Here is the photo the media wants you to know about, but not see. I’ve cropped out just a small section, but click on the image above to view the whole thing. Or not. It’s your choice.
We’ve all seen a lot of dead bodies on TV and on film, some of them even real dead bodies, and as far as these kind of images go, this one isn’t particularly brutal or disturbing. I’m not saying it isn’t disturbing, just no more disturbing than any number of other images with which we’re bombarded on a daily basis.
I can understand not plastering this image on a newspaper front page or broadcasting it on the evening news, but once you’re talking about it, what’s the purpose of withholding a link? Respect for the deceased? Respect for the family that tried to help him escape capture?
I always wanted to play the corpse aat the beginning of “Law and Order”. Would suit my acting talent.
Doesn’t bother me in the least! Maybe a billboard with that image would dissuade some of these lunatics….
The Seattle Times has an article on Chrisceda Clemmons, Maurice Clemmons trusted aunt, who Did The Right Thing and went to the police. She is now looking for a lawyer–according the Times report, the police trashed her house. I think I understand a bit better why none of Clemmons other contacts went to the police.
I don’t think its disturbing at all, just a photo of a rabid animal that was put down.
“I’m not going to call 911 and tell them a mass-murderer is in my house because it might get messed up.”
Troll, I would prefer that calling the cops not be the lesser evil. (Croak!) But maybe I am over-reacting. Let’s see how long it takes before she’s reimbursed.
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Did anyone hear any of Dave Ross Hour #1 today? It was wall-to-wall Clemmons, and Ross picked up where he left off on Monday when he was casting stones and aspersions at everyone to the right of the psychokiller.
On Monday Ross blamed Clemmons on Carlson’s Three Strikes. Today he blamed Clemmons on Carlson’s Prop 100. And on Limbaugh-listening government haters. And, of course, on Christians. Clemmons sort of was one, thinking himself to be Jesus Christ, but it was the variant of Christianity that’s retailed at Jeremiah Wright tent revivals.
(Amazing how much Ross Talk devolves into beating up Christians, for whom it’s always open season. Ross could barely wait a Cornell Minute after mentioning Major Hasan’s name a few weeks ago before pulling down his little DaveRoss knickers to do a DaveRoss big dump on Christianity.)
Having done his business today on Christianists who cling bitterly to their Bibles, Ross went on to his second station of the cross, doing his business on conservatives who cling bitterly to their guns. They (we) killed four cops because we hate government.
Uh huh. Yep, those jolly Eugene anarchists who turned WTO into a riot … those were Rush babies. Ditto cop-killing Mumia and the cop-killing Panthers who are loved even now by right-wing fascists (e.g. Larry Gossett.) And cop-killer loving NPR and Evergreen State College and KKKK — Kop Killer Kommunity Kollege on Broadway? All part of Hillary’s half-vast right-wing conspiracy.
Ross wants lots and lots of affirmative-action cops. A caller said Ross just doesn’t get it, since black cops are profiled by some (?) much (?) of the black-activist blacktivist community, and the profile isn’t pretty. For some or many of my borthers out there, black cops are the turds in the revolution’s punchbowl.
Then the caller said Ross doesn’t get out much, and Ross got very annoyed. But we already knew Ross is pampered and sheltered from reality because, during last year’s December Democrat blizzard, Ross almost cried like a woman and whined like a very little girl about his first close encounter with Seattle public transit. Ross finally went green on Metro and apparently turned green. Just like the rest of us in the real world.
So … tell us, Dave. How much diversity is there on Mercer Island? You act like you know it all, Dave, so tell us about Mercer Island’s glorious ethnic mosaic? If you really are part of our world, if Mercer Island broadens your worldview with a salad bowl of rainbow insights, if you really know it all, it’s not coming through over here. So tell us about your ‘hood.
Dave Ross is a slightly less toxic and psychotic version of Mike “Jemima Rice” Webb. Ross passes up few opportunities to cheap-shot Dori, so maybe Dori should start getting even. But Dori, as the big dog and top dog, probably knows there’s no percentage in getting down in the gutter for a dissing contest with a yap dog.
Still, Ross really needs a truth squad to deconstruct his trash. Media Matters will surely get on his case. Any day now.
Yes, that’s it. Perhaps we should execute all suspects summarily and then post pictures of their corpses to deter innocent people from being mistaken for suspects.
And that’s called your government protecting you from the power of the State.
Hmm, Huckabee pardons Clemos from a long prison term because Clemons becomes a Christian and associates with a pastor that Huckabee likes.
And we should not draw any conclusions or inferences about right wing religious types being soft on crime.
Of course, Huckabee also let off a convicted rapist.
Of course, the republican right wingers in congress just voted against allowing women not to sign away their rights to prosecute rape convictions.
Hmm, is there a trend here? Republican right wing religious types who are soft on crime and favor rape?
@6 Interesting legal problem. First, she should read her homeowner’s insurance policy to see if it contains an exclusion for police activity (which it probably does). A claim against the city probably will fail in court unless she can prove the police activity that damaged her property was unlawful. In short, a property owner usually gets stuck with the loss for damage caused by police activity.
There is, of course, a potential question of whether the actions of the police constitute a taking without just compensation. The caselaw on this type of claim is complicated, though, because both federal and state constitutional “takings” clauses may apply, which can lead to different results on the same facts depending on the wording of state constitutions, which vary from state to state. The only generalization that can be made is that compensaton for damage to private property caused by police activity may, or may not, be required under a “takings clause” depending on the facts of the case and the wording of the particular state constitution. You’d probably have a better chance on state grounds than federal grounds, because state constitutions usually are more restrictive against government takings than the federal Constitution. Recent state court decisions on the issue in four different states split 2-2 on awarding compensation to the property owner.
I think you probably should assume that if you, or someone else, calls the police because a fugitive has taken refuge in your property, you won’t be compensated for damage caused by the police by either your insurance or the government. Damage caused by the fugitive, though, is another story. I would guess the criminal’s actions are not within the “police activity” exclusion of your homeowner’s policy, and therefore are covered by your homeowner’s policy the same as any other vandalism would be. So, theoretically, your insurance should pay you to fix bullet holes in the walls put there by the perp, but you have to patch the holes from the police bullets yourself. Weird.
fantastic article.
cops are like criminals but legal.
Roger Rabbit said: In short, a property owner usually gets stuck with the loss for damage caused by police activity.
And we wonder why anyone would distrust / hate / kill police?
Not saying Clemmons was right to kill a cop, but there does seem to be a cause for his mental disease.
Judging from this thread, I’d say the more people discuss the whole Clemmons affair, and the more they try to bend it to fit their own passions and prejudices, the closer they come to sinking into the same pit of depravity.
@13 That’s quite a leap of illogic.
The Difference Between War And Justice
When you’re at war, anybody on the enemy side is fair game, including noncombatant civilians.
Justice, on the other hand, requires determining culpability before inflicting punishment.
Remember this when wingnuts decry efforts to bring terrorists to justice and demand a “war against Islam,” because what this means is they want a license to vent their rage over 9/11 on any Muslim they see, regardless of that individual’s guilt or innocence.
How come when someone kills a cop, it’s mandaroty mourning for a “hero”, but when a cop murders an innocent person (as it QUITE common), no one cares or, worse, they paint the victim as a monster. How many stories do the local media present of cops who break the law, violate riots, murder, rape, beat children, and operate as defenders of the rich and powerful property owners?
Last weekend’s execution-style shooting of four police officers in a coffee shop in Lakewood, WA has captured headlines across the country.
On its own the worst attack on law enforcement in state history, this incident comes just a month after Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton was shot while in a parked patrol car on October 31. This in turn followed the firebombing of four patrol cars on October 22.
For public officials and the mainstream media these events only reinforce the image of heroic law enforcement, risking their lives in the line of duty—and, tragically, justify more violence through increased tough-on-crime policies.
“I am shocked and horrified at the murder of four police officers this morning in Pierce County,” said Gov. Christine Gregoire, “Our police put their lives on the line every day, and tragedies like this remind us of the risks they continually take to keep our communities safe.”
King County sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. John Urquhart called the five officer slayings “an assault on society…We stand between guys like this and the rest of society,” he said. “When we are attacked like this, like Timothy Brenton was and these four law-enforcement officers were, this is an attack on everybody.”
However a closer look at the context paints a much different picture of our “heroes” in blue.
First of all, the reason there is such an uproar surrounding these attacks is because they are so rare as to be nearly unprecedented. Contrary to common wisdom, you are at a much lower risk as a police officer than you are on the receiving end of the law.
Police have never made the list of the top ten most dangerous jobs, making the profession much safer than being, say, a farmer or a taxi driver, to name a few on the list. Deaths of people in these professions rarely make the news.
Nor are violent criminals the main threat. A 2007 study pointed out that more than half of all police deaths were car accidents. By one author’s calculations, “Take out traffic accidents and other non-violent deaths, and you’re left with 69 officers killed on the job by criminals last year. That’s out of about 850,000 officers nationwide.”
The last officer killed in the line of duty in Seattle was Joselito “Lito” Barber whose patrol car was hit by an SUV in 2006. However, the last shooting death was as far back as 1994. Even this case was in the context of an arrest, rather than an unprovoked execution.
While it is hard to make a solid comparison because records of those killed by police are notoriously unreliable, according to a 2007 report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 2003 through 2005 at least 2,002 people died during their arrests by state and local law enforcement officers. The number of arrest-related deaths increased 13 percent over the course of the three years studied.
Reports of police killing or seriously injuring people in this city just in the last year are too numerous to relate. I reported earlier on the brutal beating of Malika Calhoun at the King County Sheriff’s Department. The trial of the officer involved has now been put on hold following Officer Brenton’s shooting.
Equally disturbing is this video of a young man who was thrown head-first against a wall so hard he was put into a coma and remains permanently brain damaged as a result. The victim, Christopher Harris, had nothing to do with the crime police were investigating. He just saw cops running toward him and ran.
No 24-hour-news coverage, public memorials or charities were created in honor of Harris or the other victims of police violence. Not that this in any way justifies the shooting of police officers, but it does raise the question of why some lives seem to count more than others. It also helps to explain why some people have come to feel that the phrase “serve and protect” does not apply to them.
Police response to the two shooting incidents raises further questions about their commitment to justice, as opposed to simple revenge.
As with the shooting of officer Brenton, the hunt for a suspect in the Lakewood shootings was on immediately. Casting an alarmingly broad net, citizens were initially urged to be on the lookout for a “a black man in his 20s or 30s, between 5-feet-7 inches and 5-feet-10-inches” wearing a black coat and blue jeans.
Soon thereafter police focused their energies on apprehending suspect Maurice Clemmons, 37, who they believe was wounded by one of the officers in the attack.
On Sunday night police surrounded a house in Seattle’s Leschi neighborhood where Clemmons was believed to be hiding, and spent hours trying to drive him out “using loudspeakers, explosions and even a robot sent into the house.” However, when they finally entered the home, nobody was there.
Police then turned to the surrounding neighborhood. This part was not covered by the mainstream media, but according to one resident of a communal house next door, they were ordered to evacuate their home. Afterwards police proceeded to flood it with teargas—making it impossible to reenter due to toxic fumes.
From there the manhunt expanded, with hundreds responding to the $125,000 offer for information on Clemmons whereabouts, leaving police chasing after trails of blood all over the city.
On early Tuesday morning an officer came upon Clemmons in a stolen car in south Seattle. The Seattle police reported that as the officer drew his gun, the suspect “reached into his waist area and moved.” The report said, “The officer fired several times striking the suspect at least twice.”
Mr. Clemmons went down near some bushes, and was taken into custody. When medics from the Seattle Fire Department arrived, they pronounced him dead at the scene.
While his death may make it a moot point, details connecting Clemmons to the case remain hazy. Apparently blood was found in an abandoned pickup truck which belonged to Clemmons. And Sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer told the Tacoma News-Tribune that Clemmons indicated the night before the shooting “that he was going to shoot police and watch the news.”
Police claim to have multiple people in custody who helped him after the attacks, and are still searching for other suspected accomplices. What evidence is presented or charges leveled against these individuals remains to be seen.
Despite a psychological evaluation in October that suggests he should have been committed to a mental institution, Clemmons has been heralded as a poster boy for stiffer sentencing.
“This guy should have never been on the street,” said Brian D. Wurts, president of the police union in Lakewood. “Our elected officials need to find out why these people are out.”
In particular Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has drawn fire for commuting his sentence years earlier due to his age.
Clemmons had received a 95 year sentence for armed robbery he committed at age 17. He has been in and out of prison since that time.
Clemmons was charged in Washington state earlier this year with assaulting a police officer and raping a child, and investigators in the sex case said he was motivated by visions that he was Jesus Christ and that the world was on the verge of the apocalypse. But he was released from jail after posting bail.
In an Oct. 19 evaluation report, psychologists Melissa Dannelet and Carl Redick wrote, “Based on Mr. Clemmons’ documented criminal history, information obtained through interviews and treatment and a review of risk factors, it is our professional opinion that he presents with increased risk for future dangerous behavior and for committing future criminal acts jeopardizing public safety and security due to past illicit behaviors.”
Those risk factors included “previous violence, young age at first violent incident, relationship instability and prior supervision failure,” Dannelet and Redick wrote.
However, they said they had “insufficient grounds” to recommend that Clemmons be civilly committed. He appeared to be suffering from no mental disease when they interviewed him for 75 minutes on Oct. 14 in jail.
One has to wonder if this has anything to do with the proposed $310 million in cuts to state hospitals in the next two years. According to the Washington State Hospitals Association, plans to close two wards in state hospitals will have a worsening impact on the already insufficient number of mental health beds for involuntarily detained patients. An additional $12.9 million in cuts would include eliminate funding for community support services for individuals discharged from state hospitals.
As a man with a violent past who is clearly in need of psychological help, it seems plausible that Clemmons did shoot the officers. However this raises unsettling questions about the suspect charged in officer Brenton’s shooting.
So far officials have not linked the two incidents, except as a possible copy-cat. It seems there are only two possibilities: either there were more than one, unrelated individuals who had a vendetta against the police. Or they got the wrong guy last time. Needless to say the police are not eager to admit either one.
Christopher Monfort, 41, who is charged with both Brenton’s shooting and the firebombings, is now paralyzed from the waist down after police shot him in a confrontation at his Tukwila apartment complex.
Investigators were led there on a tip from a neighbor that Monfort’s car fit the description disseminated in a police bulletin. While the eyewitness could only make out that the car was light colored, the police believe the car in question was the same one caught on camera twice by patrol cars in the area at around the same time as the shooting: a white or light-beige 1980 to 1983 Datsun 210 coupe that might have rear-window louvers and a defective right taillight.
Anyone who’s seen The Thin Blue Line should at least hesitate before accepting this assumption. Even Assistant Chief Jim Pugel cautioned at the time, “We’re not saying this absolutely, that it is the vehicle.”
The police searched his home and reported that they discovered a cache of weapons, including a .223 caliber rifle which a ballistics test identified as the firearm used in Officer Brenton’s murder. In addition they found a considerable amount of bomb-making materials.
The crowning piece of evidence connecting Monfort to both crimes is a DNA test which apparently links him to a flag bandana found at the scene of the arson and a flag at the shooting site.
A cursory look at the history of cop-killer convictions will reveal that emotion and the rush to convict can sometimes get in the way of justice, to put it mildly. It is not unknown for police departments to fabricate or fudge the evidence, or lab results to be much less conclusive than reported.
Add this to the fact that Monfort does not seem a likely candidate for the crime. His family members expressed “shock and disbelief” at his arrest.
Longtime family friend Vicky Malone said she was mystified that Monfort could be considered a suspect. “I don’t get this. People that run around and kill cops have tons and tons of other stuff in their record, and Chris had no gang stuff, I know that…You don’t see people that commit real violent crimes that have never been caught for anything.”
She said Monfort was always worried about being targeted because of his race. “He was careful, he believed it was possible, so if he turned and ran that was easily what it was.”
Besides a couple traffic tickets, Montfort had no prior criminal record. To the contrary, at age 21 he had applied to be a police officer in California. More recently he studied criminal justice at Highline Community College, later transferring to the University of Washington to earn a degree in Law, Societies and Justice in 2008. He also worked as volunteer at the ACLU and at a juvenile detention center.
According to former colleagues he was passionately concerned with racial disparities in the criminal justice system, especially following his experience mentoring juvenile offenders.
One of his professors at Highline who became a mentor was Garry Wegner, who spent 20 years as the deputy director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, the organization that trains many of the state’s law enforcement officers.
Wegner, who described Monfort as “a mature, stable individual,” said he was shocked to hear that his former student is the suspect in Brenton’s slaying.
“You’ve shaken me to my toes,” he told a Seattle Times reporter. “He’s one of those people you thought would make a difference, a positive, constructive difference.”
Despite his political passions, no friends or acquaintances from his past believed that Monfort would resort to violence to get his views across.
If whoever committed these crimes thought it would bring about some kind of justice in these matters they really were disturbed. Quite the opposite—they have brought about a renewed sympathy for the police when they need it least.
Before the recent series of events, public safety remained the number one priority of the City of Seattle, despite crime rates being at a 40-year low. Even as schools, libraries, public health, food assistance and a host of other social services saw budget cuts, the number of cops on the streets continues to increase. Plans to build a new $200 jail are on hold but still on the table.
Politicians will now be bolstered in their insistence in continuing down this path, and law enforcement has lost no time in ramping up harassment and profiling of communities of color.
This is the absurd solution on offer in a state which plans out how many prison beds will be needed based on 3rd grade reading scores—and cuts school funding accordingly. This is a strategy that is bound to produce more young people condemned to a life of violence.
The only way to end this downward spiral is a struggle to demand an end to police brutality and the poverty and racism on which it thrives.
Johnny. Simple question. In the last 20 years in King and Pierce county, have more police officers been shot and killed by criminals, or have more criminals been shot and killed by the police?
And if you don’t know the answer, go do the research and get back to me.
Of the 27 officers that were shot and killed by criminals in the last 20 years in King and Pierce county, 21 of them were shot by black men, even though black men make up 6% of the population.
Black men are more likely to be criminals than any other race.
@19 I dunno….the answer to that might not be the one you presumably expect.
“Johnny” does raise some valid questions. In a way, the Clemmons case points up where we’ve been headed ever since Reagan closed the state mental hospitals in California, turning all the crazies loose…and state after state followed his lead. Not that conditions in many, if not most, facilities for the “criminally insane” weren’t positively medieval. A company I worked for once received an order from a mental hospital in another state for an absurd number of defibrillators, almost certainly to be used in some way other than for which they were intended (Shudder!). Nonetheless, the result was that a lot of people with a screw or more loose were turned out on the streets, most of them to live on the ragged edges of society and wind up in jail if (or should I say when) they did something unacceptable.
So now, we have crazy people being sent to prison, and unless they’ve done something horrendous enough for the key to be thrown away, sooner or later they’re back out among us, even crazier than they were before. Meanwhile, we keep cutting back on mental health services, and putting the money saved and more into penal facilities, often run by private contractors who lobby for more and more. We already have a greater percentage of our population incarcerated than any other Western country. Somehow, this doesn’t seem to be working out very well.
platypusdouche256, Your parents must be so proud that they raised such a backward dumbshit.
“The only way to end this downward spiral is a struggle to demand an end to police brutality and the poverty and racism on which it thrives.”
@18- You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?
@11: there’s a are both ethical and practical issues here, regardless of legal obligations. Far as I’m concerned, the decent thing to do, if Chrisceda Clemmons’s insurance doesn’t cover the repairs, is for the city to do it. If the city doesn’t do it, I hope the police union will. The police owe her, big time, and they have both ethical and practical reasons for taking care of people who’ve put their lives and property on the line for them.
As I said, let’s wait and see. I hope that someone other than Ms. Clemmons does the decent thing.
His cotton pickin days are OVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I always hate it when somebody forgets to flush!
Now, that is what I call gun control…
…center mass in some dumb thug ass…
This lady should have unfucked her family long before now. She knew this mutt was a cancer on society and did nothing about it, now, she whines about the relatively little carnage she’s left with? Think about 4 lives lost, 9 children without a father or mother and spouses left widowed or widower. This bitch ain’t got problems, her family tree obviously does. That isn’t the cops problem at this point.
Good, you’re relieved and the fucking cunt thug that trashed your house by his actions died. Send the cleaning bill to hell where he is and see if you get your reparations met. Sorry, no tears here.
Goldy, I would have preferred you had just posted the links to the picture, instead of posting the photo…since you asked.
This is what happens when a system puts the mentally ill in jail rather than address the mental illness issue. Four officers didn’t need to die and this man didn’t need to die. If you really want to place your anger properly do something about the lack of proper treatment options for those who are found mentally ill and the abounding ignorance of those who come into contact with them. Who knows, one day this could be a photo of your family member. How will you feel about it? So sad…
Oh well. What the hell is so wrong with that picture? You’ve never seen law and order? Maybe it will give some dumbass wannabe gangsta’s a reality check. Life doesn’t have a ‘do over’ or ‘reset’ button.
Obviously I’m not into the Rambo thing like you are.
No, what this savage asshole did was Rambo. What I want to see is what Rambo looks like when Justice catches up with his dumb, thug ass.
You could, of course, donate to the fund set aside for the 9 children left without a parent, but instead, you’d prefer to whine about showing a fucking picture of the animal that took their lives. A little perspective is need in times like this. The question is, are you capable of having this?
Any honest person would have to admit that if police officers were as passionate about finding the people who murder ordinary citizens as they are about finding cop killers, there would be far fewer murderers on the street.
So, they’ve shown us what they can do, if they are so motivated to do it.
Mark The Deadneck is back to his usual racist ways. Puddy, his best buddy, gonna follow?
As others have mentioned, the REAL issue here is how our society and government have FAILED US in regard to the criminally insane.
Like the whole NeoCon phenomenon, our messed up approach to mental health is a product of an unholy right-left alliance.
Reagan de-funded the hospitals so he could spend more money in weapons systems (plowshares into swords is SO Christian!)
The “civil rights” and ACLU left went right along with it, following the twisted notion that all crazy people should be “freed” from institutions and integrated into society.
Isaiah Kalebu, Christopher Monfort and Maurice Clemmons are recent examples of how well left/right theory works in practice.
Anti-establishment ideology applied to armed sociopath maniacs. How wonderful!
Other countries take care of their mentally ill people. Here, we turn them out on the streets with the full faith and credit of Sen Adam Klein and the creepy racist HA Trolls.
MENTALLY ILL: handing a guy some pills and sending him out on the streets isn’t going to solve the problem.
Until commitment laws / legal opinions are changed to get people the help they need, nothing will change.
It might help if knee-jerk anti-tax Republikans would actually support “throwing money at” Western State Hospital. Harborview is filled with Harvard trained doctors because it is adequately funded by (evil) King County. Western State is not a state-of-the-art facility by any means. It should be.
I say show the picture to all! Maybe then some people will know that you can’t just get away with killing without conquenses!
He got what he deserved!!
You have it backwards there, squirt. It was the ACLU that demanded Reagan release them from the hospitals and after some time and excessive law suits, Reagan complied. So , in sum, it’s the fucking liberals like yourselves that are to blame for sick fucks like Clemmons walking around in society. Not only them, but also the criminals that you appear to take pity on and want to see lighter sentences for them.
ou are completely naive, Jared. Time to quit eating those subway sandwiches, the’re affecting your ability to think and process information.
re 37: The lawsuits were to make it less easy for conservative family members to throw Grandma into the loony-bin and steal all of her money.
Nobody ever advocated throwing all the crazies into the street. That was a bitterly cynical conservative gambit with the usual straw man liberal who ‘made’ them do it. If we could make you assholes do anything right, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
And that goes double for the puke-dog Democrats.
re 37: “Where will we find another blueblood private-school educated president with a fake Texas accent?” Stephan Colbert
Blacks committed at least half of the 28 murders in Seattle in 2008, even though blacks make up only 8% (eight percent) of the Seattle area.
I am willing to bet anyone $100 (seriously) that blacks have committed at least 80% (eighty percent) of the Seattle-area murders in 2009.
Any takers????
Everyone knows that the black community is plagued with streetcrime.
What conclusions do you draw from the fact that there is more street crime around S. Rainier Beach Blvd. than on the pleasant lanes of Medina?
Your conclusion seems to be that the color of the people committing the crimes is the reason. Only Tom Wolfe and simpletons like yourself would draw that conclusion
40. Facts about black crime in Seattle spews:
Nope, not me. But it is very sad. I believe it is a direct result of the far-Left welfare policies which keep Blacks down on the plantation with a sense of entitlement.
No doubt.
It will take real Black Conservative Leaders to turn this around….folks that truly tap into the potential and dispell the Leftist ideology.
Can it be done?
Ask Puddy….he’ll tell you YES!
How do you think he got out of the Philly tenements as 1 of 10 kids to where he is today?
Hard work & sacrifice, that’s how.
Not carjackin’ or killin’ white folks.
Obam-Mao is merely another Pimp of Poverty.
Keep Blacks as his Useful Idiots…blindly following Obam-Mao into more of the same.
My Black friends are all successful…and Conservative. They all came from modest backgrounds…just like me. But they had to work much harder and make tremendous sacrifices.
The great thing is they are not bitter.
But all sad by the current state of the Black Community….out of wedlock kids & crime.
The White Leftists love this state of affairs.
After 45 years of Leftist promises…we have Black Youth 16-24 with a 29% Unemployment Rate!
Tragic. And the KLOWNS believe raising taxes on rich guys will help this stat?? Pretend Government jobs?? It’s truly tragic.
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maurice clemmons 4 cops 1
lol whos ahead???
At least 13 blacks killed by other blacks in Seattle in 2008.
LOL WHO IS AHEAD????!!!??? Dumbass.
Hey spew 41, I hope someday you need help from the Police and I hope they can’t get to you in time.
…. gut shot … and walking around …. looking for more cops to shoot ?
Thank you for posting this graphic picture of the bad guy.
Anyone who defends this scum can eat shit and die, especially if you are a typical naive clueless Seattle white/jew liberal progressive, and you waste any time defending or feeling sympathy for this monster or any of his criminal associates, then I hope you get violently attacked by the very black criminals that you love to coddle and make excuses for.
re 46: “Hey spew 41, I hope someday you need help from the Police and I hope they can’t get to you in time.”
That is a very accuratre description of the reality — except they are always Johnny-on- the-spot when my car tags are overdue.
There is a well known meth lab up on Tiger Mtn. that is still there and they (the meth lab people) are the assholes who probably robbed my house.
One of the assholes tried to use my stolen credit card to pay their phone bill. Do you know what the cops did??
It wasn’t me tieing their hands, belive me. If those unarrested and unpunished people ever come around my house again and I’m there, it will be the LAST time they rob anyone.
No fucking thanks to the authorities.
re 48: Go fuck yourself you phantasy revenge- tripping asswipe.
@44, @45 You’re LAUGHING about this?
You’re one sick puke.
@36 Wrong-ola. It may be a deterrence to sane people, but no sane person would have done such a thing anyway.
On the other hand, there are crazy-ass people out there who get turned on by stuff like this. That puts the authorities and the press in the snuff-porn business. Think about the implications for a minute or two.
@18 Johnny, there are a number of points you didn’t bring up that bear mention.
1. Police allege a gun taken from one of the dead Lakewood officers was found on Clemmons after he was shot.
2. The Leschi house was raided because its owner, Clemmons’ aunt, went to a police station and told them she had received a phone call from Clemmons that he was on his way to her home.
3. Clemmons was granted bail in Washington because the U.S. and state constitutions prohibit denying a criminal defendant “reasonable bail” and Washington law only allows denial of bail to persons charged with a capital crime.
4. There’s a reason why it’s difficult to lock people up in mental institutions. The system was badly abused and media exposes in the 1950s and 1960s led to stronger laws that protect, for example, elderly people from being committed by greedy relatives eager to get their hands on their estates.
5. Bizarre behavior is not enough to deprive someone of his freedom. There is a clear legal standard that must be met, and involuntary commitments must be approved by a judge.
6. It is true that we have closed most of our mental institutions, dumped the mentally ill on the streets, provided next to nothing in treatment for mental illness either through the private insurance system or public programs, and the mentally ill tend to end up in jails, which are utterly unequipped to cope with them. (About a third of all jail inmates are mentally ill.) The ultimate responsibility for this lies with voters who refuse to pay taxes for appropriate facilities and programs for dealing with the mentally ill. You get what you pay for, and taxpayers are unwilling to pay for anything, where the mentally ill are concerned. Consequently, people like Clemmons end up back on the streets.
7. The ubiquity of, and easy access to, guns in our society facilitates murderous rampages by homicidal maniacs. Our violence-saturated pop media and culture encourages it. You don’t see (apart from terrorist attacks) crimes like this, to the extent they occur in America, in other countries with stricter gun control laws and less violent popular cultures.
Hey “Empty Drugstore Cowboy Hat Reagan and Bush” – I hope you get attacked by niggers.
re 54: That hasn’t happened yet. I have been attacked by a white thug with a baseball bat in Springfield Illinois in 1991.
It was the bat that I was concerned with, not the wielder’s colour.
55. Empty Drugstore Cowboy Hat Reagan and Bush spews:
He must have thumped you on your noggin a couple of hundred times.
Is that why you call yourself Headless?
re 56: I said that I was attacked. I didn’t say that the attacker caught me.
He wanted to ‘fight’ me — with a baseball bat.
I don’t think you have a realistic appraisal of the damage a bat can do. Thump? You gotta be kidding, Jamoke.
Empty Suit..
I have indeed given money to the fund. The question is–what have you done except calling people names and use “fuck” a lot? Stay classy.
The cop was following procedure he asked clemmons to show his hands then fired 2 warning shots one through his head and 1 through his lung