Seattle, I complain quite a bit. But I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. So I hope that it doesn’t come across as too much when I say (once again) please learn to stand. If you are in line for something, stand a reasonable distance behind the next person in the queue. If someone has to ask if you’re in line, maybe you fucked up. Also, doorways and curb cuts; Don’t just stand in them.
Given that Emily Rossum has left “Shameless,” and with the tuition scandal involving my wife, the show may not return for a tenth season. The show had probably run its course anyway.
Asked how he got the idea to report fake death threats to the Minneapolis police that were made through a Twitter account he himself had registered and operated, Jacob Wohl stated,
“I was watching this Fox show ‘Empire’…”
Obviously Hollywood actors are incredibly stupid and arrogant people, largely unqualified in intellect or temperament to do any other kind of work.
Sorta makes you wonder why the Republican Party would have spent two decades transforming one of the stupidest of them into a permanent figure of clueless mob worship. And why they now have ceded control of their political future to a poorly trained, forgetful television reality show actor.
No it doesn’t. It doesn’t make you wonder at all.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans from now on.
The 2016 Republican Presidential Election Campaign Manager fucked himself good and hard in yesterday’s sentencing hearing in DC. He’ll do another 4 years on top of his sentence in EDVA. And just minutes after ABJ posted her order Manhattan DA filed criminal charges for bank fraud. And when the Manhattan DA is through with him the state AG can take on his multiple tax frauds. By the time Mr. Manafucked’s Wild Ride is over he’ll be relying on the representation of a 27 year old CUNY Queens grad working nights driving for Uber.
Yup. REPORT!!! any minute now.
Manafort may never see freedom again.
And the cherry on that Sundae is the State of New York indicting him on Mortgage fraud today, cases Donald can’t pardon. Cell – Courtroom – Cell – Yard – Cell. Not how most people imagine retirement.
It’ll be interesting to see how Vance proceeds.
Given the record in DC he can credibly argue for no bond. So that even with a Presidential pardon, the disgraced, twice convicted 2016 Republican Presidential Election Campaign Manager would be remanded into state custody.
A twice convicted felon with a documented record of obstruction and witness tampering and longstanding ties to spies from non-extradition countries would be both a flight risk, and a risk to public safety.
I suspect your are quite correct. Mr. Manafucked’s last day of freedom is in his rear view mirror. Right now his lawyers are preparing a friendly orientation for the next phase of his life, including BOP handbooks, tons of forms, and information about medical services, visitation, limited personal items, and the most important rules for the new inmate to learn and understand immediately.
This is the point where the shit really sinks in. And frankly it’s pretty sad thing to see. The sense of loneliness and helplessness must be overwhelming. And though it’s fairly common for these people to undergo severe depression, the COs enforce a very strict routine on new inmates for the first week or so to keep them overwhelmed, off balance, compliant, and largely unable to ruminate or sink into their depression. He should still be placed on suicide watch.
Fairly interesting side note about the disgraced, twice convicted, 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s sentencing hearing.
Immediately after leaving the courthouse Mr. Manafucked’s “lawyer” Kevin Downing gathered reporters and cameras and recited a brief memorized statement in which he falsely claimed that ABJ’s ruling included some “finding of no collusion”.
So now, having completely rat fucked his own client’s best chances at sentencing, and having essentially condemned him to nine months of pre-trial confinement because of his own arrogance and posturing, Downing has earned himself about a thousand bar ethics complaints.
All I know is that it looks like my cushy gig at “Shameless” is coming to an end!
24 hours ago it was too soon for the Super Power USA to decide whether to ground the Boeing jet, but then after every less powerful nation for do dso, you decide to fall in line so you don’t look like the ducking moron for not doing so. This is called American Exceptionalism.
If right now all you are worried about is your next paycheck you are as dumb as your phone transcripts make you look. Keep your lawyer on speed dial.
Howard Schultz: “I would not nominate a Supreme Court justice unless he or she could be confirmed by two-thirds—two-thirds—of the United States Senate.”
Looks at how GOP has dealt with the process and says, “I will only nominate Conservative justices. Corporatist Social Liberals.
Appealing to the anti Trump Wing of conservatives isn’t going to go well for Howard. Or Donald.
Lots of reporting now that Multiple NFL executives are saying the collision suit payout to Colin Kaepernick is between $60-80 million dolllars. That would be in the neighborhood of Aaron Rogers’ record setting contract.
You can probably read the tea leaves to know that the historically litigious NFL (see Concussions, see Veteran Medical benefits, see Sexual Harassment of Cheerleaders and female staff) was thouroughly fucked on proof of collusion to drop that much money on a QB who ‘wasn’t good enough to play on this league’
“Uh, Mr Kaepernick Sir, sorry to bother you but we’ll give you more than you would likely have earned playing out your career to never publicize the racist-ass shit some of our owners said in their e-mails about you. Thank you, God bless you sir.” -NFL
Sorry, Carl, but some of us can’t stand. You’ll be old yourself someday. Then you’ll under-stand, too.
Whatever else you do this month, don’t get raped in Italy.
Italy is the country that jailed Amanda Knox, and now it’s also the country that freed two rapists because the victim “looked like a man.” They don’t like women there. Visit France or Germany instead.
@12 Dumbasses. The very first thing lawyers ask for in discovery is emails. The good shit is always in the emails. It’s amazing what people write in emails after their lawyers tell them not to. For some strange reason they believe emails are private, especially those in corporate email systems. I tell people, “Never put anything in an email you don’t want read back to you in a courtroom.” But nobody listens. Emails are goldmines for prosecutors and plaintiff’s lawyers.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Contender News– Undocumented executioner Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza.
SAN JOSE (CBS SF) – A transient arrested in the murder of Bambi Larson was in the United States illegally and had a lengthy history of arrests in the South Bay and Los Angeles, authorities said Tuesday. San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia said Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza “stalked” Larson’s neighborhood before allegedly killing her with a knife and blunt force trauma.
ICE Acting Field Office Director Erik Bonnar said his agency has had nearly a dozen detainer requests for Arevalo-Carranza that have gone unanswered. They filed a 10th detainer on his on Tuesday after his arrest.
“ICE preliminary information suggests this is at least the tenth detainer ICE has lodged with local California law enforcement agencies on Arevalo-Carranza since 2016,” Bonnar said in a statement. “All nine known previously lodged detainers have been ignored and have allowed Arevalo-Carranza back onto our streets to re-offend.”
A Native born California Militia stalked his estranged wife in Santa Rosa where he shot her and drove away. Police then received calls of a man presumed dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. Neither victim survived.
You don’t actually care about violent deaths. We all know. Be a proud racist!
@16 “ICE typically asks jails to hold undocumented inmates for an extra 48 hours after they would otherwise be released in order to get a warrant to begin deportation proceedings. The Department of Homeland Security has said that complying with these requests is voluntary because keeping someone in jail without a warrant violates the 4th Amendment.
“In Santa Clara County alone, Carranza has prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary. Carranza was diagnosed with psychosis back in 2016, according to a source.
“Erik Bonnar, an acting field office director for ICE, said Carranza has been arrested numerous times for criminal activity and convicted of more than 10 crimes in the past three years. He called for lawmakers to reconsider a policy that ignores federal hold requests for predatory felons.”
Two questions:
1. Why does ICE expect local jurisdictions to violate jail inmates’ constitutional rights? If he’s deportable, why don’t they just get an arrest warrant and nab him at the jail door?
2. Why was this psycho on the streets? He belongs in a rubber room. That’s a mental health funding problem, not an immigration problem. Did your Republican legislator support mental health funding? Why not? Didn’t want to pay taxes for it? Was the money saved worth it?
When you say a disgraced, twice convicted, 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign Manager, do you mean trump‘s disgraced, twice convicted, 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign Manager?
@11. I fully expect Mitch to try to pre install a dozen or so arch greed conservatives to the supreme court, so when the Democrat become President, Mitch can say the next 6 slots that come open have already been filled.
Have your bloated orange fart-bag of a Sexual Predator President sign an executive order binding the Department of Justice and the United States Treasury to indemnifying those local jurisdictions and their taxpayers from any future civil rights claims attendant to those unlawful detention orders. Quit worrying about useless WALL!!!/FENCE!!!/BARRIER!!! and fix your fucking broken agency or more people will die you sick, sadistic fuck. The blood is on your hands.
This is your problem. You people broke this shit when you chose to vote for a poorly educated, bankrupted reality television actor. You people need to fix it. Quit blaming everyone else for the obvious fuckups by the incompetent imbecile that you voted for. For once in your sad life stand up like an adult and take some responsibility for your fuckup.
If it isn’t obvious this is why most of your posts are ignored, as they should be. Posting that shit here is like complaining to the city librarian that your trailer is too close to the tire fire. You don’t live in the city. You live in a filthy trailer park that has nothing to do with the library. And besides, YOU parked it there, idiot.
+32.11% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 13, 2019.
No “goosing of the portfolio” was used to reach that return: just used Excel’s XIRR function to measure the return of all of the inflows/outflows in the portfolio over the time period.
Jussie. Jacob. Jussie. Jacob. Jussie. Jacob. Jussie. Jacob. Jussie. Jacob.
Doc, you there? You’re needed. Doc, where are you when we need you? Doc? Doc?
@23 That’s funny. Reminds one of the classic circle jerks in these comment threads between the babbling butthole troll, poodebutt, and its freako sockpuppet MWS..
Why is it the always wrong wingnuts always pulling this shit?
@22 “all of the inflows/outflows in the portfolio over the time period”
I see. Cash flow. In other words, the +27.84% which isn’t gain in your S&P index ETF is from dividends, IRA contributions, birthday gifts from Uncle Harvey, and your paper route and summer lifeguard job income. It’s good that you’re developing a savings habit at an early age. If you keep it up, you’re going to be rich someday.
I’m doing fine, thanks. My Boeing stock has lost about $4500 this week, but in a portfolio the size of mine, you don’t even notice numbers like that. It has no material effect on my overall results. Btw, that’s why you diversify.
@23. Silly rabbit, Gudwad won’t peep about Jacob because Jacob is white and right wing. Gudwad only hates deeply if they are black, gay, female and or liberal.
Can I try?
1)Because the 2L summer interns the agency sends for warrants show up late, and then proceed to waste the magistrate court’s time dancing over a pile of paperwork and stomping on their dicks in front of the well. These fucking idiots can’t even spell.
To make matters worse we currently need about twice as many federal magistrate judges as we have. The fact that the Draft Dodger President is more focused on avoiding federal criminal indictment than fulfilling his constitutional duties by naming competent DC judges only increases the load. Remember, magistrate judges are the farm league and only serve eight years unless the DC reappoints them. That gives lifetime appointed DC judges an unlimited license to fuck with them. And fuck with them they do. Prolly doesn’t help when the fucking imbecile of a Sexual Predator President arbitrarily shuts down the government for two months either.
So I hope that clears that question up. The agency is staffed with idiots who have no idea how to properly apply for a warrant, when they aren’t being furlowed by Republican SHITDOWN! The magistrate courts are backed up to fucking hell with no end in sight and then, HELL YES!, motherfucking whipped cream with the cherry on to top, the Republicans shut them down too.
Try to imagine just how bad it has to be when straight up, buzz cut, law and order conservative, church going, state law enforcement are so afraid of a federal agency’s incompetence that they refuse to go along with them anymore. No competent risk manager for any state law enforcement agency would ever allow it. That process is so monumentally broken that it can never be fixed. Not with those agencies. Never.
And yet for twenty five straight years whenever the Congress dares to try and fix it, even around the margins, the Republican party is overwhelmed by a pitchfork mob of stooped, hooting, trailerdyte racist morons led by cynical television demagogues who primary them into oblivion. Believe me, so long as the Republican Party even exists there will be no meaningful reform to that system.
2) I can’t.
On a brighter note, it looks an awful lot like the closed door testimony that former Method Acting Attorney General Sweaty Pink Meatball gave to the ranking members of House Judiciary today includes credible allegations that the Sexual Predator President committed obstruction.
So REPORT!!! any minute now. Yup.
GOP’s American Exceptionalism! Bunch of pathetic pigs that fuck goats and horses and child predators. We once lead…, we follow…..follow, Russian orders.
@28 I’m old enough to remember Watergate, and I see a common thread between Nixon’s supporters then, and Trump’s supporters now. It’s not that they didn’t believe the allegations of impeachable behavior that turned out to be true. Here’s the deal:
They saw nothing wrong with it.
House votes to release Mueller Report in toto. Good! It’s about time we start stripping the secrecy out of government.
“Even as members of his staff were focused Wednesday on managing the Boeing plane crisis, Trump himself remained preoccupied with the looming vote, according to people who spoke with him.”
Having to apologize for their college writings seems to be a standard feature of Trump’s judicial nominees.
Maybe he needs better nominees.
Tucker Carlson’s most stalwart sponsor is MyPillow.
Just thought I’d let you know.
You didn’t think Trump would enforce worker safety laws, did you?
Hey, if some warehouse worker who voted for Trump gets crushed by unsafe shelving, that’s really unfortunate. Please send my regrets to the family, and tell them I did everything I could to prevent it: I voted for the Democrat.
“The daughter of actress Lori Loughlin reportedly was vacationing in the Bahamas on the yacht of Rick Caruso, chairman of the University of Southern California Board of Trustees, as her parents were named Tuesday in a federal indictment accusing them of scamming to get their daughters into the school.
Loughlin’s daughter, USC freshman Olivia Jade Giannulli, was spending a holiday break with Caruso’s daughter, Gianna, also a USC freshman, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Caruso owns a 216-foot vessel called Invictus. Neither the students nor Caruso are accused of any wrongdoing …”
Optics. It’s all about the optics, i.e., what this looks like to some kid working in a community college cafeteria to pay his tuition after his USC application was rejected despite stellar high school grades.
No, I hadn’t heard of Rick Caruso, either, so I looked him up. He’s very civic-minded; according to Wikipedia, in addition to chairing the USC board of trustees, he’s also rendered public service as “president of the Los Angeles Police Commission and a member of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.” Probably has no trouble keeping his lawn green during L.A.’s water shortages.
Impressive guy. Graduated USC, Pepperdine Law, practiced real estate law with a prestigious firm before quitting law to become a prominent developer. An American success story. Shows what hard work can get out.
That, and a dad who founded Dollar Rent-A-Car and “owned many car dealerships in the Los Angeles area.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “The rich are different from you and me.”
Hemingway replied, “Yes, they have more money.”
Things were much simpler back then.
I see in the news that a Mafia boss got whacked in NYC. Why does anyone even bother to be a mobster anymore, when there are so many easier ways to make a living these days?
Where is everyone today? Was there a nuclear war I didn’t hear about?
Donald Breitbart Interview…
“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
‘It would be a shame if my supporters started whaling on those soy boys.”
On the House floor this morning a Republican Rep. referred to the ‘Democratic’ party.
No truth to the rumor he was stripped of committee assignments and flogged for proper grammar.
My freshman year Dorm Roomate was the child of the founder of a $150m Annual Revenue Restaurant chain.
If you think I didn’t take every offer of dinner at his house (Neighbor, Lionel Richie) baseball in the suite and weekends on the boat….
Then again, I’m pretty sure my parents didn’t buy my way in and I definitely took the SAT a couple times.
Here’s a super complicated puzzler:
In which correctional system is a seventy year old man with “gout” more likely to find himself face down in the cold wet tile of a prison shower room watching the last of his $10,000 dental veneers wash down the drain in a stream of his own blood, saliva, and tears? New York State or Federal BOP?
Right now the very last thing in the world Mr. Manafucked wants is a Presidential pardon.
Attica! Attica! Attica!
Meanwhile, somewhere out there in the ether, while seven Senate Child Molesters defied their leadership siding with hated and feared Democrats yesterday in rebuking the Republican approval of cutting apart live WaPo journalists with cordless bone saws, and perhaps an even larger number will defy their leadership today in a vote of EEEMUJINSEEE!!!! disapproval, the corporate approved media message is reliably focused on “disunity” among Democrats.
For these Senate Republicans, the world will not cease to turn, well funded primary opponents will not descend from Blackhawk helicopters, their campaign donors will not dry up and blow away, and their internal polling numbers are certain to improve on the back of their votes defying their leadership. Yertle has been losing steadily since the confirmation of Associate Justice Date Rape. And these aren’t even the tough votes yet.
Fox News Host Katie Pavlich re: Donald on complex technology of planes “the guy’s owned planes. When you own a private plane you know about the way it functions”
Bitch please, I have a Dog and a Refrigerator. I’m not a Veterenarian or a HVAC specialist.
Calling the police for help while black. What was she thinking?? She could have been shot!
“Disturbing video shows Miami police violently arresting a black woman who called them for help”
I bet Bob likes it tough…..tough from his horse!
Bring it on tough guy! We need a thinning of the herd.
Clap On. Clap Off.
@36 I bet she wasn’t just standing or sitting on that Yacht.
Her legs were probably spread wide open too.
@46 the only thing he knows about that plane is how comfortable the pussy he’s wanting to grab is sitting in it.
Really, this is how fucking stupid America has become (or always has been). We need a new slogan – “Make America Smart Again”
This is more than a snub…this is being smart.
Why trust the current American Administration with this.
@51 I’d settle for making America fucking sane again.
Meanwhile, over on the Don’t-Tread-On-Us FB page, war has been declared and they’re itchin’ to start killing treasonous Demonrats and RINOs.
@51 Fuck sanity. That’s asking too much of the right. I’d settle for fewer batshit insane dumbfucks.
“Trump baffles reporters by boasting his ‘incredible’ policies ‘hurt a lot of people’”
“No, I don’t think they’re cruel, I think they’re the opposite of cruel,” he said. “They become cruel because they’re so ridiculous and it hurts people. It actually does the reverse of what they’re supposed to be doing. But no, they’re actually meant to be the opposite. And they’re hurting people, they’re really hurting people. A lot of people.”
“I think we’re doing an incredible job,” he said. “We’re apprehending record numbers of people. But if we had border security and we had the wall, if we had a proper wall, which we’re building now as we speak, and we’re getting a lot more funding for it, as you know, with what we’re talking about with the vote today, whether it’s positive or not, I’m vetoing it, unless I don’t have to veto, I think that’s unlikely, I’ll do a veto, it’s not going to be overturned. But we have done a great job at the border through apprehension.”
Connecticut Supreme Court overturns lower court and allows Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit against Remington to proceed.
Not crisis actors?
@51 Be careful what you wish for. These people are dangerous enough when they’re stupid.
@55 If that precedent stands it may become possible to sue Trump’s big mouth, too. It’s no less destructive.
The Senate overturned Trump’s border funding EO by a vote of 59-41. The measure now goes to Trump’s desk for his veto.
@48 So Trump is threatening to call on biker gangs for help if he loses the 2020 election, eh? Interesting.
Also his “supporters in the military.” Not the military per se, but his supporters “in” the military. Who will be legally obligated to follow the orders of the new commander-in-chief.
Which presumably will include clearing Washington D.C. streets of armed insurrectionists wearing MAGA hats.
Btw, if push comes to shove, red hats make nice targets.
As painful as it may be I think it’s time for Democrats to pay attention to the mechanics of Trump’s rhetoric. Sure, he didn’t get to where he is without decades of help from Russian mass murderers, child pimps, a television network, and massive fraud. But to his credit he has won over most of the Republican party, Republican Congressional leaderhip, along with the party establishment, the mega PACs, and the industry lobbyists. And much of that success is owing to his rhetorical skills.
Yes, that’s right. I said skills. It may come across as dumb or even crazy most of the time. But it contains an underlying, and in some ways irresistible power. Because in a modern, fluid, instantaneous hot-take communications world when he does it right he makes it impossible to win by arguing with his bullshit.
Think about what happens when Trump and his minions claim that his inauguration drew “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe”. It isn’t true, of course. It isn’t even close to being true. And to some, it may make him appear petty, vain, and crippled with insecurities. But once the claim is out there, being repeated forcefully, and even doubled down on, what is the right response?
Refuting the bullshit with obvious objective facts only invites a prolonged argument about those obvious facts. Which over any extended period of time has the effect of focusing public attention on the bullshit claim (a win for Trump) and calling the obvious facts into question in a media sphere devoted to “neutrality” in any partisan argument (also a win for Trump).
Completely ignoring the bullshit is perhaps a little better. But Trump still wins when his bullshit claims (Dozens of countries have nominated me for a Nobel Peace Prize) go essentially unchallenged. The legal principle is “Qui tacet consentire”, meaning silence gives consent or agreement. And most people understand it intuitively. When they hear this lunatic proclaim these incredible lies followed by silence the more ignorant among us tend to conclude that “there must be something to that”. Trump reinforces this every time he repeats these mantra-like phrases like “as you know”, “everyone knows”, “everyone agrees”, etc. These utterances may be reflexive on his part. But they are not unmindful. There is a method here. And it has worked well for him.
I think the most effective response to the Republican lunatic bullshit is the one we see demonstrated on the regular by the Speaker. Probably the best example was her immediate response to President Draft Dodger’s State of the Union. A brilliant rhetorical achievement for the hot-take, television age that in the flash of an eye reduced his entire performance and weeks of preparation to ashes. Everyone needs to go to school on Pelosi. She has his number, at least when it comes to the bullshit.
The last time anyone wore red into battle was the first engagement of World War 1 when the French army was considerably larger than a day later.
McSally, Tillis, Gardner, Perdue, and Ernst opposed. Sweet.
@60 Trump looks exactly the way someone would look who spent his entire life plotting to convert a democracy to a fascist dictatorship by assembling financial resources, cultivating relationships, and studying the demagogic techniques that enabled a homeless street urchin to take over a powerful industrial state, subjugate it to his will, and then nearly conquer the world.
Earlier today the Billionaire Plutocrat CEO claimed on a nationally broadcast radio interview that he knows more about the military than Tulsi Gabbard or Pete Buttigieg.
Gabbard currently serves as a Major in the Hawaii Army National Guard and has been deployed to Kuwait and Iraq. Buttigieg currently serves as a Naval Intelligence Officer at the rank of Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves and served in Afghanistan.
Howard Schultz was deployed to Davos where he was once served a warm shrimp cocktail.
@64 “Gabbard currently serves as a Major in the Hawaii Army National Guard and has been deployed to Kuwait and Iraq. Buttigieg currently serves as a Naval Intelligence Officer at the rank of Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves and served in Afghanistan.”
Is this who Trump expects to be his personal army the day after the election?
Ship, water, rats.
Zuck is committed to morphing the product platform to unified messaging and commerce similar to WeChat. The originators of Insta and WhatsApp probably recognize that those products will cease to be stand alone in the Facebook future where those technologies will be absorbed by the parent platform. Fascist Teabagger lunatics who rely on a comfortable and familiar Facebook for bubble reinforcement are expendable. As are late middle aged cat ladies reminiscing about high school crushes. As are the tech originators of modern mobile messaging.
Facebook’s core demographics have been in decline for some time. It may already be too late. They delayed transitioning to mobile and were slow to update the look and feel to a more modern, engaging, and mobile oriented interface. But I don’t think it’s fair to characterize those guys as rats. It’s probably more accurate to say that the rats have taken over the ship and the crew is heading for the lifeboats.
You earn $10,000, and you decide to invest it. So, on January 1, 2018, you invested the $10,000. On March 15, 2018, you got your tax return and invested another $1,200 in the same asset. On August 15, 2018, you got a bonus at work and also invested this money into the same asset. On December 31, 2018, you investment was worth $13,000. What was your return, using Excel’s XIRR formula, for 2018?
1. Open Excel.
2. Enter -10000 in cell A1. Tab overtook cell B1, and enter January 1, 2018.
3. Select cell A2 and enter -1200. Then tab over to cell B2 and enter March 15, 2018.
3. Select cell A3 and enter -500, Then tab over to cell B3 and enter August 15, 2018.
4. Select cell A4 and enter +13000. Tab over to B4 and enter December 31, 2018,
5. Select cell B6 format the cell for percentages with two decimal places of significance.
6. Into cell B6, enter the following formula: =XIRR(A1:A4,B1:B4)
The resulting return of positive 11.71% percent will be displayed in cell B6, which is the return for you investment for the year.
“As Boeing grounds its entire global fleet of Max aircraft, Trump says ‘figure it out fast’.”
No. Figure it out.
When planes are crashing, you don’t do things “fast,” you do them right however long that takes, idiot.
Why didn’t you fucking commies tell me about margin calls!!
@68 Great. Now tell us whether your investment was worth $15,653.30 yesterday. (32.11 – 11.7 = 20.41 + 100 = 120.41% x $13,000)
@70 Because we’re not commies, we’re capitalists, and we’re out to crush you because capitalism is a competitive system.
@67 Facebook has been run by rats since its first day of existence.
This is what a fucking toady looks like.
@74 Oh. I thought it might be a pic of Doctor Dumbfuck. My bad.
@70 Last fall I tried to warn you about trying to catch a falling knife. My bad that I didn’t warn you about doing so on margin. Regardless, it would still suck to be you. Always will.
I just had a facebook 70+ year old trumper threaten me with bodily harm because I pointed out the Military was socialist, we pay their wages, we pay for their training, we pay their pension, we pay for their health care.
But it’s the immigrants and the liberals that are the problem.
Howard Schultz doesn’t need a high-priced political adviser or PR guy. What he needs to do can be summed up in two words: Shut up.
I linked in to the tea party site. That’s a unpleasant bunch.
“So if Robert ORourke declares his candidacy for president, that’ll mean the Democrats have a fake Hispanic, a fake Indian, an idiot socialist, a hooker turned senator, a senator that sexually assaults guys in bathrooms and a woman who eats salads with a dirty hair comb #dreamteam”
They are still flogging Hillary Clinton and have added AOC to their hate list. Brown people seem to send them into conniptions.
The SPLC has fired Morris Dees over a “conduct” issue. Dees told an Alabama newspaper he doesn’t know why he was sacked.
Mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Pussywhipped Punks News-Nancy Pelosi (D-Loon) joins dingbat chorus line, demands that children vote.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Thursday that the voting age should be lowered to 16 years old, telling reporters on Capitol Hill, “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they are in high school when they are interested in all of this, when they are learning about government, to be able to vote.”
I happen to believe the voting age should lowered to 4 years old. If your old enough to be raped by a Republican, you should be allowed to vote. Farm animals should be allowed to vote as well.
@82 So what? Forty states allow 16-year-olds to marry. Explain why someone old enough to marry isn’t old enough to vote.
“That’s a unpleasant bunch.”
To say the least.
When somebody posts a comment there that doesn’t contain typos, they’re accused of being liberal scum.
If Pork Sauce was sincere about “preborn murkins” he’d support lowering the voting age to the first trimester.
Few details so far from New Zealand, but BBC reports two mosques were attacked, there are “multiple fatalities,” and one person is in custody. A possible motive is emerging:
“It is not yet known how many shooters there were, but the Herald reports that one gunman is believed to be an Australian who has written a manifesto outlining his intentions. In it, he espouses far-right ideology and anti-immigrant ideology. Unverified footage purportedly taken by the shooter has emerged, suggesting he filmed as he shot victims.”
Sound familiar?
Dating outside your immediate family makes you a politically correct, gender confused snowflake.
Having more than three teeth makes you a liberal scum.
And spelling correctly makes you an elitist liberal scum.
“In it, he espouses far-right ideology and anti-immigrant ideology.”
I reckon the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people might have a slightly different view as to who are Australia’s immigrants.
@88 I respectfully stand corrected.
I really don’t understand why Wilbur Ross isn’t impeached and referred for criminal prosecution for lying to Congress.
In any case, Republicans, who made a big deal of Bill Clinton’s lying about sex, will never again have any credibility on the subject of impeaching anyone else for perjury after protecting the likes of Kavanaugh and Ross.
I’m taking wagers on …
(1) How long it will take President Porn Sweat to condemn the New Zealand mosque attacks and offer condolences to the people of that country and the victims’ families;
(2) How long it will take Doctor Dumbfuck to condemn the New Zealand mosque attacks and declare there’s no place for violence against Muslims or immigrants in his conservative ideology;
(3) How long it will take Pork Sauce to condemn violence committed by white citizens against Muslims and immigrants wherever it occurs.
92)I was withholding judgement until confirmation. Too many hoaxes lately. Then as the confirmation came, thought of Quebec City. Only Worse.
New Zealand police don’t normally carry, but tonight the lockboxes in the patrol cars are open.
87)Prime Minister Ardern in her address, said this was a terrorist attack.
@ RR @ 81 etc:
If you want to find out where this guy comes from, This is the website (amongst several) that I’ve been watching for several years now. The websites that I was trying to explain to the mental defectives like SpittlePuddles and SnideShow Bob up there.
The videos of the first attack are on there. Read the comments. This is what the Trumpanzees are saying when they think they’re alone amongst themselves. It’s what they’ve been saying since before Fat Donny was even the chosen candidate.
The last shot fired in that video is that of a teenage girl, shot two or three times as she fled through a fence, then four more times at point blank range. Executed. With an AR-15.
Yes, I did watch it.
The terrorist livestreamed it on FaceBook with a Go-Pro camera. If you go to that website, bear in mind that you’re going to see some really awful shit. Other videos that people posted in the thread as some form of rationalization and celebration of the killings that man did.
The guy is apparently an Australian who was in NZ on a work permit. His name is Brenton Tarrant.
I’ll bet three bucks Fat Donny doesn’t ever even mention this, and if he does, it won’t be a denouncement. He’s too proud, too stupid and too damn selfish. The man’s heart attack can’t come soon enough.
The 74-page dossier by Brenton Tarrant, which has been described by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a “work of hate”, praised Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose”.
Conservatives, why would white supremacist killers think trump was a a symbol of renewed white identity?
On second thought, I don’t need to be quoting from his manifesto. Let him waste away, ignored and alone.
The TrailerPark/Teahadist/MurikaFurst social code is almost Victorian in its complexity.
How does a orange moron respond to right-wing terrorist attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand that left 49 people dead?
Send out a tweet that links to a right-wing website that relishes posting anti-Muslim content, of course.
You have to stop asking conservatives that kind of question.
Even rhetorically. It creates and reinforces the idea that the unleashing of these forces and instincts is something they could change, even if they wanted to. I think that’s a dangerously flawed idea for liberals and progressives to hold on to at this point.
It’s just who they are.