Luke Esser, the former state Republican chairman who lost his position in an upset election last month, is back in Olympia as a lobbyist – and his new client may cause a few jaws to drop at the statehouse.
Esser will represent Service Employees International Union Local 775, the union local that represents some 40,000 home-care workers.
I was wondering what would become of my former Senator after his defeat as party Chairman. I wondered because I kinda liked Luke based on the one and only time we met—when he rang my doorbell during his 2006 Senate campaign. We had a friendly conversation, even though we each stuck to our beliefs.
I just never imagined he would go all progressive on our asses! But…hey, better late than never, brother Luke!
(H/T Publicola.)
Could this be a sign that the Republicans are starting to fracture into two parties?
I wonder how many other Republicans are Democrats when they’re not paid to be Republicans?
And I wonder if we really want these mercenary Democrats in our party … ???
Everyone needs to realize that rightwing haters who talk about killing frequently kill. Tim McVeigh. Jared Loughner. Linda Lyon Block. Adolf Hitler. Frank Spisak.
Spisak was a neo-Nazi who walked on the campus of Cleveland State University in 1982 and systematically gunned down blacks because they were black. After 27 years on death row, Spisak was executed in Ohio this morning.
Spisak’s attorneys claimed Spisak was mentally ill. Of course he was. You have to be mentally ill to be a Nazi, to worship Hitler, to hate people simply because of their skin color, and to open fire on randomly selected strangers because you feel like it. You have to be mentally ill to be a rightwinger, period. They’re all mentally ill. But that’s no excuse.
Let’s not forget that talk about killing isn’t just talk. All too often, rightwing haters who talk about killing end up talking themselves into doing just that.
Employers Are Bastards Dep’t
The Seattle Times reported today on a growing trend of companies refusing to consider unemployed people for job openings. These employers advertise openings “with language such as ‘unemployed applicants will not be considered’ or ‘must be currently employed.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What a bunch of assholes. These employers deserve what they’ll get — other companies’ unhappy, underperforming, castoffs. Good employees don’t leave good jobs to work for jerks. What these jerk employers are gonna get is the barrel scrapings of the employed workforce. Serves ’em right.
Warmongers Are Liars Dep’t
“The Iraqi defector whose claims that Saddam Hussein’s government had biological weapons became part of the Bush administration’s justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq has admitted that he fabricated his story,” the Seattle Times reported this morning.
“The defector, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who was code-named ‘Curveball’ by the CIA and German intelligence officials, told the British newspaper The Guardian on Tuesday that he had concocted his tale that Iraq was hiding mobile bioweapons laboratories … in hopes that his lies would lead to the eventual overthrow of the Iraqi ruler. …
“The strange case of ‘Curveball’ has become one of the most infamous episodes in the Bush administration’s case for war. Janabi’s claim about the mobile laboratories was featured prominently in Secretary of State Colin Powell’s address to the United Nations in February 2003, when he laid out the administration’s case that Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction.
“The United States invaded Iraq in March 2003, and eventually determined that Iraq did not have any such weapons. It later became clear that the Bush administration had relied heavily on bogus information from unreliable exiles like Janabi.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, rightwingers, remember when you gullible stooges called anyone who questioned Bush’s “evidence” traitors? You motherfuckers have blood on your hands.
We need to rub news stories like this one in their faces until they’re black-and-blue.
Let’s recap. Bush and the entire Republican Party were corrupt warmongering torturers and liars who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, lined their cronies’ pockets with taxpayer money, and borrowed a trillion dollars from China to give tax cuts to their billionaire buddies. With a record like that, why would anyone vote for any Republican running for any office?
You’re un-American and unpatriotic if you vote Republican.
@1 Few things in life are as entertaining or viscerally satisfying as watching Republicans eat each other.
Excellent post. Keep up the great writing!
If SEIU trusts Luke Esser, then they are far stupider than I ever suspected.
A UW advocacy organization recently hired Fatass Chris Vance as their lobbyist.
What are these people thinking? As the old song goes, you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
You mean like Obama?
Everyone needs to realize that rightwing haters who talk about killing frequently kill. Tim McVeigh. Jared Loughner. Linda Lyon Block. Adolf Hitler. Frank Spisak.
Since Roger Dumb Bunny will have problems putting Jared Loughner in the rightwing side the rest of the post falls flat. BTW Tim McVeigh was anti-christian. Rightwinders are Christian.
EPIC FAIL of the Roger Dumb Bunny!
Puttybutt that has to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever written. You’ve written some pretty dumb stuff before but that twisted logic takes the cake.
That was not a visual I needed.
Apparently MarkS forgot what Roger Dumb Rabbit once wrote. All you need to do is prove one point wrong and the rest fo the post is BULLSHITTIUM.
I already proved what Jared Loughner like to do and it wasn’t conservative activities. Also we all knew McVeigh was anti-Christian like most leftists here.
Too bad MarkS’ liberalism is proving to be his mental disorder.
Poor p’dumbski’s really reachin’ for his bullshit now isn’t he?
Poor ol’ p’dumbski.
If dumb was a minute, Waxx would be an hour.
@13 Hey, if I wanted to knock over some pissant third-world country, I’d hire Vladimir Putin …
15 “Rightwinders are Christian.”
Frankly, putz, I don’t care for their brand of “Christianity.”
@17 You probably read more into it than is there.
@18 You’ve never proved anything. We know Loughner patronized white supremacist websites and read Mein Kampf, and those aren’t exactly progressive ideologies. You own this guy, puddy. He’s a winger like you.
Oh, and one more thing, if Loughner was a lefty then how come he didn’t shoot a REPUBLICAN congresscritter?
Puttbutt wants us to believe that a guy who hangs with white supremacists and reads Mein Kampf and shoots a Democratic congresswoman is a liberal. How quaint.
Once again Roger Dumb Rabbit proves his senility. And he forgets all those leftist qualities of Loughner. Sorry Roger Dumb Bunny but the oxygen tanks are not working again. This is similar to your rant about state pensions being “solvent” earlier this month which I destroyed with facts. Of course fools like rujax, who never research anything, take Roger Dumb Rabbit’s “gospel” as fact stay dumb as a cinder block. Remember rujax, Herman Cain owns your silly ASS!
Regarding the white supremacist angle… They claimed he never went to any meeting. Even the Politico destroyed that fallacy Roger Dumb Rabbit.
How many HA leftists claimed to have Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto on their book shelves Roger Dumb Rabbit? Goldy and checksez have them… czechsaaz spews:Hey Pud…
I have the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf in my house. I keep them proudly.
Loughner loved visiting the progressivemindinfo a well known lefty site. Got his morning orders there like ylb gets his from daily kooks.
Loughner hated the military. Just like most HA leftists here.
On July 7, 2010, Loughner posted his views that the war(s) in Iraq and Afghanistan “is a war crime from the Geneva Convention articles of 1949″. Sound like something from the Roger Dumb Rabbit archives.
Loughner was an atheist. He said “Crap on God! Talk to the toilet seat for a hour.” Maybe he was confused because discussing facts with Roger Dumb Rabbit is like talking to a toilet seat for a hour.
Loughner was a 9/11 Truther. He claimed it was an inside job. Hey Van Jones thought that too and Obama and Jarrett thought he was a great leader for Green Jobs. These are another two qualities on display front and center by HA leftists. Remember stonecold headless displayed 9/11 Truther qualities on this blog. Ask ylb to search for you Roger Dumb Rabbit.
One of Loughner’s friends said he shot Giffords was to promote “chaos”. That’s exactly what leftists do when they break windows at WTO and set cars and houses on fire in Street of Dreams homes; promote chaos.
Then Loughner sounds like a leftist here.
See how many leftist qualities Loughner had Roger Dumb Rabbit? No? Well early onset senility is tough to “swallow”.
BTW Roger Dumb Rabbit,
Loughner was stalking Giffords since 2007. She was “NOT liberal enough” for his tastes. And… he killed a Republican FEDERAL JUDGE. All this has been vetted Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Early onset senility is tough to “swallow” right Roger Dumb Rabbit? Seek help immediately!
@19 There’s really no point in conversing with a psychotic.
@26: It’s okay. He’s convinced that Senate Republicans dance to Nancy Pelosi’s tune, so he’s not exactly a credible fellow.
ButtPutty admits to being a Communist Nazi goat fucker:
Way to go ButtPutty…
ButtPutty had to buy a new copy of the Communist Manifesto. He left it on a table and I ate it. It was very tasty.
Why didn’t Puddybud talk about Bobby Mac tool Esser and SEIU?
Esser must not watch too much Beck.
Wow that Ekim is one stupid moron…
Nuff said sucka.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Ekim’ is up a goat’s ASS!
And why doesn’t ylb discuss how how stupid he is everyday?
I don’t do your bidding fool!