I’ve just faxed the complaint above to the Legislative Ethics Board, and if you think this is over the top or in poor taste, I’d just like to point out in my own defense that I never once mentioned the gender of the pigs in question. (Although believe you me, I’ve heard rumors…)
Am I unfairly casting aspersions? Well, go check out Darryl’s post on Hominid Views about the lying piece of shit robo-call he received on behalf of state Sen. Luke Esser:
Recording: An ethics investigation has been opened against Rodney Tom. Rodney Tom took compensation for days he didn’t work. Rodney Tom has one of the worse attendance records in the legislature. Rodney Tom has missed 84 votes. Again, Rodney Tom is being investigated for ethics violations.
In fact, Rodney Tom is not under any sort of investigation, ethics or otherwise, and Esser knows it. What the robo-call refers to is an informal complaint filed by Esser buddy, contributor and former roommate George Aiton — a complaint that served as the direct inspiration for my own malicious missive. (Go check it out.) All I’m doing is following their lead to its logical conclusion.
Apparently, Esser and Aiton’s idea of “common decency” consists of filing a frivolous complaint against one’s opponent, and then dishonestly inflating it into a full-blown Ethics Board investigation. I know such dirty tricks aren’t unusual for Luke Esser or the WA state GOP, but it speaks volumes to his sense of propriety.
If you’ve got the money to put into an IE on a robo-call in the 48th LD, feel free to use this script:
Recording: An ethics investigation has been opened against Luke Esser. Luke Esser fucked pigs. Luke Esser is one of the worst pig fuckers in the legislature. Luke Esser has fucked 84 pigs. Again, Luke Esser is being investigated for ethics violations.
I suppose it’s pretty damn low and dishonest to accuse Esser of fucking pigs, but well… somebody did file a complaint accusing him of such, so I guess it’s, um, kosher.
For those of my readers who are too dimwitted, dense or self-righteously prudish to appreciate this post, I believe this brief dissertation on political parody might be enlightening.
For your listening pleasure, a recording of Luke Esser’s lying robo-call attacking Rodney Tom. Anybody up for recording my script above?
Dude, you’re gonna get sued for defamation.
Luke Esser is a public figure, and this blog post can be seen as ‘fair comment on a public matter’. Besides, irony and satire aren’t crimes.
Too bad the RightWingNuts won’t get it. No sense of humor. Satire and parody just seem to escape them.
It has been obvious to me for years that the Republicans are scared to run on their platform. They have to resort to crap like this because if they just laid out all the positions of their platform in an even, rational tone no one would vote for them. Or at least they think no one would, which is the same thing as far as they are concerned.
That’s why they have Karl Rove and spin. They’re too chicken to just stand up and say in a normal voice “This is the plan we have for where we’d like to take the country.”
It’s why I haven’t been able to vote for one for a while. I expect the people that work for me to have some brains and backbone.
I have been saying forever that we need to play as dirty as they do if we’re going to win. We need to run our own push polls and robo – calls spreading lies about the wingers because if we don’t – they’ll steal another election.
This is simply war – and until the Dems get that, we’ll get beaten time and again. The GOP is willing to do ANYTHING to win. Are we?
Goldie: You must be jealous of someone having sex and all you have is Rosy Palm, her cousin and her four sisters!
And yes, I got the satire, but I had to say it above! Why else would some write “He fucks pigs”. Goldie is having a Freudian moment. Was your last lay someone big, fat and ugly Goldie?
Hey, Mike Webb Sucks:
How do you know “Mike Webb Sucks”?
Aaron: Did you ever hear his show on Kiro? Maybe that’s why Goldie is on Kiro now. Another radio hosts who sucks!
So you’re speaking from personal knowledge then. Thanks for clearing that up.
All I’m doing is following their lead to its logical conclusion.
I dunno… that seems like a path to self-annihilation.
“Hey, I got a durn good idea! Let’s keep dem durn Murrican wages all stagnantlike, outsource dem durn manufacturin’ jobs and makes lotsa folk unemployedlike. Den we can both reduce their consumption pattern or make ’em broke. Aint we gunna be the best evah kintry with all us broke people? We gotsta be raisin’ dat real good deficit. How kin we be thuh best evah administration if we have a slower deficit growth than under Clinton? That jist makes no sense. Ayuh. Now let’s pretend we are prayin’ so dat dumbass middle-class folk earnin’ $40K/household think we are on their side. Then we can close the doors an’ call ’em wingnut fanatics and rubes.”
Another Republican idea. What happens to America when it’s brought to its logical conclusion?
I say we all robo-call Mr Aiten about Goldy’s ethics complaint.
I think your extreme satire will do more to cast you in a negative light than to shed light on the important issue you have found.
Too bad…without the extremeity, your efforts would certainly have garnered more attention in the public eye.
Instead, people will use this to marginalize the extremity of your positions.
and again Goldy, what will this do to your daughter over the long run? Your ego dictates that you bring your daughter over to the monitor to read your works, to get your approval and teaching her foul langauge and worst of all you teach her to hate, disrespect and label people. You should be ashamed, but I know you have none. Thankfully, this site only has maybe 10 bloggers that are in a severe minority.
Just for the record, I haven’t commented yet on this thread, and yet there are multiple spams. An earlier thread accused me of somehow opening the door to this garbage.
Hey Goldy:
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/17/06@ 5:30 am
“The GOP is willing to do ANYTHING to win. Are we?”
No. To adopt the tactics of the GOP is to become the GOP. I seen no advantage to replacing their lying, cheating, self-serving hypocrites with our lying, cheating, self-serving hypocrites.
Interestingly enough, Democrats are, for the most part, running clean, honest campaigns and we’re winning. I realize that the Democrats that are winning are not the folks with the ultra-left agendas hidden behind false words that you might prefer, but the Democrats are winning this time.
While I understand that from your perspective, I, along with most Democrats, are probably right-wing. After all, I’m Christian and I’ve served in the military. You’ve already told all of us what you think of Christians on several occasions.
So, you may be right when you say that people with your ultra-far-left perspective will need to lie and cheat to gain any sort of power, because the first thing you need to do is to convince Democrats that you are really on our side.
So, sorry RightEqualsStupid, but no, I decline to replace the far-right liars, cheats and self-serving hypocrites that somehow convinced the Republicans that they were on “their side” with folks like you that are trying to convince Democrats that you are on “our side”. Liars, cheats, and self-serving hypocrites need to be thrown out, regardless of the false labels you put on yourselves. We decline to become our enemy in order to defeat him.
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” – Pogo
jew goldstien is fixated on fucking pigs… what would freud say?
ex, mrs goldstien, please sue for sole custody to keep this filth (mand and his words) away from your daughter. you supposedly are catholic…. what the hell were you thinking?
Barelli if you’re a Christian then YOU are the enemy. As to your alleged military experience, fine. I served in Nam myself. It’s not relevant in any way.
And you don’t know fuck about me. Or fuck about what you’re talking about. YOU and idiots like you are the reason that the Democratic party has been sitting in the back row for the last six years. I suspect it’s all part of the republican plan.
So you Johnboy are the enemy. Hopefully, we’ll flush you out soonand be done with your deception. And when we win in Nov, it won’t be thanks to you. It will be in spite of you.
North Korea declared today that U.N. sanctions are “a declaration of war.” This rhetoric is typical of the paranoid commie regime’s hyperventilating, wing-flapping bluster. Meanwhile, Condi Rice is headed toward Asia to negotiate with other countries about implementing the sanctions.
Hey, that’s a remarkable statement coming from a member of the Bushie neocon cabal who think the U.N. is irrelevant, bray against the “axis of evil,” and want to solve all the world’s problems with military force. Whatever happened to good ol’ imperialist intervention? Showing the flag? Sailing the fleet?
I seriously doubt that Bush, Rice & Associates suddenly had an epiphany and realized the U.N. is good for something after all. More likely, this is a case of cluck-cluck-cluck.
In other news, the sole Democratic member of the House committee that oversees the congressional page program intimated there are other allegations “not involving Rep. Foley” pending (i.e., there may be more Foleys out there), but did not give any specifics because nothing has been proven yet.
And, on the financial front, markets are dropping today on bad inflation news. Well, what did you expect when Bush started putting trillions of dollars of tax cuts, military adventurism, and corruption on credit cards? That these deficits would pay for themselves? This is the beginning of the Bush Inflation Tax. We pay, the rich laugh all the way to the bank.
Any redneck working stiffs who vote Republican next month deserve the higher food prices, utility bills, and interest rates that are coming their way as surely as the sun rises and sets.
But the rest of us don’t. Fuck those greedy Republican bastards who are robbing us; may they all burn in Hell.
From some of the comments here, it appears that some people have been living in a bubble. It’s hard to believe that so many persons have not heard the term pig fucker before, it has been a common perjorative for at least twenty-five years now.
So common in fact that it has been used in popular movies, such as South Park – Bigger, longer and uncut:
Philip: Why did you call me a pig fucker?
Terrance: Because you fuck pigs, Philip.
Republican lying sacks of shit are robo-calling before an election to fill gullible voters’ ears with lies. Did you expect anything less, Goldy? The GOP is hell-bent on proving that in our democracy with its free speech, they can beat everyone else in a race to the bottom. And their flagship candidate, Mike McGavick, is campaigning on civility? The same lying-sack-of-shit McGavick who is now running TV ads claiming Maria Cantwell voted to raise taxes on seniors’ Social Security income?
you reveal much about yourself by quoting South Park.
he should make ads about maria the whore…. THAT would resonate
Esser and McGavick and the other hyperventilating Republicans sound like the North Korean Propaganda Ministry. Or Ted Bundy trying to convince TV viewers he shouldn’t fry in the electric chair on the eve of his execution. As I recall, Bundy’s argument went, “I’ve been in prison a long time now, and I’ve gotten used to it.” Using the same logic, Esser and McGavick are basically saying to voters, “You should vote for us because you should be used to our lying by now.”
These shrill Republicans must be pretty scared. They ought to be. If they look up, they’ll see a wall of water coming at them. This election will be remember as the Tsunami of 2006.
See, for example, post #29 — you’ll see what I mean.
Grow up.
@30 Rodent:
Yes it will, and I’ll bet Darcy….what’s her name again?…can’t swim. Did Goldy take your food stamps for a contribution?
I don’t think for a minute that either Darcy Burner or any other Democrat candidates in this election cycle would dare be seen in public with you. If you got a picture of you with either of them then, post it. Otherwise you are simply making it up.
The GOP did have a plan to run the country. They called it their “Contract With America.” People bought it, and they got control of the House in 1994. Then they proceeded to treat it like they treat union contracts and pension promises — contracts and promises are “made to be broken.”
A Republican’s contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. A Republican’s word isn’t worth a pail of warm spit.
With these GOP bastards, you need more than collateral to enforce their promises, you need to take hostages.
Fair enough. You guys have a president that no sane Republican candidate would dare to be seen with. Goldy uses foul language; your president commits murder and torture. I’ll take Goldy over your guy any day of the week, and seven times on Sunday!
So did Goldy take your gov’t cheese or not Rodent?
32, 33
So now we have Mark1 (a) predicting a GOP landslide, and (b) telling liberals to “grow up.” All I can say is …
5 stages of Republican scandal:
1. “I have not been informed of any investigation or that I am a target”
2. “I am cooperating fully, but this whole thing is a political ploy by the Democrats”
3. “I’m SHOCKED by the mistakes made by my subordinates”
4. “I’m deeply sorry for letting down my friends and family. I now recognize that I am an alcoholic. I will be entering rehab immediately, so I have no time for questions”
5. “Can I serve my time at Eglin Federal Penitentiary (aka Club Fed)?”
Not that you’d ever WANT to, but if you Wingnutz are interested in finding out just what kind of assholes you’ve thrown in with, you’d want to read this site:
I agree with Thomas Trainwinder @ 13. You have to be more careful with “satire.” Most importantly, it should be funny.
Anonymous @ 29: I’d stay anonymous, too, if I wrote something that stupid and misogynistic.
Hey “anonymous”-
You’re so full of shit your ears stink.
I don’t defend the complaint against Rodney Tom at all. I believe the Legislative Ethics Board will determine it to be unfounded. The legislature recognizes that legislators who are paying extra to maintain a second household in Olympia during the legislative session do not get to stop paying for their rent or utilities or other expenses just because they’re out sick or a family member is in the hospital or even if its just the weekend. It is very common practice to accept per diem for every day of the session — virtually every legislator does it except those who live within easy commuting distance of the capitol.
That said, it is not only Republicans that file unfounded ethics complaints, Goldy. I would like to have seen your parody of the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee’s complaint against me that was subsequently found to be not only unfounded but “nonsensical”.
No Friend @1,
Hmm. Why is it that so many on the right seem to relish the thought of using the civil and criminal courts to silence those they disagree with? Is this what they mean by “law and order Republicans”…?
And, Luke Esser may or may not fuck pigs, but I’m guessing he’s a smart enough attorney and politician to know better than to sue somebody for a piece of satire written about a public figure.
Thomas @13,
I disagree. The media has taken to ignoring dirty tricks like these because, you know… Republicans will be Republicans. Meanwhile, somebody like Darcy Burner dares call Dave Reichert on his lies, and it provokes a full page editorial attack from the Times. Sometimes satire, no matter how extreme, is our only tool.
Be apparent @14,
And bringing my daughter into this is somehow more morally superior then satirically calling somebody a pig fucker, how? Thanks for showing your sides true colors.
Proudass @18,
If you’re going to bring my Jewishness and my daughter into this, please use your regular screen name instead of hiding behind this “Anonymous” handle.
Ashamed @42,
What’s the point of satire if you have to be careful with it?
These trollfucks would be even funnier if they didn’t take themselves so fucking seriously. But then, as MLF pointed out at #3, they have no sense of humor. Ted Bundy didn’t have a sense of humor, either. He didn’t realize that his nationwide TV appeal to save his skin because he’s in jail where he can’t hurt people anymore was silly to the point of side-splitting laughter; he thought he was being serious.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/17/06@ 8:56 am
“Barelli if you’re a Christian then YOU are the enemy. As to your alleged military experience, fine. I served in Nam myself. It’s not relevant in any way.”
Nice to see that the battle lines are drawn. From your perspective, ALL Christians are the enemy. If ANY of us vote according to your wishes, it is only because you have tricked us into doing so.
“So you Johnboy are the enemy. Hopefully, we’ll flush you out soonand be done with your deception. And when we win in Nov, it won’t be thanks to you. It will be in spite of you.”
Ah, but you won’t win in November. We will. I’m helping out a couple of honest Democrats, and it looks like they’ll both win. It wouldn’t bother me if they were some other religion, but it happens that they are both Christian. One of them even goes to my church.
It’s interesting that you seem to be going out of your way to alienate folks that are voting Democrat. You declare large segments of us (perhaps the largest single group of us) to be “the enemy”. It’s as if you want to keep us from being Democrats. You seem to want all Christians that are Democrats to stay home. Let’s face it, your words are not going to discourage Republican Christians, but are aimed at Democrat Christians like me.
You are the folks that the right wing point at when saying that Democrats are anti-Christian. Personally, I think you’re a Republican troll, putting up talking points for the Republicans to use in trying to convince us that the left is a “tool of the Devil”. Sorry, it won’t work.
Yes, I am your enemy. People who speak the truth are always the enemy of liars, cheats and hypocrites, regardless of the false labels you pick for yourselves.
We Democrats are not stupid enough to believe that anyone claiming to be on our side is not simply trying to use us, the way the far-right has used the Republicans.
So, I’m here promoting honesty and fair elections, you’re promoting cheating and doing “anything to win”. Next, you’ll start claiming that I’m really a Republican.
I think the only honest thing you’ve said is that you’ll do anything to win. I’m not sure which side you’re actually working for, but if it is the Democrats, we neither need you nor want you, and there are a lot more of us than there are of you.
Yes, you need to lie and cheat to win. First, you need to lie to us, and we aren’t buying it.
Goldy, if you had- once again- bothered to do your research, you might have been aware- although you would have ignored it- that these games with the Legislative Ethics Board began with the Senate Democrats and their idiotic, falsified, and since dismissed complaints against Toby Nixon.
But you have made it clear that you feel no obligation to intellectal honesty, and that it is your role to lie, distort, and otherwise obfuscate in order to help your cause.
You seriously need to reexamine your complete decline into the muck.
Yeah, I kind of figured the coward hiding behind “Anonymous” was the proud ass.
@40 Rodent:
That all you ever say. You still never answered my question: Can you and do you legally make campaign contributions with food stamps and gov’t cheese?
WASHINGTON – Movie actor Wesley Snipes was indicted Tuesday on eight counts of tax fraud accusing him of trying to cheat the government of $12 million in false refund claims.
Snipes, 44, also failed to file tax returns for six years, according to an indictment unsealed in Tampa, Fla.
Federal prosecutors said that Snipes fraudulently claimed refunds totaling nearly $12 million in 1996 and 1997 on income taxes already paid. The indictment also charged him with failure to file returns between 1999 and 2004. [………Do black Democrat have to pay taxes? I thought blacks were victims? “Dis is stealin from da brother!” Only white Republicans must pay!!! [Atlas has Shugged]]
This is like the oppo research guys who are feeding stupid john Solomon at AP his non-issue “isn’t that suspicious” pieces about Harry Reid’s legit land sales. It’s classic Rove. Get a suggestion made at a low level, then make sure that news outlets pick it up. They’ll report the allegations without looking into the issue themselves and the stupid public won’t realize theere’s nothing to it but hogwash. I mean “pigfuckwash.”
Look at all the good I’ve done for Washington, for my fellow citizens and for the world in general. I should be praised and admired for it. But, they catch you fucking just one pig…
53 (not) LUKE ESSER
Have you seen the film “The Big Bus?”
“You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal.”
Oct. 16 (Bloomberg) — Bono, the rock star and campaigner against Third World debt, is asking the Irish government to contribute more to Africa. At the same time, he’s reducing tax payments that could help fund that aid.
After Ireland said it would scrap a break that lets musicians and artists avoid paying taxes on royalties, Bono and his U2 bandmates earlier this year moved their music publishing company to the Netherlands. The Dublin group, which Forbes estimates earned $110 million in 2005, will pay about 5 percent tax on their royalties, less than half the Irish rate. [……………..”Save the world!! Pay more taxes!! Save the blacks!!………..Oh, I’m out of here, because taxes are too high!!!……………Typical “progressive” Democrat!!!]
54 Daddy Love – no, but I stole the line from one of my favorite jokes:
One day an 85-year-old man is taking a stroll around his hometown, which he has lived in for his whole life. As he sees the landmarks, homes, and streets from his youth, he starts reminiscing….
“I remember helping build that bridge when I was 25. I worked hard on that. But people won’t call you ‘the bridge builder’ if you do that here. No, no, they don’t!”
“I remember building that house over there when I was 30. But people won’t call you ‘the house builder’ if you do that. No, no they don’t!”
“I remember building that tavern that I still lounge at when I was 35. If you do that people won’t call you ‘the tavern builder’ either. They sure won’t!”
“But if you fuck one goat…….”
Typical liberals – think their political hacks should be paid when they did not work. The only thing your little stunt will do Goldstein is probably get you put on a watch list in Olympia.
If Rodney Tom wants to be paid, he should SHOW UP FOR WORK.
57 FreeSpeech
Typical Republican giving your dirty pals a pass.
If a Republican wants to claim that “an ethics investigation has been opened,” they can fucking well wait for one to be opened instead of lying about it to voters.
Republicans lie like some people breathe.
“Apparently, Esser and Aiton’s idea of “common decency” consists of filing a frivolous complaint against one’s opponent, and then dishonestly inflating it into a full-blown Ethics Board investigation.”
How rich coming from the same twerp who arranges for frivolous lawsuits against politcal opponents.
Goldy, how does you post in any way help the Democratic party?
“Typical Republican giving your dirty pals a pass.
Ad what “buddy” would that be??
If a Republican wants to claim that “an ethics investigation has been opened,” they can fucking well wait for one to be opened instead of lying about it to voters.
Do you know for a fact that an investigation has not been opened? At the very least we know a complaint has been filed. And unlike the foul mouthed filth coming from Clownstein, whether or not a representative shows up for work is a legitimate complaint that is easily verified.
Toby @44,
My focus here is the robo-poll, and my parody of Aiton’s complaint was intended to show how far one could go with such strategies. They didn’t just file a frivolous complaint, they launched a robo-poll claiming that Tom was being investigated on such charges. By that standard, I could run a robo-poll claiming that Esser is being investigated for fucking pigs.
That said, I’ve never implied that Democrats never engage in dirty campaigning either. But it’s not my job to expose the Dems. That’s Stefan’s job.
62 FreeSpeech
“At the very least we know a complaint has been filed.”
No, we know a letter has been written.
JohnBoy as a republican plant – you suck. I’ll vote Dem because it’s better than voting R. And then – when WE win, I’ll help expose fakes, frauds and punks like you who want to bend over for the righties.
If Dems are going to win – there’s only one way to do that. And that’s to play by the rules that the GOP play by. And they’ll cheat, lie, steal, and even murder to win. Until Dems realize that, the republicans will control the government.
Oh and John Boy – fuck you.
Luke Esser is a gay man fighting against gay rights from an undesclosed closet. The hypocracy is enormous. I think the pig thing is in bad taste and out of line unless Luke also voted against harming those animals in Enumclaw and likes porking pork. If that comes out, well it would be just another hypocritical moment for Luke.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/17/06@ 10:49 am
“If Dems are going to win – there’s only one way to do that. And that’s to play by the rules that the GOP play by. And they’ll cheat, lie, steal, and even murder to win. Until Dems realize that, the republicans will control the government.”
Again, you seem to be trying your very best to discourage Christians from voting Democrat. You’re also claiming that any means, “even murder” (your words, from your post) are acceptable means to win.
YOU’RE WRONG. Honest Democrats are winning all over the country at this moment. That scares the heck out of some Republicans, who are willing to do anything to win. They’ll lie, cheat and steal in order to win.
Heck, they’ll even impersonate Democrats and try to get big parts of our party to stay home on election day, trying to convince us that we aren’t welcome in our own party. They’ll impersonate Democrats and try to get people that are fed up with the liars, cheats and thieves to think that the Democrats are no better.
Nice try. Won’t work.
Commentby FreeSpeech— 10/17/06@ 10:17 am
“If Rodney Tom wants to be paid, he should SHOW UP FOR WORK.”
No argument from me, but I have yet to see any reference to any official site that shows Mr. Tom’s attendance record (and I did look, at least as far as a Google search). He’s not in my district, so it really isn’t my problem, but if you’ve got the data (rather than just the claims of another blog or his opponent) I’d like to see it.
Commentby FreeSpeech— 10/17/06@ 10:28 am
“Do you know for a fact that an investigation has not been opened?”
Apparently this has been checked, but my own source for that is just another blog, so it is somewhat suspect. Still, your side is making the claim (and calling voters to make the claim) that an investigation has been opened, so I would ask you to give a reference to that.
Toby Nixon @ 44
Very well stated.
I generally agree with the substance of your posts. I do not agree, however, that trashing Christians is either a principled or wise campaign strategy for Democrats to pursue. A great majority of Americans consider themselves Christian, even if their private behavior frequently fails to reflect any religious belief. Telling those people that our party doesn’t want them is, simply, suicidal. I, like John Barelli, am a church-going Christian. My religious beliefs have pushed me to the left side of the political spectrum–the Christian left has a long and proud history of involvement in progressive movements in this country, from the antislavery movement, to various antiwar movements, to the civil rights struggle, etc. The current crop of leaders of the “Christian right” blasphemes Christian principles, and should hardly be relied upon for anyone on the left to badmouth Christians. I agree with you that we’ve got a war on our hands with regard to taking down Republicans. Fighting amongst ourselves, though a longstanding tradition in our diverse party, does not make any sense at this time.
““At the very least we know a complaint has been filed.”
No, we know a letter has been written. “
So then you are saying a complaint was NOT filed? I guess you are calling Goldstein a liar then because that is what he is claiming.
So if a complaint was not filed against Rodney Tom, why all the fuss?
“I have been saying forever that we need to play as dirty as they do if we’re going to win. We need to run our own push polls and robo – calls spreading lies about the wingers because if we don’t – they’ll steal another election.
This is simply war – and until the Dems get that, we’ll get beaten time and again. “
I think you have been inhaling too much. Apparently you didn’t get the message that Democrats control Washington State. WHat the hell more do you terrorists want, a weekly beheading of a Republican on state television?
I think a weekly beheading of a Republican on state television is a splendid idea, so long as the beheading is performed tastefully. Perhaps you’d like to step up to the chopping block first so that you get full credit for this idea?
Commentby FreeSpeech— 10/17/06@ 11:21 am
“So then you are saying a complaint was NOT filed? I guess you are calling Goldstein a liar then because that is what he is claiming.
So if a complaint was not filed against Rodney Tom, why all the fuss?”
Actually, Goldy has stated that there has been no complaint filed, but the robo-call is telling folks that there is one. That is the essence of Goldy’s point.
Some joker (and friend of Mr. Esser) writes a letter and then an anonymous outfit apparently working on behalf of Mr. Esser calls voters claiming that his opponent is under investigation by the ethics committee. This is done in the last few days of the campaign, when there isn’t time to rebut the charges.
Goldy’s point seems to be that it would be equally legitimate for Mr. Tom to start a robo-call claiming that Mr. Esser is under investigation, for a somewhat more spectacular reason.
I don’t recommend it. We’re the good guys, and we need to act that way. Honesty and integrity don’t always win in the short run, but over the long haul, they are better policies and the foundation for a more lasting and effective victory (as the Republicans are just beginning to find out).
Commentby proud leftist— 10/17/06@ 11:46 am
“I think a weekly beheading of a Republican on state television is a splendid idea, so long as the beheading is performed tastefully.”
Resist the temptation. It would only be a momentary pleasure, and bound to get us talked about. Besides, “if you kill ’em, they won’t learn nothin'” (Jim Carrey as the Riddler)
I know, I know. But, don’t you think resisting temptation gets awfully tiring sometimes?
Bigger question might be who paid for those calls – as I’m pretty sure that all “broadcast media” (which I’m pretty sure robocalls are considered part of) have to have a “Paid for by” line at the end.
Just curious.
“I think a weekly beheading of a Republican on state television is a splendid idea, so long as the beheading is performed tastefully. Perhaps you’d like to step up to the chopping block first so that you get full credit for this idea?”
Ahh, the true dictatorial murdering tendencies of the crazed leftwingnut whack jobs comes through. It is what your heroes Stalin, Hitler and Che did. Keep talking… Oh and do you have any photos of yourself with Burner ro Cantwell?
“Actually, Goldy has stated that there has been no complaint filed, but the robo-call is telling folks that there is one. That is the essence of Goldy’s point.”
Please go back and Goldstein’s rant:
“What the robo-call refers to is an informal complaint filed…” – Goldstein
You were saying???
“Resist the temptation. It would only be a momentary pleasure, and bound to get us talked about. Besides, “if you kill ‘em, they won’t learn nothin’” (Jim Carrey as the Riddler)”
He only shows the truth behind liberals – power seeking thugs who will murder anyone and everyone in order to gain power. They have zero belief in representative government or democracy but rather prefer dictatorships in which everything is done their way or else people are executed.
Neither Aiton’s letter nor Goldy’s letter is a formal “complaint” to the Legislative Ethics Board, and an investigation is not started on the basis of such a letter alone. Before an actual investigation can be started, the form at http://www1.leg.wa.gov/documents/leb/complain.pdf must be completed, signed, and submitted — and by signing that form the complainant also signs the following statement:
I certify and swear, under oath, that the facts set forth in this statement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. *RCW 9A.72.040 provides that: “(1) A person is guilty of false swearing if he makes a false statement, which he knows to be false, under an oath required or authorized by law. (2) False swearing is a misdemeanor.”
I’d suggest that Goldy not re-submit his “complaint” on that form. ;-)
It is my understanding, based on a press release sent out by the KCGOP on October 11, that an actual ethics complaint has been filed. Here’s the text of that release:
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Rep. Rodney Tom
Bellevue – King County Republican Party Chairman Michael Young released the following statement today:
Yesterday a complaint was filed with the Legislative Ethics Board in Olympia alleging that Rep. Rodney Tom requested and accepted per diem compensation on days when he was not in Olympia and missed a total of 94 votes, one of the worst attendance records in the Legislature. Rep. Tom’s terrible voting record is bad enough, but intentionally skipping days of work while taking additional compensation, which is intended to be a reimbursement for meals and lodging expenses while working, constitutes a serious breach of the public trust and should be thoroughly investigated.
Thus, the robocall may in fact be technically accurate and an investigation underway. I don’t feel any better about it because of that, however.
Goldie, I am deeply, deeply offended by the attention you call to the gender of the pigs involved in sexual relations with Mr. Esser. I think that when two of god’s creatures are involved in a loving and consentual reltionship that the relative sexes of the participants is not important. What is deeply troubling, and a point that you seem to have missed is that the average lifespan of the domestic pig is 10 years. This means that it is highly unlikely that all of the objects of Mr. Ellis’ desire were above the age of consent.
You are a humorless fucker, aren’t you? Humorless, heartless, and hard-up–the primary diagnostic criteria for Republicans. Take your rage somewhere else. NO one will miss you.
Gary, Ind. – City officials are temporarily shutting down some fire stations to save money because Gary’s $2 million budget for firefighter overtime has already been spent. Mayor Rudy Clay said the overtime budget has already been drained. “We just ran out of money,” he said. Source corrected by LComStaff to conform to site style. Dateline reinserted
Meanwhile, elected officials continue to get paid their exhorbatant salaries and bloated city worker pensions and healthcare programs which Joe Taxpayer has to bend over to pay for these selfish greedy people.
Nearby Calumet City, IL just voted themselves free healthcare for life after 5 years service. [Typical black Democrat Hillary Village. Not a Republican around for miles!! Lots of drugs, crime, and corruption. Atlas has Shrugged!]
Toby @ 81,
“Thus, the robocall may in fact be technically accurate and an investigation underway. I don’t feel any better about it because of that, however.”
As I mentioned in my post, Mike O’Connell, the person who initiates the investigations for the Legislative Ethics Board, told me yesterday that no investigation exists, nor will an investiation be started until he receives a complaint.
So Esser’s robocall is incorrect. There is no investigation started or pending.
80 FreeSpeech
Oh, come now. We kid just like Annie Coulter does.
FreeSpeech @ 80:
He only shows the truth behind liberals – power seeking thugs who will murder anyone and everyone in order to gain power. They have zero belief in representative government or democracy but rather prefer dictatorships in which everything is done their way or else people are executed.
But Coulter’s amazing published rants are satire, right? She didn’t really want Tim McVeigh to blow up the New York Times building, she didn’t really really want to shoot Bill Clinton when she had a chance, etc.
Take your time. Be careful how you answer.
* Note: I don’t think Ann Coulter is a homocidal maniac. I think she’s a smart woman who has enjoyed being a potty-mouthed 18 year-old punk just a wee bit too long.
JCH, black Democrat, Big Island, Hawaii: “Where’s ma mofo FEMA trailer? Where’s ma guvment credit card? Where’s ma guvment check? Bush made da earthquake!! He owes me!! Eyes gotsa gets ma KFC, ma Black Velvet, and ma King Cobra!! Eyes gots da 42 inch plasma SONY HDTV by lootin da Best Buy in Hilo!! But what about ma “surround sound”!! I bet votin Democrat, so I bees gettin da mofo check NOW!! You white devils owes me!!!” …………………………………………………………………………….. [Sorry, I’m a Republican. I take responsibility for myself. Insurance, sweat equity, and I’ll clean up myself!!! Fuck you Democrat “Victims”!!!! JCH]
Darryl @ 85
Sorry for not checking your post first, and thanks for checking with Mike O’Connell. He is most definitely the authority on whether or not an investigation is in progress.
I note that in your posting you said that it was tough to find out how many votes people had missed. It’s really not that hard if you have the database of votes (which I do on my computer at home). To make it easier, WashingtonVotes.org has it readily available at http://www.washingtonvotes.org/MissedVotes.aspx. I took their listing for the 2005-2006 biennium and sorted it by number of votes missed. The sorted list appears below. Note that Rep. Tom is 22nd out of 147 legislators. There are explanations and stories for just about every one of these high missed-vote counts — either the member was ill (in some cases very seriously so), or a family member was ill, or their spouse was delivering a baby, or they’re in leadership and spending a lot of time negotiating budgets and such with the governor. One cannot assume that missing a bunch of votes means one was slacking off, playing golf or in the company of swine. In my case, the three votes I missed in 2005 (the only three votes I’ve missed in five years in the legislature) were on a very rare Sunday morning session of the legislature,; I absolutely had to be present in church that morning, and got down to Olympia shortly after noon.
Rank — Legislator — Total Missed Votes
1 — Sen. Bob Oke (R) — 500
2 — Sen. Alex Deccio (R) — 463
3 — Sen. Bob McCaslin (R) — 347
4 — Sen. Lisa Brown (D) — 230
5 — Rep. Cary Condotta (R) — 189
6 — Sen. Bill Finkbeiner (R) — 159
7 — Sen. Linda Evans Parlette (R) — 148
8 — Rep. Jim McIntire (D) — 145
9 — Rep. Mary Skinner (R) — 135
10 — Rep. Dennis Flannigan (D) — 123
11 — Rep. Richard DeBolt (R) — 122
12 — Sen. Mark Doumit (D) — 121
13 — Sen. Joyce Mulliken (R) — 119
14 — Rep. William Eickmeyer (D) — 118
15 — Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen (D) — 114
16 — Rep. Jim Buck (R) — 112
17 — Sen. Val Stevens (R) — 110
18 — Rep. Shay Schual-Berke (D) — 106
19 — Sen. Jim Honeyford (R) — 103
19 — Rep. Richard Curtis (R) — 103
21 — Rep. Tom Campbell (R) — 96
22 — Rep. Rodney Tom (D) — 94
23 — Sen. Don Benton (R) — 91
24 — Sen. Dan Swecker (R) — 88
25 — Sen. Jerome Delvin (R) — 87
26 — Sen. Phil Rockefeller (D) — 84
26 — Rep. Jeff Morris (D) — 84
28 — Sen. Jim Hargrove (D) — 83
29 — Sen. Mike Hewitt (R) — 80
30 — Sen. Margarita Prentice (D) — 77
30 — Rep. Bob Sump (R) — 77
32 — Rep. Dan Roach (R) — 75
33 — Sen. Dale Brandland (R) — 74
33 — Sen. Cheryl Pflug (R) — 74
33 — Sen. Adam Kline (D) — 74
33 — Rep. Kelli Linville (D) — 74
37 — Rep. Joyce McDonald (R) — 71
38 — Rep. David Quall (D) — 69
39 — Sen. Joseph Zarelli (R) — 68
40 — Rep. Brian Sullivan (D) — 64
41 — Sen. Darlene Fairley (D) — 59
42 — Sen. Pat Thibaudeau (D) — 56
43 — Rep. Lynn Schindler (R) — 55
44 — Sen. Erik Poulsen (D) — 53
45 — Rep. Phyllis Kenney (D) — 52
46 — Sen. Stephen Johnson (R) — 51
46 — Rep. Glenn Anderson (R) — 51
46 — Rep. Dave Upthegrove (D) — 51
49 — Sen. Ken Jacobsen (D) — 49
50 — Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D) — 46
51 — Sen. Brad Benson (R) — 44
52 — Rep. Ross Hunter (D) — 43
52 — Rep. Eileen Cody (D) — 43
54 — Rep. Janéa Holmquist (R) — 42
55 — Rep. Don Cox (R) — 41
56 — Sen. Craig Pridemore (D) — 36
57 — Rep. Fred Jarrett (R) — 35
57 — Rep. Edward Murray (D) — 35
59 — Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe (D) — 34
60 — Rep. Geoff Simpson (D) — 33
61 — Sen. Karen Fraser (D) — 28
62 — Sen. Michael Carrell (R) — 27
62 — Sen. Debbie Regala (D) — 27
64 — Sen. Tim Sheldon (D) — 25
64 — Sen. Dave Schmidt (R) — 25
64 — Rep. Larry Crouse (R) — 25
67 — Rep. Sam Hunt (D) — 24
67 — Rep. Doug Ericksen (R) — 24
69 — Sen. Pam Roach (R) — 22
69 — Rep. Helen Sommers (D) — 22
69 — Rep. Bill Fromhold (D) — 22
72 — Rep. Gigi Talcott (R) — 21
73 — Rep. Bruce Chandler (R) — 20
74 — Sen. Jim Kastama (D) — 19
74 — Rep. Ruth Kagi (D) — 19
76 — Sen. Bob Morton (R) — 18
76 — Rep. Eric Pettigrew (D) — 18
78 — Rep. Brendan Williams (D) — 17
78 — Rep. Bob Hasegawa (D) — 17
80 — Sen. Paull Shin (D) — 16
80 — Rep. Jim Dunn (R) — 16
82 — Rep. Beverly Woods (R) — 15
83 — Sen. Marilyn Rasmussen (D) — 14
84 — Sen. Luke Esser (R) — 13
85 — Rep. Dawn Morrell (D) — 11
86 — Sen. Brian Weinstein (D) — 10
87 — Sen. Tracey Eide (D) — 9
87 — Rep. Kathy Haigh (D) — 9
87 — Rep. Joe McDermott (D) — 9
90 — Sen. Jean Berkey (D) — 8
91 — Sen. Rosa Franklin (D) — 7
91 — Rep. Hans Dunshee (D) — 7
91 — Rep. Bill Hinkle (R) — 7
94 — Sen. Mark Schoesler (R) — 6
94 — Sen. Harriet Spanel (D) — 6
94 — Rep. Sherry Appleton (D) — 6
94 — Rep. Mark Miloscia (D) — 6
94 — Rep. Frank Chopp (D) — 6
99 — Rep. Mike Armstrong (R) — 5
99 — Rep. Judy Clibborn (D) — 5
99 — Rep. Chris Strow (R) — 5
102 — Sen. Karen Keiser (D) — 4
103 — Rep. Toby Nixon (R) — 3
103 — Rep. Joel Kretz (R) — 3
103 — Rep. Dan Newhouse (R) — 3
106 — Rep. Steve Conway (D) — 2
106 — Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (D) — 2
106 — Rep. Pat Sullivan (D) — 2
106 — Rep. Lynn Kessler (D) — 2
106 — Rep. John Serben (R) — 2
106 — Rep. Jim McCune (R) — 2
106 — Rep. Jeannie Darneille (D) — 2
106 — Rep. Ed Orcutt (R) — 2
106 — Rep. Brian Blake (D) — 2
115 — Rep. Steve Kirby (D) — 1
115 — Rep. Patricia Lantz (D) — 1
115 — Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D) — 1
115 — Rep. John McCoy (D) — 1
115 — Rep. Derek Kilmer (D) — 1
120 — Rep. Zack Hudgins (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Timm Ormsby (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Tami Green (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Skip Priest (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Shirley Hankins (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Mike Sells (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Maureen Walsh (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Mary Helen Roberts (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Mark Ericks (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Maralyn Chase (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Larry Springer (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Larry Haler (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Kirk Pearson (R) — 0
120 — Rep. John Lovick (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Jim Moeller (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Jim Clements (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Jay Rodne (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Jan Shabro (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Deb Wallace (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Dean Takko (D) — 0
120 — Rep. David Buri (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Dan Kristiansen (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Bill Grant (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Barbara Bailey (R) — 0
120 — Rep. Alex Wood (D) — 0
120 — Rep. Al O’Brien (D) – 0
Interesting how all the Republicans are now registered trademarks…
Oh boy. Our anonymous “Christian” Mel Gibson friend is lecturing Goldy about morals after using an anti-semitic slur. Shows you how far the far right has fallen!
It’s a feature of the WordPress software. ( R ) becomes (R), ( C ) becomes (c) and so on.
[Sorry, I?m a Republican. I take responsibility for myself. Insurance, sweat equity, and I?ll clean up myself!!! Fuck you Democrat ?Victims”!!!! JCH]
How can a racist anti-semite right winger like JCH possibly clean up all the slime that follows him around?
Oh, and to give you an idea of the scale of these numbers, there were 1,642 recorded votes on the floor of the House during the 2005-2006 biennium. I don’t have the number of votes in the Senate readily available to me.
Keep in mind slimeball Esser cut his teeth on slimeball Rob McKenna’s campaigns over the years. This crap just comes naturally to him.
The problem with your complaint is not it’s substance but rather the vocabularly. I know you want to be deliberately crude for shock effect, but your “insinuations” could be more palatable to a wider audience if you were to tone it down.
For example, you could say :
“An ethics investigation has been opened against Luke Esser. Luke Esser had sexual relations with pigs. Of those in the legislature who have sexual reltions with pigs, Luke Esser is one of the worst. Luke Esser has had sexual relations 84 pigs. Again, Luke Esser is being investigated for ethics violations.”
Then again, perhaps it is your intention to make it difficult to quote you directly in the media. And perhaps it is taking it too far to use language which could be interpreted has having oral sex with pigs rather than some kind of penetrative interaction.
Here’s some further information. I asked the Chief Clerk of the House to give me a list of all the members of the House and the number of per-diem days claimed during the 2006 legislative session. The 2006 session was 59 days long. I’ve left this list in alphabetical order. I bolded only the members who did NOT take the full 59 per diem days. Somebody might want to do this for the Senate, too.
Representative — # of Per Diem Days Taken
Ahern, John — 59
Alexander, Gary — 59
Anderson, Glenn — 59
Appleton, Sherry — 59
Armstrong, Mike — 59
Bailey, Barb — 59
Blake, Brian — 59
Buck, Jim – 45
Buri, David — 59
Campbell, Tom — 59
Chandler, Bruce — 59
Chase, Maralyn — 59
Chopp, Frank — 59
Clements, Jim — 59
Clibborn, Judy – 45
Cody, Eileen — 59
Condotta, Cary — 59
Conway, Steve — 59
Cox, Don — 59
Crouse, Larry — 59
Curtis, Richard — 59
Darneille, Jeanne — 59
DeBolt, Richard – 45
Dickerson, Mary Lou — 59
Dunn, Jim — 59
Dunshee, Hans — 59
Eickmeyer, Bill — 59
Ericks, Mark — 59
Ericksen, Doug — 59
Flannigan, Dennis — 59
Fromhold, Bill — 59
Grant, Bill — 59
Green, Tammy – 51
Haigh, Kathy — 59
Haler, Larry — 59
Hankins, Shirley — 59
Hasegawa, Bob — 59
Hinkle, Bill — 59
Holmquist, Janéa — 59
Hudgins, Zach — 59
Hunt, Sam — 59
Hunter, Ross — 59
Jarrett, Fred — 59
Kagi, Ruth — 59
Kenney, Phyllis — 59
Kessler, Lynn — 59
Kilmer, Derek – 48
Kirby, Steve — 59
Kretz, Joel — 59
Kristiansen, Dan — 59
Lantz, Pat — 59
Linville, Kelli — 59
Lovick, John — 59
McCoy, John – 53
McCune, Jim — 59
McDermott, Jim — 59
McDonald, Joyce — 59
McIntire, Jim – 55
Miloscia, Mark — 59
Moeller, Jim — 59
Morrell, Dawn — 59
Morris, Jeff – 58
Murray, Ed — 59
Newhouse, Dan — 59
Nixon, Toby — 59
O’Brien, Al – 45
Orcutt, Ed — 59
Ormsby, Timm — 59
Pearson, Kirk — 59
Pettigrew, Eric — 59
Priest, Skip — 59
Quall, Dave — 59
Roach, Dan — 59
Roberts, Mary Helen — 59
Rodne, Jay — 59
Santos, Sharon — 59
Schindler, Lynn — 59
Schual-Berke, Shay — 59
Sells, Mike — 59
Serben, John — 59
Shabro, Jan — 59
Simpson, Geoff — 59
Skinner, Mary — 59
Sommers, Helen — 59
Springer, Larry — 59
Strow, Chris — 59
Sullivan, Brian — 59
Sullivan, Pat — 59
Sump, Bob — 59
Takko, Dean — 59
Talcott, Gigi – 47
Tom, Rodney — 59
Upthegrove, Dave — 59
Wallace, Deb — 59
Walsh, Maureen — 59
Williams, Brendan — 59
Wood, Alex — 59
Woods, Bev – 59
Not as much as that cork up your ass reveals about you.
“[Sorry, I?m a Republican. I take responsibility for myself. Insurance, sweat equity, and I?ll clean up myself!!! Fuck you Democrat ?Victims”!!!! JCH]”
Until a Republican is caught, then it’s a drinking problem, a priest molested me, Democrats are behind the timing of it, and of course it’s Clinton’s fault, ‘but I make no excuses’!
Yeah, JCH, clean up what? It’s not like the earth quake in Hawaii knocked your single wide off it’s blocks all the way in Woodinville.
Can you back up your murder charges with examples? Yeah, yeah, I know you’re gonna say “Vince Foster.” Never mind that investigations by several police agencies and the D.C. coroner all independently concluded that Foster committed suicide and there was no evidence of foul play; wingnut liars never let facts get in the way of polemics.
We’re kidding. Coulter isn’t kidding. That’s the difference between us and them. That’s why liberals must arm!!
Isn’t it also true that members sometimes miss votes because they’re in committee hearings or doing other legislative business and can’t be in two places at one time? I don’t know if that’s true in our Legislature, but it’s certainly of Congress.
The software does that. The way you get (R ) instead of (R) on this board is to hit the space bar between R and ).
90 (continued)
Same deal with (c) and (c ).
Because he’s a slug and thinks slime is sweet.
“UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE: For your listening pleasure, a recording of Luke Esser’s lying robo-call attacking Rodney Tom. Anybody up for recording my script above?”
I’ll ask my friend, Alvin the Chipmunk, if he’ll sing it.
(Uh-oh, that probably dates me.)
OK, so I was around in the ’60s. What of it? You got something against the ’60s?
I would expect the trollfucks’ answer to that question to be “yes.” Republicans have a great big collective hard-on for the ’60s. They need to lighten up and watch “American Graffitti” again. C’mon, fascists, it’s just a movie! That wasn’t a real police car, just a prop.
The trouble with those pig fuckers is they don’t know when to laugh.
John Barelli – Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/17/06@ 8:56 am
He’s one of yours John!
So Furball: People who claim to fuck rabbits have a sense of humor? You really want us to believe you give up human sex for furry bunnies? You are whackier than previously thought!
Pig Fucker n. [‘pig.fŭk.r]
1. A person who fucks pigs.
In South Park – Bigger, longer and uncut:
Philip: Why did you call me a pig fucker?
Terrance: Because you fuck pigs, Philip.
2. Persons married to or having sex with members of law enforcement.
Mrs. Reichert is a pig fucker.
3. Persons married to or having sex with overweight persons.
4. An annoying person
5. A red-neck or rural resident.
6. Unsophisticated.
7. A resident of Montana.
Rep. Nixon…your efforts at bringing a modicum of truth and sanity to the proceedings herein are duly noted. Probably a completely lost cause mind you, but at least Richard has some company.
Nice–I’ve even saved it. But, I don’t like the Montana resident thing. Montana’s going blue (Conrad Burns is going down), my father was born there, and the fishing is unmatchable south of Canada.
“John Barelli – Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/17/06@ 8:56 am
He’s one of yours John! “
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/17/06@ 5:03 pm
I’m not so sure. He’s working very hard to keep the largest single group of Democrats from voting. If all the Christians in the Democratic Party were to decide to stay home in November, the Republicans would win in a landslide.
Still, he could be one of ours. I have met a few Democrats that actually seem to think that way, and would rather lose than accept the possibility that Christians are not all covert followers of Pat Robertson.
Their parents made them go to church, where they were told that they had to play nice and share their toys, and they never got over it.
Neither party has a corner on jerks.
Actually, any sparsely populated state of your choice can be substituted for Montana. Arizona and Maine are also used.
Pig fucker is the early 21st century analog to the early 20th century usage of farmer as a pejorative.
Many thanks for the figures for all Reps. That would have taken many hours to do from the house web pages. In looking at Rodney Tom’s record of votes (which show the day of the session each vote is taken on), I estimated he missed about 6 days total in the last four years. Most of them were in 2005. I also believe he made every vote in 2006.
I’ve heard rumors that the difference in Tom’s 2005 to 2006 record is the result of the positive influences of becoming a Democrat. I’m skeptical about the claim, but that’s what they’re saying…. :-)
rodney tom owns multimillion dollar home on water in medina. how is he a man of the people? John Kerry 2nd?
and he’s a jerk to his neighbors; go ask a few who legally share his dock but hes a jerk about it
E3 GBS,…………………………………………………………………Special Evaluation…………………………………… Not recommended for promotion to Petty Officer Third Class. Not recommended for retention. Recommended for 6 months of mess cook duties, and then for administrative discharge upon completion of additional commission officers wardroom support duties. Botton line: Total shitbird. Let him wash dished in the officer’s mess, and then sack this shitbird!!!!! JCH, LT, USN [1110]
Why are cities that are 100% Democrat unsafe and full of drugs, gangs, and crime?
Darryl @ 118
Actually, Rodney Tom switched parties right after the close of the legislative session in 2006. Presumably, he had a very good reason for being absent those four days during April 2005. As Toby Nixon points out, state legislators rarely ever play “hookey”. And when they do, it is usually a compelling reason. It is a relatively short and intense session (105 days odd years, 60 days even years), and nearly all of them are there on any given day and any given vote of the session.
Full-time legislatures, such as the U.S. Congress have much spottier attendance and voting records. Especially on Mondays and Fridays.
Our PDC laws in Washington also reflect the serious and intensity of the legislative session. State legislators are banned from raising money during legislative sessions (and also for 30 days before and after regular sessions). Some of the reasoning is to protect the legislative process from the influence of money (well they tried at least!). But it also tries to ensure that legislators aren’t spending their time trying to fundraise during the session, and focus on their business.
Esser’s robocall is extreme lowball and deserves harsh punishment. Isn’t this what the guy at the top of his ticket says he’s running against? Surely.
This is also a case of a Senator making a mockery of ethics laws and rules established by the legislature for political gain. Double punishment.
The guy now deserves to be thrown out, not just because he’s a young conservative double talking troglodite, but because he’s a craven political fool who is undermining the foundations of our government.
102 — It’s very rare that a floor vote will be taken while a committee is meeting. However, in the closing days of the session, it is quite common for legislators to be involved in negotiations on key bills while floor votes are being taken on the hundreds of mundane housekeeping bills the legislature passes every year.
121 — Has anyone actually asked Rodney why he was absent for those few days? If you asked any of the other legislators, they’d have a simple and plain explanation. I can point to just about every other legislator with a high count of missed votes and tell you what was happening in their life, but I don’t remember Rodney explaining where he was.
120 JCH Kennedy,
Why is it the south (red states) have the highest murder rates and the states with the highest divorce rates are bible belt red (massachusettes having the lowest divorce rate in the nation). Hypocritical fuckin republican shitbird.
119 & 120
Time to take your meds, Hon, your’e starting to wig out…