They lie about big things. They lie about little things. They forcefully repeat their lies to the faces of reporters even when confronted with irrefutable evidence to the contrary. In fact, it’s gotten so ridiculous that you’ve got to start wondering what the McCain campaign isn’t lying about?
Take for example today’s inexplicable fabulation, in which McCain’s top economics adviser bizarrely pointed to his BlackBerry as evidence of his candidate’s understanding of financial markets:
Asked what work John McCain did as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that helped him understand the financial markets, the candidate’s top economic adviser wielded visual evidence: his BlackBerry.
“He did this,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up his BlackBerry. “Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the commerce committee so you’re looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that’s what he did.”
That’s right, John McCain invented the BlackBerry!
Only, of course, he didn’t. It was invented by a Canadian company. McCain doesn’t use BlackBerry. Hell, he doesn’t even use email.
And if this seems like a petty thing to go after the McCain camp on, well A) McCain repeatedly mocked Al Gore during the 2000 campaign for the bogus “I invented the Internet” claim (which Gore never said, but for which there’s actually a kernel of truth); and B) This is just one in a series of shameless lies and distortions that have been emanating from McCain, Palin and their campaign for weeks.
Can we trust McCain or his advisers on anything? For example, McCain surrogates have repeatedly reacted with outrage over accusations that he doesn’t use email, indignantly claiming that injuries incurred as a prisoner of war make it physically impossible for him to use a keyboard.
Really? He can’t even hunt and peck with a single stiff index finger like the majority Internet-savvy seniors his age? So how does his campaign explain the dozens of email exchanges between him and reporters that have been referenced in the New York Times and other publications? Are staffers writing his emails for him? And how do they explain the nimble fingers displayed in this video of McCain handling his cell phone on the floor of the Senate?
I suppose if the 72-year-old McCain would release his complete medical records, like every other nominee in recent years, we might know for sure. But they won’t. Because the McCain/Palin administration promises to be the most opaque since… well… Bush/Cheney.
Honestly… if in the midst of what former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan calls the greatest financial crisis in his lifetime, McCain’s top economics adviser has to reach so far into his bag of bullshit as to make the facially ridiculous assertion that John McCain had a role in inventing the BlackBerry, how can we trust anything from any member of the McCain campaign on any issue?
The truth is, we can’t.
And as it turns out…
Blair Levin, who is currently Managing Director at Stifel Nicolaus and served as [former FCC chair Reed] Hundt’s chief of staff … pointed out that McCain actually voted against the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA ‘93) that “authorized the spectrum auctions that created the competitive wireless market that gave rise to companies like Research in Motion [the creator of Blackberry].”
Why am I not surprised?
O-Blah-Blah invented the longer lasting light-bulb!
Um… No.
I see you still have nothing to prop up your guy with.
@1 Oblama doesn’t need to invent a damn thing. All he has to do is return this country to tried-and-true banking regulations and fiscal policies. Those will work fine. The only problem facing America today is that Republicans are running its government. One election can cure that.
This is just an aide trying to make extra points. Not a big deal. What is a big deal, however, is how McCain and Bush totally misread the subprime crisis. Back when the bailout for Bear Stearns happened both Bush and MCCain maintained that the economy was fundamentally sound.
What is fundamentally unsound is the judgement and the policies of McCain and Bush. the whole republican mantra of Reagonomics (less taxes on the rich and less government regulation) is collapsing in a giant heap of overblown rhetoric, rigid right wing economic theory and a ruined economy due to deregulation and lack of oversight. Where are the free market enthusiasts now? Claiming that it is OK to let some financial institutions die but but others? What freekin’ hypocrites!
Contrary to what wingnuts assert, Al Gore never claimed he invented the internet, and Al Gore did help make the internet possible by sponsoring facilitating legislation. What has John McCain done, besides wreck a bunch of expensive taxpayer-owned airplanes, and dump his injured wife for a young heiress?
Only a dumbfuck like Goldy would equate dialing a cell phone with e-mail typing. Clue: One is sustained use of the fingers, the other is not. His wife, Cindy, does most of the e-mail typing for him. He isn’t a computer illiterate. McCain can’t raise his hands to his shoulders due to the severe beatings he received as a POW. His smile may also look funny to you because his captors also smashed his teeth down to the gums.
Goldy’s freaking out seeing that the Red States are getting redder and the Blue states are getting kinda PURPLE!!!
Let’s talk about subjects that the American Voter cares about Goldie.
Like how the Democrats and Fannie Mae and Freddie mac screwed the American people.
Obama was in the tank for these groups, big bucks into his pocket including the the rest of the Democrats.
I don’t know how you use your keyboard, but I don’t have to raise my hands to my shoulders to do it. You might try a chair or something.
John @6,
Stick out a finger. Any finger. Now press down a key on a keyboard. That’s not touch typing, but it’s typing nonetheless.
Unless you’re just suggesting that McCain was a prisoner of war, so we should just hand him the keys to the Oval Office, no questions asked, because we just plain owe it to him?
McCain, “I’m beginning to think not only did he invent the [BlackBerry], but he invented the cal-ca-latur.”
Fannie Mae and Freddie mac Failures is bigger than Enron however, the outrage by the Democrats on Fannie and Freddie are null.
One must ask why? Contact your Rep. and demand an investigation into the biggest rip off of tax dollars in America’s history.
McSame’s campaign is completely INSANE, off the rails and becoming unhinged.
Nothing but a stream of lies and smears that’s only going to get worse as we get closer to November.
Reality is biting insane McSame on the ass so hard he’s going to need crutches.
Some of the races from RealClearPolitics
Tuesday, September 16
Race Poll Results Spread
Pennsylvania FOX News/Rasmussen Obama 47, McCain 47 Tie
Ohio FOX News/Rasmussen McCain 48, Obama 45 McCain +3
Florida FOX News/Rasmussen McCain 49, Obama 44 McCain +5
Virginia FOX News/Rasmussen McCain 48, Obama 48 Tie
Colorado FOX News/Rasmussen Obama 46, McCain 48 McCain +2
National Gallup Tracking McCain 47, Obama 46 McCain +1
National Rasmussen Tracking McCain 48, Obama 47 McCain +1
Ohio PPP (D) McCain 48, Obama 44 McCain +4
New Jersey Quinnipiac Obama 48, McCain 45 Obama +3
National Battleground* McCain 48, Obama 44 McCain +4
Seems like a lot of States in play. Hang on for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride!
the outrage by the Democrats on Fannie and Freddie are null
The Republicans did no oversight for the last eight years and they were in charge for most of it. And why should they? It’s clear to anyone with a brain they valued the lobbyist’s dollar more than sensible regulation.
The Dems could get no legislation past the Republican filibuster fiends in the Senate and the Chimp’s veto stamp.
With that state of things why not let Republicans be Republicans? They’re their own worst enemies.
IMHO, it’s worked out wonderfully.
Obviously, the truth is too painful for the trolls, causing them to relentlessly seek to knock threads off topic.
I’m not sure why you think this is effective, and why you spend such enormous resources trolling my threads, but I do know that you’re all a bunch of cowards.
Gee, when my Dad was hospitalized in Korea when he was in the military there (first tour of duty), as he was recovering he was asked if he could type. When he said no, they sat him at a typewriter and gave him thirty minutes to teach himself how to type. After that he served as an assistant company clerk until he had recovered enough to be sent back to regular duty.
I still remember him typing on our old Royal typewriter at home. He could do about 35 WPM using only two fingers. My mother would laugh and offer to teach him how to do it “right”, and he would just smile and say that he’s gotten by just fine up to now with only two fingers, thank you.
Now, if Bob Dole had said typing was difficult due to his war wounds, I would give him a pass on that subject, as one of his arms was pretty much unusable (he always carried a pencil in his right hand to discourage people from trying to shake it). But typing with one hand IS possible, as thousands of perverts prove daily. But I’d give Bob Dole a pass on this one, anyway.
I haven’t seen McCain really exhibit any signs that his hands and arms are so disabled he can’t manipulate a mouse and type a few keys if he wanted to. Problem is, he doesn’t want to.
When I first got out of graduate school, there was a fellow in my office who had a first-generation computer (between the Mac & the introduction of the PC). It had a rudimentary word processing program he used for typing his own correspondence. A few of the fellows who were just a few years older than him used to laugh at him, saying that he wouldn’t get anywhere in business because typing your own letters left the impression you were just a secretary. They kept telling him that if he wanted to advance, he should dump the computer for a dictaphone and let someone else do the typing for him.
Of course, now everyone in business has to know how to use e-mail. Only a few of the very high-ranking (and very old) CEOs get by with having several staff members around to do that stuff for them.
I suspect that McCain is part of that same crowd, too old to think that typing is anything a serious professional would do for themselves, and therefore he’s never wanted to learn.
Yeah, what #4 said.
Thank God McCain doesn’t have BABS!!
“Streisand to Perform at Hollywood Fundraiser for Obama
by Associated Press
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
DENVER (AP) — How does Barack Obama lure wealthy donors to a big-money fundraiser in Hollywood? Bring in Barbra Streisand as the headline performer.
The Oscar-winning singer and actress was to perform Tuesday night on Obama’s behalf in Beverly Hills. It was to be a two-step evening with a reception and dinner costing $28,500 a person followed by a later event featuring Streisand at $2,500 a ticket.”
Babs is a real piece of work. Spends tens of thousands of dollars suing her “littlepeople” neighbors and intimidating them if they dare do anything she disapproves of.
I prefer Kid Rock. Asked about his politics, he said all he does is carefully assess who Hollywood types like Streisand support….and vote the opposite!.
yelling loser boy@14: Huh?
nancy and Harry have the fourth rail – the Media in their hip pocket.
Yet, I don’t seem to remember the House Banking or Ways and Means committees holding news conferences trumpeting the ills of sub-prime mortgagesoops… Rangel has a little problem but lets forget that…
Yet, I don’t seem to remember the Senate Banking or Commerce committees holding news conferences trumpeting the ills of sub-prime mortgages either.
Maybe cuz they were getting their higher %ages of campaign contributions? Something lost on most lefties here. And rhp6033 calls them the “adults”. Yet Obama has Robert Rubin’s chief protege on his economic advisors. Yet Obama has a sub-prime mortgage lover on his economic advisors, one who up-to late 2007 thought sub-prime mortgages were wonderful.
Yes, these a “such adults”
Waaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa
Try looking at the Klinton years if you really want to find the corruption in Real Estate scams.
This is where the Democrats created this crises we are in today.
If what you say is true then contact your Rep. tell them to investigate this NOW! Before Nov. 2008
rhp6033: You made me smile:
When I read that I thought about HAs URL animal sex expert Steve, AKA HAs Biggest ASSHole!
This might be an appropriate time for a limited re-visit to the Gore/Internet theme.
What Gore pointed out was not that he had invented the internet, but that he and Clinton were the ones that pushed to have it available to the public. Up to that point in time, only the government and academic community had real access to the internet. The Clinton administration opened up the doors for the public to have access to domain hosting and pretty much unlimited access to all sites that wished to be public.
The Clinton administration also opened up the GPS system for public use. The primary purpose was safety – allowing airlines and ships to use GPS beacons for navigation and rescue purposes, but it quickly became available to hunters, hikers, and anybody else who wanted to use it.
In contrast, the previous Republican administrations had considered both the internet and the GPS system to be technology central to national security. The thought the modem-to-modem communications available through BBS and other non-WWW systems was adequate for the public.
Sure, pre-1994 computers and modems couldn’t handle much more than text traffic, but without the internet there wasn’t the driving force for technology to create web browsers and high-speed access anyway.
But I’m convinced that if George H.W. Bush had won a second term in the White House in 1994, the interenet would have remained closed to the public throughout his Presidency. Without access to the internet, the boom in technology which accompanied the PC revolution in the second half of Clinton administration would have been at a much less rapid pace, and delayed by several more years.
If George W. Bush had been in charge and the decision had been raised, I’m convinced that the internet would have been sold either to the highest bidder (or perhaps contracted to a sole bidder?). AT&T, for example, would have the contract to “manage” the internet, charging companies large fees for domains and single-source hosting, and perhaps even regulating their content. The public would also have to pay an access fee to enter the internet, perhaps considerably higher than what we currently pay to our ISPs.
And it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if domains favorable to the Bush administration got unlimited bandwith, whereas domains which were critical of the Bush administration would be restricted in number and with severe bandwith restrictions.
By the way, remember this whenever you hear a Republican candidate claim that the current internet is “Broken”, and we need to have “Internet 2.0” to fix it. This scenario is what they have in mind.
Remember that with the Republicans, it’s not just the obvioius mistakes they make (failed Katrina response, Iraq, current economic crisis). It’s the lost opportunity to do something right that causes at least as much harm. These are the things which are hard to imagine because we see things as they are, not as they could be.
NObama, Received 2.5 million from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Our kids a losing their homes and NoObam or the Democrats do not care.
Tell me democrats care for us!
Look at all the Democrats who’s portfolio was and is in Real Estate this will drop your jaw.
Now look when they sold their investments.
Talk about inside trading, We need Colombo to get to the bottom of this.
rhp6033: Since you can’t seem to find stuff here is the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle. I think this paragraph is telling…
“In what turned out to be a huge strategic error, Fannie and Freddie chose to fight legislation in the Senate Banking Committee that embodied the administration’s minimum requirements, particularly the receivership provision, in the late spring of 2004. The companies called in their chits and managed to obtain solid Democratic opposition to the bill crafted by the committee’s chairman, Richard Shelby (R-Ala.). The committee also watered down the receivership provision. The partisan nature of the vote to send the bill to the floor virtually assured that it would not be taken up in the Senate unless Fannie and Freddie relented in their opposition, and the administration opposed the committee bill because of the weakened receivership language. Administration spokesmen warned the companies that if they continued to oppose the bill in 2004 there would be a tougher version in 2005, but Fannie and Freddie would not budge. It may be that the GSEs were banking on the defeat of President George W. Bush and on the assumption that a Democratic president would abandon the effort to pass tougher regulation. If that was their thinking, it was an exceedingly costly error. “
Then there is more rhp6033:
“The informal Greenspan statement in February 2005 got far more attention than his more complete and fully reasoned prepared testimony to the same effect a year earlier. Such are the ways of Washington. A lot had happened in the interim, including the OFHEO’s critical report on Fannie’s accounting, the SEC’s confirmation of the OFHEO’s position, and the resignation of Franklin Raines. In 2005, Greenspan’s statement opened for debate an issue that Congress had, only a month before, not considered to be within the realm of political discussion. Thus, in January 2005, three Senators–Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), John E. Sununu (R-N.H.), and Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.)–had introduced tough new legislation to regulate Fannie and Freddie. The legislation was state-of-the-art at the time, and included a carefully developed “bright line” test that was intended to end Fannie’s and Freddie’s efforts to break out of the secondary mortgage market as their sole allowable field of operations. But the legislation made no mention of limiting the GSEs’ portfolios. After the Greenspan testimony, however, that issue suddenly achieved currency, with lawmakers in both the House and Senate saying that they intended to look carefully at whether such a provision should be included in the legislation they were drafting.
The sudden appearance of this new threat changed the attitude of the GSEs toward the legislation. Although they had begun 2005 offering conciliatory statements and suggesting that they had no serious problems with the regulatory proposals that Congress was then contemplating, the GSEs were clearly alarmed by the idea that their portfolios might be limited or reduced. Fannie and Freddie and their constituent support groups–the homebuilders and the realtors, among others–made clear that they would fight limitations on GSE portfolios, and Senator Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats made clear that they, too, would oppose any effort to limit this aspect of the GSEs’ operations. “
But rhp6033: Again you have no memory. Here is a leftist rag which talked about these “strange mortgages” back in 1997 and how great they are:
” In fact, the CRA is one of the most remarkable success stories of the 1990s. Under strong pressure from a second wave of grassroots activism that began ten years ago, many banks have recognized the potential for profitable business in neighborhoods that they had written off without a second thought not so long ago.
… CRA opponents claimed that it requires risky loans that could undermine a bank’s profitability and threaten its survival. Actually, the reverse is closer to the truth. The 1980s were marked by massive speculative lending to wealthy real estate developers and get-rich-quick schemers that resulted in the failure of more than two thousand banks and S&Ls. Yet not a single bank failure has been caused by making too many bad loans to disadvantaged borrowers.
Recently, Federal Reserve Board researchers found “no evidence of lower profitability” at banks that specialize in mortgage lending to lower-income borrowers and neighborhoods and, in a nationwide survey by the Kansas City Fed, 98% of banks reported that their CRA lending was profitable. A recent investigation by the Comptroller of the Currency found that affordable home loans had “the same level of losses” as standard mortgages.
The swell of grassroots support overwhelmed pressure from industry lobbyists and produced unanimous opposition by congressional Democrats to every proposal that would have weakened CRA. In addition, the Clinton administration never wavered from an early pledge to veto any bill containing such provisions.”
So don’t tell ME your people are the adults here.
@21 “HAs URL animal sex expert Steve”
Actually, the correct title is “HA’s Republican Beastiality, Pedophilia, Lewd Conduct, and Moral Depravity in Public Restrooms Expert”.
Here, my goatfucking troll, you can read about a Republican mulefucking hero of yours:
Want more? Here, this will keep you busy:
Please tell us how it sucks to be you.
rhp6033 forgets Bush removed Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines who helped start this debacle.
Who was Democrat CEO Franklin Raines? Well if you remember Raines fudged the books and hid hundreds of millions in losses. When regulators looked at those losses they found excessive executive bonuses. And they found massive unchecked portfolio growth. Who stopped legislation to clean house? Little Chucky Knife-Wielding Schumer.
Goldy, please keep Steve HAs bestiality expert here. He cracks me up with his love of animal sex.
Tell us Steve, which one is your favorite animal to enjoy?
Me I prefer one very beautiful human woman, my wife!
This guy cracks me up every time. Another one of “Puddy’s Heroes”, as I call them. This is the Republican who was busted a while back for offering $20 to give a black cop a blowjob in a Florida Park toilet. The article is of his conviction. Hmm, maybe there’s a cautionary tale for Puddy in here:
I can’t believe the panic from the left.
It shows how badly the obama campaign is doing.
@31 Wife? It seems highly unlikely to me that the state would recognize a marriage to a goat, Puddy. You can give it a try, though. After all, your buddy Jane tried registering her dog to vote. Like minds and all that.
He invented a record to run for president on.
After all, there’s not really much in his past that qualifies him for the job as president.
Good point. It’s not as if the long distinguished military career of john f kerry helped him despite his saluting and saying “reporting for duty” at so many of his speeches.
And the best part…
Steve isn’t some adolescent like bibigoober, steve is over 50 years of age.
One would think by that age he would have more to offer than goat sex jokes that make him look like an elementary school kid.
Using donations they could tie enron to republicans.
Of course the dems can’t blame the reps for being in the pocket of mae & mac.
Chris dodd has received $133,900 in contributions in 19 years from mae & mac.
Obama $111,000 in only a couple years.
There should be an investigation into why obama has been the lucky recipient of so much $$ so quickly. What did he promise them?
Puddy @ 28: Thanks for quoting from the article (I mentioned before I am hesitant to click on links in posts).
Two things jump out at me from the quote. The first is the reference to “lower-income borrowers and neighborhoods”. Apparantly that’s a reference to the push to get past the old “red-lining”, both formal and informal, which made homeowner mortgages virtually unavailable in primarily minority neighborhoods, and created obsticles to all lower-income mortgages. I have no problem with that program, if properly administered. You just need to make sure that the income verification requirements are met, and that the appraisal is sound. A down-payment cushion is preferred, but not essential, if those other two items are met.
I last bought a house in early 1996, and I remember the hoops we had to jump through to get in. They were considerable, considering that I was self-employed for some of the years as they were checking our past history.
Even in 2002, another friend of mine was buying a house, but fell just short of the income requirements. He was very frustrated because he had the income, but because a portion of it was self-employment income and it varied widely from month-to-month the lendors wouldn’t consider it.
But what happend after that was a different story. This was “put the pedal-to-the-metal, let it all hang out” go for broke. A colleague of mine was buying a house in 2005, and I expressed surprise that she could qualify for a mortgage of that amount (knowing our salary range where I work). She just laughed, and said that I obviously hadn’t been in the mortgage market for quite some time, as the rules had changed substantially over the past couple of years. Thus she was able to buy a house in Bellevue where the payments used up 70% of her family’s combined income.
What surprised me was the extent which “liar’s loans” were used (purchaser just writes down what his/her income is, no verification required). These were used a lot by speculators to fund their “flipping” businesses, which contributed to the rapidly rising housing prices and didn’t contribute any real value. (I made it a point in my own business to “rehapb” houses to add value, and not rely on mere appreciation over a few weeks time for my profits).
Also, the extent to which the sub-prime loans with balloon morgtages and APRs were pushed onto the regular borrowers was quite surprising, I found this out in my debt-counseling duties associated with my church. People who could have easily qualified for a traditional mortgage were pushed by the real estate agents and mortgage brokers into sub-prime deals by falsely telling them that they “didn’t qualify” for the traditional mortages. Of course, the fees earned by the brokers on the sub-prime loans were extraordinary, and the real estate agents got big bonuses for pushing people into those deals. First-time homeonwers who were new to the process were particularly susceptable to such tactics.
But the sub-prime loans almost all had big APR adjustments or balloon payments which would only work if interest rates remained low and appreciation continued so that the loans could be re-financed before the balloon or APR adjustment hit. But when depreciation occured, these borrowers were under-water, unable to refinance or sell and facing default. You could argue that it’s there own fault, that they shouldn’t have agreed to the loan, but I understand the pressure they were under – housing prices going up daily, with the real estate agent urgently telling them “you had better buy now, any way you can, or next week you could be permanantly priced out of the market, unable to EVER own your own home.”
Anyway, if these sub-prime loans had been better regulated to make sure they were safe (as had traditionally been done by the FHA), and if the lending industry had been more tightly overseen to make sure their underwriting standards were safe, then the real estate bubble wouldn’t have been fed by speculative ventures financed by “liar’s loans”, or by sub-prime loans which weren’t even necessary for the borrowers.
That’s the blame I put on the Bush administration.
It was funny how, a few weeks ago, Puddy posted links to what he claimed was proof of Dems engaging in bestiality. He was caught in yet more lies by Roger Rabbit and myself. It turned out that he had linked to stories about Republicans – one was fucked to death by a horse and the other was caught by his wife fucking the family dog!
She helped gore and kerry lose their elections.
It’s amazing obama isn’t smart enough to see the writing on the wall.
Babs has a motorhome follow her so she won’t have to use public bathrooms. It’s the little people she doesn’t like.
@37 Goat sex jokes? Did you miss the part where the joke’s on you, Marvin? Clean up your act, Squid, and quit with the moral decadence crap.
Ummm Steve, no that’s not true and you know it. The dog story has no politics. The Enumclaw story had the dying recipient from McDimwitt’s territory.
I see you have Steve’s Stupid Solution in your thermos today!
@43 Back to lying about it, huh? That’s pathetic, even for you.
Hey, you never commented on this Republican freak:
One of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Marvin remember the pictures of her 11,000 square foot home she tried to squash?
Yes, Obama surely know how to interact with the “little” people.
Steve, you are back on ignore. I will correct the factual record as needed.
This Republican is charged with sexually assualting a 14 year-old.
Another one of “Puddy’s Heroes”. Puddy has hundreds of heroes like this, all Republican officials, all of them perverts. Let’s see, if the Republican leadership is a bunch of pervs, what would that make the underbelly of the party, rank America-hating trolls such as our own Pudnuts? Does anybody think for a even a minute that he’s any better than the perverted slime who lead him around by the nose?
The Toilets that Seattle dumped on E-bay one was purchased by her. It’s been said when she dumps the whole places need to be washed down.
It’s interesting that the McCain people would say he can’t type (and thus use the Internet) because (1) there’s voice recognition typing and (2)he has said – for years – that he had no idea how to use e-mail and wasn’t really interested in learning (“my wife does it for me”). He could have said, any time, that it was because of injury and didn’t. Interesting time to call foul.
I personally think it’s a bad idea to have any fundraiser by Hollywood (given that the best the Reps can do is…Chuck Norris and therefore it has to be awful when star after star lines up for Obama).
Again, back to issues. Like the economy. Like the entire Afghan parliament walking out today to protest American air strikes hitting civilians.
Steve @ 48: I’m assuming you know that the Seattle toilets sold on e-bay were bought by a local racetrack. But I’m guessing you chose to ignore that in order to make what you considered to be a humerous point. I guess I don’t get it, toilet humor escapes me.
49: That’s interesting – the entire Afgan parliment feels it needs to make a point against American air strikes within Afganistan. And today, the new government in Pakistan said it would order it’s soldiers to shoot any Americans crossing the border in pursuit of Taliban forces.
It’s beginning to look like by the time the next President takes office, he’s going to have to deal with Afganistan all over again. But I’m betting it will be a lot harder the second time around, and Pakistan will probably be directly allied with Taliban/Al Quida next time around.
And remember: Afganistan was one of the few examples of the Bush administration’s foreign policy “success” stories. Give them enough time, and they will screw up anything they touch.
Sorry to let the cat out of the bag.
You’re the joke.
Act like a 50 year old adult.
Like most liberals, she only talks about the environment.
Goat sex and toilet humor. How mature.
Forgetting your physical age for a second, talking only about your emotional age, did you take the short bus to school?
……has Sarah put her “tanning bed” on EBay yet? Does anyone know how much UPS charges to ship something like that from Alaska? or does the Buy It Now option mean.. sellers pays shipping?