And of the two candidates, which one has held conferences with bloggers from BOTH sides of the aisle? No, not Obama. (He might have to answer some uncomfortable questions, Sweetie.)
Personally, I’d rather have the President put his focus on the matters at hand instead of being hopelessly addicted to his Blackberry. Obama is SO addicted to his Blackberry that a CNN story the other day showed him checking it during his daughter’s soccer game (and having his wife chide him for it).
And is he fulfilling his legislative duties with the Blackberry? NO. As the video above explains, Obama is checking sports scores. Gamblers tend to obsessively check sports scores. Does Obama have a gambling problem?
The Real Markspews:
Even the New York Times is finally exposing Obama as the phony that he is:
We are not shocked when a candidate moves to the center for the general election. But Mr. Obama’s shifts are striking because he was the candidate who proposed to change the face of politics, the man of passionate convictions who did not play old political games.
Yeah, McSame has admitted not knowing much about the Economy and relies on his wife to do the Computer for him. Mostly, I think McSame hates the Bloggers who keep raking in MONEY for his opponent. Kind of like dubya, with no curiosity of International affairs (and look where THAT got us).
Lots of young people going to the polls this next Nov. Even their Grandmas can work a computer (the youngsters have been pulling hard duty training Grandfolks & working out the bugs for them).
I’m sick of seeing Martin Luther King’s face on every single piece of King Count property down to my fucking bus transfer. Is this North Korea or something, where you can’t go one minute without seeing a statue or portrait of Kim Jong-il? Yeah, I know the sainted minister is our county’s namesake, but does that mean his scowling mug has to be plastered on everything? Look at Redmond. Redmond is named after some dude named Redmond or McRedmond, but they don’t have HIS face as their logo. No, they have some trees and a park as their logo. And they don’t plaster that logo everywhere. They use it sparingly. So how about that? We can still have King County named after Junior, but have someone more appealing to look at, like some trees next to a lake as our logo.
And whose bright idea was it to name our county after a Christian minister? What’s next, renaming Seattle after Ted Haggard or Jimmy Swaggart?
I think Paul Farmer, the man profiled in the Tracy Kidder book Mountains Beyond Mountains, is a hypocrite. He criticizes Mother Teresa for meeting with, and complimenting a dictator, but Farmer does the very same thing with Castro!
The Real Markspews:
Troll @ 4
King County was originally named after William Rufus Devane King, a slave owner and VP under Democrat Franklin Pierce, in 1852. The county was only “renamed” after Dr. King in 1986.
Right, and I’m just saying I think they’re overdoing it with slapping his face on everything, to the point it’s making me feel we’re living in one of those countries like North Korea or Turkmenistan where they plaster the dictator’s image everywhere to the point of idolatry.
Name the county after the dude, but at least get his ugly, scowling face off of my bus transfer ticket!
Jimmy Carter was supposed to be hot to go on intricacies and details, and what did that get him? He came close to flushing the country down the toilet. Only the election of Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus saved the country.
Sneering elitism isn’t a qualification to be president, nor is the ability to Google a Thai restaurant or having tons of friends on a MySpace page.
Dems registered 150,000 new voters in battelground states!
Wow Pooper what next? Trying to deflect the fact that the old fart McCain doesn’t know anything about the Internet by saying Abe Lincoln didn’t and he turned out okay?
Man your side is very hard up these days isn’t it!
As for the Fake Mark – you should come clean on all that child porn you’ve been digging up on YOUR Blackberry. They’ll only probably add five years to your sentence for raping your own kids. Fess up.
@8: I don’t think the lack of common computer literacy per se is the issue (Googling restaurants and checking sports scores), but that this might represent part of a larger cognitive style. We’ve just suffered through 7 1/2 years with a Republican president who took pride in knowing little and being unable to learn, even from his own mistakes.
It’s also a reflection of being out of touch with reality. For someone in national politics, you might have gotten away knowing nothing about computers in the 1990s, but for goodness sakes, we’re nearly into the 20-teens!
Rick D.spews:
Me thinks BiBiGoop is showing us a glimpse of his real personality. Fat, Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son…..and If you add in your obvious inner hate, I’d say you have a rough road to hoe. Happy travels little one.
The Real Markspews:
BBG @ 12
You are a sad, sad little child.
Maybe King County could use a picture of drunks passed out at Victor Steinbrueck Park as its logo.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
McCain risked his life for his Country
O-blah-blah READ about McCain risking his life for his Country.
O-blah-blah is a slickster who smoothly, with the help of the MSM of course, steers thru landmines like his 20+ year affiliation with Black Liberation Theology and endless kooks.
McCain is a feisty man. Passionate at issues.
O-blah-blah is passionate about winning an election and is all over the map on issues.
O-blah-blah=Jimmy Carter only worse.
The Real Markspews:
michael @ 16
A more appropriate locale would be Courthouse Park, called “Muscatel Meadows” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. County staffers.
McCain is an old, tired, war-mongering fool who’ll do anything to attain his “entitlement”, his “precious” – the White House.
Here’s only one thing he’ll do for his “precious”:
His campaign was primarily lobbyist driven until that got too inconvenient – now Karl Rove has taken it over.
A McCain presidency will only mean more corruption, more war, more debt, more ineptitude, more disaster for the people of this country. With Karl Rove on board it is totally certain that 4 years of McCain is the same old REPUBLICAN bullshit.
Without an Obama presidency there is no hope that the ugly mess of the last eight years, the bleeding sore of Iraq, the destruction of the American economy, the degradation of the environment – will ever be reversed.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 19
I’ve had a good night’s sleep, yet your BS is SO TIRED I am having trouble stifling the yawns.
You really should get on your masters at to send you some new talking points.
Either that, or simply wake up and smell the coffee. Even the Lefty New York Times isn’t happy with flippity-flopping Obama. Meet the New Dems — same as the Old Dems.
Here’s a little something to work your brain this morning: Care to explain how is not the PAC money Obama denounced?
20 – Fine go back to bed, who needs you and your ugly stereotypes, your resentments – a veritable Dick Nixon of our times you are Surreal Mark. Talk about a REPUBLICAN yawnner…
I don’t know any outfit called “” and I’m not about to find out. As I told you before, I don’t click on your REPUBLICAN links.
Obama is tacking rightward? Gee so has McCain! To appeal to people like you – and the Limbaugh crowd. Nice new bedfellows you got there Surreal.
The New York Times lefty? Omigod. Obviously not so much when Judy Miller was Scooter Libby’s stenographer. The more Judy Millers at the grey lady, the more “centrist” it becomes. Zzzzzzz… Here we go again. Gee I’ve been to that website maybe 3 times to watch some so so tv commercials. I noticed one time they had a campaign going to register people to vote for progressive Dems – fine work by me. Apparently it makes you seethe with hate Surreal. No wonder you’re so fixated. More people engaged in real democracy means less REPUBLICAN bullshit.
Poor Moveon – not an insurance company or a big pharma outfit. Just people who are for progress and concerned about the sorry state of our democracy. People Surreal Mark just can’t stand.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
YLB– SoreAss==Hedge Fund Scoundrel’s money
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Bought JRCC this AM @ $43.40.
Couldn’t resist this short-term play.
We have sell order in @ $48.
Could be a 1-day flip…famous last words.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Thanks for the tip.
It was highly oversold this AM.
Not sure about long-run…but certainly $43.40 was cheap.
“Muscatel Meadows” I like that one. When Tacoma was sick of having problems with street drunks they passed alcohol impact area laws, built a “dry out” center and revamped how they dealt with homeless folks. The problems didn’t disappear (no one claimed they would), but they’re sure getting a whole lot better.
Seattle still can’t seem to figure it out, but us down here in Pierce County are somehow the backwards hicks.
I just don’t get it. What is it with right wingers and George Soros?
It’s not like you fools don’t have your Scaifes, Moons, Murdochs, Koch brothers, Olins, Bradleys, Smith Richardsons, Sheldon Adelsons, Hunt brothers, Coors, etc, etc, etc…
And how many rich right wingers have some of their money in hedge funds? How many rich right wingers got richer from Soros’ hedge funds?
What does Soros do? Funds progressive think tanks and activist outfits, i.e. plays the same game right wingers have been doing since the defeat of Barry Goldwater in ’64!
No wonder you hate him.
Too get more back on topic, I do think that it’s quite relevant that McCain can’t use a computer and doesn’t “get” the web, because computers and the web are at the center of modern communications. You kinda need to know how that stuff works these days.
Also, pretty much every flipping thing is moving away from command and control linear networks towards distributive networking. Not “getting” computers and the web means not getting distributive networking and that means not understanding how the world we live in functions.
McCain= 1950’s America. We need leadership that understands how things work in 2008.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 22
The fact that you somehow think that the NYT is non-partisan shows just how brainwashed Left you are. Here’s Rasmussen on the subject:
Among the print publications in the survey, the New York Times is perceived as being furthest to the left. Forty percent (40%) of Americans believe the Times has a bias in favor of liberals.
One of the more startling details concerns the perceptions of liberals towards the New York Times. Liberals tend to see all broadcast outlets and most print publications as having a bias in favor of conservatives. A plurality of liberals (40%) believes the Times delivers news without bias. However, 25% of liberals see a liberal bias at the New York Times while only 17% see a conservative bias.
As for the other topic about which you’re willingly blind: is a multi-million-dollar PAC that does everything from spending Soros money to asking members to host “Bake Sales for Obama.”
Gee… Guess they want to get little kids used to handing over all of their hard-earned money to Democrats.
Good one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can hardly wait until gas hits $7 and Mark the Welsher takes a number and stands in line at a Prius dealership! Pay your gambling debt, liar!!!
McCain hates bloggers. Little wonder. Bloggers aren’t motivated by money and therefore can’t be controlled. The large blog sites like DailyKos are sustained by sympathetic advertisers and readers – they don’t depend on corporate support.
A right wing hatchet man can call and scream at any traditional media outlet the implied threat being the pulling of ad revenue.
The folks complaining here are really showing their true feelings. KC changed its old ugly chess-piece logo for a stylized portrait of Doctor King. As county logos go, it’s better than most.
We have portraits of George Washington on everything the state does. I don’t hear our resident wingnuts comparing him to a Korean dictator.
But, we still have bigots and racists that keep trying to put the Confederate Battle Flag up as a symbol of “heritage”, so I’m not surprised that we have folks that absolutely hate the image of Dr. King.
Face it, folks. You lost that war, and you can’t get great-grandpappy’s slaves back no matter how much you want them or feel that you should be entitled to your very own darkie.
Sorry that it bothers you that they get to eat at the same restaurants and go to the same schools you do.
Actually, no, I’m really not sorry that it bothers you, but I’m also not supposed to take pleasure in the discomfort of another, no matter the reason, so I’ll do my best not to grin and chuckle.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not long ago, I predicted that cars eventually will be computer-guided instead of driven by humans — which will save fuel, allow higher traffic densities on urban streets, and eliminate accidents. Guess what? Business Week Online posted an article today on that very subject. They predict it’ll happen in stages over the next 20 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Why would Obama want to talk with America-hating wingnut bloggers who think Joe McCarthy was a great man, liberals should be thrown into concentration camps, and the solution to their electoral problems is another terrorist attack that kills innocent Americans?
I’m not bothered by KC’s logo (I like it actually). But, I am a Tacoma boy and can’t pass up a chance to flip shit Seattle’s way.
Yeah I can see why the right wingers don’t want to talk about new lows in the economy, Bob Barr calling Bush a threat to liberty and new highs in Democratic voter turnout. I’d hide my head in the sand too if I were a republican.
Oh yeah – and with more young people than ever voting, don’t think for a minute they’ll make fun of and even despise the 1082 year old McCain for his lack of even BASIC computer literacy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 The average prison inmate would be an improvement over any GOP office holder or candidate I can think of. Come to think of it, a lot of GOP office holders are prison inmates!
The Real Markspews:
Roadkill @ 31
Better take your meds. You’re yelling at shadows. MTR isn’t even here.
The Real Markspews:
Roadkill @ 34
Yeah… Can’t wait for the first “hacked” car (via Bluetooth?) and all of the lawsuits that’ll come rolling in.
29 – There we go again. Perception is reality. Isn’t Rassmussen a right wing outfit? And who creates the perception? Wingnut talk radio? Limbaugh, Medved and many others bloviate about the paper of record almost daily, their talking points served up daily via e-mail from the RNC.
So what’s a more “centrist” paper? You right wingers love Investors Business Daily – they’re to the far right of the Wall Street Journal editorial page!
Maybe you’re ignorant of the fact that Noam Chomsky and others have been railing against the NY Times from the left for about as long as you have.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 What’s wrong with that? They put George Washington on the dollar bill but you don’t object to that. You see George every time you pull a buck out of your wallet. Martin Luther King Jr. was as important to our history as George was. He put our country’s racist fucks out of business. They’re now reduced to the status of whining wingnuts.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 32
Let’s take this slowwwwwlllyyyy, just for you. McCain was KID-DING…
Unlike Obama, who avoids reporters’ questions (and calls them “Sweetie,” too), McCain has the guts to openly talk with reporters and bloggers — including Lefty ones. Obama is scared.
Obama won’t do it because the conservative bloggers won’t stick to his tightly-controlled script. In honor of his answers to unscripted questions, he should be called Ohhh-uhhhh-ummmm-uhhhh-bama!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Jimmy Carter was supposed to be hot to go on intricacies and details, and what did that get him? He came close to flushing the country down the toilet. Only the election of Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus saved the country.”
Really? Is that so? This shows how deluded wingnuts are.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who created 17% inflation and 17% interest rates — that was your Republican pals Nixon and Ford.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who told Iran to hang onto the hostages until he could get into office and pay ransom for them — that was your Republican pal Reagan.
It was also Reagan who ran up the public debt and presided over the worst economy since the 1930s.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who flushed the Constitution down the drain — that was your Republican pals Nixon and Bush Jr.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who sold us out to Big Oil — that was your Republican pals Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Cheney. If people had listened to Jimmy Carter, we’d have alternative energy by now, instead of paying $4 for gas.
As usual, Piper, you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see anything in the darkness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Staring in the mirror again? You should stop hating yourself so much — just fuck yourself and be done with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I see Wells Fargo is down again today.
43 – He must be desperate. The economy is sinking fast. That’s not supposed to happen on a Republican’s watch. (You’ll find a way to blame it on Bill Clinton.) McSameOld has flip-flopped to the right to please the legions of dittoheads but he just can’t help being a Senator. The gaffes keep coming.
Obama is staying on message. He has to execute his strategy and protect his flanks from the swarms of 527 swift boaters funded by rich right wingers like Sheldon Adelson and headed up by the likes of Karl Rove.
Last time I looked Obama had a “nice lead”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Courthouse Park, called ‘Muscatel Meadows’ by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. County staffers.”
That’s good. It’s funny. Which is why I don’t believe you thought of it. At least you know a good joke when you hear one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Care to explain how is not the PAC money Obama denounced?”
Maybe because their money comes from small donations by individuals, and they’re not asking for a quid pro quo that benefits only a few very rich individuals?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “McCain risked his life for his Country”
So did I, but that doesn’t qualify me to be president.
“Passionate at issues.”
So am I, but that doesn’t qualify me to be president.
“Jimmy Carter only worse.”
Jimmy Carter was a decent president and a good man, which is more than you can say for any Republican since Ike. I’d take Carter over any of your lying, thieving, warmongering fascist-wanna-bes any day of the week and six times on Sundays.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 They don’t like the idea of liberals having money. They want it all for themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 That’s no reason to not kick him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Why am I not surprised that a retrograde troglodyte whose goal is bringing back the 1880s is against improving automotive technology? Are you against light bulbs, too? Don’t answer that, you’ll only look like the fool you are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnuts would un-invent penicillin if they could. The only modern technology they like is nuclear bombs.
Demo’s King County $70 million shortfall. One million Logo change. Spend ,Spend. Spend, Raise Taxes, Raise Taxes and Raise taxes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
michael spews:
McCain= 1950’s America. We need leadership that understands how things work in 2008.
You know, growing up in the 50’s & 60’s was pretty great…even though my family lived from paycheck to paycheck.
You’ll make the argument that Blacks were mistreated back then. No argument from me. It wasn’t perfect. However, I’d prefer having some of the simplicity back..wouldn’t you?
What era did you grow up in michael??
Go Maria!
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Try to keep up: The CFTC is supposed to be investigating ICE because the FSA won’t, even as members of the asset class make a killing off speculating and create a super bubble that could burst, making the subprime mess look like an economic hiccup.
And that’s why many of you are sitting home this July Fourth weekend while the price of gasoline sets record highs on a near daily basis.
At least, that’s how U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell sees it. And the Evergreen State Democrat is not alone.
One oil and gas industry analyst recently told Congress he couldn’t think of any reason to explain the run-up in crude oil prices besides “excessive” speculation. Of the $4 and change you’re paying per gallon, a consumer group estimates at least $1 is the result of speculation. Even the Saudis are blaming it on the speculators.
“These guys are looking at it like a Monopoly game,” Cantwell said.
What is it with you Lefties? Illiterate? Stupid? Both?
I clearly said that COUNTY STAFF called it “Muscatel Meadows.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
46. Roger Rabbit spews:
@17 I see Wells Fargo is down again today
Long-term play.
Did you see my ST play on JRCC today?
In & out in one day…$4.60/share profit!
Kudo’s to GBS.
Think I’ll donate the profit to McCain, Rossi & Reichert.
I have another buy order in @ $43.40.
Rog, ain’t it fun to make money!
PS–Why did you ride BOOM down the tank you silly Rabbit!
I’m not arguing that the the 50’s or any other decade was or wasn’t great. I’m arguing that you need someone that understands how the world functions today as president. That means understanding how a computer works, how the web works, how distributive networks work. People like Obama, Darcy Burner and senators Cantwell and Wyden understand this. Your boy’s, not so much.
And that argument was clear in my first post. But, nice try at changing the subject.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 47 “Obama is staying on message.”
1. No, he is not. See the NY Times and just about every other journalist that is finally waking up to Flip-Flop, Flippy-to-the-Flip-Flop, Ya Don’t Stop Obama.
2. “On message?” Why would Mr. New-Kind-of-Candidate need to stay “on message?” Can’t he just be honest? Say what he really thinks? Or is he afraid he’d say the wrong pander statement to the wrong audience? Worst case scenario would be that he’d have to make ANOTHER public statement two hours later to revise (aka “clarify”) what he said before. But that would NEVER happen… Right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Will McShame put single-mom waitresses out of work for spite, like Stefan did?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Obama has a simple and clear message from which he has not strayed:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 BOOM is going to do just fine. Their product is used in refineries, pipelines, oilfield equipment, and tanker ships.
Flip-Flop, Flippy-to-the-Flip-Flop, Ya Don’t Stop Obama.
Thanks for yet another great example of why the left will win. See, we’re a culturally driven country not a politically driven one. The right went after the political side of things after loosing badly in the culture war and used political means to block social change. And the right is now losing it’s grip on political power.
“Flip-Flop, Flippy-to-the-Flip-Flop, Ya Don’t Stop Obama.”
Is a paraphrase of of The Beasty Boys who are members of the left.
We win. With you’re old-school command and control understanding of the world, I doubt you can even see that.
The Real Markspews:
Roadkill @ 63 “REPUBLICANS SUCK”
Yes, some of our more attractive and talented women do — though they don’t wantonly do it for money like Dem girls do.
Besides, I’d rather be on the receiving end of “suck” than the “bend over and take it” that Obama and the Democrats want to give to this country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 At least you admit that even county-level bureaucrats are smarter than you, and have more sense of humor than you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 fyi, WFC is down $1.20 so far today, and it’s not even 10:30 am yet! $90,000 on a bank stock!!! BOOM’s customers are making money hand over fist, while all of Wells Fargo’s customers are broke! Unlike you, I understand that it’s customers who make or break a business.
The Real Markspews:
michael @ 65 “Is a paraphrase of of The Beasty Boys…”
Sorry there, Vanilla Ice. It is a quasi-paraphrase of the Sugarhill Gang. Go learn your music history.
Oh… and as for the “culture war,” please do tell the class whose wife founded the PMRC…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “though they don’t wantonly do it for money like Dem girls do”
Really? I’ve never met a Republican girl who wasn’t a golddigger. And unlike Republican men, we’re not stupid enough to marry our whores.
Imagine that Bob Barr one of the most right wing nuts imaginable says George Bush is our greatest threat to liberty. The righties SURE don’t want to talk about that do they?
re 8: You are delusional about RR. And what’s more, the highest approval rating the doddering old doofus ever had was 52%.
OMG, it totally is Sugar Hill. I saw the ending and a Beasty Boys song popped into my head.
That would be one Ms. Gore who founded the PMRC, which went no where. Just because you’re a (D) doesn’t mean you’re on the same side as I am and just because you’re an (R) doesn’t mean your on the other side. McCain and much, if not all, of the national conservative leadership have proven that they are on the wrong and losing side on this.
Nothing you said negates the idea that the right used political power as a bulwark against social and cultural change.
Sugar Hill doesn’t exactly vote (R), btw.
Time to hit the shower (yes, I know shower abuse!) and head off for another day at the starch factory.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Just bought JRCC AGAIN (Bought/Sold/Bought all in one day.
This time we got it at $43.15.
See how it goes this time.
Made $4.60/share earlier today.
MANY THANKS to GBS for his tip.
My analyst & I have been watching JRCC for some short-term plays.
C’mon Rog…we can’t call ’em all.
Just look at BOOM.
You road it like a silly Rabbit from 43 down to 28.66 last time I looked.
NOV is also DOWN.
Seems like you aren’t rooting for me.
I want to see you, GBS and any other INVESTOR make money by wisely taking risks.
No one wins ’em all.
I’m down a bit on Wells Fargo.
I told you, it’s a long-term play.
4,000 shares is enough.
Watch JRCC. Looking to make about $3/share this time…sell order @ $46 or so.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Remember Rog–
BOOM is DOWN 33% in a couple of weeks.
I agree it is important to have customers who are making money.
However, you foolishly fell in love with the stock. Stocks are not to be loved. They are tools to make money.
I looked into Wells Fargo and don’t believe they have the Bad Loans others do…higher underwriting standards. It’s hard to pull the trigger on a sector sooooooo out of favor. I don’t expect to call the rock bottom on a long-term/dividend play. We’ll see.
But BOOM…it’s like BOOM you shot your load all over your face on that one Rog!
61 – hmmm.. What does this line of bullshit sound like?
Oh yeah, the same old Republican bullshit used against Bill Clinton and John Kerry.. And the hip-hop stereotype has a bit of race-baiting twinge to it. Nice Surreal. You’re down with the REPUBLICAN program..
And McSameOld? Not a peep..
Flipped on torture, flipped on the Shrubya taxcuts, flopped on “agents of intolerance”, flipped on immigration, flopped on whatever needed to appeal to the Limbaugh/Sludge crowd.
All the while expressing a fondness for French airplanes, winsome lobbyists…
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. The Real Mark spews:
King County was originally named after William Rufus Devane King, a slave owner and VP under Democrat Franklin Pierce, in 1852. The county was only “renamed” after Dr. King in 1986.
Was this part of the Reframing History Act of 1986 Clinton signed?
Something funny about the democrats and their insistence the reps are the racist party…
1. It’s the dems going around changing names on everything to stop honoring democrat slave owners.
2. All the true evils of racism were during the time the democrats were the racist party. Reps can point to slavery, lynchings, dogs and water hoses, voting down of the civil rights act, etc as being heinous racist acts committed by democrats.
3. In rebuttal, the dems lecture us about the racism of raygun talking about “state rights.” Or name some old and dying ex-democrat-turned-republican speech from years gone by or some un-funded social program as proof of racism.
Hhmmm, inhumane treatment of blacks vs. speeches about state rights. You make the decision.
Tell us again how Flip Flop McCain voted against the MLK holiday? And why not join your buddy Marv the pervert? Head down MLK Way in Seattle with a sign showing how you hate MLK? What’s the matter – you afraid? You fucking child molesting chump!
I’m a racist? Tell me something, out of the six people who have posting privileges on this site, how many do you think are African American?
And with that, I believe I just won this argument.
77 – You’re full of old tired resentments as usual. When will you face the evidence? Most of the Dem racists fled to the Republicans.
Yes, Ronnie Raygun’s dog whistles are evidence.
David Duke’s political career in Louisiana is evidence.
The South now flipping to solid R is evidence.
Why is the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party an African American?
Iowa is 98 percent white. Obama kicked ass there.
You’re so full of crap.
The obvious desperation exhibited by the wingers here as they breathlessly go after minutiae about Obama does my heart good.
Kinda sad that theyre reduced to whining here in the wilderness, with nobody buyin any of their laughable talking points or feeble attempts at spin, but it sure shows whats comin in November. And it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be McCain balancing the budget with 100 years of Victory in Iraq. But keep em comin fellas — you’re funnier than cartoons!
And of the two candidates, which one has held conferences with bloggers from BOTH sides of the aisle? No, not Obama. (He might have to answer some uncomfortable questions, Sweetie.)
Personally, I’d rather have the President put his focus on the matters at hand instead of being hopelessly addicted to his Blackberry. Obama is SO addicted to his Blackberry that a CNN story the other day showed him checking it during his daughter’s soccer game (and having his wife chide him for it).
And is he fulfilling his legislative duties with the Blackberry? NO. As the video above explains, Obama is checking sports scores. Gamblers tend to obsessively check sports scores. Does Obama have a gambling problem?
Even the New York Times is finally exposing Obama as the phony that he is:
New and Not Improved
Yeah, McSame has admitted not knowing much about the Economy and relies on his wife to do the Computer for him. Mostly, I think McSame hates the Bloggers who keep raking in MONEY for his opponent. Kind of like dubya, with no curiosity of International affairs (and look where THAT got us).
Lots of young people going to the polls this next Nov. Even their Grandmas can work a computer (the youngsters have been pulling hard duty training Grandfolks & working out the bugs for them).
I’m sick of seeing Martin Luther King’s face on every single piece of King Count property down to my fucking bus transfer. Is this North Korea or something, where you can’t go one minute without seeing a statue or portrait of Kim Jong-il? Yeah, I know the sainted minister is our county’s namesake, but does that mean his scowling mug has to be plastered on everything? Look at Redmond. Redmond is named after some dude named Redmond or McRedmond, but they don’t have HIS face as their logo. No, they have some trees and a park as their logo. And they don’t plaster that logo everywhere. They use it sparingly. So how about that? We can still have King County named after Junior, but have someone more appealing to look at, like some trees next to a lake as our logo.
And whose bright idea was it to name our county after a Christian minister? What’s next, renaming Seattle after Ted Haggard or Jimmy Swaggart?
I think Paul Farmer, the man profiled in the Tracy Kidder book Mountains Beyond Mountains, is a hypocrite. He criticizes Mother Teresa for meeting with, and complimenting a dictator, but Farmer does the very same thing with Castro!
Troll @ 4
King County was originally named after William Rufus Devane King, a slave owner and VP under Democrat Franklin Pierce, in 1852. The county was only “renamed” after Dr. King in 1986.
Right, and I’m just saying I think they’re overdoing it with slapping his face on everything, to the point it’s making me feel we’re living in one of those countries like North Korea or Turkmenistan where they plaster the dictator’s image everywhere to the point of idolatry.
Name the county after the dude, but at least get his ugly, scowling face off of my bus transfer ticket!
McCain computer illiterate? Who cares!
Jimmy Carter was supposed to be hot to go on intricacies and details, and what did that get him? He came close to flushing the country down the toilet. Only the election of Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus saved the country.
Sneering elitism isn’t a qualification to be president, nor is the ability to Google a Thai restaurant or having tons of friends on a MySpace page.
What a non-issue.
The Piper
Looks like all you turd-eating, ass-licking right wing cowards didn’t get the memo. FlipFlop McCain has problems from the right.
Hey Troll why don’t you walk down MLK Ave with a big sign over your head that says how you feel? What? You afraid? Fucking racist asshole coward!
Not a good weekend for the republicans…
Bob Barr called GW Bush the biggest threat to America’s liberty!
The Bush/McCain recession got much worse!
Dems registered 150,000 new voters in battelground states!
Wow Pooper what next? Trying to deflect the fact that the old fart McCain doesn’t know anything about the Internet by saying Abe Lincoln didn’t and he turned out okay?
Man your side is very hard up these days isn’t it!
As for the Fake Mark – you should come clean on all that child porn you’ve been digging up on YOUR Blackberry. They’ll only probably add five years to your sentence for raping your own kids. Fess up.
@8: I don’t think the lack of common computer literacy per se is the issue (Googling restaurants and checking sports scores), but that this might represent part of a larger cognitive style. We’ve just suffered through 7 1/2 years with a Republican president who took pride in knowing little and being unable to learn, even from his own mistakes.
It’s also a reflection of being out of touch with reality. For someone in national politics, you might have gotten away knowing nothing about computers in the 1990s, but for goodness sakes, we’re nearly into the 20-teens!
Me thinks BiBiGoop is showing us a glimpse of his real personality. Fat, Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son…..and If you add in your obvious inner hate, I’d say you have a rough road to hoe. Happy travels little one.
BBG @ 12
You are a sad, sad little child.
Maybe King County could use a picture of drunks passed out at Victor Steinbrueck Park as its logo.
McCain risked his life for his Country
O-blah-blah READ about McCain risking his life for his Country.
O-blah-blah is a slickster who smoothly, with the help of the MSM of course, steers thru landmines like his 20+ year affiliation with Black Liberation Theology and endless kooks.
McCain is a feisty man. Passionate at issues.
O-blah-blah is passionate about winning an election and is all over the map on issues.
O-blah-blah=Jimmy Carter only worse.
michael @ 16
A more appropriate locale would be Courthouse Park, called “Muscatel Meadows” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. County staffers.
McCain is an old, tired, war-mongering fool who’ll do anything to attain his “entitlement”, his “precious” – the White House.
Here’s only one thing he’ll do for his “precious”:
His campaign was primarily lobbyist driven until that got too inconvenient – now Karl Rove has taken it over.
A McCain presidency will only mean more corruption, more war, more debt, more ineptitude, more disaster for the people of this country. With Karl Rove on board it is totally certain that 4 years of McCain is the same old REPUBLICAN bullshit.
Without an Obama presidency there is no hope that the ugly mess of the last eight years, the bleeding sore of Iraq, the destruction of the American economy, the degradation of the environment – will ever be reversed.
YLB @ 19
I’ve had a good night’s sleep, yet your BS is SO TIRED I am having trouble stifling the yawns.
You really should get on your masters at to send you some new talking points.
Either that, or simply wake up and smell the coffee. Even the Lefty New York Times isn’t happy with flippity-flopping Obama. Meet the New Dems — same as the Old Dems.
Here’s a little something to work your brain this morning: Care to explain how is not the PAC money Obama denounced?
McCain sets a new record!
20 – Fine go back to bed, who needs you and your ugly stereotypes, your resentments – a veritable Dick Nixon of our times you are Surreal Mark. Talk about a REPUBLICAN yawnner…
I don’t know any outfit called “” and I’m not about to find out. As I told you before, I don’t click on your REPUBLICAN links.
Obama is tacking rightward? Gee so has McCain! To appeal to people like you – and the Limbaugh crowd. Nice new bedfellows you got there Surreal.
The New York Times lefty? Omigod. Obviously not so much when Judy Miller was Scooter Libby’s stenographer. The more Judy Millers at the grey lady, the more “centrist” it becomes. Zzzzzzz… Here we go again. Gee I’ve been to that website maybe 3 times to watch some so so tv commercials. I noticed one time they had a campaign going to register people to vote for progressive Dems – fine work by me. Apparently it makes you seethe with hate Surreal. No wonder you’re so fixated. More people engaged in real democracy means less REPUBLICAN bullshit.
Poor Moveon – not an insurance company or a big pharma outfit. Just people who are for progress and concerned about the sorry state of our democracy. People Surreal Mark just can’t stand.
YLB– SoreAss==Hedge Fund Scoundrel’s money
Bought JRCC this AM @ $43.40.
Couldn’t resist this short-term play.
We have sell order in @ $48.
Could be a 1-day flip…famous last words.
Thanks for the tip.
It was highly oversold this AM.
Not sure about long-run…but certainly $43.40 was cheap.
“Muscatel Meadows” I like that one. When Tacoma was sick of having problems with street drunks they passed alcohol impact area laws, built a “dry out” center and revamped how they dealt with homeless folks. The problems didn’t disappear (no one claimed they would), but they’re sure getting a whole lot better.
Seattle still can’t seem to figure it out, but us down here in Pierce County are somehow the backwards hicks.
I just don’t get it. What is it with right wingers and George Soros?
It’s not like you fools don’t have your Scaifes, Moons, Murdochs, Koch brothers, Olins, Bradleys, Smith Richardsons, Sheldon Adelsons, Hunt brothers, Coors, etc, etc, etc…
And how many rich right wingers have some of their money in hedge funds? How many rich right wingers got richer from Soros’ hedge funds?
What does Soros do? Funds progressive think tanks and activist outfits, i.e. plays the same game right wingers have been doing since the defeat of Barry Goldwater in ’64!
No wonder you hate him.
Too get more back on topic, I do think that it’s quite relevant that McCain can’t use a computer and doesn’t “get” the web, because computers and the web are at the center of modern communications. You kinda need to know how that stuff works these days.
Also, pretty much every flipping thing is moving away from command and control linear networks towards distributive networking. Not “getting” computers and the web means not getting distributive networking and that means not understanding how the world we live in functions.
McCain= 1950’s America. We need leadership that understands how things work in 2008.
YLB @ 22
The fact that you somehow think that the NYT is non-partisan shows just how brainwashed Left you are. Here’s Rasmussen on the subject:
As for the other topic about which you’re willingly blind: is a multi-million-dollar PAC that does everything from spending Soros money to asking members to host “Bake Sales for Obama.”
Gee… Guess they want to get little kids used to handing over all of their hard-earned money to Democrats.
Good one.
I can hardly wait until gas hits $7 and Mark the Welsher takes a number and stands in line at a Prius dealership! Pay your gambling debt, liar!!!
McCain hates bloggers. Little wonder. Bloggers aren’t motivated by money and therefore can’t be controlled. The large blog sites like DailyKos are sustained by sympathetic advertisers and readers – they don’t depend on corporate support.
A right wing hatchet man can call and scream at any traditional media outlet the implied threat being the pulling of ad revenue.
Considering the new King County logo.
The folks complaining here are really showing their true feelings. KC changed its old ugly chess-piece logo for a stylized portrait of Doctor King. As county logos go, it’s better than most.
We have portraits of George Washington on everything the state does. I don’t hear our resident wingnuts comparing him to a Korean dictator.
But, we still have bigots and racists that keep trying to put the Confederate Battle Flag up as a symbol of “heritage”, so I’m not surprised that we have folks that absolutely hate the image of Dr. King.
Face it, folks. You lost that war, and you can’t get great-grandpappy’s slaves back no matter how much you want them or feel that you should be entitled to your very own darkie.
Sorry that it bothers you that they get to eat at the same restaurants and go to the same schools you do.
Actually, no, I’m really not sorry that it bothers you, but I’m also not supposed to take pleasure in the discomfort of another, no matter the reason, so I’ll do my best not to grin and chuckle.
Not long ago, I predicted that cars eventually will be computer-guided instead of driven by humans — which will save fuel, allow higher traffic densities on urban streets, and eliminate accidents. Guess what? Business Week Online posted an article today on that very subject. They predict it’ll happen in stages over the next 20 years.
@1 Why would Obama want to talk with America-hating wingnut bloggers who think Joe McCarthy was a great man, liberals should be thrown into concentration camps, and the solution to their electoral problems is another terrorist attack that kills innocent Americans?
I’m not bothered by KC’s logo (I like it actually). But, I am a Tacoma boy and can’t pass up a chance to flip shit Seattle’s way.
Yeah I can see why the right wingers don’t want to talk about new lows in the economy, Bob Barr calling Bush a threat to liberty and new highs in Democratic voter turnout. I’d hide my head in the sand too if I were a republican.
Oh yeah – and with more young people than ever voting, don’t think for a minute they’ll make fun of and even despise the 1082 year old McCain for his lack of even BASIC computer literacy.
@2 The average prison inmate would be an improvement over any GOP office holder or candidate I can think of. Come to think of it, a lot of GOP office holders are prison inmates!
Roadkill @ 31
Better take your meds. You’re yelling at shadows. MTR isn’t even here.
Roadkill @ 34
Yeah… Can’t wait for the first “hacked” car (via Bluetooth?) and all of the lawsuits that’ll come rolling in.
29 – There we go again. Perception is reality. Isn’t Rassmussen a right wing outfit? And who creates the perception? Wingnut talk radio? Limbaugh, Medved and many others bloviate about the paper of record almost daily, their talking points served up daily via e-mail from the RNC.
So what’s a more “centrist” paper? You right wingers love Investors Business Daily – they’re to the far right of the Wall Street Journal editorial page!
Maybe you’re ignorant of the fact that Noam Chomsky and others have been railing against the NY Times from the left for about as long as you have.
@7 What’s wrong with that? They put George Washington on the dollar bill but you don’t object to that. You see George every time you pull a buck out of your wallet. Martin Luther King Jr. was as important to our history as George was. He put our country’s racist fucks out of business. They’re now reduced to the status of whining wingnuts.
YLB @ 32
Let’s take this slowwwwwlllyyyy, just for you. McCain was KID-DING…
Unlike Obama, who avoids reporters’ questions (and calls them “Sweetie,” too), McCain has the guts to openly talk with reporters and bloggers — including Lefty ones. Obama is scared.
Obama won’t do it because the conservative bloggers won’t stick to his tightly-controlled script. In honor of his answers to unscripted questions, he should be called Ohhh-uhhhh-ummmm-uhhhh-bama!
@8 “Jimmy Carter was supposed to be hot to go on intricacies and details, and what did that get him? He came close to flushing the country down the toilet. Only the election of Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus saved the country.”
Really? Is that so? This shows how deluded wingnuts are.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who created 17% inflation and 17% interest rates — that was your Republican pals Nixon and Ford.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who told Iran to hang onto the hostages until he could get into office and pay ransom for them — that was your Republican pal Reagan.
It was also Reagan who ran up the public debt and presided over the worst economy since the 1930s.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who flushed the Constitution down the drain — that was your Republican pals Nixon and Bush Jr.
It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who sold us out to Big Oil — that was your Republican pals Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Cheney. If people had listened to Jimmy Carter, we’d have alternative energy by now, instead of paying $4 for gas.
As usual, Piper, you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see anything in the darkness.
@14 Staring in the mirror again? You should stop hating yourself so much — just fuck yourself and be done with it.
@17 I see Wells Fargo is down again today.
43 – He must be desperate. The economy is sinking fast. That’s not supposed to happen on a Republican’s watch. (You’ll find a way to blame it on Bill Clinton.) McSameOld has flip-flopped to the right to please the legions of dittoheads but he just can’t help being a Senator. The gaffes keep coming.
Obama is staying on message. He has to execute his strategy and protect his flanks from the swarms of 527 swift boaters funded by rich right wingers like Sheldon Adelson and headed up by the likes of Karl Rove.
Last time I looked Obama had a “nice lead”.
@18 “Courthouse Park, called ‘Muscatel Meadows’ by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. County staffers.”
That’s good. It’s funny. Which is why I don’t believe you thought of it. At least you know a good joke when you hear one.
@20 “Care to explain how is not the PAC money Obama denounced?”
Maybe because their money comes from small donations by individuals, and they’re not asking for a quid pro quo that benefits only a few very rich individuals?
@17 “McCain risked his life for his Country”
So did I, but that doesn’t qualify me to be president.
“Passionate at issues.”
So am I, but that doesn’t qualify me to be president.
“Jimmy Carter only worse.”
Jimmy Carter was a decent president and a good man, which is more than you can say for any Republican since Ike. I’d take Carter over any of your lying, thieving, warmongering fascist-wanna-bes any day of the week and six times on Sundays.
@27 They don’t like the idea of liberals having money. They want it all for themselves.
@39 That’s no reason to not kick him.
@40 Why am I not surprised that a retrograde troglodyte whose goal is bringing back the 1880s is against improving automotive technology? Are you against light bulbs, too? Don’t answer that, you’ll only look like the fool you are.
Wingnuts would un-invent penicillin if they could. The only modern technology they like is nuclear bombs.
Demo’s King County $70 million shortfall. One million Logo change. Spend ,Spend. Spend, Raise Taxes, Raise Taxes and Raise taxes.
michael spews:
McCain= 1950’s America. We need leadership that understands how things work in 2008.
You know, growing up in the 50’s & 60’s was pretty great…even though my family lived from paycheck to paycheck.
You’ll make the argument that Blacks were mistreated back then. No argument from me. It wasn’t perfect. However, I’d prefer having some of the simplicity back..wouldn’t you?
What era did you grow up in michael??
Go Maria!
Roadkill @ 48
What is it with you Lefties? Illiterate? Stupid? Both?
I clearly said that COUNTY STAFF called it “Muscatel Meadows.”
46. Roger Rabbit spews:
@17 I see Wells Fargo is down again today
Long-term play.
Did you see my ST play on JRCC today?
In & out in one day…$4.60/share profit!
Kudo’s to GBS.
Think I’ll donate the profit to McCain, Rossi & Reichert.
I have another buy order in @ $43.40.
Rog, ain’t it fun to make money!
PS–Why did you ride BOOM down the tank you silly Rabbit!
I’m not arguing that the the 50’s or any other decade was or wasn’t great. I’m arguing that you need someone that understands how the world functions today as president. That means understanding how a computer works, how the web works, how distributive networks work. People like Obama, Darcy Burner and senators Cantwell and Wyden understand this. Your boy’s, not so much.
And that argument was clear in my first post. But, nice try at changing the subject.
YLB @ 47 “Obama is staying on message.”
1. No, he is not. See the NY Times and just about every other journalist that is finally waking up to Flip-Flop, Flippy-to-the-Flip-Flop, Ya Don’t Stop Obama.
2. “On message?” Why would Mr. New-Kind-of-Candidate need to stay “on message?” Can’t he just be honest? Say what he really thinks? Or is he afraid he’d say the wrong pander statement to the wrong audience? Worst case scenario would be that he’d have to make ANOTHER public statement two hours later to revise (aka “clarify”) what he said before. But that would NEVER happen… Right?
Will McShame put single-mom waitresses out of work for spite, like Stefan did?
@61 Obama has a simple and clear message from which he has not strayed:
@59 BOOM is going to do just fine. Their product is used in refineries, pipelines, oilfield equipment, and tanker ships.
Thanks for yet another great example of why the left will win. See, we’re a culturally driven country not a politically driven one. The right went after the political side of things after loosing badly in the culture war and used political means to block social change. And the right is now losing it’s grip on political power.
Is a paraphrase of of The Beasty Boys who are members of the left.
We win. With you’re old-school command and control understanding of the world, I doubt you can even see that.
Roadkill @ 63 “REPUBLICANS SUCK”
Yes, some of our more attractive and talented women do — though they don’t wantonly do it for money like Dem girls do.
Besides, I’d rather be on the receiving end of “suck” than the “bend over and take it” that Obama and the Democrats want to give to this country.
@58 At least you admit that even county-level bureaucrats are smarter than you, and have more sense of humor than you do.
@59 fyi, WFC is down $1.20 so far today, and it’s not even 10:30 am yet! $90,000 on a bank stock!!! BOOM’s customers are making money hand over fist, while all of Wells Fargo’s customers are broke! Unlike you, I understand that it’s customers who make or break a business.
michael @ 65 “Is a paraphrase of of The Beasty Boys…”
Sorry there, Vanilla Ice. It is a quasi-paraphrase of the Sugarhill Gang. Go learn your music history.
Oh… and as for the “culture war,” please do tell the class whose wife founded the PMRC…
@66 “though they don’t wantonly do it for money like Dem girls do”
Really? I’ve never met a Republican girl who wasn’t a golddigger. And unlike Republican men, we’re not stupid enough to marry our whores.
Imagine that Bob Barr one of the most right wing nuts imaginable says George Bush is our greatest threat to liberty. The righties SURE don’t want to talk about that do they?
re 8: You are delusional about RR. And what’s more, the highest approval rating the doddering old doofus ever had was 52%.
OMG, it totally is Sugar Hill. I saw the ending and a Beasty Boys song popped into my head.
That would be one Ms. Gore who founded the PMRC, which went no where. Just because you’re a (D) doesn’t mean you’re on the same side as I am and just because you’re an (R) doesn’t mean your on the other side. McCain and much, if not all, of the national conservative leadership have proven that they are on the wrong and losing side on this.
Nothing you said negates the idea that the right used political power as a bulwark against social and cultural change.
Sugar Hill doesn’t exactly vote (R), btw.
Time to hit the shower (yes, I know shower abuse!) and head off for another day at the starch factory.
Just bought JRCC AGAIN (Bought/Sold/Bought all in one day.
This time we got it at $43.15.
See how it goes this time.
Made $4.60/share earlier today.
MANY THANKS to GBS for his tip.
My analyst & I have been watching JRCC for some short-term plays.
C’mon Rog…we can’t call ’em all.
Just look at BOOM.
You road it like a silly Rabbit from 43 down to 28.66 last time I looked.
NOV is also DOWN.
Seems like you aren’t rooting for me.
I want to see you, GBS and any other INVESTOR make money by wisely taking risks.
No one wins ’em all.
I’m down a bit on Wells Fargo.
I told you, it’s a long-term play.
4,000 shares is enough.
Watch JRCC. Looking to make about $3/share this time…sell order @ $46 or so.
Remember Rog–
BOOM is DOWN 33% in a couple of weeks.
I agree it is important to have customers who are making money.
However, you foolishly fell in love with the stock. Stocks are not to be loved. They are tools to make money.
I looked into Wells Fargo and don’t believe they have the Bad Loans others do…higher underwriting standards. It’s hard to pull the trigger on a sector sooooooo out of favor. I don’t expect to call the rock bottom on a long-term/dividend play. We’ll see.
But BOOM…it’s like BOOM you shot your load all over your face on that one Rog!
61 – hmmm.. What does this line of bullshit sound like?
Oh yeah, the same old Republican bullshit used against Bill Clinton and John Kerry.. And the hip-hop stereotype has a bit of race-baiting twinge to it. Nice Surreal. You’re down with the REPUBLICAN program..
And McSameOld? Not a peep..
Flipped on torture, flipped on the Shrubya taxcuts, flopped on “agents of intolerance”, flipped on immigration, flopped on whatever needed to appeal to the Limbaugh/Sludge crowd.
All the while expressing a fondness for French airplanes, winsome lobbyists…
Was this part of the Reframing History Act of 1986 Clinton signed?
Something funny about the democrats and their insistence the reps are the racist party…
1. It’s the dems going around changing names on everything to stop honoring democrat slave owners.
2. All the true evils of racism were during the time the democrats were the racist party. Reps can point to slavery, lynchings, dogs and water hoses, voting down of the civil rights act, etc as being heinous racist acts committed by democrats.
3. In rebuttal, the dems lecture us about the racism of raygun talking about “state rights.” Or name some old and dying ex-democrat-turned-republican speech from years gone by or some un-funded social program as proof of racism.
Hhmmm, inhumane treatment of blacks vs. speeches about state rights. You make the decision.
Tell us again how Flip Flop McCain voted against the MLK holiday? And why not join your buddy Marv the pervert? Head down MLK Way in Seattle with a sign showing how you hate MLK? What’s the matter – you afraid? You fucking child molesting chump!
I’m a racist? Tell me something, out of the six people who have posting privileges on this site, how many do you think are African American?
And with that, I believe I just won this argument.
77 – You’re full of old tired resentments as usual. When will you face the evidence? Most of the Dem racists fled to the Republicans.
Yes, Ronnie Raygun’s dog whistles are evidence.
David Duke’s political career in Louisiana is evidence.
The South now flipping to solid R is evidence.
Why is the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party an African American?
Iowa is 98 percent white. Obama kicked ass there.
You’re so full of crap.
The obvious desperation exhibited by the wingers here as they breathlessly go after minutiae about Obama does my heart good.
Kinda sad that theyre reduced to whining here in the wilderness, with nobody buyin any of their laughable talking points or feeble attempts at spin, but it sure shows whats comin in November. And it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be McCain balancing the budget with 100 years of Victory in Iraq. But keep em comin fellas — you’re funnier than cartoons!