The piece I taped last week for FOX News is being broadcast today, first at 8:45 AM Pacific on The Strategy Room, airing live at, and then at 9:20 AM Pacific on the real TV. Best of all, I’m told the clips they used are from me and my good friend, 710-KIRO sports talker Dori Monson. Just like the old days.
Just saw the clip on The Strategy Room, and out of a 20 minute interview, they showed maybe five or six seconds. But at least that’s better than Dori, who got a second or two, max. But, you know, that’s TV.
Not sure what they’ll show on the TV, but I’m not sure I ever will, as I don’t have cable.
Those on the left always scoff at Fox’s tagline “fair and balanced,” but I just watched this clip, and it sure seemed balanced to me.
Troll @1,
Yes, except for the whole intro in which they framed this as “class warfare,” I have no complaints about the balance of the piece.
Dan Springer was wrong on the facts, or at least, he simplified it by using just the top bracket number rather than distinguishing between the two, but other than that, no real complaints.
Of course, it’s FOX, so my expectations were low.
Taking a stroll through the lion’s den, eh Goldy?
Good on you. I missed the piece because my TV machine absolutely refuses to stop at that channel. Last time I tried, it threatened to take away the Cartoon Network too.
So, I hope you did well. Dori will probably be sulking for a week because you got more air time. We should send him a box of Pampers as a gesture of good will (and potty training!)
If this is another income tax thread, just ease your conscience and mail the Department of Revenue all of your wealth. Leave the rest of us out of it.
“Waaa! I pay taxes! I don’t want to pay taxes! I want the mean gov’ment to leave me alone so I can buy big guns, fast trucks and cheap beer.
Pay for all that librul shit like roads and hospitals and military stuff with your own dime.
Income tax is for sissies.”
Fuckin’ idiots.
Selfish morons with absolutely no sense of reality. Happily lost in a fantasy world where Ronald Reagan is president for life, only liberals pay taxes, beer is free, women can’t vote and have to stay home, and there are public beatings of brown people every Wednesday in the parking lot of WalMart.
# 5: Actually, I was thinking of another scenario for the anti-tax people.
Imagine a thirty-something guy who’s still working at the video game store, living in his parent’s basement, eating their food, and asking for gas money regularly, and contributing nothing to the household.
One of the parents is laid off, so when the budget doesn’t work anymore, they confront him, and tell him he’s got to get off his tail and start paying rent if he’s going keep living there.
His response: “Why are you forcing me to spend my MY money! I don’t see Dad selling his golf clubs yet – if he can afford to play golf there’s no need for ME to contribute! I don’t use much in resources, I just eat the food, consume water and electricity, watch cable TV, play video games! That’s hardly nothing!!!! You guys are the ones wasting all the money!!!! Besides, why should I work if you are just going to steal the money from me to pay YOUR bills???????
Works for me.
The Tea Party in a nutshell.
Re 6
In the spirit of bipartisan cooperation I’ll help you with your scenario.
Imagine a responsible middle class wage earner who pays his or her mortgage and other bills. They take care of their home, go to work every day, and spend time with friends and family. With a few dollars left over due to good financial choices they collect stamps, or old cars or they travel.
Their next door neighbor who never mows his lawn, always has notices on his door for non-payment of utilities and seems never to work comes over and says it’s time for the responsible neighbor to ‘pay his fair share’. By which he means, pay my bills as well as yours.
From the conservative perspective this is what we see. I have yet to hear any serious conservative official or pundit say taxes per se are bad. What they say is that paying for commonly enjoyed and Constitutionally supported government activities is fine. Paying for social experiments or activities outside of Constitutional muster? Not really, thanks.
BTW, PI had it right at 4. If Bill Gates Sr, any liberal activist or politician or any liberal pundit think they pay insufficient taxes no law stops them paying more. They are perfectly free, as are any of you, to pay what you consider your fair share voluntarily. Just add a check to your quarterly business or annual personal tax, and I’m positive no-one in the IRS will argue too vehememtly with you.
When it comes to deciding what amount it’s reasonable for me to live on, what share of my income I ‘need’ or worse, it’s fair for me to have to survive, I can’t agree with you.
@8 LostInaSeaOfBlue:
‘Their next door neighbor who never mows his lawn, always has notices on his door for non-payment of utilities and seems never to work comes over and says it’s time for the responsible neighbor to ‘pay his fair share’. By which he means, pay my bills as well as yours.’
Sounds exactly like what Goldy’s neighbors say and think about him. LMFAO! Thanks!
you sound like yet another fool who doesnt mind getting ass-raped by the govt.
I have no problem paying taxes, and neither to do most people. What we object to is assinine wasteful spending on bullshit govt programs that dont do shit accept provide a nipple for losers to suck off of, and for crooked politicians to stuff into their pockets.
keep the damn govt simple, there is no need for all the bullshit.
oh, and all you people who dont pay a dime in federal income tax, you can shut the fuck up and start paying the like the rest of us do. I am tired of dragging your ass through life.
Specifics, dumbfuck, what would you cut? Any chance you fucks would quit waging war and consider cutting the military’s budget? Being a dumbfuck is no way to go through life, son.
yep, I would quit waging war and perhaps consider cutting some of the military budget.
you want specifics? fine, here is one: mothball that hunk of shit light rail project that all of 12 people ride daily.
once again, billions of dollars pissed away on progressive dreams that never work out.
fucking idiots.
and being a proud communist is no way to go through life
I’m a leftist, but no communist. Not even close. But, your ilk doesn’t get nuance, do I won’t try to explain the difference. The specific you cite is a local project. It also won’t cost “billions of dollars.” And, sometimes, changing the way people commute requires getting ahead of them. Light rail, 20 years from now, will look visionary.
In fairness, Goldy appears to be buying a home, raising a child and generally enjoying his life. He makes time for his family accross the county and his daughter here. He makes a living expressing heartfelt political opinions in a fairly effective way, whatever disagreements I sincerely have with those opinions.
Isn’t this kind of the American dream, whatever you or I may think of his ideology?
14. proud leftist spews:
Look at Portland. They invested a ton in infrastructure and are struggling mightily in this recession. Visionary?? Plus Seattle/King Kounty has already pissed away hundreds of millions talking & Planning about what needs to be done. This is the Leftist ideology..full-employment for planners & consultants.
@8: Lost
Umm, Here is the real scenario. There is upwards of 10% unemployment in this country and for every job there are 7 people looking for one (at least). Jobs are hard to come by and good jobs are being shipped overseas.
Republicans opposed Patty Murray’s bill to fund education by taxing companies for shipping jobs overseas.
Republicans ssupported the banking “reforms” that deregulated the banking industry and casued the recession.
Republicans supported the unnecessary war in Iraq that cost over 12 trillion dollars. Republicans failed us in Afghanistan by not finishing the job ove r there and lettting the Taliban come back.
In short, republicans are the irresponsible fools next door who want to cut taxes but complain about the budget deficit.
Real economists have firmly stated that the recession wopuld have been much worse (in fact, it would have been equzl to the great depression) if we had not propped up the banks and added the stimulus package. Despite those measure, the economy still has not recovered.
Those who claim that high taxes or regulation are stifling the economy are simply liars with NO facts to back that up.
In fact, if you look at Germany, Canada and some of the other countries that are doing much better than us – they are MORE regulated, have HIGHER taxes and strictly regulate their banks.
@16 Idiot Klynical
Look at Canada: Socialized medicine, regulated banking, higher taxes…doing much better than us rught now.
Portland? They are a cleaner city with less traffic and a better transportation system than Seattle. Oregon as a whole has been hit hard by the housing bubble and the recession.
Your limited analysis shows how shallow and pathetically simple-minded your thinking really is.
@16: Here is the idiot Klynical pphilosophy:
Plan ahead for nothing, use the oil until it is gone and the prices take off and we owe our shirts to the Saudis. make no contigency plans, whine and complain about taxeds thatr are some of the lowest in the industrialized world.
But make sure rich people don’t pay their fair share of taxes so they can buy their yachts. yacht sales are the most important factor in the economy to a fool like Klynical.
“‘Just add a check to your quarterly business or annual personal tax, and I’m positive no-one in the IRS will argue too vehememtly with you.”
Same goes with the national debt
@8 “Their next door neighbor who never mows his lawn, always has notices on his door for non-payment of utilities and seems never to work comes over and says it’s time for the responsible neighbor to ‘pay his fair share’. By which he means, pay my bills as well as yours.”
While I don’t have a lawn now, when I did I hardly ever mowed it. I happen to like tall grass and I could give a shit whether you like it or not. My neighbors never see me work or go to work, and yet I’m the only one one my street who has a job, everybody else being retired. I pay bills once in a while because I’m fucking lazy about it and, yeah, will find a disconnect notice now and then. I would want you and everybody else to pay your fair share of taxes. But I’m not nosey like you, so I would have no idea whether you do or not pay your fair share, and I certainly wouldn’t make assumptions, as you so obviously do.
If you complained about my lawn I’d tell you to go fuck yourself. If you complained to me how I go about paying my bills, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself. If you got nosey about my taxes, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.
“From the conservative perspective this is what we see.”
You apparently see what you want to see, which probably has very little to do with reality.
“Paying for social experiments or activities outside of Constitutionally supported government activities”
As interpreted by you, which doesn’t mean diddly squat to me or the IRS.
@9 “They are perfectly free, as are any of you, to pay what you consider your fair share voluntarily. Just add a check to your quarterly business or annual personal tax, and I’m positive no-one in the IRS will argue too vehememtly with you”
There’s no need for me to write another check. I don’t take all of the deductions available to me. If I did, I’d pay no income tax at all, which wouldn’t be fair, as I partake of the commons.
But who will play mommy and who will play daddy? Inquiring minds want to know.
Better living thru fossil-fuel based industrial capitalist revolution …
Time to do this again, in case anyone missed it. Robert Solow, who got a Nobel for economics, writes that the flatline part of this graph could be extended back (using proxy data) about 100,000 years and for all known cultures, although some fortunately placed hunter-gatherer societies may have had better living standards than the Malthusian flatline norm.
Think about it, you liberal Luddites.
Mr Cynical.
You’re right, of course. Oregon State needs a poll tax. If only they’d had taken your advice. Fairness and compassion is for sissies.
I worked in Portland when they just started building MAX. Nearly 20 years later, Portland is vibrant, suffers less gridlock, and is all around wonderful.
What a despicable waste. Will Oregon ever learn?