AK Sen. Ted Stevens introduces Mike McGavick to oil industry fatcat.
GOP hopeful “Lobbyist Mike” McGavick was up in Alaska this week, whoring himself to oil industry executives in his quest to unseat the U.S. Senate’s most vocal and effective environmental advocate, Sen. Maria Cantwell. I suppose McGavick hopes a little oil money might cure his squeaky voice.
Pictured above, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (you know, the guy who wants to drill in ANWR and send single-hulled tankers careening through the Puget Sound) holds a glass of North Slope crude, while McGavick inexplicably stares at the unidentified oil executive’s breasts.
Let the caption bubble contest begin.
while McGavick inexplicably stares at the unidentified oil executive’s breasts.
You make it sound like a bad thing!
Pictured above, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (you know, the guy who wants to drill in ANWR and send single-hulled tankers careening through the Puget Sound) holds a glass of North Slope crude, while McGavick inexplicably stares at the unidentified oil executive’s breasts.
Great picture Goldy do you think the camera operator could have gotten a better angle. The single-hulled tankers are going to look great when the oil prices get above four dollars a gallon. Drilling in ANWR might not be a bad idea if you cannot drill in the lower 48 and add some new processing plants to handle the extra demand for the oil by products.
Alaska Senator Ted Stevens shows an oil industry executive and Senatorial canidate Mike McGavick a glass of oil that he wrung out of an otter the previous day.
Swear you in? Heck no, I’d rather just eat a baby.
Not pictured: The sycophant Anti-Goldy, faced buried in McGavick’s ass!
Or is it Stevens’?
Or is it the oil man’s?
“Meet Mike McGavick…if you give enough, we’ll invite you to the Tobacco industry fundraiser I’m hosting tomorrow.”
Pretty ironic that McGavick is sucking up to Big Oil and Big Insurance – especially at a time when insurance companies (especially those that re-insure) are starting to catch on to the connection between burning fossil fuel, global warming and more severe weather patterns.
I think they’re discussing the best way to pry loose even more welfare for Alaska.
Caption should be Stevens saying:
“Oh shit! Is that JCH that insane fucking faggot from Hawaii who keeps sending me this crazy, rambling shit about ‘Tookie’ with a lot of nonsensical numbers written everywhere? Jesus Christ, who let that lunatic old leatherboy in here?”
It’s not even Memorial Day, and already the headlines are proclaiming loud and clear that gas prices are going up, up, up. They have indeed shot up in recent weeks, with the national average for the cheap stuff hovering around $2.72 a gallon. Oil is over $69 a barrel. So what should people make of this?
Absolutely nothing. First of all, people should spend time complaining about things they can actually do something about. Second, the price of gasoline is artificially high. Not because oil companies are conspiring to jack up the price, but because government is doing everything in its power to keep the price of gas high.
For instance, we could drill for more oil. More oil domestically produced would reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy. But the leftist enviro-crazies won’t allow that. Drilling in ANWR? Forget it. Then you have the issue of refining the oil into gasoline. Not one single refinery has been built in the last 30 years.
The result: the refineries we do have are running at full capacity. They can’t produce enough gasoline to keep up with demand, so the price shoots up in the summer. It also doesn’t help that those refineries have to produce several different blends to appease the environmentalists around the country.
Then there’s taxes. People don’t notice because it’s rolled into the price of a gallon of gas, but between federal, state and local taxes, the government is taking 40-50 cents a gallon. So just remember….as you fill up your SUV this summer and pay $3.50 a gallon, the silent hand of government is what is causing the price to be so high. No other reason.
Dlaw…….I think you are thinking about me night and day. That’s a little sick. Go fuck your boring wife and daughter.
And if the righties are somehow able to steal enough votes or cast enough fraudulent votes to get this asshole in office he’ll be back in Alaska a bunch! He’s not really interested in representing Washington. He’d rather represent Alaska.
No nukes……….no drilling……….no new refineries………no fossil fuels………no coal……….no ANWR……….Oh, and it’s Bush’s fault gas is 3 bucks a gallon!!! Democrats: economic idiots!!!!!!!!!!!
So less than a years worth of oil from ANWR will help how? Since you claim it’s the full capacity of the plants that’s raising prices, how does more “product” help? It’s not only illogical but inconceivable.
And please explain how making more environmentally friendly blends of petroleum gas with RENEWABLE, AMERICAN GROWN ethanol is such a problem for the oil companies. You make about as much sense as the White House. Puh-lease.
How about a little fire, scarecrow?
JCH, you poor, gay, old freak.
Do you think refiners are unhappy about limiting the supply of gasoline and keeping the price high. That’s how it’s done, freakshow. That’s how Enron pushed up the price of natural gas and electricity. COntrol the supply and raise the price.
Your sexual fixations on gay sex with black men, pedophilia and incest are blocking your ability to reason. You are a pathetic freak.
BTW what’s preventing them from building refineries in Mexico and shipping the gas? Environmental regulations?
God you’re dumb.
And if the righties are somehow able to steal enough votes or cast enough fraudulent votes to get this asshole in office he’ll be back in Alaska a bunch! 12,……………………………………………………………………… Left Turn….Yeah…….The Republicans are out registering illegal aliens to vote. Right…………Hehe……..You libs are total fucking Democrat idiots who will import millions of illegal Mexicans to vote Democrat.
Green Flash….The Russians are drilling Siberia BIG TIME!!! Gee, why don’t you protest that?? hehe…That would be fun to watch!!!! Alaska is Huge………Why not take a few thousand acres are explore??? You fucking libs are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dlaw…You need to protest the Russians drilling all over Siberia. Yes, asshole, lib, I’m suuuuuuuuuuure the Russians want to hear you tell them to save the world!!!!!
Dlaw…China is using a shit load of fossil fuels. Why not protest the Chicoms??? Hehe…Yes, That would be fun to see!!!!!!!
Oil policy by Dlaw……Russia: Drill Siberia……That’s OK!!! China: Burn a shit load of coal and oil. You are commies so that’s OK. USA in Alaska: No drilling!!! No pipelines!!! Save the world!!! Democrats: economic idiots!!!!!!!
Right, except that your party has done nothing about illegal immigration. Every year illegals send the government patently false Social Security numbers and YOUR PRESIDENT HAS DONE NOTHING. No, and he never will. The Republicans are the PARTY OF CHEAP FOREIGN LABOR and obviously they have been importing it into the US as fast as they can.
There is no evidence that any illegal immigrants have voted and affected any election ever.
16, Dlaw, Do you think refiners are unhappy about limiting the supply of gasoline and keeping the price high. That’s how it’s done, freakshow. That’s how Enron pushed up the price of natural gas and electricity. COntrol the supply and raise the price. [Idiot!!! If this is true, why doesn’t Exxon charge 20 bucks a gallon for gas?? You are the Jimmy Carter of oil policy makers!!! [That means you are an idiot!!]]
There is no evidence that any illegal immigrants have voted and affected any election ever.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 7:26 pm [Er, Dlaw……..Remember B-1 Bob Dorman and Loretta Sanchez in Orange County, Ca????? You are ignorant of history. In addition, try Cook County, IL in the Kennedy/Nixon election. The entire reason Democrats want millions of illegals in the USA is to vote Democrat. Game, set, and match!!!]
Hey JCH,
A)I’m not actually against drilling in Alaska.
B)You’re an ignorant fuckhead.
C)Nobody supports the Chinese Communist Party more than the Republicans. They have their Wal-Mart heads so far up China’s ass they can see Mongolia.
D) How does it feel to support the party of dictatorships and terrorists? China and Pakistan are the biggest arms proligerators in the world and your President are sucking their dicks.
Please tell me again how wonderful your buddy Dick is.
Yeah ***Dornan*** (with an “N”, idiot) lost because he’s a fucking lunatic Nazi freak and the Repugs whined and whined and whined and whined and Dornan’s gay, freakshow challenge FAILED.
Oh, and then Freakshow Dornan LOST AGAIN.
Oh and then he lost a primary
“No wind power off Cape Cod!!!” Teddy “Oldsmobile” Kennedy
JCH @ 23
It’s called the spot market and regional competition among suppliers.
God you are stupid, really. Will you at least read something other than right-wing nonsense and gay porn?
JCH @ 29
So fucking what?
The place whwere they want to drill is the main calving area for the caribou. Interestingly enough, a lot of rich guys like to be flown in so they can “hunt” the caribou. These guys make strong political allies because they have money and clot — even though they are as “stupid as a six foot oatmeal fence.” W.Brimley
26…Wrong……Thousands of illegals voted Democrat in the Dornan/Sanchez election. Thousands. This is simply not in dispute. In addition, Cook County Democrat voter fraud gave JFK IL in 1960. The Democrat Party is a proud party of election fraud.
re 32: They only get concerned if their hobby of shooting caribou is threatened. It is, indeed, a human comedy!
ANWR may best serve as a long-term strategic reserve.
JCH and his ilk are too stupid to understand that.
re 33: But Il.did not give JFK the Presidency. I never capitalize president when GWB is in the same sentence.
JCH @ 29
So fucking what?
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 7:50 pm [You Dems are idiots. This is like Al Gore flying in a private Gulfstream G-5 [thousands of gallons of AVGAS],taking a limo [V*, 8 mpg] to his overheated hotel suite [thousands to heat and air condition], and then giving a speech to the Democrat sheep on the use of fossil fuels and global warming. Dumb ass hypocrite!!!!
Harry @ 34
Of course hunters and fisherman hate Bush policy. BushCo is run by contemptible, irresponsible rapists who would allow any industry to destroy anything if the industry bribes the Republicans enough.
No wind power off Cape Cod!! No nukes!! No new refineries!! No drilling off CA, FL, or in the gulf!!! No pipelines!! NO fossil fuels!! Oh…………….It’s Bush’s fault that we import oil from the Middle East!!!!
The place whwere they want to drill is the main calving area for the caribou. Interestingly enough, a lot of rich guys like to be flown in so they can “hunt” the caribou. These guys make strong political allies because they have money and clot – even though they are as “stupid as a six foot oatmeal fence.” W.Brimley
Commentby harry poon— 4/14/06@ 7:50 pm [Harry, Remember when the Democrat libs said that the pipeline would “destroy the caribou”?? It seems that the herds are three times the size as they were 25 years ago, and the mother caribou love the warmth of the pipeline when birthing their babies. Perhaps you could go to Siberia and “educate” the Russians on your environmental ideas!! That would be fun to watch!!!!]
JCH @ 33
Yeah, except
A) It’s not true and was found not to be true and only closet queens like you and the pitiful loser Dornan keep this crap up.
B) There was an exhaustive investigation BY A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS and neither Sanches nor the party were found guilty of any fraud, and she kept the seat despite all the whining.
C) DORNAN LOST the re-match, which was one of the most expensive COngressional races ever, because he’s a Nazi freakshow.
D) Dornan is now a non-entity like you and so will fellow whinging whiner Deano Rossi be a non-entity.
Don’t you realize that America is just so tired of middle-class white guys whining and whining and whining how they have it so bad? Nobody has any sympathy with you, you insane fairy.
How are those diving and surfing magazines? Cute guys, huh?
“ANWR may best serve as a long-term strategic reserve.” [Dlaw] Really? Your source??? [Other than YOU think so………..hehe]
re 40: You’re right JCH, and did you know about all the wonderful things with wildlife that are happening around Chernobl?
And all those liberal Cassandras were cryin’ about a little radioactivity!
Dlaw……..JCH: retired at 50 in Hawai”i..And you, commie piss ant lib Democrat?? Keep working and paying lots of taxes, lib!! BTW, Atlas has Shrugged, and you have been left behind with the other Democrat grasshoppers.
Hey everybody, I’m sorry JCH has gone insane and is now demanding that American liberals take on environmentalism in Russia while HIS PARTY rapes the environment here at home (they just love rape, these bully-boy Repugs). Yeah, obviously it’s completely fucking stupid, but what is he going to do? Environmentalism polls two-to-one in our favor. Even the Fundamentalists are picking up on it and they don’t even believe in science.
JCH is a pathetic relic with terrible Daddy issues. It’s sad but we should try to understand him. Think how fucking creepy for your nipples to get all hard every time you see Dick Cheney and Bob Dornan. His life is a tax-dodging, traitorous nightmare.
Blllloooooopppp! That’s the sound that JCH’s head makes when he needs to take a breath!!!!!!!!!!
re 40: You’re right JCH, and did you know about all the wonderful things with wildlife that are happening around Chernobl? [Harry, You need to go over and protest those wonderful commie Russians!! Hell, they love you wackos protesting over there!!!!!!]
JCH @ 44
So you’re a lazy fuck living off his military pension and Social Security. What are you, proud of that?
I’m taking a wild guess you’re not married.
BTW, JCH, Ayn Rand was a Nazi who worshipped powerful men sexually. Oh, wait, I see why you identify with her.
The main character in her book is what we call a “fraud”. He’s Donald Trump. He’s a fuckin greal estate developer. What am I, impressed?
Jesus you’re pathetic.
45.Wrong….Retired at 50. Golf, SCUBA in Kona/Kahala, and Surf at Pohiki [Dlaw, do a little homework and google]. I am John Galt. You are a grasshopper. Nothing more or less. BTW, my English Springer Spaniel doesn’t like you.
49…Time to reread Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. If you can.
“So you’re a lazy fuck living off his military pension and Social Security.” How does one get Social security at the age of 50??? Tell me, grasshopper Dlaw???????????????? [hehe]
Oh Dlaw [Grasshopper] ,How does one get Social security at the age of 50???
Dlaw: “I’m taking a wild guess you’re not married.” Wrong again, and my English Springer thinks you are dumb fuck!
Dear Puddybud, JCH, Mr. Cynical, Janet and the rest of you idiots,
Please stop lacing you inane posts with “personal” details about your sex, age, race, location, family associations, occupation, etc. This is an internet website that has no logon requirements. That being the case, it should be assumed that you are all college students, members of Young Republicans, and pathological liars schooled by the David Sagretti rat-fucking texts.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Dlaw: We were diving off Kona [boat dive] last week, and I think I saw a fish that looks like Mrs. Dlaw. [Really big lips]
Dlaw, A Mossberg 12 guage is a great weapon. Hell, one really doesn’t even need to aim!!!
Big guy from the oil company to McGavick:
You mean you only got a $14 Million payout from Safeco? We’ll make you well, just a few votes here and there should do it.
No wind power off Cape Cod!!!” Teddy “Oldsmobile” Kennedy
Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 4/14/06@ 7:48 pm
I have heard his car runs on gravity. You just need to supply the bridge. Hehehehehehehe
SCUBA in Kona/Kahala, Surf at Pohiki, sex with men.
A) I don’t believe you for a second.
B) How the fuck could I conceivably care less?
C) Name yourself after a black guy, talk about sex with black men, but for the love of God, leave the dog out of it? Have you no shame at all?
Everybody, @ 56 JCH is suggesting that my partner may be a black woman. JCH could never have sex with a black woman because he’s afraid she would be unsatisfied with his penis. Also, he’s gay. He hangs around with men and dogs. Poor bastards.
@ 57 JCH is meaning to threaten me with a Mossberg shotgun because he thinks liberals are afraid of guns. If only I could have the opportunity to personally disabuse him of this notion.
I here your mama’s car runs on the money she makes from blowing truckers. Might not be true, I don’t know.
I think the breast he’s looking at is actually the Governor of Alaska, who McGavick worked with in his Slade days. Not that there’s any difference between the Governor and an oil exec. I’d crop it and just show him with Stevens. That ought ot be enough.
JCH @ 51
Yeah, I’ve read Rand. Three differences between us:
A) I actually understood it.
B) I don’t become sexually aroused by images of powerful men.
C) I have actually read OTHER books, too. Although to be fair, you’ve certainly read a lot more Westerns and gay porn.
C)Nobody supports the Chinese Communist Party more than the Republicans. They have their Wal-Mart heads so far up China’s ass they can see Mongolia.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 8:01 pm
I will have you know that the Chi-coms are one of the biggest importers of US missile technology and supporters of the democratic party. An important thing to remember if a Chinese nuclear bomb ever detonates in your back yard.
Give it up, Rufus. The R’s have been in charge of national security for the past 6 years. Any importing since then you can blame on them.
Ahhhh. I insulted dlaws hero the “swimmer”. I didn’t mean too. Teddy is one of the better drunken, womanizing murderers out there. I am sorry.
Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. An Edgartown grand jury later reopened the investigation but did not return an indictment.
C)Nobody supports the Chinese Communist Party more than the Republicans. They have their Wal-Mart heads so far up China’s ass they can see Mongolia.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 8:01 pm ………………………………………….[Didn’t Clinton and the Jewboy [Bernie Swartz?? [spelling]who runs Loral Corp [big Clinton donor] help the Chicomms with their missile tecnology? Why, yes, and then the Chicomms gave Clinton a shit load of money [remember Charlie Tree?????????] Why, Dlaw, this must have slipped your mind!!! [hehe…Democrats: traitors!!!!!!!!!!]
Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. An Edgartown grand jury later reopened the investigation but did not return an indictment.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/14/06@ 8:51 pm [VA, Bought and paid for with Kennedy money. I would ask Mary Jo about this but she is unavailable for comment. But you defending Teddy is classic Democrat wacko hypocisy]
JCH, I’m sure your stories about your clearly pathetic life in Hawaii help you cruise for men on the Internet. It is so utterly unimpressive to me, I can scarcely express it. You are a no-account dweeb. You’re a nobody. You’re a sad, vicious, elderly queen. You think patriotism is tax-dodging and military-themed gay porn. ALL YOU DO IS FUCKING WHINE! You’re a bad American. You stand for absolutely nothing except self-centered bigotry. Everything you say and stand for is either putting people down (all of whom are better than you and you know it) or complaining about how unfair life is to conservative white men.
YOU were passed over. YOU were down-sized. Most middle-class white men have done really well in this country. Too bad we only here from the whiners and the repressed bully-boy queers.
Beg your pardon: to bad we only **hear** from the whiners and repressed, bully-boy queers.
Sorry, I wouldn’t want to offend your grammatical sensitivities, JCH, you ignorant fucking hillbilly.
Dlaw……The fish was yellow. YELLOW!! This is NOT a black/white issue. The fish was yellow………..GET IT???
Yellow fish Dlaw………Coward pussy fish. The fish was not black, but did have big lips. In addition, I could not tell the sex of the fish. But Dlaw………………The fish was yellow!! That is why I thought of you.
71…….My dog thinks you are queer.
Sorry, I wouldn’t want to offend your grammatical sensitivities, JCH, you ignorant fucking hillbilly. [Hillbilly??? No, that would be alums from WVU [West Verginia]. I am a proud Nittany Lion!!!!! Not a “Hillbilly”!!!
“Sorry, I wouldn’t want to offend your grammatical sensitivities, JCH, you ignorant fucking hillbilly.” [Dlaw]……………………………………………………………………… [Hillbilly??? No, that would be alums from WVU [West Virginia]. I am a proud Nittany Lion!!!!! Not a “Hillbilly”!!! I think were were 26-1 versus WVU [WVU’s Major Harris was one great QB!!!!]
A) Rufus, you won’t “have me know” anything, because you are too fucking stupid.
B) JCH, you have outdone yourself, really. Not only do you confirm that you are such a devout Nazi that your political opinions are as valid as David Duke’s, but then you get your head completely up your own ass on China.
Is there anything the Bush administration could CONCEIVABLY do to give more of the store away to the Chinese Communists. Could they **possibly** give them any more money? Could they **possibly** move American jobs there any faster? Are there ANY human rights abuses, arms proloferations and acts of military beligerence by the Chinese dictatorship that George Bush will do anything but ignore? Don’t you remember when the Chinese downed our plane and kidnapped our pilots? What did Georgie boy do? Not a fucking thing. He practically thanked them.
It must be terrible to wake up and realize that all this right-wing stuff you swallowed all your life was complete crap. Your boys LOVE the Chinese Communist Party. All they ever do is praise them and give them everything they want. All for our friends at Wal-Mart.
What a complete fool you are. What a pitiful sham your entire fucking life is.
Dlaw… YOU were passed over.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 8:54 pm
…………………………………….Er, Dlaw, I retired at 50. Retired!!!!!! I’ve made enough taxable income. Munis and Washington [American Funds] “A” shares are the way to retire early. [There!!!! I’ve thrown you a bone!!!!!!!!!!!!]
JCH @ 74
I see so from what I can understand from your rambling you were implying that my partner might be an Asian girl with big lips.
What exactly is bad about that, I have no fucking idea.
Is there any ethnic group you don’t insult? You’re kind of a shitty representative for your party, ya know?
Yellow fish Dlaw!!! Even my dog thinks you’re a fag!!!!!
JCH, I actually worked on Wall Street, dickhead.
I kinda know what you are referring to.
Oh what a proud representative you are for the Nittany Lions. Fortunately they can argue persiasively that you are WAY too fucking stupid to have gone to Penn..
OK..This is boring, and “The Shield” is on tonight!! Dlaw, go stand in line behind Jesse and Al to ” train fuck” your daughter. Make her swallow!!! G’night!!!!
JCH, I actually worked on Wall Street
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 9:12 pm
[Empty my wastebasket, Dlaw, and make sure my trades post correctly. Maybe I would have given you 50 basis points of my commissions if you didn’t fuck it up.]
84….cont, Oh Dlaw……….make 50 cold calls before you go home. [hehe]
Dlaw, Penn? In the middle of shit hole Philly. Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is fine, but the neighborhood in the immediate area is a “Democrat Hillary Village of Fine Young Black Gang Members” who would all like to meet Mrs. Dlaw. Asual, you have no clue.
Good old JCH
So stupid he actually believes pretending to be stupid is funny.
And it’s time for your “Tookie” timer. You’ve gone too many posts without a reference
My entry for the caption contest: “Can you believe that Al Gore, though owning several hundred thousand dollars of Occidental Petroleum stock, was dumping on oil companies?? If he really believed they were so evil, he’d sell the stock, but he hasn’t. Something definitely not right with his mind. And Goldy and all his blog fans voted for Gore, too, even though they think oil companies are evil. Something wrong with that, too!”
oh, and btw, it makes total sense to drill in the Arctic petroleum reserve. Start the drilling!
K, Tookie Williams is a hero of the Democrat Party. A multiple felon, gang member, and black, he was the focus of all Democrats months ago. Although he was executed, he still is registered Democrat and will vote in the o6 and 08 elections. Yes, he is a mighty symbol of tday’s Democrat Party. Oh, and as a huge black inmate, he enjoyed sharing his “9 inches of love” with other Democrat inmates; hence, “Tookie love” refers to Democrat queer anal sex. Think San Francisco and Seattle. OK, K, any questions?????????????????
Oil companies are neither good nor evil. THeir interest is solely maximizing their economic interest. Also niether good nor evil. It just is. It does, however, point out why they must be regulated. They will race to the least expensive means of achieving their aim without regard to possible health or environmental impact.
And that is not good.
I know who Tookie Williams was. I also know you, JCH are obsessed.
And unable to conduct a rational discussion.
A) Rufus, you won’t “have me know” anything, because you are too fucking stupid.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 9:05 pm
Whoa that hurts…. wait no it doesn’t. Anybody from the party of Clinton accusing the repubs of supporting the Chicomms is a
Okay, you were too stupid to go to the University of Pennsylvania. We know that. Now I believe that you went to Penn State, the only people in the whole fucking world who care if you call Penn State “Penn” are Nittany Lions assholes.
You’re too fucking stupid to trade anything. Obviously you were too stupid to sell your bonds when interest rates bottomed. You want me to tell you you’re an idiot? Okay, you’re an idiot. Okay I worked on the Street a long time ago, but even I know enough to read the Wall Street Journal.
I don’t have a daughter, but if you need a target for your fantasies about black men raping people, okay. You’re a sick bastard, but we knew that.
What you’ve proved, without a doubt, is that Republicans are bigots with Ayn Randian Nazi leanings. Also like Ayn Rand they are sexually attracted to images of powerful men. They fear the sexual stereotyped sexuality of black women and are both repulsed and attracted by the hyper-macho stereotyped sexuality of black men.
Out of their insecurity, they need to associate themselves with anything powerful. Their insecurity makes it impossible for them to accept equality so they have to imagine themselves to be superior.
Facts have no meaning to them. They ignore even simple multiplication. They constantly repeat their mythology in the face of all reason.
They’re nothing.
However the result was obtained, it is factually inaccurate to refer to Kennedy as a murderer.
I know that the facts in any given scenario have no bearing on your spewings, but it is useful, from time-to-time, to put up a sign here so that sane people will know that you speak nonsense.
Stevens: “If you give a couple more thousand dollars I’ll ask McGavick to take off his tie; I know it burns your eyes”.
He should be hitting up the guy from Exxon. $400 million in retirement pay…he should be able to kick in a few bucks:
Stevens: “I want that bridge sold NOW!!!”
JCH sez—
It’s not even Memorial Day, and already the headlines are proclaiming loud and clear that gas prices are going up, up, up. They have indeed shot up in recent weeks, with the national average for the cheap stuff hovering around $2.72 a gallon. Oil is over $69 a barrel. So what should people make of this?
Absolutely nothing. First of all, people should spend time complaining about things they can actually do something about. Second, the price of gasoline is artificially high. Not because oil companies are conspiring to jack up the price, but because government is doing everything in its power to keep the price of gas high.
For instance, we could drill for more oil. More oil domestically produced would reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy. But the leftist enviro-crazies won’t allow that. Drilling in ANWR? Forget it. Then you have the issue of refining the oil into gasoline. Not one single refinery has been built in the last 30 years.
The result: the refineries we do have are running at full capacity. They can’t produce enough gasoline to keep up with demand, so the price shoots up in the summer. It also doesn’t help that those refineries have to produce several different blends to appease the environmentalists around the country.”
JCH is absolutely RIGHT! However, you KLOWNS continurally fail to understand Supply & Demand! You also fail to understand that the true ENVIRO’s LOVE high oil & gas prices. Their dreams of a car- and truck free America DEPEND upon higher oil & gas prices. They KNOW at some point, average foks will drive much less. I’m about to embark on a lengthy road-trip. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT IF GAS IS $3.00 PER GALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I own several oil and oil related stocks. If they overcharge me at the pump, I get it back in CAPITAL GAINS! It’s called a “hedge” play you KLOWNS! Buy oil stocks if you are so damned concerned about gas prices. SHEEEEEEEEEEESH! Do I have to explain everything to you PINHEADS!??
Then there’s taxes. People don’t notice because it’s rolled into the price of a gallon of gas, but between federal, state and local taxes, the government is taking 40-50 cents a gallon. So just remember….as you fill up your SUV this summer and pay $3.50 a gallon, the silent hand of government is what is causing the price to be so high. No other reason.
Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 4/14/06@ 6:33 pm
The world demand for oil is about 80M bbls per day. The estimated yeild from ANWR is about 1.1M bbls per day, about a 1.3% when in full production.
That’s not going to make a change is gas prices, only Exxon profits.
It’s really funny when a rhetorical carpet bomber like JCH or Mr. Cynical tries to offer a well-reasoned argument. After relentlessly insulting people in really crass ways, why do you think folks are going to take anything you say seriously?
It certainly doesn’t help when they make extremist arguments. JCH, do you really think that blaming the govt for high oil prices is going to get to first base with this crowd? You should go back to making sick jokes about Ted Kennedy.
Mike McGavick discusses his secret mission to drive an oil-laden supertanker from Neah Bay to Olympia. Sen. Stevens throws in his support, saying, “I’ll sell my bridges to fund this noble venture” Gentlemen, let’s toast.”
BOZO – not concerned about high gas prices at all. I hope they stay high so that decent alternatives take root. And those alternatives like plug-in hybrid vehicles are coming maybe even without high gas prices.
Ever listen to a hybrid Prius or Ford Escape in electric mode? Completely silent. Wouldn’t that be a nice change in your typical city or suburban arterial.
So consume away BOZO. Go China! Go India!
And pay your gas taxes, BOZO, so they can fix the crumbling roads and bridges you motor on. Safe driving now!
Hey MTR, JCH, Mr. Cyn, etc.
What kinds of cars do you drive?
If one of them doesn’t name the Ford F-150, their lying.
They’re lying.
Big fucking SUV. Love it. I burn 100 gallons/month.
“So he had about 10 glasses like this, then shot an old laawyer in the face. Hell, he got elected, so I guess there is a chance that you might.”
Roger and Gang it appears that some employers did not like employees attending the illegal immigrant�s parades last week and fired them from their jobs. Do you support this action, what say you?
For Immigrants and Business, Rift on Protests
Published: April 15, 2006
In Bonita Springs, Fla., 10 restaurant workers were fired this week after skipping their shifts to attend a rally against legislation in Congress cracking down on illegal immigrants. In Tyler, Tex., 22 welders lost their jobs making parts for air-conditioners after missing work for a similar demonstration in that city.
And so it went for employees of an asbestos removal firm in Indianapolis, a restaurant in Milwaukee, a meatpacking company in Detroit, a factory in Bellwood, Ill.
In the last month, as hundreds of thousands of people around the country have held demonstrations pressing for legal status and citizenship for illegal immigrants, companies, particularly those that employ large numbers of immigrants, have found themselves wrestling with difficult and uncharted terrain.
Wow, I missed [Just another Chicken Hawk] having a complete melt down last night. Apparently there were no ships in port yesterday and he’s a little frustrated.
{Just another Chicken Hawks} actual day:
10:00 am, get up, wipe crusted remains of last night off of face and Santorum off of ass.
11:00 am, leave his one bedroom flat in Aberdeen, go down to Port of Grays Harbor and see if a new vote has come in. Dreams that a big black sailor of his fantasies will be on board one of them.
11:30am-2:30 pm, Plays “navy” by seeing how many “torpedos” he can take without sinking.
2:30-5:00 pm, Search internet for new penis increasing cream, while none have worked yet, keeps hoping that he will find one that does. In between, looks for leather boys on line and posts his fantasies about wanting to have “tookie” in his and pedophilia, post insane messages on HA so he can be a good submissive in the evening.
7:30-11:30 pm, Goes on “cruise” hoping for more “seaman,” in between playing catcher, surf internet for leather boys and post on HA.
11:30-4:00 am, The bar scene heats up, so he is on “cruise” again. at 1:30 am gets punched by trick when he asks if he can call him “Daddy.” 4:00 am, falls asleep, wondering why he can’t find a nice black man to love. Knows on his heart it is the jews fault.
Roger and Gang what do you folks mean when requesting a tunnel to replace the AWV in downtown Seattle? Does Seattle’s big dig coming out of yours or the state taxpayer’s pocket book? Would it be cheaper to build city hall, city jail, metro office spaces, all state requirements, and King county needs under the Alaska Way Viaduct. Then if Seattle has an earthquake, the state taxpayers solve many problems at once. The new structures would support the viaduct and if the earthquake were of such a magnitude, it would dispose of those who deemed it necessary. Now FEMA would foot the whole cost of the project and we could downsize city hall and the likes.
How do they pave that road to hell?
What attracts many in Seattle to support the “Viaduct tear-down” approach is that they feel we should Stop catering to cars. Of course that’s the way anti-car people would put since it sounds a whole lot better than “stop catering to drivers.” But spin aside, here’s the way The Stranger characterizes the tear-down approach:
…the current third option—which intends to move 30,000 of the 110,000 vehicles that currently use the Viaduct to transit options…(italics added)
It’s that word intends which bothers me. There are no transit options now. The Mayor and City Council killed the monorail (for which the voters had actually had authorized real, hard $$$$) and so now there are no options for moving people through the viaduct corridor. Hand-waving will not move people
Hey MTR, JCH, Mr. Cyn, etc.
What kinds of cars do you drive?
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/15/06@ 8:59 am ……………………………..[Ask Al Gore about HIS planes, cars, and boats. Ask John K”g Kerry! hehe…….Ask Teddy!!!!!!! You libs are hypocites!!!!]
104, Chevy 20 surf van, GMC JIMMY, 2004 Vette [Penn State Blue…….actually LeMans Blue, but it’s close!!]
“BOZO – not concerned about high gas prices at all. I hope they stay high so that decent alternatives take root. And those alternatives like plug-in hybrid vehicles are coming maybe even without high gas prices.
Ever listen to a hybrid Prius or Ford Escape in electric mode? Completely silent. Wouldn’t that be a nice change in your typical city or suburban arterial.
Commentby For the Clueless— 4/15/06@ 8:45 am”
Clueless is the typical, knee-jerk, emotional LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN.
How are you going to dispose of the batteries when they fail shitferbrains??? And how long do you REALLY think those batteries will last???
Coal mine fires in China cause more pollution than the ENTIRE US Vehicle force. That’s fires in the MINES!!
KLOWNS, who are not Engineers, get a woody whenever they hear some ENVIRO–Scheme. They NEVER bother to question it!!!!
CLUELESS is a loooooooooooooser!!!
Many of these so-called “Hybrids” are a complete disaster….especially when they head-on with MTR’s Ford Excursion!!!!!!!!!
Why not turn half of Alaska into a oil drilling field?? Hell, the Russians are drilling the hell out of Siberia and are oil INDEPENDENT!!!! I don’t see libs bitching about Russian drilling…………Gee, I wonder why?????????????? hehe…..
107, 112
Didn’t really have to ask. Whenever I go to an event where assholes like you show up, the lot is full of bloated gas hogs — not to mention their vehicles.
Pay for your god damned gas and STFU.
Voter Advocate, AKA Walking Mummified Brainless ASSHead said this: “Dear Puddybud, JCH, Mr. Cynical, Janet and the rest of you idiots,
Please stop lacing you inane posts with “personal” details about your sex, age, race, location, family associations, occupation, etc. This is an internet website that has no logon requirements. That being the case, it should be assumed that you are all college students, members of Young Republicans, and pathological liars schooled by the David Sagretti rat-fucking texts.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/14/06@ 8:22 pm”
Well mummified one, we tell you about us because we be successful producers. Your party is the party of users, wasters of economic success!!! That’s why you are all socialists, like the Nazis, looking at wealth redistribution. M
Maybe mummified one, you should look upward and allow our Creator to change your life outlook. Also, we whom think right don’t listen to mental patients like you oh mummified one!
Dlaw said this about JCH: YOU were passed over. YOU were down-sized. Most middle-class white men have done really well in this country. Too bad we only here from the whiners and the repressed bully-boy queers.
Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 8:54 pm – Now that’s funny Dlaw.
MTR has accused the same thing about Rabbit Pellet. He chose to work for WA State instead of making big bucks as a real lawyer.
When you mention most middle class white men, they are mostly Republicans. Look at voting demographics. Glad you mention them. Donkocrats just go to various demonstrations complaining about wealth inequities! Me, I am a middle class black man, who left the reservation long ago.
Hey mummified, I am paying taxes for the second year in a row. God is good!
Dlaw…….A little Hawai’i background news. The New Orleans Levy Board [ALL Democrat….mostly black] LOVED to have their “conference” in Kapalua, Maui each and every year. The “civil servants” were armed with “guvment” credit cards and spent taxpayer money like water at the PGA golf courses and the Plantation Estate for expensive meals and entertainment. Nothing like black “civil servants” with “guvment” credit cards to run up huge bills and ass fuck the New Orleans Levy Board for the cost. Still………………… Somehow Bush is at fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [hehe] Fuck you, JCH
Nazis are to Socialist
Your head is to your ass.
Mummified@122: Where did I lie? From the DLC site itself!
“It’s not even Memorial Day, and already the headlines are proclaiming loud and clear that gas prices are going up, up, up. They have indeed shot up in recent weeks, with the national average for the cheap stuff hovering around $2.72 a gallon. Oil is over $69 a barrel. So what should people make of this?”
Mr. Cynical should have bought NOV at $58 a share, like I told him to.
The interesting thing about NOV is that its share price tracks the price of oil very closely (it closed Thursday at $67). So if oil hits $200 a barrel, NOV should hit $200 a share! If Bush nukes Iran, Roger Rabbit is gonna be RICH! :D :D :D
Hey Cynical, it’s a no-risk deal — you can’t go wrong investing in Republican stupidity!
Can anyone explain why flaky klake @2 is BRAGGING about gas costing three times as much under Bush as it did under Clinton?
“No nukes……….no drilling……….no new refineries………no fossil fuels………no coal……….no ANWR……….Oh, and it’s Bush’s fault gas is 3 bucks a gallon!!! Democrats: economic idiots!!!!!!!!!!! Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 4/14/06@ 6:50 pm”
Let’s see who the idiot is …
Bush runs up huge deficits and sells the debt to China.
Bush gives tax breaks to companies for sending American jobs to China.
The CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES running Wal-Mart source all their goods from China.
China’s income goes up, Chinese buy cars, and China’s demand for oil shoots up, putting pressure on a production system that has hit its output ceiling (at least in the short run).
Bush invades Iraq, and three years later is bogged down in a war that (a) is consuming lots of fuel, and (b) has shut down Iraq’s oil production, putting further pressure on both the supply end and demand end.
So, let’s see what Wingnut Economics blames for gas costing three times as much under Bush than Clinton. Yep, just as I thought —
So mummified one, do white guys vote donko? Only in Flaming Useless WA State!
NAZI – National Socialist German Workers Party – National Socialists. Socialist is as socialist does!
David Bacon photographs and writing
Jobs With Justice
KC Labor
Labor Notes
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
United Electrical Workers
Union Communications Services
Union Review
Look at all dem socialists! JDB is having migraines so he tries the assfacia trick. JDB, your side has assfacia. Think about who you support and who supports you. Think long about it!!
More info from Mummified Brainless Voter Advocate:
You are a non-entity.
You ignorance is showing. Just because you put something in your name doesn’t make it true, or did you believe that the German Democratic Republic was in fact democratic? That the Peoples Republic of China is run by the people, or that the Republican Party is in favor of a republican form of government versus facistic dictartorship? The Nazi’s were facistic and a creature of the right, like Mussolini and Franco.
Go get some learning boy!
the fat guy looks like Norm Dicks…
The American National Anthem
Oh Jose cant you see, we’re tired of supporting thee.
When you snuck acrossed the border, it began an illegal plight.
Over broad stripes and bright stars, We’ll continue to Fight.
Mexican Flags we did watch, that were so sadly streaming.
Our tempers did flare, with Mexican’s everywhere.
Gave proof to the nite, we must send them back there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
For the land of the U. S. Citizen and the home of the American’s.
written and produced by U.S. Citizens
Made In America