The King County Conservation District election is coming up this Tuesday. Kirk Prindle is a friend of HA and we hope that you can make it out to one of the seven voting locations and make your voice heard.
by Lee — ,
The King County Conservation District election is coming up this Tuesday. Kirk Prindle is a friend of HA and we hope that you can make it out to one of the seven voting locations and make your voice heard.
Last year we nearly won with a write-in candidate. This time our guy is on the ballot. Let’s vote on Tuesday and put him over the top. We can do it!
Last year fewer than 2,800 people of 1 million registered voters bothered to vote in the KCCD election. This is truly a case where a few votes can make all the difference. With 5 candidates on the ballot, it will take only a couple hundred extra votes to change the result.
I’m sure Kirk will get his “base” to the polls. If 100 additional people reading this blog vote for him, that should be enough. Let’s do it!
Kirk Prindle is a biologist and environmental planner. Here’s a link to his campaign website:
The Sierra Club and King County Conservation Voters have endorsed Max Prinsen for this position.
If it weren’t for HA, I wouldn’t even know about the weird elections for Conservation District guys. Off to the library I go tomorrow.
That my be, but his candidate’s statement at the Conservation District webpage is filled with spelling and other errors. If that’s the resume I get in order to decide who to hire for this job…..FAIL. It’s unprofessional, and if he knows his stuff, this statement certainly doesn’t reflect that.
Goldy, your edit window for comments is having some issues!
Eh? Spelling errors? Other errors? Could you perhaps elucidate? My cursory examination of his candidate’s statement did not reveal any errors, but did leave me impressed with his credentials.
This election is surprisingly important, and since you have to go to the library to vote, turnout is really low. So, if we all get out there and vote, we can make a big difference.
To make it even easier, the Conservation Voters and Sierra Club are hosting a get-out-the-vote party tomorrow (starting at 5) at Sazerac, right across from the downtown library. Join the fun, just vote and come by.
The problem is that Prinsen and Prindle are both very good candidates. It’s tough enough to beat the anti-conservation forces who’ve always won these KCCD elections with one conservation-minded candidate, but now we’ll have to choose between two of them.
The only potential hope is in the observation that there are also two nuts running on the other side — an anti-growth management zealot and a realtor. Maybe they’ll split the wacko vote.
Note that — in addition to being an in-person vote with only 7 polling places — this is a plurality vote. No “top two” going to a second round … whoever gets the most votes tomorrow is the new Commissioner.
In addition to Sierra Club and KCCV, Fuse also endorsed Max Prinsen. Fuse puts it in pretty clear terms in their endorsement email, “While the race includes some other good candidates, we are uniting behind Max to make sure progressives don’t split their vote and lose the election.” Remember to vote tomorrow and its awesome to see some coverage of this election.
I will be voting for the biologist and environmental planner with hands on experience (Kirk Prindle), not the aerospace engineer (Max Prinsen).
Vote for Kirk Prindle & then come celebrate & hear live music at Sip Wine Bar (5th and Madison). All are welcome and encouraged to attend!