(At some point I will get back on track with these.)
The Supreme Court had another goodish ruling (pdf, I haven’t read it yet since I’m on lunch) in a high profile case. I am still concerned that Roberts is a swing vote in these decisions.
It’s definitely good that we’re winning these (for lack of a better phrase) culture war cases. But the court ruled on an exact same law a few years ago. It stinks that we have to play defense. If Justice Kagan (or Garland) were the swing vote, it would probably be on better cases.
Anyway, go wash your hands right now.
So the ad-hoc CHOP security force executes a black teenager and wounds another.
So the people shouting Black Lives Matter the loudest just executed a black teenager
That’s YOUR Seattle……you voted for it, ow deal with it.
@1 broadcast from a panic room in a bunker, east of the cascades.
It would rather kops were free to kneel on necks.
From teh babblin’ buttache in the previous thread:
Libtards invented the cancel culture
A BLACK WRITER supposedly wrote a misogynist joke line for a movie called New Jack City.. Wesley Snipes’ character spoke the line.
Then Lil Wayne in 2010 used the line in a song called “I’m Single.”
Then in 2014 someone said “You’re canceled” in an episode of “Love and Hip Hop”.
This cancel talk was then used a lot throughout “Black Twitter”.
teh babblin’ butthole is using the cancel culture meme and its supposed “origins” to just carry on teh BillO tradition of bullying the left to “STFU”.
It’s not going to work.
“The city of Jacksonville, Florida, where mask-averse President Donald Trump plans to accept the Republican nomination in August, ordered the wearing of face coverings Monday ….”
Well, there goes Jacksonville. Boise, maybe? I understand they have a hall large enough to hold the 40 people or so likely to show up for Trump’s renomination.
@1 if there is not a link, the conservative has distorted the story to support his agenda so much, people would mock him when they read the truth. Bless his little heart.
4 the confederate president will get a waiver for his convention
Defund the police! And while we’re at it, defund the Deep State – the FBI, CIA, IRS, DIA, & NSA, just to name a few!
Now the conservative wants to Defund the organizations that limit Putin.
When their own security executes a young black teenager, nobody says a thing apparently.
Oh, I forgot, its just a BIG YAWN.
anybody heard from Kshama?
thats YOUR Seattle. You built that! Keep it great!
Buh, buh, buh, buttt wut about Teh HuhrDuhrham?
“Trump learned about the matter only after it became public in news reports, the officials said.”
Of course he did. He doesn’t read PDBs or newspapers, so he’s always the last person to find out anything.
“Joseph DeAngelo, 74, a former police officer, had agreed to plead guilty to committing a multitude of crimes ….”
A serial killer with a badge. Our police system needs to do a better job of screening police recruits, and supervising them once they’re hired, wouldn’t you say?
I’m just curious. Besides stockpiling lots of 48 roll bundles for the Panic Room, do these Trolls4Trump have any other plans to respond to the coming Copocalypse?
Because CHOP and Defund and and Antifa-Bus aside, I’m telling all “y’all” that if legislation is advanced to tweak QI, then it will be open season and a lot of white shoes firms will be getting their hunting license.
Let me ‘splain to “y’all” how it works in places like Island County, or suburban Snohomish County, or damn near all of the dry side of your state. These communities and their police buy their municipal litigation insurance through a pool. It’s a shared risk model, in some ways like health insurance. And when it comes to their law enforcement risk, these communities are smoking five packs a day, drinking a quart of 100 proof vodka, and main lining french fry oil.
These are the fat targets that will be lined up first by pro litigators. And when the pool resources are all dried up, it will be these very taxpayers left holding the bag. They don’t have to reign in their killer cops. The magical “invisible hand” will do it for them.
And for those that don’t blow out the pool, cities that don’t fix sport-beating cops will see their pool coverage canceled. Without access to another risk pool these cities may have no choice but to dis-incorporate. And that’s some REAL “Defund” there.
Large, wealthy, self-insured Dirty Hippy cities like Seattle will still have a police force long after WCIA and CIAW have gone banko and folded their tent. Meanwhile places like Pasco or Marysville just might have to gun up and barricade. It’s no joke. These stupid trailerbillies just might have to finally make good on all their rugged 2A warrior claims. And I doubt it will be good for the local economy.
Works for me. No. Really. It does.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Seattle Dikileaks Report, Leaked Rejected Demorat 2020 Campaign Slogans. “Vote Demorat Then Shoot Kids” REJECTED By Demorat-China National Committee, 147 For, 290 Against, 4 Not Voting (2 On Crack, 2 On Glue). “Vote Demorat Then Loot & Burn Your City,” REJECTED By Demorat-China National Committee, 195 For, 243 Against, 2 Not Voting (1 On Glue, 1 On Mushrooms).
A 16-year-old boy has died and a 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the latest shooting at the Seattle area known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, police revealed.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area. The first death associated with the CHOP came June 20 when 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was shot and killed.
Monday marked the fourth shooting linked to the CHOP zone.
anybody heard from Kshama?
Dorki Moron tracks her every move. Like the freak’s audience, it is frightened of someone who is 1 of 9 on the Seattle City Council.
Kshama Sawant lives rent free in their pin heads.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Iran Joins Demorat-China Axis, Will Launch Biden-Einstein Voter Registration Drive. Ayatollah Lotfollah Dezhkam explained, “Demorats have proved that they hate America as much as we do, so naturally we will send them many votes.”
On June 19, an ayatollah who represents Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei celebrated the rioting in American cities and far-left attacks on America’s history.
Iranian Ayatollah Lotfollah Dezhkam delightedly delivered a sermon in which he mocked the United States, claiming that now Americans themselves are saying “Death to America!”
As MEMRI translated and reported, Dezhkam, who represents Khamenei in the Fars province, stated:
“The sound of America being shattered, and of its collapse, is being heard all over the world,” he claimed.
“The shout of the Iranian nation, which has been leading the fight against America for 40 years, is being heard from the mouths of the Americans [Demorats] themselves: Death to America!”
feral pig slop @ 16..
A confederate flag is lowered for the LAST time in Mississippi and it brings tears of joy to a black mayor’s eyes.
You’re on the wrong side of history pig drippings. Sux to be you.
Notice how YLB will do everything he can to avoid saying anything negative about his peeps down at CHOP.
Looks like there is footage and related evidence that the the kid that was killed was shot point blank with a shot to the temple.
That’s your fucking socialist alternative CHOP everyone.
People line YLb voted for the city clowncil that promotes the CHOP, and voted for the mayor that let it happen….and continues to let it happen.
This is your seattle….you built it.
Funny how all of you are silent as fuck. What a bunch of bitches.
Lousy-ana’s anti-abortion law places undue burdens just like the law struck down in TexASS says SCOTUS.
Have an abortion..
or not. It’s up to you.
Notice how YLB will do everything he can to avoid saying anything negative about his peeps down at CHOP.
Yours truly would much rather laugh at YOU babbling like a 6 year old from the panic room in your bunker – by your admission on the dry side of the state.
Where’s your pop gun sonny? Didn’t you say Marxists should be executed? Here’s your chance. Where are you?
What a chickenshit!
This is your seattle….you built it.
Everything’s cool where we are. We don’t need a panic room in a bunker.. We don’t even own a gun.
The national Democrats account tweeted this. Then thought better of it and deleted it. Just not soon enough.
To Democrats, the 4th of July + Mount Rushmore = White Supremacy.
Maybe we can do a permanent hologram of Obama up there next to the white guys.
Don’t bother. It’ll all be blocked by the Baby Trump Tour blimp. The new one to be launched this week is ten times larger than the original. Costs went way up. If you wish to adopt you have to pay the travel and expenses for the the team of baby handlers. Local adoptive parents (host events) are no longer permitted to handle the baby themselves (safety). It’s pretty cool, tho. Thing is fucking huge.
Not that it will affect their vote because of their view of the alternative, but 20% of Democrat voters think Creepy Joe Biden has dementia, according to Rasmussen.
This election sets the bar historically low, no matter what happens. This breaks the record set by the last election.
AP reports tonight White House sources confirming that they were aware of the Putin TaliBounty Program as early as spring of last year.
Still went golfing.
GOP setting the bar even lower.
That couple with the firepower in St. Louis turns out to be ActBlue-donatin’ Democrats.
Here’s the screenshot of a few of the dude’s ActBlue donations.
As with YLB, there isn’t a firearm in my household (other than the cap-and-ball Remington pistol from the 1860s I was gifted a couple of years ago). But I don’t blame that couple one bit for defending their property, and demonstrating their right to bear arms in the process.
@ 26
OK, I do blame the blond chick for
1. her trigger finger position
2. her decision to point the handgun at people
3. her choice of outfit
Someone wanted to know if we’ve heard @ 9 from Sawant.
Why, yes we have:
See, if not for capitalism, the parents of those black kids would not have been able to afford a Jeep to lend them so they could drive to The CHAZ and get shot and killed.
They’d be at home instead, dying of Salmonella they got from their contaminated water supply provided by a Socialist government.
They’d be at home instead, dying of Salmonella they got from their contaminated water supply provided by a Socialist government.
City of Seattle supplies water to the repukelicans on the eastside too. The tolt and the cedar river watersheds managed by the City of Seattle supplies water to 1.4 million greater Seattle residents. City of Seattle’s population is half that.
I’ve lived here in Seattle since the early nineties. I’m still here.
Dimfuk on the other hand is neither here nor there.. Get a grip dude. (yes, impossible I know.)
Someone wanted to know if we’ve heard @ 9 from Sawant.
Why, yes we have:
Found the Dorki Moron-bot @ 28.
@13 You expect trailerbillies to understand municipal finance? These people probably still have their WPPSS bonds and wonder why they don’t get coupon payments.
@18 “That’s your fucking socialist alternative CHOP everyone.”
Looks like gang violence to me. Socialist has nothing to do with it. Want to see socialism? Go to eastern Washington. Their whole economy depends on federal largesse. There would be no “Inland Empire” without taxpayer subsidies.
@22 I have a better idea: Stone Mountain + dynamite
Got a problem with it?
@24 “This election sets the bar historically low” by your side, not ours. As the yard signs blossoming all over Seattle say, “Any Functioning Adult” will do in 2020. That doesn’t describe your party’s candidate.
I guess if I have to choose between someone who’s doddering a little or someone who never outgrew the Terrible Twos …
Hmmm, I really don’t have to think very hard about that one. But it’s apparently more than you can handle, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@25 Well there goes the military vote.
@26 “But I don’t blame that couple one bit for defending their property, and demonstrating their right to bear arms in the process.”
Thanks for the info. Now I understand why they didn’t call the cops. Even though the troublemakers were white, so nothing was going to happen to them.
However, based on preliminary information, I’m curious why they didn’t just stay in their house. It has cement walls a couple feet thick. Were they afraid someone would walk on their lawn? Did any of their neighbors come out on their porches with drawn guns? If not, why did they feel so much more threatened than their neighbors did?
Yeah, I get that the protesters tore down a gate, damaging it, and trespassed on private property, and some of them had guns. No doubt about it, the protesters were in the wrong, and had no business being there. But drawn guns?
Now I’m really curious. Was this the neo-Nazi counterprotest?
@27(1) Yeah, that chick doesn’t know a fucking thing about guns. Doesn’t even know how to hold one. Bet she either
(a) didn’t have a round chambered, or
(b) put it away after extracting the mag with a round chambered
If I were him, I’d watch my back. He’s the most likely person to get shot by her.
@28 Now compare and contrast with the propaganda emanating from the White House press briefing room re Russia bounty payments to Taliban fighters for U.S. scalps, and decide which is more ridiculous.
@28 “They’d be at home instead, dying of Salmonella they got from their contaminated water supply provided by a Socialist government.”
We saw in Flint how Republicans manage water supplies.
This is what amateur government looks like:
” … Trump set off a ‘five-alarm fire’ in the White House on Sunday morning after he retweeted a video of one of his supporters saying ‘white power,’ according to two White House officials.
“The video remained on the president’s Twitter page, where he has 82 million followers, for more than three hours because White House officials couldn’t reach him to ask him to delete it, the two officials said. The president was at his golf club in Virginia and had put his phone down, the officials said. Aides also tried unsuccessfully to reach deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino to ask him to delete the retweet ….”
Now substitute “incoming ICBMs” for “tweet” …
It’s like he intended YLB to be his audience for this tweet.
I can tell you I know one group who does not understand municipal finance: cops.
Left to continue as they are, facing the kinds of legal changes and transformations that are coming, they may bankrupt these small cities and counties. And that’s even without accounting for the staggering costs these retirees health care impose on these small cities’ operating funds.
After Minneapolis elected officials passed a resolution forbidding the use of “Killology™” training the president of the union declared that the union would purchase the training and provide it for free. The “Warrior” culture that now prevails among virtually all police, and that Trolls4Trump entirely support, may ultimately destroy them. If they survive, they will do so in a deprived state.
Without the shield of qualified immunity in place, Sec 1981 will throw the doors open (just as Congress intended) resulting in a cottage industry of contingency fee attorneys overwhelming these small jurisdictions and their insurance risk pools. The most enlightened response you can expect from any cop in response to this will be a shrug and perhaps some muttering about “faggot lawyers”. Undoubtedly our Trolls4Trump and Trump himself will grasp the situation no better.
Before that happens, the “faggot lawyers” working for the risk pools will parachute into these municipalities and make the picture clear for the elected leadership: you will implement our new policies or you will be removed from the risk pool. I can tell you some of this is already underway right now. Even without changes to QI there is enough change in the culture and society that they are already anticipating a more litigious and riskier legal environment ahead. Premiums are going up.
In the era of Trumpism, where local elected officials in conservative communities mulishly reject “facial burkas” and social distancing, knowing that it will make their communities sick, I see little reason to expect that these same people will behave rationally in response to these changes in the law and society.
Lawyers as technocrats have a dismal tendency toward reductivism when faced with broad, sweeping social change. Municipal attorneys are unlikely to drive a lot of innovative thinking when it comes to these communities’ responses. They will defer to the elected legislative leaders and offer guidance and ranges of options and expectations based on their technical understanding of the law.
The result I expect will be not unlike the period in the 1970s that preceded the rise of muni risk pools, when the commercial insurance markets gradually moved out of insuring municipal risk. As these enclave communities see their expenses rising, and their options reduced and disappear, there will come demands for changes in the law. A number of states do not permit Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy or severely restrict it. Moves to address that will produce increases in interest rates further narrowing municipal finance.
The net effect will be the creation of a kind of “Police Brutality Tax” in enclave communities, where individuals and businesses will pay steadily increasing local fees and taxes to cover rising interest rates and rising risk premiums.
We need better cops. We need people who want to hire better cops.
It’s like he intended YLB to be his audience for this tweet.
Nice try dimfuk.
Kanye wears maga red on its head doing SNL and loves it some orange.
Nope. His talent aside, no regard for the fool.
The two trainee cops who assisted in the sport-murder of George Floyd were the “better cops”.
They were the product of six months of the new “Constitutional Policing” and “Guardian Mindset” training that emphasizes de-escalation, conflict avoidance, and policing by consent.
But nearly every state law enforcement training academy is a relatively brief, cursory, survey exposure to law enforcement that still places enormous emphasis on military style discipline, obedience to authority, and adherence to the chain of command. There may include some implicit bias training, and even some of these newer transformative concepts training. But it is a shallow and brief exposure with instructors typically treating it as an afterthought and occasionally mocking it openly.
Overall, formal police training is brief and shallow, requiring no more than 1000 hours in most cases, for a profession that supplies the practitioner with multiple deadly weapons and authorizes the practitioner to seize, beat, wound, or kill citizens when they deem it necessary. Cosmetology requires more formal training in most states.
Thus when the newly minted probationary police are assigned to a field training officer, they are in no position to resist, much less argue with a 19 year veteran. Quite the contrary. It is clearly impressed upon them that they must respect and obey the directives of their field training supervisor. They are told that their lives will depend on it. And they are very frequently told that much of the academy training they have recently received is irrelevant or of little value when compared to the experience of their superior officers. They are certainly informed that the evaluations of their more senior, more experience officers, particularly their field training supervisors, will be almost entirely determinative in their successful completion of probation and future potential for promotion and advancement.
It’s pretty clear by now that changes in screening, hiring, and training are not having any effect. You’re right we need “better cops”. But for now, we have absolutely no idea how to make that happen. And until we do, if we want our communities to be safer we may have no choice but to settle on fewer cops.
Deciding senior citizens are expendable probably isn’t the best way to woo the senior vote, it turns out.
@41 She’s a billionaire and you’re not, neener neener. You don’t have her looks, either, just an ugly old man. So I understand your jealousy …
I for one, am sincerely hopeful that every single Rapepbuclican voter in Pennsylvania follows this young woman’s example and does exactly the same thing:
“A new flu virus found in pigs in China has become more infectious to humans and needs to be watched closely in case it becomes a potential ‘pandemic virus,’ a study said, although experts said there is no imminent threat.”
How about two Covid-19s in tandem? Ready for that, boys and girls? Another reason why we need responsible adults running our country, not children.
Could this be a sign from God? That “God’s Party” has mislabeled itself, and God doesn’t want you to vote for them? Hmmm. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit sure as hell doesn’t want her creatures voting for them. That much is clear.
The cops have taken on a warrior mindset. They are like the Japanese samurai or other military organizations. They no longer really believe they are law enforcement. They now believe they are an occupying military force, subject to the Rules of War rather than the norms of a free society.
Or it could be another attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to kill people who happen to have European DNA.
@51 If you believe that, then you should have no trouble believing that Putin paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans.
There goes the military vote. Heck, with a former fighter pilot with an unblemished record of patriotism and service to America running against him, maybe even Moscow Mitch (who, like nearly all Republican pols of his generation, avoided the Vietnam draft) will bite the dust.
Visit China, even briefly, and you’ll quickly realize that the sprawling, irksome bureaucracy of the party would never be able to pull anything like that off. Every major advance forward has occurred outside the party, generated by the engines of the free market and the profit motive.
When you can explain to me why a group of Chinese bankers, capitalists, and industrialists dependent upon Western consumers, would finance, promote, and encourage a massive die off among those same consumers, then perhaps I’ll stop calling you Shortbus.
You remain an idiot.
He’ll believe that over 90 million corrupt Chinese bureaucrats can successfully conspire to engineer magic cold viruses. But he’ll somehow manage to forget, when The Q Clearance Pussy begins to harangue us about Biden in Ukraine, that the people behind the smear of Biden are GRU – the same people paying the bounties.
Who incidentally have so little respect for the US under Styupid Hitler, and are so supremely confident in their ownership of him and his party, that they made the money transfers on traceable, open accounts, knowing they would be discovered, and knowing that Trump would simply go golfing.
This needs to be done, I think.
Here are three of the American “scalps” that Putin payed for and Trump ordered be ignored:
“Christopher Slutman, a 15-year New York City fire department member, was among the three Marines killed. He leaves behind his wife, Shannon, and three daughters.
The Pentagon identified the two other Marines killed as Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks, 25, of Locust Valley, New York, and Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines, 31, of York, Pennsylvania.
Christopher Slutman
Robert A. Hendriks
Benjamin S. Hines
Say their names, Rapepublicans.
So Trump wants to prosecute people who vandalize Robert E. Lee statues under the Veterans Memorial Preservation Act. This implies he considers Lee a “veteran.” That would be news to the Union veterans whose buddies died at the hands of Lee’s rebels.
P.S., Ex-Confederate soldiers were not eligible for veterans benefits after the Civil War. The last Civil War pensioner, who died a couple months ago, was the granddaughter of a former Confederate soldier who defected to the Union Army after Gettysburg; he and his descendants received veteran’s benefits based on his Union service.
Senate strips provision from intelligence bill requiring campaigns to report foreign election help
>> add it the traitors pile.
2015 yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Try 2019! Once again the yellowishleakingbuttspigot@2 is out of touch with reality. Dave Chappelle explains it so easily even the yellowishleakingbuttspigot can understand.
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Apparently senile idiot wabbit your preliminary information was inept and incomplete like your mindless rants now. The mob threatened to murder them by breaking down their gate fence then storming onto their private property and having one of the antifa morons point a gun at them.
Ridiculous actions by ridiculous libtards, ridiculously missed by the senile idiot wabbit!
Say their names, Rapepublicans.
Imagine that…
Now why would they do this? Because Anthony Fauci is tied to Gilead! Fauci promoted remdesivir on national teevee. Now we know more.
It only costs $9 to manufacture remdesivir. They are going to charge the US $2300 per treatment and private insurance at $3,000 per treatment.
Yeah, ripping off Americans to make a very large profit to kill future Americans! You built this libtards!
Veterans Memorial Preservation Act, read about it senile idiot wabbit. Maybe you’ll learn something!
So the reports out of CHOP tell us that the white security force shot the two underage teenagers. So black lives don’t matter in Seattle!
Dave Chappelle explains it so easily
Is Dave a big orangie like Kanye?
What happened to “cancel culture” fool? It appears it originated with a black writer for the movies.
Nope you DOPE! Check out Merriam-Webster and New York Times yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Wrong as evah!
Almost 40,000 cases a day now?
And the repuke governor of nebraska forces county workers to go maskless in a hard hit tiny county (20,000 pop) with a meat packing plant. 2nd largest number of cases in the state.
the repuke freak is a murderer!
This is so…sad!
Better call Putin.
gonna place the call?
Dave Chappelle – libtard!
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, which libtard site did you get that from?
CNN, ABC, CBS, Huff Po, etc.? I would include their links butt then the post would be moderated!
@65 Ooh it’s doin’ it’s angry black man act.
Wesley Snipes’ character Nino uttered this in New Jack City:
A black guy wrote the line. 1991.. Can you do better?
People are leaving NYC by droves due to high property taxes, a lack of business opportunities, unaffordable homes and a mayor who loves anyone who hates religion!
See ya!
Puddy doesn’t live on the words of HollyWeird like you yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Puddy used Merriam-Webster and the New York Slimes when the Slimes is right.
@73 So you can’t do better. Thought so. See ya!
Don’t need to yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Don’t need to
Alls you “need” is stinkin’ always wrong and HA HEROES FIRST 24/7 especially during “certain critical times”..
@61. I agree with puddy that treatment seems way too expensive. But hes objecting to conservative capitalism charging as much as the market will bear. Now he’s a communist?
Why is he demanding that liberals save him? Why isn’t he asking his conservative tribe to lower the costs?
The reason China wants BiteME!
Nope you DOPE! This is libtard capatalism. Soros is a commie loving libtard! Fauci and Gates are deeply involved! They are part of the Clinton Global Initiative. Puddy not a commie. NEVER!
FACTS are never loved by libtards!
Remember how libtards bragged they used Tik-Tok to mess with Trump? Well India knows better than libtards!
“The developer release of iOS 14 for iPhones, with its new privacy features, recently showed that TikTok, among other apps, access data from a user’s copy/paste clipboard without their knowledge, alarming privacy advocates.”
Butt butt butt it’s against Trump so we have to use it!
100,000 cases a day. If 1% of them die, that’s 1,000 deaths a day, 1/3 million deaths a year. But … FREEdumb!!! Looks like the Republican herd is thinning out. They can’t say they weren’t warned. I just hope they don’t give it to me by refusing to wear masks in grocery stores. Just because they wanna die, doesn’t mean I do.
Masks work. Use due caution around the maskless pukes. They are filthy vermin and their skin critters can kill you. So wear the mask, do not touch your face, and wash up immediately and thoroughly.
Within a month or two enlightened, clean, healthy, well educated, affluent, progressive America will see superstitious filthy conservatives for what they are – sources of filth and contagion. But about the same time they’ll begin dying by the thousands.
Win-win as far as I can see.
@59 “The mob threatened to murder them by breaking down their gate fence then storming onto their private property and having one of the antifa morons point a gun at them.”
It’s your information that’s out of whack.
1. It wasn’t “their” gate; it’s a gate in the fence around the gated community.
2. The protesters didn’t “strom” onto their property; the only private property they entered was the gated community property.
3. The crowd didn’t threaten to “murder” them, at least not until the first threatened the protesters and pointed guns at them.
4. There’s no evidence the protesters were “antifa.” As for “morons,” it’s extremely unlikely anyone in that crowd is as stupid as you are.
5. Speaking of stupidity, Mrs. McCloskey did three things wrong: (1) she had her finger on the trigger, (2) she pointed the gun at people, and (3) she donated money to Republicans.
The McCloskeys live in a former Busch family mansion (of Busch – Budweiser brewing money), which they purchased in 1988 and renovated. They are personal injury lawyers specializing in brain and spinal cord injury cases which, of course, earn lawyers millions in contingency fees. While a member of the gated community’s board of trustees, Mrs. McCloskey pushed for adoption of an anti-cohabitation rule, which many people interpreted as an attempt to bar gay people from the gated community. Oh, and there’s this, too:
“While some on social media have claimed the McCloskeys are registered Democrats, it was not immediately possible to determine whether the couple are actually registered as Democrats or if they are registered Republicans. But Federal Election Commission records show Mark McCloskey has contributed thousands of dollars to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, the Republican National Committee and Donald J. Trump for President Inc. He also made contributions to a Republican congressional candidate, Bill Phelps, in 1996, and to the Bush-Quayle campaign in 1992. Patricia McCloskey also made a contribution to the RNC in 2018 and to a Republican Senate dinner in 1988.”
You can read all about these gun-brandishing Trumper asswipes here:
and here:
Should the protesters have broken down and damaged the gate? No. That’s chargeable as malicious mischief, a misdemeanor. Should they have entered a private gated community? No. That’s chargeable as trespassing, a misdemeanor. Do the McCloskeys have a telephone? Call the fucking cops. That’s what 911 is for.
P.S., nobody would have “threatened” them if they had stayed inside their fucking house.
The babblin’ butthole not only wears a mask, it wears a fitted respirator.. at all times when venturing outside its bunker.
‘cuz of the spectre of “antifa-dust”…
must be a Soros plot. Heh.
@61 Until Puddyidiot gifted us with his unique insights, who would’ve thought that Gilead is a Chinese company controlled by George Soros?
“Manufacturing costs” don’t include R&D costs, which typically are a billion dollars or more for a new drug. Gilead developed remdesivir for Hepatitis C, for which it was a bust, then tried to repurpose it for Ebola, but other treatments were better. The company as a lot of sunk costs in this drug it hasn’t recovered yet.
But if Puddyidiot believes Gilead is ripping off Covid-19 patients, he should buy Gilead’s stock. But I won’t, because …
“Some analysts, such as Geoff Meacham of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in February that the total upside for remdesivir isn’t that impressive and won’t do much to change Gilead’s long-term financial outlook.”
If you pull up a Gilead stock chart, you’ll see GILD trades well below where it was in 2014-2015. That doesn’t look like a company whose shareholders are getting rich from ripoff drug pricing. It does look like Puddy’s turning into a socialist, though, or at least a progressive, when it comes to price regulation of capitalist drug companies.
@62 ‘‘§ 1369. Destruction of veterans’ memorials
‘‘(a) Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (b),
willfully injures or destroys, or attempts to injure or destroy, any structure, plaque, statue, or other monument on public property commemorating the service of any person or persons in the armed forces of the United States shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
‘‘(b) A circumstance described in this subsection is that—
‘‘(1) in committing the offense described in subsection (a),
the defendant travels or causes another to travel in interstate
or foreign commerce, or uses the mail or an instrumentality
of interstate or foreign commerce; or
‘‘(2) the structure, plaque, statue, or other monument
described in subsection (a) is located on property owned by,
or under the jurisdiction of, the Federal Government.’’
That help?
Of course it doesn’t help, nor does explaining that the Confederate Army was “the armed forces of the United States.” All of this is above and beyond Puddyidiot’s comprehension.
Toppling a Robert E. Lee statue may constitute damaging property, but has nothing to do with “veterans memorials” protected by that law.
@72 So don’t live there. I don’t.
@79 This is what a full-throated conspiracy theory looks like. Doesn’t make any difference. Gilead is still a crappy stock. I own AbbVie instead.
79. Polite golf clap. That was some impressive Squid Ink avoiding the question.
IOW Puddy is still a liar.
So Trump was right again senile idiot wabbit. It is the law. Glad you figgered it out. You must have had a lucid day yesterday! Lee was a West Point Grad and served in the US Army until he went rogue, like you do most days here; or is that senility? Hmmm…?
So? Charging $2300 to HHS and $3000 to insurance per dose is A-OK for you senile idiot wabbit?
Who knew?
Puddy didn’t say it was controlled by Soros. Great attempt at deflection. Puddy found the article where Soros will make a profit from the Chinese company that patented it for Chinese use. You lucid moment was really just a lucid moment!
Sad, so sad!
dot bombed@91,
No you are the liar, AGAIN! Puddy didn’t write anything about McCloskey’s contributions. Puddy wrote about the protestors on their private property. There are other videos where these “peaceful protestors” walked on their lawn up to the house when the McCloskey’s confronted them. Apparently the senile idiot wabbit found one link that agreed with its world view and ran with it. Senility does that to you all the time.
Reminds Puddy of the CNN chosen video of Nicholas Sandmann. When you watched other videos the Black Israelites were the ones hurling racial epithets and the “Vietnam War Vet [sic]” Nathan Phillips confrontation was instigated by Phillips.
Another EPIC BOMBED FAYLE by dot bombed. Can’t even get a thread correct. Senility coming your way too?
See ya!
Puddy answered your question. Didn’t like the answer? Puddy not a commie. Said that as plain as day! Maybe you are one?