Safeco CEO and former insurance industry lobbyist Mike McGavick first announced his candidacy for the US Senate way back in July, so it came as no surprise when he officially kicked off his campaign in October… and then again for a second time at a big, January 21 campaign kickoff event. Likewise lacking in suspense were the 22 other official campaign kickoff events he held during a 12-day tour following his campaign’s second official campaign kickoff.
So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see that McGavick is finally, officially kicking off his campaign tomorrow at a luncheon in Bellevue.

That’s right, after seven months and at least 24 campaign kickoff events, McGavick is finally kicking off his campaign. Which raises the question: with all the kicking off he’s been doing, why can’t McGavick seem to move the ball? The latest polls show Cantwell maintaining comfortable approval ratings and a steady double-digit lead… a margin that hasn’t moved for months.
I suppose McGavick keeps staging “kickoff” events to cover up his lack of traction with voters, but I haven’t seen anybody miss the ball so many times since Charlie Brown. At some point he’s going to have to make contact and start running down field.
Maybe McGavick needs a “Campaign Shoot-off” instead of a “Kickoff.”
He’d get a lot more press attention….
Perhaps McGavick can’t get all the way across the starting-line because he can’t figure out a way to sell himself as anything but what he is, the candidate from Safeco.
Mike McGavick (R-Safeco) needs to actually say, out loud, where people can hear him, what his positions are on actual issues.
Mike, are you pro-choice, or anti-choice?
Mike McGavick (R-Safeco): The News Conference
“Senator, what do you think about poverty?”
Mike: “Well, as you know, as Safeco CEO, I’ve actually CREATED poverty, in the private sector…”
The most terrible thing this state could ever do was replace a democrat with a republican. It’s bad enough republicans have such majorities…even centrist republicans realize the insanity of such a switch.
Hence, they’ll keep kicking off hoping one day to convince folks adding to the republican majority is a good thing…
Wish someone would tell you libs that nobody will take away
your right to have an abortion. We rather enjoy the fact that
every time you do it will be one LESS liberal. It’s a beautiful
thing really to not subject an individual to a lifetime of
confusion. Turn on the hoover.
McGavick’s campaign strategy is becoming clear: Don’t tell voters he’s a Republican.
Mike McGavick (R-Safeco): The News Conference
“Senator, what do you think about poverty?”
Mike: “Well, as you know, as Safeco CEO, I’ve made sure I don’t suffer poverty.”
Comment on 6
Sure is too bad more conservatives don’t practice abortion.
So rabbit you are against a wealthy republican but not Cantwell
and her wealth which is considerably more than McGavick. (At least
it used to be until Clinton and his economic downturn just before
Bush won the election by winning Ohio by a landslide.) By the way
fascist only has one “a” in it. Still have your pony tail?
“Mr. McGavick, what do you think about poverty?”
Mike: “As long as it supports moral family values, why, I’m all for it. After all, we’ve always had poor people among us. What’s the harm?”
This fool must have pissed someone off at Hitler, er I mean GOP HQ. Since they sent him to be slaughtered by Senator Cantwell, he must have screwed up big time. If this is the best the retards on the right have to offer, Senator Cantwell will win by 15 points.
No, I’m against Republicans — period! Just thought I’d mention that, in case you haven’t noticed.
Hey lower case mark, why don’t McGavick’s ads mention he’s a Republican? Wanna take a guess?
Sounds like Mickey G is afraid of being associated with morons and criminals
“Sir, what do you think about discrimantion of gay and lesbian folks?”
Have no opinion, I do know several – from Wallingford and the U District and all. But I do have a good friend, the Rev Fuiten, now the Rev. has some strong opinions against them folks, in fact he is helping with the Eyeman referendum. He gave the prayer at one of my kickoffs, but I didn’t mean to take a position by asking him to pray for the nation the state and my campaign. Besides, I’m not running on that issue.”
Are you a Lesbian?
What is your definition of a Lesbian?
Can a guy be a Lesbian?
Why is someone a Lesbian?
Is there a cure?
You folks have GOT to watch Hannity & Colmes tonite! Unbelievable.
A silly son-of-a-bitch named Gerardo Sandoval came on the show and said the United States should unilaterally disarm AND we shouldn’t have a military!!! It was hysterical. Alan Colmes, a big-time Lefty, was outraged at this fool. He was serious!
The best part is this guy is a Democrat San Francisco Supervisor!!!!!
He made Alan Colmes look like a Hawk.
This idiot was opposed to a Naval Ship being on the San Francisco waterfront. Even Diane Feinstein thinks this guy is nuts….she said “This is not the San Francisco I know”.
The sad part is you Seattle A$$holes are probably right there with him.
Dear “Oink”
So? Coulter thinks Arabs and liberals should be shot.
What’s the diff?
Coulter is goofy too.
But she is not an elected official either.
What’s the diff?
Coulter gets invited to the most prestigious “conservative” conference; nobody knows who the hell this Sandoval is. The diff is that the GOP has embraced the lunatic fringe, while the Dems represent the mainstream of America.
Consut you mom or wife – they will know, trust me.
Eating cunt – as in AOL keywords. Suspect you ar more the expert than I. Lesbians like to eat cunt — see. Gay men do not eat cunt.
Again, ask a worldy woman near you – sister, girlfriend, or the right king of modern mom. Take the raw edges off the topic — call it female to female oral sex.
Gee Bob, why is it so difficult for you to define “Lesbian”?
The word is used everyday. It’s reasonable to ask for a definition, isn’t it?
Let’s try this one—
What is your definition of “gay”?
Can a woman be gay too?
Why is someone gay?
What types of things do gays do?
Is there a cure?
Seems like when you call yourself something like “gay” or a “Lesbian” you ought to be able to define it.
Is it only about sex like you said? Like to eat cunt. Female to female oral sex. Is that it???
Oink @ 19:
A really hardcore peacenik leftie can have an appointed position with the Democratic party in San Francisco?
Same said appointed hardcore peacenik with no authority over the use of the port or the military, or anything else other than he’s a midlevel hack with the SF Democratic party organization has some batty points of view on foreign policy?
I am shocked. Truly, I’m shocked.
Next thing you’ll be telling me they allow homosexuals to live there.
The only thing I find at all unusual is that you have no filters to make sense of the fact that this fellow’s opinion matters only a smidge more than your own.
Gee (oink), why is it so difficult for you to define “willful ignorance”?
The word(s)(are) used everyday. It’s reasonable to ask for a definition, isn’t it?
Let’s try this one—
What is your definition of “willfully stupid”?
Can a (republican avoid willful stupidity)?
Why (are republicans proud of their ignorance)?
What types of things do (willfully ignorant republicans) do?
Is there a cure?
Seems like when you call yourself something like “ignorant” or “stupid” you ought to be able to define it.
Is it only about (power) like you said? Like to (lie constantly). Like being an involved masturbator. Is that it???
Hey. This conservative talk is kinda fun! Too bad about the willful ignorance. Pity.
Since there’s not much going on in this thread, I will point out that this is one of those subtle parts of media manipulation that may escape some of our less-attentive readers.
Yes, equal time is given. A liberal gets to speak, a conservative gets to speak. The argument is balanced.
On one side, we have a professional, polished speaker who has good TV presence, has been rehearsing his points, and has tested them in front of a few audiences.
In the other corner, we have invited someone who spends a lot of time in back offices, and would really love to get some time on TV to tell the folks back home. He is not prepped, he is not poll-tested. He is in the back office most of the time for a good reason. He has some really strong opinions on things, and wants to tell you about them.
It is a “fair fight” only in the sense that me going into the ring with the WBA heavyweight champ is a fair fight. We’re both guys, we’ll both be wearing gloves and shorts. He outweighs me by 150 pounds and has been spending every day of his life since the age of 16 pounding the holy fuck out of people.
You folks are sure having a tough time defining what Lesbian and Gay mean. Hell, y’all even have parades about them! Folks in Seattle seem to be all swollen up with pride when they talk about their “gay friend” or “lesbian friend”. Gays & Lesbians even talk about how “proud” they are.
Yet none of you can even tell me what in the samhill them words mean??
Ain’t politics grand?
Meet Jesse Jackson’s Newest Staff Member
Mel Reynolds
Jesse Jackson has added former Chicago Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton’s last-minute 2001 forgiveness spree.
Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud, and lies to the Federal Election Commission.
He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.
This is a first in American politics:
An ex-congressman who had sex with …
a subordinate
won clemency from a president who had sex with …
a subordinate …
then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with …
a subordinate.
His new job?
Ready for this??
*********YOUTH COUNSELOR********
Yet none of you can even tell me what in the samhill them words mean??
The loud yawns of “why bother?” not registered with you yet, oink?
Oink @ 30,
You’re boring as fuck. I wanted to get that out of the way. Fortunately for you, I have a software install to do, so I get to hang out here for 40 minutes watching disks spin. Yippeee.
Boring, meet bored.
Now, on to your question:
Gay is a common term for a man who is primarily or exclusively attracted to other men.
Lesbian is a term for a woman who is primarily or exclusively attracted to other women.
What causes this behavior? Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t think about it that much.
Can it be “cured”? Well, I suppose a gay or lesbian could start sleeping exclusively with members of the opposite sex. I suppose I could give up drinking strong Northwest beer and start swilling Bud and Miller. That doesn’t mean any of us will enjoy the process that much.
As for what things gays and lesbians do, maybe you should Google on “gay sex”. My summaries just won’t do it justice. Generally, they’re the same things some straight people do. However, most of the gay men and women I know have more experimental sex lives than the straight folks I know. Make of it what you will.
I heard Cantwell’s a Lezzy, you know a dyke, muff diver, carpet muncher!
She’s known to frequent a coffee shop on Aloha where she debriefs her CoS, who’s also got some sugar in the pants!
Ah yeah. You gotsta luv these donks. They are better then any comedian. LMAO. After we eradicate them from politics we need to keep a couple around just for laughs.
What does “attracted to” mean precisely?
Attracted to what?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second. When you say attracted to, you don’t mean like attracted to in the physical sense do ya?????
Where I come from, they call guys that are sweet on guys QUEERS!
And I never heard in all my days of gals being sweet on gals until I moved to Seattle.
If that’s what Gay and Lesbian means, why in the hell would they have a parade about that???!!!!!!!!
Sure doesn’t seem like somethin’ to be all swollen up with PRIDE about.
Hey DJ and Wabbit. Thanks for article on Kerry’s medical records. You know you dont have to argue about weapons of mass destruction anymore becsuse they found them.,2933,120137,00.html
Dear “Rufus” (the dumbest dumbfuck)
IF it’s true…and coming from FOX (and the Cheney/Chimpy administraion, I really doubt it. Wouldn’t this news be like 3-4 years TOO LATE?
Nice try RUFUS. What they found won’t give the threatened “mushroom cloud”.
Ya know, this is all comin’ together fer me now.
I went to this Super Bowl with my buddy Billy C…..he’s from Arkansas jest like me.
Anyhow lots of folks at this party was slappin’ each other on the butt, gigglin’ and carryin’ on in a highly unnormal fashion.
Some gal (who turned out to be a guy!) ask me if I want to bet on the SuperBowl. He was all excited about the SeaHawks.
I asked Billy C. if I should take the bet.
Billy C. said, “HELL YA! The men in Pittsburgh are real men ya know. They like gals. But a lot of these guys in Seattle are queers. They walk around with boners lookin’ for some other silly guy to poke it in his hind-end!”
I was mighty confused.
Now I get it. You folks in Seattle have come up with a couple new words for QUEER. Well, that’s all fine and well. But jest cuz you come up with fancy words like Lesbian (is it French) and a happy word like Gay, doesn’t mean you still ain’t a bunch of queers!
PS The little faggot didn’t pay me the $20 he bet me.
If Senator Cantwell is a muff-diver, then maybe Laura Bush and the twins will join her for a swirl fest. We all know the Bushies are gay. And of course, their drunks too don’t forget. And then there’s the cowardly side of the family, W!
Hmm, Ya know Goldy, I think I’m all for some sort of SoapBox…
39 & 40
Well DJ and Wabbit say that Kerry medical records were release based on a Boston Globe story even though the general public never saw them. Why can’t we believe Fox news. It is not like Fox is CBS or Newsweek right?
Left Turn @42,
Just to be fair, go fuck yourself. I only say that because you should fuck yourself…
Stupid is an epidemic. How do we mitigate it?
So jsa and Bob
In summary, it appears you are tryin’ to tell me that-
Lesbian===women who like to lick each other
Gay===guys who like to lick each other and poke their boners in each others hind-ends.
And you are also tryin to convince me that this is somethin’ to be proud about…..hell, so proud that ya would even have a special parade to celebrate it.
Well I’ll be goddamned!!!
Hell, I thought I had heard pretmuch everythin’.
But this beats everything.
I need to tell my buddies in Arkansas that this is the best Seattle can do.
Do you like the feeling of a boner in yer rear-end?
Are you a giver….or a taker?
Where are ya fella?
Ooops…yer probably watchin’ Men’s Figure Skatin’ or some such thang.
Here’s a question: Who do you think Bush should nominate to be Vice-President if there were to be a vacancy in that office?
All I can say is a Fool(R) and his money…
The last thing we need in DC is more Republicans.
I jest called BillyC…he’s visitin’ his aunt who jest moved to Fayetteville. Anyhow, I axed BillyC if he ever talked with one of them Lesbians….and he said he talked to 2 of ’em one night in a bar in Little Rock. They axed BillyC what he did fer a livin’ and he told ’em he runned a cockfight arena. Well, apparently they thought fer some strange reason BillyC was a queer runnin’ some queer joint. Ain’t it easy to get confused when ya assume shit!?? Damn.
So they told BillyC they was Lesbians. He wasn’t sure what in the hell that meant, so he axed ’em to esplain.
Welp, the real ugly one (as opposed to the other who was just ugly) said that she wakes up in the morning thinkin’ about sex with another gal, she thinks about it all day long, goes to bed thinkin’ about having sex with a gal and even dreams about it!
Welp, BillyC is a little slow and a little drunk too.
He got a big old grin on his face, stood up and yelled,
“Well shitfire gals, I’m a Lesbian too”@!!!
So Bob-
Gittin back to you…
Are you one of them “gay” guys who gets all dressed up in his chaps with his ass hangin’ out and marches in that there parade where ya celebrate how proud ya are to lick other guys and take turns givin’ and takin’ boners in yer hinder?
I heard a good one Bob. I heard the other day that you fellers want to be able to marry another fella. Sonofabitch! Where is it all gonna end!
Alan Colmes a “big Time Lefty”????
Dear god, FOX news has so dumbed down Republicans that it is just criminal!
Alan Colmes a “Big Time Lefty”!!!
It is sad when JCH can no longer get anyone to respond to his obnoxious posts that he has to adopt the name “oink”.
This just in:
Approval numbers:
1) MONKEY FACE Bush 40%
2) WHAT A DICKLESS Cheney 21%
4) SADDAM 26%
So DICKLESS is doing worse than the two most hated men in the world. What’s that tell you?
And by the way, I am pretty sure that Karl Rove is president of the Log Cabin Republicans!
When will the Republicans get enough self respect that they will get rid of fools like “Oink” and JCH and Mark Reddick.
C’mon people you are being wiped out by these assholes.
Donnageddon @ 56:
The entire point of late 20th Century/early 21st Century Republican thought is the opposite of self-respect. It is channeling the rage of a whole bunch of people who have very little self-respect into buying into the right-wing ideas of taking revenge on immigrants, queeeeeeerrs, and leeeeeberals for all slights to their lives, real or imagined.
Mr. Cynical (I miss him, sort of), used to go on about Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’. His intention was to say that idiots were Leftists. Since he neither read nor understood Lenin, he didn’t clue in that the ‘Useful Idiots’ in question could be used by any political stripe from right to left, as long as you channel their fears into whatever brand of hogwash you’re selling.
One of the facts of modern conservatism is that they have stolen our idiots.
KING 5 TV reports tonight that several passengers about an Alaska Airlines flight were taken to a hospital with injuries after the plane returned to Sea-Tac shortly after takeoff. The pilots dove the plane from 30,000 feet to lower altitude after loss of cabin pressure.
Kevin Carnes aka Miss Piggy @19
“The sad part is you Seattle A$$holes are probably right there with him. Comment by Oink— 2/14/06 @ 7:01 pm”
No, the sad part is idiots like you believe your own bullshit. BTW Kevin, are you a lesbian?
“Coulter is goofy …. But she is not an elected official either.
Comment by Oink”
Neither was Hitler.
Just because someone wasn’t elected doesn’t mean they’re harmless. Bush, for example.
I wonder how much money Hannity had to spend to find this Sandoval guy and get him on his show.
The thing I don’t understand is why some liberals still think they can deal with fascists by running off to Canada or sitting unarmed in their homes expecting to get a fair trial when the GOP’s thugs come to put them in Bush’s detention camps with Coulter in charge of executions.
Mel Reynolds is at least as qualified to be a youth counselor as you are, Richard. BTW Richard, I voted for your OPPONENTS in your races for attorney general and port commissioner — I only mention it to rub your face in it.
Oink — “gay” is a human who has sex with another human of the same sex. “Bestiality” is what you do when you suck my dick! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
“I heard Cantwell’s a Lezzy, you know a dyke, muff diver, carpet muncher! Comment by CantVoteWell— 2/14/06 @ 8:21 pm”
I heard you suck farts out of dead seagulls.
Jeez, Doofus, do you actually READ the stuff you link to?
“However, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the results were from a field test, which can be imperfect, and said more analysis was needed.”
Further down, the article makes it clear these chemical weapons — if that’s what they were — date back to Iraq’s 1980-1986 war with Iran, in which mustard gas and other chemical shells were used. It’s always been known Sadam had that stuff. The Reagan and lst Bush administrations supplied him with the materials to make it.
Oink — can you explain your weird obsession with gay sex to the rest of us? Also, please post your photo, so we can avoid you.
Roger Rabbit should go Quayle hunting with Dick Cheney.
Goldy should go Rabbit hunting with Dick Cheney.
So Bob-
Gittin back to you once again…
Are you one of them “gay” guys who gets all dressed up in his chaps with his ass hangin’ out and marches in that there parade where ya celebrate how proud ya are to lick other guys and take turns givin’ and takin’ boners in yer hinder?
I heard a good one Bob. I heard the other day that you fellers want to be able to marry another fella. Sonofabitch! Where is it all gonna end!
Now some fella here by the name of Roger Rabbit says that – “gay” is a human who has sex with another human of the same sex. “Bestiality” is what you do when you suck my dick!
So fellas given hummers or layin’ a little pipe up the old Hershey Highway to fellas and gals muff-divin’ gals is somethin’ to celebrate and have parades for? This is soooooooooo difficult to comprehend. I guess whatever floats yer boat. I question even more the folks who aren’t one of them there Gays or Lesbians gettin’ so worked up about celebratin’ this type of lewd conduct too. That is really weird, ain’t it!
It also don’t seem too smart or too excitin’ thinkin’ about suckin’ some Rabbit’s pecker. Hell, I never even seed a Rabbit’s pecker before. But I kinnot imagine it’s all that much.
Yep, Seattle has entered that faraway place known as The Twilight Zone.
Can you imagine the Good Lord lookin’ down on all this type of activity and sayin’ “I am so pleased”?
Oink – your interest in the sex life of other people is very Arkansas inbred low life asshole key hole peeking.
Get your own sex life working, will serve you better. You have a puter – spend a few bucks at prn sites, will help you a lot I think. Sounds like your shool system faild you in prhibiting sex ed. A caring partner can help, either male or female. Just be honest about how little you know.
There are as many gay and lesbian folk in Arkie Land as Seattle. You just were never invited to their parties.
Get a life you fucking pig like idiot.
As for God – do you really think your post are God-like?
And you sound a lot like Mr C — something about your obsession to peek into the bedroom of others. Talk to even a entry level social worker – they can help you with the internal deamons.
Let’s play the Cheney hunt game!
“We’ve been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture.”
—- Ray Mummert, creationist from Dover, Pennsylvania, 2005
Now you really got me curious…what’s a “caring Partner”?
I have some buddies that cared enough about me to help me build a fence….and a deck.
But none of us got so carried away that we wanted to bunghole each other or suck each others dicks!
As far staying out of other people’s bedrooms, I agree partner….errr I best be careful with that politically corrected word, huh Bob?? I agree Bob.
So why are the Gays & Lesbians the ones who are makin’ such a big deal about themselves with parades, organizations, newsletters, websites etc. etc. if all they want is to be left alone?
Seems to me you folks is goin’ way outta yer way to put a spotlight on yerselfs and them ya get all pissy when folks start askin’ ya questions.
I got an idea Bob…if ya want to be left alone, why don’t you tell all your gay buddies, partners whatever just to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Life would be less stressful for you and the rest of us.
I promise not to look into yer bedroom if you promise not to jam yer bedroom in my face every day Bob.
One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replies: “I’m sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week” The florist is pleased and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open there is a thank you card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: “I’m sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.”The cop is happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a thank you card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Later a Republican comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: “I’m sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.”The Republican is very happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank you card and a dozen different books such as “How to Improve Your Business” and “Becoming More Successful.”
Then a Democrat comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: “I’m sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.” The Democrat is very happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen Democrats lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between left and right
Ken Mehlman was on KIRO this morning…pumping up McGavick…He actually said “McGavick has created jobs”.
I almost drove off the road. But then it got worse, in defending DeadEyeDick.
somethin’ fer nothin’
free from the guv’mint
The most common phrases used by the Left.
In fact, the further Left one is, the more frequesntly they utter these slogans.
‘magine that!
I just astounded that folks who claim to be gay or lesbian cannot give a simple explanation of what those terms mean, what they like to do and why. How are those unreasonable questions?
I mean these folks have parades and all kinds of events to draw attention to themselves.
And I truly do understand what it’s like to have a buddy from the same gender. It’s just that I don’t particular feel compelled to suck on his wanker or feel it in my hind-end. Plus I simply don’t know that it is somethin’ to be particularly “PROUD” of. Do you?
Are you one of them gay guys too Clueless.
If so, maybe you can splain it.
It not, why in the samhill are you so inclined to celebrate it?
Maybe some gay fellas don’t suck, get suck, poke their weiner where it don’t belong or get poke by someone elses?
When I took Biology, they taught us that the rectum was an EXIT orifice. Precisely what date did that change?
Maybe we need a new National Holiday….Gay Day. To celebrate the first gay butt poke. What the hell…another day off fer guv’mint werkers.
Hallmark would have a field day with Gay Day cards.
Hell clueless, you me can pardner up….if you promise not to look at me all dreamy eyed with yer boner in yer hand.
Careful Goldy…….
You’re trying to “mislead” your readers again.
(latest poll numbers)
1. Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Christine Gregoire’s job performance?
Approve 38%
Disapprove 54%
Undecided 8%
2. Do you approve or disapprove of the State Legislature’s job performance?
Approve 45%
Disapprove 46%
Undecided 9%
8. If the Election for Governor in 2008 was between the Democrat Christine Gregoire and the Republican, Dino Rossi, whom would you vote for?
Dino Rossi 55%
Christine Gregoire 35%
Undecided 10%
10. Are you confident that Washington has overcome the problems that hindered the 2004 Election and that there will be no problems with the 2006 Election?
Yes 16%
No 71%
Undecided 13%
12. Do you think Washington is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?
Right 30%
Wrong 55%
Undecided 15%
14. Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Patty Murray’s job performance?
Approve 54%
Disapprove 30%
Undecided 16%
15. Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Maria Cantwell’s job performance?
Approve 47%
Disapprove 35%
Undecided 18%
16. If the election for United States Senate were held today and the candidates were Maria Cantwell, the Democrat or Mike McGavick, the Republican, whom would you vote for?
Maria Cantwell 48%
Mike McGavick 40%
Undecided 12%
“And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between left and right Comment by momus— 2/15/06 @ 9:02 am”
And that, my friends, illustrates the claptrap created by paid rightwing trolls to make a non-point with a non-factual non-post.
somethin’ fer nothin’
free from the guv’mint
The most common phrases used by the Left.
In fact, the further Left one is, the more frequesntly they utter these slogans.
‘magine that!”
While these two circle-jerkers are beating each other off, I’ll simply remind my fellow liberals that this sort of myth-making is hilarious, given that Democrats do all the work while Republicans spend all day at the country club bar.
Hey Momus — when was the last time a Republican called himself a “worker?”
Hey Momus — I thought Republicans took pride in being above working for a living.
“I’ll simply remind my fellow liberals that this sort of myth-making is hilarious, given that Democrats do all the work”
Considering this is coming from Roger “I live on Government Checks” Rabbit, that’s great.
As a retired state emplyee, Rog… Please tell me all about how hard you worked.
Was it a relative or a friend who got you your job in the first place?
momus @ 85
“Rog… Please tell me all about how hard you worked.”
Quit being a fucking loser–you are so new around here that you ask the same stoopid questions that were covered many times over again. Roger Rabbit has, many times, discussed his past employment when punks like you have asked the same thing you asked. Must of us even know that Roger owning a small business (with employees) for some years.
But, the real reason you question is fucked up is that you seem to be implying that a retired person isn’t entitled to his/her pension????? What kind of idiotic bullshit is that?
Hey momus, when you get out of highschool (or get your GED), and get a job and pay into the pension system for 40 years, and then retire, are you going to decline collecting on your pension?????
Sheesh….you fucking wingnuts make Moonies look positively intelligent!
Momus @ 85
“Was it a relative or a friend who got you your job in the first place?”
You don’t really know what the fuck you are talking about, do you?
I can sum up McGavick’s election bid in one word:
Goldy, all you gotta do is post something critical of “Mc-Giveaway” and the idiot trolls come out in force. Oink, question, how is the weather in Pahoa? Had a visit from the ‘bruddah”?
McGavixk is D.O.A. all the rest of it is like the mating of elephants (how appropriate). . .fueled by Safeco and BIAW money.
Ellen Craswell and the idiot loon religious right had their shot, now the lunatic NeoCon corporate welfare faction gets their shot.
Hey Momus – when was the last time a Republican called himself a “worker?”
To hell with that. When was the last time a republican actually worked at all?
Cantwell is toast. She pretty much neglected W state until the last few months. That is STUPID … she has not created a constituency. McG is currenlty building infrastructure. He WILL turn out the Publican hard core .. say 40% of the electorate vs 43% hard core Dems.
The middle will be affected by our twit of a guv … the lady who nearly bankrupted the UW when she was its attorney. Rossi will campaign for McG, Regiore will ?? Cantwell seems to be staking out a liberal stance on green issues. OK as far as it goes, but that is NOT what decided the Wash State’s great unwashed middle. Those folks are influenced by competance and McyG is pretty impressive that way.
“Must of us even know that Roger owning a small business (with employees) for some years.” Per dj
Roger Rabbit owned a friggin’ AMWAY business you idiot. He said he worked on it for 10 years and never made more than $1000 in a year.
dj is trying to make a guv’mint hack atty. into some capitalist???
Roger Rabbit was the ultimate slacker.
He admitted his job with DSHS was a complete joke and that he hung in there for a bunch and to screw with families.
Sorry dj, that was the absolute worst example you could dream up.
Mr. Cynical @ 94,
Welcome back…I figured that comment would draw you out :-)
Are you saying that one decades-old improperly stored mustard gas shell and one decades-old binary sarin shell mistakenly rigged as an IED are the reason we thought Saddam was about to attack and destroy the US?
So McGavick is “building infrastructure?” Too basd he’s not building support. His numbers have been stuck in the mid 30s since he got in teh race, and he’s done nothing to bring them up.
Maybe you didn’t notice, but he’s running statewide for the US Senate. If he doesn’t actually talk to people, and actually articulate positions they favor, I think he’s the one who’s toast.
His first ad has him running on “we have a growing federal deficit that threatens to burden our children, we have a healthcare system that can’t even take care of all of the kids.” How will he get any money from the RNC if he thinks like that? DOES he think like that?
HEre’s the “Issues” page of his site. Hint: it’s empty.
Hey, if the “Republican hard core” is 40% of the electorate, why can’t McGavick crack 40% in polls?
Answer: even the Republicans don’t like him.
If Maria’s ahead by 15 this summer, don’t hold your breath for a debate.
McGavick’s “Seattle kickoff” video has him saying that “we have a healthcare system that’s so expensive that we can’t afford to insure all of our citizens.” Clear indication that he’s not about to propose insuring anyone new. It’s likely that he’ll embrace the Republican philosophy of trying to force people to use less health care, especially those “expensive” sick people. The more of them who die, the cheaper health care will be. Republican simple!
Now he’s saying that our nation cannot tolerate an Iran with nuclear power. I don’t get it.
Mcgavick is running (currently) on “let’s balance the budget now! But we won’t raise taxes.”
So I’m going to enjoy seeing him explain to Washington State what he proposes to do to cut $400+ billion from our non-defense discretionary federal spending annually. Anyone have any ideas?
McGavick’s voice is too high. He sounds like a kid. That won’t play well.
Yep, just as I thought. McGavick wants to improve the health care system by forcing people to use less medical care. As soon as peoiple have to weigh whehter to go to the doctor or pay the reant or buy food, health care costs will magically come down!!!
And surely NO ONE will then rely on emergency room care when their delayed and deferred preventive and diagnostic health care crashes down on them.
McGavick is another Rove Republican, like Reichert. He’ll talk moderate (he even said “for the kids” in his healthcare spiel) to try, unsuccessfully, to get elected. If he WERE elected, he’d be in lockstep with the rest of the GOP droids.
It’s funny to hear Safeco CEO McGavick say that there are “too many middlemen” in health care. What did he do to address that before now?
The last 11 posts were posted by Daddy Love. Oops, now it’s 12.
McGavvick’s got a real winner with his health care idea.
Here’s the current system (for those with insurance): When you get sick you go to the doctor. When your kids get sick, they go to the doctor. You don’t have to quibble over costs or spend time second guessing your doctor over whether a test he recommends is really necessary. It seems like a pretty good deal.
Now here’s what McGavick is trying to sell: When you get sick, you should spend a lot of time shopping around for doctors to find one you can afford. You should put off tests that he recommends if they’re expensive. You should haggle over the cost of drugs as if you were buying a used car. And when you get home you should worry about whether you made the right decision or not.
Sounds like we have a winner. Who wouldn’t climb on board with ol’ Mike!™ Mcgavick?
That was 13. I always wanted to do the Roger Rabbit. But who doesn’t?
POll numbers
Rasmusssen has Gregoire at 47% approve/47% disapprove
Rossi’s toast too.
Sorry, that was SurveyUSA (the service King5 uses).
Daddy Love == Roger Rabbit
The king of posting quantity and bottom of the barrel on quality.
Probably from humping too many bun-buns. So what is it mike? I saw David Irons advertisements before the election in King County. None of them said “Republican” on them. Are you a REPUBLICAN? HUH? ARE YOU?
I have an explanation. Main stream Ameria thinks Republicans belong behind bars. The White House outing CIA NOC’s for political attacks. Lying about intelligence to gain support for a war that has turned the whole world against our country. Tax policies that help the top 1% and make the rest of us pay more, in one way or another, and our standard of living deteriorate. The prescription durg benefit, that only benefits pharma. The list goes on, and on, and on.
I challenge any Republican to name one good thing Bush, or the Republican congress has done that has been good for America. I won’t hold my breath. Every single bill voted on has been bought and paid for by K-Street. Americans are starting to figure it out, and don’t really want a FASCIST STATE in what was once America.
The best thing to do is send ALL Republican candidates packing, until they stop lying, cheating, and stealing. If they had a platform that was something other than illusion they may have a chance. Once the curtain was pulled back we found no wizard. Just a bunch of crooks…. The difference between Dean and Mehlman is quite clear. Dean tells it like it is, even if the news is shocking. Mehlman spends his time covering up for criminals, lying with no opposition, spouting “proven” Rove (the traitor’s) talking points, and basically distorting facts, and lying some more.
Your whole Republican Platform is based on lies, fear, and distortion. Your leaders never tell the truth, and only attack people that DO tell the truth.
The truth is REPUBLICANS are destroying our country, raiding our treasury, and giving the future of our children to the scumbags on K-Street that fund their campaigns, and defense contractors with secret no bid contracts. It is not defense, it is offense. It is working too. We have pretty much offended every person on this planet, just look at some elections. The whole world is running on the Anti-America ticket, and they are winning.
You would have never thought one Administration, with backing from the GOP could do so much harm to our country. We used to have checks, and balances, laws, and a constitution. Now we only have lie, after lie, after lie. No investigations, no audits, and no accountability. Anyone that tells the truth gets smeared, or attacked (Joe Wilson).
Is this the government you want? It resembles the 3rd Reich, not George Washington’s America.
To vote for a Republican you have to be either a fascist, or a crook. Perhaps you are a scared little coward that thinks slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people, and lying about the reasons why they had to die, will somehow make us safer. John Dean, Nixon’s lawyer said Bush, and Cheney are Osama Bin Laden’s recruiting dream team. Something about perpetual war I think….
Remember America has never been more hated than now. This comes after the world was united with us on 9-12 to fight terror. Go figure… Ony lying chimp. One corrupt congress. End Republican Tyrrany.