Typical Obama middle-of-roadism, with plenty of sops to Republicans, who rejected out of hand any compromise even before Obama spoke.
I say FUCK the Republicans! We should enact a totally progressive agenda and shove it down their throats with NO negotiation or compromise.
It’s time for lily-livered Democratic electeds to get a fucking spine and start behaving like Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans want to make the poor, unemployed, and elderly pay for more tax cuts for people who are already extremely comfortable. That horseshit doesn’t deserve the time of day. Until they’re willing to vote for tax increases on the wealthy and Pentagon spending cuts they shouldn’t be taken seriously because they’re NOT serious about deficit reduction.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, an Everett man has been arrested and is being held pending extradition to Bosnia on war crimes charges, which include allegedly murdering a Croat woman for weeping over her husbands dead body after he alleged murdered her husband.
This alleged monster was allowed to emigrate to the U.S. in 2001, while Bush was president, and was given citizenship in 2006, while Bush was president.
His deportation for trial is being supervised by the Obama administration.
Who you vote for does make a difference.
What do you expectspews:
I think I should become a Republican once and for all. I make over 6 figures, have tens of thousands in my checking account and more than enough retirement saved up. I just booked my business class ticket for my Mediterranean cruise I’m taking in September…FUCK the poor and old people. Why SHOULDN’T I have a tax break!? Of course I don’t “need” it, and I have more than enough money to be comfortable and get everything I want…but why shouldn’t I have more! Who cares if the old and poor have to pay for it, that’s THEIR fault for not being able to afford high priced lobbyists to work Congress for them. Give ME more money, more tax breaks and make everyone else pay for it. I LIKE this Republican stuff! I’m really starting to see the attraction! Since they’ll nearly all religious zealots, they should know that Jesus basic premise was always “take whatever you can and hurt the poor and elderly whenever you can”…WWJD.
Zotz sez: Teahadists are Koch suckers!spews:
Kenosha (WI) County Chair, Rob Zerban, has declared his candidacy to replace Pretty Boy Paul (Ryan) in congress. Pretty Boy Paul is the author of the R’s “Path to Poverty” (for the 99%) budget “plan” that the President addressed in his speech.
Stop by Rob’s petition site and show him a little love:
I coudn’t see the speach, but I read the text. It’s a reasonable and well-thought out discussion of the issues. If Republicans were willing to seriously address the issue of reducing our current budget deficit and gradually pay down our national debt, then it forms a framework for such discussion.
But we all know that’s not goint to happen. Republican leadership, along with the anyone who wanted to have a seat at the Republican leadership table after the next elections, castigated the speech before they even knew it’s contents. Which has been pretty typical of them over the past twenty years.
My only concern is that the speech is long on reason, long in length, and leaves behind no memorable quotes. The Republicans, on the other hand, have learned to exercise “Newt-Speak” which pins a memorable but derogatory label on any Democratic proposals, even though it is wildly inacurate, and keep repeating it until it becomes part of the public lexicon.
That Republican Rep. from the GA 9th was a case in point, he just kept trying to repeat the talking-point mantra in an interview until the interviewer made him look foolish. Unfortunately, too many interviewers let them get away with that nonsense.
1) which ever speechwriter put in the ‘win the future’ lines should have his fleshy parts mailed to timbuktu, whether or not they are still attached to the said speechwriter;
2) that President Obama’s didn’t get a lot fire-and-brimstone preaching as a child is all too readily apparent;
3) there should be a 15% alternative minimum tax for corporations, limit of 500 employees in small businesses and a return to robust controls on Wall Street.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, the son of Wisconsin’s richest man has been charged with having sex with a girl, now 15 years old, for several years (meaning he started fucking her when she was about 11 or 12). Yep, the rich need more tax breaks so they can use their money for the betterment of society.
In still other news, former Wisconsin REPUBLICAN governor and erstwhile GOP presidential candidate Tommy Thompson has distanced himself from a penny-stock company because they turned out to be a bunch of alleged crooks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well duh, I thought everybody knew those penny stock boiler room operates are all alleged crooks.
NPR keeps getting PWN3Dspews:
how you connect taxes with child rape is beyond me.
Your mind really works in strange and twisted ways. Maybe its the age..or maybe its from being a state lawyer…who knows.
you prove your own loss of reality with every post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Money attracts Republicans like shit attracts flies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Very simple. Conservatives continually bleat that making the rich pay taxes is bad, because they do good things with their money, and I’m merely pointing out the reality of what they actually do with their money.
This is usually framed as, “A poor man never gave me a job,” or some such nonsense. (In fact, most jobs are created by small businesses, and most small business owners aren’t rich.) The conservative propaganda meme is that giving tax breaks to the rich leads them to invest and create jobs. Nope, the Bush tax cuts for billionaires created no jobs whatsoever, but it did lead to bigger mansions, bigger yachts, and bigger private jets for the rich.
All of this flies over a simpleton like you, of course. You don’t know anything about the real world, which is why you don’t see the point of my comment.
NPR keeps getting PWN3D: Here. I’ll facilitate your idiocy. The Catholic Church pays no taxes and has been proven to regularly rape children. See? I can make stupid fucking comments all day and no one’s even paying me.
Progressives will no doubt celebrate Obama’s deft dissection of the GOP’s budget gimmicks and his full-throated defense of the welfare state. But it was ultimately some thin political gruel with unemployment remaining at 9 percent and the foreclosure crisis continuing unabated. When Obama’s on, as he was today, it’s easy to forget that our biggest national debate is little more than a distraction from the real issues plaguing our economy.
Right Stuffspews:
The top 10% pay over 70% of the federal taxes, an 50% don’t pay any.
This isn’t a “tax the rich” problem, it’s an out of control spending problem.
The Obama recession continues…..
16 – The 400 richest families averaged 17 percent on their income.
an 50% don’t pay any.
But they pay all kinds of state and local taxes not to mention what is passed on to them by the corporations who foot maybe 8 percent of the federal tax burden.
That they don’t pay any Federal tax is a symptom of stagnant wages over the last 30-40 years.
The lies from the right wing continue.
Hey, are you just stupid or do you get paid to write your drivel?
The percentage of poor and new poor is growing. The middle class is shrinking as the number of good paying jobs declines. And for those still working the pay is not keeping up with inflation even though their job efficiency is increasing.
Yet the top 10% have been seeing their pay increasing at double digit rates, far exceeding inflation. And yet their tax rate just keeps going down.
You must think it is unfair that they have to pay any taxes at all…
The top 10% pay over 70% of the federal taxes, an 50% don’t pay any.
Just did a quick check on the S.C. Johnson & Sons company, and found that it’s fortune began in the 1880’s, and it has remained private ever since. It is now being run by the fifth generation of descendents of the founders. Think “Johnson Wax”, which was it’s initial product, but don’t confuse it with Johnson & Johnson, another cleaning-products company.
The company actually seems to have a fairly good record of community involvement and environmental dedication, and is considered one of the best employers in the area.
But S. Curtis Johnson, the guy charged with sexual assault on a minor (now 15) lasting over several years, is not the current CEO of the company. That would be his brother. Instead, S. Curtis Johnson was a president of a subsidiary company Diversey, which S.C. Johnson & Sons acquired, I think in the 1990’s.
So, it’s not clear whether or not S. Curtis Johnson ever worked very hard for his money. He was pretty much guaranteed a spot at the table regardless of his merits, by virtue of birth.
But we do have to continue to ask why the family of a privately-held company, founded five generations earlier, would continue to receive preferential tax benefits in terms of no inheritance tax, the lowest tax on their personal income in a half-century, very low tax on capital gains (assuming they actually sell the stock, which is unlikely), etc. As Warren Buffet pointed out, their workers pay a much higher percentage of their income on federal, state, and local taxes than does this family, and I would be surprised if the corporation paid any taxes at all.
Right Stuffspews:
I suggest some BBQ sauce with that crow you’re eating….
It’s the Obama recession, deficit spending that’s got us in the crisis we’re in now…
All brought to us by Democrats in control of congress since 2006 and the whole enchilada since 2008.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Actually, the lowest 50% do pay taxes, if they’re working — they pay 7.65% of their income for FICA taxes, which is a higher tax rate than some of the rich pay (especially those the Bush administration allowed to shelter their income in offshore tax havens so they didn’t have to pay ANY taxes on the money they took out of the U.S. economy).
As for the richest 10% paying 70% of the (individual income) taxes, why shouldn’t they? They own 90% of the assets and get over 70% of the national income.
But that will change if Republicans get their way. Republicans want to replace the income tax with a 30% federal sales tax, which would shift even more of the tax burden away from the rich onto the backs of the poor and working class.
Why anyone would vote for Republicans is beyond me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Is there some reason why working folks shouldn’t collect taxes for themselves and spend it on themselves for Social Security and Medicare? There’s no Social Security spending problem; Social Security benefits are entirely paid for by Social Security taxes, and require no general tax subsidy. Medicare’s a bit of a different story, it’s been in red ink for a couple years now, but why can’t we decide to tax ourselves during our working years to provide ourselves with adequate and affordable medical care in our old age? That’s what the majority of us want to do.
Ryan’s budget would cut spending, all right — by cutting Medicare benefits by 2/3rds. This, after Republicans got the elderly riled up against health care reform by darkly warning them that Obama would cut their Medicare!!! Any retiree has to be nuts to vote Republican.
RR Here’s an article about a Democratic former mayor of Portland, OR, Sec. of the Transportation Dept and former Governor of Oregon and his relationship with a young girl who is now deceased. This sort of activity know no party label.
Bull shit. Damn near everyone gets their taxes taken straight out of their pay check. Yes, right now, around 50% get that money back, but how well would the federal government function without that 0% interest loan people are giving them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Johnson & Johnson, another cleaning-products company.”
J & J is a pharmaceutical company which also makes some consumer products, e.g. Bandaids. J & J is, by the way, a low-valued stock and for good reason, the company is poorly managed.
Your spreadsheet says the top 0.1 percent is almost 140,000 tax returns.
Way to read the numbers you tool!
This sort of activity know no party label.
While technically correct, the Republicans make up the majority of theses cretins while at the same time it’s the Republican’s that love to play the morality card.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “It’s the Obama recession, deficit spending that’s got us in the crisis we’re in now…All brought to us by Democrats”
This is a joke, right? You bet it is, whether you intended it to be or not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I never said whether the guy is Republican or Democrat, I said he’s rich. This sort of thing is prevalent among the rich … for example, remember the Seattle heir to the Thompson submachinegun fortune who was repeatedly arrested for being a pedophile? Do you know why this behavior is more common among the rich? Simple, they’ve gotten away with things all their lives, so they believe rules don’t apply to them. See, e.g., Leona (“I don’t pay taxes, only the little people pay taxes”) Helmsley. In our money-worshipping society, have vast amounts of money often gives people the idea they can buy anything and anyone, including the law. Too often, they’re right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 As I pointed out above, those who don’t pay income taxes still pay FICA taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “Bullshit” is too mild a term for #21. “Fucking liar” is more on point.
He inherited a financial sector meltdown.
He inherited an economic collapse resulting in the loss of 7,8 million jobs.
Those things were the results of right wing laissez faire dogma promulgated by the likes of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and yes it had quite a bit of Democratic Party support in the 90’s and even in the late 70’s and 80’s.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that, of course, is a result of millionare tax breaks — you can’t get a $1.7 trillion deficit by cutting middle-class wage earners’ taxes by $300 a year.
“Just hours after sitting in the front row while the president verbally walloped his plan to reduce the debt, Rep. Paul Ryan called President Obama’s speech on deficit reduction “a political broadside” and accused the White House of “poisoning wells” on the budget debate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey pal, the well was already poisoned by your broadsides against the President.
The rhetoric spewing from Republicans these days has gone beyond idiotic and sophomoric, and entered the realm of just plain silliness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican Priorities
If you want to know what a political party’s priorities are just like at what they want to spend money on, and what spending they want to cut:
“[T]he GOP collected its pound(s) of flesh from the $1.3 trillion federal budget and Obama’s priorities: $1.6 billion in reductions at the Environmental Protection Agency …; nearly a billion from drinking water funds at the Department of the Interior; $2.9 billion in high-speed rail money, and hundreds of millions in public housing funds, among other savings.”
And the amount GOPers agreed to cut from military spending? Zero.
Why would anyone vote for these people? Voting Republican is un-American.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Put These Guys On The Weight Watchers Diet
“[T]he Pentagon warned today that future cuts in defense spending could threaten national security and ‘should be shaped by strategy and policy, not budget math.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seriously? Are they kidding? Ask yourself this: what, exactly, have we gotten for the trillions of dollars in defense spending over the last decade or two? Gadhafi is still in power; you can’t sail on a merchant vessel in the Indian Ocean without getting hijacked and held for ransom; Osama bin Laden is still hiding in Pakistan (or maybe in a penthouse apartment in London for all we know); and Russia and Mexico are run by gangsters. What, exactly, does all that fancy hardware get us? A little “shock and awe” on the evening news from time to time? That seems to be about it. For all its budget-busting, muscle-bound, swaggering, military might, the U.S. seems to have damned little say about what goes on in the world — nobody listens to us. Do we really need another trillion dollars worth of jet fighters when nobody else even has an air force?*
* Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in defense companies that produce jet fighters (Boeing and Lockheed Martin) and will take a financial hit if, as Roger Rabbit advocates, Pentagon spending on jet fighters is cut.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve got an idea. Give the Pentagon $10 billion, tell them they can spend it any way they want and they’ve got one year to shut down Somali piracy, and if they don’t we’ll shut down the Pentagon and hand over our entire national defense to private security contractors. In other words, here’s your department budget, here’s your goals, and if you don’t get the job done — YOU’RE FIRED!!! That’s what Donald Trump does.*
* P.S., can anyone here remember how many times Trump has filed for bankruptcy? I can’t. (And this guy thinks he has what it takes to be president?)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt for the first time in history.
(Source: MSNBC)
You chumps still don’t get it. If you looters confiscate ALL the money “the rich” earn, it still won’t be enough. You cannot spend money at the current rate and expect the magic money fairy to replenish the coffers.
What part of “there isn’t any more money” don’t you understand?
The SS trust fund only contains “special issue” bonds which have no intrinsic value. They are the financial equivalent of an IOU. No market on the planet will give you a nickel for one of these bonds. The difference between the FICA tax receipts and SS obligations must be paid out the budget, further increasing the debt.
Emperor Max IVspews:
fuck, if your nutty ass was able to make it as a lawyer and judge(LMFAO), then I dont see anything wrong with Trump being prez…its certainly less of a stretch.
Proud to be an Assspews:
Dipthong at 43: The bonds in the trust fund are legal obligations backed by the full faith and credit of the US government, and in that respect they are just like every other debt instrument issued by the Treasury. This is current US law. Given this, assuming your juvenile advocacy of default, why not default on bonds held by the Chinese or rich fucks like Pete Petersen? I mean, you basically advocate that we can just pick and chose whose bonds are worthless.
You are a fucking moron.
Proud to be an Assspews:
It’s not about the money. It’s about who gets what. Saying shit like “we can’t afford it” is just masking a political agenda.
Here’s one for you, moron: Explain how the Fed has ballooned its balance sheet up to over a trillion dollars. Put that in your fantasy world view and explain it.
God. The stupidity.
So… If all you righties want the people at the bottom of the ladder to pay more in taxes why are you so against paying them a living wage so that they can afford to pay taxes?
Proud to be an Assspews:
@43: “The SS trust fund only contains “special issue” bonds which have no intrinsic value”
Hey. Dip shit. Those bonds could be retired and replace with “regular bonds” with the click of a mouse. Please do explain what difference that would make?
You’re dumber than a box of rocks.
We’re hardly looters and no one’s suggesting that we take all the money from the rich.
He probably wants it backed up with gold doubloon or bushels of wheat.
“Special issues—available only to the trust funds”
i.e. non-marketable.
“Those bonds could be retired and replace with “regular bonds” with the click of a mouse.” Not hardly, moron, unless you want to destroy the worth of every other treasury bond on the market. You cannot just create money without triggering massive inflation. You should stop posting about economics, you’re not qualified to comment.
Which is why there were 3 recessions during his term in office and nobody has been that foolish again – until now.
This Delbert moron who quivers in pleasure with every JOKIII video that hits the Breitbart network had this to say a while back:
As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama will be our next President, and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.
This has really been eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here and I didn’t know how to choose who will have to go.
So, this is what I did. I strolled through our parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on our employees’ cars and have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can’t think of a more fair way to approach this problem. These folks wanted change; I gave it to them.
If you have a better idea, let me know.
My point was it doesn’t matter, even if you COULD take all their income, it wouldn’t be enough. There aren’t enough “rich” to fund everything.
Here’s an exercise for you. The nation’s top corporation, GE earned $14.2 billion in profits last year. Take all of it. 100% tax on profits. Fuck ’em hard right up the pooper.
That would fund government spending at current levels for about 34 hours. Now what? Who are you going to tax next? Not GE, you’ve just ruined them.
No one says you have “fund everything”. Every single country out there runs a deficit. Balanced budgets usually mean recession.
You have to stimulate demand so that businesses hire people and people have incomes.
Fucking Germany has way lower unemployment. Who says they’re a right wing paradise?
I cannot claim authorship, that’s a joke that circulated across the ‘net. I reposted it for your amusement. Or mine.
Seems very appropriate, almost prescient, except for the fact some of us understood Obama was a disaster in the making. Did you listen? No. Are we all fucked because of your dumb-asses voting for the clueless, talentless, honorless incompetent? Yes.
And I remember Delbert’s fondness for a certain free-spending freak called Sarah Palin.
A real “game-changer” she’ll be in 2012.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Sorry, Delbert, but when you borrowed my Social Security taxes to pay for your wars, you promised to pay it back and I’m gonna enforce that. With my gun if necessary.*
Basically the wingnut argument is that promises don’t have to be kept, debts don’t have to be paid, and contracts can be broken whenever they feel like it. Who the hell would ever do business with people like that?
I’m just fine with mathematics, I’m not so OK with people who make shit up out of thin air and proclaim it the truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Like all hoary old over-circulated wingnut jokes, this one is complete bullshit. The rich have NEVER had it so good. Their tax rates are miniscule compared to what they were 30, 40, or 50 years ago. They’re copping way more of GDP than the rich ever did at any other time of our history, even in the Robber Baron era. Why do you defend the Greedy Rich? Surely you are not rich, Delbert — you’re too stupid. You’re being had and don’t even know it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “Here’s an exercise for you. The nation’s top corporation, GE earned $14.2 billion in profits last year. Take all of it. 100% tax on profits. Fuck ‘em hard right up the pooper.”
Well, this is absolutely fucking ridiculous, because GE paid NO taxes last year.
No one is asking any corporation to pay 100% of its profits in taxes, Delbert. We liberals just don’t think it’s all that unreasonable to ask the two-thirds of American corporations that pay nothing to pay something more than nothing.*
*Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit has a big holding in GE stock and profits handsomely from the fact GE pays no taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Social Security and Medicare are more like a savings plan than taxing and spending because we pay into those programs and take benefits out of them, and they’re designed to be self-supporting. The “unified budget” scam, which was created by politicians to make deficits in the federal operating budget look smaller than they are, should be ended forthwith and the entitlement programs should kept separate from the operating budget. That way, the American public can see how much money we’re borrowing to buy weapons we’ll never use and pay for Bush’s off-budget wars.
Wow! I head to read that a half dozen times before I could trust my eyes!
@73 It’s better if the rest of us keep in mind that “Delbert” is a lying sack of shit whose purpose in being here is to bait us into wasting our time and energy arguing with him. Better to give him the attention he deserves, specifically none.
I bet that moron Klynical is having a seizure right now.
@16: Again with the brainwashing. Wake up, man, look at how you’ve been duped. This whole deficit debate is bullshit.
The excesses and mismanagement of the 80s-00s created a situation where we need to spend to address a crisis, but we already have too much debt because of multiple unfunded wars, tax cuts, the costs of deregulation, and massively messed up priorities.
Even if now were the time to talk about deficits, the Republican budget solution is a joke, it savages the vulnerable, rewards the powerful, and doesn’t even balance the budget for like 70 years. Even a sensible moderate analysis recognizes this for what it is:
This approach is a political punt of the worst form. The Republicans appear to be afraid to make a single tough decision on entitlement spending, defense, or equity issues. They are simply caught in a dogma of “cut where the political cost will be least” and ignore what the impact on the future will be.
What are the differences between Republicans and Democrats? Republicans absolutely hate the poor. They see being poor as a moral weakness. The poor frighten them and so keeping them powerless is the only way to prevent another French type revolution. Democrats on the other hand really don’t care about poor people. Poor people are an irritating inconvenience.
For Obama, it seems, the value is on compromise. Somehow he and his advisers think that we all voted for him because we really wanted everyone to get along. Bipartisanship above all else is this administrations motto and that really means capitulation. Suck.
NPR keeps getting PWN3Dspews:
This approach is a political punt of the worst form. The Republicans appear to be afraid to make a single tough decision on entitlement spending, defense, or equity issues. They are simply caught in a dogma of “cut where the political cost will be least” and ignore what the impact on the future will be.
Dude, its always been that way, regardless of party….this is what happens when you have people who’s primary concern is to get re-elected above all else.
“Delbert” and his boss John Boner(sic) are BOTH a failure at messaging.
The American People can no longer afford to prop up the rich, with their offshore accounts and their shipping jobs out of the country and their merger, acquisition and dismemberment strategy which stone fucking guarantees no competition and monopoly.
Keep up the heat on Congess and the Administration…it’s starting to work.
Dick Caveat (I'll be the judge of that!)spews:
In addition, prosecutions of banksters and other ‘important’ businessmen are being ramped up — just in case Obama needs to get some people’s attention should they go the character assassination route.
Basically the wingnut argument is that promises don’t have to be kept, debts don’t have to be paid, and contracts can be broken whenever they feel like it.
This ties into the post from rabbit about the CEO and the underage girl. It reinforces the theme that the rich think they are like the kings of old, where the rules of the petty commoners do not apply to them.
You know, it does explain some of the appeal that this has for our conservative trolls who fantasize of some day being allowed into the ranks of the really rich, and all perks that go along with it. Why would they fight to limit such a great way to live, for them?
Typical Obama middle-of-roadism, with plenty of sops to Republicans, who rejected out of hand any compromise even before Obama spoke.
I say FUCK the Republicans! We should enact a totally progressive agenda and shove it down their throats with NO negotiation or compromise.
It’s time for lily-livered Democratic electeds to get a fucking spine and start behaving like Republicans.
Republicans want to make the poor, unemployed, and elderly pay for more tax cuts for people who are already extremely comfortable. That horseshit doesn’t deserve the time of day. Until they’re willing to vote for tax increases on the wealthy and Pentagon spending cuts they shouldn’t be taken seriously because they’re NOT serious about deficit reduction.
In other news, an Everett man has been arrested and is being held pending extradition to Bosnia on war crimes charges, which include allegedly murdering a Croat woman for weeping over her husbands dead body after he alleged murdered her husband.
This alleged monster was allowed to emigrate to the U.S. in 2001, while Bush was president, and was given citizenship in 2006, while Bush was president.
His deportation for trial is being supervised by the Obama administration.
Who you vote for does make a difference.
I think I should become a Republican once and for all. I make over 6 figures, have tens of thousands in my checking account and more than enough retirement saved up. I just booked my business class ticket for my Mediterranean cruise I’m taking in September…FUCK the poor and old people. Why SHOULDN’T I have a tax break!? Of course I don’t “need” it, and I have more than enough money to be comfortable and get everything I want…but why shouldn’t I have more! Who cares if the old and poor have to pay for it, that’s THEIR fault for not being able to afford high priced lobbyists to work Congress for them. Give ME more money, more tax breaks and make everyone else pay for it. I LIKE this Republican stuff! I’m really starting to see the attraction! Since they’ll nearly all religious zealots, they should know that Jesus basic premise was always “take whatever you can and hurt the poor and elderly whenever you can”…WWJD.
Kenosha (WI) County Chair, Rob Zerban, has declared his candidacy to replace Pretty Boy Paul (Ryan) in congress. Pretty Boy Paul is the author of the R’s “Path to Poverty” (for the 99%) budget “plan” that the President addressed in his speech.
Stop by Rob’s petition site and show him a little love:
Hands Off My Grandma!
I coudn’t see the speach, but I read the text. It’s a reasonable and well-thought out discussion of the issues. If Republicans were willing to seriously address the issue of reducing our current budget deficit and gradually pay down our national debt, then it forms a framework for such discussion.
But we all know that’s not goint to happen. Republican leadership, along with the anyone who wanted to have a seat at the Republican leadership table after the next elections, castigated the speech before they even knew it’s contents. Which has been pretty typical of them over the past twenty years.
My only concern is that the speech is long on reason, long in length, and leaves behind no memorable quotes. The Republicans, on the other hand, have learned to exercise “Newt-Speak” which pins a memorable but derogatory label on any Democratic proposals, even though it is wildly inacurate, and keep repeating it until it becomes part of the public lexicon.
That Republican Rep. from the GA 9th was a case in point, he just kept trying to repeat the talking-point mantra in an interview until the interviewer made him look foolish. Unfortunately, too many interviewers let them get away with that nonsense.
1) which ever speechwriter put in the ‘win the future’ lines should have his fleshy parts mailed to timbuktu, whether or not they are still attached to the said speechwriter;
2) that President Obama’s didn’t get a lot fire-and-brimstone preaching as a child is all too readily apparent;
3) there should be a 15% alternative minimum tax for corporations, limit of 500 employees in small businesses and a return to robust controls on Wall Street.
In other news, the son of Wisconsin’s richest man has been charged with having sex with a girl, now 15 years old, for several years (meaning he started fucking her when she was about 11 or 12). Yep, the rich need more tax breaks so they can use their money for the betterment of society.
In still other news, former Wisconsin REPUBLICAN governor and erstwhile GOP presidential candidate Tommy Thompson has distanced himself from a penny-stock company because they turned out to be a bunch of alleged crooks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well duh, I thought everybody knew those penny stock boiler room operates are all alleged crooks.
how you connect taxes with child rape is beyond me.
Your mind really works in strange and twisted ways. Maybe its the age..or maybe its from being a state lawyer…who knows.
you prove your own loss of reality with every post.
Money attracts Republicans like shit attracts flies.
@10 Very simple. Conservatives continually bleat that making the rich pay taxes is bad, because they do good things with their money, and I’m merely pointing out the reality of what they actually do with their money.
This is usually framed as, “A poor man never gave me a job,” or some such nonsense. (In fact, most jobs are created by small businesses, and most small business owners aren’t rich.) The conservative propaganda meme is that giving tax breaks to the rich leads them to invest and create jobs. Nope, the Bush tax cuts for billionaires created no jobs whatsoever, but it did lead to bigger mansions, bigger yachts, and bigger private jets for the rich.
All of this flies over a simpleton like you, of course. You don’t know anything about the real world, which is why you don’t see the point of my comment.
NPR keeps getting PWN3D: Here. I’ll facilitate your idiocy. The Catholic Church pays no taxes and has been proven to regularly rape children. See? I can make stupid fucking comments all day and no one’s even paying me.
Well, whether he goes to jail or not, he’s getting a tax cut because he’s a “job creator”.
Just end the frickin wars and make the rich pay. Why are we talking about deficits in the middle of an economic non-recovery?
The top 10% pay over 70% of the federal taxes, an 50% don’t pay any.
This isn’t a “tax the rich” problem, it’s an out of control spending problem.
The Obama recession continues…..
16 – The 400 richest families averaged 17 percent on their income.
But they pay all kinds of state and local taxes not to mention what is passed on to them by the corporations who foot maybe 8 percent of the federal tax burden.
That they don’t pay any Federal tax is a symptom of stagnant wages over the last 30-40 years.
The lies from the right wing continue.
Hey, are you just stupid or do you get paid to write your drivel?
The percentage of poor and new poor is growing. The middle class is shrinking as the number of good paying jobs declines. And for those still working the pay is not keeping up with inflation even though their job efficiency is increasing.
Yet the top 10% have been seeing their pay increasing at double digit rates, far exceeding inflation. And yet their tax rate just keeps going down.
You must think it is unfair that they have to pay any taxes at all…
And you can get a Pap Smear and a Breast Exam at Walgreens, also too!!
Just did a quick check on the S.C. Johnson & Sons company, and found that it’s fortune began in the 1880’s, and it has remained private ever since. It is now being run by the fifth generation of descendents of the founders. Think “Johnson Wax”, which was it’s initial product, but don’t confuse it with Johnson & Johnson, another cleaning-products company.
The company actually seems to have a fairly good record of community involvement and environmental dedication, and is considered one of the best employers in the area.
But S. Curtis Johnson, the guy charged with sexual assault on a minor (now 15) lasting over several years, is not the current CEO of the company. That would be his brother. Instead, S. Curtis Johnson was a president of a subsidiary company Diversey, which S.C. Johnson & Sons acquired, I think in the 1990’s.
So, it’s not clear whether or not S. Curtis Johnson ever worked very hard for his money. He was pretty much guaranteed a spot at the table regardless of his merits, by virtue of birth.
But we do have to continue to ask why the family of a privately-held company, founded five generations earlier, would continue to receive preferential tax benefits in terms of no inheritance tax, the lowest tax on their personal income in a half-century, very low tax on capital gains (assuming they actually sell the stock, which is unlikely), etc. As Warren Buffet pointed out, their workers pay a much higher percentage of their income on federal, state, and local taxes than does this family, and I would be surprised if the corporation paid any taxes at all.
I suggest some BBQ sauce with that crow you’re eating….
Thems the facts…
It’s the Obama recession, deficit spending that’s got us in the crisis we’re in now…
All brought to us by Democrats in control of congress since 2006 and the whole enchilada since 2008.
@16 Actually, the lowest 50% do pay taxes, if they’re working — they pay 7.65% of their income for FICA taxes, which is a higher tax rate than some of the rich pay (especially those the Bush administration allowed to shelter their income in offshore tax havens so they didn’t have to pay ANY taxes on the money they took out of the U.S. economy).
As for the richest 10% paying 70% of the (individual income) taxes, why shouldn’t they? They own 90% of the assets and get over 70% of the national income.
But that will change if Republicans get their way. Republicans want to replace the income tax with a 30% federal sales tax, which would shift even more of the tax burden away from the rich onto the backs of the poor and working class.
Why anyone would vote for Republicans is beyond me.
@16 Is there some reason why working folks shouldn’t collect taxes for themselves and spend it on themselves for Social Security and Medicare? There’s no Social Security spending problem; Social Security benefits are entirely paid for by Social Security taxes, and require no general tax subsidy. Medicare’s a bit of a different story, it’s been in red ink for a couple years now, but why can’t we decide to tax ourselves during our working years to provide ourselves with adequate and affordable medical care in our old age? That’s what the majority of us want to do.
Ryan’s budget would cut spending, all right — by cutting Medicare benefits by 2/3rds. This, after Republicans got the elderly riled up against health care reform by darkly warning them that Obama would cut their Medicare!!! Any retiree has to be nuts to vote Republican.
RR Here’s an article about a Democratic former mayor of Portland, OR, Sec. of the Transportation Dept and former Governor of Oregon and his relationship with a young girl who is now deceased. This sort of activity know no party label.
Bull shit. Damn near everyone gets their taxes taken straight out of their pay check. Yes, right now, around 50% get that money back, but how well would the federal government function without that 0% interest loan people are giving them?
@20 “Johnson & Johnson, another cleaning-products company.”
J & J is a pharmaceutical company which also makes some consumer products, e.g. Bandaids. J & J is, by the way, a low-valued stock and for good reason, the company is poorly managed.
21 – Bullshit!
Obama has CONTINUED the policies of the Bush adminstration. Very little of the deficit is due to his initiatives.
He inherited 2 wars
He inherited a costly increase in the Medicare entitlement
He inherited tax cuts for the rich
Oh I love that spreadsheet! At least you go to where it counts.
I said the top 400 household tax returns averaged 17 percent going to the Federal government. Here’s my ref:
Your spreadsheet says the top 0.1 percent is almost 140,000 tax returns.
Way to read the numbers you tool!
While technically correct, the Republicans make up the majority of theses cretins while at the same time it’s the Republican’s that love to play the morality card.
@21 “It’s the Obama recession, deficit spending that’s got us in the crisis we’re in now…All brought to us by Democrats”
This is a joke, right? You bet it is, whether you intended it to be or not.
@24 I never said whether the guy is Republican or Democrat, I said he’s rich. This sort of thing is prevalent among the rich … for example, remember the Seattle heir to the Thompson submachinegun fortune who was repeatedly arrested for being a pedophile? Do you know why this behavior is more common among the rich? Simple, they’ve gotten away with things all their lives, so they believe rules don’t apply to them. See, e.g., Leona (“I don’t pay taxes, only the little people pay taxes”) Helmsley. In our money-worshipping society, have vast amounts of money often gives people the idea they can buy anything and anyone, including the law. Too often, they’re right.
@25 As I pointed out above, those who don’t pay income taxes still pay FICA taxes.
@27 “Bullshit” is too mild a term for #21. “Fucking liar” is more on point.
He inherited a financial sector meltdown.
He inherited an economic collapse resulting in the loss of 7,8 million jobs.
Those things were the results of right wing laissez faire dogma promulgated by the likes of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and yes it had quite a bit of Democratic Party support in the 90’s and even in the late 70’s and 80’s.
32 – I concur.
They pay all sorts of taxes and give the federal government a 0% loan every month to boot!
What Really Causes Big Deficits
“Federal tax receipts are projected to hit their lowest level in 60 years when measured as a share of the overall economy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that, of course, is a result of millionare tax breaks — you can’t get a $1.7 trillion deficit by cutting middle-class wage earners’ taxes by $300 a year.
It’s time for D.C. to get statehood.
Republican Hypocrisy Dep’t
“Just hours after sitting in the front row while the president verbally walloped his plan to reduce the debt, Rep. Paul Ryan called President Obama’s speech on deficit reduction “a political broadside” and accused the White House of “poisoning wells” on the budget debate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey pal, the well was already poisoned by your broadsides against the President.
The rhetoric spewing from Republicans these days has gone beyond idiotic and sophomoric, and entered the realm of just plain silliness.
Republican Priorities
If you want to know what a political party’s priorities are just like at what they want to spend money on, and what spending they want to cut:
“[T]he GOP collected its pound(s) of flesh from the $1.3 trillion federal budget and Obama’s priorities: $1.6 billion in reductions at the Environmental Protection Agency …; nearly a billion from drinking water funds at the Department of the Interior; $2.9 billion in high-speed rail money, and hundreds of millions in public housing funds, among other savings.”
And the amount GOPers agreed to cut from military spending? Zero.
Why would anyone vote for these people? Voting Republican is un-American.
Put These Guys On The Weight Watchers Diet
“[T]he Pentagon warned today that future cuts in defense spending could threaten national security and ‘should be shaped by strategy and policy, not budget math.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seriously? Are they kidding? Ask yourself this: what, exactly, have we gotten for the trillions of dollars in defense spending over the last decade or two? Gadhafi is still in power; you can’t sail on a merchant vessel in the Indian Ocean without getting hijacked and held for ransom; Osama bin Laden is still hiding in Pakistan (or maybe in a penthouse apartment in London for all we know); and Russia and Mexico are run by gangsters. What, exactly, does all that fancy hardware get us? A little “shock and awe” on the evening news from time to time? That seems to be about it. For all its budget-busting, muscle-bound, swaggering, military might, the U.S. seems to have damned little say about what goes on in the world — nobody listens to us. Do we really need another trillion dollars worth of jet fighters when nobody else even has an air force?*
* Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in defense companies that produce jet fighters (Boeing and Lockheed Martin) and will take a financial hit if, as Roger Rabbit advocates, Pentagon spending on jet fighters is cut.
I’ve got an idea. Give the Pentagon $10 billion, tell them they can spend it any way they want and they’ve got one year to shut down Somali piracy, and if they don’t we’ll shut down the Pentagon and hand over our entire national defense to private security contractors. In other words, here’s your department budget, here’s your goals, and if you don’t get the job done — YOU’RE FIRED!!! That’s what Donald Trump does.*
* P.S., can anyone here remember how many times Trump has filed for bankruptcy? I can’t. (And this guy thinks he has what it takes to be president?)
Factoid: Student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt for the first time in history.
(Source: MSNBC)
You chumps still don’t get it. If you looters confiscate ALL the money “the rich” earn, it still won’t be enough. You cannot spend money at the current rate and expect the magic money fairy to replenish the coffers.
What part of “there isn’t any more money” don’t you understand?
And contrary to Roger’s fevered rant, Social Security has been running a deficit SINCE LAST YEAR. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03......html?_r=1
The SS trust fund only contains “special issue” bonds which have no intrinsic value. They are the financial equivalent of an IOU. No market on the planet will give you a nickel for one of these bonds. The difference between the FICA tax receipts and SS obligations must be paid out the budget, further increasing the debt.
fuck, if your nutty ass was able to make it as a lawyer and judge(LMFAO), then I dont see anything wrong with Trump being prez…its certainly less of a stretch.
Dipthong at 43: The bonds in the trust fund are legal obligations backed by the full faith and credit of the US government, and in that respect they are just like every other debt instrument issued by the Treasury. This is current US law. Given this, assuming your juvenile advocacy of default, why not default on bonds held by the Chinese or rich fucks like Pete Petersen? I mean, you basically advocate that we can just pick and chose whose bonds are worthless.
You are a fucking moron.
It’s not about the money. It’s about who gets what. Saying shit like “we can’t afford it” is just masking a political agenda.
Here’s one for you, moron: Explain how the Fed has ballooned its balance sheet up to over a trillion dollars. Put that in your fantasy world view and explain it.
God. The stupidity.
So… If all you righties want the people at the bottom of the ladder to pay more in taxes why are you so against paying them a living wage so that they can afford to pay taxes?
@43: “The SS trust fund only contains “special issue” bonds which have no intrinsic value”
Hey. Dip shit. Those bonds could be retired and replace with “regular bonds” with the click of a mouse. Please do explain what difference that would make?
You’re dumber than a box of rocks.
We’re hardly looters and no one’s suggesting that we take all the money from the rich.
He probably wants it backed up with gold doubloon or bushels of wheat.
Damn! Ike Eisenhower was sure some damn Comminist who taxed the top earners at over 90 percent!
Oh Robert Welch said as much!
I bet “The Politician” still gives Delbert the warm fuzzies.
@45 et al
You fail at Google?
“Special issues—available only to the trust funds”
i.e. non-marketable.
“Those bonds could be retired and replace with “regular bonds” with the click of a mouse.” Not hardly, moron, unless you want to destroy the worth of every other treasury bond on the market. You cannot just create money without triggering massive inflation. You should stop posting about economics, you’re not qualified to comment.
Which is why there were 3 recessions during his term in office and nobody has been that foolish again – until now.
This Delbert moron who quivers in pleasure with every JOKIII video that hits the Breitbart network had this to say a while back:
How’s your tax bill these days???
My point was it doesn’t matter, even if you COULD take all their income, it wouldn’t be enough. There aren’t enough “rich” to fund everything.
Here’s an exercise for you. The nation’s top corporation, GE earned $14.2 billion in profits last year. Take all of it. 100% tax on profits. Fuck ’em hard right up the pooper.
That would fund government spending at current levels for about 34 hours. Now what? Who are you going to tax next? Not GE, you’ve just ruined them.
No one says you have “fund everything”. Every single country out there runs a deficit. Balanced budgets usually mean recession.
You have to stimulate demand so that businesses hire people and people have incomes.
Fucking Germany has way lower unemployment. Who says they’re a right wing paradise?
I cannot claim authorship, that’s a joke that circulated across the ‘net. I reposted it for your amusement. Or mine.
Seems very appropriate, almost prescient, except for the fact some of us understood Obama was a disaster in the making. Did you listen? No. Are we all fucked because of your dumb-asses voting for the clueless, talentless, honorless incompetent? Yes.
So this fucking justifies corporations supporting less than 10 percent of the federal tax burden??
What the fuck are American corporations sitting on almost 2 trillion dollars of cash for?
I’ll tell you: buying up every whippersnapper who’s built a better mousetrap and threatens to disrupt their economic royalism.
They don’t give a flying fuck about your 140 employees.
My point was that your view of those of us the left was based on complete fantasy. I’m going to stick with that.
57 – Are your taxes higher moron?
Wow, every single sentence is wrong. That is amazing.
Wait, Germany does have lower unemployment than the US. Oh yeah, they have a center-right government and a clue.
We didn’t vote for George W. Bush and his bequest to the Obama administration.
And a higher tax rate on their wealthy right?
Shit even somewhat higher than Clinton’s in the nineties?
The one that was such a bummer for employment?
No – it’s based on “mathematics”, you may have heard of it, but I doubt you understand it.
Amazing that this Delbert fool would trade Germany’s policies for Obama’s policies of caving to the Republicans.
And I remember Delbert’s fondness for a certain free-spending freak called Sarah Palin.
A real “game-changer” she’ll be in 2012.
@43 Sorry, Delbert, but when you borrowed my Social Security taxes to pay for your wars, you promised to pay it back and I’m gonna enforce that. With my gun if necessary.*
*Just kidding! Teabagger joke. See, e.g. …
Basically the wingnut argument is that promises don’t have to be kept, debts don’t have to be paid, and contracts can be broken whenever they feel like it. Who the hell would ever do business with people like that?
I’m just fine with mathematics, I’m not so OK with people who make shit up out of thin air and proclaim it the truth.
@57 Like all hoary old over-circulated wingnut jokes, this one is complete bullshit. The rich have NEVER had it so good. Their tax rates are miniscule compared to what they were 30, 40, or 50 years ago. They’re copping way more of GDP than the rich ever did at any other time of our history, even in the Robber Baron era. Why do you defend the Greedy Rich? Surely you are not rich, Delbert — you’re too stupid. You’re being had and don’t even know it.
@55 “Here’s an exercise for you. The nation’s top corporation, GE earned $14.2 billion in profits last year. Take all of it. 100% tax on profits. Fuck ‘em hard right up the pooper.”
Well, this is absolutely fucking ridiculous, because GE paid NO taxes last year.
No one is asking any corporation to pay 100% of its profits in taxes, Delbert. We liberals just don’t think it’s all that unreasonable to ask the two-thirds of American corporations that pay nothing to pay something more than nothing.*
*Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit has a big holding in GE stock and profits handsomely from the fact GE pays no taxes.
Social Security and Medicare are more like a savings plan than taxing and spending because we pay into those programs and take benefits out of them, and they’re designed to be self-supporting. The “unified budget” scam, which was created by politicians to make deficits in the federal operating budget look smaller than they are, should be ended forthwith and the entitlement programs should kept separate from the operating budget. That way, the American public can see how much money we’re borrowing to buy weapons we’ll never use and pay for Bush’s off-budget wars.
Another Delbert classic:
Delbert is a knee-jerk right winger in Seattle who won’t take his ball and GO HOME!
Yet another Delbert classic:
Wow! I head to read that a half dozen times before I could trust my eyes!
@73 It’s better if the rest of us keep in mind that “Delbert” is a lying sack of shit whose purpose in being here is to bait us into wasting our time and energy arguing with him. Better to give him the attention he deserves, specifically none.
Here’s what a real “executive” does to tea bagger shit:
I bet that moron Klynical is having a seizure right now.
@16: Again with the brainwashing. Wake up, man, look at how you’ve been duped. This whole deficit debate is bullshit.
The excesses and mismanagement of the 80s-00s created a situation where we need to spend to address a crisis, but we already have too much debt because of multiple unfunded wars, tax cuts, the costs of deregulation, and massively messed up priorities.
Even if now were the time to talk about deficits, the Republican budget solution is a joke, it savages the vulnerable, rewards the powerful, and doesn’t even balance the budget for like 70 years. Even a sensible moderate analysis recognizes this for what it is:
What are the differences between Republicans and Democrats? Republicans absolutely hate the poor. They see being poor as a moral weakness. The poor frighten them and so keeping them powerless is the only way to prevent another French type revolution. Democrats on the other hand really don’t care about poor people. Poor people are an irritating inconvenience.
For Obama, it seems, the value is on compromise. Somehow he and his advisers think that we all voted for him because we really wanted everyone to get along. Bipartisanship above all else is this administrations motto and that really means capitulation. Suck.
This approach is a political punt of the worst form. The Republicans appear to be afraid to make a single tough decision on entitlement spending, defense, or equity issues. They are simply caught in a dogma of “cut where the political cost will be least” and ignore what the impact on the future will be.
Dude, its always been that way, regardless of party….this is what happens when you have people who’s primary concern is to get re-elected above all else.
“Delbert” and his boss John Boner(sic) are BOTH a failure at messaging.
The American People can no longer afford to prop up the rich, with their offshore accounts and their shipping jobs out of the country and their merger, acquisition and dismemberment strategy which stone fucking guarantees no competition and monopoly.
Keep up the heat on Congess and the Administration…it’s starting to work.
In addition, prosecutions of banksters and other ‘important’ businessmen are being ramped up — just in case Obama needs to get some people’s attention should they go the character assassination route.
Heh. It’s been 100 days of GOP/Teabagger rule in the House of Representatives.
Anybody remember that Plague on America???
Any jobs bill yet???
Anything worth a flying crap?
This ties into the post from rabbit about the CEO and the underage girl. It reinforces the theme that the rich think they are like the kings of old, where the rules of the petty commoners do not apply to them.
You know, it does explain some of the appeal that this has for our conservative trolls who fantasize of some day being allowed into the ranks of the really rich, and all perks that go along with it. Why would they fight to limit such a great way to live, for them?
Rock on people..
Fight the GOP America haters!