That’s Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) at a House Energy and Environment subcommittee hearing, making the case that we shouldn’t worry about climate change, because God promised Noah that he’d never destroy the world again. Which I guess is an expression of faith of which we should all be tolerant… if not for the fact that Rep. Shimkus is in line to be the next chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Hey, thanks America, for putting the House in the hands of the best and the brightest!
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Bought and paid for by Massey Energy and BP Oil.
Not to mention Halliburton, the World Bank and Bechtel.
Give me the materials, and the equipment and space to work in and I’ll build the guillotine. These psychopaths have absolutely no boundaries or ethics whatsoever.
Randroid Paul is walking back his bullshit on earmarks.
At the end of the day, the week, the year whatever, they’re just Republicans only too willing to do what Republicans like the Koch Brothers tell them.
I look forward to Barton apologizing to big oil, coal and gas companies as well.
Gotta laugh to keep from crying.
Heh. I heard on the radio there used to be 130,000 coal miners in West Virginia and now there’s maybe 18,000. Ok 30,000 with support people.
It’s the automation stupid. Hardly anything to do with people wanting to live in a clean environment or leave a decent planet to their kids.
Shimkus is an idiot. Well Deathfrogg probably called it better – psychopath.
I thought it was “gonna be fire not a flood next time”.
re 1: God will put Obama there. Who are you to question the Almighty?
@6: Exactly! Global warming has increased as pirates have decreased. It’s in a graphic! From a spreadsheet!
Puddy and Cynny must be brimming with pride that such an idiotic speech is made in a congressional committee meeting. More idiocy in government, now!
Ah, but voters sent them to DC because DC was a closed political bubble, out of touch with reality.
If only Obama had the political Moxie to call this twit an idiot.
Not only that Goldy but the earth is flat and only 4000 years old.
If we send people who are out of touch with reality to a place that is out of touch with reality, what might the result be? Do two wrongs make a right? My head spins at the possibilities . . .
Someone please answer these questions:
1. What is the proper temp for the Earth?
2. When did scientific method include concensus?
3. Why are those beating the drum the loudest about Global Warming making millions from their efforts?
Patriot and Brewer @14,
Okay, I’ll bite.
1. there is no “proper” temperature for the earth, as that’s a value judgement, but a convenient temperature might be one in which the polar ice caps don’t melt and agriculture is still feasible and we’re not innundated with millions of climate and famine refugees.
2. peer review of scientific research is at the core of the scientific method, you dumb ass.
3. I don’t believe that this assertion is true, but to the extent that it is, it’s because those who bang their drum the “loudest” are those employed by the media and those jobs tend to be well compensated. Millionaire climate researchers are pretty thin on the ground.
Now answer me these questions:
1. what if those who deny climate change are wrong?
2. How much will it cost the economy?
3. why don’t you fuck off already?
Whatever temperature it is in San Diego.
The same time scientific method included opinion, bible quotes and just plain “pulling shit out the ass”.
Like Shell Oil, BP, James Inhofe, Halliburton, Joe Barton, Faux News, Rush the pill poppin’ sex tourist…and soooooo many many other deniers??????
Denying ALL the way to the bank while the global climate crumbles????
You mean THOSE guys?
11/10/2010 at 11:59 am
@ 14
This presentation provides a lot of good answers. it doesn’t address question #3. What it does do is tear the anti global warming shills arguments apart, step by step.
The basic answer is, they’re lying through their teeth, and they damn well know it. They cite studies to back up their arguments, but the actual studies they cite say the opposite, as do the authors and researchers that published them.
They’re lying.
Holy S**T. These people aren’t just stupid, they’re power stupid. Maybe the mountain god of the Jews did promise Noah he’d destroy the world again (the Norse and Hindu also believe in cyclical destruction of the world)…but he was a bit vague on the time line you idiot. That was about 6,000-8,000 years ago. Everyone from that day forward might have thought the same, why take care of the planet, god is destroying it again, but it may not be destroyed for another 15,367 years, and we might not want to live in a toxic dump for that entire time.
For the reality based smart folks (non-Republicans), sure the sun will eventually swallow the earth in a few billions years but between now and then we might as well care for the planet since it’s the only place we have to live.
book of genesis, us chamber of commerce chapter.
@6: Undercover: I getcha! the spaghetti monster says global warming correlates to a lack of pirates – makes as much sense as Shimkus and the republican science deniers.
@14: the scientific method always involves questioning data and conclusions – but the consensus (such as evolution, gravity and other theories) is reached after many iterations. On the other hand, it is always possible to tweak the big theories.
Most of the global warming deniers either work for industry or have some political agenda. There is NO scientific research published that refutes the central premise that the earth is warming, that CO2 is involved and that humans are responsible for the warming.
Assbrain @ 14
Why are those who are so lavishly funding the global warming naysayers spending so much money? Could it be, just maybe, that efforts to curb global warming would cost them money? Is it possible that they’re invested in the oil and gas industry?
So this idiot’s personal mythology is what we’re going to base policy on?
Come on Pud, Cynical, lost – this is your team – both Republican and aggressive Christianist. Care to defend this guy?
God isn’t causing global climate change, we are. It would be nice if these bible pounders actually had reading comprehension.
Maybe the next HA Bible Study could cover what God said about stewardship of the Earth.
I love this past of what he quoted from Genesis 8 as well:
It gives real insight into how they view humanity – despicable unworthy doomed wretches – unless of course you’re born again as a Christian capitalist republican. And then their only agenda is getting as much stuff as they can, by any means necessary. Given that worldview, protecting the planet makes no sense anyway.
What the hell, I say let ’em destroy the environment, then all the humans will be gone and while it might take the planet a few thousand years to recover this place in time will be a damned good haven for rabbits.
Easter Island once had a human population of perhaps 30,000. But the stupid humans cut down all the trees, and by the time European explorers found the island, there were only about 100 of them left. If humans want to get rid of themselves, there’s no quicker or surer way than letting them run roughshod over the environment that feeds them.
Power stupid, I love it.
The bible says it, I believe it, that settles it.
Would someone please explain to me how in the hell I can make millions screaming about global warning? I mean, I’m screaming and screaming. Where’s my damn money?
Well, that’s it then. We got floods handled. Everyone living in the Snoqualmie valley can just let their flood insurance lapse, there’s no need for it. So, do you argue there is no God and humans caused global warming or that God did it and he just lied about there being no more floods? Hmmm, how exactly do you argue with an idiot?
Sounds like Shimkus has his work cut out for him in the upcoming legislative sessions. My question is, why on earth is he addressing global warming first? There are much more pressing matters we must attend to if ‘Men of Faith’ are in the house, for instance:
“If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.” -Deuteronomy 22:22
That one is much easier to fix than global warming. Get on it Shimkus!
Oh man, Paddy, do you ever drink the Kool Aid. What flavor it is it, grape, orange, cherry?
Any reasonable person knows that there is much more money being made through discrediting global warming than promoting it. For instance, by the oil industry and coal industry, just for starters. Exxon made $35B in profits in 2009.
Why don’t you show me your long list of scientists who are making millions by trying to educate the public about global warming?
Siva says the Kali Yuga is still happening regardless of what that mideastern sky father guy wants to say.
Oh yeah, put Shimkus in charge!
Good fucking grief!
Aw, shucks. Don’t have to be in the bible.
I can talk about just about anything and lots of people believe it just because I said it. It must be because God talks to me.
here is some logic for this debate to be used on those that do trust science but still deny global warming.
ask them why they believe in evolution. the typical response should have something to do with consensus in the scientific community…a valid and correct response to that question.
logic would then indicate that they would use that very same scientific method applied to global warming….again where the VAST MAJORITY of scientific data points to.
more from my friend Phil Plait
All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880. Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years. Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.
I prefer “high-test stupid”. Works for a global warming column even better!
Every time I worship you I stain my sheets!
Chill, dude.
It’s satire.
Satirical theology that beats “real” theology hands down. Think of it as kind of an Onion spoof with legs — noodly appendages to be precise.
Meanwhile the rest of the developed world is leaving us in the dust concerning alternative energy solutions.
We know the fossil fuel pool is finite. Why not leave some for fucking emergencies???
Watch his aid, the woman behind him, just before he begins his Bible thumping. She knows it’s coming – – – yup, a whole bunch of Repug BS is laid on the table like a giant heap of dung from the elephant in the room. That elephant is saying there is no way the US Congress is ever going to do a thing about climate change. Period. The energy companies bought them and own them and we can all go choke to death as far as they care. The Bible crap is just frosting on the cake for Massey and BP and it will only get better for them as these Repugs swim in the shit for them. We will all be coughing our guts out in the final days and that guy will still be quoting the Bible. Great, really great!
@41 Well, he’s right about one thing, there’s gonna be final days.
And he’s gonna help make sure of it.
Well, you have to remember the most important problem facing the nation in the next two years is insuring Obama is not elected.
Thank God for installing his A team to protect us from that.
What I don’t understand is why do we have borderline personalities quoting the christian bible as if that has any relevance whatsoever to the issue? One can find a bible passage to reflect any pattern of belief, and rationalize any idea one may take. Be it homicide, theft, enslavement, incest, rape, and lying.
We need people who are serious about this, not bible thumping imbeciles quoting scripture while the world burns around them.
Nero fiddles, again.
The bottom line is that this man has no business whatsoever dictating national energy policy. In fact, I doubt that he has the qualifications to pump gas at a Shell station in Oregon.
Federal workers earning double their private counterparts
No wonder this country is going BROKE
As long as he is playing a part in stopping the global warming scam, who cares?
@ Id
You know, you continually come in here and demonstrate exactly how stupid you are. It’s embarrassing. It really is.
My stepdad worked for the Federal Government for 35 years and never saw more than $60 thou in a year, plus benes. Articles like the one you linked to are always misleading and deliberately so. They also tend to include shit like paying for hotels and meals and rental cars when on “company” trips. Something that ALL companies do.
Perhaps it’s not the gov’t employees that are making too much, but the fact that real wages for blue collar workers has been totally FLAT for the last 15 years and just flat out haven’t kept up with inflation.
In nearly 23 years of carving metal, I’ve gone from $10 an hour to $18, and then back down to $15, and then laid off. That isn’t keeping up with inflation, thats being robbed. In the same period, rent on a 1 bdrm apartment went from $425 to almost $900. Gasoline has gone from $1.20 a gallon to $3.50. Health insurance went from being $20 a week to $100.
The entire Republican economic philosophy is built on low wages and low economic benefit to the worker. It is reflected in the slave factories in the Philippines, pacific islands and China that manufacture products exclusively for export to the United States. It is reflected in the destruction of the blue collar unions. It is reflected in the primary tax burden being shifted away from the people that make more than $400 thou a year.
You CANNOT tell me that some asshole banker is worth $100 thousand an hour, presuming a 40 hour work week. You CANNOT tell me that some insurance executive is worth a fucking MILLION. Thats flat out robbery. Thats manipulating the system so they can have a private 757 jet, have a house that they can get lost in and a Rolls Royce collection while they pay their troops a pittance for sitting at a desk for 40-80 hours a week.
All that article does, is tell people how little they are making. I would rather have a decently paid government functionary doing his job, than some low paid wage slave who can barely afford a 2 room apartment for his family.
You are a serious moron.
Having just read the official HA Comment Policy, it looks to me like this whole thread should be banned, since Rep Shimhead displays one of the best examples on record of sock puppetry. He must be vying for head of the Teabagger Party with Palin and Bachmann at this point.
Anybody who thinks you can destroy the world by making it rain for forty days and forty nights has obviously never lived here.
Well.. I am tripping on acid, and I see a whole halo of bright green energy hovering over the planet, one that will make the people take off their clothes and dance around in the snow, holding hands and exhaling and inhaling so hard that the earth will spin so fast that all the bad stuff will just fly right off into space and get burned up in the sun… that’s my religious take on things… does that count equally with the Distinguished Representative from Planet Christo-Magoo?
@51 I’d join that religion!
@39 RAMEN!
Obama Death Panel Eyes Cutting Social Security, Home Deduction…
Oh wait. Silly me. Obama DEBT Panel. But it still wants to kill off fed funding for liberal PBS.
@47 – The largest private employer in the U.S. is fucking Walmart. The second is Kelly Services, a temp firm. Third is McDonalds. You want to compare what folks at those godforsaken companies make with what federal employees make? Do you really think a fucking VA doctor should make the same as a Walmart clerk? You might argue that most people are employed by smaller employers. And you’d be right. That means that you’re comparing the wages of 96,000 federal engineers to what the cute girl at Drive Thru Java makes. Now that’s a fucking fair comparison.
There’s plenty of information out there that clearly shows that government workers make LESS than what their TRUE counterparts in the private sector make. An engineer working for a private company typically makes more than the guy with the same credentials and same amount of experience working for the government, federal or otherwise.
If you don’t want to use your brain, but prefer to just absorb the stupidity of news articles that use the word “counterpart” to mean “one random employee compared to another random employee” then you’re a fucking idiot.
Gee I thought this country was already “broke”..
But it always seems to find the money to buy additional carrier battle groups, star wars toys and payoff wild eyed guys with funny last names and guns not to shoot at supply convoys.