Sorry, sorry. I got the first alert that I was in proximity to someone with COVID-19 since the pandemic started. Honestly, I wasn’t sure it was working. My contact was last Monday, but honestly I don’t know when that would be. Best guess someone else in my building at work, but it’s weird that nobody else at my job got the notice. Anyway, I was working from home today, and I slept in this morning, then just dropped the ball.
But it’s out of an abundance of caution now because I have no symptoms and am testing negative. Hurray for vaccines and boosters.
What’s all the fuss about. I mean you don’t see Bob scared about taking the horses’ cocks.
Really bad, so bad they tried killing LEO. They chucked spears and Fire Extinguishers at LEO. They vandalized sacred ground.
Bob is a POS, trying to downplay what happen that day. A POS for pretending like it was nothing.
Fuck You Bob! You and your fucking manboobs and overhang gut.
Bob is a POS, trying to downplay what happen that day. A POS for pretending like it was nothing.
The low IQ dumbfuck told us that 1/6 was just a “dozen cosplaying grandmothers”.
It won’t make a bit of difference. Not a single republican is going suffer any consequences from their voters. Their voters approve of this. They voters see it as a cold Civil war and if they did they right thing, they would lose.
How about that world record implosion of CNN+ ! I guess nobody wants a subscription propaganda service?
CNN itself is busily circling the drain as well…..
Same could be said for Fat Donnie’s Truth Social Network.
I guess nobody wants to pay for a subscription propaganda service.
I guess Goldy won’t be the only white dude to take his tweet business elsewhere.
-influencer–penis :
Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t just a shitty witness. She’s a smirking lying witness.
@ 10
Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t just a shitty witness. She’s a smirking lying witness.
Golly, it’s a good thing she wasn’t asked to explain the meaning of the word “is”. Or perhaps the meaning of the term “fleeing felon”.
I think you might have that name wrong:
Apparently it’s called “Troth Sential”.
Speaking of shitty witnesses…
An actual “Groomer”.
When it happened to Goldy he lost his job at The Stranger the very next day.
When Goldy leaves Twitter he’ll be stuck with Civic Skunk Works as his sole media platform.
CSW current competes with for the pageview interests of Shortbus.
Like Trump in other, unexpected ways:
Only the best people.
An actual “Groomer”.
The low IQ dumbfuck grooms horses, which is some really sick shit.
@6 “I guess nobody wants a subscription propaganda service?”
Then how do you explain Fox subscribers?
Actually, the explanation is simple. Liberals won’t pay for propaganda. Conservatives don’t know better.
17)Tgere were times that the Soviets thought obvious explanations were prelude to WWIII. Like Able Archer.
19)When they made half-off for life offers, seemed like desperation.
@13 Has a better memory than your witness.
FOX is the propaganda mouthpiece of the GOP*, their viewers don’t know what to do unless they pay for it. They are against free speech.
*Grift Our People
@15, 16 You’re obviously a David Goldstein fan. You hang out on his blog, and hang on his every tweet. You’re probably the other guy who sent him a sympathy card when his dog died.
@17 Or maybe sabotage. Russian apparatchiks have to find creative ways to oppose their bosses. Making them look silly is one. Been known to happen in democracies, too.
@21 Life of the service, not the subscriber.
@ 19
Liberals won’t pay for propaganda.
You’ll pay in November. And two Novembers after that.
26)The old fine print.
Beginning to like the new USFL. One thing about many attempts to have alternate leagues, is different rules from the NFL. The new USFL uses the XFL’s 3 point conversion and traditional 2 point conversion as options besides the PAT kick. I just hope the Generals owner from the first USFL doesn’t take an interest.
@27 “You’ll pay in November.”
You’re an idiot. If the Republicans win, I’ll get another millionaire tax cut. Republicans play “heads we win, tails you lose.” I play “heads I win, tails I win.” While I prefer not to live under GOP governance, if I must, I’ll turn it into another profit center. As a fellow capitalist, you should have seen that coming.
Those ladies should know better than that.
Actually, given how Republicans like to project the worst about themselves onto others, odds are this woman who made this accusation is in league with the Devil. In fact, nearly all Republicans are in league with the Devil. Especially bestiality pervs like our low IQ traitor. My, how I hate to think of that poor horse of his and how it must desperately yearn for a better life..
Republican concludes popstars Cardi B, Billie Eilish, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande are all in league with the Devil
@8. What the greedy racist troll failed to mention was Shaun King’s reason WHY he turned off his twitter account.
@27. Greedy racist incel, you just said you think or hope that Fox News Propaganda will effect the outcome of elections. Propaganda is fine, if it helps republicans stay in power.
Degen first began promising us that “payback’s a bitch” when Trump fired Flynn and appointed Mueller.
Ever since then Republicans have been aggressively punching themselves in the face and wondering how come Democrats aren’t crying.
SPD were quick to point out that the dead pedestrian had traces of cold medication in his system and once was fined for returning a library book late:
I see that the bottom fell out of GE shares again this morning.
Which probably means that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit re-invested in GE last week.
@ 30
If the Republicans win, I’ll get another millionaire tax cut.
You don’t earn enough to pay tax on your meager capital gains as it is, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Whichever party wins, two and four years later you’ll be further behind. Just like YLB’s kids.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit should consider changing his screen name to something more truly reflective of him. Something like:
New 52 Week Low Today
All this ado about Elon Musk and Twitter! In a year, nobody will even remember the event. Twitter will go on just fine, and so will the rest of the World.
Imagine if the world’s media reported openly on the corruption of a presidential candidate and his/her/its=their family, and there was no one to suppress the news before a national election.
First Vegetable Joe Biden has issued a pardon to #CrookedHillary.
This one could go 7-2 with a Breyer concurrence.
High school football coach who prayed at midfield gets warm reception from some justices
Nice job, libbies. By going overboard to prevent free expression of religion y’all managed to force the Supremes to re-endorse free expression of religion.
What a monumental bore you’ve become.
How will Fat Midget bear it when some Wiccan track coach in Clearwater performs the fire ritual in the infield before every meet:
Cuz that’s included in your “non-coercive free expression”.
@ 43
Wow. A post from Moobs McScrote without a RawStory link.
Didn’t think that was possible.
I remember when I had not yet broken Steve. He was interesting back then.
@ 44
…some Wiccan track coach in Clearwater performs the fire ritual in the infield…
Apparently he can no longer call it marijuana. ’cause racism.
What Fat Midget also can’t do is call it illegal as a way of demonstrating Big Dick Energy to Clownvoy Incels and Cosplaytriot Micro-influencers. Not if you get the ruling you are celebrating.
Following Whole Women’s Health, bounty provisions have been introduced in 46 states so far. Sounds about right.
Can’t wait to celebrate the Holy Consecration of Piss Christ on mid field at the A&M homecoming this fall. “Non-coercively” of course!
Whichever party wins, two and four years later you’ll be further behind. Just like YLB’s kids.
According to your own insane, inane, deranged babbling, my kids are way ahead of the game.. Think how many three bangers like that are out there.
Coming in 2024, widbee kreepshit’s kreepee stupid dance.. the one it did for Mary Kay…
Save the date. And blessed be RAW STORY…
First Vegetable Joe Biden has issued a pardon to Momala for her managerial incompetence at everything she has been assigned to do since her inauguration.
Heh. Everyone remember when kreepshit pointed to the San Fran Fed’s report and blamed Biden for a 3 percent premium in the inflation rate versus the rest of the world?
The Fed should have thanked both drumpf and Biden for CARES and ARP – for doing the Fed’s job as it has struggled to meet a 2 percent inflation rate target for years..
That left one percent to blame on both drumpf and Biden.. ONE PERCENT…
Anyone remember what a meltdown baby boomers had over the 70’s and early 80’s inflation? Would they have cried over ONE PERCENT?
Heh. Yeah, you betcha.. Look at kreepshit.
An actual “Groomer”.
@36 “I see that the bottom fell out of GE shares again this morning.”
Who gives a shit? Besides you? We’re bored by your stock fetishes. Do you roll the stock certificate into a tube and shove it up your ass for gratification when the horse is unavailable?
@ 52
We’re bored by your stock fetishes.
We’re bored by your repeated claims to be a millionaire, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Know what kind of people don’t engage in that type of foot-stomping insistence?
True millionaires.
@37 That’s news to my CPA. I’d go to jail if I told the IRS that.
@39 I won’t notice. I don’t have a Twitter account now, and I won’t then. But I think Shaun King (via Red @32) probably got it right.
@53 Now fill us in on people who foot-stomp about their F-350 and fancy horse trailer.
True millionaires have their money in stocks, not cars. Lonely incels “invest” in horses, horse acres, horse barns, horse trailers, and horse feed.
He bleats on and on about GE only hide/distract his real shortcomings.
Shaun King is a guy who got caught in a lie and decided he could get out of it by claiming to the world that back before he was born his mother went out and got a Queen of Spades tattoo, and then gave it an enthusiastic workout.
QoS McHillbilly can relate.
And to keep out the Asians.
Harvard Pledges $100 Million to Atone for Role in Slavery
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit couldn’t afford to give Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit a QoS tattoo. Although if anyone has earned one it’s her.
They don’t refer to ol’ Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit as Dumbo because of her big ears.
I could care less about Twitter. I don’t have an account, don’t want one, and quite frankly, don’t think the format is helping to improve society.
Musk is no saint, Shawn White, despite his faults, probably is correct.
Must has an ulterior motive, just watch and see. “Free speech” my ass. Just wait until some of his new employees try and exercise their free speech, they will get shown the door.
@ 61
… they will get shown the door.
According to Goldy, this necessarily means that the employer is evil:
This event, of course, forced Goldy into the arms of a billionaire, before whom Goldy has spent his professional life on his knees ever since.
Twitter means no editor.
So does Which, BTW, also means no readers.
Someone – I think it was Puddy, but it could have been Mark Adams – once asked Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit if a black man’s ejaculate @ 60 tastes different from that of a white man.
Her reply was that she did not know, having never tasted the ejaculate of a white man.
But certainly not the only guy.
Degen did it right where we could all see and where it would never, ever go away.
Nicole Kidman has a darker complexion than Shaun King’s.
What it’s like to get a hand job @ 65 on HA.
You missed some there, McHillbilly. By your earlobe.
Noteworthy and comparably rare example of Degen shifting his routine preoccupation away from anuses and sphincters toward the sensory appreciation of semen.
And then Degen is on to his usual preoccupation with hand-jobs.
Like “Daddy Twump” like son!
What a clown. A low IQ clown. And a traitor.
Nice to see that you still haven’t worked out your issues with news aggregator websites. What a stupe.
Given how you people like to project that which is worst about yourselves onto others, I should probably ask how your treatment for gynecomastia is going. But I won’t do that because I don’t give a fuck.
Sigh! There’s that low IQ of yours again. You just can’t stop, can you? I remember the good ol’ days before you became a low IQ dumbfuck traitor. Before that you were just a dumbfuck.
A while back I decided that a rope or a firing squad are too good for a POS traitor like you. I’m thinking a better idea would be my turning you into a deaf, dumb and blind quadriplegic with no hands, feet or teeth, and then leaving you naked on a CHOP sidewalk swaddled in a piss-soaked trench coat with a sign hanging from your neck reading, “I hate niggers”.
I do promise to leave a tin cup on the sidewalk next to you.
Is there a Republican male alive who hasn’t fucked a child? Well, except for our low IQ dumbfuck. He’s never fucked anybody.
There’s that low IQ of his again.
As though speaks for anybody here. What a stupe.
I see that Momala finally passed a test.
The issue with Bob is that he feels he has to be the smartest guy in the room, always. The problem is, he isn’t, and not by a country mile. He constantly has to tell us, through his inane ramblings, just how smart and bright he is: Doctor, Wannabe Lawyer, Wannabe Investment Guru, on and on. Just look at his response @53, that says it all.
The rest of us know just what type of insecure individual Dr. Dumbfuck really is.
@58 Now do Republican lying. Really, doc, you’re not gonna have any credibility dumping on liars until you do. It’s like complaining about potholes while ignoring the bomb crater in the middle of the street.
You don’t even have to go looking for stories like these.
Every three days or so another news story pops involving some older, cis-gendered, “family values” white guy violently raping the shit out of minor school children.
It’s a way of life, obviously. But very pointedly it’s a way of life primarily pursued by people like Matt Gaetz, Roy Moore, Josh Duggar, and Gym Jordan.
Couple of old lists for example:
But upon whom is the current Republican moral panic to protect children focused? LGBTQ people, trans kids, and Blacks, of course.
Coincidence? Hmmmmmmmm.
It’s very much like Degen’s enduring preoccupation with anal sex. We’ve known since the 1950s that most anal sex is engaged between opposite sex couples. And Degen’s preoccupation would clearly support at least the suspicion that anal sex is prominently featured in his own personal arousal system. Yet Degen continues to comment about anal sex as if he finds it somehow improper or unsafe. But comment he does. Almost a day does not pass that Degen does not visit us with another lurid, detailed fantasy about penises penetrating anuses. It would be remarkable if it weren’t so obvious.
And just as obviously Florida Republicans like Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis harbor sincerely held fears for the safety of school children because of what they (secretly) know about their own sexual motivations and arousal systems. The news reports and the statistics would clearly confirm that cis-gendered, “conservative” white males present the greatest threat of sexual violence to minor children.
@62 Republican Wealth Concentration Policies™ (Pat. Pend.), left unchecked, would force us all into the arms of billionaries, because no one else would have any money, or anywhere else to get money. Even your wife’s Social Security check would disappear, and your sustenance with it.
Degen could start with his own lying.
I’ve linked it at 65 for convenient reference.
As pointed out later in the thread your CDC record contains the following information:
“Last Name, First Name, MI,
Date of brith, Patient number (medical record or IIS record number)
Vaccine, Product Name/Manufacturer Lot Number, Date, Healthcare Professional or Clinic Site”
No expiration date.
Either Degen made that shit up on the spot or more likely he copy/pasta’d the whole fucking mess in order to discredit a wildly effective and safe vaccine product. Either way it’s a lie.
A bad lie at that. One of many, of course, coming from the Firehose of Falsehoood.
You mentioned his credibility and I snort-laughed.
@63 Handbill.US has an editor. He’s just not real functional right now. Readership hasn’t gone away, it’s higher than ever; cumulative page views are approaching a million. This won’t impress you because you’re a Republican, and Republicans embrace beliefs instead of facts. You need to believe Handbill.US is a dying blog, but it’s very much alive. Stefan “Waitress Abuser” Sharansky’s “Sound Politics” is a dead blog.
@76 I’m not the least bit surprised they want to protect their kids from learning their daddies are racist child molesters.
Speaking of snort-laughs, Bob hasn’t weighed in on the stock market today, other than a passing mention of GE. So here’s the deal: After today’s near-repeat of Friday’s carnage, the DJIA is only 1.1% higher than it was 6 weeks ago, and the S&P 500 is in even worse shape, it’s only 0.45% higher than 6 weeks ago. But I do think we might get a recession and correction when Powell begins tightening instead of talking about it, should he ever get around to it.
Texas Governor Abbott going the extra mile to help thousands of grateful migrant asylum seekers get permanently settled in the United States:
@59. Why does everything you post ooze racism? What have got against Asians besides they are so much smarter then you?
He might be the first federal inmate with million-dollar art in his cell.
Madison Cawthorn busted again for trying to sneak a loaded handgun aboard a plane in his carry-on luggage.
It’s time to put this guy on a no-fly list.
@ 84
He might be the first federal inmate with million-dollar art in his cell.
Naw, that’ll be Hunter Biden. Until his dad is twenty-fifted, after which his art won’t be worth as much as his used prison-issued toilet paper.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval ratings are under water by 10 points or more in 33 states.
I’m sure things will turn right around as soon as Warnock invites Biden to Georgia to campaign with him. Or to help Warnock with his GoFundMe campaign to raise money to cover his back child support.
Imagine there’s no one to attempt to convince America that Hunter Biden isn’t a lecherous, corrupt POS.
Twitter’s top lawyer reassures staff, cries during meeting about Musk takeover
I’m reminded of YLB wailing, “Why are you here?” after the GOP took Senate control in 2014. Such girly responses to a setback.
Naw, that’ll be Hunter Biden. Until his dad is twenty-fifted, after…
The low IQ traitor taunts us with things that haven’t happened because that’s all he’s fucking got. How pathetic.
“My Kevin” spoke with senior House “Groomers” on Jan 10th 2021 and told them he thought Rep Matt Gaetz and Rep. Mo Brooks were trying to get them killed.
A Raw Story link posted for no reason other than it triggers the low IQ traitor to post stupid, low IQ comments.
Raw Story
God bless Raw Story.
Our unmanly man uses words like girly and girly-girl because he actually thinks it makes come off as being manly. How weird is that?
He’s no man. He’s a low IQ loser whose horse fucks him in the ass. However, the horse was his second choice. What he really wants up his ass is what he affectionately calls BBC. Big Black Cock.
Little wonder here why the low IQ traitor hates black males so much. Not one of them will fuck him in the ass, even when he offers to pay them for it.
We call this PERJURY:
This virus is weird, as weird as Boob. Yes, Boob. Here in NYC, it appears that it is beginning to be on the downslope or at least leveling out, but elsewhere in the State it semis to be spiking, and at much greater rate than the spike that ever occurred in NYC.
It’s leveling off, kind of like I predicted or thought it was going to do, based on my daily checkin on an app data.
No new variants as of new. Maybe the virus eventually will die out.
Todays news showed that the majority of Americans have had the virus.
This virus is weird, as weird as Boob. Yes, Boob. Here in NYC, it appears that it is beginning to be on the downslope or at least leveling out, but elsewhere in the State it semis to be spiking, and at much greater rate than the spike that ever occurred in NYC, and when it was less in the areas outside of the Manhattan borough
It’s leveling off, kind of like I predicted or thought it was going to do, based on my daily checkin on an app data.
No new variants as of new. Maybe the virus eventually will die out.
Todays news showed that the majority of Americans have had the virus.
@86 As you constantly remind us, Biden’s better son died. But that’s not all. This blog used to have two doctors, until the good one died. Now all we have is medical riffraff.