Forget the fact that he ran the most impressive, effective, tireless, grassroots campaign I’ve seen since I started following local politics. According to the political sages at the Seattle Times, Mike McGinn mostly owes his victory to moody voters…
SEATTLE voters are in a testy mood. They turned down the practical, stay-the-course mayoral candidate, Joe Mallahan, and opted for the anti-establishment, in-your-face change agent, Mike McGinn.
Which of course explains why Seattle voters also overwhelmingly chose the practical, stay-the-course candidate, Dow Constantine, in the race for King County Executive. Yup… we sure are “drawn to nonconformists.”
“stay the course”? and how many millions is King Co. in debt? Yep, lets stay that course!
McGinn was the better candidate. The way I see it, Seattle voters just don’t want to vote for Republicans (what’s her name) or one who are closer to Republicans on the continuum (Mallahan).
The Times is just a sore loser.
How useless can a newspaper be? The most intelligent and thoughtful content in the fishwrapper is the grocery coupons (which is probably the only thing that enables them to keep any readership). The ST is not exactly a beacon of enlightment in our community.
“Dow and the Democrats lied” @1: Projecting again?
@1 (continued) Hey idiot, “King County” and “Seattle” are two different governments …
Where the hell do we get these trolls? Can’t we get better trolls? Mushrooms are smarter than our trolls …
If you ever read the comment threads under the fishwrapper’s online content, and visualize the ST editors trying to dumb down their content to pander to that demographic, you’ll understand why everything they print is so idiotic.
@6 That’s one hell of an insult to mushrooms.
@5..hey dumbass rabbit – the “stay the course” remark was directed towards Dow and KING COUNTY by goldy….try reading the article dipshit.
since you and the rest of the lemmings here are too stupid to figure it out, I will copy what Goldy wrote:
Which of course explains why Seattle voters also overwhelmingly chose the practical, stay-the-course candidate, Dow Constantine, in the race for King County Executive. Yup… we sure are “drawn to nonconformists.”
figure it out yet idiot?
RR @ 6: “Where the hell do we get these trolls? Can’t we get better trolls? Mushrooms are smarter than our trolls …”
Yep, I sue miss a good, challenging, intellectual discussion about economic and social policies which require us to move up to our “A” game. Even with Goldwater, you knew you were dealing with a principled conservative who consistently believed in libertarian values.
Today’s breed of trolls just repeats fox news sloganeering and revisionism.
McGinn/Dow? That’s ticket splitting Seattle-style.
Change is a funny thing in this town. Things on the surface change somewhat – parks, schools, public housing, library upgrades due to our generous voters but the mood has been relentlessly downbeat since I started living here way back when.
Not what I expected. The glory days were definitely the early nineties.
Must be the weather. Or the global economy. Something.
Yeah, we need to “stay the course”!!
Higher taxes.
More free stuff to us non-workin’ stiffs.
Take from all the rich guys and give it to me and my pot-smokin’, non-workin’ brethren.
Stay the Course.
Who cares about money anyway?
I don’t.
Of course I don’t have any, my unemployment ran out decades ago and I have no prospects or desires.
I may file a lawsuit though.
Apparently the new pot these days is much more potent and sucks the drive & desire right outta you after a couple years of daily bonghits. It sure isn’t my fault.
Stay the course.
legalize pot and give it to me for free.
Now that’s good government.
I love Dow and McGinn.
They hate all corporations.
Hopefully they will drive them all out of the region and we can go back to the 1800/s and live at peace with the Native American tribes.
Livin’ off the land and smokin’ pipes filled with good shit.
President Obama will certainly support this kind of lifestyle cuz he’s one of us.
Rich guys will pay for all of it.
God, ain’t Progressivism great.
No work, no worries, happy & stoned all the time.
Plus if everyone is unemployed, my kids won’t think I’m such a loser anymore.
I’ll be able to blend in.
Perish the thought. Life’s too short.
Makes me think of NewHounds. Their motto is “We watch FOX so that you don’t have to.”
That and a buck-fifty will get you a cup of coffee.
Washington State, King County & Seattle have all had Democrats at the helm for a really long time and all have grown from a backwater to a world leader in that time… Second in the nation in wine production, first or second in potatoes and apples, software, bio-tech, outdoor sports…
The bandwagon is a comfy place for right wingers – like hating the French, and cheerleading the “enhanced interrogation” policies of the Simian/Cheney regime.
Enjoy the ride.
I’ll be here for Nov 2010 and the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012.
Count on it.
And both are nourished by bullshit….
Heh. This is hilarious.
HNMT, Mr. Klynical whoever the F you are. This is for you:
As a “enhanced” Christian and a Faux News sensation she never claimed to be perfect!
ya, I didnt think anyone had a response to #9….fools get owned again.
I bet BillO gets really worked up about that sex tape.
6, 19
While having better-educated and thoughtful trolls would provide some intellectual stimulation and could lead to meaningful political discourse, bashing the hell out of them does lend some pleasure to the day.
Libruls have both houses in Oly and the Govenor’s house. The head of the state senate is a lefty from a righty part of the state. We’ve got true-blue progressives in as mayor of Seattle and at the helm of King County. It looks like we’ve got another true-blue progressive about to take the helm in Tacoma (go Marilyn!). Mary Verner over in Spokane isn’t exactly a righty (she’s the mayor incase you didn’t know). The Spokane city council picked up a good eco-liberal and shot down an anti-tax Republican in the last election. Shall I go on?
And you’re trumpeting that we got owned?
Hmmm Maybe Seattle is Blue Grass Country?
Maybe what happened is that Suzie lost because she has NO credibility, no positions, nothing but a nice suit and good teeth?
In a grass roots rightie area that would not matter. She could of gotten out the Rev Hutchinsons/Mars Church/HA trolls to march in bro5wn shorted unidon for her. Them roots, however, are nto all that strong West of the Mountains.
McG vs Mall, THAT is a lot different issue. I would suggest McG implies that leftish grass roots are surviving in Seattle. Now if the Dem party would just figger that out and work with the roots we might have some better candidates!
Drawing a response and deflecting the direction of the thread is all that the trolls care about.
Would someone second the motion that it is unanimous that HA trolls suck?
A Suggestion About Trolls
Actually I started SJ TP in an effort to shorten the tolls tracks. Usually, they have so little to say and so much of what they do say is best abbreviated with asterix that the TP summaries leave little to discuss.
I actually wish, rather than Trolls, we had more folks wiling to actually debate ideas. The libruls here are actually reasonably diverse but even there certain libruls, faced with any debnate, descend into the cess pool. Maybe this is a necessry part of any blog?
So .. maybe we can get Goldy to giv e awards for the rare but good threads?
As long as YLB and Rujax are part of this Blog…there has not & will not be good threads.
SJ is soooo Stupid, he actually believes it is the folks on the right who ruin the threads.
I guess goat sex and rampant vulgarity is a good thing, huh SJ??
The worst Trolls are the Progressive Trolls.
It’s humorous.
As long as you have HNMMT such as headless@26&27, the threads will suck!
A Simple Challenge
First Troll who says something worthwhie, I wil buy them a beer.
1. worthwhile means it elicits a discussion rather than a fusillade of silly epithets.
2. the post must be constructive, that is it must offer a fact or suggestion for action that would, in some way, improve the lives of Americans.
3. I will be the judge bit, of course, I will be fair.
4. winner must appear at DL to collect the beer.
Here is something worthwhile–
YLB is an unemployed piece of shit
McGinn is most likely not beholden to any moneyed interest, unlike most candidates who take contributions from corporations and rich, influential individuals. Maybe he can shake things up and actually work “for the people” instead of for whoever is giving him money. What a novel concept. However, I fully expect the powers that be, the ones who don’t like having their money power usurped, to wage a surreptitious campaign to stop real reform. They will use the typical propaganda methods to sabotage McGinn. Now we will really see how tough Mike is.
Michael @ 17
And chocolate, coffee, beer, garage music, grunge music, listener powered radio, indie labels, medical equipment, salmon, hiking gear, skiing gear, cell phones, etc.
The Pacific Northwest rocks. Figuratively and literally.
We are the cultural epicenter of the United States. Call me provincial. But we create a good fraction of the culture and products the rest of the country consumes.