From the state party that brought us conspiracy theories about voters in 2004 to opposing democracy in the current platform comes throw some more Bob Fergusons on the ballot. Maybe confuse the voters. Maybe one of them can siphon off some cash that was meant for actual Bob Ferguson. What bullshit.
Anyway, please get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Someone should ask my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president what he thinks about the death toll in Gaza now that the UN has revised the numbers of women and children killed downward by nearly half.
The smallest civilian casualty rate in history has been achieved by IDF in their Gaza effort, and IDF has managed this despite fighting an enemy that purposely surrounds itself with civilians in order to increase the civilian death toll.
Really quite the achievement. A president with smarts would laud Israel for its precision, not restrict precision arms from being exported to Israel.
If IDF must rely on less precise weaponry, the world has Joe Biden to blame for the consequences.
Trump is now kicking Biden’s ass in the sunshine states of AZ, NV, and GA. It’s not hard to understand why.
1. The illegals flowing into the US under the asshole currently occupying the White House are disproportionately hurting the southern states, because the illegals flow first into the southern states and with staggering regularity decide to stay there.
2. Non-white voters are increasingly flowing to Team Trump. In 2020 Trump took 13% of the non-white vote. This year he’s polling at 19%.
Imagine being a Democrat, and part of the decision to purposely enable illegals to flood into the country. After which they decide to vote Republican in far higher numbers than expected.
Think on your sins, libbies. It will take you awhile to tally them up.
Trump by 13 in Nevada.
That translates to a loss for Jacky Rosen, too. Not just a Trump presidency, but a Senate in GOP hands.
@1 They simply subracted the unidentified victims from the tally until they’re identified. They’re still dead.
The final number of babies might be slightly less after they DNA-type body parts and realize the arms and legs belonged to fourteen babies instead of fifteen.
If IDF must rely on less precise weaponry
they will kill even more women, children and old debilitated men with funny last names to jack off moldering zombies in widbee..
yawwwn… genocide babble.. all too common amongst the decaying remains of klownservaturds..
part of the decision to purposely enable illegals to flood into the country.
March 3, 2024…
Alejandro Mayorkas:
“Since May of last year, we have removed or returned more individuals than in any year since 2015.”
Mostly True..
Oh but there’s more. Same link..
“Over the last three years we’ve removed, returned, or expelled more people than in all four years of the prior administration,” Mayorkas continued. “You know, the facts matter. And the rhetoric [and the blather from dopes moldering in widbee], we should brush aside.”
Wow.. Biden finally caught up to the deporter-in-chief:
@ 6
If IDF must rely on less precise weaponry
they will kill even more women, children and old debilitated men…
Yes. To which you reply, “yawwwn… ”
I guess things are a lot less interesting to you now that you are forced to acknowledge that the numbers to date have been grossly inflated and that your hoped-for genocide was never a real thing, Queen YLB.
“Silence of the Lambs! Has anyone ever seen Silence of the Lambs?” the Republican presidential candidate asked his supporters during a beachfront address in Wildwood on the Jersey Shore.
He continued: “The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me, I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walks by.
“‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations, the late, great Hannibal Lecter…”
From there, he suddenly segued into a more familiar tirade about illegal immigration at America’s southern border with Mexico, declaring: “We have people that are being released into our country that we don’t want in our country…”
My guess is that Orange Jesus knows that the likes of our dumbfuck Nazi coward would enjoy dining on the flesh of migrants.
@ 7
Perhaps after your landslide loss and the beginning of your introspection as to why you allowed Trump to win a second time, Queen YLB, you and your party will take the time to contemplate the meaning of this:
It’s from the same link as the one you shared. If the number of illegals flowing into the country doubles and the number of those returned triples, but the initial return rate was only 10%, you still end up with far, far more illegals in the country after accounting for those you return.
It’s the illegals still here that will cost Biden the sunbelt battlegrounds, and six more months of chaos in general will cost him the rust belt battlegrounds.
Biden’s policies and his reversals of Trump’s policies caused the illegal inflow to reach crisis proportions. Cherry-picking a small fraction of a massive increase and cheer-leading that fraction is typical of your unseriousness, girlfriend. It’s also going to cost you the White House and the Senate. Hope the cheerleading was worth it to you. If it makes you feel any better, Trump in the White House again will be far better, long-term, for your fucked kids.
To my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president, all those slants rook arike.
I just filled out my TSLA shareholder ballot.
I voted against the massive stock compensation award to Elon Musk. Because enough is enough.
I voted to continue to rape the environment to harvest the rare earth minerals and metals necessary to create the batteries to power EVs. This is what Joe Biden wants us to do. We’ll see how popular this is once it starts happening in Minnesota instead of just in (DRC) Congo and Guinea.
@ 9
… enjoy dining on the flesh of migrants.
To G-clown this means fellating the cabana boy.
Understandable, given the massive cognitive decline Biden has suffered since this interview.
Biden has lost the ability to recall event longer ago than his last ice cream cone.
Imagine letting all of those illegals flow in, pulling every legal and illegal string possible to get them to vote, and then finding out that more than half of them voted for the other guy.
Meanwhile, the housing shortage drove rental price so high that your fucked kids were forced home into your basement, and your fucked kids have to do weekend side jobs mowing lawns for companies owned by the very illegals you worked so hard to help avoid INS and ICE.
In November the progressives here will be voting to save our democracy. The dumbfuck Nazi coward will be voting for fascist totalitarian rule. Oh, it has something or other to do with Hannibal Lecter.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward will never talk about these subjects with us. And why, you might ask? Because he’s a fucking coward, that’s why.
We believers in our democracy aren’t the type to dine on human flesh like the fascists, but I have a hunch our dogs and cats would really go for some canned dumbfuck. Munch, munch!
Think of it as a final solution to America’s fascism problem.
Many Many more of these stories will happen between now and November.
@12 Looks like his naked calls turned into stock.
@15 To a racist every brown skin is “illegal,” including ones born here.
@ 16
In November the progressives here will be voting to save our democracy.
I think it was weekend before last that Trump was speaking somewhere, and the brief snippet I heard recorded him saying either “save our democracy” or “threat to our democracy”.
It sounds silly to hear Biden or #CrookedHillary say it. It sounds silly to hear Trump say it.
It’s fucking unserious that anyone on HA has been duped into believing it. In Queen YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron HA has two stupid fucks already. Don’t make it 6-7, “progressives here”. You know it’s not true. You know it’s aimed at the lowest common denominator. Don’t be like Queen YLB or The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Or, apparently, the asswipe who calls itself Unserious Twat.
the definition of an Outlier:
Do you consider yourself conservative/liberal (very+somehwhat)
Liberal – 22%
Conservative – 36%
@17 We don’t care about women named “Breanna.”
Ouch. That hurt like a finger in a Cybertruck latch.
The problem with lying for 18 months is eventually you say yet ANOTHER stupid thing that makes everyone know you’re lying.
It’s fucking unserious that anyone on HA has been duped into believing it.
Says the dumbfuck Nazi coward who also tells us that J6 was merely a dozen cosplaying grandmothers parading through our nation’s Capitol Building.
Such a serious twat is our dumbfuck Nazi coward.
And inflation figures come out on Wednesday.
US Consumer Sentiment Hits Six-Month Low
@ 18
In which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit informs us that he still does not understand basic options trading. Not even the fucking basics.
Betting the wrong way on a naked call does not force shares into your account, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. That’s what happens when you bet the wrong way on a naked put.
Stick with utilities shares, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s long past time for you to cease hurting your family’s future with your inane investing.
@ 17
She underwent a D&C and it was botched – residual fetal tissue became infected and she needed a second procedure, which I presume was a cleanout D&C. Then she abscessed, and this time they opened her up and did a unilateral ovariectomy and salpingectomy.
She’s still got one ovary and one Fallopian tube left. They didn’t excise her uterus.
I don’t see why any of this is the Tennessee legislature’s fault. She could have let the fetus die, natually, and deliver it stillborn, which was an option discussed in the article. She chose not to.
@ 17, 27
Since her third procedure, she and her husband have not been able to become pregnant.
It’s been 15 months since her first surgery. She probably spent the first three of those too sore to be fucked.
The claim of not being able to have a large family because she’s gone a year without getting pregnant again is a premature one. Let us know how things are going in 2026, Breanna.
@ 17, 27, 28
Perhaps because you elected to abort that baby, dear. That your baby had an unsurvivable defect before you ever saw a physician is not the legislature’s fault.
Kind of a silly journalistic piece, if you ask me. There are more effective stories to share than this one.
Biden or Trump in November?
Not much of a choice.
@ 30
Choose anyone you please.
Hear that ladies? Dumbfuck says you should let the dying fetus die naturally in a few more months while you wear your maternity clothes and ever expanding belly because you are nothing more than an incubator.
At under 14 weeks, which she was had Tennessee allowed abortion for a doomed fetus, a sunction would have been common. By the time Tennessee was done telling her ‘No Fucking Way” she chose the only method still available except, you know the knowing you’ve got a terminally ill clump of cells inside you that ‘you just need to carry around and maybe see a therapist, sweetie. it’ll be done in another six weeks.”
Observed recently, at least appears to those that only see it but don’t know the context, vandalism of a few coaches at Metro’s Ryerson Base in Seattle. Windows, engines, batteries, the like stripped off at least one, possibly two, of the 7000 series Orion VIIs. Metro knows about it, the coaches were ordered around 2010, and the manufacturer is no longer around. Standard procedure, strip a few to keep the others running. They just ordered the fleet’s replacement but Gillig is busy.
At Bellevue Base, same with a 4600. Those are battery-electric like what has been ordered from Gillig, but Gillig has been around awhile. The 4600s were from Proterra, which has since gone bankrupt, and there was a disruption in the parts chain. They made a big splash, but once the legacy builders got their own electric options, Proterra got competition, and brand loyalty does play a factor.
@ 32
… let the dying fetus die naturally in a few more
months…Weeks, actually. She was diagnosed at 12 weeks and natural death of the malformed fetus occurs by 20 weeks, and is then passed as a stillborn delivery.
It’s one of two accepted options for the situation, and is the one not chosen by the woman.
Who now undoubtedly wishes she had chosen differently.
Really, you might want to read the linked article at the top. You’ll still devolve into hyperbole, but it will be intentional rather than uninformed.
18, 23,
He’ll tell you he’s up since he fucked the dog in December of 2022.
And it might even be true. But only to the extent that parking a quarter of a million where it stays dead flat for a year and a half of market gains and “BIDENFLAYSHUN” can be portrayed as “up”.
This is his one and only actual option trade that we knew of in advance. And it’s a train wreck.
Plenty more where that came from. He just has to sell some more of that trust fund real estate seed corn. Because “it was time”.
Heh.. when drumpf babbles like a baby, its “supporters” leave the rally.. in droves..
We at HA have a babbler of our own..
We have to be a little more creative though to put the sleezy kreepee babbler, the liar, the bloviator, the distorter, from time to time, in its proper place.
Shocking that someone in Tennessee might spend a little bit of time trying to find a local clinic and then pass the 14 week threshold making a single option available before arranging out of state travel.
The more you dig in the more we know y’all just want us to push out the dead babies naturally. Our mental and physical health he damned.
Claim: Joe Biden diddled his pre-teen daughter.
Snopes fact-check: True.
Of course it’s true. Snopes would never mislead you, would it?
Oh, this is savage … deliciously savage.
@26 “In which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit informs us that he still does not understand basic options trading.”
Never said I did. I buy actual stock, not derivatives.
So I stand corrected. You bet the wrong way on a naked put.
@38 Armchair lawyer thinks moving a fact-check from “unproven” to “true” based on new evidence from a reliable source is a thing.
What the revised fact-check does not say is he “diddled” her. That’s Dumbfuck Troll’s version, which is hereby rated “unproven.”
Why are the Jews behaving like Neanderthals
Heterosexual Virus killing women but Dumbfuck don’t care. And it’s costing it money.
So pleasant! Lets ignore! Nothing to see here but some Heterosexual Virus killing people. And the children!
I wouldn’t want to Spam. But there’s only like 3-4 more heterosexual virus stories out there for the week. Maybe have a dedicated post to this virus
Let’s see how long 43-45 stay up before deleted by Maoist Moderators.
Here’s a really special one.
Forbes produces a graphical timeline of the Republican nominee’s narcolepsy from vascular dementia:
Other journalists and courtroom observers have counted a lot more instances. But they are all dirty, filthy, lying hippies. But even Forbes agrees the man is obviously very ill and unable to maintain any prolonged focus or concentration.
@46. They are getting deleted because they are boring and repetitious. You cannot shame conservatives into treating others better.
the man is obviously very ill and unable to maintain any prolonged focus or concentration.
I’ve long known that Jimmy Connors had a wicked two-handed back-hand shot, but did you know that he was also our president?
@ 50
I loved my Wilson T2000.
@ 39
Oh, this is savage … deliciously savage.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit now posting cuck vids of his wife’s spit-roasting by a pair of BBCs. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was saving up and it was his Mothers Day gift to Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Don’t miss what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does with the cream pie dessert.
True. After all, if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit had any income to protect, this is how he’d vote.
Biden’s plan to undo Trump’s tax cuts for wealthy could force people to vote conservative
Now annualize these monthly figures, compounding monthly.
That’s a forward annualized core inflation rate of around 7.9% assuming monthly compounding of the reported increase, and a services inflation rate of more than 10.1%, also with this assumption.
Bidenflation touches everyone. Queen YLB’s kids, it assfucks.
And Queen YLB not only voted for it, but defends it to this day.
About $360 for two last week at the Metropolitan Grill, including service charge.
Dining out is increasingly a domain of the wealthy. Restaurants are feeling it.
I think one of Queen YLB’s fucked kids bussed our table after the dinner course. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit washed the dishes and changed the table cloth when we left.
I know a guy who disagrees, says so all the time, and most people listen to him carefully.
Trump’s incompetence and dementia caused the US economy to shed 14 million jobs.
His tax cuts for billionaires exploded the deficit.
Like any of them were going to vote for Democrats in the first place?
“I hate fascism and oppression and dobbs but Democrats are going to undo my trump tax cut costing me maybe $100 so I have to vote Republican” said no voter ever that’s not a conservative.
The Guardian:
That’s an awful lot of Gazans no longer at risk for death due to Genocidin’ Biden’s previous supplies of munitions to Israel. It’s like IDF is actually successfully separating civilians before moving completely in on Hamas in Rafah in order to finish them.
What if they gave a genocide and the only attendees were Hamas? And IDF got it done without US help at the most critical time because Biden caved to the far-left’s violent demonstrations? How would that look to undecided voters in November?
I think we’re going to find out.
@ 58
…said no voter ever.
You need to read some of what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has written about ST3, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
He’d sell out his sister for an extra 100 bucks at the end of the day.
@57. Doesn’t matter. They don’t care. Republicans got so many votes from people who voted against their economic self interest because republicans promised to hurt the right people. They don’t really care if they go bankrupt or die slowly so long as the out groups they hate and fear get hurt more and quicker.
@60 Project much? Every accusation from a conservative is a confession.
Let the finishing begin.
US assesses Israel has amassed enough troops to launch full-scale incursion into Rafah, officials say
In response, Connors, who won five United States Open titles in his long career, took to Xitter, to share a photo of his face edited onto what appears to be an old Carter campaign button as he wrote: ” Who knew?! #Connors2024.”
Our old man is more healthy than your old man.
Fred Wellman on Xitter
Pathetic. The Speaker of the House who says his entire world view is shaped by the Bible is in New York to support a man found civilly liable for rape, has admitted to cheating on all of his wives, and is on trial for manipulating an election. What an utter and complete fraud.
Shorter Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 41
“Believe all women, unless they’re related to Joe Biden.”
Trump’s plans for a second term: Raise prices on everything
The former president keeps proposing ideas that would make inflation worse.
>> To be fair, Raise prices on everything but the rich.
“If Trump succeeds with all of these plans, American consumers will pay more for imported goods, while the economy overheats due to increased spending, right as domestic manufacturers find themselves paying more in labor costs due to worker shortages. Then there’s the risk of trade wars and global economic turmoil caused by massive shifts in U.S. policy. All of this points to higher and higher prices.”
Reporter: “Trump says China has been eating our lunch. What’s your response:”
Biden: “Welll… Trumps been feeding them for a long time.”
Trump companies outsourced union jobs to China for decades. Biden doesn’t forget.
@ 67
The former president keeps proposing ideas that would make inflation worse.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, inflation is already worse:
Business / Economy
US wholesale inflation just hit its highest rate in a year
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you’re panty-twisting about Trump and ignoring the reality that your theoretic future fears are actual current events.
Wholesale inflation now means CPI inflation three months from now. And it’s all worsening.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, can you understand any of this? It appears my answer is no, you cannot.
CPI numbers tomorrow morning. Which means The Even Bigger Fucking Moron will come up with a link to somebody worrying about the price of tomato plant starts in 2028 under a Trump II presidency.
If eight pro-Hamas protesters fast for three hours each on a rotating basis, that’s equivalent to a 24 hour hunger strike.
If 800 pro-Hamas protesters fast for three hour each on a rotating basis…
The greedy racist incel’s argument is because inflation is rising during Biden, then trumps plans that will massively spike inflation don’t matter?
Same logic. Because someone died while Biden was president, it doesn’t matter to him that trump has plans to slaughter 40% of the population if elected.
I don’t see the greedy racist incel logic that because there is inflation during the Biden presidency we should vote for the guy who wants to make inflation so much worse that that.
I do see the greedy racist incel logic that inflation doesn’t matter so long as he can be cruel to immigrants and LGBTQ people and women. He seems in favor of that.
Dubya’s inflation was 3.81
Village Idiot heard noting. Saw nothing. Knew nothing.
Dubya was just a tick over the 50 year average.
So according to “Republicans” Biden has .3% points to give to be as “accomplished” as any Republican in the last fifty years.
@ 73
Dubya’s inflation was 3.81
Village Idiot heard noting. Saw nothing. Knew nothing.
I heard, saw, and know that Dubya’s last year gave us Obama.
@52 I’m not married to Kristi Noem or anyone who looks like her., nor is my Missus a teacher. Yours is married to a gigolo, though. You only wanted her for her Social Security check.
The greedy racist incel can’t admit that Democrats Obama and Biden were better candidates and had better ideas than republican McCain and palin, No in his head,it was the inflation that got them elected.
So much blinding grievance.
@53 “Moderates who aren’t committed to either party yet but earn above $400,000 or own a business could be persuaded to vote for Trump if it boosts their bottom line or they can’t stomach paying even more taxes.”
These people? Aren’t they already voting for Trump? Btw, this article makes the classic trickle-down argument: If we tax the rich, they’ll spend less, which will hurt the middle class. (Which is bullshit, because the rich don’t spend a lot of their excess income, they invest it.)
@54 “up 2.2% on a 12-month basis” looks like 2.2% annualized to me.
@55 “I think one of Queen YLB’s fucked kids bussed our table after the dinner course. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit washed the dishes and changed the table cloth when we left.”
It’s the waiter and dishwasher who’ll end up rich, not the dude slurping down $360 cuisine. Nobody gets rich by spending. The money you don’t spend makes you rich.
I once partook of a $500 New Year’s dinner at Canlis, but it was on a gift card that was a present. Good food, nice view, great service, but throwing money around. I enjoyed it because it wasn’t my money.
It seems you do that to feel “rich.” I get that feeling by looking at the number with two commas in it on my account statement.
@59 “as far west as possible” of Rafah is what, 100 yards? Because what’s west of Rafah is the Egyptian border, which they can’t cross over. Are they all stacked up against the fence now, hoping people on the other side will throw water bottles over it?
@59 According to the dumbfuck, Biden is committing genocide while IDF is providing humanitarian aid and relocation assistance.
@60 Sure I’d sell them. Would even open a pet store. 3,000 sisters x $100 = $300K, which isn’t chump change. Did you forget I’m a rabbit, and rabbits breed A LOT?
@62 He doesn’t have a sister to sell. His mother took one look at him and died laughing. He was raised in an orphanage.
@63 Death-lusting Zionist can’t wait for civilian blood to flow in rivers. He’s spent years dreaming of this moment and won’t be denied.
it assfucks.
the “cosplaying grandmothers” that drumpf wants to pardon? Whose screeching it plays at its fascist rallies?
yeah, kreepshit is usually silent about the “punishment” perps like that get in the joint. heh..
Any wonder why? heh.. didn’t think so.. It votes for it in Nov..
@66 Waiting for the link to the quote where she said that. “Inappropriate” doesn’t count, too vague.
@68 Even his MAGA hats are “Made In China”.
@69 “producer prices … can only be passed through to consumers”
Not necessarily. Sometimes higher input costs can be passed through, sometimes not, if consumers won’t pay them. And there are signs that consumers are walking away.
Price gouging is a significant component of recent inflation, and profit margins have widened, so companies certainly have the ability to absorb some increase in producer prices as an alternative to selling nothing.
Where inflation is stickiest, and prices will stick the most, is eating out at $360-a-meal restaurants where the labor costs of busboys and dishwashers playing the stock market are driving inflation.
Like a fly to shit, the dumbfuck pours his money down that hole. Probably has an RV, horse, horse trailer, and F250 too.
I don’t have any of that stuff, don’t need or want it, just ever more stock shares. Same with the busboys and dishwashers at the fancy restaurants he frequents.
@71 If you’re against the wholesale slaughter of babies and children, you’re pro-Hamas …
Where’s “right to life” in Gaza? Nowhere to be seen …
@71 If you’re against the wholesale slaughter of babies and children, you’re pro-Hamas …
Where’s “right to life” in Gaza? Nowhere to be seen …
@77 Palin’s idea of an economy was grinding heads off live turkeys.
it assfucks.
So babbles the traumatized tool who got assfucked itself..
by bonzo raygun..
‘flayshun in April 1984: 4.6 percent UP from 3.9 percent the year before!
kreepshit then voted for it the following Nov.. heh..
Biden just raised tariffs on China..
But drumpf says that China pays for that.. lmao…
kreepshit votes for it in Nov.. yawwwn..
Caribou Barbie gave you Obama. ACA. Wise Latina and a damn JOO.
“Fuck it. Let’s Do it.”
Yeah. Let’s lose like a bitch and then die of brain cancer.
“Protesters against the war between Israel and Hamas were voluntarily taking down their tents in Harvard Yard on Tuesday after university officials agreed to discuss their questions about the endowment, bringing a peaceful end to the kinds of demonstrations that were broken up by police on other campuses.”
Now that wasn’t hard, was it? But the dumbfuck would rather they called in cops to bust heads with nightsticks, because he’s aroused by blood and gore.
No accident.
@97 Israel is AT WAR… “Aid workers” get lumped into “collateral damage”.
God will sort the “innocent” out. Special scrutiny for those with funny last names.
Texas goes blue.
There was much outcry when Greg Abbott and Co forcibly took over Houstion Independent School District and appointed Charter School Maven Mike Miles as the new Superintendent. Miles had little experience outside the world of pay to play grift education.
To much Fanfare, Miles on May 3rd annnounced a budget shortfall in the district and probably cuts of up to $450m.
A report by Spectrum News alleges that millions of Texas education tax dollars were diverted out-of-state to a network of charter schools that were founded by Houston Independent School District Superintendent Mike Miles.
According to Spectrum News Reporter Brett Shipp, Miles started three Third Future Schools in Colorado after leaving Dallas ISD in 2015, and then the charter network expanded to Texas with more schools starting in 2020.
By the end of the 2023 school year, Shipp reports, the three Texas schools had a $2.68 million deficit. According to Shipp’s report, more than $25 million public tax dollars were being spent on the three Texas schools, but only about $15.6 million was being spent on teachers and supplies, and the other $10 million went to “management and general” expenses like admin salaries and benefits, admin support costs, professional services and other operating services.
According to Shipp’s report, an auditor’s notes show the Texas schools’ deficit was documented as being “caused by the liabilities to other TFS network schools and to TFS corporate.”
Shipp’s report details evidence showing two checks sent for more than $1 million each from Miles’ charter school in Odessa, Texas, to Aurora, Colorado.
So Mike Miles’ Texas based charter schools were grifting education funds for like a decade and when that didn’t work put the debts of his Colorado Schools into the ledgers of Texas and grifted MORE money to keep the whole scam afloat.
Cool. Good Pick GOP. A con artist artist as Superintendent, a con artist in the governors mansion, a con artist as AG and a soon to be convicted felon con artist as your Presidential candidate.
@97. Are they TRYING to destroy all goodwill they have with other nations? Why?
Hey, who’s up for some video of Hamas fighters using UN vehicles and UN fenced-off real estate to conduct business?
IDF reveals Hamas terrorists use UN vehicles, UNRWA compound as cover in Rafah – watch
Several terrorists and gunfire can be seen near UN vehicles and in the area of UNRWA’s logistics warehouse compound in eastern Rafah, which is a central point for the distribution of UNRWA’s aid.
This explains why a couple of UN vehicles were shot up over the weekend. IDF was firing back.
IDF says….
Good source. Dumbfuck is now just keeping it in the mouth for the entire refractory period. Do “We found a perfectly pristine cupy of ‘Men Kampf’ in the Hospital rubble” as an encore on the reunion tour!.
Finding out this video was from Yemen in 2021 in 5-4-3…
@101 bad guys with guns car-jacking.. yawwwnn… throwing their weight around.
shit bad guys do..
in the meantime starving people need food and bad people want them to starve:
They have a cheerleader here at HA.
the dumbfuck would rather they called in cops to bust heads with nightsticks, because he’s aroused
it called it being “amused”.. with the aid of a vibrator no doubt..
Headline of the day: “Cohen confirms he once called Trump a ‘Cheeto-dusted cartoon villain'”
Trump’s attorney was asking him about insults he allegedly made against Trump, and Cohen kept answering, “Sounds like something I would say.”
@67. Careful Red, a post like that could get Bob’s parties in a bunch, as displayed in @69.
But let’s face it, like being unable to shame them, Bob and his ilk really don’t care about inflation.
Israel will never defeat “them”. They’ll eventually find that out.
Neanderthals killing Neanderthals. The common denominator? Heterosexuals.
Hate mongering Neanderthals. It is so fitting that they have each other.
@99 Privatizing anything causes it to cost more. Entrepreneurs don’t pay themselves government salaries, have the same expenses, and add a profit margin. And that’s before they steal from the public funding.
@100 They don’t have any goodwill with other nations, apart from the U.S., and that goodwill is rapidly dissipating. It does, however, give Republicans an opportunity to be on the wrong side of something again.
Bob cheats on the horses with other hourses.
@103 “Right-wing Israeli protesters blocked trucks carrying food supplies … into Gaza on Monday in the latest disruption to humanitarian relief …. The trucks were attacked by an Israel group … at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, a border crossing from the Israeli-occupied West Bank into Israel,” and the IDF did nothing to stop them.
When Israel settlers attack peaceful Palestinian farmers in the West Bank, IDF soldiers watch and do nothing.
Palestinians who just want to live in peace and make a living have no one protecting them except militant groups. Israel could protect these people from settler violence but doesn’t, so they turn to militants for protection because there’s nothing else.
@111 That’s a slander. Bob’s never seen with another horse. He goes into the goat enclosure.
“IDF says…”
“Superintendent Mike Miles says…”
“Governor Sarah Huckabee says…”
“Tim Eyman says…”
“Unemployed Rapist living in a private Florida sex club says…”
It’s all the same.
The Rapist’s jury got to hear an audio recording of him personally authorizing paying to reimburse his friend David Pecker from AMI and personally authorizing setting up the fake companies to conceal the true purpose of the payments.
I really don’t think it’s going to be hard for this jury to reach conviction here. To turn it around his defense will need to give the jury some alternative way of understanding all these fraudulent arrangements, the payments, and the tape recording. Whatever they come up with will probably either sound thin and improbable or completely ridiculous.
@ 115
To turn it around his defense will need to give the jury some alternative way of understanding all these fraudulent arrangements, the payments, and the tape recording.
Um, Trump took his attorney’s advice, during which that attorney violated attorney-client privilege by recording their conversation unknown to Trump, and now that attorney is trying to put him in jail?
Indeed. The Rapist is known to frequently recruit the assistance of incompetent, weak lawyers to assemble and operate his criminal schemes. Reminding the jury that the defendant worked closely with his attorney in falsifying business records to defraud the election does not help his defense.
And there is no attorney client privilege for criminal fraud schemes.