Hey, if you’re in Washington State, you should have received a ballot. If you haven’t, you can contact your county elections office and ask for a replacement. It’s municipal elections, so it’s things you see on the ground.
Here in Seattle, the choice for the municipal elections actually feels like a choice. The Prosecutor’s race is a Republican versus an abolitionist. It’s very exciting, although I am old enough to remember the Sidran era, so am a bit pensive about the result.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And of you’re still unvaccinated, you’ve had plenty of time, just get vaccinated.
Collin Powell passing on. End of an Era. A Republican you could disagree with, without getting threatened by the MAGA Legion. Served his country, not himself.
What? Powell was a key member of the group who tried to convince the U.S. public that there were WMD in Iraq, to bring us to war there, which there weren’t. It seems therefore that he served the oil interests, not his country. And sure, that was a time when we could disagree with Republicans and not be threatened, but that didn’t have to do with Powell.
Powell destroyed his soul with the Iraq war and then spent the rest of his life strategically working for Democratic causes and candidates, perhaps to redeem his soul in his mind.
the unlamented babbling butthole called Powell, “a man of integrity”…
Heh. When I showed the troll pictures of Powell laughing it up in the Oval Office with the black guy, it fummed and fawwed and babbled..
Look what happened to Chris Christie when New Jersey got help from the black guy’s administration. When Christie got aid and comfort from the black guy…
Oh the horror, the horror…
The repukes were orange before orange..
What, no insinuations that Powell deserved it because he wasn’t vaccinated?
zippy @ 2 is correct. Powell may or may not have knowingly used false information before the UN, but that’s exactly what he did.
In response to Railfan @ 1, I offer that anyone who provides false information in service to the president is not serving the country.
Powell was an imperfect, great man.
Leave the insinuations to you
So I guess this means in another 20 years Desperately Poor Bobby will finally stop challenging the 2020 presidential election results and admit to The Big Lie.
If only his prostate tumors can wait that long.
Walter Shaub in The Guardian on The Artist Formerly Known as Hunter Biden:
“Merely following the incredibly weak ethics rules that we have doesn’t win you any points and the legalistic approach blinds you to obvious commonsense problems. And here we have an obvious problem.”
Ahem. “The legalistic approach”.
You mean following the law?
Shaub did something very similar a few times during the Trump unraveling. No president should be above the law. But unlike Shaub, I’m not comfortable with a president who gets to make it up as he goes along either. President Biden can’t stop his son or his son’s business associates from trading on his name. All he can do is keep his distance.
The Constitution still exists and it still protects people who do shitty stuff sometimes. Always has. Always will. And however unsavory or loathsome Hunter Biden’s character, he has his rights and the protection of the law and due process. Not even his father the President should be allowed to take that away.
Civility in NC. Upon the announced retirement of an 81 year-old Democrat House member:
Jesse Helms was an asshole. Rep. Price is not.
Giving credence to the concept that the most recent iteration of The Wuhan initialy took hold in warmer climates and is now making its way northward:
Confidential to Cuomosexual G-clown:
Watched a brief video of Bill and Hillary leaving that hospital yesterday.
I realized that I have never before seen #CrookedHillary appear healthier than Slick Willie.
May they die in each other’s arms.
The national response to #CrookedHillary in 2016 did more for the long-term interests of the GOP than the national response to Bill Clinton evidenced by the 1994 Congressional mid-term election results.
Somebody at MSNBC doesn’t recall why we enjoy the lifetiime appointments of Associate justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
@5 “What, no insinuations that Powell deserved it because he wasn’t vaccinated?”
He was vaccinated.
“I offer that anyone who provides false information in service to the president is not serving the country.”
What about ex-presidents who keep offering false information to the country?
“Powell was an imperfect, great man.”
He was a competent army general.
@11 “May they die in each other’s arms.”
And I’ll bet you can’t wait.
But wait! What if you die before they do? Then you won’t get to celebrate. Better stop fucking that horse.
@13 The filibuster preserved segregation, but only for a while.
Missouri Compromise preserved slavery, but only for a little while.
@ 16, 17
George Takei professed shock and indignation at Dave Chapelle, but only for a little while.
One of today’s two nothingburgers is that two Democrat House members have announced their retirements.
The other of today’s nothingburgers is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@19 The House has 220 Democrats. If they retire at a rate of 2 per election cycle, the average Democrat will serve for 110 years. The point being that if anything’s shocking about these retirements, it’s that there aren’t more of them.
Getting ordered around by bloated, flatulent, impotent television celebrities who pay teen hookers to jerk them off with rubber gloves is a Republican thing.
Dave Chappelle will just have to summon the deep reserves of inner strength, and the $20 million Netflix gave him for one hour of work, to fend for himself. But I respect you rushing to his side to defend him like that. You gonna let him use your toilet too?
“The Republicans conducting a review of Wisconsin’s 2020 election results are facing mounting calls to shut the probe down” [N.B., after facing calls not to do it in the first place — Ed.] “after a series of blunders by the former judge hired to conduct it.” [N.B., worse than Arizona? — Ed.]
“Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos tapped Michael Gableman, a former state Supreme Court justice,” [N.B., who exemplifies the kind of judges you get when benches are filled via partisan elections — Ed.] “to conduct the review — even though” [N.B., because, not even though — Ed.] “Gableman had publicly embraced conspiracy theories about President Joe Biden’s defeat of Donald Trump there last year before being chosen for the role.”
“Gableman has also admitted that he does not know how elections work. ‘Most people, myself included, do not have a comprehensive understanding or even any understanding of how elections work,’ he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an interview earlier this month.” [N.B., which is why you don’t put someone like him in charge of a recount, audit, or anything else involving elections — Ed.]
“The Wisconsin probe is part of a nationwide effort by Republicans to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Biden’s victory over Trump in the 2020 election. Partisan reviews in a series of states have turned over no evidence of widespread fraud.” [N.B., which calls into serious question the competence of a party whose core competency is fixing facts to results — Ed.]
[Especially when ” … Gableman’s work with Ayyadurai, the conspiracy theorist whose work in other states’ probes has been riddled with errors and omissions” has failed to prop up the “stolen election” lie they’re trying to sell — Ed.]
“In a video posted earlier this month on a YouTube channel launched by his special counsel’s office, Gableman said that ‘the burden is on clerks to prove they conducted the 2020 elections lawfully.'” [No, it’s not; the burden of discrediting a properly and carefully conducted election is on the assholes trying to discredit it — Ed.]
For the rest, go here:
N.B., different state, different day, same bullshit — Ed.
“The Republicans conducting a review of Wisconsin’s 2020 election results are facing mounting calls to shut the probe down” [N.B., after facing calls not to do it in the first place — Ed.] “after a series of blunders by the former judge hired to conduct it.” [N.B., worse than Arizona? — Ed.]
“Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos tapped Michael Gableman, a former state Supreme Court justice,” [N.B., who exemplifies the kind of judges you get when benches are filled via partisan elections — Ed.] “to conduct the review — even though” [N.B., because, not even though — Ed.] “Gableman had publicly embraced conspiracy theories about President Joe Biden’s defeat of Donald Trump there last year before being chosen for the role.”
“Gableman has also admitted that he does not know how elections work. ‘Most people, myself included, do not have a comprehensive understanding or even any understanding of how elections work,’ he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an interview earlier this month.” [N.B., which is why you don’t put someone like him in charge of a recount, audit, or anything else involving elections — Ed.]
“The Wisconsin probe is part of a nationwide effort by Republicans to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Biden’s victory over Trump in the 2020 election. Partisan reviews in a series of states have turned over no evidence of widespread fraud.” [N.B., which calls into serious question the competence of a party whose core competency is fixing facts to results — Ed.]
[Especially when ” … Gableman’s work with Ayyadurai, the conspiracy theorist whose work in other states’ probes has been riddled with errors and omissions” has failed to prop up the “stolen election” lie they’re trying to sell — Ed.]
“In a video posted earlier this month on a YouTube channel launched by his special counsel’s office, Gableman said that ‘the burden is on clerks to prove they conducted the 2020 elections lawfully.'” [No, it’s not; the burden of discrediting a properly and carefully conducted election is on the assholes trying to discredit it — Ed.]
For the rest, go here:
N.B., different state, different day, same bullshit — Ed.
Less of a nothingburger:
Huma’s got a book comin’ out.
You gotta keep in mind that Wisconsin is a dictatorship. It’s a state where 54% of the voters chose Democratic legislators but Republicans scarfed up two-thirds of the Assembly seats anyway. A state that elected Walker governor and Ron Johnson a senator. It’s a really fucked up place, so the fact a conspiracy nut who’s clueless about how elections work was elected to Wisconsin’s highest court and then put in charge of trying to discredit an election the GOP lost shouldn’t really surprise anyone. The only thing really surprising about this is how totally fucking incompetent he turned out to be, even by Republican incompetence standards. Despite having the help of highly-paid professional conspiracy theory spinners, he’s going to discover that Biden won.
Democrat. Born and bred.
For Republicans, Powell’s death is the latest proof that vaccines **don’t work**.
It’s a good thing he went to the head of the line, because the gravediggers are going to be backlogged from now on.
Looks like the SPD and SFD rebellions against the vaccine mandate is fizzling:
“As of Monday, 98% of Seattle police employees were either vaccinated or were granted exemptions and 24 employees had not submitted their paperwork. About 99% of Seattle Fire employees met the mandate with 16 people not having submitted paperwork.”
Don’t know how many employees SFD has; SPD has about 1,300, so 24 out of 1,300 isn’t much of a revolt. And by day’s end, that number might be down to a couple. I guess those $120k salaries mean something after all and 6-digit pensions mean something after all.
@ 28
I guess those $120k salaries mean something after all and 6-digit pensions mean something after all.
There’s no way you’ll ever know, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Bet you didn’t know Frederick the Great was gay, did you? Neither did I. They didn’t let us learn that in school.
Look, if even the people at the top were doing this in Roman times, and all times since, then maybe it’s biology and not a behavior? Or do you wanna argue they were doing it because their position enabled them to get away with it?
@29 True, I was never paid $120k for honest work. I make far more now; but to get it I had to become a capitalist, perform no useful work, and contribute nothing of any value to society.
@ 30
In “Frederick the Great: King of Prussia,” T.C.W. Blanning writes that Zimmermann claimed the king had a minor deformity on his penis that rendered him impotent. And rather than let that secret out, Frederick pretended to be gay, “so that he would continue to appear virile and capable of sexual intercourse, albeit with men.”
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, desperate to disprove accusations of his impotence and unable to do so by, er, ever again achieving an erection, decides to lay the groundwork for his coming announcement that he is now a fudgepacker and cocksucker.
Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit agrees to go along with this charade, subject to the requirement that there always be money in the Dumbfuck Rabbit coffers for her to spend on the BBC she rides every Monday afternoon, while Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit posts on HA.
ftfy. You’re welcome, Goldy.
@32 “the king had a minor deformity on his penis that rendered him impotent”
Sword-fighting practice accident?
The horse says your dick, apart from being a little bent, is fine; the deformity is in your brain.
32. To self soothe his butt feelings the greedy racist incel fantasizes about rabbit’s penis. Again.
@36 Flailing, just flailing. A symptom of an impotent intellect.
Tidbit from today’s crime reports:
“A federal judge in Central Florida has granted a request from attorneys representing Joel Greenberg, the former tax collector of Seminole County, to delay his sentencing after prosecutors said Greenberg was providing investigators more information about his activities in relation to an ongoing federal probe.
“As part of a federal investigation into Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Greenberg — Gaetz’s self-described one-time wingman — has been steadily providing information and handing over potential evidence that could relate to the Florida congressman ….”
I can already visualize the cross-examination of Greenberg in a forthcoming trial involving another defendant: “Were you offered a lighter sentence in your own case in exchange for your testimony here today?” “Yes, but I would have testified against this defendant anyway, to protect the children.”
Also in today’s crime news: If you want to whittle down qualified immunity, these aren’t the facts you do it with.
Was I right or was I right, when I said to Railfan to be careful of Bob’s nicities becuasue he would turn on him. The turn was evident for some time, but boy is Bob an old crotchety fuck more so today. I can see him spending his whole retirmet wasted in a rock chair.
If there weren’t alot of riders Bob would complain about what a waste public transportaion is. And also, if there are lots of riders, he’ll be quick to be snide about a derailment causing the many riders of public transportion being affected.
What happens when a bridge falls down? Or there is an accident and you sitting in your car in a traffic jam for hours.
Other than you being an asshole Bob, what’s your point?
@ 39
If you want to whittle down qualified immunity, these aren’t the facts you do it with.
If you want to reinforce qualified immunity, cases “without notable dissent” are absolutely the ones you do it with.
Thanks, libbies! Particularly you fucks sitting on the bench in the Nutty Ninth.
The first two derailments that day were just “bad luck”, you see.
DC Metro train derailed 3 times on the same day before passengers were forced to evacuate through a dark tunnel, investigators say
And no brakes! What’s not to like about train travel?
Railfan? Hello?
Good to see Bob gets his facts from a tweet. No wonder he is a failed “doctor”.
Stunning incompetence without accountability at DC Metro. Small wonder Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was most at home in a government career.
Bob doesn’t know what Gman’s AGI is.
Tweet. Tweet.
G-clown wants some data.
From this site: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#cases_casesper100klast7days
New York new case rate/100k population: 221.3
Florida new case rate/100k population: 82.1
I appreciate you providing me the opportunity to mention this disparity for the third time, G-clown. Well done!
G-clown, is this any better?
Don’t look now, but Florida’s new case rate is less than half that of Washington state’s new case rate.
President DeSantis. Say it with me, libbies.
I’ve enjoyed this, HA libbies. Have a wonderful evening.
Don’t forget to blame your woes on Krysten Sinema.
Rolovich fired along with four assistants.
Na na na na…
Na na na na…
Hey hey..
Rolovich should blame his unemployment Christmas on Desperately Poor Bobby’s fake “FB friends in CO”.
The Presumptive Nominee appeared as ordered for depositions today.
Trying to decide if I should go with the Central Vaccum system in the new home.
Bob – does the barn have central vaccum or do you suck up the horse shit with your mouth
@51, 52 What he might do next.
Bob, you forget that NY State, outside of NYC voted for the FuckHump. And of the 5 burroughs, Staten Island did so too. Essentially outside of NYC, NY State is a Red State.
Secondly, where is the CDC getting their data from? Is it coming form the State reporting? Is Florida reporting it correctly? I mean we have fraudulent voting. Could the COVID reporting be fraudulent?
Stephen Bannon has been referred for criminal contempt charges for refusing a lawful subpoena.
At this point it will never end for these people as long as they live.
I should think it would be exhausting.
Breeding will not save them
If you factor out the 5 burroghs of NYC and Westchester County,
The results of the 2020 Presidential Election
Biden – 2,610,690 (52%)
The FuckHump – 2,415,584 (48%)
It appears there is more than one way to shoot yourself in the dick:
@ 56
Could the COVID reporting be fraudulent?
It certainly was last year, Cuomosexual G-clown. Any time you attach cash to a dollar sign there will be people who do what they have to do to get the cash. Hospitals are no different.
They got exactly what they deserved.
They shouldn’t have resisted.
I haven’t been this proud of a WSU AD since Bill Moos.
Katie Hill, that shameless Democrat cunt who served in Congress for not very long at all before resigning in disgrace, is back in the news again today. Coupla reasons”
First, today is the 2-year anniversary of the sharing of her nude photos. Nothing wrong with her above the neck, but….eww.
Second, she got knocked up by a “journalist”. Yup, she fucked the only journalist on the planet who didn’t think there was a problem with doing the Bill Clinton with an employee. It got worse from there.
All these freedom loving people, they were opposed to two gay people getting married, probably many still are. Their argument of freedom, like any argument Bob ever speaks here, is bullshit.
They sat idly by in the fight for same sex marriage or fought it. And nothing to do with the health of others, it is a personal decision that didn’t effect their lives but they were opposed. Wear that shoe mother fuckers.
41)I sometimes wonder if the West Seattle Bridge was rushed. The events of June 11, 1978 took out half the old bridge’s capacity. I also had to set some straight that wished the monorail had been built. Would have been shut down too. The plan to cross the Duwamish was to piggyback on the West Seattle Bridge. Got a decade or two to figure out how LINK will cross the River. Probably a tunnel upstream of Harbor Island. Draw Bridges are bad for timekeeping, as Portland proves.
Incels gotta incel.
Seahawks confirm they’re talking to Cam Newton about filling in for Russell Wilson.
@60 Incel men and incel women might make a match. Otoh, maybe they won’t be able to stand each other, and that’s why they’re all incels in the first place.
@64 “Nothing wrong with her above the neck, but….eww.”
Maybe this is more to your liking.
@ 61 is revised to read
Any time you attach cash to a
dollar signdiagnosis…Out in the moonlit darkness the river slips quietly through the jungle and the leopards sleep with bellies full.
Epic self-defunding is yet another way to shoot yourself in the dick.
68)Not Scam Newton.
GOP-led Texas House approves new district maps that favor Republicans even more and strip away seats in Hispanic and Black areas
The seats would remove the only majority Black district in the state and reduce the Hispanic-majority districts from two to just one.
Apartheid republicans at work.
If republican policies were popular, the republicans wouldn’t have to get rid of democracy to stay in power.
Congratulations, libbies!
Not content with rendering meaningless the words “racist”, “Nazi”, and even “hero” by your constant and inappropriate overuse of them, you have now done it to the word “insurrection“.
Lori Lightfoot Accuses Chicago Police Union of Trying to ‘Induce an Insurrection’ Against Vax Mandate
Never go full YLB, HA libbies. Your mascara will just end up running at the most inopportune time.
Interesting discussion comments
This kind of rings true. A rabid trumper I talked to for a while, was adamant he was not racist because his inlaws were castizo. They were light skinned brown people so they were “good” it was those dark skinned ones. They were the lazy moochers and criminals ruining the country for the white people.
@ 74
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron demonstrates his unawareness that creating majority-minority districts is a form of gerrymandering, and one which vexes members of both parties who try to do the right thing.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron demonstrates his unawareness that Illinois has done what Texas is doing, and the beneficiaries are Democrats.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron grew up in Michael Jackson’s Neverland.
@ 76
What The Even Bigger Fucking Moron cannot comprehend is that the Hispanic citizen population in the US is now gaining affluence. Hispanic citizens are buying increasingly nice homes, becoming businesspeople, sending their children to college, and amassing wealth through sometimes decades of hard work.
They now have things they wish to protect. Family, home, place of business, possessions. Police and firearm ownership help protect their families and their possessions.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s response is to deem them racist because they exhibit common sense.
Former President Trump released a statement on the death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell:
This is not made up. the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves really posted that.
The fact that trumpers worship that as their god emperor is yet another reason the republicans have to get rid of democracy to stay in power.
77–78 blah blah blah. Just more weasel words and whataboutisms. The greedy racist incel know it’s wrong. He wouldn’t post so vehemently otherwise.
Another headline that defines what the republicans did in Texas.
Texas gained 2 new House seats thanks to explosive Latino growth. Both new districts are majority white.
Katie Hill, that shameless Democrat cunt
Heh. The greedee racist incel awaits breathlessly ever more issuances of nude photos.
Full GQP.. Fascist to the core. Pro Jan 6 insurrection till “that certain day”..
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, consider this scenario:
There is a state with 60,000 black voting-age residents, and in that state 50,000 votes are enough to elect a congressional representative. You with me so far, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? Good.
These black residents live in one area of the state. All of them live along a meandering river that cuts through about a third of the state, in one corner.
A district containing all of the black residents can be created, but it requires a serpentine district that cuts through a bunch of other areas that make more sense if lines are drawn. But by creating this serpentine-shaped district with 60,000 black voting age residents the voters can elect a black representative if they so choose. It’s a majority-minority district.
Here’s the problem: Those 60,000 black residents could have been distributed into two districts had lines that look more “normal” been drawn, about 30,000 in each. This would not be enough to elect a congressional representative. But it would be enough to provide 60% of the votes a congressional representative might need in each of two different districts in that state. Meaning a group of like-minded black voters could influence two representatives, instead of just one.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, this is the problem with creating majority-minority districts. By consolidating minority votes, it reduces minority voter influence. This is from the Brennan Center. It’s worth a read. Do it alone so that nobody sees your lips move while you mouth-breathe, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
So brave.
This upcoming town hall is invitation-only, so only questions that First Vegetable Joe Biden is capable of answering will be asked.
My president is so brave.
Cant find any record of trump townhalls that was not during campaign. Did he have any?
I see we have moved on from mere participation trophies.
Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service
He’s not an admiral, dude’s a fucking drag queen.
It’s not just words @ 75 with no meaning nowadays. For the last 58 months we’ve turned the entire presidency into a fucking joke.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 85
Town Halls are a way of putting a president in front of people to answer questions in a format that ensures that the questions can be approved in advance.
Trump didn’t need them.
That tweet was from August. The disparity between Trump’s availability to reporters, and Biden’s, is far more glaring these days.
As is Biden’s physical and cognitive decline.
58 months? Trying to distance yourself from the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves that you voted for twice and have been giving your full throated support for as many months? Not going to easily forget you did that.
In the last two months, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, First Vegetable Joe Biden has done one interview.
It was with Little George. It went poorly.
Whether or not “packing and cracking” increase or reduce the “influence” or representation of racial minority voters in a configuration of legislative or Congressional districts depends as much on the behavior of white voters as it does on the behavior of non-white voters.
What every slave-state African American voter knows and has learned on a cellular level going back as far as reconstruction, and what racist misogynist incel Republicans prefer to ignore, is that in some places in America whites will never, ever, ever vote for a black candidate, or even for a white candidate if they lack the required Klan robes. And in some other parts of America white voters might vote for a black candidate.
But only if he/she is “one of the good ones”.
The entire gaslighting game of modern Republican denial of racism is predicated on an absolutely absurd model of “I-don’t-see-color” white voters.
I guess you could say that’s true. They don’t see color.
They only see white.
My favorite:
Wow teh greedee racist incel sounds so angry…
Its anger is misplaced.. drumpf and its insane GQP base made it possible that an elderly dem with a bad tendency to put its foot in its mouth won a national election from its basement.
drumpf makes it ever more possible for dems to win..
and the incel babbles about cognitive decline?
Heh. teh always feckless and impotent greedee racist incel just fears for its fookin’ munee.. Always has, always will..
I think the most rational, and logical explanation for the disintegration of The GQP rests in a collective cognitive decline.
The gradual, steady, and now insurmountable drift into open racism and white nationalist authoritarianism, the clinging embrace of ever more irrational conspiracy theories, and the violent lashing out all fit that model very well. But nothing defines it better than the continuing, and deepening control granted to a guaranteed loser like Trump.
Under present circumstances something has to be wrong with their heads for them to turn themselves over to Trump. When I’m honest with myself, I have to admit that a national candidate like John McCain (minus Sarah Palin of course) or George H.W. Bush would absolutely wipe the floor with Joe Biden. They could and probably would reduce him to tears of impotent rage in a debate.
And neither of those two personalities is really all that exceptional, as their election history makes clear. Under anything like normal circumstances it should not be that difficult for a party of white businessmen in blue suits to turn out such a candidate. But they simply can’t anymore. Their brains are broken.
And Trump is their nominee.
History will study that for decades to come.
@ 92
Wow teh greedee racist incel sounds so angry…
It’s a different vibe than a whiny, “Why are you here?”
You’ll have to struggle to avoid a repeat of that after the midterms, girlfriend. It was incredibly weak of you.
Not only is George Zimmerman scum, his defense attorney is scum, too.
Dollar General is scum. Avoid.
An angry, violent Republican lynch mob openly demands the assassination of the first-ever African American Chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party because he mocked Trump…
…while black.
“Look! Over there! BAAAATHROOOOOOOOOOMS!!!!!!”
@75 It’s possible to overuse the word “Nazi” when talking about Republicans, but it takes work.
It’s not possible to overuse the word “racist” when talking about Republicans.
As for Lightfoot, she made a linguistic mistake. She confused the word “insurrection” with the meaning of “insubordination.” But the end result should be the same.
PATCO ’em.
@78 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck would have you believe that people who “through sometimes decades of hard work … now have things they wish to protect. Family, home, place of business, possessions” always vote for Republicans.
Many Democrats who “through … decades of hard work … now have things they wish to protect. Family, home, place of business, possessions,” too. But they’re not for open-carry, self-styled private “militias” brandishing AR-15s in state capitols to intimidate legislators, or cops murdering people because of their race.
It’s also true that Republicans sometimes “have things they wish to protect. Family, home, place of business, possessions,” which they did not get “through … decades of hard work” but rather from never-taxed capital gains on property acquired by inheritance.
Being born rich isn’t the same as working hard. Getting a basis step-up on unearned income isn’t the same as paying taxes on wages earned by hard work.
And Republican isn’t the same as Democrat.
I have something in common with Stacey Abrams.
In Washington I’m not entitled to become the governor. I would have to win a statewide general election in order to become the governor.
Neither Stacey nor I have won a statewide election.
@79 Trump is scum. A piece of shit. We don’t need to be reminded. But he keeps reminding us every day what he is.
Powell was good at some things, bad at others. He was a good military leader. A good striver and example-setter. But in politics he was a babe in the woods, easily fooled, even more easily made a patsy and fall guy. And foolishly proferred his loyalty to a party and politicians who didn’t return or deserve his loyalty, as he realized too late.
@83 Next you’re going to say Republicans don’t create serpentine districts to give themselves more than their fair share of House representation.
https://www.star-telegram.com/latest-news/eo4gnx/picture255095177/alternates/FREE_1140/CCR districts.JPG
“Party Republican Democratic
Last election 23 13
Seats won 23 13
Seat change Steady Steady
Popular vote 5,926,712 4,896,383
Percentage 53.43% 44.14%”
Let’s see, 53.4% of the popular vote is 53.4% of the popular vote, and 23 of 36 seats is 63.9% of the seats.
But that’s still not as grotesque as the gerrymandering in Wisconsin, where in 2018, Republican legislative candidates got 44.75% of the votes and 63.9% of the Assembly seats.
Don’t try to pretend this is democracy. And don’t try to pretend it isn’t de facto dictatorship, either, especially when it’s combined with grotesqueries like throwing a black woman in prison for 5 years for voting a provisional ballot that wasn’t counted after being told by a poll worker she could, and when being entitled to by federal law.
You’re not a fucking moron. You’re a fucking fascist.
@91 Not to be overlooked is Sarah Cooper’s treatment of the same subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8oaaP68i4s
@94 “It’s a different vibe than a whiny, ‘Why are you here?'”
And, “Why are you here?” is a different vibe than a whinny that says, “Not tonight, dear.”
@100 “Neither Stacey nor I have won a statewide election.”
The difference is someday she might, but you never will.
Here in Washington, the nearest thing your party has to a rockstar politician is Loren Culp.
Stacey Abrams and Loren Culp aren’t the same.
@ 102
Next you’re going to say Republicans don’t create serpentine districts to give themselves more than their fair share of House representation.
I am saying that there are good aspects and bad aspects of gerrymandering, you useless, bloviating fuck.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron possesses a middle-school understanding of life, and what I wrote was directed at him. I expected more from you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, but that’s my lesson, learned.
@106 There are no good aspects of gerrymandering.
Digressive note: I called you a “fucking fascist.” In return, you called me a “bloviating fuck.” I’ll call us even.
“Why are you here?”
A question it answered.. to trigger teh libs..
yawwwn.. And it grows ever more feckless and impotent..
it acts out.. See it bellow in despair @ 86..
the always dishonest and moronic babbling butthole whined similarly about the black guy and then the orange moron it voted for twice did this.. and this..
Yet it still came back to HA to gloat over another 4 years of its beloved kult fav Karsen warming an office chair at HUD.
Behold, it’s no longer here to play the klown..
@106 “what I wrote was directed at him”
I come to the defense of my friends, a concept familiar to military veterans, but alien to your tribe.
(Remember all the January 6 insurrectionists Trump didn’t pardon after they committed crimes at his instigation and on his behalf?)
“Neither Stacey nor I have won a statewide election.”
It’s been seventeen years since any Republican won a nationwide popular vote. Since 1988, in over thirty two years, they’ve only managed it twice. in the last fifty three years and fourteen cycles Republicans have won a majority only five times.
The chances of it ever happening again have grown steadily dimmer.
The only hope the angry racist white men’s party has left is to rig the elections.
And they are proud to do it.
Pierce sheriff who harassed and made false accusations against a black newspaper carrier is now facing criminal charges.
There are no good aspects of gerrymandering.
Exactly. Gerrymandering was invented for partisan gain. By its very definition. How is that good?
Some states like this one have done their best to minimize districting for partisan gain. All states should do that. Split up districts for equal representation along reasonable boundaries. Population centers? City, county, township, etc?
Let the partisan chips fall where they may.
I believe the court should take into consideration the extremely hyper-emotional, and fearful state he was in.
Sobbing hysterically in terror, confused, disoriented and emotionally compromised, he shouldn’t be punished for having lost control of himself and soiled his underpants.
He’s only a man after all. It’s not like he’s some kind of superhero street warrior or something. He’s a sensitive and gentle creature not accustomed to sudden movements and loud noises in the dark. He was afraid. A strange black man was in the street. He was scared to death. convulsed with sobs of terror, he probably actually believed he was about to die. A strange black man was in the street.
If we could all just calm down for a minute and really put ourselves in his shoes, I think we can all agree that Sheriff Troyer acted with enormous courage and probably saved lives that night with his quick thinking and decisiveness. He’s really a hero.
The court should award him a medal for bravery.
@113 Now he knows how the black guy must have felt.
@ 112
How is that good?
Ask a black representative of a majority minority district about to be redistricted out of a job by a new map that looks closer to normal than gerrymandered.
That’s how it’s good. The argument that a critical mass of any specific minority should be represented by one of their own is a strong one. Possibly a correct one. I see both sides.
YLB, your response suggests that it’s a simple issue. It’s not. You would gain from reading the Brennan Center @ 83 article, too.
If it were a simple issue QoS McHillbilly would have made that point. It’s not, so instead he distracts with stupidity.
Next time QoS McHillbilly does his “whites are racist” shtick about gerrymandering/redistricting, realize two things.
First, he does have history behind his arguement.
Second, that history is the behavior of white Democrats.
From the Brennan Center link above:
It’s not a simple issue. It’s a complex issue. And for QoS McHillbilly, it’s easier to make a fucking joke about it than it is for him to take it head-on, which requires that he admit the racism of white Democrats in the not-very-distant past.
white Democrats in the not-very-distant past.
who are now Republicans..
dimfuk, yours truly has never supported redistricting for partisan advantage – ever – no matter who does it now or whoever did it in the past.
@116 “that history is the behavior of white Democrats”
Playing the “Southern Democrats” (you said it, I didn’t) card. They’ve been members of your tribe since 1968. That’s 53 years. And it’s been 156 years since the GOP was the party of Lincoln. The Party of Trump isn’t the same thing.
But he “doesn’t see color”.
And he never, ever, ever voted for Trump.
And this isn’t any sort of joke to McRae Dowless.
Go ahead. Look him up! He’s some of that CRT history The Blacks aren’t allowed to know about.
Bannon referred to the House for a vote to convict.
His time in the barrel. Roger Stone needs to pay close attention.