While the Seattle Times merely cuts and pastes from the wires, the Seattle P-I’s Mike Lewis adds some much welcome local color to his coverage of reaction to Vice President Dick Cheney’s hunting “accident.”
Local blogger David Goldstein, on his www.horsesass.org Web site, wrote that Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean’s recent comparison of Cheney to former Vice President Aaron Burr turned out to be prescient. Burr was the last second-in-command to shoot someone while in office.
“Burr, as us history buffs well know, shot and killed fellow founding father Alexander Hamilton on July 11, 1804, in Weehawken, N.J., in the most famous duel in American history.”
By Monday evening, Goldstein’s posting had 161 responses. The 42-year-old said he knew the shooting would bring traffic, even if it won’t have much of a shelf life.
When he heard about the accident, he first checked to see if the victim, Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old lawyer, was OK. When he found out the man was in stable condition, it was, um, open season.
“What about the nature of the hunting trip?” he asked in an interview. “Those hunting lodges where they raise the birds are the avian equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel. You could do this at a zoo. The guy (Cheney) just likes to kill things.
“(Hitting Whittington) was probably more sporting than the shooting of the birds.”
Man… that Goldstein guy always makes me laugh.
However, I do have one particular nit to pick with the coverage. The Times says Whittington was “sprayed with birdshot,” an official, White House approved circumlocution that Atrios pokes fun at by pointing out the subtle differences between a spray bottle and a shotgun.
The P-I repeats the other popular euphemism: that Whittington was “peppered” with birdshot. Hmm.
Just wanted to avoid any confusion over what really transpired.
Now we learn that Whittington has suffered a “minor” heart attack, due to a piece of birdshot lodged in his heart.
So I’m guessing that next week, when we finally learn Whittington has died (a couple days after his actual death,) the official cause of death will be listed as a “heart attack,” rather than being “shot through the heart by a drunken Vice President.”
Atrios also had this to say this morning:
I wonder how Mary Jo looked after she died in “Captain Oldsmobile’s” car? Goldy, could you post a picture?
Ouch… that was a little graphic.
The plot thickens. Now we find out this lawyer that Dickless Cheney shot was working on a Katrina case. Maybe Dickless thought he better send a message and shot the guy for the Hell of it!
Is that REALLY a photo of the guy Cheney shot?
28 gauge can hardly break the skin let alone produce a wound that requires a drainage tube from the lung(s).
As unfortunate as the accident was this ISN’T the big deal you are making of it.
But then what would a “troll” know?
Given that there is no reference to the picture of the poor guy with the tube in his chest, I have to assume it is NOT the guy Cheney shot. Pretty irresponsible. But, with some extra traffic from the PI publicity – what the heck. Go for the cheap shot. So to speak.
(Actually, given the readership of the PI, I can’t imagine much traffic being generated.)
Whether it’s the guy VP Cheney shot, or not, doesn’t matter. The point Goldy is making is that by saying he was just “peppered” leads you to believe it was something less serious.
Much akin to being “wounded” in combat as opposed to being killed. The problem is our soldiers aren’t being “peppered” they’re losing legs and arms at higher rates.
Most preventable with the proper body armor and properly armored equipment. This, after all, as GW. Bush said was a war “of a time and place of our choosing.”
Yeah, you’r doing a heckuva job, Bushie.
You know, I guess since noone was seriously injured, it is all “ha ha very funny” stuff. As someone who has been hunting a time or two, I do know that these types of accidents happen (although every time I’ve seen it before it was accompanied by either two cases of beer, a fifth of jack, or senile dementia, but whatever). Still, I am a bit bothered by everyones lack of attention to the detail that is actually important here.
Cheney did not have a game stamp.
Yes, its a little detail. But it just goes to show what exactly the middle have objected to about this guy. People, he is not the president and does not enjoy presidential priveledge. Further from the Magna Carta through to appearantly 2000, western politics have evolved to the point were not even the president is above the law.
The guy who is responsible for enforcing the law broke it without a second thought and laughed off the fact. Then he was just given a warning. Go ahead an shoot quail without a license in Texas, youll be sitting in jail for 3 months. But not appearantly if your name is Dick Cheney. Not even a fine? Thats a load of bullshit.
Oh and to stop the troll brigade who keep trying to defend the indefensible by alluding to democrats who have done the same, note that I don’t think that excuses anything. If you find me a dem who does the same, I will be just as outraged. As I’ve said before the parties should be outlawed. This is just another example of the corruption that points out why they should be outlawed.
I say it again, you are a fucking tool.
fake pictures, false claims, the whole deal.
get a life
A Noreaster hit the Atlantic Coast yesterday. Where is your exclsive coverage blaming Bush?
do us all a favor and go hunting with Cheney
I know this will seem insignificant compared to the other laws that Cheney has broke (Like authorizing Libby to release Top Secret information) but the law requires that law enforcement officers be contacted immediately after a shooting, accidental or otherwise.
It seems more likely that Cheney is covering up the fact that he was intoxicated while discharging a firearm.
What doesn’t wash about this story, and think about this for a minute, is that when you’re bird hunting, the dogs run in FRONT of you to scare the birds up.
Does anyone believe for ONE second that the Secret Service would allow ANYBODY to “come up behind” the Vice President of the United States of America with a loaded gun?????
No, they wouldn’t allow someone, even a guest of the VP to walk up behind the VP with a loaded gun. Not gonna happen, never. I’m certain that somewhere in the Secret Service manual that fall into the “that’s a no, no” category.
Conservatives: telling the truth? Not so much. As usual.
This smells like a cover up of alcohol and firearms.
I’ll beat you to the punch:
“Belltowner, go driving with Ted Kennedy”
Also of note, What A Dick Cheney skipped out of Texas without being properly interviewed. The local sheriff spent 13 hours trying to do his job and the SS wouldn’t let him near the cowarrd. Probably drunk like his bitch “W”.
All of you Cheney-apologists,
If Cheney inflicted a mere flesh wound, merely peppered a friend and this sort of thing happens all the time out in the field, I assume you’re all willing to take a load of shot from a .28 gauge shotgun at 30 yards. A .28 gauge can “hardly break the skin” (Jack Burton @ 5)? What a load of horseshit. As a sportsman, what I find truly disgusting about Cheney is how unsporting he is–he’s hunting from a car (probably with half-rack at his side), doesn’t bother to get a license, he’s on private land where the “prey” is farm-raised and has the instincts of a lap cat, and he shoots blindly at sound. Come on, what kind of sport is that? That’s like fishing in a fish hatchery. The man obviously is just into killing.
Dickweed Momar @ 11:
Nobody has ever blamed Bush for the weather, or any NATURAL disaster that wasn’t caused by him.
What the Katrina Report has blamed Bush for was a lack of leadership and a piss poor response. It also pointed out that the lessons of 9/11 haven’t been learned yet by this WAR president.
Failed at every executive position he’s ever held. This one is no fucking exception.
Failed Commnader-In-Chief. Worst. President. Ever.
Jack @5 Tell you what… you stand 10 yards away from me and I’ll shoot you in the face with my shotgun. I am betting even with a quail load it will mange to break the skin and then some.
Look, the guy is in intensive care. They don’t put you there because nothing happened to you.
Bottom line is that Cheney rotated 180 degrees and pulled the trigger on his friend. Worse yet,he then blames his friend for standing behind him. If you pull the trigger its your fault. Anyone who hunts knows this.
Whatever else you might think of this it says something about Cheney’s character and it is not good. A man owns up to his mistakes and Cheney is acting like a weasel.
The picture is METAPHORICAL. I’m sure you trolls know what I mean.
Would you rather go hunting with Cheney or carpool across a bridge with Kennedy behind the wheel?
The right-wing troll fucks dream of sucking Cheney’s dick and being peppered with his man-chowder; taking a little shot to the face is secondary. Momus hasn’t stopped pounding his “meat” since hearing that his dream of a money shot from Cheney’s “gun” might come true for him.
Let’s put it this way: If Vice President Gore had had a similar thing happen, with the same chicken-shit responses that Cheney has given, is there any chance he wouldn’t have been impeached or jailed?
@ 19
Well, considering Cheney shot a 78 year old man with a shotgun after (presumably) not drinking, I’ll take cross state trip with Teddy any day. Afer all, Ted doesn’t party like he used to! (Only Teddy doesn’t hunt like Dick does)
Momus @ 9
I say it again, you are a fucking tool.”
Riiiiiiighhht… This is GOLDY’S blog, you fucking numbskull!
“fake pictures, false claims, the whole deal.”
Ummm…no. This is not a post about the Republican Sex Predator postcards. Did you actually read Goldy’s post? Or is your problem that you’ve got a little buckshot rattling around in your head, there, Bucky?
“get a life”
Momus @ 10
“A Noreaster hit the Atlantic Coast yesterday. Where is your exclsive coverage blaming Bush?”
We were getting to that…we just wanted one of you Wingnut to start the conversation by blaming Clinton….
Associated Press reports:
“Man Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack
“Veep Cited After Blasting Hunting Buddy With Bird Shot
“CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Feb. 14) – The 78-year-old lawyer who was shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a hunting accident has some birdshot lodged in his heart and he had a ‘minor heart attack,’ a hospital official said Tuesday.”
GBS @ 16
“It also pointed out that the lessons of 9/11 haven’t been learned yet by this WAR president.”
War presidnet? WAR president??????
And all along I thought they were saying “Whore president.”
Now I’m really pissed!
Chuck @ 19
“Would you rather go hunting with Cheney or carpool across a bridge with Kennedy behind the wheel?”
That depends…what kind of weapon and ammo do I get to bring on the hunting trip????
Now that we’re learning the victim’s injuries are much more serious than initially reported, would any of you trolls like to revise your comments? Jack? Janet? Bill?
So, what are ya gonna do about it Roger? File a lawsuit? Run your mouth endlessly? What?
GBS @7
Actually, GBS, body armor doesn’t protect arms and legs. By protecting the torso, it also raises the survival rate among soldiers who suffer severe injuries, so you tend to end up with MORE amputees.
Whittington has a heart attack from bird shot….
Bill, the problem is not the political parties per se, but the fact corporate money rules politics.
Payback’s a bitch. I think Whittington should get to TASER Cheney…just to see if it sets off his defibulator….
Momus Pompous Assus
Question for ya, good buddy. If Mr. Whittington dies, as now seems possible — after all, he’s 78, and he was shot in the heart — do you think Dick Cheney should serve the same jail sentence you feel Ted Kennedy should have got?
Or would you excuse Cheney from any legal consequences because he’s a neoCON?
Would it make any difference in your thinking if it turns out Cheney had been drinking?
“Would you rather go hunting with Cheney or carpool across a bridge with Kennedy behind the wheel? Comment by Chuck— 2/14/06 @ 10:39 am”
Based on what we know so far, Kennedy, hands-down.
HEY TROLLFUCKS — how many of you are willing to go into combat with Dick Cheney behind you? Show of hands, please.
Comment by headless lucy— 2/14/06 @ 10:39 am
“The picture is METAPHORICAL. I’m sure you trolls know what I mean.”
Metaphorical or not, it’s sensationalism at it’s worst. Something Goldy excels at.
Comment by dj— 2/14/06 @ 10:55 am
“We were getting to that…we just wanted one of you Wingnut to start the conversation by blaming Clinton….”
Cheney is covering for Clinton (not sure which one). Whittington was whisked to Cheney’s secret underground Washington lair for protection. The true identity of the lawyer shot was Ken Starr.
Hmmmm … I see a problem with my question … I don’t think ANY of them are willing to go into combat with ANYBODY behind them, not even Audie Murphy.
Would it make any difference if he had been drinking?
Absolutely, However, what proof do you have of that? um…. None, except a worse case scenario for the conspiracy you are forming in your head.
My apologies to Bill; I only read the first sentence (at first). Roger Rabbit normally doesn’t pepper his friends but I’ve been (hic) drinking (hic) this morning (hic) …
Kevin Carnes @28
“So, what are ya gonna do about it Roger? … Run your mouth endlessly? … Comment by Yossarian— 2/14/06 @ 11:05 am”
Since you asked … YES! YES! YES! :D :D :D
Bullshit roger, its about folks who feel more allegence to party than country. Have you even paid a little bit of attention to troll posts on this blog or are you a dem version of JCH?
Hell, read the posts on this thread alone. There are people here who are defending essentially a criminal who shot someone and fled the state before anyone could check his blood alcohol level then was allowed to walk with a warning BECAUSE he is a republican. That crap has nothing to do with corporate influence, its shear party before country or law.
Oh and I have seen YOU do the same, its just as annoying. Bottom line, the parties should be outlawed because they are no longer working toward the good of the country, they’ve become organizations that have intentionally hurt the country at times simply to make the ‘other side’ look bad in the next elections.
The short word for that is treason.
The guy Cheney shot had a “minor” heart attack, according to news reports.
Hey Kevin, you worthless anti-American BIAW whore, I’m enjoying Dick Cheney being the butt of late-show jokes … how about you? Don’t worry, we’ll all stop laughing and get serious pretty soon. Especially if the guy dies.
Kevin Carnes aka Marilyn @42
The U.S. is “winning” in Iraq, according to news reports.
Sorry about that redundant post at 42.
Hey Kevin aka Marilyn, when did you guys start believing everything you read in the MSM? At 11:27 am today?
Comment by bill— 2/14/06 @ 10:22 am
“Go ahead an shoot quail without a license in Texas, youll be sitting in jail for 3 months. But not appearantly if your name is Dick Cheney. Not even a fine? Thats a load of bullsh*t.” (expletive deleted)
I agree Cheney needs to set the standard and follow the letter of the law, but it appears that most people are getting citation and not “going to jail for 3 months” for forgetting the $7 upland birds stamp on their Texas hunting license.
“The department gave Cheney and the victim, prominent Republican attorney Harry Whittington, warning citations for breaking Texas hunting law by failing to buy a $7 stamp allowing them to shoot upland game birds. A department spokesman said warnings are being issued in most cases because the stamp requirement only went into effect five months ago and many hunters weren’t aware of it.”
The righties are hitting the spin cycle on this topic. Don’t you just love a good republican train wreck?
“Absolutely, However, what proof do you have of that? um…. None, except a worse case scenario for the conspiracy you are forming in your head. Comment by momus— 2/14/06 @ 11:23 am”
Oh, so if Cheney denies he was drinking, you’re gonna take his word for it? In most jurisdictions, prosecutors rely on the police investigation, not the defendant’s say-so. But if you don’t report a hunting accident to the police for 24 hours, there won’t be any alcohol left in your bloodstream when the police have you blow into the breathalyzer, will there?
conservative, go find older articles. The ‘liberal’ press changed that point in the last 24 hours. Yesterday, it was jail time and/or a fine.
I wonder why the reports of what the consequences of hunting without a stamp changed.
Yeah Bill, but the difference between me and the trollfucks is I admit I’m a partisan hack, and they won’t.
Alberto Gonzales just declared Cheney can shoot anyone he wants because otherwise the terrorists win.
Roger Rabbit = partisan hack
So what? What are you trollfucks gonna do about it? Lick my cute fluffy cottontail? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT
“Don’t you just love a good republican train wreck?”
Which one?
I thought Texas inflicts the death penalty for hunting quail without a bird stamp.
Umm, Roger, newsflash for you…
Most hunting accidents don’t take place with a medical staff and a secret security detail on site either.
I am sure all of those people will sear that there was no drinking (even if there was).
I’m sure this will cause much bitching on this site, but the guy is the Vice President and yes, he is going to get some latitude on process.
The press will scream and moan, etc… But nothing is going to happen on this sitiuation.
You get the death penalty for everything else in Texas.
Nothing left to say but a hearty and heartfelt “GO FUCK YOURSELF”. Off the subject, I have been banned from (un)Sound Politics. Anyone else suffer this horrifying (just hurt myself laughing) fate recently? Or am I really that special? The comment threads on (un)Sound Politics are now averaging 12 per thread.
Rabbit, for your endless work here on HA, I have a bunch of virtual carrots for you. Enjoy.
Previous comments first line @ 58 was directed at JCH and Momus. Not Roger Rabbit, the champion of all things Liberal and bunny.
“I am sure all of those people will sear that there was no drinking (even if there was). Comment by momus— 2/14/06 @ 11:40 am”
Gee, ya think?! Hey Momus, let me clue you about something — if the local sheriff is worth half a damn, he’ll tell the Secret Service this is under HIS jurisdiction and is a COUNTY matter, and HE will handle the investigation.
P.S., you’ve already explained why, so there’s no need for me to do so.
Reply to 58
Hey roger…
Let me ClUE you in on something.
It’s Texas, Bush Country and this is a done deal.
re 36: Is the picture of the pepper metaphorical or sensationalistic, dj? AND, look up the word,”defibrilator”. You spelled it , “defibulator”. That’s as bad as saying nukular.
Kevin Carnes aka Marilyn @42
“The guy Cheney shot had a ‘minor’ heart attack, according to news reports.”
They’re just reporting what the hospital told me, which I’m sure is being controlled by Cheney’s media relations people. What do you EXPECT them to say — “Mr. Whittington’s heart stopped but after 20 minutes of CPR and 16 jolts of the fibrillator machine he’s stable again?”
Momus (aka Morons r us).
Go fuck yourself,
love, Mom
should say “They’re just reporting what the hospital told them,”
“Hey roger…
Let me ClUE you in on something. It’s Texas, Bush Country and this is a done deal. Comment by momus— 2/14/06 @ 11:45 am”
Momus Pompous Assus — I know how “accountability” and “taking responsibility” work in Jesusland, dude. No need to explain it to me.
Soooo Momus … do you see any difference between a big politician getting off after driving under the influence in Massachusetts, and a big politician getting off after hunting under the influence in Texas, or does “pull” work the same everywhere?
Another question for ya, Momus — if Cheney gets him off, are you going to spend the next 35 years bitching about it, or does that apply only to Democratic politicians? Is accountability different for Republicans?
I see the Dow is up 142 points this morning. It appears Wall Street thinks Cheney will go to jail.
“if Cheney gets off,”
You don’t know Jack @5,
I never claimed that the picture was Whittington. But you are clearly talking out of your ass when you say a .28 can’t hardly break the skin.
Just for your education, you can now click on the picture to go to the original source, where you can see more vivid pictures of a shotgun wound, and x-rays of the pellets embedded in the guy’s body.
This is the only time Momus has ever been honest about anything.
Appearently, according to Jack (Abmramoff?) @ 5, a 28 gauge shotgun can’t break the skin.
So how the hell did a pellet lodge itself in Whittington’s heart?
Did the heroin-crazed Cheney just start rubbing and rubbing the pellet’s into the old geezers chest?
“Iraq War Vet Abandons Ohio Political Bid
“Hackett Says Fellow Democrats ‘Hurt’ Campaign
“CINCINNATI (Feb. 14) – Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, a Bush administration critic who had been recruited by top Democrats to run for U.S. Senate, said Tuesday he was reluctantly dropping his campaign and declared his political career over.
“Hackett said he was pressured by party leaders to drop out of the Senate primary and run for the House against Republican Rep. Jean Schmidt instead.
“National Democratic leaders, especially Sen. Charles Schumer, added to that pressure by telling his top fundraisers to stop sending money, Hackett said.
“‘My donor base and host base on both coasts was contacted by elected officials and asked to stop giving,” Hackett told The Associated Press on Tuesday. ‘The original promise to me from Schumer was that I would have no financial concerns. It went from that to Senator Schumer actually working against my ability to raise money.’
“Schumer, a New York Democrat who heads the party’s Senate campaign committee, was not immediately available for comment.
“‘For me, this is a second betrayal,’ Hackett told The New York Times. ‘First, my government misused and mismanaged the military in Iraq, and now my own party is afraid to support candidates like me.'”
I just love the way the LOBBYIST who owned the shooting gallery kept slapping her knee and talking about how Whittington sure got “peppered”.
The poor old Republican got shot in the chest. And the Republicfuckers and their lobbyists try to make it sound like it was just a little perpper for his salad.
C’Mon Trools! More lame excuses for these criminals!
So, latest developements suggest an interesting what if. If Whittington dies, is Cheney liable for murder, and if so, is an impeachment necessary before prosecution?
Donnageddon, no, the pellet didn’t penetrate, it bounced off and Whittington tripped and fell on it. Or I’m sure that will be the defense anyway.
Just when I was beginning to hope that Democratic politicians were finally putting their self-destructive tendencies behind them, they have to go and do this …
At least we’re not shooting our own guys … yet …
… all we do is sandbag their campaigns.
Republicans don’t fool around, if they want to get rid of you, they shoot you.
Hey, has anybody checked to see if Whittington was running for the Senate??? Interesting …
Comment by bill— 2/14/06 @ 11:34 am
“conservative, go find older articles. The ‘liberal’ press changed that point in the last 24 hours. Yesterday, it was jail time and/or a fine.”
Why? You’re making the claim, so the burden of proving that claim is on you, not me.
“I wonder why the reports of what the consequences of hunting without a stamp changed.”
Maybe the first reports, if they even existed anywhere but in your mind, were wrong.
“Ted doesn’t party like he used to!”
You have to be kidding me! Ted is usually so drunk on the senate floor that he cannot even talk coherantly!
Jack @5, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go study some physics.
To all the rest of you, I have to say that Bush & Cheney are the 2nd worst Pres/VP in my lifetime, with Nixon/Agnew taking the prize.
But, the Democrats aren’t any better. Forcing Paul Hackett out of the Ohio race for US Senate? Stupidest. Move. Ever.
Gov. Gregoire’s comment about tax breaks? “I have been very clear that [granting] a tax break is spending money.”
What idiocy. Typical elitist government doublespeak. So, letting me keep my own money is government spending? I think you need to go back to school. You don’t have any claim on my money, baby.
The Republicans suck. The Democrats suck just as badly in surprisingly similar ways to the Republicans.
Bush & Cheney are elitist liars. Gregoire is an elitist liar.
So far as I’m concerned they can all go straight to hell.
CFirst @ 47 — True, upland birds stamps “warnings are being issued in most cases because the stamp requirement only went into effect five months ago and many hunters weren’t aware”.
What do you suppose the chances are that folks at the Armstrong Ranch — a major-league upland game bird shooting preserve — weren’t aware of this requirement? Or that they didn’t checklist this item with their (in-state or out-of-state) guests at the outset of every excursion?
Well said swifter…
RONk, what’s your point?
So the guy did not have the stamp and he’s been fined…
Should there be an investigation now, is that ground for resignation?
Or is it just another liberal blathering point?
momus, he wasn’t fined, that was my point in the first place, he sent in $7 bucks after the fact.
swifter, letting you keep your money after you ate a pizza at pizza hut would certainly be spending on pizza hut’s part. You do in fact have a fair share that you do in fact owe. Tax breaks for corporations are government welfare.
Although, swifter, I certainly agree with your conclusion
No, bill, your analogy falls apart. I didn’t order a pizza. I don’t like pizza. What is happening is that pizza hut shoves pizza down my throat and then tries to steal my wallet.
Like Jack@5, you need to go back to school. I suggest you study economics.
re 89: It’s a pattern of behavior that infects every activity these neo-cons get involved in. Laws and rules are for other people — not them –extending to even the simplest thing. Like getting your lousy $7 bird stamp. The SOB’s refuse to do even that .
If I had my way people like you and all the neo-cons would be dealt with and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for every crime and theft they’ve cvommitted in their shiftless lives.
You, momus, are an insignificant bug.
You don’t want fire departments, police, roads, a military, the internet, food and drug safety, etc?
Tell me you didn’t use a government researched and implemented internet today, or eat food that got to you by publicly financed road. Nah, I didn’t think so, you are just pulling a mark the redneck and trying to get me to pay your share. Only a communist claims everyones share is the same jackass.
Seriously, you pathetics fools.
You are making ahuge issue out of nothing.
It was an accident
Yes banned — but not in Boston. I think I used and left wing profanity, the same word that laucned the free spech movement and the turmoil of the past ear — F U C K .
Oh, well, the site is classic sheeple to the max.
The big news there is some people in Bellevue are registed at ther office addresses. Big fucking deal.
Bill, just because you say I owe money doesn’t mean you’re going to get paid.
or, I guess, a tim eyeman. But his idea is that everyone else’s share is the same, he shouldnt pay anything.
Let’s look on the bright side, at least DICKLESS Cheney shot another republican. There’s already too many of them – who needs one more?
Right swifter, you are just another freeloader, who uses the infrastructure but refuses to pay anything.
Goldy @ 73: It’s actually not .28. That would normally denote a caliber. They are referring to a 28 gauge shell, which is .550 inches in diameter and 2 3/4 inches in length.
For simplicity, a 12 gauge is .729. It’s not real fucking small and neither is a 28 gauge. I reload and wouldn’t like to get shot with either, having a minimal understanding of ballistics.
Assume that they were likely using # 7 1/2 shot in a 3/4 ounce load. I’m guessing, but they wouldn’t be using #9. Too small for anything but clays. This will cook along at about 1200 fps. 3/4 ounces of anything moving at 1200 fps will fuck you up just dandy.
Comment by RonK, Seattle— 2/14/06 @ 12:27 pm
“What do you suppose the chances are that folks at the Armstrong Ranch – a major-league upland game bird shooting preserve – weren’t aware of this requirement? Or that they didn’t checklist this item with their (in-state or out-of-state) guests at the outset of every excursion?”
Sounds like they did a bad job of customer service. Still, the hunter has the responsibility to make sure they have the proper licenses. While Cheney looks bad because of this, it is hardly an act worthy of impeachment or jail time.
Bill, I breathe the air too. Did you want money for that? I’m sure you and all your buddies in Olympia would collect it if they could.
Nobody asked me if I wanted an Internet, or an Army, or any particular kind of road. If I order a pizza, I’m happy to pay for it, just like I pay for this bandwidth. I believe national defense is important, so I spent six years in the Army. But, I don’t believe I asked you to join.
You suffer from selectiv memory. It is a big deal, tell me what has ever happened to any vice president of the past thirty years that is half as interesting?
Too many farts at State Dinners? Or can’t spell potatoe?
The comedy here is endless. A N Y O N E who has any experience with the manly system of phony hunting of farm raised birds know it is about gtting drunk and getting violent – very approved. And really very speial to old guys who are impotent from their heart problems and prostate not working – etc.
Is there condsensus here — that the VP, one Dick Cheney is most likely impotent? One intuitive vote Y E S here.
New post Goldy, rumors of Cheney chronic too soft problems.
@ 102.
Additionally, I am sure the people at teh ranch were thrilled to have someone of this stature even at their facility.
Quite frankly, the whoele topic is so overblown, it’s pathetic.
I’m surprised that no one has mentioned that in addition to Darth Cheney a) being so stinkin’ drunk that he fired point-blank at a human, b) being so disrespectful of the law that he wouldn’t even buy a $7 license, c) high-tailing it out of the jurisdiction so as to avoid the breathalyzer and interrogation, and d) not even reporting the incident until he’d both sobered up and left the scene of the crime … that he was also traveling on this drunken shoot-em-up with a woman who is not his spouse.
But hey, IOKIYAAR.
hey momus, remember the guy in the hospital in intensive care? I really wouldnt call that a little thing. Also, don’t you think that the vice president ignoring laws is important? We do not live in a monarchy, we live in a democracy and when our officials are above the law or think they are, there is a problem.
Bill, once again, school is calling your name and saying you should take a class on government. Spending on the army is not required, but is rather permitted by the Constitution.
You seem to suffer from the delusion that you can compel me to do your will in the name of the “common good.” You cannot, and neither can Christine Gregoire or George W. Bush.
Are you really that stupid, Article 4 section 4 says, and I quote:
“Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”
I would call that required.
@ 29:
RR, OK, OK, I’m not going to argue the point over amputee rates, my real point was that Bush made the choice to go to war without being properly outfitted.
BTW, the reason we have more amputees is not so much related to body amour as it is battlefield medical technology has improved vastly. Take those same wounds in WWII where 1 out of 2 wounded soldiers died and you’d see less wounded and more KIA in Iraq.
In Viet Nam 1 out of 4 wounded died. Gulf War I 1:10. Iraq War 1:12 wounded die. So it has more to do with treating major trauman injures promptly, like getting your arm or leg blown off, and surviving the blood loss and trauma then body amour. Had we had better armoured Humvees there would’ve been less wounded, too.
Recent studies by the Pentagon have also proven that the Republican owned companies that supply amour to our troops were selling inferior shit and had they been built to spec more troops would be alive today.
God, it must be shitty being a lying, America hating, hypocritical conservative.
Besides, I am not really talking about legality, but morality. You are benefiting from spending, pay for it.
Headless lucy @ 64
“re 36: Is the picture of the pepper metaphorical or sensationalistic, dj?”
Why ask me? Conservativefirst posted at 36.
@ 54:
“Don’t you just love a good republican train wreck?”
Which one?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/14/06 @ 11:39 am
All of them!!
Swifter @ 92
“…your analogy falls apart. I didn’t order a pizza. I don’t like pizza. What is happening is that pizza hut shoves pizza down my throat and then tries to steal my wallet”
And your “analogy” of course misstates the premise.
Here’s the same analogy in the sense that it occurs. You and a bunch of other people decide that some people who are hungry could use a pizza. You all vote to appoint a few from among them to decide how much pizza to get, who should get it, how much money it takes to pay for it, and how to collect the necessary funds. You got to try to vote your idiot friends in as those representatives, but you lost. If you still want to be party to the original agreement (we call it a Constitution in our state), you can damn well pony your share the fuc-k up. If you do not, other places beckon. Have a good trip.
Bill, there are a lot of ways to protect people…it doesn’t necessarily require an army. Costa Rica, for example, has no armed forces at all.
We happen to have an army, and I happen to have served in it. But I did so because I volunteered, not because somebody like you, George Bush, or Christine Gregoire, told me I had to.
Headlesslucy @ 64
(but apparently refering to my post at 32, not Conservativefirst’s post at 36)
“AND, look up the word,”defibrilator”. You spelled it , “defibulator”. That’s as bad as saying nukular.”
Yep…Cheney may have a defibrulator, but what he really needs is a defibulator.
Swifter said @ 86
To which momus replied @ 88
Glad to see you two are beginning to see the light.
Daddy, fortunately my citizenship was bought and paid for as the one out of ten Americans who served in the armed forces. Nobody told me I had to, and if they did tell me I had to I would tell them to put it where the sun doesn’t shine.
I did it because I wanted to do it. I don’t want your pizza and I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep my money.
I haven’t, and wouldn’t, ask to to volunteer for what amounts to chattel slavery in the armed forces.
I am sure all of those people will sear that there was no drinking (even if there was). . . But nothing is going to happen on this situation.
Comment by momus— 2/14/06 @ 11:40 am
Basically, what we have here is an admission from a neo-convict that some people are above the law and it’s OK with them!! Because they are more loyal to party and leader they prove they hate America and the rule of law.
If they were drinking, and this guy dies, that is manslaughter. That’s why they didn’t allow the police to do their job and investigate a shooting.
I’m going to pray that for once a Republican survives his gunshot wounds and decides to grow a conscience. It would be great to hear right from the victim’s mouth.
“Yes, the Vice President and I were putting down beers while shooting from a moving vehicle. We decided to get out and I said ‘Hey, Dick’, then BAM!! Next thing I know I’m on my back, shot!”
The prosecutor asks “Any other sworn testimony you’d like to give?”
“Nope, that’s what happened.”
Lawyers for Cheney, “The defense rests, your honor”
Then, the old guy croaks and Cheney is booked on manslaughter, filing a false police report, etc, etc, etc. Cheney goes on one last hunting trip with ‘W’, has another shooting “accident,” drops dead of a massive coronary and we all live happily ever after.
The End.
My Left Foot @ 58:
Self imposed ban at (un)SP. Why spend time with retards when you can be in the company of intelligent people here on HA blog?
With the duly noted exception of the dumb fuck trolls who post here. But, I can’t blame them, their blog is LAME and full of jack offs, so they come here because they secretly want to change sides but just don’t want to admit it.
And if they don’t want to change it’s because they are too stupid, err, retarded to figure it out.
YO @ 121
You fucking dolt! I’ve never discussed Kennedy here (defending or criticizing him). But…you know…if YOU want to go after Kennedy, that’s fine with me. (There might be statute of limitation issues…)
Go get ’em, boy…
re 109: But it seems you think you can compell us to drag your sorry ass around for free. Why don’t you take off all your clothes and go live in the Alaskan wilderness. Then you can say you owe no one a thing.
What do you suppose the chances are that folks at the Armstrong Ranch – a major-league upland game bird shooting preserve – weren’t aware of this requirement? Or that they didn’t checklist this item with their (in-state or out-of-state) guests at the outset of every excursion?
Given that Bush Pioneer Katharine Armstrong is the former Chair of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commision, I’m betting somewhere between slim and none.
Just for the record Cheney could be liable under Texas for reckless endangerment. If the man dies he could be charged with involuntary manslaughter. I doubt this would occur, it would take a local prosecutor with balls. Since most of them in Texas are Republicans we can safely assume that the balls would be sorely lacking. Wonder if Cheney’s first words were “Oh, fuck”.
No way I want my tax dollars supporting swifter in the federally protected Alsakan wilderness.
Just dump him off in international waters, and wait for him to beg and cry for help. Then charge him everything he owes in taxes for a life raft.
Swifter @ 109:
What grade level is your reading comprehension?
Try reading the preamble to the Constitution some time. Then, go out and study a few Supreme Court rulings where the Supreme Court has often referred to it (the preamble) as evidence of the origin, scope, and purpose of the Constitution.
Providing for the common defense is not ‘permitted,’ dumb ass, it is a requirement of Congress and it expands the power and responsibility of Congress.
Brush up on your US History. And for God’s sake, learn a little about the Constitution. You’d never be a conservative if you took the time to understand the Constitution.
Okay trolls, liberals, conservatives, independents and all others. Let us cut through the fertilizer. This is the penalty that Ted Kennedy received 30 years ago:
The incident quickly blossomed into a scandal. Kennedy was criticized for allegedly driving drunk, for failing to save Kopechne, for failing to summon help immediately and for contacting not the police but rather his lawyer first. .
Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. An Edgartown grand jury later reopened the investigation but did not return an indictment.question is did Cheney commit any crime? Should he have to answer to a judge or jury?
If the answer is no, then what if G-d forbid Harry Whittington dies, does that change anything? What if in a month from now he should die of complications? Is the VP criminally negligent?
Kenedy County, where the shooting took place, is an extremely small county population wise. Only 414 people in the 2000 census. John Kerry beat George W Bush in Kenedy County in 2004 by the impressive margin of 85 to 82, with two votes for the Libertarian.
BTW, N in Seattle, regarding ‘… that he was also traveling on this drunken shoot-em-up with a woman who is not his spouse.’ I dont particulary care, I find nothing in the constitution that requires monogamy. I actually find it a bit strange how often the sex lives of politicians comes up.
Headless @ 126
“Why don’t you take off all your clothes and go live in the Alaska Wilderness”
Ah………..We don’t need anymore conserative fucks up here.
We already have a Governor that has his Rethuglican head up his ass, why fan the fires?
Yo @ 124:
What a snappy line!! Pick that one up on the playground today?
Hate to tell you this but murder has no statute of limitations…dolt!
Jimmy Carter was beyond a doubt the worst president of modern times. He destroyed the economy, gave us double digiy inflation, unemployment, and double digit interest rates. I am not a Nixon fan but he was way better than that!
Chuck @136,
Fine. Then lets go after Laura Bush for murdering her boyfriend.
Did she go home and sleep it off before the athorities were contacted?
Comments like Swifter’s on this blog are about as rare as a Bush-Cheney bumpersticker on a Subaru on Orcas Island!
Up Chuck @ 137:
I call you on your bullshit. Review the DOW’s performance up to the ’68 elections. See how fast the economy tanked after Nixon tinkered with the booming Democratic economy he inherited.
Sound familiar?
See how the DOW finally bottomed out in the middle of Carter’s administration and started a slow recovery?
See how Regan introduced voo doo economics, I mean piss down economics, I mean trickle down economics and we wound up getting two major recessions on Ronnie’s watch and record federal deficits. Of which we spent $160 billion TAX payers dollars on this year in interest alone on Regan’s squandering. Thank you very much. NOT.
Continue with Bush 41 and we get more of the same except greater federal deficits and yet another major recession.
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
Enter Bill Clinton and all the nay sayers in congress (newt-er). 1995 sees the battle of ideas on which economic path the country should follow; the same old ways of conservatism, or a bold new approach. Clinton shuts the country down several times by refusing to sign the shitty republican budgets. Clinton finally gets his way and we set sail on a new economic course and we are rewarded with the greatest economic expanse in the history of the world. History of the world, mind you. Clinton generates 22 million new jobs and not only cuts the deficit, and completely eliminates it, but he creates a federal SURPLUS. Remember that? Bush used to stump on the campaign trail in 2000 saying “It’s your money, it ought to be returned to you!” OK, how long before he spent all of the surplus plus the monumental pile of IOU’s he’s ringing up with the Chinese.
Bush 43 comes into office, does what conservatives do because “dirty liberals just tax and spend your money away!!” Dumb asses like you, JCH & MTR believe it.
Now let’s look at the facts:
How much has the DOW grown since Bush has been in office?
How many NET NEW jobs has Bush created?
How high has the deficit risen since Bush has been in office. (Hint for you, he beat Ronnie’s records and his own ‘Daddy’s’ borrow and squander fiasco.)
So, worst president ever? No doubt, hands down, he’s in office right now. Let me introduce to you the perennial favorite of every person who hates America; George W. Bush!!
Worst President Ever, that’s how he’ll be remembered in the history books and you are the losers who will be remembered as the mindless masses who made it all possible.
“Hate to tell you this but murder has no statute of limitations…dolt!”
Hate to tell you this…we weren’t discussing murder.
Chuck @ 137, take it up with momus and swifter. I was just quoting them assholes.
And chuck, you remember the “WIN” buttons popularized by President Ford?
They stood for “Wip Inflation Now”.
Yeah, were talking about the Nixon administrations inflation, not Carters. And how do you “wip” inflation caused by the Nixon administration? Not with buttons, but by raising the interest rates.
Nixon destroyed the economy, Ford ignored the destruction, and Carter fixed it.
Go read a fucking book you complete blithering idiot.
oops, I am sorry chuck. Have someone read a book to you.
GBS @ 141,
Nicely said. I am printing it out to pass out when anyone asks me why I spent 16 hours in line at Costco in Issaquah two years ago to meet President Clinton. (Usually asked by visitors to my home when they see what book is on my coffee table).
Let’s see, the draft dodging coward Cheney gets drunk, shoots an attorney who’s looking into how WHAT A DICK and MONKEY FACE screwed up in New Orleans during Katrina, the coward Cheney high-tails it out of Texas, knowing he broke the law and didn’t have the proper license to hunt, keeps legitimate law enforcement from interviewing him, tries to hide the fact that he shot a guy – which he allegedly mistook for a bird, and the righties are falling all over themseleves to change the subject. That about cover it?
Sorry, but under Carter this country almost went down.. And yes this country was in the crapper from the administration before Nixon. Now I didnt care for Nixon but he did do better thab Carter. Reagans tricle down economics worked and worked well, after his second year in office (took a while after the mess Carter left) the economy climbed to unprecdented heighths. Even many thinking liberal economists now admit that trickle down economics works. Under Bush SR the economy took a bit of a dive…I guess you could call him the liberal republican…you know kinder, gentler… Clinton sat back and got blowjobs while jacking taxes like a madman. When things got too hot for him he would shoot a few guns at Saddam or go raid the baseball facories in Haiti. He sat around while the twin towers were bombed by Al-quadia, while the Cole took a bomb he did nothing. Then at the last year and a half due to the constant stacking on taxes the economy turned sour, then came Bush and you guys had a great time blaming it on him. Guess what? the economy is great! Sadam is no longer in the picture AND Osama is a gypsy living in a tent afraid to show his face unless it is on a video tape…if he is alive at all! You guys should kiss the Bushmans ass for what he has done. The economy is so good that even the liberal backwater state of Washington is doing OK, although not as well as most of the rest of the nation.
You were discussing the Great Kennedy Bridge Crossing…that was murder.
I’d say the two worst presidents we ever had in this country were Tricky Dick Nixon and Lyin’ Lyndon Johnson.
Swifter @ 104
I was not suggesting leaving the country–I was suggesting leaving the STATE if you don’t like how we roll. If you don’t like the idiots running the US I’m on your side.
BTW, those who have served in the armed forces are no more citizens than those who have not.
If it werent for Carter I might agree with that….
The good old days. When gas was $1.25 a gallon, when I could afford to buy the house I am living in, or my wife could accept the promotion and a transfer to So. Cal (had to be turned down due to inflated housing costs), a time when air travel was not supported by government handouts (the Republicans don’t want to support welfare for people, but have no qualms about supporting big business), when politicians were caught with their pants down meant that a woman was in the room too (not illegal fund transfers, sweetheart contracts, questionable stock sales, etc etc..), a time that when my president spoke, I could understand every word that was spoken with intelligence and authority.
Tell me there is hope for a return to those Halcyon Days. When I could respect the men and women who were charged with the business of running our country in the best interest of the PEOPLE. Not in the best interest of the privileged few.
Chuck @ 147 – that is such a bunch of complete bullshit.
Is your idea just to throw out as many lies as you can, in hopes that at least one of them won’t be caught?
Yep, you are a true NeoCon
CFirst @ 102 – I’m suggesting the Armtrong Ranch — and its guests — may engage in systematic evasion of game laws. A guide, host or private reserve manager who does NOT routinely confirm his clients’ awareness of and adherence to applicable licenses, limits and restrictions is operating illegally in some jurisdictions, unethically in the rest.
Chuck @ 148
“You were discussing the Great Kennedy Bridge Crossing…that was murder.”
Sure, Chuckles. The first method I think of to murder someone is to drive off a bridge in the middle of the night and then hope I can escape a watery grave while my victim doesn’t survive.
Oh…man…you wingnuts and your conspiracies are just too precious!
My Left Foot@152
Under Clinton I was having trouble hanging onto my house under 4 years of Bush I owned 2 houses outright and make less mone to do it…althogh a less stressful job and closer too.
He managed to get home and sleep it off for a few hours, didnt he?
No lies here guy.
“Reagans tricle down economics worked and worked well, after his second year in office (took a while after the mess Carter left) the economy climbed to unprecdented heighths.” BULLSHIT, the 1982 recession was horrific! Almost as bad as 1986 recession. And the only unprecedented heights during the Reagan misadministration was the DEFICIT!
“Even many thinking liberal economists now admit that trickle down economics works. ” BULLSHIT! Name One!
“Clinton.. He sat around while the twin towers were bombed by Al-quadia, while the Cole took a bomb he did nothing.” The Twin towers bombing happened on Feb, 26th 1993. Clinton had been President less than 40 days! And the terrorists were arrested, and are now serving LIFE SENTENCES!
“Bush Jr .. Guess what? the economy is great!” BULLSHIT! This is the worst economy in 70 years. Job “growth” is next to nothing, the Stock market hasn’t grown even one percentage point in 5 years,and the deficit is setting NEW RECORDS!
“Sadam is no longer in the picture AND Osama is a gypsy living in a tent afraid to show his face unless it is on a video tape…if he is alive at all!” BULLSHIT! Osama is still at large (Bush Jr let him go) Iraq is in a bloody civil war, over 2,000 US Soldiers dead, tens of thousands maimed, and when we finally get out of this quagmire, Iraq will just be another Fundamentalist Islamic State that HATES OUR GUTS!
UpChuck, you are so full of BULLSHIT you could fertalize the whole Armstrong Texas Shooting gallery.
Chuck @ 157
“He managed to get home and sleep it off for a few hours, didnt he?”
Ohhh…yes…let me rephrase my post @ 155:
Sure, Chuckles. The first method I think of to murder someone is to drive off a bridge in the middle of the night and then hope I can escape a watery grave while my victim doesn’t survive, and I go home and sleep.
Oh…man…you wingnuts and your conspiracies are just too precious!
You should read more.
“Reagans tricle down economics worked and worked well, after his second year in office (took a while after the mess Carter left) the economy climbed to unprecdented heighths.”
Ron Reagan raised taxes four times just between 1982-84. Even so, our natioannual budget deficit 9the amount of debt we all take on) soared during his presidency, and the economy was propped up by military spending until it tanked around the end of Bush I’s reign.
“many thinking liberal economists now admit that trickle down economics works.”
Name one.
“Clinton sat back and got blowjobs while jacking taxes like a madman.”
My kinda guy. YEah, he “jacked taxes” until the annual deficit disappeared and the government ran a huge surplus–projected to be large enough to enough to save SS AND pay off our national debt in time for the baby boom retirees, while sparking the longest economic expansion in our country’s history with levels of employment previously thought to be impossible. I think we need a few more blowjobs like that.
“He sat around while the twin towers were bombed by Al-quadia”
If that’s what you call arresting, trying and convicting the perpetrators.
“while the Cole took a bomb he did nothing.”
This happened in October 2000. Clinton was president for only three months more. He pressed the Yemeni government to hand over the perps over (which they refused), then had to leave the rest to G. Bush. What did he do? Besides sitting in Crawford while bin Laden prepared an attack, I mean.
“Then at the last year and a half due to the constant stacking on taxes the economy turned sour, then came Bush and you guys had a great time blaming it on him.”
Only if you don’t think about the fact that the recession started in May 2001, well into Bush’s first term.
“Guess what? the economy is great!”
If you call rising consumer debt, falling real wages, an additional $2.x trillion in national debt, rising poverty rates, and job creation falling behind population growth “great.”
“Osama is a gypsy living in a tent afraid to show his face unless it is on a video tape…if he is alive at all!”
If you have information on where Osama bin laden is, you should share it with the administration–they can’t seem to find him.
“The economy is so good that even the liberal backwater state of Washington is doing OK, although not as well as most of the rest of the nation.”
If only we were doing as well as conservative states such as Alabama and Mississippi.
Daddy Love@161
Ill give you Mississippi, but alabama is doing OK.
Daddy Love@161
“He sat around while the twin towers were bombed by Al-quadia”
If that’s what you call arresting, trying and convicting the perpetrators.”
Really, why was Osama still at large since he masterminded that one as well?
Daddy Love@161
“Clinton sat back and got blowjobs while jacking taxes like a madman.”
My kinda guy. YEah, he “jacked taxes” until the annual deficit disappeared and the government ran a huge surplus–projected to be large enough to enough to save SS AND pay off our national debt in time for the baby boom retirees, while sparking the longest economic expansion in our country’s history with levels of employment previously thought to be impossible. I think we need a few more blowjobs like that.”
Never has a nation taxed themselves into prosperity
Ronald Reagan
Chuck @ 164
“Never has a nation taxed themselves into prosperity. Ronald Reagan”
Of course, Reagan was blatantly wrong. Think about it. If a nation collects no taxes, there will be no prosperity (and not much to call it a nation). If a nation taxes too much, it destroys prosperity. Clearly there is some tradeoff between the two that results in optimal prosperity.
UpChuck “Really, why was Osama still at large since he masterminded that one as well? ”
Up Chuck @ 147:
Chuck you are one fucking, stupid-ass conservative. Are you JCH? Because he’s the only other one about as stupid or dishonest as you are.
As I’ve said before when you speak, or write your mind is on parade for all to see. So let’s take you rebuttal and shred it to pieces. Shall we?
OK first:
Sorry, but under Carter this country almost went down.. And yes this country was in the crapper from the administration before Nixon.
The economic expansion brought on by JFK & LBJ was 2nd only to President Clinton’s economy. So, your “crapper from the administration before Nixon” is conservative speak. Which means bullshit.
Now I didn’t care for Nixon but he did do better thab Carter.
Check where the DOW finally stopped skidding. You only present your opinion. Which are like assholes. It’s just your opinion happens to stink like one.
Reagans tricle down economics worked and worked well, after his second year in office (took a while after the mess Carter left) the economy climbed to unprecdented heighths
While the DOW did reach new high’s, by Regan’s second term in office he managed to turn the United States into the largest debtor nation from the largest lending nation and had his 2nd major recession hit in his 2nd term also.
Even many thinking liberal economists now admit that trickle down economics works.
You’re spouting shit talking points. Names of prominent liberal economists, please. Even Donald Trump has said that the economy runs better under Democrats than Republicans, even thought that seems, as Donald said, “counter-intuitive.” Do your homework, the stock market always, ALWAYS and without qualifiers, returns better under Democratic administrations vs. Republican led admins. Period.
Under Bush SR the economy took a bit of a dive…I guess you could call him the liberal republican
Continued Regan’s economic policies. Result, MAJOR RECESSION. Three terms of Republican leadership and one major recession in each term. Note the economic pattern yet, asshole?
Clinton sat back and got blowjobs while jacking taxes like a madman. When things got too hot for him he would shoot a few guns at Saddam or go raid the baseball facories in Haiti.
This is as far as I need to go, because every time a conservative tries to “blame” Clinton, you know they are out of intellectual ammo. I know you have a hard time with the truth, but Clinton’s economy kicked ass. You’re too full of pride and admit it. So, you vote against your own personal best interest because of the 3 G’s: God, Guns and Gays.
I’ll just say this about the Clinton’s blow jobs and the conservatives obsession with it; while he was going after Al Qaeda, pussies like you and Ken Starr were getting all buttery over the Starr Report while being consumed with every “salacious” detail of his sex life. Now while Clinton was going after terrorists you assholes didn’t even have that on your radar screen. Much like they way Bush got a PDB while on vacation: Bin Laden determined to attack inside the US.
Seems like every time Bush or Cheney goes on vacation something bad happens.
In closing. You’re stupid and you know it.
PS: I normally don’t harp on the “spelling” thing because I make plenty of my own, but Jesus, dude, get a dictionary.
Donald Trump? You gotta be kidding me? You are quoting Mr Bankrupsy?
Chuck @ 168
“Donald Trump? You gotta be kidding me? You are quoting Mr Bankrupsy?”
Bankrupsy??? Maybe. But “Mr. Bankruptsy” would be George (“I never led an organization I didn’t bankrupt”) Bush.
“PS: I normally don’t harp on the “spelling” thing because I make plenty of my own, but Jesus, dude, get a dictionary.”
It isnt a dictionary bud, it is arthritis with big hands trying to type fast. (you know what they say, big hands, big…)
“the conservatives obsession with it; while he was going after Al Qaeda, pussies”
Then I ask you the same question you guys ask Bush all the time…where the hell is Osama?
Chuck @ 171
“Then I ask you the same question you guys ask Bush all the time…where the hell is Osama?”
I checked under my desk and behind my file cabinets. He’s not there.
Ohhh…and he is not in Iraq, either.
Top Ten Reasons It is Still Safer to Go Hunting with Dick Cheney than to Ride in a Car with Ted Kennedy
10. The Vice President doesn’t need to sober up before calling for help.
9. The Vice President travels with a medical team rather than a scandal sanitation squad.
8. Vice President Cheney does not have delusional Presidential aspirations to cloud his judgment in a crisis.
7. Hunting with the VP doesn’t involve navigating any dangerous bridges.
6. As the victim of an accident involving a Republican, your name will actually be reported on CNN and CBS news.
5. Cheney – Number 8 Bird Shot; Kennedy – 8 shots of Wild Turkey.
4. You don’t have to wait for Cheney to concoct an alibi before help arrives.
3. If there is an accident, Cheney will attempt to save your life rather than his political career.
2. You will be able to tell your children and grandchildren about hunting with the Vice Presdient years later.
And the Number ONE reason: It is Still Safer to Go Hunting with Dick Cheney than to Ride in a Car with Ted Kennedy.
nindid @ 17: Only if you learned to shoot someplace OTHER than Parris Island. (And if you did, what are you doing here?)
rr @ 27: Either way, it is indeed unfortunate for the lawyer. Our prayers go out to him. The point is no matter what Cheney did he’s gonna be attacked by carrot crunchers like you.
I can’t help but laugh at #173. Numbers 10, 9 and 8 immediately undermine any credibility it might have been granted out of courtesy. I stopped there and laughed at the person who posted it.
I guess you guys really *can’t* hit what you’re aiming at.
GBS@16: I am viewing a new GBS. You claim no one blamed Katrina weather on Bush. UUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNTTTT – Wrong again my white brother. Robert Kennedy did.
Oops… The is drivel from Puddybud.
Another thing, tonight at 6:50 PM on Hannity and Colmes; Gerardo Sandovar, a San Francisco Supervisor says the United States does not need a military. So I guess in the SF Supervisor’s eyes, your over 10 years of meritorious service was a waste!!! Congratulations!
Oops.. Should be “This is drivel…”
Roger@44: You are such a dipshit. Marilyn is on your side. I have battled her before. She is a dem through and through! Apparently you don’t have much of a memory in that little rabbit brain!!!
GBS@141: I thought the democratic congress of the 80s approved the budgets by adding some of that wonderful pork for Robert 3K Byrd!
StuckonStupiddon@151: Wow 4.7% unemployment. Yeah the economy sucks!
That should be StuckonStupiddon@159. My bad.
I will pay for Pope, JCH, Chuck, prr, and all the other Kevin Carns “personalities” to go hunting with Dick Cheney.
Gee, Anon — you don’t think I am a TOTAL idiot, do you? Just send me the MONEY that such a hunting trip would have cost me, and I will be VERY HAPPY.
Hey, it’s everyones favorite little buddy PuddyBud!
Good to see you arestill out there, and found the time to post more idiotic nonsense!
Don’t worry about getting the citation for me wrong, with the bullshit you post, getting the citation wrong really doesn’t matter!
Keep up the bad work PuddyBud! Remember you are *very* “special”.
Oh, and you are pink too.
And Richard, you will likely be very, very hospitalized.
But if getting shot in the face by Cheney works for you.. go for it!
And while I am not a Kevin Carns “personality”, I don’t mind in the least bit if you think I am. Just take the money that you think it would cost for one person to hunt with Dick Cheney, multiply it by the number of Kevin Carns “personalities” that you think there were, and sent me one big fat cashier’s check.
Donna — I didn’t say I wanted to go HUNTING with Cheney. I just want the MONEY that such a hunting trip would cost. I will allow ROGER RABBIT to take my place on the hunting trip.
Puddy Pud @ 176…..You mindless moron. How, short of a religious experience, did ROBERT Kennedy blame Bush for the Katrina hurricane? Perhaps one of your caregivers can proof read your posts or you might consider waiting for the lithium to take full effect before sitting down to bang out your posts.
I believe the hurricanes are punishment from God for the way Republicans are fucking up the country. He does not like folks who cloak themselves in the name of Christ and then turn around and hate gays, blacks, immigrants, poor people and anyone who does not agree with them.
Puddy, did you actually read that article about Robert Kennedy? It doesn’t say what you appearantly think it does. Oh, and regarding military, so did Swifter on this thread. Rather stupid idea, isn’t it.
Bush Jr .. Guess what? the economy is great!” BULLSHIT! This is the worst economy in 70 years. Job “growth” is next to nothing, the Stock market hasn’t grown even one percentage point in 5 years,and the deficit is setting NEW RECORDS!
This is BULLSHIT. My wallet has never been fatter than in the Bush adminstration. I do not know of anyone who cant find work. If you donks are too dumb to find a job then it is your fault.
Here’s a question: Who do you think Bush should nominate to be Vice-President if there were to be a vacancy in that office?
JOhn MCain
Flashback…CNN All Politics, Aug. 27, 1996
WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, Aug. 27) — The same day Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention, newly released documents suggest she was behind the 30-hour delay in releasing late White House counsel Vincent Foster’s suicide note to authorities.
How the White House handled Foster’s 1993 death, and the possibility that administration officials improperly removed documents from his office or impeded an official search of it, has been the subject of intense scrutiny by congressional Republicans and the media.
Ah, it’s “Pahoa” (Hawai’ian for “rump ranger”) chiming in with something completely off-topic. Very good, Rump!
“Colored Bull Terrier Wins Best in Show at Westminster
“Rufus Uses Perfect Egg-Shaped Head to Edge Out Competition
“NEW YORK (Feb. 15) – A colored bull terrier called Rufus used his head Tuesday night to become America’s top dog.
“The tan-and-white mix won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club, beating out six strong contenders and drawing a rousing ovation from the sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.”
Sooo Rufus how’s it feel to win a dog show?
And to have a head shaped like an egg?
An article in today’s Investors Business Daily states that this whole hub-bub about Cheney and the peppering with seven-and-half birdshot of Mr. Whittington was just childish behavior on the part of the national press and (in particular) the White House press corps. IBD’s contention is that the White House crew is indignant because they were scooped on the story by a local-yokel newspaper in Corpus Christi.
O’Reilly also condemned the whole affair as ridiculous, and I agree with both Investors Business Daily and O’Reilly on the issue even though Mr. Whittington suffered a minor heart attck from a small pellet of birdshot. It is sad that the accident happened, as all accidnets are, but it is not worthy of the attention it is getting. This story should have only received a minor mention at best. The White House press corps and the rest of the media need to get
WARNING!!! The guy in the picture is not a child molester in your neighborhood, nor is he the guy that Cheney shot. The picture is of a guy shot at very close range by a gun much more powerful than a 28 gauge. 30 yards is actually pretty far for a 28 gauge. The victim in this case actually looks more like this picture FROM THE SAME WEBSITE who was hit by buckshot, not by birdshot, as Cheney’s victim was.
if the veep had followed legal protogal the media frenzy would not have happened. no doubt the jokes would have come but the more one looks at what was done when and said there’s no surprise at the media being all over this. the media needs to be all over this. sit back and beleive all the bush admin says or does and we’re in deep shit.
Jack @174
Lets just say I am one generation removed from being a Marine marksman.
I am guessing that you don’t know much about shotguns. The great thing about a shotgun is the spread. I could be as drunk as Dick Cheney and still manage to hit your face, chest and arms at 30 feet.
As a further question… when will you guys learn not to trust Fox News? They were running snarky reports the day after the shooting mocking all those ‘liberal’ corporate media types for trying to prove that Cheney was hunting illegally. They even went so far as to put up a photo of Cheney’s hunting license. Too bad they forgot the stamp.
Media is taking revenge for having been played too many times.
What a hard concept to understand, don’t screw with the press too many times, they can get even.
I think the story is great, hope Cheney kees on acting like the churlish wanna be dictator he is. Go Cheney, Dems and comics are getting high.
Rumor is th Bush media manipulators are even getting angry. Not too smoothe Dick.
Perhaps it would have received less attention if Cheney had not left the scene of the crime (he even left the whole state!) before investigators could check his blood alcohol level, and for narcotics. It also would have helped if they had not waited 24 hours to report it, giving Cheney time to sober up/blood transfusion.
As it is, everything points to Cheney being drunk/drugged when he shot a 78 year old man in the face.
Let me repeat that: Cheney being drunk/drugged when he shot a 78 year old man in the face.
Comment by RonK, Seattle— 2/14/06 @ 3:29 pm
“I’m suggesting the Armtrong Ranch – and its guests – may engage in systematic evasion of game laws. A guide, host or private reserve manager who does NOT routinely confirm his clients’ awareness of and adherence to applicable licenses, limits and restrictions is operating illegally in some jurisdictions, unethically in the rest.”
I seriously doubt that avoiding a $7 stamp is anything more than an oversight, and that’s why only warning citations were handed out.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 9:45 am
“Perhaps it would have received less attention if Cheney had not left the scene of the crime (he even left the whole state!) before investigators could check his blood alcohol level, and for narcotics. It also would have helped if they had not waited 24 hours to report it, giving Cheney time to sober up/blood transfusion.”
Personally I think Cheney could have handled this whole situation better, and I wish he had stepped down before the 2004 election.
That being said, Cheney didn’t leave Texas until Sunday evening (about 24 hours after the incident), after being interviewed by Kenedy County sherrif’s deputies. The incident was reported to police an hour and 20 minutes after it occurred, at which time Cheney spoke to the police to set up an interview for the next day.
If you have some facts to back up that Cheney was drunk or drugged, please provide them.
Otherwise you are just making stuff up, much like you accuse the Bush Administration of doing with intelligence to justify the Iraq war.
If you have some facts to back up that Cheney was drunk or drugged, please provide them.
Not even a person who claims to have been there will deny that the VP was drinking. Katharine Armstrong is quoted as saying:
“There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting.”
A classic non-denial denial. Given Cheney’s history of mendacity and the known facts of this case, speculation regarding the VP’s sobriety is entirely appropriate.
If you have some facts to back up that Cheney was not drunk or drugged, please provide them.
Personally, I don’t think the VP was drinking. I think he was reckless and negligent, but sober. He hasn’t demonstrated good judgment in any other area of his life; why should I think his carelessness with a firearm is the result of intoxication?
Left Foot:
Kennedy says Barbour played a “central role … in derailing” international efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Kennedy says a 2001 memo from Barbour — then a lobbyist — to the Bush administration persuaded the president to oppose carbon dioxide restrictions. So, Kennedy insists, “Now we are all learning what it’s like to reap the whirlwind of fossil fuel dependence which Barbour and his cronies have encouraged.”
Our destructive addiction has given us a catastrophic war in the Middle East and–now–Katrina is giving our nation a glimpse of the climate chaos we are bequeathing our children.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
In 1998, Republican icon Pat Robertson warned that hurricanes were likely to hit communities that offended God. Perhaps it was [Gov. Haley] Barbour’s memo that caused Katrina, at the last moment, to spare New Orleans and save its worst flailings for the Mississippi coast. – Robert F. Kennedy
As Hurricane Katrina dismantles Mississippi’s Gulf Coast, it’s worth recalling the central role that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour played in derailing the Kyoto Protocol and kiboshing President Bush’s iron-clad campaign promise to regulate CO2. – Robert F. Kennedy
Now what were you saying, idiot?
Ah, yes donnageddon, you dismiss a government report.
Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 193,000 in January, and the unemployment rate fell to 4.7 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Job gains occurred in several industries, including construction, mining, food services and drinking places, health care, and financial activities.
You dismiss it because you have no evidence for your putrid diatribes. So with your assinine rant: “The economy sucks”, prove Cheney was drunk and left the state early.
Sorry GBS for my drivel. My URLs are great!
Read the article. Get back to me.
OK, sorry for the dictionary comment considering your arthritis and big stubby fingers. It might help to keep your wiener off the keyboard as well.
Chuck @ 171:
I don’t know where he is. However, you might want to check with Porter Goss’ comments last summer. Do you know who Porter Goss is? Bush appointed him head of the CIA, just in case you didn’t know.
I point that out because it has become painfully obvious that Bush appoints people who are grossly underqualified for positions that are vital to the security and safety of the United States.
Now that you know who Porter is, how he got the job. Research his comments from last summer regarding the whereabouts of one Osama Bin Laden.
Get back to me with your answer.
Puddybud @ 179:
Clarify your point regarding pork barrel spending.
nindid @ 174
Retired Army here….I know all about the spread of shotgun. 28 gauge isn’t insignificant but not life threatning either.
Fox ISN’T my only sourse of news. Just as SP isn’t my only OL source of info. That being said, after being censored by Saddam, I cannot trust CNN.
Bottom Line: The Press are acting like little babies because they didn’t get the “exclusive” on this.
Also: I doubt that the lawyer signed all the HIPPA releases needed for the coverage of his PERSONAL health information. Either at all or in what the press is crying as a timely manner.
Puddybud @ 207
As usual, you have some type of “PuddyWorld” filter that make you incapable of acutally understanding what you read.
I mean, if you read what Kennedy said literally, he is not blaming Bush, he is blaming America’s “destructive addiction” for the climate change that led to Katrina.
Nobody, but nobody*, thinks the global warming problem began 5 years ago, with the inaugeration of Dubya! Anthropogenic climate change happens on much larger time scales than that, and this is well known and widely appreciated by all*.
But, there is another problem with your entire argument. When someone say “Nobody on the left is blaming Bush for Katrina,” they are not literally saying “there is not a single person in the world who is on the left end of the political spectrum who has stated that Bush is responsible for Katrina.” Most people arguing in these comment threads realize that there are crazies at all corners of the political spectrum (we see more than our fair share of them here at HA).
No…the point someone is making is an abbreviated way of saying, “the hypothesis that Bush is responsible for Katrina is not held by the left to any noticable extent, outside of the occasional kook.”
The fact that you do not recognize these kinds of implicit limits to generalzed statements like “nobody blames Bush…” is what makes any reasonable conversation with ends fruitlessly. This is confounded by you “PuddyWorld” filtering of factual information.
*perhaps a few kooks excepted.
Read the article. Get back to me.”
asking PuddyBud to read something is a bit harsh. Like I do with most NeoCon Symps, I would just request PuddyBud have one of his caretakers read it for him.
I’m not foolish enough to believe I can prove anything about Cheney being drunk and hunting. But, here’s how I see the Dick “shoot from the hip” Cheney’s situation playing out.
Duck Hunt Cheney goes on FAUX NEWS and gives a “full accounting” of what happened that day. He makes a flat out denial that alcohol was involved.
Once “Dead Eye” Dick makes that statement, the local law enforcement officers will go the hospital and ask to see the blood results on the work up of the gun shot victim. It will reveal if there were any alcohol in his system. Here are the reasons they would test for alcohol / drugs in his system at the hospital
1) It’s no far stretch of the imagination that a “hunting” accident would involve alcohol. Especially in Texas. So they would have tested for alcohol & drugs for evidentiary values. I’m guessing it’s probably required by Texas state law, too. Roger Rabbit can provide a better legal opinion than I can.
2) Regardless of the “he was just peppered” comments by the RNC spin machine, the attending physicians could see there were entry wounds.
3) X-rays would certainly reveal the “lead” pellets in the core areas of his body.
4) With that medical evidence, the possibility of having to perform surgery to repair internal injuries just became a very serious reality to consider.
5) Given the circumstances above, no surgeon in this country is going to administer anesthetic to a 78 year old man suffering from gun shot trauma and potentially under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
6) The potential for a serious interaction between anesthetic or pain management medicines and alcohol are to serious to ignore for malpractice reasons alone.
7) As soon as there is an official medical report confirming the presence of alcohol in his body that is going to make Cheney’s story suspect.
8) If this guy survives and admits to authorities there was drinking going on Cheney has committed a felony – again.
9) If this guy dies as a result of his wounds and there is medical evidence of alcohol, Cheney’s on the hook for manslaughter.
Can you say: “Oh, Shit not another scandal”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here. Too many scandals to keep track of without a program.”
“Comes complete with a scorecard so you can keep track of who’s indicted, who’s convicted, who copped a plea, who’s cooperating, who’s turning on their party, who’s serving time.”
“Bonus impeachment section, be the first with your impeachment procedure rulebook.”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here, hot off the press.”
And PuddyBud, job growth is not measured by the highly innacurate “Unemployment Rate” (hint: it is in the title)
Employment growth is measured by… well employment growth.
And employment growth under Bush has not even come close to the requirements of the growth of the Job Force.
Bush – Worst.President.Ever
PuddyBud – Clueless.Neocon.Tool
I agree with the point you made, Goldy, but the picture makes me sick to the stomach.
Yes, clearly double digit inflation+double digit interest under Carter was much better than what we have now.
I’m shocked that none of the right-wingers have pointed out that we now have confirmation that Cheney drank alcohol both before and after the shooting.
Dick Cheney in rose garden knife fight.
Dateline the Whitehouse.
Vice President Dick Cheney was involved in a knife fight with attorney general Alberto Gonzoles late this evening. Whitehouse medical personell treated Mr. Gonzales for wounds to the neck, shoulder, back and stomach. Mr. Cheney was apparently unharmed.
Mr. Gonzales is undergoing emergency surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Doctors there say he will probably survive, but due to the trama to his larynx and inner ear will spend the rest of his life as a deaf mute.
Details are sketchy, but sources close to the Vice President said the altercation occured after an all-night drinking and gambling binge ending an argument between the Vice President and attorney general over “rights to the woman.”
Identity of the woman has not been confirmed, but sources who wish not to be named identify her as a well known street walker in the Washington DC area.
@ 221 that is wonderful! LOLOLOL!
.5BrainCell@214: No I take what RFK, JR says as fact. And since I displayed Robert Kennedy’s own words from the Internet, I guess I’ll stay in PuddyWOrld, since it includes commentary from the Kooks on the left such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., owner of limos, private planes and many houses! And I suspect you forgot about the billboards in Florida before the 2004 presidential elections.
GBS: Navigate to the Smoking Gun site. The Sheriff decided to interview Cheney at 10 AM the next day. Cheney asked that is be moved up to 8AM. Once again you conspiracy theorists should wait for the facts before inserting foor into mouth!
But then again to a lefty, what does truth matter in trying to bring down Cheney!
Erratum of 224 … inserting foot into mouth!
GBS: Here are the Byrd Pork Projects since the 70s (maybe the 60s)
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Sen. Byrd has set a new standard for taxpayer-funded narcissism by convincing the West Virginia Legislature to erect a statue of himself in the state Capitol. The statue’s completion violates state law prohibiting statues of government officials until they have been dead for half a century.
GBS: The above are just the projects his name are on. I am checking into the other pork he has acquired.
GBS: In 2005, Senator Robert C. Byrd managed to claw $399 million in pork for West Virginia, or $220 for every single resident. He legislated more for WVA singlehandedly than our two clowns oops… senators.
GBS: Please refresh. While recuperating, what article should I read?
I wonder what happens if you Google the phrase “Byrd has set a new standard for taxpayer-funded narcissism by convincing”. Hmm, let’s find out:
Hey ATJ: I used the http://www.cagw.org/ web site many times to prove my point against Robert 3K Byrd. This information is directly from this site. This is nothing new. Google Puddybud & cagw & HorsesAss. I have decried pork for many months here on ASSHeads. I am the ONLY one who uses this site. Robert Byrd has acquired >$1 Billion in Pork in his senate lifetime! And your point is ATJ? Good try though!
I’m interested in hearing how many people here think plagiarism is a good thing.
Because you can’t refute it ATJ? Keep struggling. I didn’t claim it as my own. I was answering a direct question from GBS. Look above, maybe if you scrutinize it you’ll find his question. Good luck!
I take it you fully support a Klansman in the senate representing your values ATJ? Are you one of his “white niggers”?
I didn’t claim it as my own.
Liar. You are dismissed, with prejudice… again.
Wrong. Where did I say this is from me ATJ? The Prosecution Rests!
Keep reaching ATJ. When the left can’t refute kill the messenger!
Still didn’t answer my questions either. Dismissed by your own stupidity!
Puddybud (above)
If you lift something off of a web site, at least put it in quotes. Better yet, acknowledge the source. When you do neither of these things you are implicitly crediting yourself. That is very bad form, at best, and almost always comes off as intellectual dishonesty (even if you have good intentions).
(Your single prior reference to CAGW web site the found by Googling “Puddybud & cagw & HorsesAss” doesn’t cut it.)
DJ: I have used the CAGW site more than once here. If you remember I a one of the few people on either side who has decried pork. Okay! Not being dishonest here. Just answering GBS on his Robert Byrd Pork question.