Why Unions matter more than ever.
Roy ZImmerman: The Problem With Democrats:
Bill Maher’s New Rule: GOP must admit George W. Bush exists .
The making of Labor Day.
The redevelopment of Yesler Terrace.
Chair Talk:
- The Million Dollar Chair.
- Jon celebrates Clint Eastwood’s ‘Fistful Of Awesome’ speech
- The old man from Gran Torino crashes the RNC.
- Bill Maher defends Clint Eastwood.
- Clint Eastwood’s Comedy Central Chair Roast.
Bashir: Is Paul Ryan the fastest ‘Kenyan’ candidate ever???
Happy LABOR DAY, everybody!!
In celebration of the people – men, women, and too often, children – who built this country.
Absolutely WONDERFUL and moving Labor Day diary over at ‘kos.
Well worth the read – and the listen – lots of music. Very moving.
Meant to post this here:
Crazy Never Sleeps.
Very, very funny. George W. Who?
Apropos LABOR DAY, and Cereal Bob being habitually wrong and mean-spirited, Harold Meyerson skewers bub’s argument that American workers do not possess the skills to be gainfully emplyed and fairly paid.
Read the whole thing.
It’s the union, stupid.
My garbage man just stopped and got our trash. So much for laborers having the day off.
Obama was right, they didn’t build “that.” Everything a business owner has came from his employees and customers. You can’t succeed in business without them.
“In 1968, France was a dangerous place to be for a 21-year-old American, but Mitt Romney was right in the middle of it.” — Gloria Berger
This needs no words, and there are none, so let’s use a photo instead. Spoiler Alert: Mitt Romney is not in this picture; neither is France.
Let’s be clear about why we’re stuck with 8.3% unemployment and 2% growth: Consumers have no money because anti-union and pro-banker Republicans took it from them.
But at least GDP is growing and companies are hiring (albeit slowly); that’s a reversal from when Obama took office.
I’m sure the guys in that photo were ecstatic that Mitt was back home at Stanford leading protests supporting their being in Viet Nam.
Unions. Civil Rights. Justice.
@9 I’m not in that photo, either, but I’ve been in that place. Two years after the Tet battles, I regularly passed through Hue while riding as a “shotgun” guard on supply trucks (I literally carried a shotgun), and our route on Highway 1 took us right past the Hue Cathedral, Citadel, and across the bridge spanning the Perfume River. We drove through street intersections that saw some of the war’s heaviest fighting. My unit fought in this place. I have many photographs from there, including close-ups of the Citadel flagpole and a Shell gas station riddled with bullet and shrapnel holes. All along the riverbank were bombed-out buildings were Marines fought house-to-house battles.
From the get-go, nobody wanted to talk about Vietnam. To most Americans, it’s a lost war, a fruitless endeavor, to be swept under the rug. To my generation, it’s a mistake that took the lives of 58,000 of our contemporaries.
Some people describe the WW2 generation as “the greatest generation,” but I can’t think of them that way; with all due regard for what they did in their war, they’re the people who sent my generation to Vietnam then turned their backs on us when we came home, and that wasn’t great.
I think, though, that if you want to blame Vietnam on someone, you should blame Stalin and Mao. Their murderous regimes terrified the world and fear of communism continues to echo through our politics today. Our fathers made us fight in Vietnam to stop communism from spreading. It’s easier to understand why they did if you remember LBJ committed America to the war only a couple years after the Berlin Wall went up and the Soviets tried to emplace nuclear missiles in Cuba. Vietnam wasn’t about oil or colonial ambition; it was seen by our leaders and the American public through a lens of our nation’s survival. Whether a misjudgment or not, it is understandable from that perspective.
And I’m not so sure the war was “lost.” It was in the conventional sense, because we left and the communists took over (and still control) Vietnam. But Southeast Asia was the high water mark of communist advance; communism advanced no farther. The leaders of the main communist regimes, USSR and PRC, already cautious men, saw we would fight and had no taste for military confrontation with the United States after Vietnam.
Twenty years later, the Soviet Union collapsed from its own internal stresses (not because of Ronald Reagan). The communists still control China, but preside over an increasingly capitalist economy.
Vietnam continues to echo through our politics in another way: It feeds the militarism of America’s right wingers. John Kerry was “swiftboated” in the name of Vietnam veterans, even though he himself is a Vietnam veteran; and, even as I write these words, the vicious elements of the right are gearing up to “swiftboat” Obama in an effort to neutralize his success in killing Osama bin Laden, although I don’t think voters will be so gullible or so easily taken in by “swiftboat” tactics this time.
But let me just say this about rightwingers who try to exploit our military people and our Vietnam veterans for political gain. First, we all now know that nearly every prominent Republican politician and media figure in the country was a cowardly draft dodger back in Vietnam days; you have to really work at finding one that’s a veteran. And we also know that not a few of them have lied shamefully about their military service — either they embellished it or outright lied about serving when they didn’t. Second, we all now know that rightwingers have no loyalty to our genuine veterans. John Kerry, Max Cleland, Al Gore, Tammy Baldwin, among others, are all veterans and rightwingers savaged them anyway. Rightwingers have demonstrated they have no respect for our veterans; they simply use them to peddle their ideology, and discard or attack those who can’t or won’t be used in that way.
And, as we learned in 2004, Republicans are not above suppressing the votes of soldiers serving in overseas war zones, when those soldiers are black and thought likely to vote for Democrats — even as they bleat about “counting the military votes.”
This year, Veterans Day comes five days after Election Day. Before you cast a vote for any Republican, ask yourself whether you’re really honoring our veterans by doing that, because maybe you’d be doing our veterans a disservice.
@13 A knuckle sandwich will show them he’s not a boy. Then they can boast to all their friends that they got their asses kicked by a senior citizen.
Ho Chi Minh tried to approach Truman and the Allies after WWII to get them to keep their promises about freeing colonies.
He, and they, didn’t, and Viet Nam went back to being French Indochina, for a time.
If we had only lived up to our principles, our stated principles, that is.
@ 14
“I think, though, that if you want to blame Vietnam on someone, you should blame Stalin and Mao.”
Why not blame JFK and LBJ?
After all, people around here are so willing to blame Iraq, and with increasing frequency Afghanistan, on GWB43.
As long as we’re hanging war blame on presidents, shouldn’t we be consistent about it?
Or, for another type of consistency, couldn’t we blame Iraq on Saddam and Afghanistan on OBL?
Ah, but consistency is not in RR’s repertoire. He’s a self-described propagandist. Consistency would deprive him of so many memes.
@14 Two thumbs up for combat veterans and a hell of a good rant Roger Rabbit! Now we have a new generation of Veteran taking a stand. Here is a bright young face from Hawaii who will be going to Washington to represent the people. http://votetulsi.com/news/2012.....n-congress
So… Hey! I guess the country was lit on fire with that “We built this!” right wing bullshit.
Yes?? No??
@ 4
revenue per worker increased from $378,000 in 2007 to $420,000 in 2010. The problem is that workers get none of that increase.
That’s 11% over three years. Not a huge gain.
Additionally, I’d wonder about the accuracy of your numbers. Your quote covers revenue per worker. Your link references a WSJ piece. Go to the WSJ piece and you find that the dollar amounts refer to revenue for every employee on their payrolls. So, that revenue is partly generated by workers NOT on their payrolls but employed by someone else, presumably someone not also in the S&P. Sure enough, job growth was 5.1% over that period
although most of the jobs were added overseas.
Further, when you go to that same link (preceding paragraph) you find that companies increased their capital spending by 16.3%, which is nearly equal to their revenue increase of 17.1%.
Let’s summarize, shall we?
Companies bought more shit, keeping employees of other companies employed, employed more people at the end of the period than they did at the start of the period, and increased their revenues by a percent barely exceeding their increase in capital spending.
Yeah, let’s beat the shit out of them.
@17 Why do you think people are failing to buy what Mitt is selling this year? Why are the odds after the RNC Convention getting longer?
@ 6
Looks like garbage haulers in your area
might have bargained away Labor Day in exchange for other things, long ago.
What do you think your haulers earned today? Triple time? Double time?
Evangelical Christian Chuck Colson on Ayn Rand’s fantasy bullshit:
Interspersed with the speeches of pathological liar Paul Ryan.
@20 If people think Mitt is McCain -11% is that part of the reason Mitt’s Convention Ball bounce went flat?
@ 24
Obama needs independents, doesn’t he?
The most important sector of voters to persuade, however, are the independents, and they are evenly split on their response to Romney’s acceptance speech. Thirty-six percent said they are more likely to back him while 33 percent said they are less likely. Another 30 percent said they are unsure or their view did not change.
Looks like he’ll have to earn them himself. Oh, and he’s been under water with them for about the past month or so:
Good news, though!
Bill’s got Obama’s back. Unfortunately, Bill also has a knife
aimed at it. No wonder Dems are nervous
about what Bill might say. After all, Hillary’s got a better chance after four years of Mitt Romney than she does after eight years of Obama fatigue.
Yes, Greg. I’m laughing at you. Out loud.
@22 Here is a great example of a new generation of veterans standing tall as profiles of courage.
Tulsi Gabbard will be representing Hawaii in the US House of Representatives.
Only 4 EVs, but they might turn out to be important ones.
The hope is faded, here in New Hampshire and throughout the country. The reality is setting in: This President just can’t get it done. It’s time for a President who can, who will roll up his sleeves and work until he gets results instead of one who expects to move mountains with his speeches and then blames others when his words fail.
Interesting that they didn’t wait for the Obamathon to conclude before telling their readership he’s unaccountable and incompetent.
At least a couple of people at the WaPo, now, willing to hammer Obama on performance deficits.
Even some economists highly supportive of Obama’s policies concede that the health plan was poorly timed. “It distracted us from the economy,” says Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics. The same mistake occurred for trade, labor and environmental policy. The president subordinated job creation to other goals, says economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, adviser to John McCain in 2008. “When economic growth is so important,” he argues, “you have to be ruthless in focusing on it. You have to err on the side of growth, and they haven’t done that.” A similar critique applies to Obama’s recurring anti-business rhetoric. Though politically expedient, it cannot have helped job creation.
There are probably at least a couple of reasons why we didn’t see pieces like this four years ago.
This time, Obama’s got a record. One that’s rather hard to hide.
Are you better off than you were four years ago? If you didn’t live in Seattle, how might you be answering?
For me this is one environmental fight we can’t lose:
Shit I gotta believe even right wingers can join in this fight because even right wingers are commercial or sport fishermen.
Fuck greed! Leave this national treasure of an ecosystem ALONE!
@25 Let us try this one more time? Where is the bounce?
@ 28
Apparently AP asked the four-years-ago question:
In the most recent Associated Press-GfK poll, 28 percent said they were better off than four years ago, while 36 percent said they were worse off and 36 percent said they were in about the same financial position.
HAers, it’s time to be really, REALLY nervous when Joe Biden channels Rujax:
Vice President Joe Biden seconded the broader better-off message at a Labor Day rally in Detroit and put the blame for the country’s economic woes squarely on the Republicans, declaring “America is better off today than they left us when they left.”
Then he struck up a familiar chant: “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.”
I suppose it could be worse. Dems could be in such panic that they start to go Godwin on the Romney/Ryan ticket.
Oh, wait:
Bob supports two pathological liars for the White House.. So what’s new?
@ 30
Kinda looks like a bounce to me (general election graph):
Also looks like Obama’s support plummeted at the same time.
Ah, but what do I know? I don’t wear rose-colored glasses.
I’m betting I know what the RNC/Romney ads will be about this coming weekend:
The unemployment rate for August will be released on Friday, September 7, 2012.
U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Press Release
U.S. unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, is 8.3% in mid-August, compared with 8.2% at the end of July. Gallup’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is also 8.3%, up from 8.0% at the end of July.
It might interfere somewhat with Obama’s message on the Sunday talk shows. How unfortunate.
My dad fished in Bristol Bay when I was a kid, amazing place. He also fished in Kodiak, which he said was ruined by booze and the oil industry. I’d hate see another place get ruined.
And fuck, what do you need more gold or food?
Obama, Sexy and I know it
Cause it can’t all be SerCon spreading FUD.
Hey! Here’s a documentary on cell tower deaths:
LMAO!! There’s an interview with OSHA after-incident investigator.. Investigating a “splat”.
Bob’ll love it when his beloved Dullard and his lackeys in Congress eliminates that “gubmint job destroyer”‘s job..
So far it’s looking like a 0-2% bounce. Which on the one had is kinda pathetic, but on the other hand this is a very inelastic race and the viewership for the conventions has been going down for quite a while so it’s not real surprising.
@35 Duh… Gold.
With gold you can buy food.
@ 38
I’m OK with a zero bounce.
The money will be there in the Fall for the GOP, and there likely won’t be an economic bounce, because the markets will be sitting on their wallets until November 6th.
Obama and the Dems will blame it on GOP intransigence and ‘rooting for failure’, etc., but the bottom line is that there is around an 8% swing in taxation depending on the election result. Why deploy capital until the direction of that swing is known with certainty?
We’re in a long-term economic contraction that was 40-50 years in the making. Neither party could do much to fix it even if they tried, which they’re not. I’m constantly surprised that things like unemployment aren’t worse than they are.
We’ll start to pull out of this in a couple of years and when we do you’ll see a lot more people living inside of city limits, a lot fewer people driving cars on a daily basis, and a lot more local, small scale agriculture.
@ 39
Used to be that with corn you could make food. Now with corn you can make ethanol AND drive up food prices.
Can somebody please tell me whythefuck we’re still making ethanol with corn?
@ 41
We’ll start to pull out of this in a couple of years
I’d like to see that on a bumper sticker.
35 – The mineral wealth is HUGE..
I predict the Pebble Mine will be the new “drilling in ANWR” for the right wing.. (Whatever happened to that?)
Price of copper too high? Dig, baby, dig – the Pebble mine!
Job growth still too slow? Dig, baby, dig! Pebble Mine means jobs for 100 years!
Greedy people and bought off politicos’.
All the fertilizer they use to grow that corn kills off a lot of fish all the way from Iowa to the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
We shouldn’t.. Wow I just agreed with Bob!
We shouldn’t be making corn. Corn products just makes anyone who consumes them morbidly obese.
We shouldn’t be making corn. Corn products just makes anyone who consumes them morbidly obese.
Dude. Get off your ass. Go outside. Burn a few calories.
Just because a tortilla tastes good after cut into triangles and fried in oil doesn’t mean that’s what you have to do with it.
Somehow we managed to grow a lot of corn a hundred years ago without people getting fat.
“Congressman Ryan, if it wasn’t so hot under these stage lights and if I didn’t feel my hair plugs tightening up because of it, I’d tell you why I think we’re better off now than we were four years ago.”
Are ya feelin’ it?
a very typically progressive “blame america” stance – lib sci doesnt disappoint.
Have I mentioned that at this point I’m hoping sequestration happens?
The drop in support among younger voters is most conspicuous.
Remember, HAers, in 2008 Obama won the youth vote 66/32. A falloff in this demographic will be fatal to his chances, if broad-based.
hard for YLBarrio to get off his lazy ass and go outside when he is busy surfing kook sites all….day…..long…..
@ 49
a very typically progressive “blame america” stance – lib sci doesnt disappoint.
Sad but true.
The US played a leading role in rebuilding Europe post-WWII, and Stalin killed millions in Eastern Europe. Who’s the bad guy? Why, to Lib Despair, WE are, since we didn’t de-colonize fast enough to suit the communists.
@ 47 @ 52
Actually, after I posted that I recalled a street-market meal I had Sayulita about a decade ago. The woman cut a corn tortilla into eighths, fried the pieces, and while they were cooking she hollowed out an avocado half and mashed tomato and onion into it for fresh guacamole to go with the chips.
It cost one US dollar. We tipped heavily and ate from her stand every day we were there.
You don’t HAVE to fry a corn tortilla. I can’t name a better use for them right now.
Scroll down a bit on this RealClear Electoral College Map. You will see a list of Toss-up and Leans states showing where they were in 2000, 2004 and most importantly in 2008 and Today.
Obama has lost significant ground. Period.
I’ve never met one person who says “I voted for McCain in 2008 but Obama has done such a wonderful job, I’m voting for Obama now”.
Not one.
Many however, who voted for Obama last time and will openly tell you it was
Obama must explain why this is good
And why it is good that gas prices have doubled since Obama took office.
Obama can deflect to Bain and other sideshows all he wants, but people want to know about gas prices, food prices and jobs.
@ 57
Imagine gas prices after Israel hits Iran in October.
We’re already turning our back on Israel. Ynet, today:
No wonder Bibi hates Obama’s guts.
The Politics Of The Empty Chair
This journalist says Clint Eastwood’s skit is a perfect metaphor for what civic discussion in the U.S.A. has dissolved into.
@57 See #58.
I think we’re seeing “the youth vote” turn away from both national parties and politics as they have been practiced for the last umpteen years. They’re going to do their own thing and we’ll all be better off for it.
@56 What’s the goddam problem? My oil stocks are doing fine! Are you a fucking communist who wants price controls?
@55 Say whatever you want, Obama needs 270 electoral votes, and the RealClearPolitics map says he’s got ’em.
@60 The youth vote has been disgusted with both major parties all my life and we’ve still got the same parties.
@56 The Hedge Fund Vultures @ The Gas Pump! The Hedge Fund Bulls do the jack the price dance again! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....ecord.html
Come November I’m not so sure that the Republicans will still be around in the way they’ve been around.
Things change over time. People do things differently over time. We’ve tried to keep everything the same for the last 40 years and that hasn’t worked out so well. Things will be changing over the next 10-20 years, they’ll be changing a lot, and that change will be lead by the under 30 set.
What GOP Convention Security Cost Taxpayers
Tampa spent $50 million and 500 protestors showed up. That works out to $100,000 per protestor. It used to be your money.
@65 Several things that will change, if the weather doesn’t, is there will be less food, higher food prices, and more unrest in poor countries.
This year drought gripped 80% of America’s agricultural zone. That means higher grain prices across the globe next year.
“Hungry people are angry people,” and angry people overthrow governments.
Gallup: Romney Bombed
Voters rating nominee’s speech as excellent or good:
Obama 2008: 58%
McCain 2008: 47%
Romney 2012: 38%
“Gallup says that Romney’s speech rated lower than any of the eight convention addresses they’ve tested since Bob Dole’s acceptance speech at the 1996 GOP convention.”
@49, 53
Not surprisingly, you’re both historical illiterates.
See here.
Yes, we NEVER do anything wrong. *rolls eyes*
See here also.
From the US DOD history, AKA the Pentagon Papers:
More Zinn:
From the Atlantic Charter, which guided the western Allies politically, signed in 1941:
The Vietnam war could have been avoided entirely.
There can be no rational, critical, honest examination of US foreign policy without rightard nitwits like these two illiterates bleating, “You’re blaming AMERICAAAAA!!!!!”
The US wields tremendous power, and it is our moral responsibility to do it wisely and to examine our mistakes.
Yet another example of right-wing idiots demanding an abandonment of both morality and intelligence.
@17 The difference is Stalin’s and Mao’s genocides were real and Saddam’s WMDs weren’t.
Chimp’s Iraq war was one of two things. Either a stupid mistake by a moron of a president, or a manufactured war. The stated reason for the war didn’t exist, which has to make you wonder whether he had another reason that we weren’t told.
There’s also this: Polls showed that three-fourths of the American public believed Saddam perpetrated 9/11. That couldn’t have happened unless someone lied to them.
I think that could happen. Netanyahu is without scruple or moral. Adelson wants it to happen.
I think they believe it’s going to be an “October Surprise”
I have a hard time imagining, however, the eruption of a major Mideast war driving people…to vote for Mittens.
Yeah, I saw that too, “…blame Iraq on Saddam”
Sometimes cereal’s stupidity is just too caustic to engage.
@67 Here is Paul Ryan at the Labor Day Parade in Janesville 2011. The 30 and under crowd looking for work did not get a warm welcome from the Ryan’s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD0lh1Zj81I
@28 “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
The more relevant question is how much worse off would we be if Republicans had won in 2008?
Oh my…
All this crying over Bain Capital and look at the organizations trusting Bain with their funds.
– Purdue University ($15.9 million).
– University of California ($225.7 million).
– University of Michigan ($130 million).
– University of Virginia ($20 million).
– University of Washington ($33 million).
Oh noes… Imagine if DUMMOCRAPTS have their way they are shooting their own institutions in the wallet. Go DUMMOCRAPTS!
61. Roger Rabbit spews:
Nope, I want more domestic supplies plus that pipeline out of Canada and a couple more refineries. That equation equals $2 gas.
It’s called supply & demand.
It’s called energy independence.
It’s called common sense.
Obama is appeasing a small group of loud enviro’s to the detriment of all of us.
Man look at all those left wrong kook sites HA libtards link to.
Free for all!
lib sci is now a confirmed Ho Chi Minh fan.
whats next lib sci? you gonna tell us Uncle Joe Stalin wasnt such a bad guy?
What people are talking about is no incumbent president has ever been re-elected with 8.3% unemployment.
What nobody talks about is Romney is from George W. Bush’s party.
The question is which of these candidates has a heavier anchor chain around his neck.
funny that in lib sci’s Vietnam “history lesson”, he never once mentions the French.
be a proud seattle progressive: always blame america…and keep those blacks in the CD or Renton and Kent.
Yawwwwnn.. A LOT LESS acres of corn. And we fed cows on pasture grasses back then which was way healthier.
Did we make high fructose corn syrup one hundred years ago? It’s a freaking poison. Anyone who’s addicted to drinking that crap in soda pop is on a fast track to obesity.
Conjugated linoleic acids? Omega 3 fatty acids? Beef has plenty of it, just as much as sockeye salmon, when you feed cattle what they were evolved to consume – grass!
Exhibit 6000 something.. Racism from the dumbass in chief of these comment threads,
the asshat troll, “little maxee”..
someone’s vagina is aching again..
take some midol, YLBasement.
There’s plenty about France in the links – I didn’t want to violate fair use levels of excerpting, twit.
However, we were talking about how the US got engaged in Vietnam, and the excerpt, and links, are germane to that.
Like I said, you must be illiterate.
You want more pipelines, more supply, and more refineries for a product which the use of has been flat since the late 80’s and in decline since about 2003.
Good luck with that.
Forgot the link:
@76 “Nope, I want more domestic supplies plus that pipeline out of Canada and a couple more refineries. That equation equals $2 gas.”
Hahahahaha!!! You sure don’t know much abou energy markets!!! Let me explain the facts of life to you.
1) Domestic drillers do not want lower prices. Trust me, they’re not trying to increase supplies to force prices lower so you can buy cheaper gas!
2) Drillers are shutting down gas rigs and capping gas wells because gas is cheap, and shifting to producing oil because — guess why — oil is climbing back to $100/bbl.
3) The last time we had $2 gas, oil was $31/bbl., and producers will shut down production long before oil reaches that price again because shale oil, Canadian sands oil, deepwater oil, and Arctic oil all cost more than that to produce.
4) Oil companies want fewer, not more, refineries. They’ve been systematically shutting down their older, smaller, less efficient refineries. But domestic refinery capacity has grown because they’re expanding capacity at their mega-refineries.
5) The U.S. does not have a shortage of refinery capacity. We’re exporting gasoline and jet fuel. In fact, refined petroleum products have replaced Boeing airplanes are America’s #1 export in dollars.
6) The Keystone Pipeline will raise gasoline prices in the Midwest.
7) The way to get $2 gasoline is not to drill more wells, build more refineries, or complete the pipeline — none of those things will bring back $2 gas. The way to get $2 gas is the same way we got $2 gas in 2009 — you do it by having a really bad recession with double-digit unemployment and economy-wide price deflation.
I remember CLEARLY Rush Limbaugh pointing the finger at Saddam Hussein for 9/11 – the very week the towers went down.
Clinton caught hell from the right wing for his Iraq policy and the right wing Clinton-haters in the Congress were only too eager to listen and repeat the bullshit from the neo-cons..
People had been conditioned for years for just that fiction.. All they needed was a trauma like 9/11 to have a mass hallucination about the scary swarthy guy with a mustache shooting his pistol in the air.
@85, 86, 87
Thank you RR and Michael.
I was going to respond as well, but the stupid, it was just overwhelming.
I can’t tell – is it some sort of performance art?
I must be getting old.
nice try, lib sci – but you already played your hand for all to see.
keep pumping out that blame america meme….
Shh… Don’t tell him that China’s already bought up a big chunk of that tar sands production…
Another reason gas hit $2 in 2009 is because we had a much more energy-efficient economy by then, in part because of vehicle fuel-economy standards pushed by Democrats, opposed by Republicans, and mocked by trolls like you.
Here’s what a rational energy policy looks like:
“In fact, it’s not the price of gas the President should focus on — it’s
the effect high gas prices can have on the economy. A more energy-efficient economy — from gas mileage on up — is naturally more resilient to high energy prices. That’s one area the President can help shape — and it’s an area President Obama has found quiet success.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s another way our troll friends can,
in effect, get $2 gas: Replace those gas guzzlers they brag about owning with a vehicle that gets twice the mpg; and like magic, their fuel bill will be half as much.
Your 4’11” mom who violently paddled your ass as a youngster raises her ugly head every time you say something like that..
A boundless rage against women. So ugly it colors your hate practically every time you give it expression..
You really need this place to vent your rage.
Too pathetic. Too sad.
YLB been smoking the funny weed again….
Neither does the US guvmint. They get 18.4 cents per gallon of gas and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel. So Obummer wants higher gas prices too to pay for Obummer’s profligate spending…
The rest of the SENILE Wabbit’s farts just smells.
TEH Stoooooooooooopid… it burns!
Like you pointed out, the government takes a set fee, not a %. Lower prices would increase gasoline use and increase the amount of money the government gets.
Some of us “war on cars” lefties want to change that set fee to a %.
Here is the last 5 years average gas prices from GasBuddy. Gas been climbing ever since Obummer implemented his wonderful “energy policy”.
And… da middle class has been getting screwed ever since January 20, 2009.
TEH Stooooooooooooopid… it burns! Lib da schmuck… He’s On FIRE!
94 – I don’t do drugs or alcohol asshat.. Haven’t touched weed for over 20 years. I value a clear head.
You tying one on right now? Alcohol is obviously your drug of choice.. You couldn’t manage the pain of your meaningless existence without it.
@89 No, morons like the troll @76 actually believe the shit they spew.
And I’d like to add a special note of thanks to the morons still driving gas guzzlers — my Chevron stock is up 60% since I bought it in February 2010.
As for me, I own a 12-year-old Taurus with 33k miles, and pay about $35 a month for gas by going 6 weeks between fillups. My dividend income from oil stocks is more than that, so I come out ahead on higher oil prices. I cheer and raise a glass every time oil goes up another $10/bbl.
Last I looked the tax doesn’t vary by the what the refiner charges to the retailer…
The stupid burns strongly in this moron indeed.
Naaah… Mi amigo pendejo nació loco, de día uno!!!
Apparently you didn’t look very well idiot. That’s a flat tax on every $ charged at the pump. At $4/gallon Obummer and Tax Cheat Geithner get 73.6 cents. Even Michael got it. Well Michael is stratospherically smarter than the buttspigot!
TEH Stooooooooooopid is very strong in this one!
@97 Because the economy has been getting better, stupid. Do you want the economy to go down instead of up? You must because you vote for Republicans.
101 – LMAO!! The other bigot, the cabron himself chimes in ..
He’s the one who’d LOVE to see HL call his ancestors from “Europe”,
he’d celebrate it!
@102 “That’s a flax tax on every $ charged at the pump.”
Where the hell do you get that from? Federal and state fuel taxes are both fixed amounts per gallon. The pump price has nothing to do with how much the tax is.
As Romney said he wanted Obummer to succeed then all of America succeeds. Except unemployment is still at record levels and the middle class isn’t succeeding. And with the new ObummerCare tax (approved by the SCOTUS) coming next year… more middle class misery!
THE Stooooooooooopid… It Burns!
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (4.86 ¢/L) and 24.4 cents per gallon (6.45 ¢/L) for diesel fuel.
The federal fuel tax is 18.4 cents per gallon (24.4 cents on diesel) — 73.6 cents — and hasn’t been raised since 1993.
Consequently, the Highway Trust Fund doesn’t have enough money to maintain the highways and bridges we have, much less expand the federal highway system’s traffic capacity.
In Washington, the gas tax at the pump is 74.3 cents, but 55.9 cents of that goes to the state.
You all forget the total price of tax paid each $ rise in price. The government makes approximately $0.75 for $4 because those figures don’t account for income taxes that the companies pay on their profits. And who ultimately pays for those taxes… the consumer!
Ooooohhh someone forgot about that. The flat tax paid at the pump is the fed excise + tax on oil profits. ylbuttspigot, research Puddy’s breakdown for GBS. Then look up the taxes paid just by Exxon-Mobil. You can do that right? BTW Exxon-Mobil makes approximately 9 cents after-tax profit. That’s less than the middle man makes on a gallon of milk.
Refiner margins are chronically thin probably more so in times of higher prices.
Oil producer margins are out of sight because of tax breaks in this country and much of their profits are booked overseas.
Look how desperate this moron is.
I think YLBarrio just came…hope you didnt spill the bong.
India? You Desperate ylbuttspigot?
I miss being like that. Right now I have to do a lot of driving. I’m filling up my 14 gallon tank about every 10 days or so. The cost isn’t much of an issue, but spending that much time behind the wheel is just extremely lame.
@106 “Except unemployment is still at record levels”
No it’s not. It’s at uncomfortable levels but nowhere near record levels. Let’s review:
Under GOP Pres. Hoover in 1932: 23.7%
Under GOP Pres. Ford in 1975: 9.0%
Under GOP Pres. Reagan in 1982: 10.8%
Under GOP Pres. Reagan in 1983: 10.4%
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Plus, GOP Pres. George W. Bush’s depression peaked at 10.0% in mid-2009, and in 2012 the U-3 rate has been below 8.5% all year for the first time since 2009. So there’s no question things are getting better under President Obama’s economic policies.
For how long SENILE Wabbit? 43 months under Obummer Roger SENILE Wabbit. The promise was never above 8%.
Needs repeating…
Naaah… Mi amigo pendejo nació loco, de día uno!!!
Gotta go work time!
111 – Better link:
Projecting… Stroking your short arm, your pop gun, you other possessions, fantasizing about vaginas, your silly fears of “pussification” – that’s your style asshat..
The style of a total moron.
The unemployment rate doesn’t matter to me personally because I don’t need a job, want a job, or have a job. Here are numbers I care about:
January 20, 2001
DJIA: 10,587.59
S&P 500: 1342.54
January 20, 2009
DJIA: 7,949.09
S&P 500: 805.22
August 31, 2012
DJIA: 13,090.84
S&P 500: 1406.58
I’m doing fine, thank you.
Roger, facts can’t penetrate these dense right wing skulls.
Factoid: Since January 2010, job seekers age 55 and up have accounted for 70 percent of all employment gains in the US.
Vita Needle Co. of Needham, Massachusetts, has 48 employees. The average age of their employees is 73. Their oldest worker, Rosa Finnegan, is 100.
Happy Labor Day, Vita Needle Co. employees! And may you all enjoy many more!
@122 I’m not writing for them. I’m saving the innocent readers who might otherwise be conned by the horseshit they post.
8.5% unemployment is “uncomfortable”?
@110 Putz now takes stupidity to a whole new (lower) level.
Income taxes on refiners’ profits have zero effect on pump prices.
Let me repeat that:
Income taxes on refiners’ profits have zero effect on pump prices.
Here’s why. The wholesale price a refiner gets for its products are set by the market based on supply and demand — at the point where the demand graph line crosses the supply graph line. Let’s illustrate how this works with a hypothetical. Let’s say the forces of supply and demand set the wholesale price of a gallon of gasoline at $4.00. Let’s also say the refiner pays income taxes of 75 cents when it sells gasoline for $4.00. (This seems unlikely, as the refiner’s profit margin would have to be 115% for a 35% corporate tax rate to result in 75 cents of tax on a $4.00 sale, but I’m using puddy’s numbers.) The refiner doesn’t add 75 cents to $4.00 and get $4.75 for a gallon of gasoline, because nobody would buy it. He still sells his gasoline for $4.00 a gallon, and the 75 cents comes out of the $4.00. Thus, there is no pass-through of the refiner’s income taxes to the retailer who buys the refiner’s gasoline.
If there is, then every economics textbook written in the last 100 years is wrong, and every Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics ever awarded should be revoked because every economist on the planet is wrong about how supply-and-demand works.
More likely it’s puddy who’s wrong. Ya think?
@126 You’re not restricted from putting adjectives in front of it. But that won’t change the fact Obama didn’t cause this recession. Thirty years of Republican policies did.
@118 I’m sorry you must work on Labor Day. My condolences. I’ll be thinking of you when the stock market opens tomorrow.
But no, we can’t help American college students with their debt, that would be socialism…
Fuck Egypt, help Americans out.
@130 Debt is a fascinating and widely misunderstood topic. Republicans believe all debts must be repaid no matter what. (Except when they owe them, but that’s another story.) This is nonsense. Lenders price a certain default rate into what they charge for loans. Bank regulators also assume a certain default rate will occur in bank lending. Thus, the system already assumes some loans won’t be repaid, just as an insurance company assumes that some of the premiums it collects will be paid out in claims.
The function of debt writeoffs and bankruptcy discharges is to rid the financial system of debts that won’t be paid anyway so they don’t drag down the economy. For example, if a bank is forced to carry uncollectible bad debts on its books, it has to meet higher reserve requirements which reduces the amount of money it has available to lend.
Here’s another example of how debt hinders economic growth. Right now, many workers who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth can’t sell their homes and relocate to where jobs. They’re stuck where they are. Consequently, they can’t get work and employers can’t get workers.
Bankruptcy wasn’t invented for the benefit of debtors and isn’t meant to be largesse for debtors. Its purpose is to free the economy from the drag of debts that circumstances have already determined won’t be repaid. It’s like scraping old paint off siding so you can put on new paint.
Student debt is a bit more nuanced. The argument is even if these students can’t get jobs right now, they’ll eventually earn income and have the ability to pay their student loans. What this overlooks is the effect their debts have on the economy right now. Large numbers of twenty and thirty somethings are living with their parents. That means their parents have less money to spend in our consumption-dependent economy. And, in case you haven’t noticed, the U.S. birth right has dropped like a rock. These debt-laden young people aren’t getting married or having children. That means the housing market will remain weak for years to come. It also means there will be a shorter of both workers and consumers a generation from now — unless we import large numbers of immigrants to offset the baby bust. Do you know why we had a Baby Boom Generation after WW2? It wasn’t because all the soldiers came home. It was because they returned home to a booming economy. They could afford to have families, so they did, and the boom fed itself for many years afterward because more and more babies meant more and more houses, cars, and college educations were needed. Another reason is because those soldiers left military service with G.I. tuition benefits instead of debts. Their educations were given to them, and when they emerged from the business and engineering schools, they created new products and industries, and lifted America to the moon and beyond.
But Republicans say, “Oh no, we can’t give anyone anything because that’s socialism” and “Debts must always be repaid in full (except when they’re pension obligations we owe to our employees or wages we owe to workers).”
Republicans took over in 1969 and it’s been downhill ever since.
As Republicans don’t want to pay teachers above poverty wages, why not let students work off debt by teaching? Let them repay in kind. Hey wait, that’s Obama’s idea, so they’ll say it’s no good.
I almost put something about this in my post. If these kids didn’t have so much debt they would be spending a lot more money setting up households and so on and that would help our economy quite a bit.
But mostly @130 I was just pissed because we’ve already given Egypt way too fucking much of our money and now we’re giving them more.
I’m a huge advocate of debit forgiveness for students that move to rural and work in rural and low income areas.
I saw a thing a while back about small towns that were willing to help repay student loans if young folks moved there. The federal government doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) the only one in on it.
The biggest lie that comes out of that idiot’s keyboard is any regard for “truth”..
His religion is Obama Derangement Syndrome and he’ll make any shit up to maintain his addiction to that mental illness.
The Rich Are Better Than Us Dep’t
We’re constantly told that if we’re not rich it’s because we didn’t work hard enough, or manage our money properly (e.g., our impecuniousness is due to profligate spending habits and irresponsible lifestyles). And then, just when the one-percenters are getting good and warmed up at the lecture podium, one of them comes along and blows those theories all to hell again.
“The grandson of the creator of Red Bull energy drink allegedly crashed his Ferrari into a Thai police officer, killing him, and then fled the scene, Bangkok police said Monday.”
But not to worry, because wealth — even unearned and undeserved wealth — has its privileges …
“The controversy over the arrest of Vorayud Yoovidhaya, 27, who is a prominent member of one of Thailand’s richest families, resulted in the suspension of a police officer accused of having another person pretend to have been driving Yoovidhaya’s car.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least he’s over there and didn’t kill a cop here, which is somewhat of a good thing, sorta, I suppose, or whatever.
Yes HA’s butt spigot puts forth Reliance Oil. You visited Reliance buttspigot? When did you leave your ylbazement? Your religion is Bush Derangement Syndrome. Bush left almost 4 years ago. You call Bush a chimp. How telling that BDS is!
ylbuttspigot lives in the ylbazement still gets ylbitchslapped through his monitor!
Nope… Thank goodness Nixon put forth affirmative action to right those DUMMOCRAPTIC hiring wrongs for the last 100 years!
Oops bad editing. I really need to use my reading glasses when I type. Let’s try:
I’m a huge advocate of debit forgiveness for students that move to and work in rural and low income areas.
@139 Now if you fix the “debit” and “that” …
Labor Day being a traditional day for barbecues and all, this thread wouldn’t be complete without a photo of a Redneck BarBQ Grill:
@138 His price controls worked out great, too. Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage? Only under a Republican president would you live in a country where you can’t take a shit for 3 years.
And that backup still affects you all these years later!
@143 Didn’t you say you had to go to work?
137 – Sheezz.. Not even an MWS to circle jerk with.
Goes straight to the source.. Wow. One for the ages..
we have given everybody way too much fucking money.
On a break! Got a problem with that Roger SENILE Wabbit?
Contrary to all the slobbering msm libtard reports Romney gained in Florida after the Clint Eastwood show!
Oh noes… ylbuttspigot living in ylbazement is ylbitchslapped by his homies!
Shows how much HA moronic idiotos know about Real Americans and their thoughts and political ambitions. Yet you libtards live on Troglodyte websites.
Then there’s the DUMMOCRAPTIC lineup of convention sleazers
Fauxcahontas… DAMN dat is FUNNY!
@146 Guess who’s the biggest recipient of American largesse of them all?
@148 “Shows how much HA moronic idiotos know about Real Americans and their thoughts and political ambitions.”
As I recall, the last time we had a presidential election, the people you’re (somewhat ironically) referring to got their collective asses kicked by a black guy. (No, not you, putz.)
“My garbage man just stopped and got our trash. So much for laborers having the day off.”
Why not? I bet the guy was getting at least double time for Labor Day. Who wouldn’t want to work for twice (or more) the normal pay?
The important word. Still living in the past.
Goodness gracious what a nutcase she is… Jarrett makes Karl Rove look like an ordinary human to the rest of the world. She’s Obummer’s second puppet master after George Soros was in 2008.
Oh noes… David Koch just exploded all the libtard heads on HA…
Since these positions were well known for years why haven’t the HA libtards acknowledged them? Well for one, you’d never learn these facts on HA left wrong websites Daily Kooks and Truly Putrid Morons. David Koch thinks a lot like Lee, HA’s resident drug legalizer.
Well David Koch knows who’s better for America!
Mia Love discusses DUMMOCRAPTS like Lib da schmuck and rujax demonizing her as a black conservative woman! Oh await… Tea Party Patriots like black wimens?
Oh noes…
DUMMOCRAPTS to bus in black people from another state.
Nothing new here. Been dis way for 80 years. Move along…
Yeah, right. Another Obummer mASS excuse for no ASSes in the grASSes!
Wait till you see the lines, waits, and refusals of Socialized medicine. It’s not pretty!
Thomas Sowell delivers ANOTHER Obummer smackdown!
Yes, HA libtards have confidence in him, a recipe for our national disaster. Damn that’s BRILLIANT!!!!!
Did you know since Obummer’s confident ignorance became a “national treasure”
Unemployment: 7.8% then, 8.3% now
Median income: $54,983 then, $50,964 now
Seniors net worth down
Housing price index 198.73 then, 189.76 now
Credit rating AAA then, AA+ now
Obummer’s FY2012 debt $1.21 Trillion
Gas prices: $1.85 per gallon then, $3.78 now
National debt: $10.6 Trillion then, $15.999 Trillion now, $16 Trillion this week
Civilian participation rate of 65.7% in January 2009 now at 63.7%
No wonder David Poofy and David Broken Axle ran from the Sunday teevee show question are Real Americans better off with Obummer 4 years later.
If Obummer is still at the helm in 2013, your taxes are going up. An average of $3,749 for WA State!
Unemployment: 7.8% then, 8.3% now
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republicans idiots in Congress
Median income: $54,983 then, $50,964 now
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Seniors net worth down
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Housing price index 198.73 then, 189.76 now
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Credit rating AAA then, AA+ now
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Obummer’s FY2012 debt $1.21 Trillion
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Gas prices: $1.85 per gallon then, $3.78 now
Cause: Federal Reserve policies
National debt: $10.6 Trillion then, $15.999
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Trillion now, $16 Trillion this week
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican idiots in Congress
Civilian participation rate of 65.7% in January 2009 now at 63.7%
Cause: Bush Depression and the Republican Idiots in Congress
so when does the guy in charge actually take responsibility for being the guy charge?
all I see are excuses……Im sure you live your life the same way, which is why you never went anywhere and are stuck in barely-mediocre land.
a perfect democrat party voter you are.
Valerie Jarret:
And Bob Riley, a former Republican governor of Alabama, remembers the way Ms. Jarrett responded to his pleas for equipment to contain the BP oil spill in 2010. “Within 24 hours, what we had been told was an impossible task was done,” he said.
Karl Rove:
Inside, Rove was talking to an aide about some political stratagem in some state that had gone awry and a political operative who had displeased him. I paid it no mind and reviewed a jotted list of questions I hoped to ask. But after a moment, it was like ignoring a tornado flinging parked cars. “We will fuck him. Do you hear me? We will fuck him. We will ruin him. Like no one has ever fucked him!”
Anyone who’d have more confidence in Lyin’ Dullard and his Lyin Ayn Randroid sidekick – whose policies are Bush on steroids is just plain insane.
Tell me how Obama is responsible for all of that. Tell me how the Republican idiots in Congress has worked with Obama to solve these problems?
You can’t because morons like you need a scapegoat with a D next to their names. You reject the truth every time.
Uhh.. Very differently than living to stroke your short arm, your pop gun, your other material possessions. A life that you have soak in alcohol to deaden the pain.
But we can never tax the “job creators” to find a cure to cancer:
Thanks for that link, puddles – article was really good.
I loved this:
Heck of a job, Brownie, er, Valerie!! Competence, what a concept.
This makes me sad, though:
And Cornell, speak the truth , my brother:
YES! More freedom, more inclusion, the beautiful, diverse American quilt!! Go girl!
On contraception:
Go girls!! Valerie and Kathleen, my new heroes!
Puddles, I can’t thank you enough – that was an excellent article. Got my liberal juices flowing this morning better than my first cuppa coffee!!
Describes the last Rebuplican president to a ‘T’. What was his name again?
Breathtaking that that is being hurled at Obama, but again, it’s just puddles whacking off to the NRO again. Get a room, puddle.
@156, 157
It’s on Fox, so puddle must post link here, for us to laugh at him.
The bus story was debunked thoroughly on another thread, when bub posted the ‘story’ in a much more, if briefly, provocative manner than puddle could ever do.
The Mia Love thingy? puddle, are you trying to bring up that ‘Democrats are all racists’ bullshit again? I smacked you around on that other thread – do you never learn?
Tiresome, inane, thy name is puddle.
If Al Franken was elected because of fradulent felon voting the HA libtards will come up with some lousy excuse.
Afraid of the truth little man Lib da schmuck?
Call a whambulance for ylbuttspigot living in ylbazement @163…
Obummer campaigned for the job. Apparently Obummer isn’t up to the task!
ylbitchslapped again!
I only worry that truth’s tendency to repeatedly smack you upside your head will eventually lead to unsightly baldness.
174 – And electing Dullard and his Randroid sidekick will part the Red Sea for you…
If Dullard gets a Dem Congress what’d be your tune then??
Oh yeah same as the idiot wind you’ve been blowing about the 2006 Congress and your beloved empty-suit you voted for twice.
You’re such a crazed moron!