The appearance of Gov. Christine Gregoire at Drinking Liberally last night offered me the perfect opportunity for some gonzo-journalism. All politicians are alike, right? So in the interest of being “fair and balanced” in my journalistic endeavors I pulled out my video camera….
Democrats are so going to kick ass this fall.
See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.
It’s funny now.
Oh, and that stuff at the police officer’s guild, our top law enforcement officer, attorney general mukasey, said it best “Not every violation of the law is a crime.”
Only in right-wing Republican world where the rule of law isn’t the rule of law.
Go figure.
No ideas. No leadership. No progress. No more Republican rule.
ROTF. This is great, made my day.
@1 “Not every violation of the law is a crime.”
Kelly Akers; tries to shoot some video of a candidate’s press conference and is threatened with arrest.
Monica Goodling; turns the DOJ into a Liberty University playpen, no consequences whatsoever.
@2 Yup! Not bad at all.
Hey! How come Luke Esser wasn’t listed in the credits as “livestock handler”?
@ 5
The pig wouldn’t sign the release form.
@5 I missed that part. Were there goats? Of course, what am I thinking? Any movie with Republicans in it would feature a goat, poor thing.
Nice sound track, Darryl.
I just read Newsweek today in some dive eatery. The only time I ever look at Newsweek.
What I learned. If the Dems don’t turn one Southern State they have to win 70 percent of “everything else”. I’m assuming that 70 percent means electoral votes.
So… If the Dems can’t win Virginia then…
Do we win in November?
Ahh how I love the sound of a whiney liberal getting his ass kicked. I only wish there were some blood. Oh well maybe next time. ehheehehhe
I liked the tunes too.
My personal favorite was when “pacifist 2” started laughing.
@9- Yo Dog, isn’t there some bathroom stall you should be madly tapping your foot in right now?
oh, and Don Joe @6- you are officially my hero now :)
Keep ’em laughing Darryl…
You need a good laugh after John Edwards humiliating himself and the Democratic Party.
Edwards subjected himself to blackmail.
What an idiot.
@12 How did Edwards humiliate the Democratic Party? He’s a private citizen. He holds no office. We haven’t nominated him for anything. His embarrassment has nothing to do with the Democratic Party.
@12 (continued) Oh, and one more thing …
Check out this news story about one of the heroes of the fringe lunatic left (that’s you KLOWNS!) Josephine Sunshine Overraker:,2933,402922,00.html
I especially love this line:
“Under the cover of darkness on an October evening in 1996, Josephine Sunshine Overaker began her life as an eco-terrorist, officials said.
The long-haired, vegan activist, sporting a slight moustache, worked at times as a midwife, sheep tender and firefighter, but this night she ignited her own dangerous blaze, officials said.”
A slight moustache??
Yeah, just like most unshaved LEFTIST woman!
Hey Darryl…how about a video story on this gal! Don’t forget the ‘stache!!
There’s only one person presently running for president who is known to have cheated on his wife. In fact, he ditched the wife and married the mistress. His name is John McCain. That’s Republican family values for you.
Makes me wonder, if Hillary ever gets in a position of any real power (God I hope not) will we have to endure all of her lesbian relationships in the news… just wondering.
Hey, Cynical, did you hear about the Republican judge who was using a penis pump in the courtroom? Indecent exposure. Four years in the slammer. What’s up with you guys??? We know your ‘wimmin’ are butt ugly but does it really have to come to this?
If the Republican judges are this perverted, any guess as to what the trolls are up to? I bet it involves farm animals. Probably goats.
@16 “will we have to endure all of her lesbian relationships in the news”
Hillary? Well, I don’t believe for a minute that she’s a lesbian. But even if she was it would be a change of pace compared to reading about Republican goat fuckers all these years. Say, what do you think of Republican judges using penis pumps while court is in session?
Josephine Sunshine Overraker
Never heard of her. Why do wingnuts think we’d give a second thought to people like this?
We got bigger fish to fry like ending 12 billion dollars a month of bleeding (among other wounds) in a stupid bullshit occupation in Iraq.
@7: Ah, goats. That must be “what Rossi is hiding.” The form of God-fearing abstinence that dare not speak its name!
Yes, great music. Darryl, you play bass right? Awesome.
This is a classic!
I loved Patrick Bell in his role as Best Boy!
Protecting The Homeland In Style
While thousands of poorly paid airport screeners labor in sweatshop conditions — getting written up for an untied shoelace or a hand in a pocket, and forbidden to unionize or bargain for better wages and working conditions at George Bush’s insistence — a dozen top Homeland Security officials, Republicans all, are junketing at Waikiki Beach on the taxpayers’ dime.
Source: Newsweek
I’m in the market for a John Edwards 08 bumper sticker. I think Limpdick Hyphen-Name here was big on him because of The Liar’s war on poverty.
Hey Limpdick, I’ll take all your bumper stickers and yard signs.
Also, can you clarify his stand on “moral leadership”?
What we do about the millions of Americans who wake up every day literally worried about feeding and clothing their children says something about the content and character of our souls.” – John Edwards
I wonder if he thought up of this one while banging his mistress. heheheheheehehehe
MTR- ask Carol McCain about moral leadership. You know, his first wife.
Yeah, MTR ask him. Stop that Bill… ah you just ruined my new blouse. ickk
Listening to a donk about morality is like listening to an umemployed motivatinal speaker. They’re sort sunk before they even get started. roof roof.
@23 If you’ve got money for a bumper sticker, you’ve got money to pay your gambling debt to Goldy. Pay up, you dishonorable lying welsher!!!
@23 (continued) BTW, redneck, would you like to bet Gregoire gets re-elected? I’ve got $10 that says she does! Against your balls. In view of your past payment history, it will be necessary to cut off your balls and put them in a safe deposit box at an escrow company to assure payment in the event you lose the bet. If Rossi wins, you’ll get your balls back and my $10. How about it?
Steve @ 17
I have head the penis pump judge, Donald Thompson of Creek County, Oklahoma, described as both a Democrat and as a Republican. Judges in Oklahoma are elected on a non-partisan basis.
However, people in Oklahoma can register with a political party. And Thompson served as a state legislator before he was elected judge around 1980 or so. Maybe Thompson was a Democratic legislator way back when, but later changed his voter registration (which does not appear on the ballot) to Republican sometime after being elected judge.
If you hate Republicans, call Thompson a Republican. If you hate Democrats, call Thompson a Democrat. :)
If cheating on one’s spouse is a determining factor, then ther is but one choice- Obama,the one who has not.
I thought the dem theme was who served…. oh wait that was in 2004. We all know Obama’s military record…. NONE. Back to voting for military hating draft dodgers I guess. Wow, how things have changed. heehehehheehe
Consensual sex is humiliating? That’s what it was. Consensual sex in private where both partners were of age. Edwards didn’t run on a morality/chasity ticket and isn’t in or seeking office. The only issue here is the invasion of John Edwards’s privacy . If you want to talk about embarrassing look at the fore mentioned penis-pump judge, our Republican (morality ticket) state Rep. from Longview with the gay prostitute, Jimmy Swaggert, Ted Haggard or any of the folks on the following list:
PS Eisenhower had a mistress.
PPS when Goldy went after Dino for not releasing his taxes it was me, not you trolls, that stuck up for the man. My value of privacy isn’t one sided.
The cunt video-taping Rossi learned what private property when he squealed about someone touching his camera….Classic liberalism……..Crawl into the fetal position and claim “victim”……if that doesn’t work, no avail , “don’t taze me bro” at a John Kerry forum……….HAHA
Goldy’s libtard circus here at HA are easy animals to train….they jump on command. Throwing fecal matter is also a common trait they have with their primate brothers, the obvious exception being, well…the primates are infinitely smarter.
Go figure!
@32 McIdiot crashed 5 more taxpayer-owned airplanes than Obama did.
Listening to a donk about morality
Do you love these sinners?
@34 That’s a public office Rossi is running for, son.
Little Rickie Dumbass:
You must be one of these guys:
@ 37 Roger the Rabbit Rapist,
Private venue son, perhaps your floppy ears have gone hard of hearing.
Alas, It was fun to hear that bitch squeal about his camera though…A lesson in private property and its limitations are always a valuable when dealing with the ignorant and uninformed…i.e. Liberals.
“Reports coming out of South Ossetia tell of Georgian rockets and artillery leveling every building in the capital city, Tskhinvali, and of Georgian troops lobbing grenades into bomb shelters and basements sheltering women and children.”
(Quoted from Harper’s Magazine under fair use.)
Geewhiz, a BUSH ALLY wouldn’t do THAT, would they???!
“Yes, great music. Darryl, you play bass right? Awesome.”
Thanks. I played all the instruments on that piece. (Well…technically the computer played the drums.)
Looks like the Russians are firing misiles from preschools…just like the palestinians. Hey, they’re your cousins libs. Libs are such pussies.
Keep it up, every time you post hate filled crap like that the Dem’s gain a vote and the Republican’s lose one.
What the videos show (this is a big, giant duh, but I guess you can’t figure it out) is that Gregoire’s events are open to all while Rossi’s events are only open to a select few and the Rossi campaign is will to use violence and the threat of arrest to back that up.
Posts like yours at #34 show that Rossi supporters, unlike the overwhelming majority of people in America and the world, not only endorse the use of political violence they enjoy it.
Are you going to be our next shooter, Rick?
Rick D/aka Puddylicker hasn’t got the balls to shoot someone. He might send Pacman or someone else to do it. But he’d never go. He’s like all republicans – a traitor, a coward and a ass-eating whore who’s 10 feet tall as long as he’s hiding behind his mom’s computer down in her basement.
And oh yeah, I fuck his big fat ugly wife in the ass every night!
I wonder if 1023 year old FlipFlop McSame was drunk the night he came home to find his wife had gained weight and been disfigured in a car crash. I also wonder how long the affair with that Aids-infested cunt SIN Dee lasted before he finally dumped the ugly wife for the new one? And I wonder if he’d ever show his old face at DL?
Nah. Like proven liar Dino Rossi, he doesn’t go out in public much.
Hate to tell ya this, but I think you’re just as cracked as Rick.
Great job Darryl! Loved the music AND the humor. Snicker.
23 Oh, dear Lord….the very thought of Micheal Chertoff hanging out in a Speedo is enough to gag a maggot.
So the election-stealing twat had her ID this time huh?
Michael @ 44 sputtered
Save the drama for your mama, Michael.
Don’t even try to compare my posts with the hate-filled screed by your fellow liberal travelers like Yearns4LittleBoys, BiBiGroper and Roger Roadkill. This site traffics in hatred towards those that don’t think like Goldy and his marionettes. Wise up to that reality.
I made the clear link between some punk squealing when someone attempts to touch his camera (private property) with what he states when asked to leave private property while trespassing “what? I’m not doing anything. Why do I have to leave?”.
I realize you’re probably not that intelligent, but at least those last firing nerve cells should be able to see the common word found in both situations. If not, ask Goldy if he’ll pay for remedial reading comprehension classes for you.
@ 51
Squirt, Rossi’s running for governor, and he’s holding a private press conference?! That’s an oxymoron.
If elected governor, is Rossi going to hold all his press conferences in the residence of the governor’s mansion so that he can kick out anyone who might possibly criticize his governorship?
Michael Michael Michael:
You must be taking Steve’s Stupid Solution again.
Deadwards – the original candidate of choice of HAs clueless idiot Yelling Loser Boy SCUM was running for Pres and his wife knew about the affair while running for Pres last fall and winter. Deadwards placed second in Iowa behind Obama. That’s why Howard Wolfson wrote if the MSM was doing their job maybe Heilary would be the nominee.
– John Deadwards was a union hack. He claimed to be for the little man, the poor, the uneducated. It was his “mantle”. He claimed approximately 200,000 chronically homeless vets were on the streets O’Reilly challenged him saying he was exaggerating. He went on Letterman attacking O’Reilly. Unfortunate for Deadwards, the US Census said there are 125,000 chronically homeless and 15% are vets. Did Deadwards reappear on Letterman and admit his mistake on the facts? NOPE
Now he drops out in January. Two person heat on your side. Who claimed to support the little man, the poor, the uneducated? Heilary. So if the MSM which knew this story exposed it in a timely fashion instead of currying favor for the Donkey by allowing Deadwards last October to lie about it Wolfson said the MSM gave it to Obama.
Even your friend the NY Times admitted they didn’t want to print the story, yet they would rush to print the Judy Iselin attack on John McCain which was proven wrong a BIG LIE by many people. You idiots here reveled in it until you were proven wrong.-
As always bybygoober wants to project his traits on others. We’re so glad this traitorous pigfucking pedophile is a lefty.
Interesting… Another Obama flipflop
Inflation at the fastest pace in 17 years now and forclosures shot up 55 percent last month.
Way to go Puddylicker. You right wingers shure know how to screw up America. No wonder your candidate for Governor wants to run from the republican label.
Elect McSame folks if you want more good financial news like this.
Puddylicker doesn’t care. He’s on welfare.
Is there any doubt the lad above would have failed the WASL no matter how many times he could have taken it? Honestly?
n. pl. don·keys
1.) The domesticated ass (Equus asinus).
2.) Slang An obstinate person.
3.) Slang A stupid person
If nothing else, at least the Demon-rat party picked the correct animal to represent their collective traits.
@ 53
[Edwards] claimed approximately 200,000 chronically homeless vets were on the streets
Ah. The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry has now morphed into the Puddy Parade of Outright Lies. Either that, or Puddy is just too stupid to actually do his proper homework.
First, the source 125,000 figure (itself inflated from the actual estimate of 123,833) of chronically homeless persons doesn’t come from the US Department of the Census. It’s from this survey released by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. That same survey lists a total estimate of 671,888 homeless persons in the country on the night in January that the survey covers.
Secondly, Edwards never used the term chronically homeless in the same way HUD used it. The working definition used byHUD is:
That term doesn’t apply to Edwards’ remarks, and O’Reilly’s form of Factor Fiction is little more than a blatant lie. BillO is, yet again, just plain full of shit.
But, hey! Keep getting your facts from BillO, Pud, and I’ll keep kicking your ass all over this place.
Squirt @ 57
Still no justification for Rossi’s private press conference?
Dude, you really are an intellectual light-weight.
So Rick D/Puddylicker – I’ll go through and collect your typos for you but, it won’t do anything to prove you’re a dumb-fucking, inbred idiot. You do that every time you fire up the computer.
Back to the point – are you proud of your party’s accomplishments in ruining our economy? Are you bitch? I’m talking to you cunt. Bow down and answer now or we’ll assume you just are too ashamed of the “GOP” disaster that is our current economy.
I guess the cowardly traitor Puddylicker AKA Rick D. is just too ashamed to answer for the utter destruction of our economy by the “GOP.”
@58 Secondly, Edwards never used the term chronically homeless in the same way HUD used it.
Edwards got his data from the VA (all dated now):
“According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), one-third of adult homeless men and nearly one-quarter of all homeless adults have served in the armed forces. While less than 200,000 veterans may be homeless on any given night as many as twice that number may experience homelessness during a year. Many other veterans are considered at risk because of poverty, lack of support . . .”
(a) Where did the VA get the data Edwards relied on?
(b) What did Edwards mean by chronic homelessness?
By the way… loved the credits at the end of the clip!
@ 62
For question “a,” ask the VA. They provide direct assistance to homeless veterans, so they likely have internal numbers that would justify the claim.
Your second question is both irrelevant and assumes a fact not in evidence. Where and when did Edwards ever use the word “chronic” at all? His source, the VA, doesn’t use the word, so there’s no reason Edwards would have.
And, yes, I did say, “Edwards never used the term chronically homeless in the same way HUD used it,” but I was choosing a factually safe way to make the point. If, as I believe to be the case due to lack of any evidence to the contrary, Edwards never used any form of the word “chronic” at all, then he certainly couldn’t have done so in a way consistent with HUD’s working definition.
Bottom line: Felafel Boy is equivocating, and Puddy isn’t bright enough to spot the rhetorical error.
And, yes, I did say, “Edwards never used the term chronically homeless in the same way HUD used it,” but I was choosing a factually safe way to make the point. If, as I believe to be the case due to lack of any evidence to the contrary, Edwards never used any form of the word “chronic” at all, then he certainly couldn’t have done so in a way consistent with HUD’s working definition.
Oh. It probably would have been a little more straightforward to simply state, as far as you knew, Edwards never EVEN used the term.
Don Joe,
Stupes (or PuddyNAMBLA, his earned nickname) lives to make shit up and he lives to repeat the work of those who make right wing shit up for more money in a month than he’ll see in a lifetime.
The economy is in the shitter. Their worthless tax rebate had the same effect the last one did – nothing. Inflation is out of control and it all happened on a Republican watch.
Republicans: bumbling, incompetent, corrupt, hypocrites.
66 Republican supporters: knuckle-dragging gullible fools clinging desperately to the fantasy that some day they’re going to benefit from all this.
I am embarassed for the republicnas – the only one’s left in that party are the corrupt and the one’s who are not paying attention. Needless wars, huge deficits, politicization of the Justice system – they will stoop to anything to promote power and wealth for their corporate bosses.
Hey John Doe: Nice of you to use a report dated June 2008, when Deadwards was talking end of 2007 early 2008. Why not listen to Deadwards on David Letterman’s show. You tube it fool.
start @ 5:12 200,000 homeless veterans.
What Don Joe says is crap!
Yelling Loser Boy SCUM: Again you bring noting to the argument.
Why do you walk into a gun fight with a butter knife?
John Doe
154,000 is less than 200,000.
Puddy @ 69
You really are missing the point: that Edwards was talking about one notion of “homeless,” and that Felafel Boy was trying to debunk Edwards’ numbers (which were actually the VA’s numbers) by using a number that is, by definition, a subset of all homeless people. You’ve completely failed to address the key point about “chronic” homeless.
To that end, in the Video you linked, Edwards never uses the word “chronic” in reference to the homeless.
As for the date of the report, your link to the VA report @ 71 is dated March of 2008. Why is it OK for you to post a report with after-the-fact numbers, but it’s not OK for me?
Sorry, Puddy, but your ass has been kicked. Time for you to slink it back to your overstuffed chair to let it heal for a while.
@54 Denial and projection are closely related. In your denial, you project your own undesirable traits onto others. When confronted, it’s not uncommon for people in deepest denial to project even their own projection onto others. With this act, the separation of mind and external reality is complete. What was once simple neurosis has now become acute psychosis.
Let me summarize this for you, Puddy. I’ll make it simple for your simple mind. You’re a psychotic, “traitorous, pigfucking pedophile”. Truly, the abyss must be calling to you. Can you hear it?
Classic slap down by Puddybud. Using video to prove his point.
@ 74
Classic slap down by Puddybud. Using video to prove his point.
Your first sentence is correct. Puddy has a knack for smacking himself squarely in the middle of his forehead.
The video proves my point, as does the transcript linked here. Edwards never even uses the word “chronic,” but the number that BillO the Clown cites is based on HUD’s definition of “chronic” homelessness.
John Doe: So what? Blah blah blah. HUD is the arbiter and they use chronically.
I tried to go back as far as I could where you just grabbed the latest numbers to make your worthless point.
Besides you skipped over the other points I made regarding Deadwards. Funny how that happens huh? You zero in on a small point where the big point is he lied to everyone in the Donkey party for months.
Deal with it.
The video proves your point? I said he said 200,000. It’s right there.
A person who is “chronically homeless” is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition (e.g., substance abuse, serious mental illness, developmental disability, or chronic physical illness) who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years. In order to be considered chronically homeless, a person must have been sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation and/or in an emergency homeless shelter.
This is where Bill O’Reilly got his facts. Something John Doe skipped. Here is how chronic is defined
* 38% report alcohol use problems
* 26% report other drug use problems
* 39% report some form of mental health problems (20-25% meet criteria for serious mental illness)
* 66% report either substance use and/or mental health problems
* 3% report having HIV/AIDS
* 26% report acute health problems other than HIV/AIDS such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, or sexually transmitted diseases
* 46% report chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancer
You and Bill-O are missing the point. Regardless of the number of homeless vets you’re talking about or whether or not those vets are classified as “chronically” homeless is not the point.
The point is Bill-O was way, way under the actual number of vets who are homeless and he was making the problem to seem much less severe than it really is. This becomes a funding issue for the VA which the Republicans are infamously notorious for under funding VA issues. That’s a fact of the congressional record if you care to examine it.
What everyone should be thinking and talking about here is how do we help our veterans off the streets and in to a dignified life?
We, meaning everyone regardless of political affiliation should be working hard to put and end to the homeless vet problem regardless of how many are homeless.
Shame on all of you, Liberals and Conservatives alike, for making a political football out of the plight of our vets. They deserve our support not your snipping at each other over which talking head pundit said the most accurate number.
@ 76
So what?
Well, apparently you don’t understand that Edwards was talking about apples and BillO the Clown was talking about oranges.
I tried to go back as far as I could where you just grabbed the latest numbers
Did you fail to notice that my number citation was parenthetical? But, hey, if you insist, then, by all means, use the larger number. The numbers aren’t import. What is important is that Edwards and BillO the Clown were talking about two different populations.
Besides you skipped over the other points I made
I skipped over your opinions, because, as wild-assed and idiotic as they are, you’re quite entitled to have them. I did, however, zero in on the only facts you had cited that were relevant to the opinions you had expressed.
@ 77
The video proves your point?
Yup. How many times have I said in this thread that Edwards isn’t talking about “chronic” homeless as defined by HUD? Do I need to repeat that point yet again before it’ll register somewhere within the confines of your cranium?
I said he said 200,000. It’s right there.
I don’t recall claiming that he said otherwise. Why do you spend so much time and energy trying to argue against a claim I never made?
As for the rest of that comment, how does any of that show that when Edwards talked about 200,000 homeless veterans he was really talking about chronic homeless veterans? Indeed, where is there any evidence to suggest that Edwards’ homeless veterans, as a demographic group, have any relationship whatsoever to BillO the Clown’s chronic homeless as a demographic group? Until you can come up with some way to make those two demographic groups to be identical, we are left to conclude that BillO the Clown’s rebuttal of Edwards’ claim is equivocal.
“I said he said 200,000.” “he lied”
Puddy’s only concern seems to be scoring political points by quibling over numbers. That there is an unacceptable and growing number of homeless veterans in our country doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest.
@ 78
Shame on all of you, Liberals and Conservatives alike, for making a political football out of the plight of our vets.
I was hoping that, by showing how totally screwed BillO the Clown is on this issue, I might get past the point of using vets as a political football and start actually talking about the plight of our veterans.
Indeed, one great place to start is the VA’s reluctance to diagnose PTSD, and the hardship this imposes on veterans. Take a look at the percentages Puddy cites above. Want to make a bet that large numbers of them are related to PTSD and the homeless problem wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad if veterans received proper treatment?
GBS: That’s not the point.
Deadwards was trying to make political theater out of a real issue but was exaggerating it. Since we now know he’s a chronic liar, well. the figgers point out his exaggeration. I know homeless vets are there, we have them where I live. That’s not the point, he was trying to make a Mt Everest mountain out of a Mt Olympus mountain, and there are so so many Donkeys who are still protecting his image.
John Doe: You are truly a moron. My opinion of what John Deadwards is spot on. He lied when he was asked last October 2007. Elizabeth Deadwards knew the truth. Yet she put her ambition to be First Lady above the truth. If she was like Newt Gingrich’s first wife and held him to a higher standard well the Donkey may have had Heilary as their champ. This could be why the is a ground swell for Heilary on the Donkey nomination now.
Now back to the Opimpics!
@82 “I know homeless vets are there, we have them where I live. That’s not the point”
No, of course it isn’t. Not for you, Puddy.
@83 “This could be why the is a ground swell for Heilary on the Donkey nomination now.”
Oh, great. Now Puddy’s both drunk and stupid.
Steve HAs Biggest ASSHole – I love how you lift a specific Again let me make it simple for you.
Deadwards in Iowa said campaigning spent a great deal of time talking about the extremely poor. How he was their champion. He claimed poverty eradication was “is the cause of my life.”
So how much pro-bono work did he do for dem poverty stricken peeps chasing ambulances?
Now fast forward to PA, WV, and KY who was their champion? These same people supported Heilary Clinton. So if Deadwards dropped out and told the truth back in 10/2007 maybe something would have changed.
But to a single celled sub-human organizm such as you…
Notice Steve HAs Biggest ASSHole has no comment on how come Elizabeth Deadwards said nothing last year when her husband lied. Nuthin…
@ 83
You are truly a moron. My opinion of what John Deadwards is spot on.
As I said before, you are entitled to your opinions regardless of how asinine and idiotic they are. What matters is whether or not you can back those opinions up with a cogent argument, and, so far, you’ve fallen flat on your face.
You’re trying to claim that Edwards has shown a pattern of deceit by looping in the dispute Edwards had with O’Reilly. Unfortunately, as I have shown, O’Reilly’s argument was equivocal and specious.
You can’t even reach the conclusion that Edwards exaggerated the numbers, because the numbers you’re taking from O’Reilly don’t measure the same thing.
You’ve answered none of the questions I asked at the end of my comment @ 79. By simply restating your thesis without answering those questions, you’ve resorted to begging the question.
So, go ahead. Puff up your pride, and cling to your opinion that I am a moron. You’d be a tad less lonely in that opinion, however, if you backed that opinion up with a cogent argument rather than plethora of bloviating comments loaded with nothing but hot air.
@ 87
So how much pro-bono work did he do for dem poverty stricken peeps chasing ambulances?
So, you think Edwards doing pro-bono work as a single attorney is going to make any significant dent in poverty?
If you do, than “fantasy” isn’t even the right word to describe the crap that’s floating around in your head. If you don’t, then why ask such an idiotic question?
@88 I’ve been far, far more interested in what John McCain’s ex has to say. After all, John McCain is the Republican candidate for president. Geez, wouldn’t you know it, it seems that McCain has some, um, moral issues. Edwards lost and isn’t running, by the way, in case you haven’t noticed while in your drunken stupor.
Come back when you’re sober, although you’ll still be hindered by your gross stupidity.
@89 Damn, Don Joe. Hand Puddy’s ass to him, why don’t you?
Puddy, this one’s for you. Start at 1:30.
‘Course you could nitpick that Olberman says 208,000 while the graphic reads 206,000, but that’s about the only factual error you’ll find in the entire piece.
Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that, while both you and I have used epithets in this thread, yours, “Deadwards,” is a gratuitous and sophomoric twist on Edwards’ name. Mine, on the other hand, “BillO the Clown,” is actually descriptive.
And, Marvin, that is how you smack someone down with a video.
LMAO!! Stupes you think your ugly party will come out on top with re-hashing old bullshit?
Dream on NAMBLAman…