Overheard today on KUOW’s Weekday:
Steve Scher to his panel of journalists: If there was a fly in the room, would you swat it?
Knute Berger: Yes!
Alwyn Scott: Sure. Absolutely.
Lynne Varner: I would cradle it in my hands, take it outside, and say, “be free!”
Joel Connelly: I’d toss a salmon at it.
Flies eat shit, so they gotta be Republicans! Kill the fucking things! Before they multiply!*
* Heh — just kidding! This is a sick Ann Coulter joke. Only rightwingers laugh and cheer and stamp their feet and applaud someone who makes wisecracks about mass murder. I don’t get that kind of audience reaction when I post murder jokes on HA! Which proves my audience is more mentally stable than hers. People ought to kill dogs, though. Dogs are useless. All they do is bark and dig up lawns and chase rabbits.
If I were a Republican I’d vote for it, just by reflex.
@3 If I were a Democrat, I’d vote for it, if the only alternative was Susan Hutchison.
My liberal friends will surely deduce that I just insulted Hutchison by posting that I’d vote for a fucking fly before I’d vote for her, but this jibe will fly over the trolls’ heads, because they aren’t clever enough to get it.
Must be pretty slow today – the topic is flies. Most flies end up as bird shit: they get recycled into the ecosystem.
Joel gets an A for snark.
Me, I’d swat the fly with a PETA brochure. Or maybe a PETA member.
Rep. Reichert… time to prove me wrong
reichert who voted against $106b for war funding while mcdermott, inslee, murray, cantwell voted for it this week seems to have proven you wrong already.
@1, 3 and 4 This rabbit of ours is obviously a fly-hating bigot. I shall copy his remarks and repeatedly paste them in this cesspool’s threads as proof.
Indeed. The rabbit seems to have speciesist tendencies. A reeducation program should be forced upon him.
Last time I checked rabbits weren’t allowed to vote, so it matters not a fig what you say you might do, what you think about things, or generally who in the Sam Hill you are – You don’t matter.
So go back to chewing table legs, or whatever it is rabbits do.
The Piper
Dumb bunnies and now flies, what’s a PETA supporter to do?
Darryl, you are only a day late. Not bad!
So Dr of thread patrol, you gonna wipe #7 off the thread?
Puddybud @ 11
“Darryl, you are only a day late.”
A day late for what?
“Not bad!”
I’m not following you here.
“So Dr of thread patrol, you gonna wipe #7 off the thread?”
Darryl, Puddy delivered the PETA response to “the messiah’s” fly killing video yesterday. – You are a day late. But “not bad” for only being a day late.
Oh so #7 gets a pass today. Great selective use of the thread wipe.
Puddybud @ 13
Darryl, Puddy delivered the PETA response to “the messiah’s” fly killing video yesterday.”
“You are a day late. But “not bad” for only being a day late.”
That’s odd, since the conversation I posted had only taken place some nine minutes prior.
“Oh so #7 gets a pass today.”
No. Here at HA, we don’t give day passes.
“Great selective use of the thread wipe.”
Thread wipe? Is that some kind of lubricant to prevent bolts from rusting stuck? Or are you just a little rusty with the HA Comment Policy?
People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
You guys need better trolls.
On the other hand, as Oliver North said, if they’re spending their time trolling online, at least they’re not making bombs like Oklahoma City or molesting children.
Amen, brother. That reminds me – what tasty cut of animal flesh am I cooking tonight? Ribs with the barbecue sauce I got from an internet porn star from Vancouver?
(Okay, it was from her LiveJournal blog. But the sauce kicks ass. I’ll post it if anyone asks nicely.)
Howzabout a nice steak? Or maybe my kickass buttermilk fried chicken? A fiery stir-fry or curry?
If I didn’t have to feed my grandbabies as well, I’d consider the very occasional vegetarian meal, and we have vegan dairy substitutes in the house thanks to my wife’s allergy to casein (milk protein – also found in seaweed), but I’m no vegan. Hell, the PETA/ALF eco-terrorists are just as dangerous to Americans as al-Qaeda. Why do I say that? Easy, both sides have no problem with killing Americans to get their way, and have already done so.
@ 17
Look, I think the PETA people are a bunch of clowns but I’m pretty sure they haven’t car bombed a crowded market place or flown an airplane into a KFC, so your comparison of them to al-Qaeda is fairly ridiculous.
Hey SM Taylor,
Puddy is a PETA person as Michael
Darryl, where does post #7 not fall as an “intentionally off-topic comments.” per the Comment policy? It’s the wrong thread.
Just axking. You don’t apply it fairly against libtards.
‘Darryl, where does post #7 not fall as an “intentionally off-topic comments.”’
I judge it to be unintentionally off-topic.
Yes comedians say the darnedest things.
Exactly Puddy’s point Darryl.
Thanks for the confirmation!
Now for a more serious response.
“You don’t apply it fairly against libtards.”
While there is no requirement that I exercise ideological fairness…
…I almost always do. This post is obviously an open thread. (You couldn’t tell? I’m not surprised, but I don’t think most commenters have any difficulties recognizing it as such.)
Here is the way I interpret the rules that may help you understand things.
When a post is new, long/involved, or has an active and salient conversation going, I’m inclined to delete off topic posts that seem aimed at disrupting the conversation. Not surprisingly, it is usually a right-leaning commenter who attempts to disrupt the thread (although, as Roger Rabbit can verify, some left-leaning commenters get plenty of comments deleted).
In old threads, threads that have gone conversationally stale, threads for which the corresponding post is whimsical (like the post for this thread), posts labeled as an open thread, drinking liberally announcement posts, etc., I don’t moderate by “off topic” but may for the other reasons stated.
Hope that helps!
Puddybud @ 23,
“Exactly Puddy’s point Darryl.”
What is “exactly [your] point”???
“Thanks for the confirmation!”
Not following you…confirmation of what?
Golly Darryl what did you write in post #21? Now follow post #23.
Regarding this post being an open thread… yep Puddy was following the thread head anyhow, Puddy was not assuming anything anymore at anytime.
Puddybud @ 26,
“Golly Darryl what did you write in post #21? Now follow post #23.”
Okay…I’ll try. But first, begin with #20 where you asked, ‘where does post #7 not fall as an “intentionally off-topic”‘
I pointed out that the off-topic nature of the comment was not intentional.
So I don’t follow your subsequent comment @23, “Exactly Puddy’s point Darryl.” and “Thanks for the confirmation!.”
You suggested the off-topic nature was intentional, not unintentional. Therefore, I neither reinforced your point, nor could I confirmed your (apparent) suspicions.
But, I think your REAL point, though not clearly stated, was that the comment should be deleted for being off-topic. As I hope we have cleared up subsequently, that was your misunderstanding, since this is not a thread where being off-topic is a concern.
But they support eco-terrorists who have committed acts of violence including assault, arson, and murder, and have paid for their legal defense, then hired them after they were released from prison. By definition, this makes PETA a terrorist organization. And their own people have stated publicly that they refuse to rule out the use of violence to achieve their goal of imposing their own ridiculous, narrow-minded, biologically impossible agenda on humanity.
NOTE: When I say ‘biologically impossible, I’m not kidding. Vegan/vegetarian diets are completely lacking in absorbable forms of cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12). The only available options for non-meat eaters would be supplements, as in vitamin tablets, fortified foods, or brewer’s yeast. B-12 deficiency can cause severe, irreviersible brain damage if given enough time. And then there’s the fact that without our ancestors coming up with the concept of animal husbandry, we likely wouldn’t be having this conversation. Not for another few thousand years, at least….
If you’d like further proof of PETA’s inherent evil – which includes teaching kids to make firebombs and killing rescued animals! – go to YouTube, and search for “‘Penn & Teller’ + PETA”. You’ll be rewarded by their episode on PETA from their Showtime series “Penn & Teller’s ‘Bullshit!'”
You’re welcome.
BJoe, by your definition the Republican Party is a terrorist organization.
That’s something that’s already understood in these-here parts. I’m just talking about eco-terrorists right now. Personally, while I’ve had splendid meatless meals before, I’d rather have a nice thick steak. Which reminds me, I just saw a special for a little charcoal hibachi down at the Ace Hardware on S. Virginia St., just a steel one instead of cast-iron, but I’ll have to pick one up. The wife really can’t be around gas, and we’ve never tried lump charcoal instead of those nasty briquettes….
Holy Tasty Animals Batman…
Puddy is agreeing with Broadway Joe and his post #28. When you navigate to downtown Seattle and enter the Vegan Zone here or Vegan Zone here you see some freaky things from people. Maybe B-12 deficiency?
Remember, you need to say senator to Barbara Boxer instead of ma’am even though the military is taught to say ma’am. She told the NY Slimes she is Mrs Boxer not Ms Boxer.
Untamed Geek,
When did Republicans support eco-terrorists who have committed acts of violence including assault, arson, and murder, and have paid for their legal defense, then hired them after they were released from prison?
Please enumerate a list.
How come Joel never brings his A material to the podcast?
When I first read about B-12 deficiency, it was in Discover several years ago. I think my wife drew names out of a hat when one of her kids came home from school with a magazine-subscription drive form for us to fill out. Too bad ESPN The Magazine wasn’t around then. Anyhoo, they ran a story in their “Vital Signs” column about a middle-aged man in superb physical health who woke up one morning crying uncontrollably. It wasn’t until two presumed ‘machine errors’ in the bloodwork prompted a doctor to ask the man about his diet, where the patient explained that he’d been a strict vegetarian for twenty years. One big-ass needle of B-12 later, the crying stopped, but there was still irreversible brain damage (from time to time, the man would still become sad for no reason).
I’ll bet you that the doctor prescribed the man a visit to the local Ruth’s Chris….
Anyone going to see Year One or has seen it yet?
It has all the HA swineflu weasel ingredients in the first 20 minutes
Right up many alleys so to speak.
Breaking news PETA organizes demonstration against spiders for cruelly capturing fly’s and slowly starving them to death. PETA demands that spiders stop torturing fly’s and other insects, and instead embrace a vegan diet.
How about embracing proper English spelling?