I’ve been meaning to write about the Snohomish County Council race between Republican Jeff Sax and Democrat Dave Somers… but simply have run out of time. So instead I’ll point you towards Lynn at Evergreen Politics, which has the latest on Sax’s last minute, building industry funded smear campaign.
In a last minute attempt to prevent Somers from retaking this seat, Sax has mailed out and distributed at least six different last-minute pieces containing lies and more lies. They’ve also slapped “GAY endorsed” all over every large Somers sign in the district.
There are few races in which the differences between the candidates are as stark as this one. Dave Somers is a fisheries scientist and land-use analyst, with an established record as a former councilman of a reasoned, managed approach to Snohomish County’s explosive growth. He is endorsed by every major paper.
Jeff Sax on the other hand, is a pro-sprawl, building industry shill… a sitting councilman, currently under criminal investigation for leaking confidential documents, who was also caught building a house without a permit. Even a top Snohomish County Republican privately called Sax “an embarrassment to the party”… and for the GOP, that’s saying something.
Let’s just put it this way… if this were a lesser-of-two-evils race between Jeff Sax and David Irons Jr., I’d cast my ballot for Irons in a heartbeat.
I’ve updated the post to include a picture of one of the vandalized signs. The Seattle Times has more about the vandalism (via Progressive Majority):
Snohomish County Council Democratic candidate Dave Somers awoke Sunday morning to the news that someone had appended black-and-white stickers to some of his campaign signs declaring, in big block letters, that he is “gay endorsed.”
When told what the signs said, Jim Donner, a volunteer for Somers’ Republican opponent, Jeff Sax, shot back: “Well, he is, isn’t he?” But he denied the Sax campaign’s involvement.
The small print on the signs attributed them to the liberal political group Progressive Majority, but Washington Progressive Majority director Dean Nielsen said his group had nothing to do with them. The group is supporting Somers’ candidacy.
So my question to the trolls who will defend this vandalism… if I were to paste “Fascist Endorsed” stickers to Sax signs, with the small print attribution “Paid for by the Building Industry Association of Washington”… that would be okay, right?
Progressive Majority has more on last minute dirty tricks against progressive candidates:
Down in Clark County, the local Republican Party emailed 2,000 of its supporters to notify them that Steve Stuart [campaign website], Progressive Majority’s candidate for County Commissioner, had fallen on financial hard-times. In the very same email that GOP operatives claim they will not make Steve’s financial troubles a political issue in the race, they encourage their activists to contact their local news media about just this issue. It’s a political about-face and voters deserve better. Steve has huge community support in Clark County – this is just another example of smear tactics from a desperate campaign.
And out in Port Orchard, voters received a fake “Voter Guide” for City Council that compares conservative Jim Weatherill with Progressive Majority candidate Fred Chang [campaign website]. The hit piece stereotypes Chang for being Chinese-American as well as being gay, and notes that he’s endorsed by “ultra-liberal political organization, Progressive Majority Washington”. Weatherill claims he’s not involved, even though the mail disclaimer reads that it’s paid for by his campaign committee. Given that Fred won the primary with 48% to Weatherill’s 28%, the conservatives are pulling out their dirty tricks in the final stretch.
It’s time to tell GOPolitburo Chair Chris Vance to stop the bullshit!
thanks for taking the time to blog on this one.
we’ve all been distracted by the Sims v. Irons race. but by almost any analysis the Somers v. Sax race is more important for the future of the state. the race will determine the balance of power in one of the most important counties.
for us policy folks, it’s important because it’s a choice between:
*reasoned, balanced growth (Somers) and unchecked sprawl (Sax)
*saving the taxpayer’s money by making growth paying for itself (Somers) and forcing taxpayer’s to subsidize big developers (Sax)
*respecting the role of an efficient government to provide needed services (Somers) and undermining the ability of government to do its job (Sax)
*an honest broker who represents the best interests of the county (Somers) and an idealogue who is bought and sold by big developers (Sax)
for us political folks, it’s important because Snohomish County has become one of the most swing counties in the state. if Democrats want to win state wide (at least decisively, Christine), we need good Democratic local leaders like Somers to help show the way.
thanks for posting something on this race.
check out more lowlights from our friend Sax:
Sax is a total loser. I hope Snohomish citizens vote that scumbag off the council.
This turkey (Sax) won’t gobble.
Even the Republican-leaning Seattle Times doesn’t want anything to do with him. Last Wednesday, the Times endorsed his opponent, having had enough of Sax’s antics.
The Times also ran a column critical of Sax:
Gosh, your fringies sure do hate it when your opponents use your own tactics against you.
What fun you are to watch…. sort of like the performing monkeys at the zoo…. or ircus!
Hmmm, given the choice between Sax and Irons, I think I’d vote for Mickey Mouse, Elmer Fudd, or Dick Hertz.
Though I chose not to cast a vote for any of those gents (fictional or otherwise) on my actual ballot.
“GAY endorsed”? only with republicans is this an insult. I think Jeff Sux was endorsed by Jim West, but IOKIYAR
Hey as long as the votes are counted in King County, heck Goldy your vote might just count, or hey come on up to Sno county and get a “provisional” ballot, just make sure you bring some proper ID, like a 2 box tops from your favorite cereal, or a old recipt from something you purchased, or a utitly bill. On second thought lets keep the blue infection to a minimum, I’ll make sure some red bleeds in.
goldy….YOU of all people are talking about a “smear” campaign?????????
now…..that’s RICH………..
but i guess in the big scheme[accent on scheme] of things you of all people would regognize one if you saw it. you have been pretty busy at it yourself lately.
* goldy “psst….i heard [made up] a rumor. want to hear me make it sound like fact????”
*sock puppet ” oooooohhhh….goldy, if you say it it must be true” fawn fawn fawn……..
Are you REALLY too stupid to come up with your own insults?
Quit STEALING mine. Dumb bitch.
rujax…….steal yours? where where? i guess i didn’t read it……
Geez, Ghost from her new perch in CAALEEFUURNEEAA is so emotionally invested in WASHINGTON! C’mon admit it ghost – you love this place.
That picture is a classic – it reflects the true nature of the current Republican Party.
*…if this were a lesser-of-two-evils race between Jeff Sax and David Irons Jr., I’d cast my ballot for Irons in a heartbeat.”
Speaking of Iron, I’d like to point out to your readers a really interesting debate on the Executive race over at Washblog in case anyone is interested in reading a substantive debate on the issues, and not just a one-sided sycophantic love-fest.
Check this out: http://washblog.typepad.com/ma.....ge_an.html
Feel free to comment all you like.
This sounds like a Democrat dirty trick to me. Vandalize your own campaign signs with some sort of outrageous message, and hope this generates a sympathy backlash in your favor. Since Dave Somers is likely to benefit from this vandalism of his yard signs, I would say the vandalism was most likely performed by someone who favors the election of Somers.
So, it’s a bad thing that happens to a Dem, so it must be a dirty trick, because, after all, Dave Somers couldn’t beat this piece of shit straight up. Riiight…
I think it’ll backfire.
Goldy, your partisan outrage, as usual, is humourous.
Goldy, your partisan outrage, as usual, is humourous. Comment by ConservativeFirst— 11/7/05 @ 12:04 pm
No, No, not humourous, LAUGHABLE!
The vote to put “endorsed by heteroes” on Sax signs died in committee on the theory that most of his supporters did not know what “hetero” means.
Classic case of Selective outrage syndrome
Jesus Christ, the right-wingers who comment here are idiots to a man. I think I deal with you guys every time I face a sour-faced career bureacrat at the DMV.
David @ 20: “I think I deal with you guys [right-wingers] every time I face a sour-faced career bureacrat at the DMV.”
Try again, Davey. Those are all LEFT-wing union members who are “career” simply because they can’t be fired.
If only the Washington State Repubs got “decent candidates” who were not ethically and morally challenged, mother beaters, liars, who are too willing to disenfranchise and suppress votes and voters in order to “win/steal” elections.
roger, you mean like almost felon mcdrmott
For the Clueless…….you said ..”Geez, Ghost from her new perch in CAALEEFUURNEEAA is so emotionally invested in WASHINGTON! C’mon admit it ghost – you love this place.”
love that place???? um….no…not really.i wasn’t impressed even once in the six years i lived there. it’s a “been there, done that place” sadly. mainly because you guys are really 20 [at least] years behind california. so i must admit that my feelings about washington state are colored by that. i think maybe if you are a native californian….especially norhtern california, where we aren’t impressed by trees and water because we have better ones [to my jaundiced eye anyway] washington state was a big let down.but it has great potential if you can clean up the election messes, clear cutting run rampant,and your roads [ god…..your roads.unbelievable!!! and i’m not talking the traffic] and water. a dead hood canal, and a polluted sound aren’t exactly great ads for the state.interesting…. in a state run[amok] by democrats who supposedly care so much about the environment….for there to be so many environmental problems that other states dealt with decades ago.i have never seen so much trash thrown out of car windows either.
although one good thing for all of you anyway…….californians aren’t going to “run up there and steal all our land”….nyuk nyuk nyuk….a true clanish remark if ever there was one.
wow…if i had a nickel for every time i heard that silly statement.i don’t remember ever seeing someone hold a gun to a real estate agents’ head and say “sell to me or else”….heh heh heh.
after all…..all you’re going to get are southern californians [transplants from terra haute via san diego]…and they won’t stay long.
so..you have your little backwater all to yourself…….
but it could be a great state. sans all the hairy-legged ugly women with men’s haircuts , the violent rock throwing protestors ,the obnoxious entitled bums………….maybe there are too many problems after all.
never mind.
oh and BTW…… the “gay” signs smack so much of something the democrats in washington state would do that it’s laughable. after all…..what is the first thing any of goldy’s “enlightened” sock puppets call someone they disagree with? gay.
and goldy..you REALLY ARE carrying water for sim’s campaign aren’t you?
i never thought you would actually do it.
The xfuckingghost doesn’t even live here.
Isn’t THAT just a fine kettle of fish.
That’s one less dumb fucking reactionary bitch we got to worry about.
Bon fucking voyage!!!!!
oh and goldy………”The hit piece stereotypes Chang for being Chinese-American as well as being gay, and notes that he’s endorsed by “ultra-liberal political organization, Progressive Majority Washington”.
i have a question for you. what is the problem with stating facts?
are you saying that you think there is something wrong with being gay, or chinese american?
you can try to spin this anyway you want…..but when i vote i want to know who is endorsing the candidate.it often says alot more about the person than his fact sheet. you lay down with dogs and all that……
however, i will add,though i find all of this repugnant, i told you this would be the outcome of your party’s cheating tactics last year.
unfortunately, in washington state, both parties are run by men who have real maturity issues. but once again goldy……you opened the door with the election fiasco for this one.
rujax206……you ARE slow, aren’t you? but according to a certain “mrs. robinson” i could run up there and vote. or maybe by mail and it would be perfectly fine. hmm….interesting thought.
i voted there for 6 years …what’s another year?
I think “hateful”, “tasteless”, “mean-spirited” and “ugly”, perhaps even illegal would all be apt comments…but “lying Sax of shit”?
Dave Somers IS endorsed by Snohomish County Elections Committee for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered persons.
see http://www.seamec.org/SNOMEC1101.pdf
I think Goldy gives power to anti-gay smears by instantly assuming it just be a lie. Why not say “yes he is gay endorsed and he’s proud of it and you’re a shit-head for not being gay-endorsed”?
Jacko @29,
Yeah… yeah… see, that’s the cleverness of vandalizing yard signs with stickers that say “Gay Endorsed.” You try to put your opponent in the position where he can’t complain about it, because that would imply there is something wrong with being “endorsed by gays”, when clearly this is just a lowest common denominator effort to drive social conservative votes away from Somers.
But my headline refers to Sax, not necessarily to the stickers on the sign. (And by the way, the stickers are a lie too in saying they were paid for by Progressive Majority… so either way he’s a lying Sax of shit.)
Jacko..exactly right!
goldy is anti gay…..otherwise the obvious wouldn’t have been such a mystery to him.
I don’t really follow…
“that’s the cleverness of vandalizing yard signs with stickers that say “Gay Endorsed.” where he can’t complain about it, because that would imply there is something wrong with being “endorsed by gays””
In trying to search for a word to describe the people in say, Sultan, in the middle of the night defacing Somers signs with “Gay Endorsed” stickers, “clever” doesn’t leap to mind.
Moreover Somers response of “it’s trying to play on anti-gay sentiment” is also distinctly unclever and frankly tepid. Don’t take money, hard work and support from the gay community and then when you’re attacked for it run for the closet like a football player caught fooling around with a chorus boy from the school musical. Sax is doubtless a pig, but Somers is a coward.
Gay groups aren’t stupid ya know… And I bet they’re pretty irked about being used as a stalking-horse by dishonest, evil Republicans.
I’m certain that he’s not trying to hide his support by the gay groups… but, those stickers aren’t about that.
Those stickers are about shocking and scaring socially conservative and religious people.
“You try to put your opponent in the position where he can’t complain about it”
Why couldn’t Somers complain about it as follows:
“My opponent is hateful and his supporters are breaking the law by vandalizing my signs. I’m proud to have GLBT support and my opponent should be embarassed that the entire gay community has thoroughly rejected his backwards and narrow views. I know the people of Snohomish County are loving and inclusive and will embrace my vision of full citizenship for gay americans.”
You miss my point entirely. Of COURSE people defaced Somers signs to appeal to anti-gay bias and of COURSE the GLBT community is outrage by this. The issue is when you’re the candidate why not CONFRONT that bias head on and make a positive statement and attack instead of stating the obvious that the stickers were put up there to appeal to anti-gay prejudice.
Jacko…you are still completely right on. and you’ll notice they still don’t get it.
it’s a thinker………..
What the fuck are you talking about, ASShole? Mirroring again? Democrats don’t pull this kind of bullshit. GOPers do it all the time. Fucking fascist liars.
Public Notice: #22 was posted by Truth Teller, not by Roger Rabbit. Furthermore, I hope you live in McDermott’s district, “righton,” because he’s the perfect congressman for a fascist fuck like you.
Hey, isn’t tearing down or defacing campaign signs a misdemeanor? If somebody catches Sax in the act, the Councilman can inspect the county jail from the inside.
ghost @36
Does this mean you’re for tolerance, and against anti-gay bigotry? How do you manage to be a Republican? Don’t they kick you out of the party if they catch you not hating gays?
roger…..see? you give yourself away again. of course i’m for tolerance…..what thinking individual is not?
but tolerance is really the wrong word don’t you think? it sounds as if by being a decent person there must be something you HAVE to tolerate.each to his own…….why would i have to tolerate gay people when there is nothing repugnant about them? don’t you really only have to tolerate creepy things? as in…”he ‘tolerated’ the chemo quite well, considering….”
and don’t be so silly…….the republican party is full of people of every stripe and color.
and isn’t that what really gets the far left’s knickers in a knot?
“there is nothing repugnant about them”
B I N G O ! ! !
Now can you explain to me what the hell’s the matter with Jeff Sax and the GOP’s legion of gay-bashers?
Are they mental defectives, or simply ignorant stupid fucks?
“the republican party is full of people of every stripe and color”
It’s mostly full of people wearing stripes in black-and-white, with a clanky chain and ball attached to one leg.
Most excellent logic and as christmasghost points out, IT’s a THINKER!!.
Why doesn’t Somers simply say…..you bet I’m supported by Gays…and proud of it!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS here don’t seem to understand the moral dilemma because……they are a bunch of immoral CLOWNS!
They pander to certain groups and when they have a chance to stand proudly, as usual, they slink to the sidelines embarassing themselves and allowing the minority group to wonder if they are merely being used. WHICH THEY ARE!!!
mr. cynical you nailed it just right yet again!
and rabbit……..do you KNOW that jeff sax is anti gay? or is this just more of gossipy-goldy’s rhetoric?
do you KNOW who put up those signs?
and last but not least…..what is so bad about the signs? isn’t this candidate supported by the gay lesbian alliance? the candidate should stand up and say…yup…no problem here……..right?
unless of course he is as two faced as some of the “people” on here…not only closet elitists, but now it’s revealed [no surprise] that they are not-so-closeted homophobes.
as far as your comments about republicans. generalizations are usually a mistake…..heh heh heh…..just like that one.i think what is worrying the far left [you notice i didn’t say democrats?] is that the republican party is the party of choice. you don’t get kicked out of the party becauase you aren’t in mind-numbing lock step. i think i am much more representative of the modern day GOP than you might think…..
scary, huh? LOL. :)
Comment by David I— 11/7/05 @ 1:02 pm
“the right-wingers who comment here are idiots to a man.”
1) Some are women.
2) Idiots are easily refuted, so please feel free to do so, instead of throwing around insults.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/7/05 @ 2:57 pm
“Democrats don’t pull this kind of bulls**t. GOPers do it all the time.”
I know you hate Republicans, but this statement is ridiculous. Whether you want to admit it or not Democrats pull political dirty tricks too.
roger@37…..”What the fuck are you talking about, ASShole? Mirroring again? Democrats don’t pull this kind of bullshit. GOPers do it all the time. Fucking fascist liars.”
i realize this was not aimed at me…but a question if i may?
who was it exactly that was responsible for the terrorist-like activities like keying of cars, slashing of tires and violent protests? HMMMMMMMM?
and i don’t say terrorist lightly.i know i didn’t put a bumper sticker on my car for rossi and bush simply because i didn’t want my car destroyed. my yard signs were defaced or missing almost every day. now if that isn’t voter intimidation i don’t know what is.
free speech was put into place to protect political speech. but that’s about the only place the ACLU[ or other far left groups] WILL NOT defend it……unless of course you are a democrat.
so is this okay with you?
Maybe Goldy’s “Drinking Liberally” buddy, Rich Berkowitz, should take a clue from the Progressive Majority folks, and start defacing Lloyd Hara’s signs with “GOP Endorsed”.
Maybe all of those nice people at the State and County GOP will not be any trouble next election as they might be somebody’s very good friend in prison. They can’t win on the merits, so its back to studying Richard Nixon’s “Plumbers” manual to win.
basrailian is a typical LEFTIST CLOWN who wastes his whole life dreaming the impossible dream.
WAKE UP PINHEAD!!! We live in a real world here.
Just wait until a new Election Director is appointed after David Irons wins and the truth starts to fly from the inside out!!!
Low-level staffers will be given immunity. Then watch what flies!!
Stay in King County, keep your “investigative reporting” out of Snohomish County! Your inspiration to start slinging mud outside of King County makes you look like a poor Soros. And all you lefty commenters heaping it on Sax look just as pathetic. Get a life, losers, your King County has plenty of problem children in office you should be able to stay focussed on without getting distracted by Sax.
“Just wait until a new Election Director is appointed after David Irons wins…”
And after Sims wins you will disappear in a puff of smoke, Mr. Cynical? Alas, I fear you shall return full blown, unrepentant, bloviating despite your shame and your pigheadedness, a bag of hypicritical puss, incorrigibly wrong about just about everything, and a canker on society to boot.
You wouldn’t know the real world if it jumped up and kicked you in the balls.
LMAO @ “Poor Soros”… that really is a funny line… al the more so because it’s so transparently TRUE!
Thanks for the laugh zip!
ASSWIPE @53 sez:
“And after Sims wins you will disappear in a puff of smoke, Mr. Cynical? Alas, I fear you shall return full blown, unrepentant, bloviating despite your shame and your pigheadedness, a bag of hypicritical puss, incorrigibly wrong about just about everything, and a canker on society to boot.”
I know you are but what am I!!!
Sax is a piece of work.
Gay endorsed is a fine idea.
But the fact that Jeff Sax condoned using this sticker on his opponent’s yard signs proves that gay hate is alive in this state in the form of the GOP candidate to maintain the GOP majority on the county council in one of the state’s largest counties. Families with any gay people in their ranks take note.
Take names of every person who has endorsed Jeff Sax and put them on the honor role of reasons why this state needs hate crimes laws and laws protecting all the people in this state from discrimination – including based on sexual orientation.
And then ask why no GOP member of the Washington State Senate voted to add “sexual orientation” to basic civil rights protections. The measure failed by just one vote. That means we only need one less GOP senator in Olympia to end state endorsed discrimination.
But we’d be far ebtter off with several less GOP electeds. Clearly Jeff Sax is now the poster boy of how the right wing has taken over the state’s once progressive GOP.
Smae on him. But most of all, shame on the state GOP for condoning this.
what if those stickers were applied by Gay Rights advocates???
Would that make the Gay Rights folks homophobic too???
I live in the 5th council district and when I saw the endorsement stickers on Sunday morning I just assumed that the Somers campaign had put them on. I didn’t see any problem with it. As a gay man I am a little offended that Mr. Somers didn’t want people to know about the support he has received from the gay community in Snohomish. Does he want our support or not? Somers is just another homophobe like Sax. Actually, I don’t think any of us really know Mr. Sax’s positions on gay issues.
Cynical: In one word: “Absofuckinglutely”!
Mickey: You just blew Goldy’s argument away, figuratively speaking of course. Now these left wing nut dipshits have no answer for you. I have to say I respect your post, more that I respect the horsehit from windbag, rugrat602, coldjoe, clownstein, rupert truth telling wabbet, etc.
Mr. Cynical-Irrelevant @55
You’re welcome to spew on this board for as long as you want, Cyn. Hell, you can go for the Guinness Blind Stupidity record, if you want!
I’ll be completely satisfied if all the Republican candidates lose, and I can rub your nose in it until the Nov. 2006, although it would be a nice bonus if Sotelo goes to jail.
Now Mickey what do you think about assholes like thor, clownstein, windbag, etc., who ridicule you and your lifestyle with worthless shit like this thread? Oh no there is a Gay sticker on Somer’s sign.
Hey, isn’t tearing down or defacing campaign signs a misdemeanor? If somebody catches Sax in the act, the Councilman can inspect the county jail from the inside.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/7/05 @ 3:05 pm
Hey Wabbit only if you belong to any party except the democrate one, which you surely don’t belong to.Did you you say you belong to hte party Zell Miller belong to. O’h I forgot the party got high jack by some extremist. Sorry Wabbit
Republicans must admit that they have a homophobic party.
People who claim moral superiority, yet they judge others constantly.
Reminds me of an old button:
N Nuts
R Racists
A Assholes
I don’t expect this to make it through your censorship…but is “gay endorsed” equivalent to “fascist endorsed” becuase that’s the argument you make. As a friend of many gays…I’m offended that you would equate the two. If Somers is endorsed by the gay community…shouldn’t he be proud? Reguardless of what the “vandals” intentions are? Does Somers have something against gays?
At least they aren’t slashing the tires of get out the vote vans in Ohio. Like the Dems did in the presidential election.
bfree2think..get over it…Just ask the log cabin Republicans how homophobic the party is…I think we can all make a lot more progress without the name calling. It doesn’t get anyone anywhere…and it’s not even accurate 90% of the time. You basically waste your post with your NRA comment. How is the NRA different then the ACLU? It must be that one amendment (the 1st, and I’ll bet that’s really qualified) you agree with but the other (the 2nd) you don’t? In fact, this article by Goldie could be something that the ACLU would defend if the sticker on the sign did say pro-nazi about a Republican candidate. Of course they won’t defend the comment here on a democrat’s sign. They shouldn’t defend either.
OK Mark, I will ask BOTH of the log cabin Republicans how homophobic the party is.
You want to pretend that you aren’t racist while you actively disenfrancise minority voters. You want to pretend you are not sexist, while attacking women who want to have control over their own bodies. You want to pretend you are not homophobic while attacking gays who simply want to live with a partner. True conservatives wouldn’t buy the current Republican Party Platform and its “we know best” government intervention in our lives.
I agree with the First Amendment 100% and am proud to support the ACLU. Freedom of speech is the root of our democracy. As for the Second, I respectfully disagree with the current interpratation of this law. Our founders did not endorse or envision a world where assault weapons and hollow points are sold at will. What militia do you belong to?
I laugh when I hear conservatives bleat about name calling. You wrote the book and now you cry unfair. This is how the bully behaves….
Lies. So many lies. Even if Sax was behind it, it is true, so why say he’s lying? You imply that it is not true, which is a lie. But more importantly, any implication that Sax had anything to do with the defacement is itself a bald-faced lie.
Also, any implication that the Republicans are worse than the Democrats in this regard is similarly a bald-faced lie: far more Republican signs have been stolen and defaced than Democrat signs.
And one thing I don’t get: why is this considered a smear at all? One poster notes: “‘GAY endorsed’? only with republicans is this an insult.” Then why are the Democrats crying foul, when they don’t even know who put the stickers up? Maybe it was an attempt to get progressive voters out for Somers. Why assume it was a smear?
Anyway, Goldy proves himself to be a horse’s ass on this one. No one who actually knows Jeff Sax thinks he’s a bad or nasty guy. No one familiar with his actual record thinks he is a shill for anyone. You can disagree with his record and even take offense at some of the things he says, but you just prove yourself to be ignorant with the epithets you hurl.
Also, anyone in the party who thinks Sax is an embarassment does so for one reason: he doesn’t follow the party line.
Don’t fool yourself. It’s not about a stupid permit thing that was the fault of the contractor and was quickly cleared up.
It’s also not about his releasing documents which a. were illegally declared classified, and b. he was completely exonerated of by the county ethics commission, within weeks.
Of course, this is a web site followed by people who think the Seattle Times is “Republican leaning,” so it is not like common sense and facts matter here.
This is the new scummy GOP tactic, one that amazes me hasn’t completely alienated the Log Cabin Republicans: Guilt by association with gays.
This is something Chris Craddock tried doing in VA in his quest for a seat in the 67th District’s House of Delegates. He tried to imply that a gay newspaper, the Washington Blade, endorsed his opponent and when asked about it, an editor who’d worked at the paper for 15 years said that the paper never endorsed the Democrat or any politician, for that matter.
There’s more on my blog, under the post, Assclowns of the Week: Nightmare Team Edition.