Okay…the debate is about to begin. Have at it in the comment threads. I’ll post my nuggets of wisdom from the folks at Drinking Liberally and from Twitter.
[6:05] Opening topic: reducing income inequality in a period of low unemployment.
Clinton: Invest, invest, invest.
Trump claims that U.S. doesn’t have the largest, most sophisticated manufacturing facilities in the world. Ummm…Mr. Trump, ever hear of Boeing’s plant in Everett? Largest in the world.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) September 27, 2016
Ford is not leaving. Trump is lying #debatenight
— Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) September 27, 2016
[6:13] Drumpf, “The U.S. doesn’t know what it is doing” in manufacturing. Unbelievable!
[6:14] Drumpf is starting to fall apart already, with his little aside to Clinton.
[6:15] Drumpf’s import tax bring to mind Bill Murray’s famous SNL lounge skit: “Trade Wars / If they had made wars / Let there be trade wars / ooohhh oh yeah.
What's w/the sniffing #Trump? She hasn't even spanked you yet. #debatenight
— esd2000 (@esd2000) September 27, 2016
[6:19] Again and again, Drumpf tells us what we “have to do” without any concrete proposals.
[6:20] Clinton successfully holds off Drumpf’s attempt at disruption.
Trump is so good at deflecting the "how" questions. #debatenight
— Julian Gottlieb (@JulianGottlieb) September 27, 2016
[6:21] Hello? Moderators?
Here we go. Trump is losing control. He tried hard, but she is getting under his skin. #Debate
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) September 27, 2016
.@realDonaldTrump is doing a masterful job running for Shouter In-Chief. #debatenight
— (((Goldy))) (@GoldyHA) September 27, 2016
[6:26]: Drumpf completely LOST IT! “No wonder you have been fighting ISIS your entire life.” ISIS didn’t even exist when she last held a government position.
Can't wait until Lester Holt shows up.
— Ken Rudin (@kenrudin) September 27, 2016
Baby has a lot of tantrums #DEBATES
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) September 27, 2016
Trump: "I'm going to bring back the jobs that left under Bush by giving rich people the tax breaks Bush gave them."#Debates2016
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) September 27, 2016
Trump hasn't completed a sentence this whole debate. And he's not willing to let Clinton complete either.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) September 27, 2016
Mr Trump, your two minutes: #debatenight pic.twitter.com/TYvZ7CUfCk
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) September 27, 2016
Hillary: "You're just going to blame me for everything."
Trump: "Why not!?"An adult just said that on national television.
#debatenight— Rap Critic (@itstherapcritic) September 27, 2016
[6:33]: Drumpf has an audit conspiracy.
Trump calls Clinton "all talk." Let that sink in. #debates
— Sydney Brownstone (@sydbrownstone) September 27, 2016
[6:39]: “We spent 6 trillion dollars in the middle east” and we didn’t even take all of their oil….
[6:40]: Clinton may have used a private email server, but at least she paid her IT subcontractors.
Trump social media team deleted the tweet. The Internet never forgets you morons. pic.twitter.com/hXy10P5Asb
— Redeye (@PaulChaloner) September 27, 2016
[6:43]: Drumpf has calmed down, but is having trouble focusing.
[6:44]: Drumpf things Hillary is afraid to say “law and order”. WTF?!?
[6:48]: Drumpf is rattling off endorsements. What’s next, poll numbers?
[6:50]: Donald Trump wants to take guns away…from dark-skinned people.
[6:52]: Clinton makes a passionate argument for justice reform. Trump’s response, “she won’t law and order!” and “stop and frisk!”
It'll be VERY interesting to see if Trump gets crushed in the press for that Al Gore sigh.
— David Waldman (@KagroX) September 27, 2016
"we'll help them get off" – the best thing Trump has said all night #debatenight pic.twitter.com/AxHQUZssBS
— Grace Parra (@GraceParra360) September 27, 2016
[7:00]: Dear @realDonaldTrump Obama produced the standard Hawaii birth certificate in 2008.
Trump on being fined for racial discrimination: “it’s just one of those things.”
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 27, 2016
OMG, the only thing worse than a "I have a black friend" answer is "I let them into my private club."
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) September 27, 2016
[7:12]: DJT uses “Cyber” incorrectly. Clearly new to the word. Norbert Weiner spins in his grave.
[7:15]:Drumpf blames Obama/Clinton for leaving Iraq. You know…the withdrawal that was set up by Bush’s failure to come to an agreement with Iraq.
[7:22]: At the end of a crazy, defensive tyrade, “I have better judgement than her.”
[7:24]: Trump is sniffling a lot. Is he well enough to be President?????????
[7:26]: Clinton’s “caviler attitude about nuclear weapons” segment was potent.
[7:27]: Holy shit. @realDonaldTrump understanding of defending other countries amounts to gangster movies.
The Esquire article to which Trump refers was not "right after" the war. It was 17 months after the war.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 27, 2016
Here's a 3-minute explanation on how Bush,not Obama, created Isis by @Thom_Hartmann https://t.co/37WZ4sD7hK #debatenight #CrashingTheParty
— Danielle Guilday (@DanielleOnRadio) September 27, 2016
Everyone should read this. https://t.co/Ire1HfUuzS
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) September 27, 2016
[7:33]: Clinton’s strategy: say something clear. Let Drumpf babble.
[7:35]: No shit on Clinton’s statement on stamina. Look at her freaking schedule while SOS! Brutal travel and meeting schedule.
Trump. “Jobs are leaving” But that’s republican’s fault.
“Lower Taxes!” but at the cost of starving government.
Hillary, you can’t out nasty trump. Don’t go there!
Uhhh….Mr. Trump? You just said that not paying taxes makes you “smart”.
I -do- pay taxes. Are you saying that makes me “dumb”?
Well then, Mr. Trump, fuck you. Hard. Dry. Sideways. With garden tools.
ok. watching this live is so painful.
Mr Trump please have 6 minutes for your uninterrupted screed that makes no sense. . . Mrs Clinton please speak for 2 or 3 minutes that will be interrupted by Cheeto Jesus.
Mr trump your shit makes no sense but i won’t challenge you on it.
Mrs Clinton you are being weak and super ineffectual and while Trumps shit is bullshit, your shit is not countering his shit, which would be so easy that a six-year old could do it. Mrs Clinton if you can not counter this idiot we are all gonna go watch something else (and also not vote for you.)
Also, moderators – what are they? when will we be turning off the mics on these idiots? on / off. you speak / then you speak. EASY~!
Careless Crooked Heilary DID NOT refute Patty Solis or Sid Blumenthal on the birther issue!
The DNC hack attack by Trump was BRILLIANT! Her face was
P R I C E L E S S!
@4 & 5 – i also appreciate her cool demeanor when the cheeto jesus lies.
and do you really plan on voting for this man who hates your black ass?
Donald doesn’t hate Puddy’s ASS. Apparently you haven’t read how he treats blacks in his company! Keep reading the libtard rags!
@7 Donald doesn’t hate Puddy’s ASS.
— yes he does.
Apparently you haven’t read how he treats blacks in his company!
— yep, i have , see below.
Keep reading the libtard rags!
— i don’t know what you mean. the New York Times? The Wash Post?
Trump:: “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza — black guys counting my money!” “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
EMPHASIS — “because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
so, you are lazy and you can’t control it and you agree with that and you will vote for him, good to know.
TPP is the Gold Standard… Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton
TPP is the Gold Standard… Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton
@9 & 10
I’m wondering if anyone else noticed one notion that flew by early on before Trump first went off the rails. In particular, there was something in there about jigging the tax code to deter major companies from further offshoring. That might have been the only idea from either candidate in the entire debate that made any real sense.
Where was the reason to vote for Careless Crooked Heilary?
Stolen from the Twitter hive mind, many variations on the same idea
@Piddles in general. If the best moment for Trump was “Hillary Started Bitherism” while every news organization ticks it off as a lie then your boy had a worse night than even I thought.
She isn’t a rambling incoherent jackass who made jokes about the attractiveness of her opponent.
Lester Holt went after Trump interrupting him while he gave Careless Crooked Heilary a pass.
Nothing from Lester on:
Clinton Foundation
Russian Uranium Deal
Pay To Play
Email Server
@ 12
In particular, there was something in there about jigging the tax code…
Reducing the income tax rate on funds held offshore, on which foreign taxes have already been paid, ArtFart, would be a jiggle to the tax code. It would also deter companies with substantial foreign holdings from either moving more offshore or moving all of themselves offshore.
I noticed it because Trump went into it. Something about $2.5T but he thinks it’s closer to $5T.
In early 2018, when President #CrookedHillary Clinton makes this happen, you’ll understand. She’ll need to – by then the increasing annual deficit will be readily apparent. And YLB will cheer for it, because he won’t understand that she sold out the left by doing the right thing.
Looking forward to my special dividends from Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, and the like. I’ll be a retiree.
@13 & @14
the pudwhacker – still voting for the racist KKK-affiliate who would deny the pudwhacker jobs and housing and etc. if the pudwhacker can manage to take his non-typing hand off his Teil (part/tool) long enough to cast a vote.
it’s no wonder he double and triple posts. one hand is busy jerking it, and the other hand has to do twice as much typing – easy to get confused!
OUCH! Part one
Drumof wants Coroorations to not leave this Country but then he brags that he’s got business and investments in all these other Countries. WTF?
Double posts…
The HA Filters are supposed to block this. Why is it failing? Try to double post bigbrownstain!
@18 your watching comprehension is as shit as your reading comprehension.
last bit of the debate – mr. trump you have ten seconds. Trump proceeds to ramble (without interruption) for 70 seconds. the final insult to a debate where trump got more time, was not stopped for going over time and interrupted Mrs. Clinton whenever he felt like it.
Lester had no spine, but it’s OK because as Pudwhacker has made clear he supports the assertion that “laziness is a trait in blacks.” so, if you make a black guy a debate moderator you won’t get good results, right Pudpuller?
@21 if it fucks Puffy then I might vote the guy too! Good luck Puffballs!
babbling boob @ 19 is obsessed with yours truly..
And stupid wrong of course… Continue to entertain us, babbling boob.
Hillary wins. HA trolls suck.
Former DNC chair and ’04 Democrat presidential wannabe Howard Dean, doing his Bill Shaheen impression:
Howard DeanVerified account
Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?
7:02 PM – 26 Sep 2016
So, ordinarily I’d stop here.
But since Darryl, yesterday, wondered
if I was perhaps not conducting myself according to Fair Use standards, I feel the need to press on.
You see, in 2008 #CrookedHillary very badly wanted to beat the crap out of young Barack Obama, upstart black man that he was at the time.
So she sent out a surrogate to pander to the media. And this surrogate said:
“It’ll be, ‘When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?‘” he said. “There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It’s hard to overcome.”
To sum, a 2008 #CrookedHillary surrogate implied that Barack Obama was once a drug dealer.
I appreciate Darryl giving me an excuse to point that out yet again.
Chrome kicks the loon’s butt.
Drumpf said 20 trillion in debt 4 or 4 times, as if it mattered. How can he be worried about the debt when analysts said that his plans would add more to the debt? And he didn’t dispute it.
Repukes could care less about the National Debt. They just know it gets their pansies panties in a bunch.
Cutting taxes is what created this debt problem. If there is any critism to give to Obama its that he didn’t raise taxes to cut the deficit.
@4 More like “pop” …
@18 Lester Holt gets a gold star for being able to tell the guilty and innocent apart.
Clinton and Trump are both deplorable.
@32 one of the dip shot commentators said he spent more time on birtherism than on emails,
Well maybe because they were talking about racism and black issue and how birtherism essentially was initiated by Drump out of racism and disrespect, that was the subject matter or context of the question. But obviously the dumb fucks didn’t get it.
@19 “Reducing the income tax rate on funds held offshore, on which foreign taxes have already been paid …”
Oh c’mon, doc. U.S. companies, just like individuals, get a foreign tax credit. They are not double taxed on income earned abroad.
Trump ranted about how cutting corporate taxes will get companies to invest and create jobs. But the real-life fact is that many of America’s biggest companies pay much lower effective tax rates than the 35% nominal tax rate, and some pay no federal corporate income taxes at all, but those companies aren’t investing money in job creation. They’re using the money to boost dividends and stock buybacks. The thing to do, of course, is be a stockholder instead of a worker, because stockholders like me and Boob get that money while workers sit at home waiting for their unemployment benefits to expire.
I guess we’ll know who won the debate when we see next week’s polls.
@34 But not equally so.
@324 The best slogan the GOP has is:
“Your candidate is just as bad as my candidate.”
By the way, that’s a lie.
Fox News, ’tis a flesh wound
Trump is tanking when trying to explain why he questioned Obama’s birthplace for so long.#DebateNight pic.twitter.com/WRXVShI1AC
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) September 27, 2016
Bottom line: Trump was doing pretty well for the first fifteen minutes, then Hillary went on the offensive, and Trump choked. #Debates2016
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) September 27, 2016
My personal favorite
he can only get better, obviously.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) September 27, 2016
I took 15 years to put Repuke Ex Gov of Ct into prison. The Repukes want to talk about a rigged system as if it is Hillary’s fault.
2 hours without cocaine::
@ 36
U.S. companies, just like individuals, get a foreign tax credit. They are not double taxed on income earned abroad.
Sometimes this is correct.
Usually not. Nice try, tho.
In 2018, when it’s a done deal and the special dividends flow into your pitifully small brokerage account, you’ll have a different perspective.
I want to tell all the mothers in my family and all over that them having a baby was just an experience. Nothing hard about giving birth nor raising your little dumbfuck kids.
And for s the men that think it was some hard feat of extroidinare accomplishment, all you did was stick your penis ib a vagina and rubbed a few times and was all over.
Ouch part 3
Debate watchers who told CNN Trump won.
Gennifer who?
Hmmm….Seems like our troll community knows what happened. They just disappeared after it was over.
Watching this was like watching the Patriots Vs. the Browns. You know exactly what is supposed to happen but there is always a chance the future Hall of Fame quarterback could throw five interceptions and the Browns squeak out a win. But after the game it was 45-10. Just like you knew it should be.
Waaaaahhhhhh! My MIC didn’t work! Funny, you were wearing a LAV and had a Shure 418 Podium were they both bad? It’s gotta be the shoes! Clearly there isn’t a professional audio engineer at NBC news and they did it to me on purpose! Lib’rul media!
Stop and frisk was legal! Lester Holt shouldn’t call me on basic stuff I should know about the state I’ve called home. Waaaahhhh, Lester Holt didn’t let me lie. He shouldn’t fact check, right Rudy?
Thin skinned, snarling, interrupting…
@48 Hillary wearing an earpiece in 5, 4, 3, 2 ….
More importantly, the Mariners won in extra innings…. #keepfighting
Well, the jury is in. Even Republicans think Trump got his ass handed to him last night. Probably won’t move the polls much, though. Trump’s fans have calcified brains.
@44 ” … your pitifully small brokerage account … ”
I’m doing okay. How about you? I understand you still work. I don’t.
“More importantly, the Mariners won in extra innings…”
Six games left to play. Two games out of the wildcard. Down the stretch, one of the hottest teams in the league. The M’s have certainly kept it interesting.
RIP, Arnold Palmer, the King.
Clinton camp, “Trump’s microphone was proof he was having a bad night.”
As my eight year old nephew is fond of saying, “Someone call the fire department cause you just got burned.”
@ 55
You really should try interacting more with adults, CZ. It might help you with stuff like knowing the difference between Florida and Texas.
A 68 year old woman collapses on camera and it’s just dehydration.
A 70 year old man has the sniffles on camera and he’s a coke fiend.
Got it.
There’s still just enough time for the Republican candidate to pivot toward the pity vote.
Jeb!, Kasich, Lidle Marco, Christie, Cruz, Rand, Perry, Carly, Jindal, Carson, Santorum, Walker, Huck, Graham.
The very best they have to offer.
None. Not a single one of them. In multiple at bats over many months could do what Clinton just did in the first twenty minutes.
He’s an impatient, arrogant, clown. And the very best and brightest of “conservatism” fell before his lies, his shouting, his arm waving, his diversions and his mighty penis jokes.
Their candidate will do one of two things; he will either refuse to debate her further or he will say some really stupid shit at the next debate. He clearly has spent his life in a bubble of people fawning over him, telling him how smart he is and how wonderful he is. And he believed it. Thing is, they were talking about his money.
Call Sean Hannity. Call Sean Hannity. Call Sean Hannity
It gets funnier each time you hear it.
Well the great white hope of the GOP came off sounding adolescent so it’s appropriate.
“Got it.”
Really, Doctor?
Our resident Doctor loves to post innuendo and conjecture regarding Clinton’s health, but for some reason shows no appreciation whatsoever for this becoming a two-way street.
Cocaine or Adderall?
“Why some people think Trump snorted cocaine or Adderall before Monday’s presidential debate”
So a guy who spends his life trolling, Cruz dad…Heidi Cruz, losers, halfwits, low ratings etc., on Twitter and Howard Dean should have treated him better.
How do you say, too damn funny.
What happened to the Donyld? All it has to do is just quote bullshit it reads from Breitbart and Infowars..
Oh wait it did do that, right?
Just double down on that in the next debate..
Triple down in the third.. It’ll win. It’s a cinch..
The Republican base has mixed feelings about how it all went down.
“I’m a hard core Trump supporter – and was from the very beginning – but Hillary mopped the floor with Trump tonight. She destroyed him. He was very unprepared and left a ton of opportunities to whack her on the table. I am very very disappointed – Trump should have spent hours and hours preparing for this debate and he basically just winged it.”
“I think he did pretty good as well. He has to be cautious and not slam her hard. He kept his cool and kept that interrupting niggar in his place.”
“Hillary wearing an earpiece in 5, 4, 3, 2 …”
Yup, the boys from Stormfront went there.
“Maybe this explains why Clinton sounded like she was reading from a teleprompter??”
So I see the water carriers at Fox are inflating a comment about the cost of the war and a milk toast, “if Bush is gong to attack he should do it.” in 2003 into “Trump was right. Bad Lester Holt. Just ignore that Stern thing form a year earlier. “
Watched the event for the first time this AM with the sound turned off, before reading any of the reports/spin/analysis/transcripts.
These were my comments immediately after.
Seemed boring and drawn for the first 30 min. Then the Republican nominee began to scowl, squint, gesticulate broadly, grip the podium, and hunch his shoulders. By the 40 min mark he was turning his entire body away from the audience/moderator/facing cameras, toward his opponent and shouting at her. This became more frequent and more pronounced throughout the last half hour. The Democratic nominee remained relaxed throughout. I don’t recall her raising her hands above the podium. From time to time she turned her head briefly toward her opponent to make some point or direct some comment. She moved her gaze from the audience to the moderator and back with steady regularity. Her shoulders remained relaxed. On at least two occasions that I recall, either as she was prompted to respond, or as a comment was directed at her, the Democratic nominee laughed openly and rolled her shoulders. She smiled regularly although at certain points she appeared considerably more serious holding the camera in her gaze and straightening her mouth and eyebrows. But even at these points her posture remained neutral, her hands at her side, and her shoulders relaxed. Toward the last 30 minutes this marked a very dramatic contrast with her opponent who was by that point leaning over his podium, gripping its sides with his knuckles whitening, shoulders hunched, jacket shoulders puckering, with his head forward and chin lowered to his shoulder level (Bernie?). Trump displayed the top of his head two or three times. Clinton not once. Trump seemed to wince throughout – at least a dozen times or more.
Postscript: what I interpreted to be “winces” were in fact the now famous sniffles. Visually about the same – a “weak” reaction to an “assault”. I don’t think there’s any doubt that on visuals alone this was a catastrophe for Republicans. Their candidate appeared angry first and foremost. Beyond that he appeared uncomfortable, irritated, and on at least a few occasions confused or frightened. The Democratic candidate appeared irritated and uncomfortable a few times. But overall she appeared completely relaxed (if a bit wooden) and very much at ease and in command of herself. Probably the worst night for Trump since he rode down the escalator. A very bad performance I expect to see repeated.
Trump: Well, it’s something that really has come up over the last year. And Alicia has done an incredible job. She really has turned out to be one of the great Miss Universes I will say.
Machado: Thank you.
Trump: And she had a little problem during the middle where she gained a little weight and a lot of …
Machado: I don’t think so.
Trump: Yeah. And she’s probably right.
“She was the worst we ever had,” he said. “She was the winner, and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem. We had a real problem with her.”
The real Deplorables in this whole election are the two candidates.
They are both god fucking awful.
I think my personal choice would have been Joe Biden, had he decided to run. Its a shame, because he would have won easily in the primary and general election.
One is an uppity woman with poise and accomplishments but I have commented on this blog that ladies are inferior and I hate Dempcrats and the other is God awful.
Fixed it for you.
24 hours ago Trump was your God. Now he’s God Fucking Awful.
And yet, so very little has changed.
Trump is still the unchallenged Republican nominee, winning the nomination overwhelmingly by record vote counts and proudly bearing the public endorsements of every major Republican and “conservative” political leader and elected official, openly supported and encouraged by all the major “conservative” media shops. The “God Fucking Awful” nominee devastated the most talented and well supported field of “conservative” politicians this country has ever fielded. He did it easily and he did it with other people’s money.
One is a sleazy and dishonest politician – and most people seem to agree on that, other than her most ardent supporters and sycophants. Funny how she has had a reputation as being dishonest and a liar for over 40 years….
I dont hate democrats or republicans – I just think neither party should exist. I do hate marxists though – they should all be executed – are you one?
I never said women are inferior. However, men who act like women ARE inferior – thats just a fact, and I know makes you uncomfortable.
Distant Foreplay,
Can you please post a link or something to where I thought Trump was “god”….
Thanks in advance.
They both suck…and the fact that you actually shill for one of them says a lot about you. Most of America seems to be in agreement that this is the worst election ever. But hey, you Democrats nominated someone who is actually TIED in the polls with an outlandish candidate like Trump. HEY DEMOCRATS, YOU BUILT THAT.
Biden vs Kasich would have been a more appropriate general election race…..
@71 With ya on that one. A series of debates between Biden and Kasich wouldn’t have been as…well, “exciting”, but might have left some of us with a better vision of whatever’s to come.
Remember how much the deplorables hated Obama? Remember how many terrible things they warned us would happen if he was elected? Higher gas prices, death panels, guns confiscated, economy tanking, birth certificate, blah, fucking blah hate filled garbage. All of it proven lies and fear. Something their candidate does so well. The deplorables are doing it with Secretary Clinton. How horrible she is! Yet they never give an example of the horribleness that is her. Just a lot of lies and fear. They’re being made to eat their lies about Obama and they will be made to eat their lies about Clinton, too.
I agree
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
and remember those good ole days when Obama(and Hillary) told us that our embassy in Libya was attacked because of…….wait for it……wait for it a little longer…………are you
ready………..was because of some anti-Muslim movie/video?!?!?!
Clearly it was our fault for making some racist video…..oops, then the truth came out….
funny how you all forget that one…
Look, I know this is tough for you guys. I know it’s been a long journey. But I also know it’s been journey of a thousand steps. And after all is said and done, this is just one more step. And not a very big one, really.
First you learned to love racism. And then you learned to love the military industrial complex. When all the war mongering made the world scary enough, you learned to love the surveillance state and you learned to love vast governmental expansions. And then you learned to love borrowing and borrowing and borrowing again. Along the way you learned to love all the lying so well you forgot how to recognize them anymore. You learned to love everything you say you hate, so why not Trump, too?
You’ve got this.
You’re too modest. Really.
What’s it been, forty, fifty books, and maybe a half dozen movies and television documentaries? To say nothing of the hundreds of millions spent by Judicial Watch, hundreds of millions more by various SuperPACs, and of course the hearings, after hearings, after more endless show-trial hearings. And all that really only scratches the surface. A sustained 25 year coordinated campaign in government, right foundations, and the media to “run down the poll numbers” of a elderly female “feminist” Democrat who openly consorts with corporate titans. And you’ve got exactly nuthin to show for it in terms of outcomes. The only thing “conservatives” do worse than politics is government.
@80 I don’t know why I should bother. But tens of millions have health insurance that they would never have gotten. That’s millions of lives saved. And you whine about bullshit. Sad. And the rest is just nonsense, petty to be sure, that I won’t bother to answer.
No Boob today? What did he do jump off a high bridge? Hopefully all the bridges in Seattle are low, maybe he’ll just name himself before retirement.
@74 “Funny how she has had a reputation as being dishonest and a liar for over 40 years….”
Which happens to coincide with 40 years of Republican efforts to manufacture exactly that reputation from whole cloth, not to mention also portraying her as a murderer.
By the way, most of the people who believe this “reputation” is real happen to be Republicans. They’re like dogs who shit and then eat their own shit.
Point two. Never happened. I know you think it did but it didn’t. See Rose Garden speech re: act of terror. See CIA approving language while assets were still in Benghaaaaaaaaaziiiiiii!
@82 and 85
oh geez…back to the “vast rightwing conspiracy” are we? Shit, the only conspiracy I have seen lately was the one HIllary and the DNC pulled to give ole #feelthebern the big fuck you.
and so which is it anyway? 25 years or 40 years? Roger would have us believe that there has been a coordinated effort paint Hillary in a bad light since 1976???? roflmao
Gotta love the conspiracy folks out there….Hey, did you guys hear the one about the jet fuel that melted steel beams? lol….
and watch as the whole system starts to collapse…its already happening….
@87 “oh geez…back to the ‘vast rightwing conspiracy’ are we?”
Not sure what you’re referring to, but there certainly is a huge rightwing noise machine out there, with less than absolute fidelity to truth. Liberals have think tanks and media outlets, but nothing remotely resembling the conservative propaganda factories in either scale or venality.
@86….youtube is not your friend….apparently neither is google.
still wondering if you checked into those North Precinct design requirements yet – you know, the ones forced upon the design team by SJW’s, community activists, and other feckless losers that end up driving project costs up(then have the gal to complain about costs).,…you kinda disappeared after having your hat handed to you – thought your feelings were hurt or something…
and I am sure you believe that too……
So, do we have a new troll here, or is this one of the old trolls hiding behind a new name? Doesn’t matter. It’s about time Boob and Loon got reinforcements. Their shtick was getting stale. We can use some fresh troll buttock to kick around.
I would still vote for Biden…… 10000000000000x the candidate that Hillary is…..and at least he is funny.
@91 Some of us were gifted with enough brains to distinguish reality from hoax. Some of you weren’t. Your bad luck.
@93 Admit it. You feel threatened by strong women. It’s o.k. You just never grew up.
oh my….both obama and Clinton and whitehouse spokesman Jay Carney ALL blaming a youtube video for Libya(for over a week!)….but, but, but- checksays claims it never happened?
sit the fuck down checksays….
you are correct- you ARE a dunce.
of course…the “reality” of a 40 year old conspiracy against Hillary….
1976 n stuff……
well, if anybody is an expert on conspiracies it’d be the RNC and Milo’s Butt Plugs. ChemTrails anyone? Or do you prefer the little mailbox stickers? You, your candidate, and the rest of the Fuckwad’s sock puppets routinely and so frequently regurgitate unhinged lunacy about juice boxes, hidden ear buds, and STAND DOWN!!!!! that the majority of American voters outside your fucked up event horizon have stopped paying attention. You simply can’t help yourselves. And it’s become so reactionary and so ingrained in your consciousness that you are no longer even aware of it. For example.
For the record, you are as stupid, incurious, and ignorant as your candidate. The U.S. has an embassy in Tripoli, but ironically none in BENGHAZIIIYAYIIIIII!!!!! You’d think after sloganizing it you stupid lying delusional motherfuckers could at least remember that. But of course you can’t, and really what is Aleppo anyway? And so, predictably, in your zeal to promulgate another idiotic conspiracy theory you’ve got the basic facts wrong again. The video set off rioting and violence in at least a half dozen cities with concentrations of violent extremist religious fanatics, including Benghazi. There was no STAND DOWN!!!!!! order. And nobody lied to anybody. But that certainly didn’t stop the Conspiracy Industrial Complex from exploiting the deaths of honorable public servants and rolling out a half dozen books and two or three movies filled with fictional bullshit and flag draped outrage for Big Gulp swilling fake patriot idiots like you. This is precisely the shit that got you Cheeto Jesus, you imbecile. Bullshit is his raison d’etre. He’s like a creature from science fiction that feeds off it. He’s all yours, motherfucker. Own it.
Bit of a giveaway, no?
@90 – of course these corporate behemoths are not my friend (they’re not yours either.)
also – wrong thread and it’s spelled “gall”. . .
Joe Biden:
1) Supports higher taxes on the rich and the closing of corporate tax loopholes – same as Hills..
2) staunchly supports the Affordable Care Act, called it a “big fucking deal” and would happily improve its scope and effectiveness – same as Hills.
3) supports the unshackling of women done by always wrong wing MALE shitheads (and their female fellow-travelers), i.e Biden is PRO-CHOICE – same as Hills.
4) supports the appointment of moderate Supreme Court justices. Opposes the appointment of batshit insane Federalist Society whackjobs – same as Hills.
I could go on and on..
Nice try little maxwipe – we’re well acquainted around here your fucking stupid troll mentality.
You can run from your past stupidities but you can’t hide.
But stick around .. We all had a good laugh at you putting your foot in your mouth over your ignorance of the alt-always wrong. Can’t wait for the next idiocy from you.
Trump with no debate experience held his own!
Meanwhile… http://www.fox5ny.com/news/207897684-story
Starting with Bernie Sanders, right?
Yeah the Drumpfhole just needs a little coaching on turning up the Breitbart and Infowars bullshit dial..
People will flock to that shit in droves – just like they did in 2008 and 2012.. It’s a lock..
I never said Benghazi…I said Libya.
keep trying there Distant Foreplay…someday you might get lucky.
And my post was about who the administration laid the blame on….I never posted anything about standing down or whatever else you were frothing about.
you do know how to read, right?
wow that was a lot of froth…not much under the foam though….
kinda feel cheated almost….
Hey stalker YLB, how ya been? hows the husband?
Yep – I still think Biden was the best choice this year – doesnt mean I agree with all his positions, but oh well.
thanks for the spell check there mate…
so…….your saying none of those statements were made by the administration? Is that what you are saying? oh, ok then…..
@104…….I thought he was a socialist…at least that what you members of the moocher class told the rest of us
are you saying that he lied about being a marxsist in order to fool the American public in the hopes of getting elected?? Is that what you are saying?
@96 if you watched Rachel Maddow you would have known that it wasn’t any video. Your problem.
poor Boob – I hope the seagulls haven’t gotten to him.
so I guess all those quotes from CNN(and about a hundred other sources) are lies.
and rachell madcow isnt partisan or anything…lol
You don’t actually read do you.
Undisputed fact. There was a protest in Cairo on Sept 11th in response to the movie.
Now look at what SOS Clinton said,
@88 Uh, hold on here. This is getting a little tough to follow. If you’re talking about health care, those of us who aren’t completely senile remember that was going to shit -before- the ACA. If you’re talking about the entire damn country…there have been various folks predicting our total failure at least since that little skirmish at the Concord Bridge.
And your attempted segue from Libya to the North End Cop Shop? Is this a remake of “Quantum Leap”?
“I never said Benghazi…I said Libya.”
Like I said, What is Aleppo?
Fuck Stick “Conservatives” are too stupid for words. Of course the troll said Libya.
That. Is. Entirely. The Point.
It wasn’t an embassy. And it happened in a actual real specific place with a name and everything – where millions of people live and work and try to go about their daily lives just like anybody else. Lots of decent people died there. Some of them were our fellow citizens. Human beings, even pieces of shit so wrapped up in political gamesmanship that they are willing to exploit those deaths in order to “drive down poll numbers” would at least bother to remember the name of the place and one or two other relevant details.
Deplorable doesn’t begin to describe these people.
some “soft bigotry” trolling from the maestro of “low expectations”.
I like irony.
So to checkmate and his geograpical skillz, Cairo is in Libya! Except we know from Clinton’s own email to her daughter she claimed Benghazi was a terrorist attack while claiming to the mothers of those who died in Benghazi it was a video that caused the Libyans to go attack.
Sept. 21, 2016: While speaking to reporters before a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton calls Benghazi a “terrorist attack” for the first time.
DEMS da FACTS jack!
Yes checkmate you are full of fuzzy something there!
No little maxwipe. You said he is a communist:
Bernie Sanders? Who is he? Ohhhhh, was that the grumpy old communist
Who co-wrote The Communist Manifesto?
And now “the world” knows you want Bernie Sanders DEAD…
Thanks for playing..
Find where she said Benghazzi was because of the video? Reading comprehension has proven to be hard for you.
Funny that you choose to believe only those you agree with, same meeting as your source
Does the babbling jackass still believe in that “stand down” bullshit??
Yours truly hopes so.. There’s nothing more entertaining than a dipshit troll.
“Trump with no debate experience held his own!”
LMFAO!! The batshit crazy loon fails again!
History will record that the racist, misogynist 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Putin’s stooge, was taken down by a Muslim man and a Latina. How fitting, and conclusive proof that God is a Democrat!
350-pound Republican candidate uses precious presidential debate time to fat-shame imaginary 400-pound hacker.
“Seth Meyers rips ‘superficial’ Trump’s 400-pound hacker claim: ‘He fat-shamed a dude he just made up’”