Day by day it gets harder to defend Republicans against the charge that they are collectively stark-raving mad. I don’t know why I try any more:
An Oklahoma lawmaker files a bill to ban the making and selling of food or products that use aborted human fetuses.
State Senator Ralph Shortey says he’s done research and found reports that companies have used stem cells in the research and development of food.
[…]“There is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors,” says [State Senator Ralph] Shortey.
Okay, so it’s not really insanity. You see, some of these “concerned” lawmaker types just haven’t yet learned how to filter truth from fiction, fact from rumor, science from made-up-shit-designed-to-freak-people-out that one occasionally comes across whilst doing “research” on the InnerTubes.
This reminds me of a previous State of the Union address where some stark-raving mad indiscriminate presidential speech writer slipped into the speech some InnerTube weirdness about the dangers of human animal hybrids.
Sounds like they’ve got themselves a real gem.
Sad really, what the systematic destruction of the American Public School system has wrought upon us. I guess the Conservatives got what they wanted; Institutional stupidity. Chronic public fatuity. Systemic mindlessness.
The Idiocracy is here.
Oklahoma legislators make $38,400 a year. You get what you pay for.
Sen. Shortey also wants a local district attorney to charge Michael Savage with bribery for offering Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out of the GOP nomination race.
Well it is Oklahoma. Just ’cause it came to mind, the median income of Oklahoma City is $38K and the median home price is $88K.
I’m betting if you represent a rural district 38k is pretty comfortable.
It has to be said.
A two-party system only functions well when both parties have sensible, if differing, views on how to promote the nation’s interests. A two-party system becomes dysfunctional when one party is composed of lunatics, charlatans, and megalomaniacs.
How does a two party system function when both parties are full of power hungry crooks who have rigged the game in order to keep it a two party systemand themselves in power?
Sorry proud communist, but I’m ure you long for a single party system, like every other communist does. And your premise that the democrats aren’t full of nuts and lunatics is laughable. Have you seen some of the groups who vote solely democrat al the time?
Its interesting to see you progressives use the same tactics that the communists and fascists used: proclaim that aybody who doesn’t go along with your ideas hs to be a crazy lunatic, and therefore marginalized and dismissed….
Exhibit #5,374 of how the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first) is so full of shit his ears stink.
Dude!!! There is only ONE political party in this country that spent 10 years destroying the economy and the last three years blocking…obstructing in every way possible any reasonable attempts to fix it.
So fuck you and your “they BOTH suck” lie. They DON’T both suck. Thank goddess this President is going to jam intelligent solutions down the repub-ratfucking throats.
So fucking scab assholes like the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first)will have lots of fun choosing between Mr. Corrupt and Mr. More-Corrupt.
Stfu you loser….its bad enough we gotta support derelict losers like yourself, but hat doesn’t mean we have to listen to your dumb as too…..just stfu and say “thank you max for supporting non-tax paying losers like me”
Christ, talk about the bottm feeders, rujax is right there
And yes, they both fucking suck, partly because uneducated losers like you just go along with the program
blah blah blah
the (motherfucking corporate toady scab) emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser-bun the first) has his little panties in a bunch.
boo fucking hoo
Note the complete absence of a logical discussion in mini-mookie’s diatribe. He couldn’t hold a serious thought without a basket to put it in.
Gee, I miss rational true conservatives like William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater. I didn’t agree with them most of the time, but they were at least consistent and required you to be at the very top of your game if you were going to debate them. Today’s trolls and Republican candidates for President? Not so much.
being a racist moron and entertaining us with constant repetition of your asshat views.
When it’s not boring us to tears.
Goofy Mookie?? Why can this criminal use tax free money to run ads all over the Nation doing life in a prison cell for child rape of a 12 year old? This is proof that money does equal speech.
By the way, if Santorum doesn’t pull at least a strong second place finish in Florida, can anyone here see him continuing in the race? If the last remaining Evangelical for the Republican nomination can’t even win southern states like S. Carolina and Florida, how would he expect to win the rest of the states?
By the way, I’d be interested to know the Republican rules for the delegates voting at the convention. How large is the “deleage at large” block, consisting of elected Republicans and party leadership? Could they throw the election to Romney even if Newt wins a clear majority of the delegates in the primary contests?
@8 Sorry, pal…the GOP pretty much as a corner on the market for nuts and lunatics. The Democrats, on the other hand, have certainly been plagued over the years by an abundance of cowards and sellouts.
ya, says the guy who spends day after day inventing wild-eyed theories on how the worlds works….your ass would be better spent on the Art Bell show.
for real RHP, do you really see black helicopters piloted TEH EVUL RIGHEES under your bed and in your closet every night?
paranoid freak…
WTF are you mumbling about? if he’s a convicted child molester, then put a bullet in his head – dont care who he is.
of course you mysteriously forget the escapades of the liberal lion(or liar) himself, drunk ass teddy kennedy and his little trips to south american to satisfy his 14 year old girl fetish.
oh, maybe we arent supposed to talk about that….
well you know if you can smell the stench of rujaxoff, then the lazy castillian ylbleeder istn far behind.
you two almost done with your private circle jerk yet?
nah, didnt think so…
yes rujaxoff, whatever you say.
keep playing that jealous role, it fits you well.
Ol’ Rujax! is really really jealous of an ignorant (and PROUD of it), self-obsessed, scab motherfucker like the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first). Let’s see…is Ol’ Rujax! more “envious” of the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first)’s stupifying ignorance, or the emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first)’s disgusting self-obsession…or maybe it’s the scabrous motherfuckered-ness.. I’m conflicted. All those qualities are so, so…jesuschristonapopsiclestick…sooooo putrid.
What an awful way to live. Bleeeechhhhh.
@21 I hate like hell using Fidel Castro as a source for anything, but that guy isn’t as blind to what goes on in The States as we’d like to believe:
“In an op-ed column published Wednesday, Castro writes, ‘The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is — and I mean this seriously — the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.'”
Roger rabbit Commentary: For once, I can’t come up with a rebuttal against the commie on our southern border. What could I say? What can anyone say? This time — maybe the only time in his life — he’s right. Which brings us back to HA’s own resident idiot, emperor max mini-dick. In any competition of idiocy in these comment threads, it’s going to be a tight race between max and puffybud, but with puffy nowhere to be seen lately, this is a race that max wins hands-down. Or maybe I should say, hands rubbing crotch.
Since when is Republican politics inspired by Marilyn Manson albums?