A while back, Will set up a Facebook group for Friends of the King County Fairy District, motto: “Making King County FIRST in mythical sprite-based transportation solutions.” Silly, but kinda funny.
Well today he gets an email from King County asking him to remove the county logo, as it’s for “official county use only.” Sheesh.
Will’s planning to comply, though personally I’d be more afraid of a midnight visit from Disney stormtroopers; the Mouse doesn’t take too kindly to folks tinkering with Tinker. But, well, whatever.
Let them take a look at my (Ron) Sims County & (Ron) Sims County Metro logo. I think it qualifies as a parody or are government logos a different story?
I call BS. They have zero control over that image. It belongs to anyone and everyone, as sure as Will could post a picture of the US flag, the Great Seal of the United States or the smiling visage of Greg Nickels. Fight it, Will!
@ 1 Great Logo oran! Sims county indeed. He’s taken his traveling side show nationwide now, so we’re in good hands…..or not if you look at his history of failure.
I agree. They have zero control over that image.
However, I think a competing image would be the county logo floating over a set of cross bones on a black field. Sort of a pirate flag.
This would go right along with tinkerbell (Susan Hutcheson), the lost boys of the king county council, never-never land, etc.
The logo is dumb: MLK had nothing to do with the original naming of King County. King County should change its logo back to what it was originally, not some “politically correct” pandering shit.
Generally, I agree that King County should be able to control the use of their logo. While humor and parady are things I appreciate (especially with respect to government and politicians), there are plenty of dishonest folks would would like to create confusion by making it appear that their product/website/”charity” etc. was officially sponsored or endorsed by a government entity. Failure by King County to enforce it’s rights to control it’s logo wherever it is used could diminish their chances of prohibiting it’s use in such other situations.
However, with respect to King County’s logo, I wonder how effective it would be to enforce it’s trademark rights. The lettering is hardly unique, and the accompanying image of Martin Luther King Jr. is easily recognizable as a slightly stylized historical photographed image of the man. King County could do a lot better job of making a better logo, one which is both unique and which honors Dr. King.
Yeah, we should spend millions more on silly artwork rather than tend to the actual governing business of King County (in addition to the 100 million we already spent to change out the old crown for some philandering preacher from the 1960’s).
Nice rationale RHP….stick to something you know, like modeling for Brawny paper towels.
@3 Record of failure? Who are you trying to kid? King County has been well run compared to the sideshow you orangutans put on in D.C. for 8 years. It wasn’t Ron Sims who melted down the entire fucking universe. After the Bush-Cheney fiasco, no Republican has any business trying to tell anyone else how to run anything.
@5 Sorry, you racist pigs got outvoted on that one; we’re now officially Martin Luther King Jr. County, and his likeness is our official logo. Suck on it, wingnut.
@7 “Yeah, we should spend millions more on silly artwork”
I’m perfectly willing to do it, as long as it’s your money we’re spending. After all, you asswipes gave millions of dollars of our money to your contractor buddies to build the showers that electrocute our soldiers in Iraq. What goes around, comes around, assholes. It’s our turn to squander your taxes. Suck on it, wingnuts.
Lex @ 7: It doesn’t have to cost millions. Have a contest and award $10K to the one that’s selected. With all the artists and art students in the area, not to mention graphic designers/web developers, I figure there would be lots of submissions, and a few of them would be better than what we already had. We wouldn’t have to replace letterhead or signage until they were going to be replaced anyway, which means there is no additional cost.
@ 10 ~ Have you ever had a mental health evaluation Roger? Seriously.It’s quite plain for any rational person to see you’re nuttier than squirrel droppings.
7 Lex.. Brawny paper towels! Thats him, you nailed it. Excellent work. I would give you an “A” but I don’t want to hurt the other childrens feelings so I’ll say you “passed”.
I can hardly wait until 2010 elections and watch these FAILED pile of democrats get booted. What a fucking disaster. I hear no praise about what the democrats are doing only bitching about republicans.
@12 You can drop the pathetic sockpuppetry*, RickyD. By whatever screen name, you’re still dumber than a rock.
*Outed by Darryl on the “browser” thread. On the “terrorist asshole(s)” thread Puddy is outed as sockpuppeting Mr. Klynical, Janet S and others. These trolls are truly fucking pathetic.
1. The dude who made this site should get some balls and keep using the logo.
2. the County should stop wasting its time worrying about it.
3. The idiot who wants us to go back to nameing the county for mr. king the big slaveholder should get a clue, or maybe go tend to his buddy von Brunn at GW hospital.