I posted the picture above hours earlier, from my iPhone, while on the train, somewhere south of the Beacon Hill tunnel. But I just thought I’d take a moment to explain the headline, which really isn’t as snarky as it sounds. In fact the words had come to me spontaneously, earlier in the day, as I climbed the stairs into the bright daylight and chaotic street scene outside Nordstrom’s, above the transit tunnel at Westlake Station.
It was a moment of serene familiarity, one like many hundreds of other moments I experienced in many other cities, but mostly New York, where I lived for a couple years… that sudden rush of sensation as one emerges from the subway, and is thrust headlong into one’s destination. Riding a subway is much like taking an elevator. You are one place, the doors close, the doors open, and suddenly you are someplace else.
Standing outside Nordstrom’s, adjusting my eyes and ears to my surroundings as the crowds rushed by me, I exclaimed to my daughter “It’s almost like living in a real city.”
I’ve walked through downtown Seattle many times since moving from Second and Pike to my South Seattle house. But for the first time in a long time, the downtown really felt like home.
Oh oh. The hillbilly trolls should go ballistic over this one.
I like the matching colors!
How about living in Chappaquiddick Massachusetts? Today marks 40th anniversary of Mary Jo Kopechne’s death at the hands of Senator Edward Kennedy and his lousy driving and navigating skillz. So much for the memory of a dead lady at the hands of the “liberal lion”.
Just because goldy posted a picture of some hillbilly in the city in front of some trains don’t go assuming that the hillbillies will reject the boy when he gets home becaause he’s been to the city. His daddy probably took him to get some more bullets and possum sauce.
The path to becoming a liberal legend is littered with drowned bodies.
@2 & @4,
You see if Teddy had just taken light rail instead he probably would have been elected President by now.
If only the people of MA saw things the way these wingnut losers do. Then we wouldn’t have to listen to wingnut whining of this sort this time every year or every month and every day for that matter
But they don’t and Ted Kennedy remains in the Senate. Poor wingnut losers.
I understand you don’t get it and don’t care…
The loser is mary jo and her family.
To help you get it, imagine a right-winger allowing a woman to drown in his car.
Look how agitated the left gets when a right-winger has an affair.
Instead of defending teddy, do you think you are capable of a little compassion for the family of mary jo? It was them and their daughter that are the victims, not teddy.
No you don’t get it. The people of MA keep sending Teddy back to the Senate. Why do they do that?
Obviously they don’t CARE what fools like you carp about every day when you FEEL like taking a cheap shot at people who have dismissed your braindead opinions.
As for Mary Jo, yeah it was a tragic accident.
What has your wingnut tribe done for Mary Jo’s family besides using it as tool to advance your degenerate agenda?
What will your wingnut tribe do if Teddy succumbs to his cancer and you no longer have him for a punching bag?
I can’t wait to see what comes next out of the fevered imaginations of the wingnut tribe. It’d be endless entertainment for me if it wasn’t for the fact that they attain power once in a while. Hopefully now, it won’t be for a very long time to come.
Oh, more trolls. Feh.
I rode the Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail (its official name) from Tukwila back to downtown. There weren’t, as these things go, much of a crowd. I expect the stations will see more people during rush hours, once regular weekday service starts.
Except for the airport station, which isn’t open yet, the stations outside of downtown seem to have been placed where no-one particularly wants to go. The Tukwila station is in the middle of a parking lot, which looks large, but in reality is tiny compared with the number of people who might want to use it.
There were police and crowd control staff all over the place, TSA and DHS hanging out at the stations. All very odd, until I realized that their command is probably concerned about terrorism.
Ah, well. I’ve had too much sun, and I may form a different opinion tomorrow. Sound Transit has experts who know things I don’t. Still, right now my reaction can be summarized as WtF?
What a clueless wondermoron states:
Teddy kills a lady 40 years ago today and commenting about it on the anniversary date is taking a cheap shot.
What a clueless wondermoron!
There but for the grace of God go I.
As to almost like living in a real city, Puddy took some friends and strolled down to the Bite of Seattle today to see whaddup. We checked out the sights and sounds. Near the Pacific Northwest Ballet building were some Moonbat! Libtardos who were handing out flyers asking for peeps to join their call to stop the Israeli Occupation. Puddy immediately turned to his friends and said “Welcome to Seattle”. These are out of town supporters of “the messiah”. One looked at me and said, “Really? What are they thinking?” Puddy looked at him and smiled. Puddy responded, “Thinking? Hmmm… Now you know what goes on out here.” He shook his head and we moved on to the Space Needle. Puddy looked at him and smiled again.
@13 Puddy
Hay Puddy … wanna join mwe for the Reprican Picnic Aug 8?
We can go in costume! We can both dress up a Repubs!
Next the clueless wondermoron farted:
Nuthin… What can one do for their loss of their daughter at the hands of Edward Moore Kennedy and his actions. As to degenerate agenda, we don’t put forth the culling of the species. We don’t put forth the agenda of people hatred by fomenting hatred of those who make the American dream vs. those kept in poverty by Dummocraptic policies.
Say “See ya.” But unlike the HA Libtardos who danced all over the grave of Jerry Falwell and others, Puddy will not be saying much else.
SeattleJew, You go like a Republican? Will you take Puddy’s suggestions? We can both go in costume as Republicans was a funny line SJ!
Tell the wife and Dr & Dr Puddy and wife say hello.
@11 Mary Jo
I actually agree with you on this .. except, there is not and never has been evidence that young Teddy killed her. Given the circumstances, Kennedy probably should have resigned.
Still, cowardice is not a virtue … something Chaney. Bush, Palin, et al. seem not to be too concerned about in their own lives.
13 – The blind leading the blind..
I can dress like a Reprican!
Tell you what, I will get a haircut and where a kippah and tzetzes. I do assume they will have kosher food? Of course it is easier for me than for you unless you wanna dress up like Michael Steele?
Same to you and Raj!
lets see … which party has recently promoted violence?
Lets give each a grade! I go first:
Repricans Demicans
Iraq E B
racsism (Sotomayor) E A
guns E B
condoms vs AIDS E A
healthcare for all E B
opportunity E C
immigration E C
hmmmmmmm …………
First Stamn, now Stupes.
They don’t answer the question. If Teddy is such a criminal, WHY DO THE PEOPLE OF MA KEEP SENDING HIM BACK?
O and yes bringing up Mary Jo’s tragic fate is and has ALWAYS BEEN a cheap shot aimed at us who DEPLORE AND DENOUNCE the DEGENERATE right wing agenda that’s produced the following winners:
Deflect, deflect all you want Stupes from your crowd’s ugly record – right from the foot of Mary Jo’s grave.
When you say “killed her,” do you mean like shooting her or strangling her?
No, teddy didn’t kill her in that manner.
Worse, he allowed her to drown to death in around 6 feet of water.
Because democrats have such a low standard for their elected officials. Nothing a democrat politician can do would offend a democrat.
Ever notice how democrats kept electing marion berry, cold cash jefferson, gerry studds (sex with a 16 year old boy), fred richmond (sex with a 16 year old boy), neil goldschmidt (sex with a 14 year old girl), etc. How’s mark foley doing?
At least, bush didn’t pardon mel reynolds for his rape of a 16 year old boy.
Why do you believe a child rapist got pardoned by clinton. Hey, didn’t the biggest tax cheat in history, marc rich, also get pardoned by clinton?
The difference between you and me? I despise both kennedy for his allowing an innocent woman drown to death AND all those creeps on your favorite link.
Say, has your friend rujax made any more racist comments lately? I’ve been busy finishing a couple projects the last week or two and haven’t spent as much time here as I was. Oops, I wasn’t trying to rub it in your face that I’m making $$ while you are, well, waiting for the obama to give you a job and pay your bills and give you free healthcare.
You trolls are pathetic. I do a post on the opening of light rail in Seattle, and you retort with Chappaquiddick. Really? Is that all you have?
Why didn’t you post about Mary Jo?
Oops, never mind. I remember what lee said about you.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
So all we did is voice what you couldn’t allow yourself to say because of your allegiance to your party.
No need to thank us. The hate from ylb and the other left-wingnuts is thanks enough.
Hmmm. I guess we dodged a bullet with Mittens Romney.
I notice Bill Jefferson doesn’t have a job anymore. And neither does the loser who replaced Foley. I don’t miss them.
Not my problem. Take it up on some other comment board. O and any Republicans on that list?
Not my problem who Clinton decides to pardon. I can see some of those pardons leaving a bad taste. A lot of his decisions left a bad taste. Still a much better President than the loser who resided the last eight years. And commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby was a nice piece of silence buying as was Poppy Bush’s pardon of the Iran Contra gang. That was ok with you wasn’t it Marv?
O here comes the tears for Mary Jo. And I doubt that last part. Gimme a break. You’ve called that site “lame”. For you to denounce those guys is to finally admit we have case for rejecting what you come here to shill for day after day.
Yep, Marvin you’re a class act all the way. Do us all a favor and keep raking in those $$$. It’ll keep you out of trouble here and you can donate some of them to future right wing firebrands – CA’s got a lot of them – no wonder they can’t balance their budget.
Goldy ..
I guess their reasoning is that Mary Jo would have been fine if she has light rail to go home that night?
No, that would be a liberal POV??
Maybe they think light rail is an atheistic plot to undermine God’s intent that we all drive Hummers?
Personally, I am concerned that light rail is another example of affirmative action. Do you realize that we will have to go through minority areas to get to and from the airport? Obvioulsy a route based on race blind reprican policies would have been routed through Broadmore and Hunt’s Point!
At least, bush didn’t pardon mel reynolds for his rape of a 16 year old boy.
And neither did Clinton, the right wing just makes shit up. Reynolds was not pardoned for rape. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for that crime, all of which he served. He was sentenced to 78 months in prison for bank fraud, 42 of which he served before Clinton pardoned him, for the bank fraud, NOT for the rape. Following Reynolds’ commutation, he spent the rest of his sentence in a halfway house.
What’s funny is that the Trolls really think they’re making a point by pointing out that we’re not writing about the anniversary of Chappaquiddick. The point that it makes is that our Trolls are maniacally obsessed with Ted Kennedy. It was 40 years ago. Get a life.
Lee farts
Well Lee we have a life, and we’re sad about the life snuffed out by the “liberal lion”. Butt, we’re not going around with silly demonstrations. If you and your libtardos can’t comprehend all life is valuable, well…
Oh the “tea parties”, they’re not “demonstrations” right? They can’t be “silly” can they?
but not about the life of “Mr Frosty.” He was a swarthy guy with a funny last name in a land halfway around the globe that your chimp had a hard-on for.
What if he didn’t do shit like so many they locked up in Abu Ghraib?
clueless wonderidiot:
So clueless wonder calls Puddy’s libtardo friends blind. Puddy is sure they’ll be glad to read this stupid comment along with the other drivel and gutter smut he puts on this blog!
What a fool. What a tard. What a fooltard.
EPIC FAILURE again chronological monomaniacal moron!
Hate? Why should I hate anyone who carps about a MA Senator in a WA State comment board in a thread about light rail transit.
I just scratch my head at their strange obsessions. They’re very entertaining at times.
Lead your flock here Stupes. Just like you show this site to anyone whose ear is unfortunate enough to be bent by your overbearing ass whether it be flood victims or “rich liberals”.
You’re such a delusional fool.
Maybe you’re hedging your bets. According to your religion all can be forgiven save for one sin.
You may see Teddy in Heaven! LMAO!! I’m sure he’ll forgive you for calling him a murderer.
Right now “The Fool” aka “The Truth” is up there disappointed that he can’t tune in the Limbaugh Show or the Inanity of Hannity.
I suspect that the record would strongly argue that it is Repricans who have valued ALL life at a low level.
I would count all of the following as beikng DRIVEN by the “libtard” commitm4ent to life:
*support for AIDS research
*support for universal healthcare
*creationb of sewer systems (called a communist plot by your guys)
*global warming
*anti war movements (esp in VietNam)
*end of Jim Crow
For that matter, I would suggest that birth control saves a lot more young lives than phony concerns over the unborn.
I have NEVER met a Reprican who wanted to spend his dollars to see that ALL newborns get great healthcare.
I also think you are violating the commandments by asserting that MJK was killed by Teddy.
What Teddy did not do that night was cowardly … just as Bush’s going AWOl was cowardly. How many pilots died over ‘nam while GWB was snorting coke?
Seems to tme that YOU ought to be supporting our President’s call for responsibility rather than agonizing on Teddy’s drunken behavior 40 years ago.
For that matter, doesn’t it upset YOU that the Repricans have avoided discussing any issues as to Sotomayor’s competence so they could hack away at her pride in being … latina? Or is that more evidence that they respect life?
Perhaps it si the libtards who adhere to the verfsion of the commandments YOUR jesus uttered,
Does nto sound much like Bush, the WSJ, Taft, Hannity, Reagan, or Nixon does it? Seems closer of BHO, Hubert Humphrey, FD Roosevelt, … hell even Mayor Nickles comes closer.
clueless wondermoron:
According to my religion? You have no clue about my religion.
All you can do is guess guess guess. And your chronological guesses have been so wrong so long.
So long monomaniacal one!
37 – No clue? Apparently your religion produces name-calling fools like you who believes they can win arguments by repeating “epic fail”. ’nuff said’, ‘chronological’ and ‘monomanical” over and over and over again.
Yawnn.. G’night sucka!
Now SJ,
Lame dude.
Puddy supports this
As long as they get rid HA libtardos such as clueless wondermoron, rudeASS, Ekim, etc… Puddy supports this too.
With carbon credits? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
One name… John Effin Kerry
Since you forget too SJ and Puddy thought you had a great memory…Puddy for SCHIP, but not to cover ignant fools like clueless wondermoron with a level of $82,500. Did you forget how many times Puddy wrote this?
Regarding GWB and coke.. another of Bill Burkett’s “theories”? Like Clinton didn’t inhale/exhale?
Come on SJ, you are way better than this!!!!!
As Puddy stated with the commentary of clueless wondermoron above… He has no clue.
Apparently he’s putting himself to sleep. Wonder of clueless wonders.
Puddy ..
YOU are the one claiming to be observant. Calling Teddy a murderer is a violation of the Commandments. .. Unless, of course, you do not a ccept them as literal?
As for the rest, I have no problem knowing that you are, at heart, a liberal. BUT the folks you promote here:
Opposed funding for AIDS research
Called creation of sewer systems a communist plot.
Oppose the sci9nce behind any ligilation to deal with global warming
supported the war in Nam long after it was clear that it was only killing a lot ofolks to no end.
As for Jim Crow, the party that built itself as a Southern base, did so by supporting racism as a matter of states rights. How many children dies because of that support?
I know you enjoy poking fun, but I also know the real Puddy is a good and moral man … a self evident argument AGAINST bigots like Dawkins who can not see good in Christianity.
Supporting the GW Bushes, Sarah Palins, Jeff Sessions, of this world is immoral my friend .. a lot more immoral than wanting to forget Teddy’s drunken cowardice.
Come on Puddy, you are way better than this!!!!!
If you are a Christian, then there was never a Jesus Christ. You haven’t the faintest idea what the Gospel means, and I mean that.
Fool @ 40
Sleep? Not quite yet. There’s little rest for the weary when right wing idiocy is afoot on teh innertubes.
By the way, please do lead your flock here.
I’d be glad to show them the piercing wit of MWS, your classic circle jerks with the same sockpuppet, your lies and denials when confronted with your sock-puppetry and your classic eruption about “nympho sluts”. That and so much more.
It makes for enlightening entertainment.
SJ, where is Puddy lying. He took Mary Jo for something only he knows about. He had an accident and per WikiPedia he “tried” to save her. Well why didn’t he immediately seek help? Why did he wait six hours. BTW she was pregnant too.
The issue with global warming is Al Gorebasm won’t have a cogent conversation with anyone now that his “hockey stick” and his NASA pal have been discredited.
SJ as we’ve talked before there are many things of the Dummocraptic party have done to my people Puddy can’t stomach!
Go ahead clueless wonder. What you are doing is proving you have
to bring to the table so you are trying to “hurt” Puddy. Well fool you’d still be clueless if Goldy didn’t spill the beans. Since Goldy won’t spill the dopplegangers on the HA Libtardo side, it means Puddy must identify them Puddyself. Puddy remembers what fools like you write previously.
So make it so fool. Prove to all how you are devolving from monomaniacal (In psychiatry, monomania (from Greek monos, one, and mania, mania) is a type of paranoia in which the patient has only one idea or type of ideas. Emotional monomania is that in which the patient is obsessed with only one emotion or several related to it; intellectual monomania is that which is related to only one kind of delirious idea or ideas.) to maniacal.
Don’t worry clueless wondermoron, you’ll never amount to anything like these monomaniacal people…Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Mahatma Gandhi, Eminem, Richard Branson. Butt you could reach these stratospheric levels: Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, etc.
Maybe the reason you were called monomaniacal is because you have no ideas which in effect is one idea – N U T H I N.
Stay miserable in that libtardo existence…
Give it a rest. You are really looking foolish tonight.
When I finish a job I don’t need to blow $1 million on a massive celebration. I just go home and get ready for another day. If you want to throw a party fine, but do it on your dime, not someone else’s.
Why always so much expensive promotional falderal for ST? The real liberals back in the day, the Ralph Naders and George McGoverns would have been aghast. Especially at a time when we are dead broke.
Proud Leftist, for a preacher man’s son, you surprise me with the anti-Gospel message you display here every day.
At least Puddy helps his fellow man/woman with gifts from Puddy’s heart. What do you do? Complain. Complain about everything. And now you claim Puddy is looking foolish? Yeah, you’re not selling Puddy your “righteous indignation” argument EVER! There are so many things in the Gospels you ignore with your chosen lifestyle and you know better as the son of a preacher man. Such a great example for others.
Keep up the great work proud leftist. Puddy realizes how much you hold the “liberal lion” in your heart.
46 – LOL! Thanks for yet another feckless right wing explosion for the ages…
You do your tribe proud.
@45. Puddybud
You accused him of murder. That is a very different matter than failure to do the right thing.
Again, you avoid the issue. You demonize the liberals but give the Rep-ri9cans a pass. Global warmijng is real, the denial of itis a form of blasphemy, except this time the consequences do not depend on the undertainty of what God wants.
Again, you avoid the point. The USA has done things that both you and I find repilsive .. yet you and I are both proud to be Americans. You are a Chrsitian, yet it was the Christians who ddevised chattel sla very and your own religion arises from the forced conversion of your ancestors.
Look at it this way, in his more fiery days, Frrakahn cindemend you religion because he could not stomach what Christinaity had done.
Maybe there needs to be two Puddy’s, the Troll and the real guy who has a lot to teach?
Nope. Puddy only “hurts” himself.
Carry on fool!
As said by someone that posts links about republicanoffenders from across the nation on a WA state comment board.
Sounds like you do exactly like I do ylb.
clueless wonder farts
Yeah, and your attacks were really “enlightening”. Bring it clueless wondermoron!
SeattleJew, where did Puddy say Ted Kennedy murdered Mary Jo? His driving skillz and lack of inaction killed her. Still looking for where Puddy claimed Ted murdered her.
Did you read what clueless wondermoron said? Never trust clueless wondermoron. He’s a monomaniacal chronological idiot.
You are conflating the acts of Catholicism which Puddy does not condone. Puddy read Foxes Book of Martyrs. Puddy got sick reading it. BTW SJ, there are at least two HA libtardo Catholics here. Do you remember who they are?
Regarding global warming… there have been many new questions raised lately.
Mea culpa. You do not (quite) accuse him of murder. FWIW, I agree with your assessment of what happened that night. It is a stgain he will never escape.
As for conflating, conflating with what? All I said was you rely on a version of revealed truth that was vetted by a vicious Roman Emperor. Ascribing literal accuracy to a Roman state document seems to me to violate many things, esp. in someone who does not accept the authority of the Pontifex Maximus.
As for whether all for Christianity should bear the burden for slavery, my answer is yes . Bearing a burden does not, however mean be ashamed, it does mean learning from one’s errors. I do not see a similar guilt in most of Christianity. I say “most” because many sects have learned a lot! Still the major sects, not just the Romans, show no evidence of being recondite.
Then there are the good guys, like you and Raj! I just wish you were more critical of folks like Palin and Bush whose crosses seem to me more like the blood stained long swords of the crusaders than symbols of love.