Where does Mike!™ McGavick stand on CAFE standards? Last month, Mike!™ was caught telling a little white lie about both his and Senator Cantwell’s positions on CAFE standards.
In doing so, Mike!™ signaled that he is, apparently, for increased CAFE standards.
But on July 7th during his Open Mike!™ event in Forks, McGavick did a little McFlip-flop on CAFE standards:
Government can put more pressure on Detroit and Tokyo and the other auto manufacturers to raise up the average efficiency of our cars and to make them able to use alternative fuels. The only thing there is we shouldn’t have politicians setting what the number is.
So… Mike!™ was for increased CAFE standards before he was against them.
But then while doing an Open Mike!™ event in Moses Lake on July 22, McGavick was recorded as saying:
But what should the government do beyond investing? It should make sure that Big Oil-first of all we got to get rid of these royalty tax breaks to Big Oil, it makes no sense at all. Put that money into the research and development of these other fuels, and we should make sure Big Oil cannot prevent alternative fuels from getting to market. Right? They’ve got a big infrastructure advantage. They can’t use that to prevent these alternative fuels from being accessed by us, and we should jack up CAFE standards on the auto industry, make their cars more efficient and flexible for different kinds of fuels.
So… Mike!™ was for increased CAFE standards before he was against them, before he was for them.
Stay tuned. It’s no wonder that the Democrats send a guy around to video tape each of his Open Mike!™ events!
Speaking of Mike!™ and flip-flops, the Seattle Times published his position on Social Security. As Joshua Marshall at Talking Points Memo points out “[h]e actually manages to flip-flop within the same statement:”
[McGavick] does not support privatization or a phasing-out of Social Security….He would give younger workers the option of placing their benefits in voluntary personal accounts controlled by the federal government. This would help restore confidence in the system and ensure its solvency.
WTF? Did somebody forget to tell Mike!™ that a mic was on? (Hat tip: Thehim.)
Goldy, what is the CAFE standard on Gore’s Gulfstream G5? And his SUVs? Are they “restrictive”?
This is great. And we should be doing the same thing with all the major GOP candidates. Send a video camera to follow them around and document their lies. Of course, they’ll probably run out of tape before they can get even one lying republican’s lies documented but it’s worth a shot.
As for Alaska’s Senatorial candidate, I hope Senator Cantwell’s staff is taking note of this stuff so that when (and if) this coward agrees to a debate, she can devistate him with this and some of the other lies he’s told.
And of course, the righties are okay with these lies since they all teach their kids to lie.
“devistate him”??????
left turn…you just get funnier by the day.
so….the “righties” all teach their kids to lie huh?
come on…that is such an incredibly stupid statement to make. first off…how would you know?
you know what they say about people that pretend to speak for[or about] entire groups of people.
they just aren’t very bright………..
is this really all you guys have? you just sound like a bunch of whiney tattletales….”he lied” waaa waaaa waaaa……
i feel so much better about the upcoming elections now. a bit like shooting fish in a barrel.LOL.
and you might want to re-think this whole “he lied” campaign. after all…wasn’t bill clinton the biggest liar of all time?
and in reality….isn’t that the definition of just about every politician?
come on….grow up. there are real problems in the world and you not being very ‘worldly’ just isn’t one of them.
except to you……….
AMAZING! Jews are being slaughtered in “tolerent” liberal Seattle and all you fucking liberals can do is crow about McGavick. Anti-Semetic Nazi bastards!
Can’t wait for the first Nazi Facist Liberal who will proclaim
“The Jews Deserved it”.
PBJ…..i believe “daddy love” already did in the post just before this. i may be wrong about the name…but let’s face it…they are probably the same person anyway….here.
he accused israel of deliberately targeting lebanese civilians.
Right wing liars:
The guy who did it (the shooting) was caught wasn’t he? He’s going away just like the gun nuts who targeted fast food joints and schoolyards?
So what’s your solution wingnuts? Everyone carries guns? We bomb Lebanon? Put something in the water?
pbj – keep waiting – you might eventually be absorbed into the carpet.
ghost – nice going mixing apples and oranges – typical for the mentally impaired.
How about we tap the phone lines of people about ready to shoot the hell out of Jewish Centers? How about we track the finances of those who send money to those who shoot up Jewish Centers??? ASSHOLE!
You liberal fucks have been spening all your energy fighting those who are fighting for us.
As I said earlier, perhaps if the government had been allowed to wiretap this fellow, he might have been stopped. Liberals, how do you was the blood of innocents off your hands at night?
Dear PBJ.
Fuck you.
With a contractor’s shovel.
PBJ – WTF? What about the civil rights of the shooter(s)? Even terrorist criminals have rights which must be protected even if it means that a few innocent jews have to die. Don’t you understand the librul mindset?
Well what do we have here. A tolerant liberal shooting Jews in Seattle. Why do you liberals hate Jews? I am not suprised.
8 – pbj shill – what a dope you are! THE GOVERNMENT IS TAPPING EVERYBODY NOW. Or at least reading their call records. No muss no fuss with getting a warrant.
Sure has worked great hasn’t it? Right ASSHOLE?
Back to the subject at hand…Apparently, back in 1981, the average fuel economy of a new car was 20.5 miles per gallon. Now, 25 years later, it’s improved…to 21 miles per gallon.
Methinks that behind the statistics, the definition of “car” has broadened to mean “vehicle bought for personal or family transporataion”. Thus the sales of Aspires and Priuses has been balanced by such applicances of “personal transportation” as Suburbans, Hummers, Bentleys, etc.
10 – see 9 and pay your gambling debt. People with high moral character honor their wagers.
Liberals = The real Nazis
“The Jews Deserved it”.
Washington – Comedian Al Franken has raised money for his political action committee from an all-star cast of entertainers, including actor-writer Larry David, singer Barbra Streisand, writer-director Nora Ephron and actor Jimmy Smits. Franken, who hosts a radio show on the liberal Air America Radio network, is considering challenging Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in 2008. Franken moved his show from New York City to Minneapolis earlier this year, fueling speculation of a possible bid. [……………………………………………………………………Goldysteinberg,, Your Democrat hero, Al Franken!! Steals taxpayer’s money from inner city black teens [Boys Club] to lock in his seven figure salary!! He kind of looks like you, too!!!]
“The Jews Deserved it”.
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………..Goldy, Is that you????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??]
Dear PBJ.
Fuck you.
With a contractor’s shovel.
Commentby ArtFart [………………………………………………………………..AF, Where is your Democrat “love” and “compassion”? Do you “know” Democrat “Tookie” Williams?? BTW, are you 12 years old?]
13…….CAFE standards on the Kennedy Gulfsteam? The Kerry Gulfstream? The private jets Al Gore travels? The Kerry 130 foot Chris Craft? [Get it yet?]
Clueless, I must have missed your post on FDR’s rounding up Jap-Americans during WW II and shipping them to AZ. Please repost. hehe, JCH
Darryl – put up an “open thread”. Goldy’s been slacking lately.
are you a jap lover to
I say we round up all neo cons and put them in a camp
Whoa, a Jew hater asking if somebody is a jap lover. Hey at least The Socialist is honest unlike you libs. We know you are all Nazis.
I thought you neo nazas con nutz hated the jews and color people and the mexicans?
oh and the homo’s
Jews are not being killed in conservative cities. Conservatives have never elected a KKK Grand Dragon to senate. You might have something on the butt pirates though.
Rufus – Shit, Seattle has a member of a terrorist group as it’s rep on King County Council.
What the fuck do you expect?
31 – See comment 9 and pay your gambling debt if you have any “moral character”.
Also seek mental health counseling.
We already have voluntary retirement accounts. They’re called IRAs, Keoghs, 401(k)s, and Roths.
well for one thing there are no conservative cities.
Citys are allways liberal. Its all you back asswared country folk that mess every thing up
Gore doesn’t have a G5. You’re thinking of Kerry, and it’s probably a G4.
Ahh. Back to the subject at hand. Mike :( McGavick is a George Bush rubberstamp wannabe and an inveterate shill for the insurance industry.
And he’s going to lose because we’re going to expose his every flip-flop and laugh whenever he puts his foot in his mouth!
“Judge” Rabbit – And you have none of the above?
How was it giving up $200/hour to serve humanity because you had too much character to make real money?
In a real emergency, would you rather be with a bunch of pussified citified metrosexual librul pussies, or some backasswards redneck real man country types?
A couple of observations I’d make about private jets is this.
Rightwing blogs love to make fun of “liberal elites” who fly around in private jets. Of course, they conveniently forget that for every “liberal elite” traveling by private jet, there’s at least 20 Republican elites traveling by private jet. Go to Aspen or Jackson Hole or Palm Beach and look at all the G5s and Citations, etc., lined up on the tarmac and I’ll wager there’s not very damned many Democrats going to those places, much less by private jet. All Republicans.
Now to the matter of fuel consumption. As a baseline, a 747 with a full load of passengers gets about 63 passenger miles per gallon, which is three or four times better than most single-occupant cars.
A jet’s fuel consumption varies quite drastically depending on altitude and speed. They don’t do well at low altitudes, which is why jetliners climb to 30,000 feet even for the 300-mile hop to Spokane from SeaTac.
A G5, at cruising altitude and speed, gets about 1 mpg. If it’s carrying 12 passengers, that’s comparable to the fuel consumption of a single-occupant Suburban or F350 pickup tooling on I-5 through downtown Seattle. Most private jets are operated for business use. High net worth individuals (HNWI) often lease private jets or own timeshares in them, instead of owning one outright. The economics of ownership don’t pencil out unless you’re flying several hundred hours a year. Private jets normally don’t fly with only one of two passengers; business people and celebrities who use this mode of transportation usually travel with a retinue of staff, family, or associates who need to be accomodated. When Kerry travels, he has staff with him, and there’s probably half a dozen or 10 people aboard that plane.
What do I need a G5 for, when I have a pair of these? http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/b.....ihfeet.jpg
Reddick — I can’t see myself in a foxhole with YOU under any circumstances whatsoever.
But we’re not the ones out lecturing people on the evils of fossil fuels. You guys are. You don’t hear us going into fucking hysterics about global warming. We understand that THE FUCKING SUN causes warms mommy erf.
GOD Please let global warming hurry up and kill off all Mark The Cowardly Redneck’s seed. Maybe the next generation will have a chance that way!
Welcome to the religious taliban wing of the GOP’s idea of a free America.
If we let this happen, we deserve the outcome.
Well one of the anti war activists fell through the cracks and killed a Jew today.
An innocent pregnant woman shot by an adherent of “The Religion of Peace”. Shot in the name of allah. Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?
Whoa, a Jew hater asking if somebody is a jap lover. Hey at least The Socialist is honest unlike you libs. We know you are all Nazis.
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 7/28/06@ 8:45 pm
Rufus-Libs aren’t like Nazis; Nazis supported their troops and were willing to fight for what they believed in. Libs stab our troops in the back and come up with excuses for not fighting the Islamofascists.
Libruls support islamofacists who shoot innocent pregnant women. They think that’s a good thing.
You fucking libruls also support the assholes who cause this:
Watch these and then lecture me about the fucking “religion of peace.”
Blah blah blah.
Tell us again how two 1300-foot buildings managed to collapse in just under 12 seconds each. You’re an “engineer” with “real-world skills”, right?
The religious taliban wing of the GOP is in California? Oakland & Fresno.
I don’t fucking think so. California is so damn blue it’s almost blue-black.
Police have been doing undercover work for fucking decades….
No you fucking IDIOT! They are ONLY tapping when YOU call Al Qaeda. So stop calling them you traitorous turd. If they COULD wiretap when some angry Muslim screams he wants to “kill Jews”, perhaps we could stop them. Get a CLUE you clueless facist nazi.
51-Tell us again how two 1300-foot buildings managed to collapse in just under 12 seconds each. You’re an “engineer” with “real-world skills”, right?
Commentby Dr. E— 7/28/06@ 11:18 pm
Dr. E, of course it wasn’t Islamofascists hitting the buildings with planes full of fuel that caused it; that was just an odd coincidence. But why are you concealing the real cause from us; don’t you think Bush did it, you moonbat?
“Bush knew!!” [REP Cynthia “Bitchslap” McKinney, DEMOCRAT. GA [Hillary’s running mate??]
Turns out the guy who shot up the Jewish center was a card carrying republican!
Was he really HAHAHAA that figures. Liberals don’t shoot up things there to nice. I Liberal would have fasted in front of the places until they passed out or something.
But even liberal would never have come in here blaming republicans for it. Like you asshole did. There is something deeply wrong with you people.
Sorry, he was a democrat who hated Bush…………
Sarcasm aside, you Nazi, why don’t you explain how the combustion of jet fuel melts steel beams? The 9/11 commission didn’t. And while you’re at it, explain how a 110-story structure then can implode under virtual freefall conditions as an ostensible result of burning jet fuel. The 9/11 commission couldn’t explain that one, either. They were pretty smart Islamofascsts, don’t you think? See, I’m not an “engineer” like MTR, so I have to defer to the opinions of people who have actually studied the matter, you know, like scholars.
“AF, Where is your Democrat “love” and “compassion”?”
Might ask the same thing about your heeeeero’s “compassionate conservatism”.
Blah blah blah.
Tell us again how two 1300-foot buildings managed to collapse in just under 12 seconds each. You’re an “engineer” with “real-world skills”, right?
Commentby Dr. E— 7/28/06@ 11:18 pm
Recently Dr E., you asked Puddy about a history lesson. When he answered you your reply was disdain and I remember some Green Thumb liberal (everything he touches dies) ridiculing Puddy because he whipped out an Internet site or two. Now you are asking others about engineering lessons.
Well Dr. E., I am going to the Internet. I expect “Green Thumb – Black Fingers”, to ridicule this also. Lets see, the WTC towers:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoru_Yamasaki – He went to moonbat U!
There are more links Dr E. for your education like a building that burns for over an hour internally with much of the side structure damaged from a plane flying into it’s exoskeleton and then burning very hot from the full load of jet fuel.
Google ” World Trade Center tower construction” history teacher.
Since Dr. E. you ridicule the WTC and it’s environment, you need to read a first hand account:
You moonbats just don’t get it.
I use PBS to teach Dr E. an engineering lesson because like NPR he can’t ridicule the source. It’s on his side!
Moonbats are disgusting, Dr E. likes to See BS. Anything resembling the truth is appalling to his sight. If he paid attention to the many stories and studies he would have learned the Empire State Building would have collapsed much faster because the beams are placed further apart.
Even Queen Hillary learned a lesson or tow when she tried to make hay about the towers collapse, learned how the steel was destroyed and the other steel melted, and then understood about the ESB. She immediately shut up. But not Dr. E. He is a prime time jerk. He likes to see BS. Go back and study from BSU, Michael Moore College.
“Well Dr. E., I am going to the Internet. I expect “Green Thumb – Black Fingers”, to ridicule this also.” — MAD (re: Puddybud? Proud? MTR?, Klake?)
Nope, I have no interest in that particular discussion. But more generally, if you made an argument I agreed with, I’d say so. If you made an argument that I disagreed with but used reasonable logic and facts, I’d respect that.
What I don’t respect are the ideological carpet bombings common to the likes of JCH, MTR, Rufus, Proud and Klake. All too often you guys come off as ignorant, bigoted, royal assholes who are here to destroy rather than honestly discuss issues.
If that’s how you choose to continue behaving, I’m very much looking forward to Goldy shifting to a ranked-comments system. There will be no sympathy from me.
christmasghost @ 6
First, I did not “[accuse] Israel of deliberately targeting Lebanese civilians.”
I’ll speak slowly here. I raised the question that, GIVEN the sophisticated weaponry and targeting available to Israel (that is not available to Hizbollah–they have never occupied Israeli territory as Israel did Lebanese, and they are using much less sophisticated weapons), how many civilian deaths are no accident(in my example, I suggested considering the deaths in the area around Beirut which is hundreds of miles from the Hizbollah staging areas in south Lebanon)? Come up with your own figure.
And BTW, MY NAME IS DADDY LOVE. That’s why I use it. I don’t post as anyone else, which really should be obvious even to you.
An innocent doctor (Bernard Slepian) shot by an adherent of “The Religion of Peace”. Shot in the name of Jesus. Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?
green thumb….a “ranked” comments system?
>>>>>ideological carpet bombings
>>>>>>royal assholes who are here to destroy
wow…you aren’t just a little dramatic or anything are you?
why, this is right up there with goldy abusing a woman at his daughter’s school because he didn’t think she was in “his tribe”…
god…you people are idiots!
have you thought about joining scientology? you would make a nice fit.
Dr. Bernard Slepian
Dr. Wayne Patterson
Dr. John Britton
Lt. Col. James Barrett
[physician bodyguard]
Shannon Lowney
Leanne Nichols
Inocent people murdered by adherents of “The Religion of Peace”. Shot in the name of Jesus. Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?
Christmasghost, do you condone JCH’s postings?
ATTACKS ON MUSLIMS I America after 9/11
– On the afternoon of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed the 49 year old owner of a gas station in Mesa, AZ. He was a Sikh. His family believes that he was killed because he “looked Middle Eastern.” Additional shots were fired at a Lebanese clerk and at the home of an Afghan family.
– On the evening of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed a Pakistani Muslim store owner in Dallas, TX.
– Adel Karas, 48, an Egyptian-American grocer was shot and killed near his International Market store in San Gabriel, CA. He was a Copt — neither Muslim nor Arab. No money was taken. Police are investigating the murder as a possible hate crime.
– A man drove his car through the front entrance of Parma Mosque in Cleveland OH.
– Also on Saturday, a Christian of Egyptian origin was shot dead in California.
– Near Chicago, IL, there was a march in which about 300 anti-Arab youths waved flags, shouted “USA, USA,” and attempted to march on a mosque in Bridgeview, IL — a suburb southwest of Chicago. Colin Zaremba, 19, said: “I’m proud to be American and I hate Arabs and I always have.” Three demonstrators were arrested.
– In Chicago, a Molotov cocktail was thrown t an Arab-American community center. There were no injuries and little damage.
– In Huntington, NY, Adam Lang, reportedly a drunken driver, 75, allegedly tried to kill a Pakistani woman with his car. He later followed the woman into a store and threatened to kill her for “destroying my country.”
– In Gary, IN, a man wearing a mask pumped over 20 bullets from a high-powered assault rifle at a Muslim, Hassan Awdah. He survived. Hassan is a U.S. citizen, born in Yemen.
– In Lynnwood, WA, a mosque was vandalized.
– In Suffolk County, NY, a man allegedly made anti-Arab threats and pointed a handgun at the employee of a gas station. He was arrested.
– A gasoline bomb was thrown into the home of a Sikh family in California.
– Two mosques were firebombed with Molotov cocktails during the weekend of OCT-20-21. They are located in Burlington and Mississauga, near Toronto ON Canada. Kendrich House, 35, from Oakville ON has allegedly been charged.
Innocent US residents attacked by adherents of “The Religion of Peace”. Shot in the name of Jesus. Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?
66….OMG….now that was funny! your name is daddy love huh? wow…what are you….a pimp?
“Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?” [“daddy love” [ha ha ha] referring to christians]
your own comments from just above……..
now why would anyone think that such a “tolerant well spoken
thoughtful individual like you” [tongue firmly planted in cheek here] would EVER imply that israel was bombings civilians on purpose?
you are truly the biggest idiot on here….and that, my friend, is no small feat!
and your “name”….what are you? a pedophile?
E Dumfuck – Ummm I think it had something to do with ragheads flying airplanes into them. Seems like I heard that somewhere.
Kinda the same way the fucking sun causes global warming.
Take another hit and get back to me.
My point, if I even need to make it, is that just as all Christians are not guilty of the acts of some, all Muslims are certainly not guilty of the acts of others. I’m lookin’ right at you, MTR.
Your retreat to argument ad hominem was predictable. Like the sun coming up.
So I’m being called a pimp and a pedophile by someone who cannot argue the issues. Gee, I’m feeling so intimidated.
If you think that ALL Lebanese civilian deaths are totally accidental and absolutely unavoidable, just say so and tell us why you think so.
Like the UN observers who gave their position to Israel before they were blown up by a precision-guided bomb. Couldn’t be helped, right? After all, who knew they were there? How could they possibly aim the weapon?
“Tell me again why we shouldn’t exterminate every fucking one of them?” [“daddy love” [ha ha ha] referring to christians]
your own comments from just above……..
Actually, those were Mark The Redneck’s remarks (not that you called HIM a pedophile when HE made them, did you?). I used them to make a point that I explained a couple of posts later.
JGreen Thumb, I am very much in favor of ranked comment threads. Most poster do not acknowledge that when they post on a blog, they are tacitly askinbg for, and receiving permission to do so. We are “guests” in Goldy’s parlor. How we conduct ourselves is a measure of who we are. For ChristmasGhost to confuse a courtesy and a privilege with a right to free speech displays confused thinking.
why , daddy love……god that’s a creepy name……those were just questions…. which i’m sure with a name like that…you get often enough.
as far as the muslim religion being one of peace…it’s you my friend that should be doing some reading. have you ever lived in the middle east? no? then you don’t know what the hell you are talking about.
here’s a good exercise for all you silly liberals that want to keep thinking “arabs good/americans bad……….”
imagine several americans hijacking planes and flying them into mecca. do you think the rest of the americans living there would be politely left alone? no?
yes…i do think the civilian deaths are accidental. why wouldn’t they be? israel is a civilized state….and frankly, i’ll put more faith in what they do than a terrorist nation.
what are you basing your moronic assumptions on?
and on a side note…i am waiting for the time [and it’s obviously coming soon] to when goldy finds himself hosting a site of anti-semites like yourself……and he’s on your side.
now, won’t that be interesting?
kill a troll@81…….lenin and stalin would be so proud of you!
a priveledge? i have a blog too sweetpea and i’ll tell you , even when you have a blog, free speech still applies here in america.
it’s not confusion it’s reality.
Your comparisons are odious,as are you. Your boorishness and reputation as a fishwife are well deserved.
DL@79………”UN observers”…..you know everytime i even hear that phrase i laugh. because that’s all they ever do. observe….women being raped, people being killed with machetes etc. perhaps that’s why you libs love them so much huh? because they are all talk and no action?
that and their really intimidating little baby blue helmets. i believe in the real world those are known as “coward markers”…that would be ‘targets’ for you.
maybe the next group will move faster after they give their position. why were they giving their position again? hmmmmm?
it’s a thinker…………
Under the cover of pancake, mascara and lipstick, ChristmasGhost, you readilu display the savage, bloody, paganistic, and cold-blooded savage that you truly are.
Christmasghost, I assume you are being disingenuous. JCH’s postings are pervasive on these threads. If you check in with any regularity you KNOW what he’s up to. He himself has stated point blank that he sees his missives as the equivalent of dropping bombs on HA to disrupt it.
Does it really need to be stated that JCH’s behavior would not be tolerated pretty much anywhere else? Yet you act as though it is somehow normal and acceptable.
That raises a question: Are you so poorly socialized that you can’t see the dysfunctinality of JCH’s behavior, or do you agree with his goal of disrupting HA because it is “liberal”?
Now, regarding our constitution: As a former journalist I happen to have high regard for freedom of speech and press. I would defend your rights just as much as my own. However, this is a private blog. Goldy can do whatever he wants with it.
If you don’t like what Goldy’s doing, you can create your own blog. You KNOW this. So why the red herring about the constitution?
Oh, never mind.
“Your comparisons are odious,as are you. Your boorishness and reputation as a fishwife are well deserved.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/29/06@ 9:30 am”
oh honey…are you talking to me?
fishwife!!! now that’s a good one….but you are really dating yourself.
well, rest assured, dear sir, that when you attend high tea this afternoon you can vent all that “upset” about the boorish odious fishwife to your other friends with a WORD A DAY CALENDAR.
god…is this all you people have?
i am waiting for the time [and it’s obviously coming soon] to when goldy finds himself hosting a site of anti-semites like yourself……and he’s on your side.
Charming wingnuts fantasies there ghost..
When you wallow in your own ignorance, and attempt to paint other people with your own deficiencies, you become what you tfruly are. . .a troll, a harridan, a fishwife,and a savage. I point this out HERE because you are here. And you so amply illustrate my points. . .
87 – Xmasghost has a blog – and what a pathetic blog it is.
green thumb…..i am not being disingenuous in the least. i really don’t pay that much attention to every post…especially if the poster is an idiot. i am waiting for you to just throw me a quote here ….as from what you have said this poster says idiotic things.and since you are the one that asked me how i felt about his/her posts i thought you would have about ten posts ready as examples…too much to ask? i’ll understand…we are all busy people.
as far as goldy being able to do whatever he wants with his blog. true to a point…..but that’s all. it’s still public domain in many ways so he is limited to what he can and cannot do…right?
and censoring people still isn’t right….ever. not unless they are advocating violence[there goes roger rabbit and daddy love]
an opinion opposite of yours is not cause to shut people out. that’s just called an echo chamber……….
“those were just questions”
Gee, so were mine concerning Israel. But YOU call ME an anti-Semite.
“the muslim religion being one of peace…it’s you my friend that should be doing some reading. have you ever lived in the middle east? no? then you don’t know what the hell you are talking about.”
If only I had SAID something along those lines. Then what an argument you would have! I guess tht the fact that I appropriated MTR’sline in order to parody him makes this just too bad for you.
“[questions] which i’m sure with a name like that…you get often enough.”
Nope. never. I always thought people assumed it was a hipster nick, and so far no one but you has accused me (or “questioned” if you will) of being “pedophile” or called it “creepy.” Are you sure you’re not just projecting? It seems to be the favorite habit of conservatives.
“i do think the civilian deaths are accidental.”
Well, that’s the first half.
“why wouldn’t they be?”
There could be many reasons. There are more reasons why things happend that you can think of, apparently. But the limits of YOUR imagination or prejudice are not limiting the world.
“<>israel is a civilized state….and frankly, i’ll put more faith in what they do than a terrorist nation.”
Gee, I though Lebanon was a proud symbol of freedom a few months ago when they threw out the Syrians. How fickle you guys are! Now they’re a “terrorist nation?” I think you ugsy just call someone that when you want to excuse war crimes.
No, Hezbollah IS a terrorist organization. The neither the hezbollah attacks nor Israle’s targeting of Lebanese civilian areas, hospitals, airports, or the Lebanese Army are jsutified.
But your argument is “I don’t have reasons, I just assume their goodwill because they’re on ‘our side.'”
So when Israel was given the position of the UN peacekeepers (who no doubt belong to some sort of “terrorist nation” or other, right?) and subsequently chose an airborne bombardment over other means, and then GUIDED a bomb into a direct hit, we should just trust them, right? An ivestigation is just a waste of time because they’re so honorable, right?
UN resolutions condemning Israel, from 1955 to 1992:
106, 111, 127, 162, 171, 228, 237, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256, 259, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425, 427, 444, 446, 450, 452, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 476, 478, 484, 487, 497, 498, 501, 509, 515, 517, 518, 520, 573, 587, 592, 605, 607, 608, 636, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, 799…
Again with the argument ad hominem. When or where did I ever “advocate violence,” outside of the parody of MTR that apparently no one but you misunderstood? Are you not too bright or just willfully obtuse?
92 – Number of people Goldy has banned 0 Stefan Minnow countless.
I think Roger Rabbit might say “Republicans advocate violence all the time. Why should they be the only ones allowed to advocate violence?”
Check the open thread for my post about good Republicans advocating the elimination of all Muslims.
>>>>>Under the cover of pancake, mascara and lipstick, ChristmasGhost, you readilu display the savage, bloody, paganistic, and cold-blooded savage that you truly are.< <<<<< and THIS.... >>>>>When you wallow in your own ignorance, and attempt to paint other people with your own deficiencies, you become what you tfruly are. . .a troll, a harridan, a fishwife,and a savage. I point this out HERE because you are here. And you so amply illustrate my points. . .<<<<< killatroll...while i do actually hate to pick on the uninformed or the obviously mindless.....have you read your own two post yet? from what you say may i assume that you are a fishwife painted up like a tart from fallon? LOL. harridan? that's rich. but you've obviously been playing with that word a day calendar again haven't you? paganistic savage, huh? my what a little open minded accepting of other people's beliefs lib you are. and you wonder [daily] why no one takes you seriously?
What happened? Don’t links work now?
And resolutons condemining Israel vetoed by the US.
Ah, I just coded it wrong…typical of me.
Heck, I’ll repost it here…
Here’s what’s being said on “the Jawa Report” http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/184108.php, some sort of right-wing site, about the shooting. The projection there is amazing. Accusations of “mindless hate:” on the part of Muslims are accompanied by worse:
“We are going to have to clean our house of these Islamists, and it won’t be pretty” (mass murder)
“It is to [sic] bad someone did not shoot that POS Muslime” (wishing death on the shooter)
“I believe it is time for action to be taken against these media clowns…if the government won’t act, then the citizens must” (advocating murder of media workers)
“If you don’t want Muslims murdered here in America, then you should stop inciting themurder of jews [sic] here as well” (threatening to murder of Muslims)
“ISLAM MUST BE DESTROYED” (murder of all 1 billion Muslims)
“The only thing it [“this death cult”] is fit for it to be cut down and destroyed” (murder of all 1 billion Muslims)
“devil worshiping, pedophilic goat fuckers” (accusation against all Muslims)
“filthy barabarous lizard eating Arab pedophile” (accusation against all Muslims)
“The West ought to NUKE Mecca and Medina NOW” (advocating death of millions of innocents for being Muslim)
“if Bush had any balls he’d break out the nukes. So simple…throw a switch and it’s all over”
No, no “mindless hate” there. None at all.
daddy love your ” question” about israels’ intentions was a loaded one…and you know it. look at how fast you pulled how many UN resolutions against israel there have been out of your ass……..
need i say more really?
Jay Leno: “Humanitarian aid from the US has begun to arrive in Lebanon. The US government sent 10,000 medical kits, 20,000 blankets, $30 million cash. And today the people in New Orleans said, ‘They did what?’”
daddy love….i’d nuke them too. you are being very very naive……..
Yes, you’d think I had access to some sort of super-secret program that searches through all of the content on the Internet very quickly, just for me. Mwoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha-ha!
“i’d nuke them too.”
Not that you would advocate violence, right?
Daddy Love, christmasghost is again displaying confused thinking. She is apparently confusing my ad hominem with your posts. I will proudly own them. She has again clearly demonstrated her confusion.
I do think she is a harridan and a savage, and with many of the opinions she has voiced, feel that she soil’s Christ’s name with her lips, whether capitalized or not.
killatroll…i hate to be the bearer of bad news for you….you silly little christian fundamentalist….but christmasghost is a reference to the character in dicken’s classic tale.
sorry to disappoint you though………
you really are proud of yourself for using “harridan” aren’t you? do you also suffer from lumbago?
” I do think she is a harridan and a savage, and with many of the opinions she has voiced, feel that she soil’s Christ’s name with her lips, whether capitalized or not.”
okay…i give….my skin is officially crawling.
and what are you going to do? STONE ME?
you realize of course that with those last statements of yours [meant to insult me…but i am still laughing] are sending shivers of fear through the rank [accent on that] and file HERE????
Man, this is a really productive discussion. Why is it that whenever wingers enter the room the conversation starts sounding like the Mad Hatter’s tea party?
I guess I didn’t understand, but now I do. Israel does not deliberately target cilians, but you do. Because you do think that targeting civilians os totally OK, if it turned out the Israel did it, would you approvce of that as well?
Madame, whether I am Christian or not is of no consequence to you. However, your linking your odious opinions, and your hatred and implacable inhumanity with that name for the entire world to see is of great concern to many. Both friends and enemies of the US. Feel proud, you misguided fool, display yourself clearly so the entire world can see how folly, pride, and ignorance stand behind much of the political posturing that is destroying the US today.
What a creepy name? Are you a spiritualist? A parapsychologist? A holiday-hater? An authoritarian cultist?
Reuters: “Israel will not demand the immediate disarming of Hizbollah as part of a deal to end the current fighting in Lebanon, a senior Israeli foreign ministry official said on Saturday.”
Israel has lost the war.
I’m heading to the open thread.
Interesting “take”. But, it was a calculated gamble from the beginning. Hizbollah leaders expressed shock at the Israeli departure from measured response.
Still, we know from VietNam that it is difficult to “win their hearts and minds” while we are bombing their asses off.
Christmasghost @ 92
as far as goldy being able to do whatever he wants with his blog. true to a point…..but that’s all. it’s still public domain in many ways so he is limited to what he can and cannot do…right?
You are incorrect. This is Goldy’s private blog. It is not public domain. Rather, Goldy has opened up the comment threads so that anyone can post. But, he can change that anytime he wants, and require registration, payment, have peer-review, or whatever. He can remove any posts he wants to, at his sole discretion. Goldy pays for the domain name and the server, so he really is opening up his private property to guests at his discretion.
To his credit, however, Goldy has kept the comment threads almost entirely wide open.
and censoring people still isn’t right….
It isn’t really censoring to remove comments on a private blog. Individuals can still say whatever they want—elsewhere. In the same way, if a house guest is disrupting a party by screaming obcenities at the other guests, it is not censuring to kick them out of the house (they can scream obcenities all they want in the street).
an opinion opposite of yours is not cause to shut people out.
It’s not? It doesn’t happen here, but you might want to let Stefan know about that. It is my understanding that people who argue too much at uSP get filtered out….
well, darryl……….i don’t agree with stefan’s take on free speech then. i will take your word for the fact that he “filters” people out.and i will say again that it is wrong to do.to goldy’s credit he doesn’t do this…even though all the little yeepers and screamers on here want him to everytime they can’t mount a thought provoking arguement of their own.
it does make me laugh though at the thought of what a goldy-filter would look like.
foul language? NOPE. threats of violence? NOPE.anti-semitic rants?NOPE. homophobic comments?NOPE. [you know what i’m talking about …everytime some “deep thinker” like ‘clueless’ gets himself in a corner of his own making he accuses the other party of being gay]
and daddy love…touche pussycat…touche.LOL. but still…no one ever hears christmasghost and thinks ooooooooooo creepy.
only the resident religious zealot [killatroll] thinks that. “Madame, whether I am Christian or not is of no consequence to you. However, your linking your odious opinions, and your hatred and implacable inhumanity with that name for the entire world to see is of great concern to many. Both friends and enemies of the US. Feel proud, you misguided fool, display yourself clearly so the entire world can see how folly, pride, and ignorance stand behind much of the political posturing that is destroying the US today.”
whew…….someone please pry his bible and word for the day calendar out of his silly hands before he hurts himself…will you?
My biggest frustration with HA is that the comment threads are all too often developmentally disabled. I suspect that virtually everyone who posts is an adult, yet the discussion frequently has the nuance of a schoolyard shouting match. All of us to some degree contribute to that culture.
As such, I can see some logic in CQ’s comment in 116. It IS an established debating practice on this blog to substitute personal insults for an added fact or logical counterpoint. “Both” sides do it. Those individuals who try to avoid slipping into a “fight club” stance are invariably bluggeoned into doing so (or they drift off to other blogs).
One problem I have with CQ’s punchline is that she takes such a one-sided stance. Somehow, she and her conservative allies are just trying to have a decent debate, but it is ruined by all those liberals. That is simply absurd.
Another problem is that she righteously upholds an absolute standard of “free speech” in a private forum without any regard for reasonable standards of conduct. That’s completely dysfunctional, as anyone can attest who has ever attended a meeting that devolved into angry chaos because of a lack of facilitation.
If CQ has ever participated in a blog that uses ranked comments, she would know that the prime question isn’t whether to ban or not to ban — it is which comments stay in the thick of the conversation, and which fall to the bottom. Sure, folks can be voted off the island if they violate group norms too much, but the blog owner can veto such rejections.
A ranked comments system is hardly a panacea, but it would provide for the first time at HA an accountability mechanism where EVERYONE gets feedback. This might improve the quality of the discussion at least a wee bit.
deep thinker” like ‘clueless’ gets himself in a corner of his own making he accuses the other party of being gay
I just did a search of this thread for the word “gay” and it only appears in 116.
What’s in the tea you’ve been drinking ghost?
shorter ghost: Stefan Minnow and his admirers “good” – everyone else who disagrees “bad”
Still, we know from VietNam that it is difficult to “win their hearts and minds” while we are bombing their asses off.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog [……………………………………………………………………………………..Wrong, VietNam proved that B-52 Linebacker strikes [Arc Light], done hard enough and long enough, work EVERY time they are used.]
Jay Leno: “Humanitarian aid from the US has begun to arrive in Lebanon. The US government sent 10,000 medical kits, 20,000 blankets, $30 million cash. And today the people in New Orleans said, ‘They did what?’”
Commentby Daddy Love— […………………………………………………..Hey! Where are the $2000 visa cards for Black Velvet, Marlboros, hookers,bitches, and hos???]
Jay Leno: “Humanitarian aid from the US has begun to arrive in Lebanon. The US government sent 10,000 medical kits, 20,000 blankets, $30 million cash. And today the people in New Orleans said, ‘They did what?’”
Commentby Daddy Love— […………………………………………………..Hey! Where are the $2000 visa cards for SONY plasma HDTVs, Black Velvet, Marlboros, hookers,bitches, and hos???]
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/29/06@ 9:25 am
You were outed, Tree Frog Farmer. Just post under your real nom de plume.
UN resolutions condemning Israel, from 1955 to 1992:
106, 111, 127, 162, 171, 228, 237, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256, 259, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425, 427, 444, 446, 450, 452, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 476, 478, 484, 487, 497, 498, 501, 509, 515, 517, 518, 520, 573, 587, 592, 605, 607, 608, 636, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, 799…
And resolutons vetoed by the US.
And you applaud everyone of those resolutions right Daddy Love? Amazing logic, even for a liberal… I like this term… moonbat!
visacard visacard