This afternoon I hit a bit of a milestone in my effort to teach myself how to develop iPhone apps, marking the first time I successfully searched my old rhyming dictionary database from within the iPhone simulator, and displayed the results. The core functionality is now, well, functional, and considering where I was a just a couple weeks ago, that feels awfully damn good.
There’s a ton of work still left to do, but I’ve left most of the learning curve behind me. I guess my brain isn’t quite as old as my body.
Hmm, seems like a good way to make some money off your old rhyming dictionary efforts without the hassles of dealing with shrink-wrap software distribution.
How is your dictionary structured? Ah hell, just getting anything done on the iPhone is an iSuccess.
Sounds like I’ll have a fun new app for my phone in the near future.
In other news:
Hows that big victory in Mass-a-two-shits working out for you righties? You know, the one where you got a pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro stimulus bill, guy voted into the senate.
And speaking of the senate and the stimulus bill, we just passed one 70-28. But yeah, the Tea Baggers have got the liberals on the run…
70-28! Spank!
‘Oh and there’s good news for gay marriage coming out of MD.
Vermont scuttled plans to keep its Yankee Nuclear Plant open for another 20 years. Another victory for us tree huggers! Plus, the nuke industry trends R.
I used to see a guy driving around Gig Harbor in a Hummer with a license plate that read GOP. I always got a laugh out of that one. I wonder if the owner knew that a hummer is a blowjob?
A small step for Goldy and a giant leap toward the next Open Thread!
Crime Blotter, Part 1
In Maryland a 13-year-old girl was dragged from a school classroom by police for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Crime Blotter, Part 2
In Argentina the 33-year-old son of a woman who was murdered by rightwing death squads was reunited with his father, who “last saw his wife — a 28-year-old surgeon who treated the poor in a Buenos Aires suburb — being pushed into a Ford Falcon by army officers dressed as civilians as she walked to a train on Jan. 17, 1977.”
Yep, it’s true, in some countries the rightwingers hate the poor so much they’ll kidnap and murder a doctor for treating them. Why would anyone vote for these people?
Hell, the righties right here couldn’t get enough of Ollie North and his Contra’s, who did the same stuff. They even murdered a few American nuns.
We had a teacher in my high school who had been a teen in Nazi Germany. When a kid in our class was made fun of for not saying the pledge of allegiance, the teacher read the kids that made fun of him the riot act and talked about what happened to kids who didn’t say the pledge in Germany. No one ever made fun of that kid after that.
Did anyone hear about the fiscal crisis and massive unemployment that is happening in Texas???? Ah wait the opposite is happening. Nevermind.
Deaf Bookkeeper…….
A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Enzo, has cheated him out of 10 million bucks. His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Enzo would hear nothing that he might have to testify about in court.
When the Godfather goes to confront Enzo about his missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, “Ask him where the 10 million bucks is that he embezzled from me.”
The lawyer, using sign language, asks Enzo where the money is. Enzo signs back, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
The lawyer tells the Godfather, “He says he doesn’t know what you are talking about.”
The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Enzo’s temple and says, “Ask him again!!!”
The lawyer signs to Enzo, “He’ll kill you if you don’t tell him. “Enzo signs back, “OK. You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed in my cousin Bruno’s backyard in Woodbridge !” The Godfather asks the lawyer, “What did he say?”
The lawyer replies, “He says you don’t have the balls to pull the trigger.”
@8 “They even murdered a few American nuns.”
Three of ’em, as I recall, plus a female missionary. Yep, the big brave rightwingers dragged unarmed nuns into a courtyard and shot ’em.
In Memorian
Raped, tortured, and murdered by rightwing death squad
Dec. 2, 1980
In Memoriam
Raped, tortured, and murdered by rightwing death squad
Dec. 2, 1980
In Memoriam
Raped, tortured, and murdered by rightwing death squad
Dec. 2, 1980
In Memoriam
Raped, tortured, and murdered by rightwing death squad
Dec. 2, 1980
Yes Michael… Ollie was funding the Contras to fight your communist Nicaraguan friends and they killed two nuns and wounded a priest and another nun. It was wrong but then your love of communists leaves something to be desired.
But then you’d give a pass to FDR who said… Somoza may be “a son of a bitch but he’s our son of a bitch”.
@11 That’s actually funny, puddy. So … you have a relative who is a rich lawyer?
And then there were the 6 Jesuit priests that a Reagan-armed rightwing death squad murdered. And, of yeah, to not leave any witnesses they also murdered the housekeeper and her 15-year-old daughter; here’s a picture of their dead bodies.
I wonder if Ronnie kept a framed copy of that photo in his private library as a reminder of what a saintly patron of El Salvador’s poor and oppressed he was?
Texas’s unemployment rate is 8.3%, which is the highest its been in something like 20 years. And then there’s this:
Interesting… The nuns were killed when?
Did anyone catch the dates?
Dec. 2, 1980
Now who was president then Dumb Bunny?
Hint… It wasn’t A REPUBLICAN!!!!
Dumb Bunny@18,
Puddy has a niece who is qualified to practice in front of the SCOTUS.
Of course, we must never criticize anyone in the military, no matter whether they’re wearing the uniform of Argentina, El Salvador, or the U.S., because that would be unpatriotic.
Here’s a photo of an Iraqi kid whose brains were blown out at point-blank range by a U.S. Marine.
Especially when the military was lead by a progressive!
We have rightwingers in our own country who threatened to kill Joe Darby and his family for exposing the unlawful torture of innocent Iraqi civilians by American soldiers and civilian contractors at Abu Ghraib prison.
I’m not against the U.S. military. No one on this blog is more supportive of our soldiers than me. I contributed $100 to Operation Helmet; none of our trolls did. I spent Christmas Day with a Fort Lewis soldier about to deploy to Afghanistan.
I’m against criminals. I’m against torturers, murderers, rapists, and kidnappers. Those acts are crimes. No soldier or Marine is permitted by our laws to commit them. When they do, they cease to be lawful combatants and become criminals under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Conservatives: Apologists for rape, torture, and murder.
Liberals: Defenders of law and human rights.
Remember this when you vote.
They weren’t my communists (I’m very much not a communist) and given the chance I wouldn’t give Somoza or anyone that wanted to give him a pass, a pass.
The Contra’s killed a hell of a lot of teachers, priests, nuns, doctors and nurses. They were terrorists and thugs plain and simple. Which is why congress cut off their funding.
Btw, if the Sandinistas were so awful why is Daniel Ortega the current, freely elected, president of Nicaragua?
@23 Good for her! What’s the fee for that piece of paper nowadays? It’s been quite a few years since I’ve looked into applying for one, as I didn’t really need it for my work.
Ortega changed.
Of course the Dumb Bunny skipped over the Dec 1980 date.
Puddy knows why!
@22 Does that mean the rightwing death squad that raped, tortured, and murdered them were Dmocrats???
Fox 13 Flaunts Tom Rasmussen Sex Scandal!
KPCQ-13 reports tonight that Seattle City Council Member Tom Rasmussen is involved with a lurid sex scandal.
Rasmussen is a Democrat. (Of course; he was a Republican a Fox station wouldn’t report it.)
Q-13’s official website says,
“SEATTLE – A local Seattle woman and a government aide to a politician is now the center of a scandalous sex drama happening in the UK. Ann Corbitt, a Seattle city government aide to Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, has shaken the soccer world with her connection to Ashley Cole. Ashley Cole is one of Britain’s top soccer stars. The international scandal broke this past weekend when a British tabloid spilled the beans about their apparent affair.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So what does this have to do with Rasmussen? Uh, nothing, she just works for him. You know, her day job. They just threw Rasmussen’s name and occupation in their because, well, you know, he’s a Democratic politician.
I think the incident you’re talking about actually happened in El Salvador.
@31 Rightwing death squads have never changed. In every country in which they’ve ever operated — from Hitler’s Germany to Pinochet’s Chile to Ollie North’s Nicaragua — they’re murdering thugs everywhere. And many American conservatives applaud them.
Why would anyone vote for American conservatives?
Good answer. But, he didn’t change that much. He’s still to the left of Obama, for example.
@ 22
Did anyone catch the dates?
Well, yes. In December of 1980, Carter was on the way out, which means that Carter’s foreign policy based on human rights was on the way out, which, in all likelihood, meant that the right-wing reactionaries felt that they had free reign to commit whatever atrocities they wanted to without fear of being called out for it by the United States Government.
Here’s some more victims of rightwing killers:
These victims were priests, nuns, missionaries. And many American conservatives think this is just fine, that they had it coming.
Remember this when you vote.
Ortega didn’t change all that much. He claims to embrace democracy, but anyone on the teat of Hugo Chavez isn’t really trustworthy on that issue. And he still looks way too much like Geraldo Rivera for my tastes.
A quick run of the British tabs shows that Corbitt was the cherry on top of Cole’s philandering. Kinda reassuring that us Yanks aren’t the only ones who treat an athlete’s indiscretions as national scandal.
I’m sure that Ortega fully embraces democracy when it’s convenient for him. Kinda like Dick Cheney.
In Argentina the 33-year-old son of a woman who was murdered by rightwing death squads was reunited with his father.
well, rog, the children of the hamas guy who was murdered by jewsih spies (mossad to us goys) won’t ever get to see their daddy again either.
Great catch, Don Joe. Not that our buddy, Puddy, would recognize his own nonsense.
Stupid Libtardos…What nice catch Proud Goatist? You’re another chronological moron! Susan has you perfectly pegged Proud Goatist. A prime time idiot! Those nuns were killed by El Salvador National Guardsman, part of the El Salvadoran government, jock strapped by Jimmae Cahhhhhhrter. The cover-up occurred by the same El Salvadorean government!
Carter was still in charge when this happened in El Salvador… so you are saying countries don’t recognize and respect America when preznits change? Countries could ignore Cahhhhhhrter’s human rights foreign policy from November 1980 to January 1981? What a crock. That’s some progressive kook-aid to drink. Drink up fools. They didn’t recognize Cahhhhhhrter in Iran at all did they? Remember how Cahhhhhhrter jockstrapped the Shah of Iran? Now there was a human rights fiasco. He was savage and brutal to the people and Cahhhhhhrter turned a blind eye. But wait… the Shah was our pal because we had listening posts there against Russia. Remember the US Embassy in Iran was briefly occupied in Feb 1989 over our support of the savage and brutal Shah Pavlavi? What did Cahhhhhhrter do then to beef up security? ABSOLUTELY NUTHIN! Then the embassy takeover occurs in November 1989. Remember the great progressive libtardo Ramsey Clark went to get those hostages out? What happened? He was rejected by Iran! Remembrance Hint: Ramsey called for the impeachment of Bush. It was discussed on HA Libtardos. Ask the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch for those comments.
You seem to forget Cahhhhhhrter in the late 1970s acquiesced to American defense contractors and American business leaders to keep Somoza in power in Nicaragua to fight Ortega and keep his Sandinistas at bay. There’s money in those Central American hills he was told. Cahhhhhhrter also rejected attaching monetary requirements to Somozas regime to improve human rights even when his regime’s abject brutality was well known by various human rights groups. So there goes that ” Carter’s human rights” argument in flames.
Cahhhhhhrter was still in charge… That was the argument libtardos used when Odumba was erected but the Bush Administration transition team was still running the show. Bush was still in charge… You turkeys forget the screams why can’t Odumba become preznit now? Wanna review some of those comments on HA Libtardos? Better yet, ask the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch for those 2008 comments since he regularly uses his personal backup of Goldy’s HA in a monomaniacal attack. So to make an insipid argument you try and say Cahhhhhhhhrter’s transition team wasn’t in charge.
Stupid is as stupid does. And Don Joe as always leads the stupid charge.
So per the foolish libtardos above, there should have been major human rights attacks during the transition between Bush and Odumba. Well progressive morons, where’s the evidence?
Broadway Joe,
Hugo Chavez is a hero of the American progressive. You are leaving their reservation!
One can generally be assured that, when Puddy starts using terms like “libtardos” and “kook-aid”, his rhetorical ass is in the soup. Puddy might not be able to follow the bouncing ball, but the rest of us can. To recap:
RR pointed out that the El Salvadorian army, under a right-wing government, murdered four nuns. Puddy, pointed out that the murders occurred in December of 1980, and suggested that, somehow, the fact that a Democrat was president at the time was relevant.
Playing along with Puddy’s stupidity, I offered a plausible explanation for how the causal chain might have actually operated in reverse of Puddy’s suggestion. Rather than come up with some other causal chain, Puddy simply points to various failures of Carter’s idealism. It happened on Carter’s watch, says Puddy, therefore it must be Carter’s fault.
First, let’s deal with Carter’s idealism. Michael McClintock’s Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990 (Random House, 2002) is a seminal work in the field of foreign policy, and has an excellent chapter on the Carter years here. After recounting Carter’s attempt to introduce idealism into foreign policy, the chapter closes with:
The entire chapter is an excellent rebuttal to Puddy’s claims about how and why Carter’s idealism failed, and actually serves to underscore the point I’d made earlier.
So, what about the “It happened on Carter’s watch” argument? Again, Puddy fails to grasp the substance of the arguments involved. The arguments we’d used about the effects of the Bush Administration’s economic policies were based on rather well understood causal chains. That conditions continued to deteriorate even after President Obama assumed office was a natural outcome of the original causes that occurred under the Bush Administration.
Puddy would now have us believe that, in the absence of any clearly-understood causal chain from Carter’s foreign policy idealism to the murders in El Salvador, Cater was, nevertheless, responsible for those murders. Puddy must believe that there is some form of foreign policy butterfly effect such that the mere flapping of a President’s lips can cause entire revolutions to occur or collapse half-way around the world.
In the end, Puddy is left with the foreign policy equivalent of claiming the Alan Greenspan was a liberal. That El Salvadorian government wasn’t really right-wing, even though every other human being on the planet would agree that, well, in December of 1980, the government of El Salvador was, indeed, a very right-wing government.
Heh. Reagan had been elected the previous November.
To right wing death squads it was a signal of “open season”!
There was major change in right wing brain chemistry from DUMB to DUMBER!
Some gas leaked from between Stupes’ ears for sure.
Hey Stupes,
Here’s an F YOU! from firefox on my mac…
another F YOU! to Stupes from Chrome on my mac..
Just a light switch controlled by Puddy!
Here’s an F You! to Stupes from firefox on my laptop…
51 – Yay! I got Stupes to do his feckless control freak act again..
What a moron!
I got another desktop system but I won’t fire that up right now..
Stupes got the message..
He’s an idiot..
Man Puddy is so glad Don Joe attempted a response.
Wow Don Joe… such useless rhetoric, such a reckless argument… My ASS in the soup? That’s a hoot. So time to deconstruct another of Don Joe’s worthless attacks
Where was this “pointed out” Don Joe…? When did this happen…? The Dumb Bunny pelleted… Raped, tortured, and murdered by rightwing death squad Dec. 2, 1980 He never mentioned the Salvadorean Army in those Don Joe… A useless, feckless, and worthless comeback. Now why did the Dumb Bunny place those nun pictures on this blog Don Joe? In response to Michael bring ing up Ollie North and the Contras. If fact, it’s not the first time Puddy has pointed out to the Dumb Bunny his chronological failures.
The preznit in office is pertinent to all arguments Don Joe. Your side loves to point out the fact Clinton was president when the budget was balanced. Butt history shows Clinton tried to shut down the government the first time a balanced budget was delivered by the Republican Congress. What a retard you are Don Joe. SMACK SMACK SMACK
Here’s Don Joe’s “plausible causal chain”
This plausible causal chain isn’t palatable by anyone who thinks for a living…
What human rights policy? It was a well known fact Manuel Noriega sold arms to Daniel Ortega’s regime. Carter turns a blind eye. It was well known Carter supported the Shah of Iran. Carter turns a blind eye.
Objection your honor… Speculation by the Moonbat! Sustained. If Carter was this great human rights champion then he should have called it for what it was and called the El Salvadorean government on the carpet. Did he Don Joe?
You mean that old biased Director of Research for Human Rights First, Michael McClintock? You mean that old researcher and director for Amnesty International for almost 20 years, Michael McClintock? Seems this guy is a darling of the left Don Joe. No wonder you put him as “a seminal work in the field of foreign policy”, for Moonbat!s. Wait for it… Don Joe will attempt some rhetoric on Michael McClintock.
Oh really Don Joe. EPIC FAIL. The history books tell how Carter was the worse preznit ever. Especially his 2009 Palestinian commentary. That was PRICELESS.
But that’s not the argument made by HA Libtardos Don Joe… It’s another of your worthless equivalence arguments peeps who think right have destroyed you time and time again on this blog. Your inductive reasoning method argument fails you again.
What’s wrong Don Joe… Don’t like the same argument style used by HA Libtardos thrown back at you? It’s the same argument used for Abu Ghraib. Bush ordered it. Or haditha. Bush ordered it. It’s right hee on HA Libtardos. Ask the arschloch for the links. He has them you know. You can see his handiwork above with his left eye of porn! Deal with it!
Who is arguing against the El Salvadorean government was right-wing? Puddy isn’t… It’s another of your worthless straw men you throw out looking to see if he’ll stand up. Well this as othe straw men you use has fallen down. Puddy isn’t arguing about the El Salvadorean government’s political structure or posture. Puddy is arguing Carter turning a human rights blind eye and Don Joe being blind to it along with the Dumb Bunny trying to make political hay from nuns deaths which had nothing to do with Republicans in power.
Such a moron ylb arschloch is. Pavlov called it. He’s using those monomaniacal links again.
Puddy is deep into the single celled mind of ylb arschloch.
Stupes you have nothing but gas between your ears..
And it’s been leaking for a long, long, time..
Oh wow such a comeback from the arschloch! And you changed the link again.
Translation: proof that I (Stupes) talked out my ass like a moron.
Once again arschloch, another useless cumback…
Dream on butthead..
Now watch…
Fiend has a fetish for that as well
Yeah a lot of those links are ByeByeGop’s but many, many belong to Stupes.
What an ugly, sick fool..
@ 55
My ASS in the soup?
I said that Puddy’s rhetorical ass is in the soup. Why does Puddy leave out such an important word? Only Puddy knows.
Now why did [Roger Rabbit] place those nun pictures on this blog Don Joe? In response to Michael bring ing up Ollie North and the Contras.
Wrong. RR’s pictures were a continuation of his own comments at 6 & 7 regarding right-wing death squads in general. Michael’s comment pointed out that Ollie North, in violation of the Boland amendment we should note, funded another group of right-wing death squads.
It’s amusing that, while claiming to have caught Roger Rabbit in some form of chronological error, Puddy has committed his own chronological error.
The preznit in office is pertinent to all arguments Don Joe. Your side loves to point out the fact Clinton was president when the budget was balanced.
This is truly precious. Puddy believes the argument is a bad argument, but he thinks it’s OK, because he perceives that “your side” uses the same argument all the time. But, in trying to make that point, Puddy again loses sight of the issue of cause and effect:
Butt history shows Clinton tried to shut down the government the first time a balanced budget was delivered by the Republican Congress.
What a woefully inadequate recount of the facts. The Republicans proposed a budget that had steep cuts in Medicare and other programs. Clinton didn’t think those cuts were necessary. The Republicans, Newt Gingrich in particular, attempted to force Clinton to sign that budget by refusing to raise the government’d debt limit.
There are two important facts that Puddy leaves out of the cause and effect chain:
1) Republicans were at least as, if not more, responsible for the government shutdown; and
2) Turns out Clinton was right, because the budget was, in fact, balanced without the steep cuts that the Republicans demanded.
To summarize, Puddy thinks the argument is bad, is going to make the argument anyway, and fails to understand the nature of the argument when we’ve talked about cause and effect.
To return to the current them of cause and effect:
What human rights policy?
Again, Puddy refuses to accurately restate the point. We’re not talking about “human rights policy”. We’re talking about foreign policy, and Carter’s attempts to make human rights the centerpiece of his foreign policy.
Puddy then purports to show how that attempt failed. One wonders why, given that I, and many others outside this thread, have described Carter’s idealism as a failure in practice? Talk about epic failures.
Puddy points out:
If Carter was this great human rights champion then he should have called it for what it was and called the El Salvadorean government on the carpet.
Well, it’s already been conceded, indeed never even contested, that Carter’s idealism was a failure in practice, so Puddy’s premise is false. But, it’s worth pointing out that, on December 5, 1980, Carter stopped all military and economic aid to El Salvador.
All of these issues are discussed at length in McClintock’s chapter on the Carter years. Puddy’s response to my link? Pure ad hominem:
You mean that old biased Director of Research for Human Rights First, Michael McClintock? You mean that old researcher and director for Amnesty International for almost 20 years, Michael McClintock?
Note, Puddy doesn’t point to any specific details in McClintock’s work that reveals any form of bias. Such source criticism appears to be beneath Puddy, though, more than likely, it flies over Puddy’s head. Indeed, Puddy doesn’t even bother to try to find some other expert who has contradicted or criticized McClintock’s work.
Who is arguing against the El Salvadorean government was right-wing?
I think Puddy simply chooses not to read. I said that this is what Puddy is left with, and that’s simply because there is no other legitimate reason for Puddy to point out, as he did in his comment @ 22, that the President of the United States on December 2, 1980 was not a Republican. This is the only argument Puddy can make that would render that comment relevant to Roger Rabbit’s other comments.
Puddy is arguing Carter turning a human rights blind eye and Don Joe being blind to it
Puddy has failed on both counts. Carter didn’t simply “turn a blind eye” to human rights violations. Of course, of Puddy wanted to deal with the more nuanced set of issues, he’d have to respond in detail to McClintock’s work.
Puddy has also failed to convincingly state that I’ve been blind to Carter’s failures, particularly since I’ve been up front about them all along.
In the process, Puddy ignores any progress that Carter had made to put human rights at the forefront of US foreign policy and the fact that, whatever progress Carter had made was completely undone by the Reagan administration.
along with the Dumb Bunny trying to make political hay from nuns deaths which had nothing to do with Republicans in power.
First of all, the phrase “political hay from nuns deaths,” is an egregious euphemism. They were murdered by right-wing death squads.
Second, to say that Republicans in power have nothing to do with right-wing death squads is absurd. Cf Ollie North.
Don Joe,
Puddy has to go… Butt since you have problems reading…
They even murdered a few American nuns. Then Dumb Bunny places the American Nuns. Veni Vidi Vici.
Regarding Michael McClintock… this peep is a pure progressive… Puddy doesn’t need to prove anything else. Its you who calls identifying his past activities an “ad hominem attack” because Puddy blew your “McClintock reference” outta here!
Carter acquiesced human rights for the foreign policy money. The historical record is there… and poor poor Don Joe can’t change history!!!!
The rest of your rant is nonsensical inductive screaming. You don’t say much over a long rant Don Joe. Just an ad hominem attack on Puddy.
You are a scream Don Joe. A scream for get me outta here this Don Joe is nuts!
All in the mind of the dumb brick ylb arschloch…
Ouch such an attack ylb arschloch. Ohhhhh Puddy is cowering… cowering…
What, are you maintaining banker hours, Don Joe? Don’t you have better things to do rather than rip off your employer’s time and resources posting bloated commentary on HA? You know, such as protecting your customer’s PCs from criminal elements in Eastern Europe or Russia:
“This is another serious hit for the world’s most dominant web browser, but also one that’s been losing its marketshare in the last couple of years. Alternative browsers — Firefox (Firefox), Opera (Opera), Safari (Safari) and others — may not have a perfect security record, but all of them have always been perceived as safer alternatives. This latest vulnerability, discovered after the cyber attacks on Google (Google), does nothing to change that notion.”
@42 Damn Israelis! They killed Rachel Corrie, too!
Rachel Corrie killed herself when she chose not to move Dumb Bunny!
Shit, I’d expect you to be PROUD of your “butt” and “cum” fetishes.
That’s the mentality of a fiend.
Cowering?? Here’s what you cower from:
Rosie O’Donnel!!! BOO!
Code Pink!!! BOO!
Hillary Clinton!!! BOO!
and there’s always, always, the dark hand of
S O R O S ….
LMAO!! And there’s so much more you’re frightened of. We’ll be uncovering that in detail in due time..
66 – Don’t like Microsoft products? Don’t buy them.
I generally don’t.
If you disdain MS so much I’d think you’d be cheering Don Joe on for being distracted..
But most of us suspect you have a different agenda..
@68 One of these days you’ll change your screen name but it’s not like you’ll ever forget what it’s like knowing someone dear to you who gave up on life. And for my part, I won’t be forgetting what passed between us a couple weeks ago. The HNMT tried putting it into words and darned near nailed it. I hope you came across what he wrote.
Yes Steve, I was touched by the Happy Name Monitoring Troll. I lost another friend to cancer. Another acquaintance just had a stroke. They say things happen in threes.
You know Steve, after dealing with the hateful name changing arschloch above, you had great timing this afternoon!
fiend I call Stupes..
What are some of his “names”?
How about MWS, Kingbud, Idiotwhathisface Fitzgerald Kennedy..
And there’s a lot more which we’ll our best to uncover.. Maybe by performing brute force phrase matches between distinct troll comment histories. (Note to the idiot fiend: “we”, it’s common usage ok? But go ahead be feckless, you’re good at it.)
Oh yeah, this guy really brings the love here to the comment threads…
@70 But most of us suspect you have a different agenda
Yea, well, you can only be referring to your multiple personalities, and you’d be lucky to find a functioning version of one of those!
Incidentally, if my man sat home all day posting on HA I’d kick his butt out the door. Just so you know!
@ 64
They even murdered a few American nuns. Then Dumb Bunny places the American Nuns.
Yes. Puddy’s inferred that the “They” in that first sentence only referred to Nicaraguan Contras and not right-wing death squads in general. Now we’re supposed to be convinced by Puddy repeating the inference?
Of course, none of that explains Puddy’s comment @ 22:
Now who was president then Dumb Bunny?
Hint… It wasn’t A REPUBLICAN!!!!
Puddy’s trying to pull a bait and switch.
The rest of Puddy’s comment @64 is, well, classic Puddy. Puddy’s claim about McClintock’s bias isn’t based on any of McClintock’s actual work, only where McClintock has worked. Yet, according to Puddy, that’s not an ad-hominem argument. Shades of Alan Greenspan.
Puddy goes on to claim:
Carter acquiesced [on] human rights for the foreign policy money.
First of all, McClintock details, and documents, the reasons why Carter’s idealism failed. Puddy can’t properly rebut McClintock’s work, so Puddy claims bias. How convenient.
Secondly, Carter would have had no personal interest in “foreign policy money”. The issue is a hell of a lot more nuanced than just “foreign policy money,” but Puddy doesn’t do nuance.
The rest of your rant is nonsensical inductive screaming.
Puddy’s the one using bolded text, but, supposedly, I’m the one screaming. And, “inductive”? Is Puddy trying to show us that he, too, doesn’t know the difference between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning? There certainly isn’t any instance of inductive reasoning in this thread.
@ 63
What, are you maintaining banker hours, Don Joe?
Nope. Just having to wait for a few lengthy builds. Why do you care?
@ 70
66 – Don’t like Microsoft products?
Clearly he doesn’t like me, though apparently my only sin is to have found gainful employment at Microsoft.
It’s funny, though, how he never seems to find stuff like this or this. He’s just a one trick pony.
@22…notice how Goebbels Rabbit ignores post #22.
Like a good little Goebbels, he lies and twists information to further his own ends(sounds like a lawyer, huh) – but when he is called out on them, he slinks away like a bitch and is eerily silent.
Coming from you that’s rich..
Yawwwwnn… I feel so enlightened now…
And Don Joe runs to his defense. Puddy noticed the Dumb Bunny cut and ran. Puddy knows the Dumb Bunny’s modus operandi. Butt Puddy is chronologically aware, unlike many of these HA progressive libtardo Dummocrapts.
Don Joe,
Puddy doesn’t care what McClintock says. Puddy did a search on McClintock and he’s only held in “high” esteem by progressives!
That’s a NUFF SAID for Puddy!
78 – Yeah, a right wing one trick pony…
ylb arschloch has turned off his multiple personalities. Notice his feckless attacks above?
Such a walking moron!
hhmmmm…no mention of the left wing death squads, eh?
– Cambodia, North/South Vietnam, pick-a-spot in south america, Spain, pick-a-spot in africa, China, Soviet Russia, SE Europe, Greece, the list goes on…..leftist communitsts and socialists murdered more people in the 20th century than any other group….but far.
join the great collective..or else.
oh, but everyone forgot about them…I get it…
ylb arschloch Hate 24×7
HNMM! Switch goes on!
@67..Rachel Corrie died from her own hubrice and stupidity.
Wow Stupes. People who don’t care much for your bullshit you call a “dumb brick”..
Brilliant… Pat yourself on the back..
Turn the spell checker on genius…
Wow Stupes the “switch” must be turned for your reflexive hatred of DanielS or karen or jon whoever that faux clever troll is..
Being labeled or associated or linked with “progressive” (like McClintock) just brings out the best knee-jerk right wing bullshit in you doesn’t it?
@78 It’s funny, though, how he never seems to find stuff like this or this. He’s just a one trick pony
You KNOW things have to be desperate when this and this actually refer to the same product – Windows Phone 7 – speaking of a one trick pony! And that JUST announced! My guess is the great majority of Vista or XP or IE users are a lot more focused on a variety of other issues from the last two decades LIKE NOT having their bank accounts emptied because of another security hole in their browser or OS or Office product. You’re going to have to do a lot better than that, Don Joe. For starters, trying focusing on your job rather than HA. People who are paying tens of thousands of dollars a year to battle these never-ending Windows’ issues are not thrilled with your day-time diversions. You gotta’ have a real tin ear not to understand that (forget the employment law issues!)
@ 82
Puddy doesn’t care what McClintock says.
As if we didn’t already know. The problem is that Puddy cannot come up with a reasonable justification for dismissing McClintock.
Puddy did a search on McClintock and he’s only held in “high” esteem by progressives!
Now, Puddy’s gone to an ad-hominem argument once-removed, at which point Puddy’s argument has become circular: McClintock is biased, because conservatives don’t hold his work in “high regard”, only progressives do. Apparently that reflects some bias in McClintock’s research, and has nothing to do with any bias on the part of conservatives or progressives.
Perhaps Puddy can find, in that search, someone who explicitly rebuts McClintock’s work? Probably not. If Puddy could have found something, he’d have posted it by now.
Damn this Don Joe is moronic. When Puddy brought up progressives, immediately Don Joe conflates it to only conservatives… What a moron… Looks like independents don’t hold him in high regard either.
Rebut McClintock’s work? Maybe no one cares about his work! Ever thought about that Don Joe?
Once again Don Joe goes moronic! Nothing new here. Moving along.
@ 91
My guess is the great majority of Vista or XP or IE users are a lot more focused on a variety of other issues from the last two decades LIKE NOT having their bank accounts emptied because of another security hole in their browser or OS or Office product.
Why? Hackers don’t use those security flaws to access banking information. They use those flaws to obtain access to internal corporate networks as was the case in the recent attack on Google.
Social hacking is far more simple, and requires almost no coding skills. See here for a long list of small to medium-sized businesses who were victims of online banking fraud that had nothing to do with any software security holes.
I suspect DanielS knows all of this, because his intent is clearly to attack me personally. What’s not so obvious is exactly what does DanialS hope to prove with these personal attacks?
For starters, trying focusing on your job rather than HA.
Again, one wonders why given the rather well-known fact that I work on Macintosh software. Whether or not I’m spending too much time on HA has nothing to do with the security of Windows or any software that runs on Windows.
Apparently, DanielS is unable to effectively counter my arguments here, so he’s left with this lame attack on me, personally. It’s pathetic, really, but all too right-wing in form.
Can anyone decipher the gibberish of #90? Once again nothing at all discussed.
Dat Shit Too Thick!
Puddy gonna call you Delta… A running faucet…
@ 85
hhmmmm…no mention of the left wing death squads, eh?
Is there an instance where the US Government provided military aid to any one of those death squads?
@ 93
Looks like independents don’t hold him in high regard either.
See, now we know that Puddy’s lying about his search, because, if he weren’t dividing the political spectrum into three parts instead of two, then Puddy would have found instances where McClintock gave testimony before Congressional Committees. In 2006. When Republicans were the majority in Congress.
Rebut McClintock’s work? Maybe no one cares about his work! Ever thought about that Don Joe?
Or, perhaps, McClintock’s work is too solid to be subject to any form of rebuttal?
Hey Don Joe careful with that “we” usage. It make Stupes knee-jerk out more feckless attacks.
And Stupes lying??? Oh Don Joe – say it’s not so!!!
Hi Don Joe. Do you mind if I ask what you do at Microsoft?
@ 99
Hi Don Joe. Do you mind if I ask what you do at Microsoft?
In what way have I not already provided sufficient information to answer that question?
ylb arschloch is ignored. Living vacariously on Don Joe’s coattails as usual.
This dumb brick has no original thought!
Don Joe…
Results 1 – 10 of about 323 for Michael McClintock’s Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerrilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism. (0.34 seconds)
Google does well here. Puddy stands by the search.
Don Joe bloviates as usual.
Ha, good question! Don Joe actually has much in common with YLB: Both eschew work – YLB while at home, Don Joe AMAZINGLY ENOUGH while at Microsoft – and instead pound away on HA all day WHILE OTHERS carry the load!
In what way have I not already provided sufficient information to answer that question?
Perhaps she was asking what job description at Microsoft provided for FULL TIME blogging on HA!
kaitlyn, do I have that right? :)
103 – kaitlyn = karen = DanielS = Sue = jon = xuxa…
Yikes. When will the moderators blow the cover on this execrable troll?
Can anyone teach you to read? Probably not any more..
For reasons you should know all too well by now.
Ohhhh poor ylb arschloch… Jealous of peeps on the right who can think, something missed in this fool’s church skuul larnin!
talk fast……pimp slow……
105/106 – Oh poor baby, you’re upset.
Did I strike a nerve?
@ 102
Note that Puddy has completely ignored the point about the circularity of his argument in which he bases his assessment of the bias of McClintock’s work on the biases of those who’ve shown interest in it. Instead, he tries to buttress the argument by giving the exact query.
Puddy then avers:
Google does well here. Puddy stands by the search.
This is uproariously funny. After trying, rather unsuccessfully I might add, to make hay out of the fact that I’d used inductive reasoning about Java programmers, what does Puddy do? He uses inductive reasoning regarding the politics those who’ve shown any interest in McClintock’s work.
That’s OK. As I’ve said, there’s nothing inherently wrong with inductive reasoning, though it can be easily rebutted by way of counter example–counter examples that Puddy would have found had he bothered to look at results 11-20 of the same search. Those results include such bastions of progressivism as and the US Army.
@ 104
Yikes. When will the moderators blow the cover on this execrable troll?
I don’t know. Personally, I think he’s hilarious. He thinks my participation here today required some kind of full-time effort.
What in the world are you talking about???? I asked a simple question!!
How does somebody have so much time on their hands that they actually track people?
And I really am a she who was just asking a question!
Boy Don Joe falls for another Puddy Trap…
“That this disturbing article was published in a trade journal tailored for law enforcement is another indication that police around the country — increasingly federalized and militarized — are being indoctrinated to believe police work is related to the activities of the military.”
For the Army link… The Army Professional Writing Collection… Anyone can enter a paper…
One person with three references to three paragraphs from other peeps also referenced by McClintock.
Wow Don Joe… you REALLY made your point…
No we didn’t forget about left wing death squads. They just weren’t part that days topic. We’ve covered them before, been against them before. We’re still against them.
Welcome to ylb arschloch world. He actually has a full backup of Goldy’s HA blog on his personal computer AT HOME! Anyone who crosses his single celled “mind” with continual attacks on his feckless ASS is a hateful name morphing troll. Well he is the HA ARSCHLOCH.
LOL… Spain had killings on both sides, but Franco was a member of the right, not the left and was responsible for far more deaths.
No. No reason for that to happen at all.
Pretty remarkable isn’t it that Max/Lebowski would consider Franco as a leftist. He also claims to “pick a place” in South America. He hasn’t a clue about the rightist regimes, many of which we launched (e.g., Allende) in South America. Of course, he doesn’t mention some rather killer rightist regimes like the Third Reich and Il Duce. Astounding. Quite a historian, that Maxie.
He’s just clueless.
“Pick a place in South America.”
OK, lets try Chile, Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay.
And it’s just down right odd that he thinks we’re somehow OK with murders and death squads from the left. We’re not. Never have been.
@ 112
I asked a simple question!!
Yes. You asked that question in your comment @99, after I’d already said this:
Again, one wonders why given the rather well-known fact that I work on Macintosh software.
in my comment @94.
If you’re going to jump into the fray, please pay attention.
@ 114
Boy Don Joe falls for another Puddy Trap…
“Another” Puddy Trap? FTW!
Let’s take a look at the paragraph immediately preceding the one that Puddy quoted:
Now, McClintock didn’t write an article. He wrote a book. And, rather than arguing against McClintock’s book, the AR15 post is citing McClintock’s book in order to argue against Mihalek.
Puddy then turns to the paper on the Army web site:
Anyone can enter a paper…
But, if you follow the link, you see that this is a “Featured” paper, and the author isn’t just anyone:
Montgomery McFate, J.D., Ph.D.
Military Review
March-April 2005
Wow Don Joe… you REALLY made your point
Well, actually, yes. I did. Thank you.
I meant Pinochet in 119 above. We supported the Somozas in Nicaragua, knocked off the democratically elected president in Guatemala in 1954, are currently supporting the Colombian government (Obama is wrong about that). And, I haven’t even started. Our history of supporting rightist death squads in Latin America sucks.
Yes, Proud Goatist… initially American Progressives (read DUMMOCRAPTS) were supportive of Adolf Hitler. Now why was that? Puddy gave everyone the links. Check with the arschloch… He has all of the information in his personal backup at home of Goldy’s HA Blog.
Why does Don Joe use selective extraction? Of course McClintock didn’t write the article. Another person wrote the article. Puddy used the summary and Don Joe didn’t like it. Read the whole article on counterinsurgency and how McClintock’s book isn’t accepted as “gospel”. Good try Don Joe.
As Puddy placed the link and said about Dr. McFate, which Don Joe skipped over (of course), her three references are originally linked from the original authors which Don Joe’s hero also uses. So what does that prove? She took three paragraphs of the same material and referenced the original information creator. Then she adds McClintock who used the same material. Does that make Don Joe’s point because she found McClintock referenced three people using the same material… NOPE! Such reasoning skills…
So HA Libtardos, which reasoning method is Don Joe using now? Puddy called it with a big a bulls-eye on his reasoning question last time. Can any libtardo answer this question on how Don Joe “argues”?
@ 125
Why does Don Joe use selective extraction?
The hypocrisy inherent in that question is truly astounding as it is coming shortly on the heals of Puddy’s own “selective extraction” of the AR15 article.
Puddy then complains that I “skipped over (of course)” something Puddy thought to be highly important. Having completely destroyed Puddy’s credibility, it became no longer necessary to address anything Puddy had said.
But, Puddy insists, so here goes. Puddy claims that Dr. McFate is only citing McClintock in three instances, and that in all three cases McFate is actually referring back to some other, original material. Puddy is, in fact, wrong about this, but I’ll get to that point in a second.
The issue at hand is whether or not Dr. McFate has paid any attention to McClintock’s work, and the endnote citations in the article clearly show that McClintock is the source from which she obtained the material. How do we know this? Were that not the case, there wouldn’t be any reason for her to cite McClintock at all.
Now, we could stop there, but Puddy has compounded his error by not paying close attention to Dr. McFate’s notes. There are actually five references to McClintock in the notes. Notes 42, 43 and 44 are of the form that Puddy describes, but Puddy appears to have missed notes 47 and 48. Both of the latter two are not references to other material quoted in McClintock. Rather, they’re direct references to McClintock himself.
Could Puddy possibly have been more wrong about this? Hard to tell. Just when you think Puddy can’t get more stupid, he finds new heights to scale.
Don Joe, Nope I didn’t see 47 & 48. But you continue to make Puddy’s case as she refers to McClintock twice in how many references? And… When you look closer at her 47 & 48 posts they refer to previously used material in post 44, which, point to the original author used by MCClintock.
Good try again Don Joe. Keep struggling along Don Joe… Puddy stands by his original thrust of progressive speak!
Where did you destroy Puddys credibility… Puddy placed the link where EVERYONE CAN SEE what was said. Credibility never lost Don Joe. The discussion was over what McClintock said and how to expand on what he wrote. IT WAS REJECTED!
See ya Don Joe. Puddy gotta work.
@104 kaitlyn = karen = DanielS = Sue = jon = xuxa…
It’s incredible to me that you can’t find a better use of your time. You sit on this board all day building a dossier on posters all the while talking up the social and economic injustices in the world. There are plenty of volunteer agencies absolutely screaming for help these days, if you can’t or won’t work. That seems like a much better use of your time then what you’re doing now.
With a child, job, classes and even a couple of hours a week of volunteer work I can’t begin to imagine your priorities. My name IS karen, meathead, and you need to find a life.
@ 128
When you look closer at her 47 & 48 posts they refer to previously used material in post 44, which, point to the original author used by MCClintock.
Wrong. Again. Notes 47 and 48 read, “47. McClintock, chap. 4.” and “48. Ibid.” If either of those notes were meant to refer to some other, original material, then why didn’t Dr. McFate make any reference to that other material in either of those notes?
Seriously, the only thing Puddy has managed to prove in this exchange is that Puddy doesn’t know how to read endnotes.
To summarize: Puddy rejected McClintock’s book on the claim that McClintock was biased. This claim was not based on any direct criticism of McClintock’s book. Rather, Puddy’s claim was based on inductive reasoning involving the ostensible biases of the people who’ve paid any attention to the book.
I pointed to two counter examples to Puddy’s inductive argument (only one was necessary), and, now, Puddy’s argument seems to be that these two examples don’t pay enough attention to McClintock (despite one reference being to an entire chapter in McClintock’s book).
And, in all of this, Puddy seems to think that his credibility is intact. The only place where Puddy’s credibility remains intact is in the vast echo-chamber that is Puddy’s head (or possibly in the equally vacuous heads of Puddy’s sycophants).
Puddy’s primary defense of his credibility–that he posted the links–is beyond inane. Anyone can repeat the Google query and follow the links themselves. The fact that Puddy posted the links doesn’t change the fact that Puddy has seriously misread them and has completely misrepresented the substance of the AR15 link.
His argument in tatters, his credibility lost, Puddy is reduced to asserting that:
The discussion was over what McClintock said and how to expand on what he wrote.
Puddy is now running, very rapidly, away from his original statement:
I suppose we can make Puddy feel a little bit better by granting that Michael McClintock is old. The rest is pretty standard Puddy bullshit.
There goes Don Joe lying again…
Napoleon D. Valeriano and Charles T.R. Bohannan, Counter-Guerrilla Operations: The Philippine Experience (New York: Praeger, 1962); McClintock, chaps. 4 and 5; William Pomeroy, Guerrilla and Counter-guerrilla Warfare (New York: International Publishers, 1964), 70.
How do you know a progressive is lying… He repeats him/herself.
To Summarize… Don Joe is a fool, plain and simple
To Summarize… Don Joe will be back pleading his case
To Summarize… This man Don Joe is tiresome.
To Summarize… Don Joe has strange “heroes”.
To Summarize… The rest of Don Joe’s commentary is his standard inductive ad hominem attack style.
@ 130
There goes Don Joe lying again…
I’ve never lied in the past, and I am certainly not lying now. I quoted, in their entirety, notes 47 and 48. Puddy seeks to show that I’m lying by quoting note 44.
Puddy doesn’t explain why notes 47 and 48 are so different from note 44.
Other than that, Puddy seems to think that, by pointing out the stupidity and failures of his arguments, I am invoking an “inductive ad hominem attack style.” For some reason Puddy doesn’t see the difference between claiming that someone’s argument is invalid because he is stupid and claiming that someone is stupid because his argument is invalid. Apparently Puddy doesn’t understand the difference between antecedent and consequent.
@131 I’ve never lied in the past, and I am certainly not lying now
Highly debatable to be sure! But you do rip off your employer by using their time and resources throughout the day – the sheer volume of your posts above is a sight to behold! – NO debate about that. “Shady” Joe may not lie, but theft, there’s NO hiding that!
And to think Microsoft is getting the full tax benefit of that equipment!
@ 132
the sheer volume of your posts above is a sight to behold!
Only to someone who lacks the capacity to produce such a volume of posts while still getting in a full day’s worth of work.
Microsoft doesn’t care which 12 hours of the day I work, nor does Microsoft care if I sprinkle a bit of leisure in among the hours that I work.
These facts would be obvious to anyone who has half a clue, which means that the one thing truly not debatable here is that DanielS has less than half a clue.
Because Puddy has no idea why Dr McFate used what she used and just chose “ibid”. She already had used Chapter 4 & 5 in the 44 reference so Chap 4 was all she needed. This of course is lost on Don Joe.
@ 134
Because Puddy has no idea why Dr McFate used what she used and just chose “ibid”.
First of all, the “ibid.” note was #48. Note 47 reads, “47. McClintock, chap. 4.”
Second, if Puddy has no idea, then Puddy cannot credibly claim that I’ve lied.
Lastly, what appears to be lost on Puddy is that, well, notes 47 and 48 are referred to by different parts of the body text than note 44. Indeed, the references in the main body text are from completely different paragraphs.
There’s an obvious explanation for the different notes, but, well, Puddy has no idea.
@133 Microsoft doesn’t care which 12 hours of the day I work, nor does Microsoft care if I sprinkle a bit of leisure in among the hours that I work
Don Joe doesn’t lie . . . he just stretches the truth beyond all recognition! A bit of leisure? The babble above is a torrent! Are you sure you’re not posting from Club Med Cancun?
What does your employee handbook say about the use of company equipment and time for posting your political and other views online? And now you’re claiming Microsoft gave you the green light for the mountain of blather you place on HA (and elsewhere for all we know!).
Well my guess is the company would have a totally different take if presented with this. And I know the IRS would, since Microsoft is declaring that equipment you’re using as a BUSINESS expense.
@ 136
A bit of leisure?
Sure. Nocking out a few comments on a blog doesn’t really take all that much time.
What does your employee handbook say about the use of company equipment and time for posting your political and other views online?
Why don’t you tell me? You seem to be far more concerned about this than my employer is.
One does have to wonder, though, given the amount of time you spend chasing after me on this, you must either be unemployed or are a complete hypocrite. Which is it?
@137 Sure. Nocking out a few comments on a blog doesn’t really take all that much time
A few comments? And you wonder why you’re accused of stretching the truth? Try 21, a full 1/6th of the 137 posts on this thread ALONE! And the size of posts like 46 – not unusual for Joe – are mountainous!
Why don’t you tell me? You seem to be far more concerned about this than my employer is
So you have no idea what your employee handbook says, yet you claim Microsoft has given you the go ahead for this torrent of babble and blather on HA, DESPITE the fact it is surely stumbling hard over IRS tax rules if not Microsoft’s (which is NOT believable!).
OK, so we know that’s your position.
@ 139
Try 21.
And, now, it’s 22. You’re complaining that “a few” is too imprecise a figure?
So you have no idea what your employee handbook says
I didn’t say that. I asked you to tell me what it says. That you’ve jumped to a conclusion regarding the basis of my question reveals more about you than it does about me.
As a point of fact, not only does Microsoft allow for me to use company resources to post my political views on public blogs, it allows me to post them to my own blog, should I choose to do so, and have it hosted on the company’s blog site: If you search the site, you can find people who do this.
Now, if you’re done acting like Dilbert’s manager, perhaps you’d care to contribute a comment that’s actually on topic?
Why should he do that Don Joe…
Seem The Dumb Bunny sets the thread pollution rules around here. That’s how this conversation got started per you above! We on the right just follow them to the “T”.
Don Joe,
She gave full commentary to Chapter 4 of McClintock’s book in the link Puddy copied above. Scream all you want about 47&48.
You failed again Dude! Keep grasping for those small straws!
@120…sure you are, hypocrite.
just ask goebbels/himmler rabbit – he loves left wing death squads – he even wants them here.
@139 And, now, it’s 22. You’re complaining that “a few” is too imprecise a figure?
No you dope, it’s your brain that’s sputtering with this sort of “precision.” Speaking of which, the link you provided @139 actually points to the space between your ears:
It’s just amazing to think you code anything that finds itself even remotely near anyone’s desktop. It’s no wonder Microsoft’s software is such a bloated jumble of loose ends: you wrote it!
@ 140
Why should he do that Don Joe…
First of all, the issue isn’t so much a matter of posting off-topic as it is the fact that Mr. “S” has yet to actually post something on topic.
Secondly, as for why he might want to, it would vastly increase the public perception of his level of intelligence.
@ 141
She gave full commentary to Chapter 4 of McClintock’s book in the link Puddy copied above.
Amazing. “Full commentary,” says Puddy, as if the endnote is the subject and not the source. No wonder Puddy has no idea why someone would cite the same source in two different endnotes.
@ 143
So, “jon” is back. Where’s your analysis that requested here? Or do you only ask for other people’s analysis and don’t deliver when they ask it of you.
Speaking of which, the link you provided @139
Should have been, though if you had something other than space between your ears, you might have figured that out all on your own.
And, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion of my work. Personally, I’ll take Tim Cook’s opinion over yours any day of the week.
@145 I’ll take Tim Cook’s opinion
I’ll bet you would – if you could get it! Big hat, nooooooooooooo cattle!
@ 146
I’ll bet you would – if you could get it!
@147 Well
Well, he’s talking about the ENTIRE Mac division you dope, NOT you! Of course, in that bloated ego of yours YOU ARE the Mac division.
For all we know you’re the laughing stock of the division if not the company because of your “precision” thinking (few = 22!) and software that requires CONSTANT vigilance less it escape to a customer’s desktop! In fact, for all we know you’re part of Microsoft’ security detail that patrols the parking lots! That’s actually much more believable!
You’re gonna’ have to do a lot better than that, Little Joe! Like I said, BIG HAT, NOOOOOOOOOO CATTLE!
@ 148
In fact, for all we know you’re part of Microsoft’ security detail that patrols the parking lots!
True. On the other hand, for all you know, I could be the reason my particular product team has, well, N developers instead of N + 2 developers.
And that’s really what bugs you, isn’t it? I know what Rusty Jeffers and Eric Wilfred think of me, and you don’t.