Damn right she did! Felt it across the world in Austria!
Oh my… Mrs Obummer seemed to rehash her old speech four years ago with updated whitey house material. The dad with MS was from Letterman March 2012. So she was again implying Ann Romney doesn’t know what it’s like to endure with MS cause she had money? Wow, what a veiled attack at Ann Romney! How sickening! Mrs Puddy and I have a good friend with MS. It struck her at 22. She never married. By 24 she was wheelchair bound. At 26 she lost motor control of her hands. Now in her mid 40s, she needs the special bus to get around.
On the contrary, Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer’s grandparents paid the 16k a year private high school bill in Hawaii. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer used to live on Mercer Island. Hmmm… dats for rich folks. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer had a choom gang (Obummer words). Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Tony Rezko helped them out financially. Where is Puddy getting this info? Obummer’s written words! I gots a copy.
And… Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world the bond rating dropped under Obummer. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world unemployment is higher under Obummer. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world the debt is now $16 Trillion+. Yet all the slobbering msm clowns are slobbering all over it. Puddy wonders how many of those tweets are “real” vs. retweets?
Tea for everyonespews:
This administration is by far the Worst I have seen in 60 years, the absolute worst wealth destruction, deficits and debt this nation has ever experienced!
Bar none and Period!
Tea for everyonespews:
I’d have rather watched Clint Eastwood :)
We in the reality based world briefly aves a tear for our angry troll Puddles.
Our first lady gave a great speech Puddles. Suck on it.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Just got up – read puddle posts – OMG.
Bilious stream of consciousness – and that’s a generous appraisal.
What a nasty, bitter, sniveling little man.
Serial conservativespews:
From the HA reviews, I think they should have had Michelle speak in the BofA stadium.
She could have filled it, if Barack cannot.
Jesse Rodriguez
NBC News has confirmed that Democrats are moving their convention indoors Thursday night due to weather. #msnbc2012
George 'Kingfish' Stevensspews:
re 3: Why can’t she be more like Ryan and reinvent the events of her life each time she speaks?
Serial conservativespews:
Bill Clinton on Obama, 20007:
“In theory, we could find someone who is a gifted television commentator and let them run. They’d have only one year less experience in national politics.” — Dec. 15, 2007, PBS’s “Charlie Rose”
Idiot wind from you Bob.. More idiotic day by day..
Serial Conservativespews:
Remember the mirthful comments only a week ago about how God hates the Republicans and he’s interfering with their convention by throwing weather at them?
Oh, how much fun the HAers had with that!!!!!
Bless your hearts.
How much does God hate Democrats, silly boys?
September 5, 2012 9:54 AM
Lightning threat forces Obama to change convention plans
It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.
Nah, can’t be that. It MUST be because God hates Democrats.
Maybe Doctor Steve misunderstands what Jesus would have wanted.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 13
Well, I don’t have all day to peruse the internet like you do, YLB, so maybe I’m a little off here. When’s the last time you saw a pay stub that was not your wife’s?
Tell me what Carter’s wife brought to the table? Reagan’s wife? Bush’s? Hell, tell me what Hillary Clinton brought to the table?
We elect a president and a vice president. The other people that stand up on stage and wave are fluff. Even if that fluff occasionally (GHWB41’s son(s) and Clinton’s wife, for instance) later develop gravitas of their own.
Although, you being an idiot, YLB, your comment really was not a surprise.
Once upon a time you called me a “smart chick”.. That was pretty funny..
Now that you made an ass of yourself I’m not so smart. Can we deduce that you believe all women are idiots? Most?
Some old attitudes just never die I guess.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 18
Once upon a time you called me a “smart chick”.. That was pretty funny..
Yes, YLB, before I learned you are a girlie-man I truly thought you were a woman.
I have no idea why, but you come off as XX.
My mistake.
I think that all spouses of major presidential/vice presidential candidates are fluff. I will gladly make an exception for Bill Clinton, who clearly deserves one.
What is scary to me is that you take the spouse into consideration when choosing a candidate. What do you look for? Legs? Height? Hair style? Likelihood that they can keep their spouse satisfied so that he/she is more loose and focused on the job?
It’s about women because with one exception all of the candidates have been men. It’s the only reason. I thought the same of Todd Palin when Sarah Palin was a candidate. He was fluff.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
When’s the last time you saw a pay stub that was not your wife’s?
You’re now jumping on that bandwagon, too?
What ever happened to “I make you think, you make me think?”
Oh how the mighty have fallen….*rolls eyes*
“She could have filled it, if Barack cannot.”
“It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.”
Did your head explode last night or something? You seem awfully dejected this morning, as though you’ve just realized that your racist ass was kicked by a black woman last night. I figured that’d really fuck with the mind of a racist such as yourself, Bob. Thanks for letting me know that I was right.
Bob sees a lack of enthusiasm. A perception pulled from his ass, obviously. Desperate morning-after wingnut talking points, obviously. He might want to put his head back together before he posts again because he’s making no sense at all anymore.
An exploded head. That’s what a powerful black woman does to a racist coward like Bob. Judging from his weak, bitter posts, this sucks for Bob, I’m sure.
“It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.”
More than 65,000 community members had activated community credentials to attend the event, and another 19,000 people were on a waiting list for the event. Democratic officials said they expected the lion’s share of those with credentials to attend, because they had to go through a multi-step process that involved visiting a campaign office, and later activating a code using a computer or mobile device, to show that they were serious about attending.
Note that the stadium holds a little over 73,000.
When you parrot Wingnut propaganda, Bob, you always end up looking like a moron.
We expect better from you…so please try using your brain.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Does anyone else notice Cereal growing more shrill?
Watch out – that ‘reasonable’ schtick is your stock-in-trade – you’re in danger of becoming another puddle. And, your uncle is going to be bummed if you get fired from this job…
I want Ayn Ryan to tell us again how he ran a marathon marathons in 4:013:00 2:40.
“I expect better from you…so please try using your brain.”
You appear the only one left that thinks that way, Darryl, so I fixed it for you.
Serial Conservativespews:
Darryl @ 26
Brad Panovich WCNC@wxbrad
It’s a simple question.. if you had a #Panthers game, Concert or Soccer match with a 20% chance of storms would you cancel 24hrs prior?
5 Sep 12
I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella to an outdoor event held when there was a chance of rain.
“Does anyone else notice Cereal growing more shrill?”
After the GOP disaster of last week, the blow-out opening last night, and Bob’s pathetic and shrill reaction, it’s obvious that desperation has set in for the smarmy one.
A racist like Bob getting his ass kicked by a black woman. That’s gotta fucking hurt! Sucks big time for Bob, huh?
Boner Bob has been spending too much private time with Goat Cheese Boy. It could be true love.
What is scary to me is that you take the spouse into consideration when choosing a candidate.
Who the fuck said I did?
What’s so not-so-surprising these days is how fucking stupid you are Bob..
Do you have so little respect for Republican party leadership? Or any political operators who’ve been in that business for freaking decades?
Think, think.. (Now I’m just being a generous soul here)..
Who does the election come down to?
Less than a million undecided voters maybe?
Pull your head out of your narcissistic ass Bob and realize it’s not about YOU or ME – it’s about THEM!
What a dork!
Serial Conservativespews:
More Darryl @ 26:
I know that TPM is a wholly unbiased source of facts and that their neutrality is not to be questioned.
My question, though:
If they had such a large overflow list, why were they only last week worried about unfilled seats to the extent that they decided they would bus in 50,000 out-of-towners?
Two well-placed Democratic sources said there was no concern about filling the 75,000-seat venue. One senior official said the Obama campaign had an overflow list of 19,000 who could not be seated in the stadium.
While that may be true, it’s equally true, according to another top organizer, that questions were raised last week about covering empty seats out of fear the stadium would not be filled. Obama for America field organizers redoubled their efforts and guaranteed organizers they would fill the stadium.
I wasn’t able to watch the Democratic convention last night, but on the commute in this morning I listened on the radio to the replay of the Kennedy-Romney debates, which was aired at the convention.
Kennedy pointed out that he had been working his entire career to make adequate health care available to all Americans, and challenged Romney to show his plans for health care. Romney responded that he had a multi-part position paper on that issue which he would be happy to show Kennedy. Kennedy cut him short: “Don’t show it to me, show it to the voters!”. Romney tried to back-peddle, saying that it was difficult to go over a health plan point-by-point. Kennedy again cut him short: “That’s what you have to do, as a legislater.”
It was watching a young pup get taken to the woodshed by the master. Romney tried to be his arrogant and evasive self, but Kennedy wasn’t going to be intimidated by Romney’s claims to wealth and success. I hope the Democratic debate preperation team was taking notes – don’t play Romney’s game. When he starts giving vague answers, just point out that he’s been running for President for the past five years, and if he can’t be precise about what he proposes to do, then that’s because he doesn’t want us to know.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 33
Same reason the bunting and the balloons are up there. And the confetti.
It’s fluff.
Are you going to vote for Obama because he has two children? Or for Ryan because he has three and they are all even younger?
When the shooting in the Denver theater occurred, people were asking why a six year old was in a theater for a midnight showing. Why are 5 year olds on a stage at 11 p.m. in front of 20,000 people? Putting a young child in either situation is silly.
So why do it? Because it’s fluff, and to people like YLB it’s important for some reason.
Boner Bob, if you had a hurricane like Katrina heading for a city like New Orleans, would you plan ahead or would you turn over your disaster planning to ‘Can I quit now?’ Brownie?
Same reason the bunting and the balloons are up there. And the confetti.
It’s fluff.
You don’t get it Bob. You don’t get it..
It’s sad how stupid you are..
Have a better day.
“I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella to an outdoor event held when there was a chance of rain.”
And Bob would hold an umbrella up high during a thunder storm. “Chance of rain”. God you’re fucking desperate. And all it took was one speech by a “fluffy” black woman.
The racist and his failed political party got their asses handed to them by a black woman. And a “fluffy” black woman at that! Your every post is now saturated with how much that sucks for you.
Bob can’t keep up the act anymore. So we have the shrill and bitter Bob. LMFAO!!
Serial Conservativespews:
Speaking of Michelle, and speeches, remember this?
“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”
As the first comment at the video notes, Michelle was 20 when Carl Lewis first participated in the Olympics, so that dad’s lap business is easily detected bullshit.
Right up there with Ryan and his marathon time, or how Hillary’s parents named her after Sir Edmund Hillary, who became famous well after she was born.
YLB, why do we want a First Lady who is a liar?
“YLB, why do we want a First Lady who is a liar?”
Bitterness and desperation. That’s all you’ve got left, racist. And a “fluffy” black woman did it to you. Little wonder why you’re so damned shrill this morning.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 41
Doctor Steve, I know she spoke but I have no idea what she may have said. Didn’t see it and haven’t reviewed a transcript yet.
Didn’t see Ann Romney’s speech last week, either.
Looking forward to Bill’s, tho.
@40 Geez, Bob, from your link it looks like the folks over at Althouse are as shrill and bitter as you have become these last 24 hours.
“This woman is a fraud. Her husband is a bigger fraud. The Republican convention looked like America these people look like a welfare line.
“The choice facing this country is as simple as black and white.”
They’re also racist like you. I can see why you hang out there, Bob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “This administration is by far the Worst I have seen in 60 years, the absolute worst wealth destruction, deficits and debt this nation has ever experienced! Bar none and Period!”
You were born in 2009?
# 34: There are conventions, and then there are conventions.
If you attend a four-day industry convention, all but a few in the organizing body will simply attend a few hours of scheduled training sessions & industry updates, have a lunch where they network with their colleagues or vendors, play golf in the afternoon, and have a semi-formal dinner with a guest speaker in the evening.
Party conventions, however, are something else entirely. They are designed to encourage and rally the delegates and base watching on T.V., but even the most humble delegates will be engaged in politiking and issues lobbying – often in hotel rooms, convention hallways, hotel lobbys, anywhere they can find a few seats and (hopefully) a table. Alliances are formed, and new leaders emerge for the next four or eight years. Those people are rarely on the convention floor except for the major events and major speeches. But a camera panning an empty convention hall doesn’t look good, so they make some effort to make sure unfilled chairs are filled by – somebody.
Heck, even the Acadamy Awards does that, and so does my church for services recorded to be broadcast later – ushers are told to make sure every seat in the front sections are filled before opening up new rows for seating.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Obama has more presidential experience than Romney.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Larger issues merit our attention.”
Then when doesn’t Romney talk about them? For that matter, why don’t you? As for pussybutt, he’s a case study in the art of magnifying trivia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Speaking of living off other people’s labor, here’s the new labor regime that cheap labor conservatives are imposing on Greek workers:
“Increase the number of maximum workdays to six days per week for all sectors. Increase flexibility of work schedules; set the minimum daily rest to 11 hours; delink the working hours of employees from the opening hours of the establishment; eliminate restrictions on minimum/maximum time between morning and afternoon shifts; allow the consecutive two-week leave to be taken anytime during the year in seasonal sectors.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s the creditor class’s message to Greece’s young people:
1) All debts must be repaid no matter what, regardless of who borrowed the money (i.e., the rich people who ran your country for you), what it was spent on (i.e., so your country’s rich people wouldn’t have to pay any taxes whatsoever), or the feasibility of repayment.
2) You must work 13-hour days for 6 days a week (i.e., 78 hours a week) to pay back your rich elders’ debt.
3) All workers will report for work at 4:30 a.m. and clock in at 8 a.m.
4) All workers will clock out at 1 p.m. and report back for second shift at 4:30 p.m.
5) Vacations will be scheduled as follows: January 2, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Feb. 29, 1:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. …
All of this so the creditor class can get the money they recklessly lent to their dishonest rich Greek buddies back (from the working class, of course), and so the one-percenters can continue to live dissolute lives of idleness and sloth in obscene comfort supported by the labor of the working class.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What’s actually happening in Greece is that young people, especially educated ones, are leaving the country to work elsewhere. In other words the country is being depopulated. Same in Ireland.
Anyone remember highlights from Anne’s speech?
1) She was Episcopalian.
2) They met at a dance.
3) She loved him from the beginning.
4) The rented a basement apartment.
5) Their table was a door.
6) They lived on tuna fish and pasta. Why? Mitt didn’t want to be identified as getting handouts from dad. FACT!
7) They had 5 sons.
8) She chose to be a stay at home mom.
9) She loved Mitt’s father for the MAN he was
10) Mitt is a caring man.
11) Mitt helped poor people for the last 30+ years of his life.
12) Mitt cared for Ann when she was diagnosed with MS.
13) Mitt cared for Ann when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
14) She still really loves Mitt after 42 years of marriage.
15) Their love isn’t plastic or fake for public show.
There you go buttspigot. 15 simple to remember points! Really simple when you pay attention!
Telling the truth to Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck is tedious at best. That’s why he thinks of a new name for Puddy each post. The same name works mighty well for Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “Less than a million undecided voters maybe?”
Yeah, I saw the number 978,000 some time ago, and that’s extremely bad news for R-Money, because there aren’t enough undecided voters left for him to catch up in crucial swing states.
@20 Speaking of living off other people’s labor, here’s the new labor regime that cheap labor conservatives are imposing on Greek workers:
So Merkel is a cheap labor conservative SENILE Wabbit?
Do tell!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 The election won’t be decided by umbrellas. Our country doesn’t have an umbrella issue. Pretending there’s an umbrella problem won’t help your party or candidate.
@40 Geez, Bob, from your link it looks like the folks over at Althouse are as shrill and bitter as you have become these last 24 hours.
Oh Steve, you are a “punny” man. You forget the shrill and moronic commentary from last week? CNN… NBC… ABC… CBS.. PMSNBC… Newspapers… Then you have all the left wrong kook sites. Venture over to Newsbusters and view the comparisons.
Wait… Newsbusters… Facts… Truth… scary shit to progressive libtards!
So with the love fest over Michelle’s strange speech last night… it’ will be a down hill slide for the rest of the DUMMOCRAPT convention!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 I was thinking more of the Greek upper class — the people who dodge taxes on their seaside villas, fancy yachts, etc.
You see, putz, Greece doesn’t have a labor productivity problem but it does have a tax evasion problem. The reason they’re broke isn’t because nobody works but because the people who owe taxes don’t pay them and the government doesn’t collect them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 I haven’t seen any shrill or moronic commentary from CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PMSNBC, or nhewspapers. The only shrill and moronic commentary I’ve seen is Fox’s and yours and a few other wingnut idiots. The main difference between you and others is that you seem to focus on meaningless trivia. For you, the smaller a story is, the more intensively you milk it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Is this what you do for wet dreams?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Like I said, master of meaningless trivia.
@ Roger Rabbit
The negative nay-bags here are well aware that the odds of Mitt winning are getting slim. 16 out 16 professional odds-makers have long odds on Romney-Ryan after the RNC no bounce liars r-us show. Now they see the New York Times and Nate Silver’s educated opinion on Mitt’s hard road to travel may be a bridge to nowhere. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.n.....-favorite/
Wet dreams? Is that all you have left SENILE Wabbit? Project much? It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Meaningless Trivia… Wrong again SENILE Wabbit… It was heart felt. You could see it in Ann Romney’s face. Something seemingly missing last night!
@40 Here is another story on the soon to be elected US Congresswoman from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard. It looks like the mainland media likes what they see. http://www.latimes.com/news/na.....7658.story
Golly Roger SENILE Wabbit… when you look at the two major parties in Greece it was the leftists who accepted the European austerity plan ( longer work hours, less pay, shorter vacations) while the conservatives rejected it, wanting to keep the status quo. Therefore another of your putrid arguments falls flat on it’s face.
@65 Here are six recent estimates of what is happening with the electoral college. If we factor Darral’s projection into the mix we get 7 of 7 who seem to agree that what Romney – Ryan are selling is not getting sold. http://2012electoralcollegecalculator.com/blog/
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Mitt didn’t want to be identified as getting handouts from dad. FACT!
Are you joking? They lived off the stock portfolio his father gave him. FACT.
Geez you’re stupid, or blind.
Didn’t Jay-Zus say not to lie?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 The fact you feel something with your whole heart doesn’t make it important. Bread crumbs are the most important thing in the universe to the cockroaches under your kitchen sink. But that doesn’t make your crumbs important to anyone else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 “This year the polls have been hard to move for any reason.” — Nate Silver
This is the salient fact of this campaign, the one that defines the 2012 election. Romney is behind, so he must move the polls, or he’ll lose.
All Obama has to do is jog in place and mark time.
It isn’t just Silver who’s noticed this. Other pollsters, including Gallup, have commented on it.
Most voters’ minds are made up. They’re immovable. Although the race looks close on paper, there aren’t enough undecideds left to put Romney ahead,, even if he could somehow win them all over.
As far as that goes, Ryan has proved not to be the magic elixir Romney needs to sway the undecided voters. Eastwood was not. Ann was not. His own convention speech registered zero on the Richter scale.
What’s left? The debates. Good luck with that. A possible October surprise from Europe, Israel, Wall Street, or oil prices. Can’t rule it out, but unlikely. Romney’s advantage in advertising dollars — probably his last hope.
But I think what’s happening here is Romney is playing his last cards by trying to draw two pair against a player holding a straight.
OMG!!! The Obama icon is an Islamic Sharia Compliance Banner!!!
OMG!!! Grab your black rifle and meet me at the at the park!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Of course, criticism of Nickey Haley means I’m a RACIST DUMMOCRAPTHS!!!11!!
“You see, putz, Greece doesn’t have a labor productivity problem but it does have a tax evasion problem. The reason they’re broke isn’t because nobody works but because the people who owe taxes don’t pay them and the government doesn’t collect them.”
Somehow, that scenario has a familiar ring to it…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71, 73 – What’s frightening about this is the nuts who believe it and work themselves into a rage over it have real guns.
@70 The issue of the big money donors and how they will influence the elections is an interesting subject. Sheldon Adelson, Karl Rove, and the Koch Brothers seem to think spending mega millions will sell the voters on their vision of what a path to prosperity should look like. It is interesting to note in Adelson’s State of Nevada the voters seem to be going the wrong way?http://blogs.rgj.com/politics/.....00-voters/
Roger Rabbitspews:
“After days of bad weather, President Barack Obama’s … acceptance speech … will move indoors …. As a result, thousands will be turned away.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trolls assured us Obama’s speech would be moved because organizers couldn’t fill stadium seats. Another wingnut conspiracy theory is smashed to smithereens.
What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob Dole have in common?
They were both upset when Bill finished first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
CNN Grades Michelle’s Speech
“Michelle Obama gave one of the finest speeches ever delivered at a national political convention … it could have more impact … than her husband’s celebrated 2004 keynote address ….”
“I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella…”
The rain wasn’t the major consideration, Bob.
So…are you ever going to get serious again, so we can have real, serious conversations? Or are you just going to continue to parroting right wing bullshit all day?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 & @81 & @85 are what pass for intellectual discussion in conservative circles.
Serial Conservativespews:
What did the FBI find in the pocket of Monica Lewinsky’s dress?
A Wad of Bills.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 82
What better author to explain incompetence?
Editor’s note: Gordon Stewart is former deputy chief speechwriter to President Jimmy Carter
Sorry, but I’ve lived in a golf community commenly known as a den of thieving Republicans for twenty years. But if I read the Urban Dictionary correctly, you’re a bit punny yourself, Puddy.
I’ve never heard it pronounced, but being a combination of pun and funny, I assume that it’s prounonced like funny with a “p”. That brings me to the name “Puddy”. For five years I’ve been pronouncing it Puddy as in goody. Then I had dinner with some known commie-fascist-jihadists one evening and they were all pronouncing it Puddy as in Dudley. And at least one of those commie-fascist-jihadists met you at a Seattle Jewish-commie-fascist’s daughter’s wedding. So he might actually know, but I don’t trust rabbits. Is it one of those two or something else? I prefer Puddy as in goody, but only Puddy knows for sure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 “but I don’t trust rabbits”
Of course you shouldn’t trust rabbits, but you should trust humans even less.
“What did the FBI find in the pocket of Monica Lewinsky’s dress? A Wad of Bills.”
Well…I guess that indirectly answers my question @ 83.
I got to thinking about what would happen if today’s Republicans were in office in 1940, when F.D.R. was elected to his third term.
First, they would hold a meeting on the night of his inaugeration (January 1941) to a third term, deciding how to beat him. The concensus would be to obstruct everything he tried to do, Senate filabuster to every other trick. Then they will claim he hasn’t “accomplished anything” and use that to try to get back into control of at least one house of Congress in 1942.
In doing so, they would try to stop funding for major improvement projects, stopping TVA and the Columbia River water projects. This would mean that the electricity generated would not be available for the enrichment of uranium and plutonium at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Richland, Washington, until years later.
They would stop cooperation with Britain and Lend-Lease, leaving Britain to fend off the Germans alone. They would oppose any expansion of the U.S. army, navy, or marines.
When war started, they would daily blame it on the President, revealing confidential information and arguing that the President was mis-managing the war. They would bring that into the 1942 elections, forcing F.D.R. into a position of releasing details of the success at Midway which the Navy would prefer the enemy not have. Since the invasion of N. Africa wasn’t until about Nov. 1942, Republicans would campaign that the President was “doing nothing” about the Germans, even though they knew from secret briefings that the invasion force was already on the high seas heading towards N. Africa. (The Republicans did this regarding Stealth technology and the cancellation of the B-1 bomber project in 1980).
I could go on, but that’s a good start.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 You do realize, don’t you, the hilarious irony of a conservative calling the Obama administration “incompetent” directly on the heels of George W. Bush’s eight years?
# 86: That’s all you’ve got????
Maybe we should bring out all the comments made by Romney’s opponants about him in the Republican primaries again.
Primaries are bare-knuckle politics. Everybody expects their opponants to be critical of them. In fact, it’s a way to vet the eventual nominee – if they can survive the opposition in the primary, then they have a better chance of surviving in the general election.
Fortunately for Romney, he didn’t have any real opposition in the primaries – they were the gang that couldn’t shoot straight, not credible challengers to be President. The media, and his primary opponants, focused on each other rather than at him (until the very end). That meant that he’s still vulnerable to the charges being thrown against him.
@81 Do you have a thing for blue dresses? Check out US Army Captain Tulsi Gabbard live at the DNC. It will be a good show when two tour combat veteran Tulsi goes to Washington to kick a lame Boehner’s ass on the house floor.
I’m sorry, was this a serious thread? The president’s wife’s speech?
Put up a serious question and I might have an opportunity to weigh in. I think I’ve taken the polls seriously.
OK, here’s a serious question: Should we care what a FLOTUS looks like, sounds like, or cares about to the point that it should factor in any way to a voter’s decision in which candidate gets his/her vote? You could consider my comment @ 14 to be serious, which it was.
Here’s a second question, similar to the first: Do we need to know what the FLOTUS thinks after we’ve already had three-and-a-half years to make that judgement for ourselves?
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 92
Bill Clinton’s speaking tonite. Bill won’t release his speech for vetting beforehand.
Here’s some of what Bill had to say about Barack in primary season, since you mentioned primaries (which are long-since over):
I’m eagerly awaiting the dog whistles in Clinton’s speech tonite. Hopefully MSNBC will point them out the same way they did all of the ones they think were uttered by the other side.
By the way – where are the tax returns, Mitt? Did you release the completed 2011 tax return, or is it still “in work”? Maybe you did release it, and I missed the news reference due to other things happening. If not, that means we are only some eight weeks from the election, with only one tax return released, one promised, and the rest Mitt is still refusing to release.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 96
Are tax returns a ‘serious’ issue? ’cause Darryl will take you to task if you aren’t serious here. Today, anyway. Me, anyway.
Was wealth a serious issue when a wealthy candidate for president was a Democrat in 2004?
Speaking of tax returns, Inslee called on McKenna to release his. I asked, twice, in a previous thread whether Gary Locke had released substantial tax return data. Had he, ever, while governor or while campaigning for that office? Or is this some new thing this year?
Serious questions deserve serious discussion.
“President Jimmy Carter”
Please excuse my asking, but is this something akin to Bush Derangement Syndrome, more commonly known as BDS? I only ask because I’ve heard that name coming out of an awful lot out of Republican mouths for a long time, a very long time. Geez, 32 years ago. It’s now a multi-generational affliction. Is this worse than BDS, perhaps genetic? Damn. It makes me wonder of there will ever be a cure?
If you could just remember a little bit further back in history, Bob, only a couple of years to the previous Republican administration, you would know of WIN buttons, racist “southern strategies” and “I’m not a crook!”.
I’d guess that a wall built to block those memories is what has left Republicans babbling the name “Jimmy Carter” for the last 32 years, telling any fool who would listen that Carter was the worse president evah! It helps you to forget the worst president in the history of America, the man who left the office in disgrace, a lying Republican.
A lying Republican. So little has changed. This is understandable, what with their mass state of denial and all that.
I’m solidly behind the re-election of President Obama, as many of you know. But Washington is going to give it’s electoral votes to Pres. Obama, regardless of what I do.
Likewise, my Congressional District looks safe, although I will donate some money, and perhaps some time, to make sure it stays safe.
But beyond that, what can we do to help? Sure, I could give a small donation to Pres. Obama, and I’ve already done that. But what else could I do?
I’m thinking that based on national impact, the most I can do is try to enfluence other Washington State Congressional races. So, what other Congressional districts are in play, so that a group of small donars and volunteers might make a difference?
“You do realize, don’t you, the hilarious irony of a conservative calling the Obama administration “incompetent” directly on the heels of George W. Bush’s eight years?”
Predictable, having witnessed them ignore Nixon and blather on and on and on for over three decades about how Carter was the worst president evah!
Bush Derangement Syndrome? Nothing but Psych 101 projection by idiots who have been babbling about Carter for over thirty years. Carter Derangement Syndrome? Very, very real. Unfortunately, we might have found a cure by now but Republicans slashed the research funds to give tax cuts to the rich. So sad.
“What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob Dole have in common?
They were both upset when Bill finished first.”
WTF?? Bob Dole blew Clinton too?? Damn. Hey, I wonder if Dole gave Clinton $20 like the Republicans in America’s park toilets do when they offer $20 to blow an undercover black cop?
“’cause Darryl will take you to task if you aren’t serious here. Today, anyway. Me, anyway.”
No…asswipe, I am ONLY asking you. I am targeting you, because I hope you can get off your stupid, meaningless, “stupid bullshit that wingnuts say” jag and get back to engaging in genuine conversation.
“Was wealth a serious issue when a wealthy candidate for president was a Democrat in 2004?”
Yes…it was. You Wingnuts were all about how bad it was that Kerry was wealthy. Fucking hypocrits!
“Speaking of tax returns, Inslee called on McKenna to release his. I asked, twice, in a previous thread whether Gary Locke had released substantial tax return data.”
Yes…the more you spit out Wingding talking points, the more people skip over your comments and miss the ones in which you aren’t being a dittohead.
“Had he, ever, while governor or while campaigning for that office?”
Beats me. I moved to this state after he was elected.
“Or is this some new thing this year?”
Well…if it is, than we can consider Jay Inslee as the George W. Romney of Washington state!
“Serious questions deserve serious discussion.”
Yes…now lets hope you can change your ways!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
@86 You do realize, don’t you, the hilarious irony of a conservative calling the Obama administration “incompetent” directly on the heels of George W. Bush’s eight years?
Roger, you are NOT ALLOWED to bring that up. According to the rethug rules of engagement, there will be no mention of he-who-must-not-be-named.
“Today, anyway. Me, anyway.”
Feeling victimized, Bob? Predictable. You’re a Republican. Victimization is like a constant state of mind with you folk. Hmm, it’s probably yet another symptom of Carter Derangement Syndrome popping up. I’d suggest “take a pill”, but there aren’t any for what ails you. Sad.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
I’m eagerly awaiting the dog whistles in Clinton’s speech tonite.
Thinks like
“Labor unions built this country.”
“Republicans love outsourcing, just ask the Chinese Communists.”
“Women control their own bodies.”
“The Republican Party began as a liberal party.”
“Paying taxes is patriotic.”
“Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight.”
“The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible”
I’m not sure, but I think there could be some dog whistle words in those statements.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 “I’m sorry, was this a serious thread? The president’s wife’s speech?”
I’ve met cotton candy with less empty air than this troll.
Serial Conservativespews:
Darryl @ 102
You Wingnuts were all about how bad it was that Kerry was wealthy.
Were we? Was GWB43 personally bringing up the Kerry wealth/tax issue the way Obama chooses to make it an issue?
Gee. My recollection is that Kerry was under fire (rightfully or otherwise) for flip-flopping, for misrepresenting his war record and whereabouts, for his Vietnam-era testimony, and for his desire to subject America to, say, ‘global test’ evaluation that might put our sovereignty at risk.
Silly me. I had no idea that GWB43 built a case against Kerry based so heavily on his wealth.
About the only thing I do recall about his wealth was how badly his wife’s speech was received.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 “Are tax returns a ’serious’ issue?”
They are if you’re a guy making $20 million a year who hides money in overseas havens to avoid paying taxes and then cuts a deal with the IRS to avoid going to prison for tax evasion.
@97: Historically, tax transparency is a cudgel that both Dems and Repubs have used against each other and within their own parties (Bush 2004 made an issue of it against Kerry, mostly as a “character issue”):
Given the current political moment, an era of vast wealth disparities and wealth-based political power run amok, how Romney made his money and how much tax he is paying on it, is politically very serious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 I had the privilege of meeting President Jimmy Carter in person. He’s a much better man than any Republican I’ve ever known.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 There might be opportunities for Washington volunteers to work as polling place monitors in battleground states to help protect voting rights in those states.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@107 Kerry didn’t misrepresent his war record; it was the swift boat liars who did that.
What do you mean by a thread being a “serious thread”? This is clearly an open thread.
“Put up a serious question and I might have an opportunity to weigh in. I think I’ve taken the polls seriously.”
Unfortunately, when you discredit yourself by mindlessly spewing nutjobber bullshit, it makes it difficult to EVER take you seriously.
Note that I’m not suggesting you cannot engage in snark. But what would help your credibility is if you abandon the bullshit and snark with honesty and integrity.
I know you have the smarts…I can only hope you have the integrity to do so.
“OK, here’s a serious question: Should we care what a FLOTUS looks like, sounds like, or cares about to the point that it should factor in any way to a voter’s decision in which candidate gets his/her vote?”
I don’t think there is an “rule” about this. For some people the FLOTUS is an important influence, source of inspiration, role model, etc. Other’s, not.
“You could consider my comment @ 14 to be serious, which it was.”
Wow! A whole serious question!!!!
“Here’s a second question, similar to the first: Do we need to know what the FLOTUS thinks after we’ve already had three-and-a-half years to make that judgement for ourselves?”
It’s a rather stupid question, but here is an answer similar to the first: For some people, this seems quite relevant, as we can deduce from the fact that both parties do it (e.g. Laura Bush in 2004). Given the multitude of purposes behind holding a Convention, and the multitude of reasons for picking specific speakers at a convention, it shouldn’t be at all surprising that a FLOTUS gives an address.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Yep, saw that. Even when cereal seems to be trying to make a rational point, he can’t help slipping in a lie, like a shiv, discrediting himself in the process.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Do we need to know what the FLOTUS thinks after we’ve already had three-and-a-half years to make that judgement for ourselves?
Why have any speeches? Why don’t we just read each party’s platform and make a decision based on the plans put forward in those documents.
Oh, wait. Can’t do that. DON’T READ THE RNC PLATFORM (esp you ladies)
(Almost like speaking the name of he-who-cannot-be-named.)
Cereal is just miffed that the barn-burner last night, which was outrageously good in terms of framing and asserting Democratic (and democratic) principles and aspirations, is a huge hit across the political spectrum.
@108: Yeah, what Roger said.
@110 “I had the privilege of meeting President Jimmy Carter in person.”
I was invited to attend a dinner with him in 1979 but the “Rose Garden” thing interfered. I still have the printed invitation somewhere.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 15
Why don’t we just read each party’s platform and make a decision based on the plans put forward in those document.
Well, Lib Despair, if you can’t convince your own party’s leaders to read it:
Lisa Desjardins
RAHM EMANUEL ON CNN: “Personally, I’ve never read our party’s platform.”
4 Sep 12
why should the rest of us read it?
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 117
the “Rose Garden” thing interfered.
Yeah, if he was too chickenshit to face Kennedy why would he want to see you?
@119 You seem to be very upset. I hope you’re not losing it already. I want you to stick around for awhile, Bob.
Here, Bob, allow me to introduce you to the worst president in American history, a Republican, the man who won the election prior to Jimmy Carter. Maybe this will help snap you out of your Carter Derangement Syndrome. Yeah, this is my version of giving you a pill, Bob, me helping you to get your mind right.
Nixon Resigns
Richard Nixon announces
his resignation in 1974.
AP File Photo
By Carroll Kilpatrick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 9, 1974; Page A01
Richard Milhous Nixon announced last night that he will resign as the 37th President of the United States at noon today.
Vice President Gerald R. Ford of Michigan will take the oath as the new President at noon to complete the remaining 2 1/2 years of Mr. Nixon’s term.
After two years of bitter public debate over the Watergate scandals, President Nixon bowed to pressures from the public and leaders of his party to become the first President in American history to resign.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 120
Doctor Steve, Nixon wasn’t close. Take off your blinders and do some googling. Names like Harding are near the top of the worst list.
Actually, Nixon and Carter are pretty close.
These are Nixon quotes released in 2010. Repeat after me, Bob, “The. Worst. President. Evah!”
“The Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
“The Italians, of course, those people course don’t have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
“I don’t want any Jew at that dinner who didn’t support us in that campaign. Is that clear? No Jew who did not support us.” —to Rose Mary Woods, Feb. 3, 1973.
“there are times when abortions are necessary. I know that. You know [unclear] you have a black and a white [unclear].”—to Chuck Colson, Jan. 23, 1973.
“If you look at the Canadian-Swedish contingent [of draft resisters in exile], they were very disproportionately Jewish. The deserters.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
Kissinger, “The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.”
Nixon, “I know. We can’t blow up the world because of it.” Mar. 1, 1973.
“I think we ought to move tanks, the whole goddamned thing. Put a division in there, if necessary, It’s time for action on it. If some Indians get shot, that’s too goddamned bad. If some Americans get shot, that’s too bad, too.”
“The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personalities. … But they are able people.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
“Nixon wasn’t close”
That’s the derangement syndrome speaking.
I doubt that it was the Harding administration’s corruption and scandels that bothers a racist like you, Bob. Far more likely it was his endorsement of African American civil rights. That was probably unforgivable, huh?
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 122
I bought Frost/Nixon. Good movie.
Turns out one can also order the entire David Frost/Richard Nixon video recordings. I may get that just to learn something. Tried reading Nixon’s second book. Yawner. Maybe Nixon could have made composites of his characters like Barack did with his squeezes. Would shorten the book, anyway.
“The Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
The Irish girl I dated didn’t get mean when she drank, she got horny.
“The Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks.”—to Chuck Colson, Feb. 13, 1973.
The Wisconsin congressman addressed the issue during a brief stop inside a Republican volunteer center in Provo, Utah. He was in the state to attend a fundraiser.
Asked by a volunteer whether he supported giving states the right to allow “prayer or pledge” in schools, Ryan said he did.
“That’s a constitutional issue of the states, moral responsibility of parents, education,” Ryan continued.
“Exactly, so I am hoping to try and push that,” said the volunteer, 40-year-old Jenny Free, of Highland, Utah, a mother of nine.
Sounds like she need the pill, not prayer.
I’m a huge Steve Earle fan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@129 As my law school dean said, “Hoping and praying are not substitutes for” ________ (fill in blank).
“Well, Lib Despair, if you can’t convince your own party’s leaders to read it:
Lisa Desjardins
RAHM EMANUEL ON CNN: “Personally, I’ve never read our party’s platform.”
4 Sep 12
why should the rest of us read it?”
What the FUCK are you babbling about?
How do you draw the conclusion that Democrats can’t convince their party leaders to read the platform because one Democratic Mayor hasn’t read the platform?
You statement is not that of an intelligent person or thoughtful discussion.
Can’t you do better? Or is it beyond your intellect?
Nixon and Carter are equivilents?
I think I just threw up in my mouth. Republican Wingnuts like to make false equivilencies all the time, but that’s just downright libel.
Carter and Nixon were both in the Navy, but Nixon spent most of his time in WWII doeing logistical work at a desk and playing poker at night. Carter is a Naval Acadamy graduate who served near the top of the first nuclear navy program.
Nixon was born of Quakers but had completely rejected their ways, becoming a mean drunk. Carter did, and to the best of my knowledge still does, conduct Bible School classes.
While in office, Carter had to undue a web of alliances with petty dictators and killers dating back to the beginning of the cold war. Nixon multiplied such alliances, and conducted a war against his domestice “enemies” (meaning anyone who disagreed with him), forming an illegal “plumbers” organization which wiretapped, broke into offices and stole information, spread false lies about opponants, obstructed justice when discovered, etc.
After leaving office, Nixon became a bitter recluse, granting only the Frost interview and writing a couple of books. Carter helped found a non-profit organization (Habitat for Humanity), personally worked on many projects, and was so prestigious for his reputation for honesty that he was asked to oversee many elections oversees. Oh, he wrote a few books as well.
I have never had a chance to meet Jimmy Carter, which I regret. I did meet Gerald Ford once – he was an old Eagle Scout, and so was I (we attended a brief reception with him at the White House when I was there for the 1975 Explorers national convention.) We didn’t talk about anything substantive – he told us how much he appreciated his experiences in the Boy Scouts.
Not exactly. Nixon has been erased from the collective wingnut memory, and understandably so. When they do that, it’s easy to shout out repeatedly and earnestly, “Jimmy Carter is the worst president evah!”
Endless repetition seems to help wingnuts swallow the lies they are fed.
You Wingnuts were all about how bad it was that Kerry was wealthy.
John Effin Kerry married into money by marrying the Heinz widow. Mitt made his money as a hard working businessman.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Mitt made his money as a hard working businessman.
Puddle, you are a parody of yourself. You’ll never understand that, apparently.
Artfart… I expected you to understand the political dichotomy of Greece vs US. The libtards are the ones who changed the work week etc. This is lost on the SENILE Wabbit because he always ascribes those actions to Republicans. Here it is the libtards.
Sucks to be both of you!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
The libtards are the ones who…
@78 The issue of the big money donors and how they will influence the elections is an interesting subject. Yes it sure is… Here are some of the dirty money DUMMOCRAPTS…
Eychaner, Fred Newsweb Corp $3,250,000
Goldman, Amy Solil Management $2,250,000
Katzenberg, Jeffrey DreamWorks Animation SKG $2,125,000
Jacobs, Irwin M. & Joan K.Qualcomm Inc $2,100,000
Simons, James H. Renaissance Technologies/Simons Fdtn $2,000,000
Saban, Haim & Cheryl Saban Capital Group $1,984,373
Mostyn, J. Steve & Anderson, Amber Mostyn Law Firm $1,703,850
Stryker, Jon Stryker Corp $1,500,000
Eearhart, Anne G. Investor $1,350,000
Sussman, S. Donald Paloma Partners $1,350,000
Soros, George Soros Fund Management $1,175,000
Stiefel, Barbara Retired $1,050,000
Ahmed, Kareem Landmark Medical Management $1,050,000
Maher, Bill Comedian $1,000,000
Haney, Franklin Franklin L Haney Co $1,000,000
Freeman, Morgan Actor $1,000,000
Heifetz, Mel Real Estate Developer $1,000,000
And that’s just some of dirty money DUMMOCRAPTS!
The libtards are the ones who…
Who knows maybe /snark!
Turns out the Romneys (Mitt’s dad and family) were on welfare for several years.
Did they stay there Roger SENILE Wabbit? Or, did George Romney apply himself and improve his lot in life. You throw up useless canards for the daily lookie here.
SENILITY, it’s showing in that one.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trolls assured us Obama’s speech would be moved because organizers couldn’t fill stadium seats. Another wingnut conspiracy theory is smashed to smithereens.
Ummm no SENILE one. It was the DUMMOCRAPT insiders who talk to the WaPo, HuffPo etc who leaked that out. Not the whitey house DUMMOCRAPT insiders who leaked military secrets to the NY Slimes. These are other DUMMOCRAPT leakers. Conservative web sites blew it up for the world since the slobbering libtard msm hid that news from the middle class common folk. So it seems these slobbering libtard msm are part of the 1%ers.
Please have your character take his meds and go back to sleep.
@134 “Plumbers”? More like “Wrecking Crew”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No Abortions, Ever, No Way, No How!!!
“So imagine your 11-year-old daughter has stomach pains. You and your boyfriend decide to take her to the hospital. After some tests, the cause of the stomach pain is revealed: … She’s pregnant.
“So, just as you’re trying to adjust to this astounding news, your 42-year-old boyfriend asks for the keys to the car so he can run an errand. And he never returns. …
When it turns out your 11-year-old daughter is pregnant and your middle-aged boyfriend suddenly disappears, it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. But then the boyfriend saves you the trouble by calling you and apologizing for knocking up your 11-year-old kid. …
The man … then robs a couple at knife-point. … There, he reportedly leaves a note also apologizing to the 11-year-old girl for sexually assaulting her. Then the guy breaks into the home of an elderly woman, and … gags her and ties her up …. He also calls his girlfriend and tells her that the cops will have to kill him before he goes back to jail.
Oh yes, did I mention? He’d been in jail 10 times already — on charges ranging from aggravated assault to armed robbery.
“Eventually, the dude holes up in a hotel … where the cops find him. He … comes out of the bathroom with a knife in hand, threatens the police, and they fatally shoot him. …
“We now … have an 11-year-old girl impregnanted by her mother’s dead middle-aged boyfriend. Who is going to say this is a blessing? I hope the mother does what is right for this little girl … and that does not include forcing her to have her dead criminal boyfriend’s baby. What would you do as a mother in this situation?”
@138 “John Effin Kerry married into money by marrying the Heinz widow. Mitt made his money as a hard working businessman. BIG DIFF!”
Bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa — yeah, marrying for money is more respectable than making it Mitt’s way!!!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
I agree with you RR, but I thought you were opposed to abortion on moral grounds – is this not inconsistent?
No snark, just trying to understand your point of view.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans Hate Rich People, Too
John Kerry – bad
Al Gore – bad
George Soros – bad
Ted Kennedy – bad
Warren Buffett – bad
Nancy Pelosi – bad
The only good rich person is a Republican rich person!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@150 Everything has limits and therefore there are exceptions for everything.
The best way to understand me is this way: God gave us brains so we’d have the ability exercise judgment in situations where binary solutions don’t work well (or at all). Life is full of such situations. Most of us know them when we see them.
If this weren’t true, we’d be dispensable, and computers could run the world.
Does that help?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“binary solution” = good v. evil, war v. peace, friend v. foe, etc.
Worst of all Howard Dean. All of the people you listed, at the end of the day, were still “one of them.” Dean turned his back on the plutocracy, which is inexcusable.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
@152, 153
Absolutely. Shades of gray, nuance. Each situation is a summation or integration of many individual binaries, yielding that gray shade.
I hear you.
In some ways, having one side of an argument demand a binary explanation/solution severely limits the other side from a more nuanced approach – the nature of the arguing limits the possible outcomes.
Nuns on the bus!!!!
Also too, Michelle really sucked last night. How can anyone top that? Uh-oh, what happens if Elizabeth Warren AND the Big Dog do that tonight?
•Karen Mills
•Bull Butcher
•Kamala Harris, California attorney general
•Benita Veliz
•Cristina Saralegui
•Sandra Fluke
•Austin Ligon, Co-founder and retired CEO of CarMax
•Karen Eusanio
•Bob King, UAW president
•Randy Johnson, Cindy Hewitt and David Foster
•Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)
7 p.m. PDT
•Jim Senegal, Costco founder and former CEO
•Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senate candidate (Massachusetts)
•Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
•President Bill Clinton
@157 Roger,
Ain’t it a damn fine thing that Washingtonian and successful business owner, Jim Senegal, a man who built and headquartered his business right here in the land of Democratic dominated politics for over 30 years is going to talk in prime time to support OUR president and the Democratic party?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@158 Yeah, another business owner ruined by Obama socialism, hey?
Benita Veliz makes me feel proud to be an American. Proud to be a veteran. Proud to be a Democrat.
Best thing I read today:
D is for drive; R is for reverse… we’re driving FORWARD with Democrats up and down ballot.
Republicans tell Democrats that, if they think people should pay more taxes, then they should start by sending the IRS a check.
If Paul Ryan doesn’t like stimulous money and Obamacare, then give the American taxpayers back their hard-earned money. If the people you represent don’t like getting the short end of the stick then they can just get rid of you, replace you with a Democrat and try again.
Mrs. Obama fucking ROCKED DA HOUSE!!!!
Damn right she did! Felt it across the world in Austria!
Oh my… Mrs Obummer seemed to rehash her old speech four years ago with updated whitey house material. The dad with MS was from Letterman March 2012. So she was again implying Ann Romney doesn’t know what it’s like to endure with MS cause she had money? Wow, what a veiled attack at Ann Romney! How sickening! Mrs Puddy and I have a good friend with MS. It struck her at 22. She never married. By 24 she was wheelchair bound. At 26 she lost motor control of her hands. Now in her mid 40s, she needs the special bus to get around.
On the contrary, Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer’s grandparents paid the 16k a year private high school bill in Hawaii. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer used to live on Mercer Island. Hmmm… dats for rich folks. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Obummer had a choom gang (Obummer words). Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world Tony Rezko helped them out financially. Where is Puddy getting this info? Obummer’s written words! I gots a copy.
And… Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world the bond rating dropped under Obummer. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world unemployment is higher under Obummer. Mrs Obummer forgot to tell the world the debt is now $16 Trillion+. Yet all the slobbering msm clowns are slobbering all over it. Puddy wonders how many of those tweets are “real” vs. retweets?
This administration is by far the Worst I have seen in 60 years, the absolute worst wealth destruction, deficits and debt this nation has ever experienced!
Bar none and Period!
I’d have rather watched Clint Eastwood :)
We in the reality based world briefly aves a tear for our angry troll Puddles.
Our first lady gave a great speech Puddles. Suck on it.
Just got up – read puddle posts – OMG.
Bilious stream of consciousness – and that’s a generous appraisal.
What a nasty, bitter, sniveling little man.
From the HA reviews, I think they should have had Michelle speak in the BofA stadium.
She could have filled it, if Barack cannot.
Jesse Rodriguez
NBC News has confirmed that Democrats are moving their convention indoors Thursday night due to weather. #msnbc2012
re 3: Why can’t she be more like Ryan and reinvent the events of her life each time she speaks?
Bill Clinton on Obama, 20007:
“In theory, we could find someone who is a gifted television commentator and let them run. They’d have only one year less experience in national politics.” — Dec. 15, 2007, PBS’s “Charlie Rose”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z25bcHSTVH
@8. Why are you for romney? What were the reasons?
Anyone remember highlights from Anne’s speech?
Didn’t think so..
Who pays for the “special bus” dumbass? Did she “build that”? Is it “free stuff”?
So much for your idiot views.
“Anyone remember highlights from Anne’s speech?”
The spouses are fluff. We recall them when they are a drag on their mates’ prospects for election, as with Heinz Kerry in 2004
or Hillary in 1992
It’s idiotic to attach much significance to the spouses. Larger issues merit our attention.
Although, you being an idiot, YLB, your comment really was not a surprise.
I’m speechless at that..
Idiot wind from you Bob.. More idiotic day by day..
Remember the mirthful comments only a week ago about how God hates the Republicans and he’s interfering with their convention by throwing weather at them?
Oh, how much fun the HAers had with that!!!!!
Bless your hearts.
How much does God hate Democrats, silly boys?
September 5, 2012 9:54 AM
Lightning threat forces Obama to change convention plans
It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.
Nah, can’t be that. It MUST be because God hates Democrats.
Maybe Doctor Steve misunderstands what Jesus would have wanted.
@ 13
Well, I don’t have all day to peruse the internet like you do, YLB, so maybe I’m a little off here. When’s the last time you saw a pay stub that was not your wife’s?
Tell me what Carter’s wife brought to the table? Reagan’s wife? Bush’s? Hell, tell me what Hillary Clinton brought to the table?
We elect a president and a vice president. The other people that stand up on stage and wave are fluff. Even if that fluff occasionally (GHWB41’s son(s) and Clinton’s wife, for instance) later develop gravitas of their own.
Once upon a time you called me a “smart chick”.. That was pretty funny..
Now that you made an ass of yourself I’m not so smart. Can we deduce that you believe all women are idiots? Most?
Some old attitudes just never die I guess.
@ 18
Once upon a time you called me a “smart chick”.. That was pretty funny..
Yes, YLB, before I learned you are a girlie-man I truly thought you were a woman.
I have no idea why, but you come off as XX.
My mistake.
I think that all spouses of major presidential/vice presidential candidates are fluff. I will gladly make an exception for Bill Clinton, who clearly deserves one.
What is scary to me is that you take the spouse into consideration when choosing a candidate. What do you look for? Legs? Height? Hair style? Likelihood that they can keep their spouse satisfied so that he/she is more loose and focused on the job?
It’s about women because with one exception all of the candidates have been men. It’s the only reason. I thought the same of Todd Palin when Sarah Palin was a candidate. He was fluff.
You’re now jumping on that bandwagon, too?
What ever happened to “I make you think, you make me think?”
Oh how the mighty have fallen….*rolls eyes*
“She could have filled it, if Barack cannot.”
“It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.”
Did your head explode last night or something? You seem awfully dejected this morning, as though you’ve just realized that your racist ass was kicked by a black woman last night. I figured that’d really fuck with the mind of a racist such as yourself, Bob. Thanks for letting me know that I was right.
Bob sees a lack of enthusiasm. A perception pulled from his ass, obviously. Desperate morning-after wingnut talking points, obviously. He might want to put his head back together before he posts again because he’s making no sense at all anymore.
An exploded head. That’s what a powerful black woman does to a racist coward like Bob. Judging from his weak, bitter posts, this sucks for Bob, I’m sure.
Don’t let us stop you.
Clint Eastwood
More revelation of rightard id by the minute…
Babs? Called Hillary a ‘bitch’.
Laura? She was at least literate. Unclear how she got hitched to shrub, poor woman.
Bob @ 17,
“It’s the weather, right? It’s not a decision by Team Obama to downsize the venue by 70% because they can’t find nearly enough people to fill Bank of America stadium.”
Or not…
Note that the stadium holds a little over 73,000.
When you parrot Wingnut propaganda, Bob, you always end up looking like a moron.
We expect better from you…so please try using your brain.
Does anyone else notice Cereal growing more shrill?
Watch out – that ‘reasonable’ schtick is your stock-in-trade – you’re in danger of becoming another puddle. And, your uncle is going to be bummed if you get fired from this job…
I want Ayn Ryan to tell us again how he ran
a marathonmarathons in4:013:002:40.“I expect better from you…so please try using your brain.”
You appear the only one left that thinks that way, Darryl, so I fixed it for you.
Darryl @ 26
Brad Panovich WCNC@wxbrad
It’s a simple question.. if you had a #Panthers game, Concert or Soccer match with a 20% chance of storms would you cancel 24hrs prior?
5 Sep 12
I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella to an outdoor event held when there was a chance of rain.
“Does anyone else notice Cereal growing more shrill?”
After the GOP disaster of last week, the blow-out opening last night, and Bob’s pathetic and shrill reaction, it’s obvious that desperation has set in for the smarmy one.
A racist like Bob getting his ass kicked by a black woman. That’s gotta fucking hurt! Sucks big time for Bob, huh?
Boner Bob has been spending too much private time with Goat Cheese Boy. It could be true love.
Who the fuck said I did?
What’s so not-so-surprising these days is how fucking stupid you are Bob..
Do you have so little respect for Republican party leadership? Or any political operators who’ve been in that business for freaking decades?
Think, think.. (Now I’m just being a generous soul here)..
Who does the election come down to?
Less than a million undecided voters maybe?
Pull your head out of your narcissistic ass Bob and realize it’s not about YOU or ME – it’s about THEM!
What a dork!
More Darryl @ 26:
I know that TPM is a wholly unbiased source of facts and that their neutrality is not to be questioned.
My question, though:
If they had such a large overflow list, why were they only last week worried about unfilled seats to the extent that they decided they would bus in 50,000 out-of-towners?
Two well-placed Democratic sources said there was no concern about filling the 75,000-seat venue. One senior official said the Obama campaign had an overflow list of 19,000 who could not be seated in the stadium.
While that may be true, it’s equally true, according to another top organizer, that questions were raised last week about covering empty seats out of fear the stadium would not be filled. Obama for America field organizers redoubled their efforts and guaranteed organizers they would fill the stadium.
I wasn’t able to watch the Democratic convention last night, but on the commute in this morning I listened on the radio to the replay of the Kennedy-Romney debates, which was aired at the convention.
Kennedy pointed out that he had been working his entire career to make adequate health care available to all Americans, and challenged Romney to show his plans for health care. Romney responded that he had a multi-part position paper on that issue which he would be happy to show Kennedy. Kennedy cut him short: “Don’t show it to me, show it to the voters!”. Romney tried to back-peddle, saying that it was difficult to go over a health plan point-by-point. Kennedy again cut him short: “That’s what you have to do, as a legislater.”
It was watching a young pup get taken to the woodshed by the master. Romney tried to be his arrogant and evasive self, but Kennedy wasn’t going to be intimidated by Romney’s claims to wealth and success. I hope the Democratic debate preperation team was taking notes – don’t play Romney’s game. When he starts giving vague answers, just point out that he’s been running for President for the past five years, and if he can’t be precise about what he proposes to do, then that’s because he doesn’t want us to know.
@ 33
Same reason the bunting and the balloons are up there. And the confetti.
It’s fluff.
Are you going to vote for Obama because he has two children? Or for Ryan because he has three and they are all even younger?
When the shooting in the Denver theater occurred, people were asking why a six year old was in a theater for a midnight showing. Why are 5 year olds on a stage at 11 p.m. in front of 20,000 people? Putting a young child in either situation is silly.
So why do it? Because it’s fluff, and to people like YLB it’s important for some reason.
Boner Bob, if you had a hurricane like Katrina heading for a city like New Orleans, would you plan ahead or would you turn over your disaster planning to ‘Can I quit now?’ Brownie?
You don’t get it Bob. You don’t get it..
It’s sad how stupid you are..
Have a better day.
“I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella to an outdoor event held when there was a chance of rain.”
And Bob would hold an umbrella up high during a thunder storm. “Chance of rain”. God you’re fucking desperate. And all it took was one speech by a “fluffy” black woman.
The racist and his failed political party got their asses handed to them by a black woman. And a “fluffy” black woman at that! Your every post is now saturated with how much that sucks for you.
Bob can’t keep up the act anymore. So we have the shrill and bitter Bob. LMFAO!!
Speaking of Michelle, and speeches, remember this?
“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”
As the first comment at the video notes, Michelle was 20 when Carl Lewis first participated in the Olympics, so that dad’s lap business is easily detected bullshit.
Right up there with Ryan and his marathon time, or how Hillary’s parents named her after Sir Edmund Hillary, who became famous well after she was born.
YLB, why do we want a First Lady who is a liar?
“YLB, why do we want a First Lady who is a liar?”
Bitterness and desperation. That’s all you’ve got left, racist. And a “fluffy” black woman did it to you. Little wonder why you’re so damned shrill this morning.
@ 41
Doctor Steve, I know she spoke but I have no idea what she may have said. Didn’t see it and haven’t reviewed a transcript yet.
Didn’t see Ann Romney’s speech last week, either.
Looking forward to Bill’s, tho.
@40 Geez, Bob, from your link it looks like the folks over at Althouse are as shrill and bitter as you have become these last 24 hours.
“This woman is a fraud. Her husband is a bigger fraud. The Republican convention looked like America these people look like a welfare line.
“The choice facing this country is as simple as black and white.”
They’re also racist like you. I can see why you hang out there, Bob.
@4 “This administration is by far the Worst I have seen in 60 years, the absolute worst wealth destruction, deficits and debt this nation has ever experienced! Bar none and Period!”
You were born in 2009?
# 34: There are conventions, and then there are conventions.
If you attend a four-day industry convention, all but a few in the organizing body will simply attend a few hours of scheduled training sessions & industry updates, have a lunch where they network with their colleagues or vendors, play golf in the afternoon, and have a semi-formal dinner with a guest speaker in the evening.
Party conventions, however, are something else entirely. They are designed to encourage and rally the delegates and base watching on T.V., but even the most humble delegates will be engaged in politiking and issues lobbying – often in hotel rooms, convention hallways, hotel lobbys, anywhere they can find a few seats and (hopefully) a table. Alliances are formed, and new leaders emerge for the next four or eight years. Those people are rarely on the convention floor except for the major events and major speeches. But a camera panning an empty convention hall doesn’t look good, so they make some effort to make sure unfilled chairs are filled by – somebody.
Heck, even the Acadamy Awards does that, and so does my church for services recorded to be broadcast later – ushers are told to make sure every seat in the front sections are filled before opening up new rows for seating.
@10 Obama has more presidential experience than Romney.
@14 “Larger issues merit our attention.”
Then when doesn’t Romney talk about them? For that matter, why don’t you? As for pussybutt, he’s a case study in the art of magnifying trivia.
@20 Speaking of living off other people’s labor, here’s the new labor regime that cheap labor conservatives are imposing on Greek workers:
“Increase the number of maximum workdays to six days per week for all sectors. Increase flexibility of work schedules; set the minimum daily rest to 11 hours; delink the working hours of employees from the opening hours of the establishment; eliminate restrictions on minimum/maximum time between morning and afternoon shifts; allow the consecutive two-week leave to be taken anytime during the year in seasonal sectors.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s the creditor class’s message to Greece’s young people:
1) All debts must be repaid no matter what, regardless of who borrowed the money (i.e., the rich people who ran your country for you), what it was spent on (i.e., so your country’s rich people wouldn’t have to pay any taxes whatsoever), or the feasibility of repayment.
2) You must work 13-hour days for 6 days a week (i.e., 78 hours a week) to pay back your rich elders’ debt.
3) All workers will report for work at 4:30 a.m. and clock in at 8 a.m.
4) All workers will clock out at 1 p.m. and report back for second shift at 4:30 p.m.
5) Vacations will be scheduled as follows: January 2, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Feb. 29, 1:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. …
All of this so the creditor class can get the money they recklessly lent to their dishonest rich Greek buddies back (from the working class, of course), and so the one-percenters can continue to live dissolute lives of idleness and sloth in obscene comfort supported by the labor of the working class.
What’s actually happening in Greece is that young people, especially educated ones, are leaving the country to work elsewhere. In other words the country is being depopulated. Same in Ireland.
1) She was Episcopalian.
2) They met at a dance.
3) She loved him from the beginning.
4) The rented a basement apartment.
5) Their table was a door.
6) They lived on tuna fish and pasta. Why? Mitt didn’t want to be identified as getting handouts from dad. FACT!
7) They had 5 sons.
8) She chose to be a stay at home mom.
9) She loved Mitt’s father for the MAN he was
10) Mitt is a caring man.
11) Mitt helped poor people for the last 30+ years of his life.
12) Mitt cared for Ann when she was diagnosed with MS.
13) Mitt cared for Ann when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
14) She still really loves Mitt after 42 years of marriage.
15) Their love isn’t plastic or fake for public show.
There you go buttspigot. 15 simple to remember points! Really simple when you pay attention!
Telling the truth to Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck is tedious at best. That’s why he thinks of a new name for Puddy each post. The same name works mighty well for Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck!
@33 “Less than a million undecided voters maybe?”
Yeah, I saw the number 978,000 some time ago, and that’s extremely bad news for R-Money, because there aren’t enough undecided voters left for him to catch up in crucial swing states.
So Merkel is a cheap labor conservative SENILE Wabbit?
Do tell!
@30 The election won’t be decided by umbrellas. Our country doesn’t have an umbrella issue. Pretending there’s an umbrella problem won’t help your party or candidate.
Oh Steve, you are a “punny” man. You forget the shrill and moronic commentary from last week? CNN… NBC… ABC… CBS.. PMSNBC… Newspapers… Then you have all the left wrong kook sites. Venture over to Newsbusters and view the comparisons.
Wait… Newsbusters… Facts… Truth… scary shit to progressive libtards!
So with the love fest over Michelle’s strange speech last night… it’ will be a down hill slide for the rest of the DUMMOCRAPT convention!
@53 I was thinking more of the Greek upper class — the people who dodge taxes on their seaside villas, fancy yachts, etc.
You see, putz, Greece doesn’t have a labor productivity problem but it does have a tax evasion problem. The reason they’re broke isn’t because nobody works but because the people who owe taxes don’t pay them and the government doesn’t collect them.
@55 I haven’t seen any shrill or moronic commentary from CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PMSNBC, or nhewspapers. The only shrill and moronic commentary I’ve seen is Fox’s and yours and a few other wingnut idiots. The main difference between you and others is that you seem to focus on meaningless trivia. For you, the smaller a story is, the more intensively you milk it.
@56 Is this what you do for wet dreams?
@50 Like I said, master of meaningless trivia.
@ Roger Rabbit
The negative nay-bags here are well aware that the odds of Mitt winning are getting slim. 16 out 16 professional odds-makers have long odds on Romney-Ryan after the RNC no bounce liars r-us show. Now they see the New York Times and Nate Silver’s educated opinion on Mitt’s hard road to travel may be a bridge to nowhere.
Wet dreams? Is that all you have left SENILE Wabbit? Project much? It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Meaningless Trivia… Wrong again SENILE Wabbit… It was heart felt. You could see it in Ann Romney’s face. Something seemingly missing last night!
@40 Here is another story on the soon to be elected US Congresswoman from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard. It looks like the mainland media likes what they see.
Golly Roger SENILE Wabbit… when you look at the two major parties in Greece it was the leftists who accepted the European austerity plan ( longer work hours, less pay, shorter vacations) while the conservatives rejected it, wanting to keep the status quo. Therefore another of your putrid arguments falls flat on it’s face.
@65 You should put some serious money where your mouth is. The payback is a dollar bet on Mitt will return $3 if he wins.
@65 Here are six recent estimates of what is happening with the electoral college. If we factor Darral’s projection into the mix we get 7 of 7 who seem to agree that what Romney – Ryan are selling is not getting sold.
Are you joking? They lived off the stock portfolio his father gave him. FACT.
Geez you’re stupid, or blind.
Didn’t Jay-Zus say not to lie?
@63 The fact you feel something with your whole heart doesn’t make it important. Bread crumbs are the most important thing in the universe to the cockroaches under your kitchen sink. But that doesn’t make your crumbs important to anyone else.
@67 “This year the polls have been hard to move for any reason.” — Nate Silver
This is the salient fact of this campaign, the one that defines the 2012 election. Romney is behind, so he must move the polls, or he’ll lose.
All Obama has to do is jog in place and mark time.
It isn’t just Silver who’s noticed this. Other pollsters, including Gallup, have commented on it.
Most voters’ minds are made up. They’re immovable. Although the race looks close on paper, there aren’t enough undecideds left to put Romney ahead,, even if he could somehow win them all over.
As far as that goes, Ryan has proved not to be the magic elixir Romney needs to sway the undecided voters. Eastwood was not. Ann was not. His own convention speech registered zero on the Richter scale.
What’s left? The debates. Good luck with that. A possible October surprise from Europe, Israel, Wall Street, or oil prices. Can’t rule it out, but unlikely. Romney’s advantage in advertising dollars — probably his last hope.
But I think what’s happening here is Romney is playing his last cards by trying to draw two pair against a player holding a straight.
OMG!!! The Obama icon is an Islamic Sharia Compliance Banner!!!
But, but, what about the South Carolina flag?
I hold Nickey Haley responsible.
OMG!!! Grab your black rifle and meet me at the at the park!
Of course, criticism of Nickey Haley means I’m a RACIST DUMMOCRAPTHS!!!11!!
“You see, putz, Greece doesn’t have a labor productivity problem but it does have a tax evasion problem. The reason they’re broke isn’t because nobody works but because the people who owe taxes don’t pay them and the government doesn’t collect them.”
Somehow, that scenario has a familiar ring to it…
@71, 73 – What’s frightening about this is the nuts who believe it and work themselves into a rage over it have real guns.
@70 The issue of the big money donors and how they will influence the elections is an interesting subject. Sheldon Adelson, Karl Rove, and the Koch Brothers seem to think spending mega millions will sell the voters on their vision of what a path to prosperity should look like. It is interesting to note in Adelson’s State of Nevada the voters seem to be going the wrong way?http://blogs.rgj.com/politics/.....00-voters/
“After days of bad weather, President Barack Obama’s … acceptance speech … will move indoors …. As a result, thousands will be turned away.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trolls assured us Obama’s speech would be moved because organizers couldn’t fill stadium seats. Another wingnut conspiracy theory is smashed to smithereens.
Data Points
This is from a CNN interactive site.
Household Income
JAN 2009 – 55K
JUN 2012 – 51K
401(k) Balances
JAN 2009 – 49K
JUN 2012 – 73K
Home Prices
JAN 2009 – 176K
JUN 2012 – 185K
Unemployment Rate
JAN 2009 – 7.8%
JUN 2012 – 8.3%
Credit Card Debt
JAN 2009 – 5.8K
JUN 2012 – 5.0K
JAN 2009 – 67K
JUN 2012 – 54K
Got cum?
And more:
What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob Dole have in common?
They were both upset when Bill finished first.
CNN Grades Michelle’s Speech
“Michelle Obama gave one of the finest speeches ever delivered at a national political convention … it could have more impact … than her husband’s celebrated 2004 keynote address ….”
Bob @ 30,
“I wonder how many of those 65,000 locals would have been too stupid to bring an umbrella…”
The rain wasn’t the major consideration, Bob.
So…are you ever going to get serious again, so we can have real, serious conversations? Or are you just going to continue to parroting right wing bullshit all day?
@30 & @81 & @85 are what pass for intellectual discussion in conservative circles.
What did the FBI find in the pocket of Monica Lewinsky’s dress?
A Wad of Bills.
@ 82
What better author to explain incompetence?
Editor’s note: Gordon Stewart is former deputy chief speechwriter to President Jimmy Carter
Sorry, but I’ve lived in a golf community commenly known as a den of thieving Republicans for twenty years. But if I read the Urban Dictionary correctly, you’re a bit punny yourself, Puddy.
I’ve never heard it pronounced, but being a combination of pun and funny, I assume that it’s prounonced like funny with a “p”. That brings me to the name “Puddy”. For five years I’ve been pronouncing it Puddy as in goody. Then I had dinner with some known commie-fascist-jihadists one evening and they were all pronouncing it Puddy as in Dudley. And at least one of those commie-fascist-jihadists met you at a Seattle Jewish-commie-fascist’s daughter’s wedding. So he might actually know, but I don’t trust rabbits. Is it one of those two or something else? I prefer Puddy as in goody, but only Puddy knows for sure.
@87 “but I don’t trust rabbits”
Of course you shouldn’t trust rabbits, but you should trust humans even less.
Bob @ 85,
“What did the FBI find in the pocket of Monica Lewinsky’s dress? A Wad of Bills.”
Well…I guess that indirectly answers my question @ 83.
I got to thinking about what would happen if today’s Republicans were in office in 1940, when F.D.R. was elected to his third term.
First, they would hold a meeting on the night of his inaugeration (January 1941) to a third term, deciding how to beat him. The concensus would be to obstruct everything he tried to do, Senate filabuster to every other trick. Then they will claim he hasn’t “accomplished anything” and use that to try to get back into control of at least one house of Congress in 1942.
In doing so, they would try to stop funding for major improvement projects, stopping TVA and the Columbia River water projects. This would mean that the electricity generated would not be available for the enrichment of uranium and plutonium at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Richland, Washington, until years later.
They would stop cooperation with Britain and Lend-Lease, leaving Britain to fend off the Germans alone. They would oppose any expansion of the U.S. army, navy, or marines.
When war started, they would daily blame it on the President, revealing confidential information and arguing that the President was mis-managing the war. They would bring that into the 1942 elections, forcing F.D.R. into a position of releasing details of the success at Midway which the Navy would prefer the enemy not have. Since the invasion of N. Africa wasn’t until about Nov. 1942, Republicans would campaign that the President was “doing nothing” about the Germans, even though they knew from secret briefings that the invasion force was already on the high seas heading towards N. Africa. (The Republicans did this regarding Stealth technology and the cancellation of the B-1 bomber project in 1980).
I could go on, but that’s a good start.
@86 You do realize, don’t you, the hilarious irony of a conservative calling the Obama administration “incompetent” directly on the heels of George W. Bush’s eight years?
# 86: That’s all you’ve got????
Maybe we should bring out all the comments made by Romney’s opponants about him in the Republican primaries again.
Primaries are bare-knuckle politics. Everybody expects their opponants to be critical of them. In fact, it’s a way to vet the eventual nominee – if they can survive the opposition in the primary, then they have a better chance of surviving in the general election.
Fortunately for Romney, he didn’t have any real opposition in the primaries – they were the gang that couldn’t shoot straight, not credible challengers to be President. The media, and his primary opponants, focused on each other rather than at him (until the very end). That meant that he’s still vulnerable to the charges being thrown against him.
@81 Do you have a thing for blue dresses? Check out US Army Captain Tulsi Gabbard live at the DNC. It will be a good show when two tour combat veteran Tulsi goes to Washington to kick a lame Boehner’s ass on the house floor.
Darryl @ 83:
I’m sorry, was this a serious thread? The president’s wife’s speech?
Put up a serious question and I might have an opportunity to weigh in. I think I’ve taken the polls seriously.
OK, here’s a serious question: Should we care what a FLOTUS looks like, sounds like, or cares about to the point that it should factor in any way to a voter’s decision in which candidate gets his/her vote? You could consider my comment @ 14 to be serious, which it was.
Here’s a second question, similar to the first: Do we need to know what the FLOTUS thinks after we’ve already had three-and-a-half years to make that judgement for ourselves?
@ 92
Bill Clinton’s speaking tonite. Bill won’t release his speech for vetting beforehand.
Here’s some of what Bill had to say about Barack in primary season, since you mentioned primaries (which are long-since over):
I’m eagerly awaiting the dog whistles in Clinton’s speech tonite. Hopefully MSNBC will point them out the same way they did all of the ones they think were uttered by the other side.
By the way – where are the tax returns, Mitt? Did you release the completed 2011 tax return, or is it still “in work”? Maybe you did release it, and I missed the news reference due to other things happening. If not, that means we are only some eight weeks from the election, with only one tax return released, one promised, and the rest Mitt is still refusing to release.
@ 96
Are tax returns a ‘serious’ issue? ’cause Darryl will take you to task if you aren’t serious here. Today, anyway. Me, anyway.
Was wealth a serious issue when a wealthy candidate for president was a Democrat in 2004?
Speaking of tax returns, Inslee called on McKenna to release his. I asked, twice, in a previous thread whether Gary Locke had released substantial tax return data. Had he, ever, while governor or while campaigning for that office? Or is this some new thing this year?
Serious questions deserve serious discussion.
“President Jimmy Carter”
Please excuse my asking, but is this something akin to Bush Derangement Syndrome, more commonly known as BDS? I only ask because I’ve heard that name coming out of an awful lot out of Republican mouths for a long time, a very long time. Geez, 32 years ago. It’s now a multi-generational affliction. Is this worse than BDS, perhaps genetic? Damn. It makes me wonder of there will ever be a cure?
If you could just remember a little bit further back in history, Bob, only a couple of years to the previous Republican administration, you would know of WIN buttons, racist “southern strategies” and “I’m not a crook!”.
I’d guess that a wall built to block those memories is what has left Republicans babbling the name “Jimmy Carter” for the last 32 years, telling any fool who would listen that Carter was the worse president evah! It helps you to forget the worst president in the history of America, the man who left the office in disgrace, a lying Republican.
A lying Republican. So little has changed. This is understandable, what with their mass state of denial and all that.
I’m solidly behind the re-election of President Obama, as many of you know. But Washington is going to give it’s electoral votes to Pres. Obama, regardless of what I do.
Likewise, my Congressional District looks safe, although I will donate some money, and perhaps some time, to make sure it stays safe.
But beyond that, what can we do to help? Sure, I could give a small donation to Pres. Obama, and I’ve already done that. But what else could I do?
I’m thinking that based on national impact, the most I can do is try to enfluence other Washington State Congressional races. So, what other Congressional districts are in play, so that a group of small donars and volunteers might make a difference?
“You do realize, don’t you, the hilarious irony of a conservative calling the Obama administration “incompetent” directly on the heels of George W. Bush’s eight years?”
Predictable, having witnessed them ignore Nixon and blather on and on and on for over three decades about how Carter was the worst president evah!
Bush Derangement Syndrome? Nothing but Psych 101 projection by idiots who have been babbling about Carter for over thirty years. Carter Derangement Syndrome? Very, very real. Unfortunately, we might have found a cure by now but Republicans slashed the research funds to give tax cuts to the rich. So sad.
“What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob Dole have in common?
They were both upset when Bill finished first.”
WTF?? Bob Dole blew Clinton too?? Damn. Hey, I wonder if Dole gave Clinton $20 like the Republicans in America’s park toilets do when they offer $20 to blow an undercover black cop?
“’cause Darryl will take you to task if you aren’t serious here. Today, anyway. Me, anyway.”
No…asswipe, I am ONLY asking you. I am targeting you, because I hope you can get off your stupid, meaningless, “stupid bullshit that wingnuts say” jag and get back to engaging in genuine conversation.
“Was wealth a serious issue when a wealthy candidate for president was a Democrat in 2004?”
Yes…it was. You Wingnuts were all about how bad it was that Kerry was wealthy. Fucking hypocrits!
“Speaking of tax returns, Inslee called on McKenna to release his. I asked, twice, in a previous thread whether Gary Locke had released substantial tax return data.”
Yes…the more you spit out Wingding talking points, the more people skip over your comments and miss the ones in which you aren’t being a dittohead.
“Had he, ever, while governor or while campaigning for that office?”
Beats me. I moved to this state after he was elected.
“Or is this some new thing this year?”
Well…if it is, than we can consider Jay Inslee as the George W. Romney of Washington state!
“Serious questions deserve serious discussion.”
Yes…now lets hope you can change your ways!
Roger, you are NOT ALLOWED to bring that up. According to the rethug rules of engagement, there will be no mention of he-who-must-not-be-named.
“Today, anyway. Me, anyway.”
Feeling victimized, Bob? Predictable. You’re a Republican. Victimization is like a constant state of mind with you folk. Hmm, it’s probably yet another symptom of Carter Derangement Syndrome popping up. I’d suggest “take a pill”, but there aren’t any for what ails you. Sad.
I’m eagerly awaiting the dog whistles in Clinton’s speech tonite.
Thinks like
“Labor unions built this country.”
“Republicans love outsourcing, just ask the Chinese Communists.”
“Women control their own bodies.”
“The Republican Party began as a liberal party.”
“Paying taxes is patriotic.”
“Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight.”
“The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible”
I’m not sure, but I think there could be some dog whistle words in those statements.
@94 “I’m sorry, was this a serious thread? The president’s wife’s speech?”
I’ve met cotton candy with less empty air than this troll.
Darryl @ 102
You Wingnuts were all about how bad it was that Kerry was wealthy.
Were we? Was GWB43 personally bringing up the Kerry wealth/tax issue the way Obama chooses to make it an issue?
Gee. My recollection is that Kerry was under fire (rightfully or otherwise) for flip-flopping, for misrepresenting his war record and whereabouts, for his Vietnam-era testimony, and for his desire to subject America to, say, ‘global test’ evaluation that might put our sovereignty at risk.
Silly me. I had no idea that GWB43 built a case against Kerry based so heavily on his wealth.
About the only thing I do recall about his wealth was how badly his wife’s speech was received.
@97 “Are tax returns a ’serious’ issue?”
They are if you’re a guy making $20 million a year who hides money in overseas havens to avoid paying taxes and then cuts a deal with the IRS to avoid going to prison for tax evasion.
@97: Historically, tax transparency is a cudgel that both Dems and Repubs have used against each other and within their own parties (Bush 2004 made an issue of it against Kerry, mostly as a “character issue”):
Given the current political moment, an era of vast wealth disparities and wealth-based political power run amok, how Romney made his money and how much tax he is paying on it, is politically very serious.
@98 I had the privilege of meeting President Jimmy Carter in person. He’s a much better man than any Republican I’ve ever known.
@99 There might be opportunities for Washington volunteers to work as polling place monitors in battleground states to help protect voting rights in those states.
@107 Kerry didn’t misrepresent his war record; it was the swift boat liars who did that.
Bob @ 94,
“I’m sorry, was this a serious thread?”
What do you mean by a thread being a “serious thread”? This is clearly an open thread.
“Put up a serious question and I might have an opportunity to weigh in. I think I’ve taken the polls seriously.”
Unfortunately, when you discredit yourself by mindlessly spewing nutjobber bullshit, it makes it difficult to EVER take you seriously.
Note that I’m not suggesting you cannot engage in snark. But what would help your credibility is if you abandon the bullshit and snark with honesty and integrity.
I know you have the smarts…I can only hope you have the integrity to do so.
“OK, here’s a serious question: Should we care what a FLOTUS looks like, sounds like, or cares about to the point that it should factor in any way to a voter’s decision in which candidate gets his/her vote?”
I don’t think there is an “rule” about this. For some people the FLOTUS is an important influence, source of inspiration, role model, etc. Other’s, not.
“You could consider my comment @ 14 to be serious, which it was.”
Wow! A whole serious question!!!!
“Here’s a second question, similar to the first: Do we need to know what the FLOTUS thinks after we’ve already had three-and-a-half years to make that judgement for ourselves?”
It’s a rather stupid question, but here is an answer similar to the first: For some people, this seems quite relevant, as we can deduce from the fact that both parties do it (e.g. Laura Bush in 2004). Given the multitude of purposes behind holding a Convention, and the multitude of reasons for picking specific speakers at a convention, it shouldn’t be at all surprising that a FLOTUS gives an address.
Yep, saw that. Even when cereal seems to be trying to make a rational point, he can’t help slipping in a lie, like a shiv, discrediting himself in the process.
Why have any speeches? Why don’t we just read each party’s platform and make a decision based on the plans put forward in those documents.
Oh, wait. Can’t do that. DON’T READ THE RNC PLATFORM (esp you ladies)
(Almost like speaking the name of he-who-cannot-be-named.)
Cereal is just miffed that the barn-burner last night, which was outrageously good in terms of framing and asserting Democratic (and democratic) principles and aspirations, is a huge hit across the political spectrum.
@108: Yeah, what Roger said.
@110 “I had the privilege of meeting President Jimmy Carter in person.”
I was invited to attend a dinner with him in 1979 but the “Rose Garden” thing interfered. I still have the printed invitation somewhere.
@ 15
Why don’t we just read each party’s platform and make a decision based on the plans put forward in those document.
Well, Lib Despair, if you can’t convince your own party’s leaders to read it:
Lisa Desjardins
RAHM EMANUEL ON CNN: “Personally, I’ve never read our party’s platform.”
4 Sep 12
why should the rest of us read it?
@ 117
the “Rose Garden” thing interfered.
Yeah, if he was too chickenshit to face Kennedy why would he want to see you?
Come out of the rose garden. – Edward Kennedy
@119 You seem to be very upset. I hope you’re not losing it already. I want you to stick around for awhile, Bob.
Here, Bob, allow me to introduce you to the worst president in American history, a Republican, the man who won the election prior to Jimmy Carter. Maybe this will help snap you out of your Carter Derangement Syndrome. Yeah, this is my version of giving you a pill, Bob, me helping you to get your mind right.
@ 120
Doctor Steve, Nixon wasn’t close. Take off your blinders and do some googling. Names like Harding are near the top of the worst list.
Actually, Nixon and Carter are pretty close.
These are Nixon quotes released in 2010. Repeat after me, Bob, “The. Worst. President. Evah!”
“Nixon wasn’t close”
That’s the derangement syndrome speaking.
I doubt that it was the Harding administration’s corruption and scandels that bothers a racist like you, Bob. Far more likely it was his endorsement of African American civil rights. That was probably unforgivable, huh?
@ 122
I bought Frost/Nixon. Good movie.
Turns out one can also order the entire David Frost/Richard Nixon video recordings. I may get that just to learn something. Tried reading Nixon’s second book. Yawner. Maybe Nixon could have made composites of his characters like Barack did with his squeezes. Would shorten the book, anyway.
The Irish girl I dated didn’t get mean when she drank, she got horny.
Welfare Bums
Turns out the Romneys (Mitt’s dad and family) were on welfare for several years.
@126 Nice.
Sounds like she need the pill, not prayer.
I’m a huge Steve Earle fan.
@129 As my law school dean said, “Hoping and praying are not substitutes for” ________ (fill in blank).
“Were we?”
Most certainly!
“Was GWB43 personally bringing up the Kerry wealth/tax issue the way Obama chooses to make it an issue?”
Beats me. But is isn’t particularly relevant to the point that Wingnuts went absolutely bonkers over Kerry’s wealth.
“Silly me. I had no idea that GWB43 built a case against Kerry based so heavily on his wealth.”
Indeed! Silly you. How easily you reality-deniers forget!
“About the only thing I do recall about his wealth was how badly his wife’s speech was received.”
Well…at least you haven’t engaged in TOTAL group amnesia!
Bob @ 118,
“Well, Lib Despair, if you can’t convince your own party’s leaders to read it:
Lisa Desjardins
RAHM EMANUEL ON CNN: “Personally, I’ve never read our party’s platform.”
4 Sep 12
why should the rest of us read it?”
What the FUCK are you babbling about?
How do you draw the conclusion that Democrats can’t convince their party leaders to read the platform because one Democratic Mayor hasn’t read the platform?
That’s illogical.
It is as idiotic as someone claiming that the Republicans cannot get their own leaders to read the platform because Speaker Boehner has fessed up to never reading the platform.
You statement is not that of an intelligent person or thoughtful discussion.
Can’t you do better? Or is it beyond your intellect?
Nixon and Carter are equivilents?
I think I just threw up in my mouth. Republican Wingnuts like to make false equivilencies all the time, but that’s just downright libel.
Carter and Nixon were both in the Navy, but Nixon spent most of his time in WWII doeing logistical work at a desk and playing poker at night. Carter is a Naval Acadamy graduate who served near the top of the first nuclear navy program.
Nixon was born of Quakers but had completely rejected their ways, becoming a mean drunk. Carter did, and to the best of my knowledge still does, conduct Bible School classes.
While in office, Carter had to undue a web of alliances with petty dictators and killers dating back to the beginning of the cold war. Nixon multiplied such alliances, and conducted a war against his domestice “enemies” (meaning anyone who disagreed with him), forming an illegal “plumbers” organization which wiretapped, broke into offices and stole information, spread false lies about opponants, obstructed justice when discovered, etc.
After leaving office, Nixon became a bitter recluse, granting only the Frost interview and writing a couple of books. Carter helped found a non-profit organization (Habitat for Humanity), personally worked on many projects, and was so prestigious for his reputation for honesty that he was asked to oversee many elections oversees. Oh, he wrote a few books as well.
I have never had a chance to meet Jimmy Carter, which I regret. I did meet Gerald Ford once – he was an old Eagle Scout, and so was I (we attended a brief reception with him at the White House when I was there for the 1975 Explorers national convention.) We didn’t talk about anything substantive – he told us how much he appreciated his experiences in the Boy Scouts.
@128 & 130
Check out this recent speech by Steve Earle about Woody Guthrie.
“Nixon and Carter are equivilents?”
Not exactly. Nixon has been erased from the collective wingnut memory, and understandably so. When they do that, it’s easy to shout out repeatedly and earnestly, “Jimmy Carter is the worst president evah!”
Endless repetition seems to help wingnuts swallow the lies they are fed.
John Effin Kerry married into money by marrying the Heinz widow. Mitt made his money as a hard working businessman.
Puddle, you are a parody of yourself. You’ll never understand that, apparently.
Artfart… I expected you to understand the political dichotomy of Greece vs US. The libtards are the ones who changed the work week etc. This is lost on the SENILE Wabbit because he always ascribes those actions to Republicans. Here it is the libtards.
Sucks to be both of you!
@78 The issue of the big money donors and how they will influence the elections is an interesting subject. Yes it sure is… Here are some of the dirty money DUMMOCRAPTS…
Eychaner, Fred Newsweb Corp $3,250,000
Goldman, Amy Solil Management $2,250,000
Katzenberg, Jeffrey DreamWorks Animation SKG $2,125,000
Jacobs, Irwin M. & Joan K.Qualcomm Inc $2,100,000
Simons, James H. Renaissance Technologies/Simons Fdtn $2,000,000
Saban, Haim & Cheryl Saban Capital Group $1,984,373
Mostyn, J. Steve & Anderson, Amber Mostyn Law Firm $1,703,850
Stryker, Jon Stryker Corp $1,500,000
Eearhart, Anne G. Investor $1,350,000
Sussman, S. Donald Paloma Partners $1,350,000
Soros, George Soros Fund Management $1,175,000
Stiefel, Barbara Retired $1,050,000
Ahmed, Kareem Landmark Medical Management $1,050,000
Maher, Bill Comedian $1,000,000
Haney, Franklin Franklin L Haney Co $1,000,000
Freeman, Morgan Actor $1,000,000
Heifetz, Mel Real Estate Developer $1,000,000
And that’s just some of dirty money DUMMOCRAPTS!
Who knows maybe /snark!
Did they stay there Roger SENILE Wabbit? Or, did George Romney apply himself and improve his lot in life. You throw up useless canards for the daily lookie here.
SENILITY, it’s showing in that one.
Ummm no SENILE one. It was the DUMMOCRAPT insiders who talk to the WaPo, HuffPo etc who leaked that out. Not the whitey house DUMMOCRAPT insiders who leaked military secrets to the NY Slimes. These are other DUMMOCRAPT leakers. Conservative web sites blew it up for the world since the slobbering libtard msm hid that news from the middle class common folk. So it seems these slobbering libtard msm are part of the 1%ers.
Person Playing Puddybud,
Please have your character take his meds and go back to sleep.
@134 “Plumbers”? More like “Wrecking Crew”.
No Abortions, Ever, No Way, No How!!!
“So imagine your 11-year-old daughter has stomach pains. You and your boyfriend decide to take her to the hospital. After some tests, the cause of the stomach pain is revealed: … She’s pregnant.
“So, just as you’re trying to adjust to this astounding news, your 42-year-old boyfriend asks for the keys to the car so he can run an errand. And he never returns. …
When it turns out your 11-year-old daughter is pregnant and your middle-aged boyfriend suddenly disappears, it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. But then the boyfriend saves you the trouble by calling you and apologizing for knocking up your 11-year-old kid. …
The man … then robs a couple at knife-point. … There, he reportedly leaves a note also apologizing to the 11-year-old girl for sexually assaulting her. Then the guy breaks into the home of an elderly woman, and … gags her and ties her up …. He also calls his girlfriend and tells her that the cops will have to kill him before he goes back to jail.
Oh yes, did I mention? He’d been in jail 10 times already — on charges ranging from aggravated assault to armed robbery.
“Eventually, the dude holes up in a hotel … where the cops find him. He … comes out of the bathroom with a knife in hand, threatens the police, and they fatally shoot him. …
“We now … have an 11-year-old girl impregnanted by her mother’s dead middle-aged boyfriend. Who is going to say this is a blessing? I hope the mother does what is right for this little girl … and that does not include forcing her to have her dead criminal boyfriend’s baby. What would you do as a mother in this situation?”
@138 “John Effin Kerry married into money by marrying the Heinz widow. Mitt made his money as a hard working businessman. BIG DIFF!”
Bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa — yeah, marrying for money is more respectable than making it Mitt’s way!!!
I agree with you RR, but I thought you were opposed to abortion on moral grounds – is this not inconsistent?
No snark, just trying to understand your point of view.
Republicans Hate Rich People, Too
John Kerry – bad
Al Gore – bad
George Soros – bad
Ted Kennedy – bad
Warren Buffett – bad
Nancy Pelosi – bad
The only good rich person is a Republican rich person!
@150 Everything has limits and therefore there are exceptions for everything.
The best way to understand me is this way: God gave us brains so we’d have the ability exercise judgment in situations where binary solutions don’t work well (or at all). Life is full of such situations. Most of us know them when we see them.
If this weren’t true, we’d be dispensable, and computers could run the world.
Does that help?
“binary solution” = good v. evil, war v. peace, friend v. foe, etc.
Worst of all Howard Dean. All of the people you listed, at the end of the day, were still “one of them.” Dean turned his back on the plutocracy, which is inexcusable.
@152, 153
Absolutely. Shades of gray, nuance. Each situation is a summation or integration of many individual binaries, yielding that gray shade.
I hear you.
In some ways, having one side of an argument demand a binary explanation/solution severely limits the other side from a more nuanced approach – the nature of the arguing limits the possible outcomes.
Nuns on the bus!!!!
Also too, Michelle really sucked last night. How can anyone top that? Uh-oh, what happens if Elizabeth Warren AND the Big Dog do that tonight?
Stay tuned!
Democratic Convention Schedule
Live feed: http://www.cnn.com/?refresh=1
Currently speaking: Gov. Jack Markell (DE)
Tonight’s schedule:
6 p.m. PDT
•Karen Mills
•Bull Butcher
•Kamala Harris, California attorney general
•Benita Veliz
•Cristina Saralegui
•Sandra Fluke
•Austin Ligon, Co-founder and retired CEO of CarMax
•Karen Eusanio
•Bob King, UAW president
•Randy Johnson, Cindy Hewitt and David Foster
•Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)
7 p.m. PDT
•Jim Senegal, Costco founder and former CEO
•Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senate candidate (Massachusetts)
•Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
•President Bill Clinton
@157 Roger,
Ain’t it a damn fine thing that Washingtonian and successful business owner, Jim Senegal, a man who built and headquartered his business right here in the land of Democratic dominated politics for over 30 years is going to talk in prime time to support OUR president and the Democratic party?
@158 Yeah, another business owner ruined by Obama socialism, hey?
Benita Veliz makes me feel proud to be an American. Proud to be a veteran. Proud to be a Democrat.
Best thing I read today:
via: Delilah
Sandra Fluke is a name that we’re going to remember for a long time, and not because what she’s done recently.
“What would you do as a mother in this situation?”
Or as a Republican would put it, “What would I force a woman to do in this situation?”
@162 She increasingly impresses me as being a very remarkable woman.
There are some people I can respect in a huge way with a just brief first impression. Sister Simone Campbell is one of them.
Paul Ryan not only loved himself some stimulous money, he also loved himself some Obamacare.
Republicans tell Democrats that, if they think people should pay more taxes, then they should start by sending the IRS a check.
If Paul Ryan doesn’t like stimulous money and Obamacare, then give the American taxpayers back their hard-earned money. If the people you represent don’t like getting the short end of the stick then they can just get rid of you, replace you with a Democrat and try again.