Oh right, I post open threads here sometimes. Anyway!
Over Christmas break, I listened to the Pitchfork Economics episode about trickle down economics, and how it’s the conventional wisdom. It made me think about the great chain of being. We can look back and see how silly it was. But if you were living in a time when it was professed by everyone around you, and presumed to be from God, it’s easy to understand why people kept using it as a way to understand the world.
We’ll eventually look back at predictions of snow-free winters and having only a few years to save the planet, and we’ll laugh at how silly that was, too.
Al Gore laughed all the way to the bank.
You should be dead before the really bad stuff happens.
Trickle-down bullshit isn’t conventional wisdom. The midterm elections said so.
@1 I’m really glad you decided to show up here for another year of the verbal abuse you so richly deserve. With Puddy gone I don’t know what we’d do to amuse ourselves without you.
Tax credits on Teslas expired Monday.
I guess that means ‘froggy won’t be able to buy one now.
Not much of any news on the murder of the Mayor (for a couple of hours) of Mexico City. Must be fake news.
The Jews need not worry – right Bob? By comparison – what’s a little graffiti shaped in a weird cross?
@ 4
With Puddy gone I don’t know what we’d do to amuse ourselves without you.
Given your ED, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I don’t doubt you.
@7 So now you think all those little rabbits running around in Seattle grew on trees? Figures. It’s what we’ve gotta expect from Republicans from now on.
Headline seen in Seattle Times website this morning:
“19 new Seattle-area restaurants and bars at the end of another boom year”
As Doctor Dumbfuck has pointed out, Seattle’s $15 minimum wage is destroying the restaurant industry here.
Actually, in Seattle, $15 an hour is a joke. It doesn’t even pay rent on Capitol Hill. According to a recent Seattle Times article, the media household income in Seattle is $161,000 a year. It takes over $100k a year just to be middle class here. Dentists and doctors are now working-class folks in this town. But then, Doctor Dumbfuck was never part of the local intelligentsia anyway.
From the internet. Seems valid.
“Recently Franklin Graham said “progressive” is “just another word for godless”. Christian radio is mostly ‘preaching’ politics now! A couple of months ago I tuned in the local christian radio station and 2 of the 3 shows I heard was entirely about politics, and specifically ‘preaching’ god wants you to follow right wing politics. (the one show had Sebastian Gorka as the guest!) I’ve heard them say capitalism IS part of christianity! (somehow because of George Washington? I forgot he made an appearance in the new testament or something) They then went on to define ‘Democrats’ as “communist” (for wanting to raise minimum wage), and there it was, being a democrat was anti-christian. Wanting a minimum wage was ‘anti-christian’. A while ago a pastor (E.W. Jackson) said ‘those that vote democrat will have to answer to god’. Democrats, homosexuals, black people who care about their rights, liberals and transexuals are the “enemy” coming to damn your soul. This is what Evangelicalism is now and we really need to face that.”
@ 9
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, for those Amazonians with the means to spend $50/plate, there are more and more restaurants in Seattle to take their money.
Now look at the offerings available to those who don’t earn much. This is where my focus has consistently been. It draws on the blog post by Evan Soltas, who first looked at some specific breakdowns.
Limited-status restaurants have fallen by about 20% since 2014. There now are 1,607 of them.
Your search found 1607 Businesses for the NAICS code of: 722513
Fewer than five years ago there were 2,031 of them.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you know who can’t afford $50/plate these days?
Increases in labor costs, lease costs, and food costs are driving out the restaurants which feed those without the means to sit at a Tom Douglas table, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You are celebrating income inequality. As does Goldy, when he’s not railing against it.
Teh Dumbfuck’s idea of “local intelligentsia”.*
Actually, I think that might be his graduation day photo from Liberty University. He kept his cap and threw the gown.
*In truth a fan in the infield of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona International Speedway. Really. That is the actual name of an actual event that happens in Florida. Either that or another GOP campaign rally.
And, QoS Hillbilly’s idea of local intelligentsia:
I can keep this up as long as you can, buddy.
She’s so good with her stiletto…
Actually, you can’t.
At least not if the last twelve months are any indication.
All I have to do is confront you with the sad truth about your terrible life choices and you withdraw to drink and sulk for days.
This really is “the status quo” of Republicans from now on.
I didn’t know there was live @ 15 video.
Happy New Year to you, Steve.
You missed the story right below about the RNC chair changing her name to please your beloved Cheeto Jeezus.
And speaking @ 16 of the sad truth of terrible life choices:
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@ 18
Yeah, sure. But is she fuckable?
godwinha suddenly cares about income inequality to use it as an arguing point against $15 minimum wage. Hypocrite.
I was wondering if there was a specific reason why godwin was reveling in Mr Reid’s cancer diagnosis. And then I read this
Harry Reid: Trump is ‘amoral’ and ‘the worst president we’ve ever had’
“We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him,” he said, according to the magazine. “He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him,” he added.
Is your motto “Death to anyone who dares speak bad about trump”?
Kansas Supreme Court Says Cops Can Search Your Home Without a Warrant If They Claim It Smells Like Pot
Cops supposedly smelled 25 grams of pot inside a plastic container inside a safe inside a closet 30 feet from a guy’s doorstep.
“Uh, yeah, we think something illegal may or may not have happened in, near, or around your home, so now we get to search it for anything we want whatsoever and you can’t do shit about it.”
That’s exactly why search warrants became a thing in the first place… fourth amendment and all that
Can’t wait for the gun battles from the militias protecting their homes from invasions.
@11 What do you expect? Greed gospel is the hottest trend in evangelical Christianity now. Forget that camel business, God wants you to be rich!
@12 “Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you know who can’t afford $50/plate these days? You.”
I could’ve sworn you were talking about yourself, to wit:
“Now look at the offerings available to those who don’t earn much. This is where my focus has consistently been.”
You should’ve shorted GE at 23 when you had the chance, dumbfuck. Don’t blame your poverty on me.
@14 I’ll take lefties who shit on the flag over Republicans who shit on the whole country any day.
I can keep this up as long as you can, doc.
@17 Why would someone who doesn’t know anything know that?
@23 “I was wondering if there was a specific reason why godwin was reveling in Mr Reid’s cancer diagnosis.”
He likes death. Just the other day, he was salivating over Ginsburg’s cancer diagnosis.
The really nice thing about being a radiologist is that when he fucks up a diagnosis there’s no one around to say he was wrong.
@24 Just another reason not to live in Kansas, if you still needed one.
@24 Reminds me of a neighbor who was dragged out of his home and forced to stand outside in handcuffs for several hours while the cops waited for a search warrant to confiscate the potted tomato plans growing in plain view on his balcony.
“Federal courts have blocked Trump’s effort to end a program … that protected hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants brought into the United States as children from deportation and gave them work permits. After a White House meeting on Sunday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Trump was receptive to Graham’s idea of a deal that might provide work permits to Dreamers in exchange for money for physical border barriers.” In other words, we’ll give you what the courts already gave you in exchange for our wall.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somehow I don’t think that’s going to fly. I’d hold out for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for Dreamers, reasonable immigration quotas and provisions for asylum seekers, more funding for immigration courts, and improved standards and oversight of detention facilities.
@ 22
godwinha suddenly cares…
If by suddenly you mean since 2015
then yeah.
@33. (Southern belle voice) Well Bless your little heart, you have been using income inequality to fight raises of the minimum wage since 2015.
@ 34
Well, fuck your mother’s little asshole, you were wrong about me yet again, dipshit.
Issues aren’t black and white. Most people tend to ignore the dirty little secrets inherent in forced perturbations to the marketplace if they conflict with the preferred narrative.
You’re as predictable as everyone else. What sets you apart is you’re a bigger asshole than most of the others.
Obama born in Kenya.
Very “black and white”.
Marketplaces are natural phenomena that transcend time, and human culture. They are much greater and far more powerful than humans and all our silly “laws” can ever hope to be.
As such it is wrong for puny, insignificant humans to interfere with glorious marketplaces. And there should be absolutely no such thing as a “minimum” wage, anymore than a “minimum” price for anything else.
Quck question for the group:
If Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal got together ahead of time and agreed on a fixed price ahead of face to sweaty face negotiations, woul that be a “forced perturbation”?
Asking for a friend named “David”.
Still no news headline of the gay mayor of Mexico City being murdered. Can anyone find it without a google search? Does anyone care? Should anyone care about anyone being murdered? It sets a bad precedent for those that think they too one day will be on the chopping block. Oh well, eventually climate change will get all the fucks.
I bet Bibi is making plans right at this moment to send an Israeli delegation there for an honorary funeral, because he’s sad, just as Bob is.
Proposed Arizona law would fire teachers if they talk about LGBTQ issues in class
Arizona teachers could be fired for talking about “controversial” topics like politics, religion, racism, or LGBTQ rights if a new bill becomes law.
“In addition to prohibiting political, ideological and religious discussion, the bill would bar teachers from obstructing a military recruiter’s “lawful access” to campus and from blaming one racial group of students for the “suffering and inequities” experienced by another racial group.”
I don’t have a problem supporting that, aside from it being anti free speech.
But I have a problem with nobody really giving a shit about the murder of the gay mayor. If nobody cares about that then why care about this bill? If anything it’s good that they can’t discuss religion. Seams fair to me.
Problem is the enforcement. They’ll probably fire the teacher who speaks about LGBT but not fire the one talking religion.
Crosses and Yamakas should be bannrd too. Ha!
@1 You know even less about the Earth’s climate and climate change than you do about investing.
You’re just pissed because Gore got rich and you didn’t.
@29 “The really nice thing about being a radiologist is that when he fucks up a diagnosis there’s no one around to say he was wrong.”
He had to retire when they went all digital. Back in the day he could grab the film and use a black Sharpie to put a black spot in the image and claim, “Looky there. There is a spot after all. Oh well, sucks to be you.” A lot harder to do in the digital world to cover your tracks when he blows a diagnosis.
“President Donald Trump told a group of lawmakers he can’t accept Democrats’ offer to re-open the government as the two sides negotiate border wall funding because he “would look foolish if I did that,” according to a person familiar with the exchange.” https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/02/politics/donald-trump-shutdown-congress-meeting/index.html
News flash to Trump, he doesn’t need Democrats to make him look foolish.
Somebody, besides Dr. Dumbfuck, explain why when the GOP had both houses and the executive branch, why couldn’t they push through Trump’s request? Dumbfuckery beyond words.
@44 Bob’s favorite saying was, “Would you like cancer with that spot”. A fucking flea could do his job.
Does anyone know if the US government, or Hump Administration, has issued a statement regarding the murder of the Mayor of Mexico City? Or are they all busy blowing the new President from Brazil?
@35 “Most people tend to ignore the dirty little secrets inherent in forced perturbations to the marketplace if they conflict with the preferred narrative.”
You mean Trump’s fulminating against his own Fed chair? Yeah the stock market doesn’t like that.
@37 Yes, much better to let them collapse, because depressions have a healthy cleansing effect on the economy. So what if a few people get hurt. Let nature take its course!
@39 CNN has a story:
@50 did you have to google it or did it happen to be a headline?
My guess is you had to google. How about the US State of Democracy? Have they condemned it? Or is the United States just a fake democracy?
Has anyone asked why he was murdered? Forget about equality or discrimination….what does this say for democracy?
It’s a headline. I didn’t google, I found it on CNN’s homepage.
I didn’t read this it was too long. But I felt the same way about this as I did NBC’s ” To Catch a Predator”
But if anyone reads the whole thing feel free to tell me if I am wrong about these people.
But they seem to target men on men and not men on woman victimization.
I don’t really think they have a problem with the Roypublicans of the world, they have a problem with the gay Roypublicans.
All these people are doing subconsciously is being bigots. Their homophobia drives them to do this.
@52 one last question….it happened last night or yesterday….and you are just seeing the headline?
Another thing on the “To Catch a Predator” guys. They are all a bunch of pussies….having to hide their face…..and to target the gay guy because the straight guy would beat the shit out of them.
If his first cab meeting of the year was any indication, Republican President PornLube is going to straight up fuck the shit out of his own party in 2019.
An EPIC display of florid hypomania.
Of course, it puts us all at some risk. But it’s like watching the entire GOP lock itself in their bedroom standing in an inch of gasoline while crazy uncle liberty plays with his lighter. The rest of us should stand by with fire extinguishers. But I’ll be damned if I’m looking for the keys.
@54 CNN posted the story at 5:50 pm EST today.
Hey godwin, since you are so worried in reducing income inequality, Warren is campaigning against income inequality. Can she count on your vote, or are you a hypocrite?
Warren: Corruption Makes Donald Trump ‘An Accelerant’ of Inequality
Opppsyy – not a good day……..so far……on the Wall Street.
@59 The Dow is still 4,500 points above Nov. 8, 2016. #winning
Most of what’s wrong with America can be summed up in three letters:
The rules involved here are pretty simple:
(1) The fact you haven’t heard of a new law about plastic straws doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to you.
(2) Physically grabbing a fast food worker is not the correct way to complain about a law you disagree with.
(3) Kicking another fast food worker in the stomach on your way out of the fast food establishment is not the correct way to object to getting your stupid face pounded by the fast food worker you grabbed.
(4) If you can’t even beat a girl in a fight, maybe you shouldn’t start fights.
Second para, first two words:
“Florida man…”
Mercan businesses are being harmed by Donald’s trade policies so China will be pressured into concessions.
Doug Baldwin is having a huge game so that pressures the Cowboys to give up more yards on defense.
The region will be headed into a cold snap and that will pressure homeowners to turn down thermostats.
Wherein Trump endorses the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (and gets history wrong).
Of course, the Afghans — who lost over a million of their own people in that war, most of them civilians — aren’t having it.
@64 Good analogies!
Dow −660.02 (2.83%). trump says that’s jut a glitch.
@62. Uh….if you can’t win a fight you started with a Florida black teen…stand your ground.
Just more promises trump couldn’t keep, like making Mexico pay for his vanity wall.
More coal plants shut down in Trump’s first two years than in Obama’s entire first term
“building and running new wind and solar farms is now cheaper than just running existing coal plants in many places.”
Coal is too expensive. that’s capitalism. I thought they hated command economies like USSR had.
The fifth risk in action.
Helps to remember that the fail-safes of the largest nuclear arsenal on earth are in the hands of Rick Perry.
If you look at a graph of the past 10 years of the DJIA and draw a straight line from the beginning of its ascent from the low in 2008 bust, it shows that the current closing is below the straight line. #winning
Also I can’t make a full comment here but I need to redact or correct some of the comments I made here about the murder of the Mayor in Mexico City. I will do this tomorrow or over the weekend when I get the time to do so.
The GOP are terrorists. Worse than foreign terrorists are domestic terrorists.
Holding the American people hostage for a cry baby Hump. Bunch of sick fucks Bob.
@ 68
Yes, best not to mention the planned coal-fired power plants due to come online in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Because it’s best to stick with the stuff closing rather than the stuff being created. The latter doesn’t fit your narrative, Red.
@73 Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and load up on coal stocks?
@73. Would like to know where you made up your numbers from.
Given the link you cited, it says
“Only one, relatively small, new coal-fired generator with a capacity of 17 megawatts is expected to come online by the end of 2019. ”
Maybe you were misunderstanding the graph, you are only a partisan conservative, light blue is planned closing. I would understand how miss understanding the graph to fit your narrative. If you missed that, how many spots did you miss at your job? Is that why you retired?
“By and large, coal-burning utilities have not changed their plans to continue reducing their reliance on coal-fired generation in favor of gas or renewable generation. As of the time of writing, no company had announced plans to develop a new coal-fired power plant in the U.S. during 2018. Many analysts doubt a coal-fired generator will be built in the U.S. over the next five years.”
“No new coal-fired generation is scheduled to be built between 2019 and 2023. In fact, asset owners have cancelled or postponed the start of construction for 40 coal-power projects valued at about $11 billion that were scheduled to begin construction during that five-year period.”