Time for the righties to break out their AR-15s, lock and load, and head for the nearest pizza parlor to find the thugs stealing Christmas. Identifying them should be no problem.
They’ll be wearing birkenstocks, fuzzy sweaters, wire-rimmed glasses, and have beards and long hair, and will be seen reading Mao’s Little Red Book. In other words, fucking godless hippie communists.
In the name of Jesus, shoot ’em! Preemptively, you know? Before they come for your wife and children.
Not really. This post is satire. If you have an AR-15 equipped with 100-round drum magazines, and don’t know what the word “satire” means, please contact local law enforcement immediately so they can get a “red flag” emergency court order to separate you from your artillery before you have a chance to take this comment seriously.
Besides, nobody reads Mao’s Little Red Book anymore. China is a capitalist country now. Except for its Hong Kong police department, and the border guards gazing across into North Korea.
Long-haired hippies are passe, too, so yesterday; they’re all money-grubbing Republicans now.
In which @ 1 we learn that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s last Xmas with a functioning cerebral cortex was in 2018.
Annual WSJ Xmas editorial:
Happy Holidays, Steve.
Steve – Bob really likes you….you should give him a chance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Got you beat. Yours imploded in childhood.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 In other words WSJ isn’t endorsing Trump, his evangelical pals, or the Christian Post’s editorial page.
The Crisis is Here!
Replying to @GoldyHA
I’ve had employee insurance, I have bought off the exchange and now I’m on Medicaid. Medicaid has been the best insurance I’ve ever had for prescriptions. I have to take an expensive med and Medicaid covered 100%. I almost cried first time I picked up my free prescriptions.
Dec 24, 2019
Fuck you, dipshit. You’re as clueless as YLB.
One of the best reasons is that if it’s a shared tax, then you don’t have people paying it claiming @ 10 shit is “free”.
Goldy Retweeted
P Chapman
How about instead we just pass a f*cking income tax? Why do we always double-down on regressive sales taxes that just piss off people who don’t have enough excess income to absorb it? https://twitter.com/Jim_Brunner/status/1209217285610541056
Dec 23, 2019
“And then, with only half of the story read, I can get Goldy to retweet @ 10 me. ’cause Goldy has spent a career telling his readers only half the story.”
The Crisis is Here!
Dec 7
I find that because of paywalls, I tend to read the conversation around an article rather than the article itself. I will read an article if there is no paywall, but then often times I can’t finish the article because ads overwhelm the page or the page never fully loads. 1/2
@9. Is the movie where Kevin says “Merry Christmas you filthy animal!”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 & @11 If “free money” from the government is good enough for farmers, it’s good enough for poor sick people, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 So, you ogle other men’s wives, too? Another thing you have in common with Trump. You two are bumps on the same log.
Pay to Play
What ever the impeached miserable failure does is factors worse than anything the Democrats are doing. TRUMP HOTEL ROOM PRICES SPIKED 13X LAST WEEKEND. WE FINALLY KNOW WHY.
While the least expensive room for a one-night stay at the hotel was around $500 on surrounding days, the cheapest room on December 14 was a whopping $6,719. With access to Trump, Pence, and other top officials, and a bonus invitation to the White House holiday party for donors, we no longer have to wonder why.
Lucky donors who managed to snag a room in Trump’s Hotel were also invited to the White House’s holiday open house, meaning that the cost of a room at Trump’s DC Hotel and donations towards his reelection included exclusive political access for the buyer.
Someone please explain surge pricing to @ 17 The Fucking Moron II.
And maybe remind him that during the Clinton administration the Lincoln Bedroom was for sale.
The documents show that Clinton scribbled his enthusiastic approval for the overnight stays on the McAuliffe memorandum, which recommended that major financial supporters be invited to meals, coffees, rounds of golf or jogging excursions.
“Yes, pursue all 3 and promptly — and get other names of the 100,000 or more,” Clinton wrote, apparently seeking names of people who had given $100,000 or more to the Democrats.
Clinton went on: “Ready to start overnights right away — give me the top 10 list back, along with the 100.”
The Fucking Moron II will become increasingly deluded and shrill as November approaches.
NASDAQ crosses 9,000 for the first time evah.
Fauxchahontas has a solution for that problem, of course.
17 I had written that the trumpers would say it’s just good business. I erased it because I didn’t think anyone would be that much of a partiasan troll.
Emoluments clause is just random sounds to them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Somebody please explain “buying access” to the moron @19. Never mind, you can’t make a dumbfuck understand.
GOP pols represent money, not people (see, e.g., Citizens United). If you don’t give them money, you don’t count for shit (see, e.g., people on food stamps and kids who can’t pay for school lunches).
And if you’re Doctor Dumbfuck, you’re a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You and I have something in common, i.e., we’re both getting richer, without working for it, and we both enjoy undeserved and unjustiable tax breaks that poor working saps never see. But in one respect, we’ll always be different: You’re an incorrigible dumbfuck.
Make Corruption Great Again, Bigly!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not so much corruption as abrogating the social contract and refusing to play by the rules anymore.
According to 538 Donald Trump has completed his takeover of the Republican party.
The Washington Supreme Court has ruled that the law requiring you to use your turn signal when changing lanes or turning means you have to use your turn signal when changing lanes or turning.
Every. Fucking. Time. No exceptions.
Except they didn’t say “Fucking” in their opinion. I added that.
@ 27
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is equally shocked to learn that your brake lights need to work every time you apply your brakes.
Every. fucking. time. No exceptions.
Same applies to the safety mechanism in a handgun. Who knew?
To Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit turn signals are like Depends. As long as most of the time they are used correctly, people should be willing to ignore the fallout when they aren’t.
The reason his family insists that he visit the library to read Barron’s is so that they can air out the family shithole dwelling once a week.
Probably because Comey knew those contacts were being manufactured by the FBI.
Ron Wyden✔
Director Comey refused to answer my question about whether the FBI has investigated Trump campaign contacts with Russia
12:57 PM – Jan 10, 2017
I think the best TV in 2020 is when Maddow cried on the day Mueller’s report was released and there was nothing in the dossier corroborated by his findings.
Rachel Maddow rooted for the Steele dossier to be true. Then it fell apart.
She cried on her show. It was absolutely delicious. She had to wolf down a crap sandwich on live TV (OK, delayed a couple hours out here, but still.).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 What good is a handgun with the safety on? Well, I suppose you could throw it at him, like they do in the movies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 You seem irritated with me. Am I getting to you? Good!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Not to worry, what Mueller couldn’t prove, Trump blurted out on live TV. “Yes, I ask foreign governments to investigate my political opponents!” And Doctor Dumbfuck is perfectly okay with it — but only when a Republican does it. Because, like Trump, he’s a Putin bitch — he takes it in the ass for Vlad!
German people are spot on, but hey Bob loves the guy.
Time for the righties to break out their AR-15s, lock and load, and head for the nearest pizza parlor to find the thugs stealing Christmas. Identifying them should be no problem.
They’ll be wearing birkenstocks, fuzzy sweaters, wire-rimmed glasses, and have beards and long hair, and will be seen reading Mao’s Little Red Book. In other words, fucking godless hippie communists.
In the name of Jesus, shoot ’em! Preemptively, you know? Before they come for your wife and children.
Not really. This post is satire. If you have an AR-15 equipped with 100-round drum magazines, and don’t know what the word “satire” means, please contact local law enforcement immediately so they can get a “red flag” emergency court order to separate you from your artillery before you have a chance to take this comment seriously.
Besides, nobody reads Mao’s Little Red Book anymore. China is a capitalist country now. Except for its Hong Kong police department, and the border guards gazing across into North Korea.
Long-haired hippies are passe, too, so yesterday; they’re all money-grubbing Republicans now.
In which @ 1 we learn that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s last Xmas with a functioning cerebral cortex was in 2018.
Annual WSJ Xmas editorial:
Happy Holidays, Steve.
Steve – Bob really likes you….you should give him a chance.
@2 Got you beat. Yours imploded in childhood.
@3 In other words WSJ isn’t endorsing Trump, his evangelical pals, or the Christian Post’s editorial page.
Merry Christmas to you all
@7 You too.
A video that Darryl forgot.
Macaulay Culkin and Donald Trump
wish y’all the merriest of Christmases.
“…free prescriptions”.
Goldy Retweeted
The Crisis is Here!
Replying to @GoldyHA
I’ve had employee insurance, I have bought off the exchange and now I’m on Medicaid. Medicaid has been the best insurance I’ve ever had for prescriptions. I have to take an expensive med and Medicaid covered 100%. I almost cried first time I picked up my free prescriptions.
Dec 24, 2019
Fuck you, dipshit. You’re as clueless as YLB.
One of the best reasons is that if it’s a shared tax, then you don’t have people paying it claiming @ 10 shit is “free”.
Goldy Retweeted
P Chapman
How about instead we just pass a f*cking income tax? Why do we always double-down on regressive sales taxes that just piss off people who don’t have enough excess income to absorb it? https://twitter.com/Jim_Brunner/status/1209217285610541056
Dec 23, 2019
“And then, with only half of the story read, I can get Goldy to retweet @ 10 me. ’cause Goldy has spent a career telling his readers only half the story.”
The Crisis is Here!
Dec 7
I find that because of paywalls, I tend to read the conversation around an article rather than the article itself. I will read an article if there is no paywall, but then often times I can’t finish the article because ads overwhelm the page or the page never fully loads. 1/2
The best thing about Elvis Costello is his wife.
@9. Is the movie where Kevin says “Merry Christmas you filthy animal!”?
@10 & @11 If “free money” from the government is good enough for farmers, it’s good enough for poor sick people, too.
@13 So, you ogle other men’s wives, too? Another thing you have in common with Trump. You two are bumps on the same log.
Pay to Play
What ever the impeached miserable failure does is factors worse than anything the Democrats are doing.
I just wished republicans would police the corruption of their own. “Rules for thee, none for me. ” must be their motto.
My opinion of terrorism is changing,
Bunch of Right Wing Snowflakes and Snowfakes.
Someone please explain surge pricing to @ 17 The Fucking Moron II.
And maybe remind him that during the Clinton administration the Lincoln Bedroom was for sale.
The documents show that Clinton scribbled his enthusiastic approval for the overnight stays on the McAuliffe memorandum, which recommended that major financial supporters be invited to meals, coffees, rounds of golf or jogging excursions.
“Yes, pursue all 3 and promptly — and get other names of the 100,000 or more,” Clinton wrote, apparently seeking names of people who had given $100,000 or more to the Democrats.
Clinton went on: “Ready to start overnights right away — give me the top 10 list back, along with the 100.”
The Fucking Moron II will become increasingly deluded and shrill as November approaches.
NASDAQ crosses 9,000 for the first time evah.
Fauxchahontas has a solution for that problem, of course.
17 I had written that the trumpers would say it’s just good business. I erased it because I didn’t think anyone would be that much of a partiasan troll.
Emoluments clause is just random sounds to them.
Somebody please explain “buying access” to the moron @19. Never mind, you can’t make a dumbfuck understand.
GOP pols represent money, not people (see, e.g., Citizens United). If you don’t give them money, you don’t count for shit (see, e.g., people on food stamps and kids who can’t pay for school lunches).
And if you’re Doctor Dumbfuck, you’re a dumbfuck.
@20 You and I have something in common, i.e., we’re both getting richer, without working for it, and we both enjoy undeserved and unjustiable tax breaks that poor working saps never see. But in one respect, we’ll always be different: You’re an incorrigible dumbfuck.
Make Corruption Great Again, Bigly!
Not so much corruption as abrogating the social contract and refusing to play by the rules anymore.
According to 538 Donald Trump has completed his takeover of the Republican party.
Welcome to the Shithole party
The Washington Supreme Court has ruled that the law requiring you to use your turn signal when changing lanes or turning means you have to use your turn signal when changing lanes or turning.
Every. Fucking. Time. No exceptions.
Except they didn’t say “Fucking” in their opinion. I added that.
@ 27
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is equally shocked to learn that your brake lights need to work every time you apply your brakes.
Every. fucking. time. No exceptions.
Same applies to the safety mechanism in a handgun. Who knew?
To Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit turn signals are like Depends. As long as most of the time they are used correctly, people should be willing to ignore the fallout when they aren’t.
The reason his family insists that he visit the library to read Barron’s is so that they can air out the family shithole dwelling once a week.
Probably because Comey knew those contacts were being manufactured by the FBI.
Ron Wyden✔
Director Comey refused to answer my question about whether the FBI has investigated Trump campaign contacts with Russia
12:57 PM – Jan 10, 2017
I think the best TV in 2020 is when Maddow cried on the day Mueller’s report was released and there was nothing in the dossier corroborated by his findings.
Rachel Maddow rooted for the Steele dossier to be true. Then it fell apart.
She cried on her show. It was absolutely delicious. She had to wolf down a crap sandwich on live TV (OK, delayed a couple hours out here, but still.).
@28 What good is a handgun with the safety on? Well, I suppose you could throw it at him, like they do in the movies.
@29 You seem irritated with me. Am I getting to you? Good!
@31 Not to worry, what Mueller couldn’t prove, Trump blurted out on live TV. “Yes, I ask foreign governments to investigate my political opponents!” And Doctor Dumbfuck is perfectly okay with it — but only when a Republican does it. Because, like Trump, he’s a Putin bitch — he takes it in the ass for Vlad!
German people are spot on, but hey Bob loves the guy.