock price began falling immediately after the announcement on much higher than normal trading volumes.
One in four adults in Cook County is illiterate.
kreepshit decoder ring sez: yabut they can read a ballot to vote for drumpf..
Say, why has Biden’s support from black voters younger than 50 fallen by more than half since 2020, anyway?
kreepshit decoder ring babbles: ye and his white masks, ye’s bro nick fuentes, david hilliard and his dementia..
dumb cunt
Little wonder that dumbfuck has never been fucked by a woman.
@82 “One in four adults in Cook County is illiterate.”
Cook County has that many Republican voters?
@ 26, 31 & 33 –
That’s exactly what we should expect to hear from “…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
All of whom couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the boot’s heel.