The Podcast is back after a long (and maybe, not so productive) sabbatical. Goldy and friends open up the ‘cast with a discussion of the Obama tax compromise cave-in, described by one panelist as the“worst messaging disaster…in a long time.” After some major meandering and bitching, Goldy seamlessly segues into levy equalization for Washington State. The panel imagines ways to give Red Washington the government they voted for.
The podcast plows into a deep issue: What does it say about Seattle that 3 or 4 inches of snow invokes “soul searching?” Or is this simply a pathology of a certain Editorial Board (member). Naturally this raises the question, should Goldy run for City Council in 2011? From local politics to an international man of mystery, the panel tackles the ethical, political, legal and corporate revenge ramifications of the Wikileaks leaks for publisher Julian Assange.
Goldy was joined by Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle, Effin’ Unsound’s & Horsesass’s Carl Ballard, DailyKos uber-blogger Joan McCarter, and Seattle Drinking Liberally co-host Chris Mitchell.
The show is 48:48, and is available here as an MP3:
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
Obama should have let the Republicans kill the hostages, i.e., be responsible for letting the middle class tax cuts expire.
Think of what would happen in 2012 if Republicans refused to extend unemployment benefits and middle class taxes went up because they held out for adding another $700 billion to the deficit to give more tax breaks to the rich.
@1, Or pull off some meaningful deal. Like oh, demand DADT, or the Dream Act or some fucking thing.
I’d like to see the Senate and Congress give the Red State knuckle draggers what they voted for.
But…But….where is the discussion and call to boycott Amazon. I sold all my Amazon stock today assuming a big drop after Goldy rambling. Sheesh…
Watch the market on Dec 15th if the tax cuts are not passed. You will see the capital gains rush to sell at 15% plummit the market just in time for Christmas.
Even if it doesn’t pass now, it will pass shortly after the new Congress takes office…retroactive to 1/1/11
Hey, this is a great deal for the Democrats.
Obama did well for you KLOWNS.
Remember, the CBO scoring system sucks on Tax issues according to Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va) because it fails to adequately account for the benefits of a tax decrease or negatives of a tax increase adequately. That’s one of YOUR guys saying that.
Anyway, this opens the door for your King Klown to get re-elected and remember wink-wink, it’s a long battle even though he didn’t do your bidding when he had a supermajority in the House and a filibuster proof Senate.
But he is the messiah. Trust him for he knows what is best for you USEFUL IDIOTS!
The moral vacancy of the horse ass party insider style liberals is fully on display with the quote about the tax cave in as being a ‘messaging disaster’.
It’s not a messaging disaster for the low income folks who will pay more, or for the programs that will be cut to pay for this latest hole in the budget, or for the real job creation ideas that won’t be tried.
These are real people with real lives being hurt because of Obama’s wholesale buy in of Republican ideas.
It’ll be VERY interesting to see how the Republican House impacts Obama’s ratings. Seeing him fight with the House (if he does) might keep him on track here. So far as of the most recent polling (day 633), Obama remains more popular than Ronald Reagan. Nice. You can compare the two side by side (link below). Obama and Reagan have SO far tracked almost identical. Huh. So either the wingnuts are right and America hates Obama, meaning they also hated Reagan during the same period. Or Reagan was the most perfect great President ever, and Obama is exactly as popular day by day. Huh. Confusing.
@7 “IDIOTS!”
You project too much, KLOWN. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Mr Cynical @ 7
Was there a topic sentence in there somewhere?
@4 You sold both of your shares?
@5 I sure hope so. I have some cash I want to spend on cheap stocks.
@6 If Cynny thinks its a great deal, you know for sure it stinks to high heaven.
And it does. As tax experts analyze the devil’s bargain Obama made with Republicans, we’re learning this morning that the deal will RAISE taxes on the poorest wage earners — singles making under $20,000 and couples making less than $40,000. And the less they make, the more they’ll lose under Obama’s deal. No wonder Republicans are jumping up and down in glee. No wonder Cynny likes it! And don’t forget this tax cut for the rich adds $700 billion to the deficit — which will translate into an inflation tax on the rest of us.
This turkey should be killed, period. No Democratic congressman or senator who votes for it deserves our support or should be re-elected. Yeah, it’ll be a problem if unemployment benefits expire and middle class taxes go up across the board — but that’ll be the Republicans’ problem. They’ll be the guys who shot the hostages, and the voters will take out their fury on the GOP, not on us. You don’t deal with pirates by handing over the keys to the treasury to them.
Deer Santa: Thank you for letting me watch as the democrats commit political suicide. It’s all I could ever ask for. <–(that's a trap for the 'methinks' crowd to mention my preposition)
Yer Pal,
Republicans Everywhere.
Barack Obama should not be negotiating with Congress, and particularly Congressional Republicans AT ALL. He shoud lay out his principles such as “I will veto any bill that contains an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich” and then go do something else where he can make a difference without Congress. How about that two-state solution in Palestine?
You’re not a Senator any more, Mr. President. Don’t try to legislate, and don’t let the sausage-making preocess get meat scraps all over you.
Uh, we’ve seen eight years of the “benefits of a tax decrease” and if you wanna know what sucks, it’s that. We all know it better than whatever hypothetical you can produce.
daddy @ 17
At least he didn’t cite a Rasmussen poll.
And these must be the death panels Sarah was tossing word salad over:
I bet Puddybud can’t wait to be called to serve on that panel. He gets off on “destroying” people – either watching it done to people with funny last names on Faux News or here at home to people getting “free medical care”.
Heh. Why should the KLOWN support this turkey of a tax deal?
Even Jim “Waterloo” DeMint doesn’t like it.
Heh. Who’d a thunk it? Some Republicans in Nevada still have their heads screwed on straight.
The country really dodged a bullet with that one. Thanks to some Nevada Republicans – of all people.
No need to cry Puddybud. Obama supports your beloved billionaires keeping their tax cuts.
I don’t support this “deal”.
I believe ALL spending needs to be paid for…not simply jacking up the National Debt like this does.
But the scoring system needs to be tweaked a bit when you have Democrats complaining that the extension of the tax cuts is unfairly scored.
Mantra of out-of-power Republicans. Spending and deficits become an issue when Democrats hold any of the reigns of power.
Where were you Cyn when GWB was spending like a drunk sailor? Oh, yeah, he was borrowing in order to pay for killing brown people over there, while giving tax cuts to the rich over here. IOKIYAR.
Facts rule and pictures communicate beyond all doubt. See this brilliant graphic by Ezra Klein, here (at the end of the post:
The right thing is for all the cuts to expire. Ironically their total value (4 trillion) over ten years is equal to the “deficit reduction” from the Catfood Commission without the long term damage to the middle class.
Regardless, just the pay roll tax holiday is enough to kill the President’s deal with the Senate Rs. The Rs have to be creaming their jeans over this because it opens the door to defunding SSI.
Thankfully (in the last hour or so) the House Ds passed (nearly all of them) a resolution against the deal and the Speaker has endorsed it.
Brilliant. Pelosi should sink this monstrosity. At least someone up there – a tough woman – knows how to play chicken and deal with terrorists.
Hey – how about Pelosi for President!
(That would be worthwhile just for the entertainment value of Cynical’s head exploding)
I’m all for a primary challenger to Obama. Obama was still the best choice at the time but it turns out he’s not as strong a fighter for his principles as we thought he would be.
I will vote for a stronger candidate next time.
Our bidding? Perhaps not, the progressive caucus is a minority in the Dem Party, but Obama accomplished a lot of what he said he’d do:
By that measure he’ll have a pretty successful first term.
And it’s a total lie that the Senate was “filibuster-proof”. Ever hear of Lincoln, Lieberman and Nelson?
Silly KLOWN…
It’d be great if we had a superstar waiting in the wings to primary Obama but I don’t think we do. If a Ted Kennedy couldn’t oust a Carter that should tell you something about how difficult that is.
Should someone at least try? There’s worse things that could happen I guess (like Jim DeMint becoming President).
But probably not. It didn’t work when Kennedy primaried Carter and it didn’t work when Pat Buchanan primaried Papa Bush. If anything it helped the other side win.
It is huge problem, especially since the governors got hit hard this cycle and state redistricting, etc.
29. YLB spews:
Our bidding? Perhaps not, the progressive caucus is a minority in the Dem Party, but Obama accomplished a lot of what he said he’d do
You mean like raising taxes on the rich and reducing the National Debt and bringing America together?? Yeah right YLB, he did a lot….of damage.
Then why don’t you create strong opposition and vote them out?? Start your own LATTE Party or something silly like that instead of bitching on
30. YLB spews:
Finegold is apparently ready to go…although he lost in Wisconsin and didn’t handle it well.