It’s too hot. Please for goodness sake, someone do something about it. Like another week of this in May. In May? May? Seriously, May. I don’t like it. We just skipped from low 60’s to mid 80’s? Fuck. In goddam May. This is supposed to be some of the nicest time of the year. Instead it’s just too hot.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Gee, I’m sure sorry about driving drunk earlier this month. But because I’m a shameless Democrat, I’m still gonna run for Congress.
Husband-beating Katie Porter wants me to own her seat and I’m not gonna let her down.
Hi, I’m Rep Paul Gossar and when I’m not busy hiring very young men as my aides for some reason I’m elevating avowed white supremacists to create my Twitters, thanks Elon.
Hey Bob,
can you help find them? They desperately need your help.
The GOP doesn’t like Freedom nor Democracy. Nor do the Taliban and Nazis.
I always knew, long ago, that the Repukes are the American Taliban, fascist pigs that they are. All a bunch of POS mother fuckers.
Have you seen my informant?
No but when we find him he’ll bring down Joe Biden.
How could we have lost the absorbent?
Actually there are a whole bunch of informants and we lost them all.
Joe Biden had them deported.
Well that’s easy if their in a department we can find them.
@2 Lookit the Concern Troll’s handwringing over a California state senator who isn’t in Congress, got a misdemeanor DUI, admitted it, and apologized. You’d never see a Republican do that. Admitting and apologizing, I mean.
Great performance, doc. Now do George Santos. Do Trump. Do all the pardoned GOP criminals like Bannon and Flynn.
Whatsamatter, don’t you trust voters’ ability to make sound judgments about candidates’ fitness for office? Well, that makes two of us, although I trust Democratic voters way more than I trust Republican voters on that score.
We’re now learning that “anonymous police sources” slanted the news stories about the NYC subway choking death case.
@4 They’re holed up in a hideout with Joe McCarthy’s blank-paper commies.
Suck on it, bitches!
A judge is mulling Kari Lake’s last-ditch attempt to overturn the 2020 election
WTF is wrong with the troll @2? That’s some weak shit. Must be a lost and confused DeSantis supporter. Disillusioned much?
White woman tries to take rental bike away from young black guy after he paid for it.
Isn’t that stealing? Or bikejacking?
Hang her!
This Woman needs a big horse cock in her mouth.
Actually I think she did have one in her mouth during the interview.
Withchy, witch hunt!
Many of the countries recieving foreign aide. Is there not one country that doesn’t recieve forrign adie from the US.
All this TV news and yet the Heterosexual Neanderthals are still killing their wives and children.
$6.5M and counting to find out that I personally think the FBI could have done better.
I’m about done here. Just keep paying me while I clean out the desk. Shouldn’t take more than a month
@20 Executive summary of 326 pages: “Durham said he was not proposing any changes to FBI policies.”
Plus one conviction for lying to the FBI, and two acquittals.
How much did this cost taxpayers?
Today’s “Bidenflation” report:
Egg prices are crashing.
Gas is down 29%.
How much did it cost the dissembling troll?
“I can wait.”
An 18-year-old “good guy with a gun” (i.e. 2 handguns) killed 3 people and wounded 9, including 2 cops, in front of a church before being stopped by police bullets.
The other unserious twat @2 is showing why I fear he’s not long for this blog. He never had much going for himself in the way of mojo, but now his tank seems to be completely empty.
I blame Durham and Comer. And speaking of having no mojo, it turns out his candidate Ron DeSantis hasn’t any mojo at all.
I wonder if the other unserious twat has fallen into a hell-hole of depression. If so, I’d advise him to stay away from RealClearPolitics today.
2024 Republican Presidential Nomination
Trump 55, DeSantis 17, Pence 6, Haley 4, Ramaswamy 4, T. Scott 2, Elder 1, Christie 0, Hutchinson 1, Sununu 0 Trump +38
2024 Kentucky Republican Presidential Primary
FOX 56/Emerson
Trump 70, DeSantis 14, Pence 4, Haley 3, Ramaswamy 3, Christie 2, Scott 1, Hutchinson 0, Sununu 0 Trump +56
See what happens when you let Drag Queens ride motorcycles.
Just a little news, notheing to get worked up about….you know, just a bunch of Heterosexual Nenaderthals being a bunch of superior beings.
More Witchy Witch Hunts!
Well at least he didn’t have an AR-15.
McDonald’s USA:
Employee $9 / hour;
Zero benefits;
Terminated for getting the flu;
Big Mac $5.81
McDonalds Denmark:
Employee $22 / hour;
Cradle-to-grave healthcare;
Paid maternity leave;
Six weeks paid vacation;
Defined benefit pension;
Big Mac $4.82
Now that the “investigation” is pretty much over, it’s time to consider defunding and dismantling the FBI. We should also look at destroying other Deep State criminal agencies.
I try to be fair, and keep an open and objective mind, but I’m almost in a place where if a woman accuses Trump or Giuliani of something, I’m almost gonna assume it’s true.
Especially the allegation that Giuliani “made [her] perform oral sex on him while he was on speaker phone to Trump – because it made him feel like Bill Clinton,” because that sounds just like something he’d do.
Plus, she has the tapes.
I can’t explain why so many conservatives are crooks; I only know a lot of them are.
Three men who “were all active in college conservative politics in Wisconsin about 15 years ago” raised $89 million from small donors” by pitching “building political support for police officers, veterans and firefighters,” but “just 1 percent of the money they raised was used to help candidates via donations, ads or targeted get-out-the-vote messages,” and the rest was used to “pay the fundraisers themselves or other consultants.”
We need to find the real birth certificate first.
I guess he didn’t want her to live poor.
So lady, call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus strikes again, waaaayyyyyy waaayyyyyyyy wayyayayayayaya to often, but that’s ok.
She went Limp.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
I hope you folks will be nice to me and the other unserious twat for a day or two. You pinko-commies have no idea how devastating this is to us democracy-hating fascist traitors and seditionists.
Damn you, Durham!
‘Where are the charges?’ Steve Bannon blows up over ‘epic failure’ of John Durham’s report
Congratulations to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, whose investment into 3M has broken the Benjamin!
After losing 30% of his investment and selling to harvest the tax loss, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit re-invested and, lucky guy, has another 20% loss which he can use to offset his nonexistent gains.
Yay for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit!
And if you will, lay off on Donald as well. Considering how the other unserious twat and I are completely devastated by this, imagine how awful Trump must feel.
Have a heart!
Trump rages about John Durham report in an all-caps rant calling Mueller’s Russia probe ‘treason!’
Yay for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit!
Irrelevant, of course, but what a great rebound! The only thing that could have made it any sweeter would be if you had included GE in your unserious twat comment.
@ 36
You pinko-commies have no idea how devastating this is to us democracy-hating fascist traitors and seditionists.
The consolation is that the unfair advantage provided to #CrookedHillary by Loretta Lynch’s cronies has now been laid out with clarity, and still she lost.
The consolation is
Coney Barrett.
I’ll guess I’ll have to live with that. Darn.
Video killed the radio star!
So corrupt.
Trump’s sons stole money from a charity for children.
FOX admits under oath, in sworn statements and sworn legal proceedings that they deliberately tell lies to their viewers.
Catherine Herridge began her career at FOX, where they eventually assigned her the job of lying to their viewers about Hillary Clinton for ratings.
None of the news outlets are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Each outlet has a specific narrative that they promote at the expense of being valid news sources.
FOX is the only broadcast network and the only U.S. media company that has been compelled to admit in sworn testimony under oath, in sworn responses, and in sworn proceedings that they intentionally lie to their viewers for ratings.
The failure of cult prophesies are always followed by a retconning of the prophesy to maintain the cult narrative.
After that comes the mass suicide.
Look who the Shit-lord crybaby was forced to buy his sinking Tesla shares from:
I bet that stings.
Isn’t it nice of him that, at the very moment when Tesla was cratering and George Soros was trying to get out, the Shit-lord crybaby was very thoughtfully propping up the share price for him?
He’s quite the humanitarian.
I strongly advise motion sickness meds and a stiff drink before reading the Dunphy compaint against Giuliani:
LAPTOP indeed. Holy shit.
I’ll guess I’ll have to live with that.
Ron DeSantis will never be your president. I’ll guess ya’ll will have to live with that.
Ohhhh, so sad.
Can’t we just have a nuclear bomb go off somewhere? Fuck!
A lot of heterosexual fun there….lucky she didn’t die.
Shit, I wonder what kind of perk it would take to hire Bob’s horse as your personal assistant.
What a horendous example of the supramacy of Heterosexuality.
Beginning on page 294 of the Durham report it concedes that the FBI Cross Fire Hurricane investigation was validly predicated because of the low standard required, as was independently confirmed by OIG, and that it could have been opened under any of several different justifications.
More Indian Heteros want in on The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus action.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Look how cool this guy looks with them sunglasses….I bet he’d like to drive around in a supped up car that pollutes the air with noise becuase he’s a tough Neanderthal man.
In the 316 page “factual” Durham report intended to inform DOJ about how an FBI investigation was actually conducted the word “may” appears 226 times, the word “might” appears 55 times, the word “could” appears 153 times, and the word “can” appears 62 times.
@37 “3M Co 98.55 USD −1.91 (1.90%) today”
A trivial price to pay for the coming economic debacle that will break the Republican Party and impoverish its donors.
If Republicans were indeed sincere about budget negotiations relating to their taking the Treasury hostage, then they would be willing to talk about closing tax loopholes and other tax code carve-outs for special interests and Congressional lobbyists.
Let’s consider a few.
– Why do home swimming pools qualify for a tax deduction?
– Why are giant yachts included in the deduction for home mortgage interest?
– Why is there a carried interest tax deduction for the purchase of private business class jet airplanes?
– Why is there accelerated depreciation for NASCAR race tracks?
If Republicans want to protect these loopholes, shouldn’t they at least be willing to explain their reasons?
Republicans are refusing to discuss closing these or any of the hundreds of thousands of other tax loopholes they created for the wealthy and their donors. But at the same time they are insisting on firing over 100,000 public school teachers and kicking over a million low income seniors off Meals-on-Wheels.
Trolls and other Republican voters should probably just look away right now.
Come on! Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
Please tell Jerry Nadler that the Durham Report is not discredited. It’s the real deal..
How will you be occupying your time while you wait for all the criminal indictments and frog marches?
If you are considering snacking on some delicious popcorn you might want to sign up for my tips delivered daily to your inbox.
First black woman US Attorney, whose confirmation required the first black woman Vice President to twice break a 50-50 Senate tie, resigns in disgrace after little more than a year on the job.
Elizabeth Warren, who lobbied aggressively for her confirmation, was strangely quiet about her resignation.
My God! The Sanctity of Marriage! She is staining it with her vaginal juices.
I, I, I. I, I, I.
This woman is such an annoying Twit.
Doesn’t really seem that my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president has the upper hand here:
@ 69
I, I, I. I, I, I.
This woman is such an annoying Twit.
Homosexuals have such short memory spans. G-clown’s memory is even worse due to his AIDS-addled brain, which is afflicted with amoebic encephalitis.
He does not recall that Barack referred to himself 75 times during his farewell speech.
Full disclosure: Trump is worse.
Democrat profiles in courage.
Tester’s balls continue to reside in the 2024 ballot box.
Marge is at least as accomplished as that guy.
At least.
And it only took him four minutes to say all of this.
Fetterman apparently cannot comprehend that Democrat appointees took pains to explain to the American public that taxpayers did not pay for the bailout.
No longer married: MJG, Boebert.
Still married: #CrookedHillary, Huma
Lauren Boebert, in her divorce filing, proclaimed she’s “always been faithful.”
I interpret this as a denial that she turned tricks to keep their failing restaurant afloat, and an implicit accusation that he’s been cheating on her.
My rotten son spent nearly my entire Mother’s Day harassing the brunch buffet staff and complaining about the bill. But the most humiliating moment came when, after he made a big deal about paying for the whole family, he insisted on trying to use an expired 2 for 1 brunch coupon that specifically excluded Mother’s Day Brunch. He made a terrible scene and I felt so awful that later, after his “new” wife dropped me off, I called the restaurant and gave them my credit card to tip the staff an extra $100.
Worst Mother’s Day ever.
CNN fell behind Newsmax in prime time viewership last Friday.
Don Lemon was seen celebrating with a Bud Light. In a coupe glass.
Well clearly I’m too old for Matt Gaetz and you can speculate all you want but there is no way my soon to be ex-husband caught me under Donald at Mar-A-Lago.
Nope. Keep guessing. Nope not DeSantis in my office.
(A 17 year old friend of your kid in the bed at your Colorado home?)
No comment.
@77 You rode a horse to the restaurant?
@78 That doesn’t mean Newsmax is gaining audience. It means Chris Licht is driving away CNN’s audience. That doesn’t enrich Newsmax, any more than 3M’s stock price going down enriches Tesla options holders.
In Oct. 2016 all 17 of our country’s top intelligence agencies stated that they are “confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.”
We should do away with all 17 of them.
I very much agree.
Me too.
Me too.
Me tool
Me too.
Me too.
Me too.
Me too.
@ 82
In Oct. 2016 all 17 of our country’s top intelligence agencies stated that they are “confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.”
Believe me, if I could have said that in my report I would have.
I gave it my best shot implying it. Even though I know it isn’t really true.
It’s a farewell speech… as in “i plane to relax and retire”, “I plant to play slot of Basketball”?
All that twitter is doing is passing legislation, and all we get is, “I did this”, “zi did that”. Yeah, and your a pig….thanks for telling everybody.
She’s got a limited vocabulary and has to fill up a sentence with….I, I, I. Almost as much vocabulary as yours.
If one were to travel by motor vehicle from the furthest Western city in Florida to the nearest town on the Texas/Mexico border it would take approximately 13 hours.
So we know the campaign will be all about the brown people stealing your jobs and the Gays stealing your kids. Maybe even some gay brown people taking YOUR kids to “Accompany a migrant in the field day” at a sweet potato farm.
Sounds like a winner in states like, Minnesota and Pennsylvania and Georgia and Nevada and Wisconsin and North Carolina. Not that it matters. I’ll never be the nominee.
I just realized Heterosexuals (Sexual Orientation) aren’t a protected class. I guess you could fire someone on the grounds that they are heterosexual, or maybe you don’t believe in that type of lifestyle so you don’t want to bake them a cake, or work on that Brides’ dresses just because.
A couple hundred conservatives who were still reading after the bones were picked clean by the venture capitalists but don’t follow the Fox/Rupert Post outrage of the day are fapping to images tonight.
Strong source
It’s like the old joke….Conservative men aren’t gay it’s just these dicks keep falling in their mouth.
You know what’s a really excellent idea and guaranteed to put our state back in the Red Column for 2024….
Having every single one of us in both chambers get behind a deeply popular idea that resonates with all the voters.
What could go wrong?
Mildly interesting for the obsessive poll watchers.
Less than a year ago Duval County (Jacksonville) FL went +7R for Senate, +8R for Governor, +15R for AG, and elected 7R-3D to down ticket candidates.
They just went +4D in a mayoral race that was very much expected to go Republican.
Could be nothing…could be something.
My beloved Republicans have also once again failed in Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
The world must be coming to an end.
Institutions are not to be trusted.
Nothing is as it appears.
We must all now prepare for Armageddon and the Final Battle.
Buy ammo and begin collecting your own urine.
@95 No doubt Florida residents will be gladdened to hear their cops are on duty in Texas.
This wasn’t a good night for DeSantis or Mastriano; their candidates flopped, revealing their very short coattails. Election deniers lost, and Democrats retained a majority in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly.