So according to Glenn Greenwald the lovely Fox Noise channel is going to “war game” a possible civil war this week. Nice.
They discuss a coming “civil war” led by American “Bubba” militias — Beck says he “believes we’re on this road” — and they contemplate whether the U.S. military would follow the President’s orders to subdue civil unrest or would instead join with “the people” in defense of their Constitutional rights against the Government (they agree that the U.S. military would be with “the people”):
I really don’t have much comment other than to offer an image. It’s one painted onto the wall of the state capital in Topeka, Kansas. This is my cultural heritage, if the “Bubbas” want to start in with waving the bloody shirt after 144 years.
At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation’s loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam.
The Union armies had from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 men. Their losses, by the best estimates:
Battle deaths: 110,070
Disease, etc.: 250,152
Total 360,222The Confederate strength, known less accurately because of missing records, was from 750,000 to 1,250,000. Its estimated losses:
Battle deaths: 94,000
Disease, etc.: 164,000
Total 258,000
Oh, and BTW, the Union won. Funny how the “Bubbas” always seem to forget that part. The South was destroyed by military force, occupied, and then ultimately (after another 100 years) forced to submit to the rules of civilization.
They can bitch and moan about it all they want on AM radio, but they still lost. You don’t see me putting pictures of John Brown on my pickup truck and calling for neo-Reconstruction, now, do you? Although I will still argue that Florida should have lost some Congress-critters after the 2000 election debacle….
Who is “they”? I don’t see pickup trucks with pictures of John Brown. Facts are, we had a Republican president who held the republic together, and freed the slaves. Yes, there were those in the south who were unhappy. There were also a large number in the north who preyed on southerners and made a bundle of money off those who were in need.
What’s your point?
Glen Beck has lost it. His audience has decreased, not increased. This kind of disproves your thesis that the right is a bunch of whackos willing to follow anyone who spews this nonsense.
People are rightfully enraged about the direction this country has taken. The politics of entitlement and victimhood is now in vogue. Obama sees enemies in everyone who dares to criticize. I thought dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Guess not, once those on the left are in power.
Is this the same glen greenwald that still believes sarah palin did not give birth to trigg?
He’s as stupid as those that think obama isn’t an american because he never released his certified birth certificate.
But go ahead and believe his opinion.
Let me see if i can comprehend this high weirdness. On the various previous threads regarding GOP insanity the usual HA wingnuts zombies worked unusually hard to prove that indeed they are, collectively, freaking insane. So, in that regard it would make sense that “they” might promote an uprising against the governments, completely ignoring the reality that most of the US military is made up of people of color, minorities, gang members, the frustrated and angry, etc. This would negate their underlying thesis that the DoD would support them and follow their lead. Such as sad illness psychosis is.
Obama is the living incarnation of resentment politics. He was abandoned three times as a child: by his mother, his father, and his stepfather. He has earned the American dream, and yet all he sees are those who have a grudge.
93% of Americans have a job, more are paying their mortgages on time. But they are shoved aside. Those who scammed their way into homes they can’t afford will be paid to stay in those homes. Obama sees them as the victims of a harsh capitalistic system.
We who go to work every day and pay our bills on time and write the monthly mortgage check will be tossed in the gutter. Our savings will be stolen, our retirement will be looted. Our banks will be nationalized by those who cheat on their taxes and take bribes from those they regulate.
But, sure, it is a cultural heritage thing. Whatever.
re 1: Satirical japes and jabs are completely lost on you. You are hilarious in a stupid sort of way.
Obama’s First 30 Days
“In his first month, the list of achievements is impressive: universal health insurance for children; more pay equity for women; higher fuel-economy standards for autos; the first major investment in inter-urban trains; electronic medical records; hundreds of new charter schools; new money for college loans; help to homeowners facing foreclosures, to mention only a few.” — Newsweek
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s more than Bush accomplished in 8 years. Which is not surprising, because the only thing Republicans know how to do is be against everything; and the only word in their limited vocabulary is “no.” The GOP is the Party of No. The Democrats are the party of “Yes, we can!”
Republicans got us here, Janet S., and it will be a long, long time before that is forgotten.
Of course, any soldier who refuses to obey the President’s orders and joins a rebellion to overthrow the elected government of the United States is guilty of treason and subject to the death penalty. This fact might cause the Bubba Army to fall a bit short of its stated recruiting goals.
Marvin Stamn,
“Is this the same glen greenwald that still believes sarah palin did not give birth to trigg?”
No…you are confusing Greenwald with someone else.
Once again, our retarded highschool-dropout Wingding willfully demonstrates his ignorance….
Some say “the marvin” fucks goats…and I’ve never seen proof that he doesn’t!
I think Beck and his Bubbas should attack the engine house at Harper’s Ferry. This is feasible because the building has been preserved as a historic artifact. We can even put a few 1917 model bolt-action Springfields in there so they’ll have an actual military objective (of course, we’ll remove the firing pins).
This should be fun. John Brown occupied this building with 21 followers (including 2 sons, both of whom were killed in the fighting that followed). Who knows, maybe Beck and his Bubbas can raise a force equally large. Then they’ll have a chance to repeat history. Except, in this re-enactment, we’ll use live ammo. Oh, and we’ll arrange for Ted Turner and his movie crews to film it.
In the original Harper’s Ferry Raid, 10 of Brown’s men were killed in the fight, Brown and 6 of his men were hanged, and 5 got away of whom 2 were subsequently killed in the Civil War. In other words, only 3 of the 22 Raiders ultimately survived.
It is rather curious that there’s a sudden chorus of “Civil war!!!” from the right-wing nutballs at the same time as the Pentagon brass have responded to Obama’s order to draw up a plan for closing Gitmo by instead delivering a report claiming to prove that nothing done there has violated the Geneva Convention.
At the same time, functionaries below the upper end of the Justice Department’s food chain (likely Bush hires who passed the renowned “Monica test”) have continued to proceed against legal actions seeking to determine whether the Bush White House illegally destroyed official email.
Brown planned to capture 100,000 rifles stored at Harper’s Ferry and use them to arm a slave rebellion. Instead of 100,021 followers, he got 21, of whom 3 survived. Not exactly the French Revolution, if you know what I mean.
Hell, I’ll bet Beck could get 21 idiots to follow him. There’s at least that many unreconstructed wingnuts in this country who are stupid enough to believe they can defeat Abrams tanks and F-16s with hunting rifles. I hope they try it; that’ll be 22 less wingnuts wasting oxygen — not enough, but a start.*
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter makes tons of money from gallows humor, and I’d like to, too. Speaking of gallows, we should ask Beck to send us RSVPs for himself and his men, so we know how many ropes we’re gonna need. The ropes require some preparation before use; you have to soak them in water and then hang weights from them so they won’t stretch, otherwise the neck might not break and the traitors will suffer slow and agonizing deaths from suffocation and we don’t want that to happen, do we.
@12 ” … the Pentagon brass have responded to Obama’s order to draw up a plan for closing Gitmo by instead delivering a report claiming to prove that nothing done there has violated the Geneva Convention.”
The solution to that is replacing the brass, you know, like Truman did when MacArthur got too big for his britches.
Spyder, good point on the makeup of the Army. If that is the case, it is a fact overlooked by the likes of Glen Beck.
Also, some of the best fighters we have had were of people disliked by the majority. I saw the documentaries on the Tuskegee Airmen and the 761st Tank Battalion. They had their skeptics in their day, but won them over. The 332nd Fighter Group had a record, that some dispute, of never losing a bomber they were escorting.(Some say they forget to include those who were brought down due to Flak) This held even when they were engaged by the Luftwaffe’s secret weapon of the later years of WWII. The ME262, which with it’s jet power outran the Thunderbolt, Lightning, and the Mustang(which the Tuskegee Airmen flew), but with a good pilot, the Mustang could and did often get the upper hand. Such as when a pilot first saw the jet coming, drop the tanks, and dive(the Mustang could pick up speed in a dive). When the escorted the 15th Air Force to Berlin, they shot down 3 German Jet Fighters.
@1 “Facts are, we had a Republican president who held the republic together, and freed the slaves.”
The Republican Party was a respectable organization back then. Unfortunately, it has gone downhill in recent years.
@1 (continued) “People are rightfully enraged about the direction this country has taken.”
Boy, you got that right, Janet! And did they ever do something about it on Nov. 4! The people took their country back, and things are going to be very different from now on!
@1 “I thought dissent was the highest form of patriotism.”
Ooooo, now you idiots are champions of dissent?!! Does this mean you’re not gonna arrest people for sedition anymore?
“CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — When school was canceled to accommodate a campaign visit by President Bush, the two 55-year-old teachers reckoned the time was ripe to voice their simmering discontent with the administration’s policies.
“Christine Nelson showed up at the Cedar Rapids rally with a Kerry-Edwards button pinned on her T-shirt; Alice McCabe clutched a small, paper sign stating ‘No More War.’ … Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail.”
Let’s review:
Bush, a public official, scheduled “town hall” meetings in public facilities to discuss Social Security reform, a public issue that affects every citizen, to which members of the public were invited (although they usually had to get tickets in advance from a Republican congressman or some other GOP source).
At a number of these supposedly public events held in public facilities (paid for by taxpayers) to discuss a public issue, people who weren’t disruptive and didn’t demonstrate were arrested and dragged out of the meetings by private security guards posing as Secret Service agents because they had bumper stickers on their cars or wore t-shirts that Republican event organizers didn’t like. (You had to be pro-war to not get arrested at one of these events.)
And you lecture us about freedom of dissent? Fuck you, Janet, you flaming fucking hypocritical apologist for partisan terrorists.
@4 “Obama is the living incarnation of resentment politics.”
Sometimes you’re just plain goddam funny, Janet Stupid!
I think some of these wingnuts are having a hard time handling at a psychological level the fact they lost the election.
Losers! Rejects!! Braaaaaackkkkkk!!!
[naked rabbit butt mooning trolls]
Why did I reach for my old Kansas LPs when I saw the picture in Jon’s post?
Soon the Republican party will just be dust in the wind.
You are wrong about the composition of the armed forces.
The percentage of European Americans in the military exceeds that of their proportion of the general population by a few points, in fact. Something like 65% / 61%. The exact numbers are easy enough to find, if you don’t believe me… Guess that means that yours is the thesis that is undermined.
leadless douchy@5:
Yeah, where is this satire?
Marvin@2: No that came from Goldy and clueless village idiot’s other primary news source, Daily Kooks.
Pelltizer copied from Newsweek…
Yes, something he didn’t believe in as a senator. But the NAGs gave him a pass cuz he was Democratic.
RudeASS!@10, don’t worry:
No one has admitted you possess a brain.
No one has objected to you being as dense as spent uranium.
No one has objected to you being stuck on stupid.
14. Roger Rabbit spews:
So tell me Pelletizer why I can ask any Moonbat! and it’s easy to see:
Detainees held on a U.S. controlled marine base in Cuba (Gitmo) have constitutional rights, while detaineess held on a U.S. controlled air base in Afghanistan (Bagram) have no constitutional rights.
Must be a hemispheric effect.
Must be we’re giving Castro a break.
Must be one is an airbase while the other is a marine base.
Must be the water vs. the desert dust.
And they say Republicans are crazy. HEH HEH HEH.
BTW Pelletizer, didn’t history prove MacArthur right? Oh wait a minute…… oxygen starvation again.
Once again Pelletizer steps into his own pellet mess. Didn’t this fool support Hillary for president over Obama? Wasn’t that “racist”? Oh wait a minute… it was Hillary was “smarter”.
Hillary’s own words being used today…
“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
Pelletizer forgets the illegal Oklahoma sign confiscation
“Abort Obama Not the Unborn”
Pelletizer on MacArthur: Hint: You need to look up what Albert Gore Sr said about the Korean war. But your search skillz are lacking so ask Steve for help.
You are an Elitist Prick.
I know a lot of “they’s”.
Following Obama’s election, weapon stores were cleaned out with not a decent handgun to be found in all of Montana. Why?? Because they fear what Obama might do..and they are angry.
Obama may make you ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES feel all warm & fuzzy…but there are a whole lot of “theys” that feel the opposite.
Obama has been a sit leader to date.
He keeps bad mouthing the economy when he should be the voice of optimism. He fails to dispell talk of gun control. He fails to cut all the Pork out of the PORKULOUS Package. He appoints a tax cheater as Treasury Secretary and his vetting process for appointees has been a disaster. Now he crows he is going to cut the deficit in half by gutting the military and class warfare.
Jon, I lived among ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES for many years. You ought to come out to Montana and I’ll introduce you to some “theys”. “They” will teach you how to use a gun to defend yourself and your property. On Saturday, my neighbor had a bunch of folks over (including some women) to sight in our rifles and hanguns at his shooting range.
Have you seen what a 10mm Glock can do Jon?
It is so light…like a plastic toy gun. It comes apart like a snap and holds 15 or even 30 shot clips.
A bunch of us have .223’s with monster scopes. We kept working on sighting them in until we could hit the bullseye from 160 yards.
This “they” thing you arrogant city slicker dicks refer to is part of America. Obama has enraged many. He has no one to blame but himself. But my neighbor’s are all law-abiding, good people. They don’t go around threatening anyone. They don’t have to.
4 js
Our banks will be nationalized by those who cheat on their taxes and take bribes from those they regulate.
In case you hadn’t noticed, we’ve been nationalizing banks for a year or so already. Even during the last, presumably non-resentment-based administration. It’s called the FDIC.
So the “Bubba Militias” are back being led by the odious Glen Beck.
Yawwwwn… Those “Angry White Males” are considerably older and fewer.
Not to say they won’t make some trouble.
@34 LMAO!! Brian Schweitzer told us all how Montanans are so gun nutty. Fear, paranoia.. I can see those Bubbas over there playing soldier right now..
Cynical @ 34: I don’t need any lessons from you or your neighbors, Cynical. I’ve been shooting rifles since I was eight years old. Won a few awards, too, back in the day. I wouldn’t try competition now, my eyesight’s a little iffy as the years have accumulated. But if any wingnut tries to bring down MY constitutionally elected government, I’m sure I can drop a few of them along the way.
Actually, I’ve only been concerned about a real civil war in the U.S. twice in my lifetime. The first was in the summer of 1974, when it looked like Nixon might defy both Congress and the Supreme Court, refuse to turn over all of the watergate tapes, refuse to resign, and refuse to turn over control of the White House and the military after impeachment. It seems that Goldwater talked some sense into him, and he resigned.
The second time was leading up to the recent election, when it looked like a Democratic victory might be followed by some indictments and trials of adminstration officials, including Bush and Cheney. I was actually surprised Bush didn’t offer some blanket pardons (apparantly Cheney is really mad at him about that). Apparantly Bush started to realize that following Cheney and Rove was giving him quite an awful legacy, and that helped him do the right thing in the transition period. That, plus the fact that the last thing Bush wanted to do was to be in charge of cleaning up the economic mess he and his party created over the last eight years.
Hey Pud-whacker @ 32
You are aware that it is long-standing secret service policy to investigate ALL threats against the president’s life, even those that seem foolish? Read your own link. No handcuffs, no arrest, no time in jail. The secret service fairly respectfully investigated the incident and it was dropped.
So in your addled brain, implying that Obama should be killed is less serious than asking a disrespectful (maybe) question in a public forum. (BTW, if the guy in question is a christian with anti-abortion views his abortion=impeachment claim is laughable. Abortion=murder. That’s the entire premise of the anti-abortion side of that particular debate.)
That’s right, fall back on “everybody does it” using EXTREMELY bad analogies. Jr. High debating skills my friend. Failed again.
What you morons have to realize is that the South is in the union by gunpoint. If you hate them so much, why not just let them go to form their own country? Don’t they have the right to self-determination?
@25 Having served in the military myself, what I know about the military is, the people in our military will be among the last people to bear arms against their own country.
Granted, the recruiting standards have been lowered, so now we have some ex-felons, bank robbers, and mass murderers in uniform; but they’re a tiny minority, and even those assholes know how to respect the chain of command.
I’d be surprised if you delusional wingnuts could find more than a dozen people in our armed forces willing to participate in a coup against their commander in chief. Even the dumbest of them know that disobeying orders from the chain of command above them is a big fat no-no.
What if your “constitutionally elected” government intrudes on your “constitutional Right” to bear arms????
I’m sure you & Rog and several others are comfortable around guns…but many of your KLOWNmates are not.
You must realize that guns don’t kill people, people do. Just like driving a car.
The paranoia about Gun Rights by the fringe lunatic LEFT is out of control.
BTW…Governor Schweitzer is also a “Gun Nut”
So is Senators Tester & Bauchas.
Pick a fight with the NRA. You will burn more of what little political capital Obama hasn’t squandered yet.
The prime reason we have a Right to Bear Arms is out of concern for an overreaching government. Just what Obama is perpetrating. Deny it all you want and take on the NRA.
Good luck with that.
You need Newsweek? ask your neighbor or after church ask.
OB has no idea what to do, he hasn’t done one thing that effected where we live and work Roger, if it doesn’t effect us Americans he done nothing, don’t believe Newsweek.
Where still in deep !@##$% since he said I’m change! HAHAHA
Read the Federalist papers and the writings of Jefferson. The primary reason we have a right to bear arms is because the founding father’s intended to have no standing army in times of peace. They envisioned the Swiss model where all citizens are armed (and trained how to shoot) and all citizens were considered militia in times of attack.
This is not to say I don’t agree with your interpretation of the second amendment but your knowledge of the history behind it is a myth.
The military has changed more than you probably know. The chain of command is crawling with right wing religious nutjobs.
It’s documented to a good degree here:
Case in point: some rank and file in Afghanistan were practically forced to stand and applaud wildly by nutjob commanders during Rick Warren’s invocation at the inaugural.
MRFF received quite a few complaints after that.
Not we are really in trouble:
Obama Taps Biden to Oversee Stimulus Package Implementation
With Vice President Joe Biden at the helm, $15 billion from the recovery package will be freed up Wednesday for state Medicaid programs, President Obama says.
Monday, February 23, 2009
I though Biden was the “expert” on Foreign Relations?? Never bought that…and certainly don’t buy this!
@34 “A bunch of us have .223’s with monster scopes. We kept working on sighting them in until we could hit the bullseye from 160 yards.”
Cynical, where the fuck do you get your information from? Are you one of these chest-beating poseurs who knows nothing about guns except what you read in gun magazines?
To wit, they would have kicked you out of the Army I served in, if you need a scope to hit something at 160 yards with a .223. Even 40 years ago, with the crappy M-16s we had back then, hitting a moving man-sized target from 400 yards using iron sights was a reasonable proposition.
160 yards? Who are you kidding? A scoped and properly zeroed .223 varmint rifle, in competent hands, ought to be able to take out a groundhog at 1,000 yards.
But more to the point, if the civil war that Beck envisions comes to pass, it will no doubt be fought in urban environs, at ranges of 10 yards or less, and a sharp letter opener probably will be more useful than a scoped .223 varmint rifle. It’s evident you know as much about tactics as you do about guns, namely, next to nothing.
@47 Biden knows more about foreign relations than you know about guns or war. You don’t seem to know very much about anything.
Ping steve…
Did you catch bill maher speaking about religion at the oscars?
“I know it’s a touchy subject, but someday we will all have to confront the notion that our silly gods cost the world too greatly.”
It’s kind of funny and pathetic at the same time. The righty wing nuts didn’t give a rat’s ass when their flying monkey gang allowed 9/11 to happen, started a war in the wrong country, listened in on their phone calls, shovelled benefits to the top one-half of one percent, set new lows in corruption and cronyism, and now when the poor schmuck who took over tries to right the ship, NOW it’s time to revolt? Give me a fuckin’ break.
When your students ask questions do you consider them retarded highschool-dropout Wingding willfully demonstrating their ignorance?
Or do you believe in double standards.
Wow, Obama’s done all that in a month and a half!
U.S. Torture Victim Freed
Here’s another referral for the International War Crimes Tribunal, from today’s fishwrapper:
“Guantanamo detainee freed after 7 years of prison
“LONDON — A Guantanamo prisoner who claims he was tortured at a covert CIA site in Morocco returned to Britain a free man Monday after nearly seven years in U.S. captivity ….
“Binyam Mohamed flew into a British military base and was expected to be out of custody within hours. ‘I have been through an experience that I never thought to encounter in my darkest nightmares,’ Mohamed said in a statement released by his attorneys. ‘ … It is still difficult for me to believe that I was abducted, hauled from one country to the next, and tortured in medieval ways all orchestrated by the United States government.’ …
“British authorities said he would undergo interviews Monday with the police, border control agents and immigration officials, who would help him apply for temporary residency. …
“Mohamed’s case could have far-reaching legal implications for the [United States] and Britain … lawsuits are under way in the United States against a Boeing subsidiary that allegedly supplied planes for rendition flights to Morocco …. Any revelations from the lawsuits could be particularly damaging for the British government, which unlike the Obama administration, doesn’t have its predecessors to blame.
“He claims he was handed over to U.S. authorities in July 2002, and then sent to Morocco where he was tortured for 18 months. According to his account, one of his foreign interrogators slashed his penis with a scalpel. …
“Mohamed … eventually confessed to an array of charges to stop his abuse – a confession that laid the groundwork for his transfer to another CIA site in Afghanistan, where he said he was starved and beaten before being sent to Guantanamo in 2004. In May of 2008, Mohamed was charged with conspiring with al-Qaida members to murder and commit terrorism. He was also accused in a ‘dirty bomb’ plot to fill U.S. apartments with natural gas and blow them up. But then in October all charges were dropped ….”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s another case in a growing list of cases of detainees who have been repatriated to their home countries as free men after all charges were dropped because the U.S. government couldn’t prove they did anything wrong.
Here’s another case of false confessions extracted under torture that the lying Bush administration and its wingnut apologists claimed wasn’t occurring.
For years, wingnut bloviators have told us the worst thing the Bush regime and its hired foreign thugs did to detainees was flush the Koran down the toilet. Now we have a witness saying a Bush torturer carved on his penis with a scalpel. That’s going a bit farther than defiling the Koran, I would say; and I would also say that the wingnut apologists who claimed there was no torture are fucking liars.
There will be more disclosures like this. Lots more. The Bush regime kidnapped, tortured, and killed innocent people, in secret, with no due process whatsoever. That’s a fact.
We should all hope and pray there will be criminal prosecutions of Bush administration officials and functionaries who created these policies, concealed them, and carried them out. Starting at the top and working all the way down to the rank-and-file torturers themselves.
We should all hope and pray there will be lawsuits and gigantic judgments that will strip these motherfuckers of everything they own and will own in the future.
But, at a minimum, the Republican Party and its apologists and shills deserve no credibility from this point forward. None, nada, zip, zero. Ever again. They are kidnappers, torturers, and killers of innocents. In a word, they are vile criminals of the worst sort, in the same league as Nazis and KGB men and Pol Pot’s hammer-wielding executioners. The Republican Party is a hideous, monstrous, repugnant organization that, for the good of mankind, should cease to exist.
I say bring it on. That way, we can thin out the gene pool. All those ‘bubbas’ in their cammie-jammies playing soldier, it reminds me of the old joke about the Polish terrorist. Y’know, the one about the guy who tried to blow up a bus, but burned his lips on the tailpipe…….
Seriously, Beck and his Assclown Army ought to thank their lucky stars that they have right to whine and bitch like they do. There’s a lot of places in the world where Beck would already be in jail for his mouth.
If not in front of a firing squad.
America is turing against obama and his giveaway program…
Fifty-five percent (55%) of American adults say the federal government would be rewarding bad behavior by providing mortgage subsidies to financially troubled homeowners.
Seventy-six percent (76%) of Americans are not willing to pay higher taxes to help people who cannot afford to make their mortgage payments.
76% don’t want higher taxes to pay the mortgage of others, sounds like even democrats are getting pissed about high taxes.
Will obama listen to We The People or will he be like bush and do what he wants.
Listen to America or not.
re 26: The satire is in stating that he is thinking of putting John Brown stickers on his pickup as a response to the Bubba stars and bars we see on high rise idiot 4 wheel dr. PU’s.
You see the implication? Well, maybe not?
Your supposed army of bad faith borrowers is as real as the Cadillac driving welfare queens that the right drummed up such hatred for.
I am absolutely convinced that you and your ilk are trying to topple the US govt.
Jesus Christ, take a breath old man. Equating the Republicans with the Nazi party is far beyond mere hyperbole. Not to mention being complete bullshit. Why don’t you go and ask any Jew you happen to know if they consider that crap to be a valid comparison?
And just to save you some time, I’m not apologizing, or making excuses for, any Republicans. Were laws broken then the perpetrators need to be brought to justice. That means by an actual jury of their peers, not the court of public opinion.
We sight them in at 160 yards.
We have shot varmints at 400 yards or so.
You could shoot one further than that obviously.
Rog Rabbit is a sick man…lung infection from years of smoking. It’s the tobacco companies fault.
Rog also was a 30 year hanger-on attorney for the worst example of Government incompetence ever…DSHS,
Rog tried his hand in the private sector…but his AMWAY Distributorship failed. SERIOUSLY.
People can’t stand him and he couldn’t get anyone to sign up under his “pyramid”.
Pretty obvious why, isn’t it!!
Damn headless, how many sockpuppets do you have?
For you, headless lucy, to speak up against racial hate and stereotyping is hilarious.
The truth is, liberals continuously stereotype blacks.
As more and more black renters began moving into this mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb a few years ago, neighbors started complaining about loud parties, mean pit bulls, blaring car radios, prostitution, drug dealing and muggings of schoolchildren.
If you read the article, these white liberals are talking about those in federally subsidized housing.
You know headless, these white liberals agree with you that it is hard to be around blacks 24/7.
I feel bad for the rabbit that he not only made a bad choice to start smoking but that he also had such little respect for himself he didn’t stop.
34 Cyn
Following Obama’s election, weapon stores were cleaned out with not a decent handgun to be found in all of Montana. Why??
Because Republican mouth-breathers are afraid of black people.
63 MS
The truth is, liberals continuously stereotype blacks.
This kind of overly broad claim might even be referred to as a “stereotype.” Surely you would never stereotype anyone, would you?
If you read the article, these white liberals are talking about those in federally subsidized housing.
In the article, those citizens of the suburb of Antioch were “talking about those in federally subsidized housing,” or really, only about those whose behavior bothered them. But again, now you’re stereotyping the good people of Antioch as “white liberals.” Don’t you know that stereotyping is wrong? After all, it’s not as if you know a fucking thing about these people besides their description as “mostly white.”
Did the number of black people go up the day after obama was elected?
It was in reaction to a president-elect that doesn’t want to protect the rights of those that believe in that pesky 2nd amendment.
Either you knew that and didn’t want to admit the truth or you were ignorant. Since you don’t admit to being a troll, you must have been ignorant.
Another leadless douchy sock puppet appears:
Who brought up the Secret Service? You did moron. I was discussing the Oklahoma Police who confiscated the sign.
Thanks for providing an additional look into left-wing lunacy. Another sockpuppet failure of leadless douchy…
More proof this fool is a leadless douchy sockpuppet.
Only leadless douchy and GBS refer to the Federalist Papers. GBS refers to them with intelligence, while leadless douchy drones on 24×7.
Cynical, you have to excuse Pelletizer. You were discussing hitting the bullseye on your friends shooting range. Pelletizer sees a few words, constructs a worthless argument and places it in pixels.
Well at least his comments are cleaner than anything from RudeASS!
Of course I stereotype people.
The difference is you have a choice to believe in rewarding failure with tax dollars or respecting those that make good life choices. Liberals stereotype on race.
I will admit… my view of racists is based on my life experience in los angeles. Here, the racists are democrats. If I grew up/lived in the backwoods of the appalachians I might have a completely different opinion.
Did you see the oscars, did you see the orchestra, you didn’t see any black faces. Going to “hollywood” parties, even before I got involved with politics, I was always amazed with the whiteness.
Even the blacks on the la city council treat other blacks as if they are too ignorant to make better decisions. The la city council banned any new fast food in south central. White people on the westside don’t need the government to protect them, but those blacks in south central do. I consider that racist.
re 59: Or, you could ask a Native American.
Hey slingshit@51: Trapped by the facts again…
Ask CIA Leon Panetta if he agrees with you? I’m sure you’ll be summarily rebuked as the fool your are. I see you missed the two Panetta memos where he and other Democratics knew Saddam had WMD in 2003. Ask Dr NotRight. I told him to save the links so his next rant is more factual.
“The Obama administration fell in line with the Bush administration Thursday when it urged a federal judge to set aside a ruling in a closely watched spy case weighing whether a U.S. president may bypass Congress and establish a program of eavesdropping on Americans without warrants.
In a filing in San Francisco federal court, President Barack Obama adopted the same position as his predecessor.”
Damn those pesky phone calls.
Another fool deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeestroyed.
Do you think it’s foolish to believe a patriotic person (dissent is patriotic) that is referencing obama being aborted can actually go back in time and make sure obama is aborted?
And headless, considering your love of abortion and your problem being around blacks I don’t understand why you’re not applauding it.
In the primaries, did you support clinton solely because of obama being black or were there other reasons?
Yes BJ, 7,676,524 American children have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War.
That’s thinning out the Democratic lunatic fringe gene pool. Fewer fools voting in the future.
Marvin, leadless douchy didn’t support Obama in the primary…
Well he’s trying to give Biden a real job vs. attending state funerals, attending overseas state funerals, giving out girl scout cookies, etc…
re 71: If the majority of the people who made ‘bad life decisions’ on their mortgages are minority members, will you still insist that they receive no relief?
That would make you a racist.
But, speaking from a business perspective, if you restructure the bad loans so that they reflect the the value of the property in tiday’s dollars and the mortgage holder appears able to afford the new payment, wouldn’t it save tax dollars to restructure the loan rather than foreclose and be forced to hold the property while you attempt to sell it for what it is now worth anyway.
That would save taxdollars. A family thrown out of their house would suck up welfare dollars as well.
Your plan makes no sense to the taxpayer — unless that taxpayer were Cotton Mather.
Pelletizer@54: Bush used the rendition program from Clinton. Did you miss the Panetta commentary on rendition. Of course you did you live in the Moonbat! libtard MSM world.
Doofus@78: Cotton Mather… interesting analogy. The man wanted to send William Penn and his group of travelers to the West Indies as slaves.
What a moronic comparison Rosie Deadfinger.
re 80: I think Mather is better known for his brand of punishment-flavored Puritanism, which is what I was referring to.
Specifically, that the Republican response to the mortgage mess is to punish people rather than seek a just solution.
You are just plain stupid — and you are apparently obsessed like an an 8th grade stripling with feminine hygiene topics.
65. Daddy Love spews:
Really now??
Puddy, did I seem afraid of you when we had dinner together??
I’ll ask my high school Basketball buddies too.
Oh, and I’ll ask my daughter-in-law too and see if she thinks I’m afraid of her.
You are an idiot Daddy Love.
What is happening has ZERO to do with race and everything to do with over-reaching government.
What a childish, foolish thing to say.
You are a typical race-baiting PINHEAD who resorts to this type of nonsense when you cannot make a cogent argument…(Which is waaaaaaaay too often).
Marvin Stamn @ 52
“When your students ask questions do you consider them retarded highschool-dropout Wingding willfully demonstrating their ignorance?”
Not in general. Only when he or she is a retarded highschool-dropout wingding. You know…like you, Marvie Doodles.
“Or do you believe in double standards.”
Ignoring the non-sequitur…BELIEVE in double standards??? Hell…I’ve actually witnessed them!
77. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
But Puddy, those things you listed, especially giving out girl scout cookies, is a real stretch for Biden the Bonehead.
I’ll bet he tells those girl scouts he handed out there cookies AND LIES ABOUT IT!!
Wow, I have long known that our precious wingnut here don’t know reality from a box of saltines, but they truly outdo themselves on this thread. You dumbfucks, there is rage among the people you hang with and listen to, but there is always rage among that group. That is the only thing that keeps you guys together. The vast majority of Americans want Obama to succeed (and don’t cite some poll to me). Too think that there are grounds for or the makings of an armed insurrection against the federal government shows how pathetic you people (janet, puddy, cynical, marvistan, et al) are. God, you all are a waste of air.
Can you imagine entrusting 1% Joe Biden with more than milk money??
The guy cannot help but lie and exaggerate.
Sweet Jesus, Puddy, are you always this stupid or is it just this month?
“Pelletizer forgets the illegal Oklahoma sign confiscation
“Abort Obama Not the Unborn””
That was your post. Is there anything there about the Oklahoma police? No, but there was a link to an article. And that article includes the Secret Service angle.
Oh, as Puddy, I get to make a reference to an article that I either haven’t read or only want to defend the first few paragraphs. Never mind that I linked to the article, uhhh, the article wasn’t what I MEANT! It wasn’t, it WASn’t, WASN”T!!!!
Now back to my declarative sentences that you seem to have so much trouble refuting:
Secret Service made a routine investigation.
In the laguage of the anti-abortion movement, abortion= murder
Confiscation of a sign and brief investigation does not = arrest, handcuff and forcible removal from a public place to a holding cell.
Your supposed example of left wing hypocrisy just isn’t. My three year-old watches Sesame Street. They have a song, “One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong.” She gets the concept, how ’bout you?
Headless, are the majority minorities?
I understand why you believe it to be true.
Any time a republican talks about welfare reform the liberal media trot out black people as examples of those on welfare. The fact is, there are more white people sucking at the teat of taxpayers. But that fact isn’t important to the agenda the liberal media is pushing.
And yes, white/black, tall/short, fat/skinny- I don’t want to work to reward those that made bad life decisions. Say, why don’t you personally help out a black family. (that was wingnut humor, we all know you would NEVER do that)
Let me explain it to you headless, I’ll use your words as an example.
If you wrote “it is hard to be around people 24/7” that would not make you a racist. It would point out some social insecurity issues you have, but not racist issues. Instead, you said, “it’s hard to be around black people 24/7.” You singled out a group of people for something they have no control over. That is how you earned the label racist.
“don’t cite polls to me” is codespeak for “I won’t let facts cloud my opinions.”
The rendition programs isn’t the same as the bush wiretapping program that left wingnuts found so offensive is it?
President Obama’s administration is moving aggressively to protect what the government insists are “state secrets” from a Bush-era wiretapping program. Justice Department lawyers filed an emergency motion Friday with a federal appeals court in an effort to block a lower court’s order that the government must show lawyers for the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation a copy of a document indicating that the group’s communications were being intercepted. The document has been the subject of a running legal battle since the papers were accidentally sent to attorneys for the group in 2004 and subsequently retrieved.
It’s good to see the bush program that eric holder promised to review was legal.
Not here either. Same as bush.
Is biden still veep?
Isn’t he allowed to appear in front of video cameras anymore?
The way the obama staff is keeping biden out of public view maybe biden’s face should be on the side of a milk carton.
Screw you headless.
Problems with race will never be solved when people like you continue to indoctrinate their children.
I’m really starting to catch on. Should we call you Marvpuddystamn. (Hey, that sounds like a member of the “Coalition of the Willing.” Hell I make jokes without even trying. Insert Foghorn Leghorn laugh here!)
Shame you have to stick up for Puddy.
Caught in a lie, no where to run, my twin Marvin will beat you up for me…
Marvin is a racist who wants to throw minorities who made ‘poor life choices’ out into the street. He explains that me calling him on this makes someone named ‘headless’ a racist.
Wow! What a weirdo!
re 93: Correctomundo, o’ middle European.
Cynical@82: Nope you weren’t scared of me.
headless douchy@87:
Did the Secret Service remove the Abort Obama sign or was it an Oklahoma City policeman? Did the secret service stop the man in his car? Nope you dope.
You chose to dwell on something worthless. If the Oklahoma city policeman hadn’t taken the law into his own hands as his captain said the secret service would have been checking real threats.
“Police spokesman Steve McCool said this morning that the sign was taken in error, and Oklahoma City residents should not be worried that their First Amendment rights will be violated.”
Of course that is lost on that 24×7 mind of leadless douchy.
So leadless why didn’t you support Obama in the primary again? Was it living with them 24×7?
Which relates to what I wrote, how? Talk about a non sequitur…
Sorry Marvpuddistamn.
You don’t get to link to an article and then claim that someone should KNOW that you only meant part of it. Strike #1
Abortion = Murder is not an unreasonable conclusion on the part of the officer, if you insist that his actions are the only thing that matters. Acting and referring the matter, AS HE INTERPRETED IT, to the secret service was his duty, AS HE UNDERSTOOD IT. (we can debate the significance of the police department later apologizing if we must. Foul Tip, Strike 2. (See I’m willing to give you the courtesy of a somewhat valid point, not that I expect you to reciprocate.)
“One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong.” Confiscation of a sign is not equal to handcuff, arrest and jail. Strike 3.
Did I force you to use that link? If not, you have to defend the entire story, not just what you later want to cherry pick.
I realize leadless douchy@99 the enlarged prostate is pressing on your brain.
And you’ve been outed since September 9, 2005.
Secret Service
No? then why the bitching? The Oklahoma City captain said he made the wrong conclusion. Just like you. But that conclusion is missed by the pressurized moron @99. The cop must be a libtard. It’s outta here for a grand slam.
Hold the rye bread and the mustard grandma, it’s a grand salami sucka.
Regarding cherry picking, I can do as I damn well please fool! It’s America but for your other sock puppet surreal amerikkkan it’s amerikkka.
You’d be right, if the article to which you linked ONLY mentioned the local cop. Say it as slow as you want. YOU linked to the article. Post incident the secret service, regardless of what the local police captain said, thought there was enough to it to do a sit down interview. SO the Secret Service doesn’t think the officer’s actions were unreasonable. Hard to imagine your so think you don’t see that. Either defend that confiscation of a sign, brief investigation and apology = arrest, handcuff and detention or concede.
Sure, you have the right to do as you damn well please. But that makes you a crappy debater. Deal!
(Lucy has a prostate? She’s some kind of medical miracle!)
100. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
That’s a real hoot!
I can just picture this little-dicked School District worker with a prostate so swollen you can’t even see his pointy little PINHEADED noggin.
I love it.
101. czechsaaz spews:
Headless lucy is a guy who works for the Edmonds School District you dumbass.
Sheesh…you were probably gettin’ all bonered up the way headless talks like girl!
93. czechsaaz spews:
94. Rosie Redfinger spews:
The headless sockpuppets are posting one right after another.
That’s the only way headless can get someone to agree with him.
Link to the words that you feel prove I’m a racist.
Your words are well known. If not, why would you have to resort to posting under so many different names.
I hate to correct you, but…
It wasn’t about headless living with them 24/7, it was about being around them 24/7.
Which explains why the vacation spots headless spends his money on are so white.
Headless, do you believe abortion = murder?
How do you feel about black children being aborted at 3 times their percentage in the population?
Why do democrats support abortion, why do democrats give taxpayer money to an organization founded by a person that believed the white race was superior to the black race and gave speeches to the kkk?
Feel free to explain your views on abortion.
That’s a philosophical debate that isn’t really relevant here. But if you must know, I believe abortion is a medical procedure up to the point that a fetus is viable outside of the womb. (I have no interest in getting into it over this. That’s what I believe and that’s how I vote. I respect that others feel differently and are free to vote their values as well.)
But what is not in dispute is that the language of the anti-choice, pro-child, anti-abortion (or whatever you want to call it that makes it palatable to your sensibilities) has equated abortion with murder in public and private for 30+ years. If I saw a sign that said, “Let’s abort Ken Griffey Jr.” my mind would make the leap that said sign is advocating his murder.
I’m breaking my own rule about posting twice in a row, (don’t hit submit until you finish your thoughts…) but I’m man enough to admit when my words may have failed me.
I think I was trying to be goaded into some kind of planned parenthood is bad because it was founded by a bad man debate. Sure, maybe it was, but institutions evolve.
Totally off-topic:
I used to be very involved with SADD and MADD. At some point in the mid 90’s the mission of the leadership of the organization shifted to a prohibitionist group. They now lobby hard against ANY relaxation of alcohol laws and in this state lobby hard to keep the State Store system in place. As their work became more extreme and they began to sound like any drinking by anyone is de facto bad, I left my volunteer positions and pulled away. (I’m not the only one.)
Why do I tell this story. Because even if Planned Parenthood was founded by the Grand Dragon himself, in my lifetime they have provided my girlfriend, now wife, birth control when we were too poor to responsibly have a child. (abstinence was not in the cards for either of us. Wouldn’t have seriously considered it.) They have provided medical care for a dear friend who had early stage cervical cancer when she had been laid off and had no insurance. I totally respect that they have the courage to do that kind of work (and provide abortions, yeah I said it) while a target of threats, hatred and bombings. I respect the organization that they have become.
Playing “they were founded by a bad man,” is pretty weak.
What’s a leadless douchy? Is there supposed to be a lead content?
These guys must need a high octane brain douche.
I think since the democrats voted for mr. obama,
they faithfully believe in the spending bill,
they believe government is the answer to all of this county’s problems.
I say let them and thier kids and gandkids pay back the stimulus, bank at government owned banks, be doctored by the govenments choice of doctors for thier families, make all of thier medical information public,allow thier children to grow up and decide to abort thier grand children. They can give up thier guns and worship any god they like.Allow gays to marry, raise children in the same lifestyle, teach them that there are no absolute truths,let them kill the elderly, because medical care for them will be known to be to expensive.Totally give up every real freedom they have left,I say,
Fine. We’ll pay for that if you’ll pay for Iraq and all our useless defense spending.
And your ilk will pay a toll on all the roads and bridges.
How about you be a little more specific than just “all our useless defense spending”? What about spending on national defense do you consider to be useless? Are you saying that a military is not required, at all? Or perhaps that it needs to be smaller? What exactly?
re 112: How about shoving a Vlasic Dill up your ass?
Can’t get more specific than that.
@112 I believe in a strong defense and have no problem paying for it. I believe we had to do something in Afganistan about the Taliban and Al Queda. To me the Iraq war was a waste of blood and resources, and drew our focus from where it belonged – killing bin Laden and his ilk as well as anybody that stood in our way. That said, the monetary waste of the Iraq war now pales against what’s happened to our economy.
@113 I respect I-Burn and think that would be a waste of a good pickle. Give it to manoftruth instead.
Well jack off biff, I have payed my share, to improve roads and bridges,
Gave my son to the war, I think I am paid up, Its your turn,
as far as you doing that with pickles,thats just sick. It must be the flava ochange.
@115: Now we know why leadless douchy is constipated in his postings.
Or maybe he needs something back there to think.
Or maybe the dill is used to suppress his prostate issues.
Or maybe he eats from that area.
Educated guesses. Now watch surreal amerikkkan appear to support the other sock puppet.
Odd, that the only person here ever to be busted for sockpuppetry has sockpuppetry on the brain.