Goldy points to this piece by the Sky Valley Chronicle taking the Seattle Times to task for their Rob McKenna ad.
And now the Times asks for forgiveness. Asks for another chance.
But as the Times reader comment noted in the headline of this piece – produced in response to a column written by Times Executive Editor David Boardman called “A vow to continue impartial reporting,”- it may be far too little and way too late.
I get why people are upset with the ad. I’m upset with the ad. The real problem is that Frank Blethen runs the paper. The problem isn’t the perception, it’s the reality. The paper is owned by a bully who has a toy that he pretends is a public service, but that he uses to tilt toward corporate power and the status quo.
The ad is just a symptom of that. And the symptom was far worse a few years ago, for example, when The Seattle Times decided to run a phoney story about Darcy Burner’s diploma. But they circled the wagons when people like Goldy pointed it out.
And it wasn’t just The Seattle Times staff. I couldn’t find anything in the Sky Valley Chronicle criticizing that. Plenty of main stream people ran with it. After all, if it’s in The Seattle Times, it must be true. But that was far worse than the ad people in The Seattle Times giving away the space in their paper. That was a news decision clearly directed by Blethen’s desire to swing the race. So, color me unimpressed that the people who are fine that sort of content are upset about the ads around it.
If you dont like the Seattle Times, then dont read it….but all this incessant crying by you little babies about the times is really getting old.
Oh, and Ditzy Darcy has all been a lying POS…not to mention nutty as all hell.
For the record.
@1 The biggest nut around here is you.
you fail almost as much as darcy does..
“Executives on the business side of our company conceived the ad plan, describing it as a pilot project to demonstrate the power of newspaper political advertising ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, Frank Blethen hopes to show potential advertisers that newspaper ads work by swinging the election to a candidate he prefers who is trailing in the polls. In short, kill two birds with one stone: Ensconce Rob McKenna in the governor’s mansion while lining his own pockets. No wonder Frank’s gambit calls to the inner cynic in all of us.
@3 Let’s vote on it.
The biggest nut around here is:
[x] Piltdown Man
[ ] Darcy Burner
[ ] Roger Rabbit
[ ] Write-In _______________
So far, you’re ahead by 1 vote.
MeltDown Man comes in second place even here.
GoatBoy ButtSucker obviously has first place.
OK Let’s play “How rich is Roger today”
[ ] Made a killing – Market down 242 points
[X] Got my Guv Pension check
[X] Didn’t fill up with gas or need Carrots
[X] Write-In _Obama won’t raise his taxes_
The Times has been little more than a rag for quite some time. I remember a couple of years ago, at an industry conference, where they weren’t invited to attend for free as press, and where they wouln’t pay the admission fee. The Times reporter was relegated to standing out in the lobby, asking attendees who were walking by what was said. I asked him what he learned from that, and he told me a few things. But the story that appeared the next day in the paper seemed made up of whole cloth – it appeared that the editor, wanting to make the Times appear important and involved, was trying to make it seem that they were there and all the experts were fighting for the chance to be interviewed by the Times. The expert panelists were a bit peeved (it was the second day of the conference), and let it be known that they had never been interviewed, and had said no such things. But that, of course, never appeared in the paper.
Who gives a runny shit about the “credibility” of the ST news room? They burned that to the ground decades ago when they were trying to run Angelo Pelligrini and others off the UW campus for reading books! Heavens!
What burns me is that we gave these cocksuckers a tax break to pay for this!