Some of you may have noticed that my posting has been a little lighter than usual over the past week or so, and I just wanted to reassure folks that no, I haven’t burnt out. I’ve just been busy. Busy teaching myself how to program the iPhone.
It’s been about eight years since I last played around with a compiler, and ten days into the iPhone SDK I’m still not sure that I have sufficient programming chops to get the job done. The unfamiliar Xcode IDE does both more and less than I had expected, and Objective-C, well, it might as well have been Objective-Mandarin for all I knew when I started. I was hoping that with a UI this sparse, Apple might have layered a real RAD environment on top of it — like a Visual Basic or a Hypercard — but no, here I am defining classes and declaring protocols and managing memory for chrisakes. (No garbage collection? What’s up with that?)
Anyway, I’ll keep folks informed of how this project goes, but in the meantime, be prepared for days when I’m a little preoccupied.
To those of you who will undoubtedly feel compelled to post admonishing Goldy to ‘get a real job’, I write to tell you to at least to try and pretend to get a real life.
Goldy, you’re in America; post in American*, man!
I’m glad there are people out there that knows what all that stuff means, but I’m not one of them.
*After all, it was good enough for Jesus…
Personally, I think it’s hilarious to see people who can’t program a postage stamp telling Goldy to “get a job.”
Goldy, Have fun. Call or email the “we ylb arschloch”. He’s got lots of time to help you!
Tut, tut. What you need is a good ol’ Java environment, not being confined to Steve Job’s iron maiden.
I recently got an iPod Touch, but have resisted diving in and developing for the device because I cherish my free time. One thing I can say for sure is that iTunes leaves a lot to be desired.
How does someone program a postage stamp Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny? Puddy bets you have issues licking one. Is that like you giving legal advice on this blog with your “this is how it works” entries plagiarized from other sites Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny? Or your silly associations that explode under the microscope?
Puddy uses the Eclipse compiler for work and for Puddy’s Android phone Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny.
I think you can write them in Python, which is much easier than Objective-C, though you still have to deal with Xcode.
(Gods, Objective-C. The technology of the past, for the computing of the future.)
Goldy, why no garbage collection on the iPhone? Well it is my understanding because of the overhead a GC system requires. And in a way it makes sense. Objective C seems to be fairly bare metal approach compared to more modern languages. For a memory bound, battery driven device the developer should be aware of the constraints of the hardware. So having to deal with memory, while an extra hassle, it does go towards that goal. And reference counting makes one think more carefully about the resources one’s application consumes.
There are many iphone tutorials out there. I found the following site useful for Cocoa development beginning.
And a lot of good resources at
Have fun.
Also, to get one’s head around the framework you should check out Cocoa Design Patterns
A good introduction to the theoretical concepts in the framework.
@8 “Goldy, why no garbage collection on the iPhone?”
Because his blog already collects a surfeit of garbage. See, e.g., #6.
@6 Just as I thought. If you have to ask, you don’t know how.
Once again Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny demonstrates his tired old brain cell. When another of his silly comments explodes on his face it’s ad hominem attack time.
Typical so typical.
@12 Posting silly comments is one thing you do know how to do.
Once you wrap your mind around the design patterns and the fact that NIB files are really archived objects, your brain becomes the RAD.
Also, you’ll be able to make Mac apps. :-)
The clearest book on the subject I’ve found so far is ‘iPhone Developer’s Cookbook’ by Erica Sadun. Her tutorials are better than Apple’s (and everyone else’s) because she puts all the code in main.m. Very readable and very good sample code. Also easy to modify for your own ends.
Welcome to the Cocoa world, Goldy. While I don’t have any experience with the iPhone SDK per-se, I can give you some general Cocoa advice:
1) Take advantage of Objective-C’s strengths. Protocols and delegates are keys to type-safe polymorphism, and extensions allow you to generalize common operations (e.g. NSString extensions for getting control titles and tooltips).
2) Where controllers are concerned, ignorance is a virtue. This is true for both the controller-model connection and the controller-view connection. Use a delegate for the model connection. On the view side, think in terms of the required behaviors, not the actual object in your NIB. If the controller only needs the behaviors of an NSView for a particular control, then make the IBOutlet for that control be an NSView * rather than, say, an NSButton *. If you do that, then you can change the actual control in the NIB without having to modify any code.
3) To tack a bit on to Gordon’s advice, Cocoa Design Patterns isn’t a bad book, however, for anyone familiar with the canonical Design Patterns book (Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides) Cocoa Design Patterns abuses the terminology. Yet, Gamma et. al. is the better book for design patterns in general.
Lastly, contrary to what a large number of Cocoa programmers will tell you, MVC is not a design pattern. It’s a paradigm that can make use of a variety of design patterns (observers, chain of responsibility, facades and decorators are just a few), but it is not, in and of itself, a design pattern. I’ve see far too many Cocoa programmers who think they’re following good design practices when, in fact, the NIB-centric development method in Cocoa makes it all too easy to completely disregard sound design practices.
If you haven’t already done so, please do invest in the Gamma et. al. book. It will fundamentally change the way you think about programming.
@ 6
Puddy uses the Eclipse compiler
Lord, save us from Java programmers. The vast majority of them understand neither programming nor software design.
It’s all G
reek to me.iDontHaveAClue
Hahaha Don Joe. You Microsoft types talk about “programming” every Tuesday with the latest in software regression testing delivered to the masses from WinSE!
I received word my 84 year old friend just died at 8:15AM so I’ll be intermittent on HA while I help his family through their grief. I hope your lady friend is doing okay.
Objective-C, Eclipse compiler… Sounds like an episode of Battle Star Galactica to me.
@16 Lord, save us from Java programmers. The vast majority of them understand neither programming nor software design
Earth to Don Blow, earth do Don Blow: well, they sure are in good company!
Warning About ZeuS Attack Used as Lure
Criminals have co-opted a column I wrote last week about ZeuS Trojan attacks targeted at government and military systems: Scam artists are now spamming out messages that include the first few paragraphs of that story in a bid to trick recipients into downloading the very same Trojan, disguised as a Microsoft security update.
Comment: It’s easy to confuse the two!
Microsoft fixing Internet Explorer vulnerabilities. Again.
But Microsoft’s upcoming patch — called an “out-of-band” release for its arrival outside of the company’s usual monthly cycle of patches — addresses Windows vulnerabilities so severe that they were apparently exploited in the coordinated Chinese attacks Google denounced in last week’s “New Approach to China” blog post.
New Patches Cause BSoD for Some Windows XP Users
Turns out, a non-trivial number of XP users are reporting that their systems suffer from the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) and fall into an interminable reboot loop after installing the latest batch of patches from Redmond.
Ways to Protect Your Windows PC
Microsoft today released a baker’s dozen of software updates to fix twice as many vulnerabilities in its various Windows operating systems and other software. Translation: If you use any supported version of Windows, it’s time once again to update your PC.
Comment: Buy a MAC!
My computer programming skills go back to the days of the Hollerith punch cards and radio tubes in the machines which required enormous air conditioning. A misplaced punch could cause a crash instantly.
Every change in programming since then until 2000 felt like I was learning a new language.
I was working as a temp in a huge bank in Phoenix.
My supervisor marched up and asked if I could work at base machine level language on an antique IBM. I told her it had been many years, but I would try.
The head programmer let me on at 2 or 3 in the morning. I did old compiles that were still on the system from when it was built, they blew. Then I deleted part of a string of machine code. Recompiled. Ran the day’s balancing program. It flew.
Bonus, no. Raise, no. Thank you, no. Money for cab fare home because my car was locked in the parking lot, no. Crashed outside on the sidewalk and then went back into work.
Ah, yes, Goldy, you can dig the skills back out.
@ 21
I’m not sure what various system vulnerability stats have to do with the general quality of Java programmers, and I’m not at all likely to hold my breath waiting for you to make any kind of connection.
Nevertheless, it would be good if you didn’t cherry pick the data. The best source for vulnerability information is Secunia. See their 2009 reports for OS X and Windows.
I’d pay particular attention to the “Solution Status” graphs in each report.
Comment: Buy a MAC!
First of all, “MAC” is an acronym that stands for “Media Access Control”, and it’s relevant in networking context. To refer to the computers built and marketed by Apple, the correct abbreviation is, “Mac.” In the Mac community, using “MAC” to refer to a Mac flags you as not being one of the cool kids.
Secondly, as the above reports should conclusively show, anyone who thinks they can just buy some computer and not have to worry about general security issues is a complete idiot. Regardless of which system you buy: do not run your every-day account as an admin user, and always keep your system up-to-date with the latest patches.
Lastly, why should I bother? Microsoft has already bought one for me.
(P.S. for people who develop software, running as a non-admin user is an absolute must. If your program doesn’t work properly under a normal user account, you’ve shipped a security hole.)
Sounds like a software company located in Redmond WA.
@ 24
Sounds like a software company located in Redmond WA.
Sounds like all software. Period.
So, Puddy, what’s the largest, in terms of lines of code, software project you’ve ever worked on?
I wrote my name in X’s and O’s across a TRS-80’s computer screen once. Um… I think that was in Basic.
Don Joe,
Good question… Right now the project Puddy is working on has 8300+ files in 1400+ folders. Puddy hasn’t counted the # code lines since it’s a collaboration.
@23 Nevertheless, it would be good if you didn’t cherry pick the data. The best source for vulnerability information is Secunia. See their 2009 reports for OS X and Windows
Cherry pick the data? The reason these security blogs are loaded with Microsoft horror stories is because Microsoft far and away has the bulk of them! And here’s Secunia’s stats for 2003 through 2010 using XP, not Vista, that dog that nobody wanted (funny you chose that!):
XP Home 243 advisories, 43% of which were highly or extremely critical
XP Prof 259 advisories, 41%
OS X, 136 advisories, 44%
Microsoft ran away with the honors USING SECUNIA, and we haven’t even included the security alerts for the rest of your “software” like Office.
And this:
Secondly, as the above reports should conclusively show, anyone who thinks they can just buy some computer and not have to worry about general security issues is a complete idiot. Regardless of which system you buy: do not run your every-day account as an admin user, and always keep your system up-to-date with the latest patches.
blame the victim dodge is tooooooooooo much. Luckily, you’re not in customer relations! Microsoft has delivered – and profited from – crappy software for years. If they had to cover the yearly IT and security costs due to this those BIG earnings profits would have been BIG earnings losses! If an automaker delivered lemons like this they’d go out of business from all the recalls!
You and Microsoft are a VERY good fit, Don Joe!
@ 27
Not bad, but that’s an order of magnitude smaller than the 99000+ files in just under 29000 folders.
@ 28
Cherry pick the data?
Yes. Apparently you didn’t notice that there are 2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed. Raw vulnerability numbers only represent part of the picture.
blame the victim dodge is tooooooooooo much
What the fuck are you talking about? That’s not blame, that’s advice. It’s also advice that any security expert in the industry would echo.
You and Microsoft are a VERY good fit, Don Joe!
Does it bother you that you and Microsoft don’t seem to be a very good fit?
A GC was part of LISP 1.5 in 1962. LISP 1.5 ran on, among other platforms, the IBM 704, a machine which could execute instructions at a rate of 40 KIPS, and a maximum of 144 KB of, yes, core memory, first introduced in that model. IBM was quite proud of it.
Dinosaurs are ancestral to birds, you know.
@30 Apparently you didn’t notice that there are 2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed.
This is why you’re stuck at Microsoft: you’re a blockhead!
Let’s recite:
First it’s pointed out that Microsoft dominates the headlines with software horror stories. Your response: we need to look at Secunia stats.
Fine. So then we look at Secunia stats:
XP Home 243 advisories, 43% of which were highly or extremely critical
XP Prof 259 advisories, 41%
OS X, 136 advisories, 44%
Your response: we need to look at “2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed.”
Fine . . . in fact, let’s do that for 2003-2010 AND compare:
XP Home: 258 advisories total, 31 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
XP Prof: 279 advisories total, 34 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
OS X, 139 advisories total, 7 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Moderately critical.
Is any of this finding its way to that space between your ears?
Does it bother you that you and Microsoft don’t seem to be a very good fit?
Heaven forbid! The best and brightest don’t work at Microsoft. The innovation long ago moved elsewhere. How do we know?
MSFT has gone NOWHERE in ten years . . . just like you!
@ 32
This is why you’re stuck at Microsoft: you’re a blockhead!
By your own recount, you pointed to headlines, and I provided links to actual data. Yet, by your argument, this means that I’m the blockhead. Go figure.
Fine. So then we look at Secunia stats:
Yet you’re still cherry-picking the data, as you’ve admitted back in your comment @28. And the word “trend” seems to be entirely missing from your quantitative vocabulary.
Is any of this finding its way to that space between your ears?
Well, it’s not exactly clear that anything you’ve brought up wasn’t already between my ears in the first place. All software has bugs, and raw numbers don’t tell the whole story. These strike me as rather obvious facts, yet you persist in claiming that I’ve missed something substantively important here.
Ever heard of the Sardonix project? If you haven’t, then you should enter the phrase into your favorite internet search engine. It’s rather eye-opening.
The best and brightest don’t work at Microsoft.
If that’s the case, then why spend any time bashing Microsoft at all?
Hilarious. I think he’s right, you are a twit, Don Joe. You made the point:
@30 Apparently you didn’t notice that there are 2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed
Jon responded with the data for CURRENT unpatched advisories:
Fine . . . in fact, let’s do that for 2003-2010 AND compare:
XP Home: 258 advisories total, 31 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
XP Prof: 279 advisories total, 34 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
OS X, 139 advisories total, 7 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Moderately critical.
and you come up with this gem:
By your own recount, you pointed to headlines, and I provided links to actual data. Yet, by your argument, this means that I’m the blockhead.
You made the claim about unpatched Mac OS X vulnerabilities, but when compared to XP – which you ignored – these are far fewer and not nearly as severe AS OF TODAY. That’s the data. You are a blockhead!
No wonder Microsoft keeps shipping bad code – you’re writing it!
Don Joe, don’t pay any attention to jon and his other sock puppet, the one man hit squad of these comment threads..
You can pick out their posts by their mean-spirited punchlines: “you dope”, “you dumb bunny”, “blockhead”, “twit”..
Yawwwn… This is projection of course..
You must have a lot of time on your hands, hubby! Will you be looking for work today? The local Safeway is hiring.
Get a job or I’m kicking your sorry butt out the door!
36 – jon, xandu and now this other right wing liar…
It just rains right wing lies around here.
That’s ok.. It makes for good insight into the right wing hive “mind”..
I don’t know what the lie is here, hubby! Is there a reason why you can’t work to help support your family? Can you lift your butt out of the chair, move one foot in front of another, and get down to the nearby Safeway that is always looking for help? Or is that beneath you, but you feel just fine leaving me to carry the load earning money and taking care of the kids?
That’s about being a man, nothing more.
Find some dignity, if not for your sake, for the sake of your family.
So ylb arschloch, did you take the $1000 challenge and join the “Income at” gang from listening to Rush Limbaugh?
@ 34
I think he’s right, you are a twit, Don Joe.
You’re certainly entitled to that opinion, though it’d be nice if you did a better job of backing it up:
You made the point:
@30 Apparently you didn’t notice that there are 2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed
Yes, I did. The point was, that Jon was cherry-picking the data. Apparently you weren’t following the discussion?
Jon responded with the data for CURRENT unpatched advisories:
Except that Jon’s data explicitly excludes Windows Vista. Hence, my claim that Jon is cherry-picking the data not only remains valid it’s further substantiated.
You made the claim about unpatched Mac OS X vulnerabilities, but when compared to XP – which you ignored – these are far fewer and not nearly as severe AS OF TODAY.
No. I pointed out something that Jon had ignored, and I sure as hell haven’t “made up” anything.
I’ve made no claim about the relative security of any one operating system over the other or the work of any one software company over any other. Apparently you didn’t read the part where I said, “All software has bugs, and raw numbers don’t tell the whole story.”
Please do try to substantiate your opinion of me without completely misrepresenting my position.
You made this claim @30:
Apparently you didn’t notice that there are 2009 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X that Apple still hasn’t fixed
because, according to you:
Raw vulnerability numbers only represent part of the picture
And those numbers, as shown @28, were heavily tilted against XP. So, what did the vulnerability numbers show, the ones you weren’t capable of digging out yourself:
XP Home: 258 advisories total, 31 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
XP Prof: 279 advisories total, 34 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Highly critical.
OS X, 139 advisories total, 7 of which are unpatched, the most severe being rated Moderately critical.
? So now, @41 weren’t told:
Except that Jon’s data explicitly excludes Windows Vista
Backstep, backstep, backstep. And throughout all of this you’ve been incapable of presenting a SINGLE number. Vista was a piece of junk that was trashed by customers and pundits alike. It’s amazing you have to retreat to something that EVERYONE INCLUDING MICROSOFT IS ABANDONING!
Please do try to substantiate your opinion of me without completely misrepresenting my position
Position? We need radar just to track it! But I’ll do my best: you have concrete between your ears!
@ 42
You made this claim @30:
I made the claim that Jon was cherry-picking data, and made that factual observation in support of my claim.
And those numbers, as shown @28, were heavily tilted against XP.
Yes. And I pointed out at 33:
Yet you’re still cherry-picking the data, as you’ve admitted back in your comment @28. And the word “trend” seems to be entirely missing from your quantitative vocabulary.
So, what did the vulnerability numbers show, the ones you weren’t capable of digging out yourself
Whoa! Exactly which claim have I made that required me to go find XP data? Or any other data for that matter? Was I supposed to go find all the instances where Jon was cherry-picking the data? I found one instance. In most circles, that would be enough.
Backstep, backstep, backstep
What on Earth are you talking about? I pointed out in my comment at 33 that Jon was, admittedly, not including all the data. At what point have I back-stepped?
And throughout all of this you’ve been incapable of presenting a SINGLE number.
Even more WTF? Jon’s getting all of his numbers from links that I have provided! What, exactly, are you accusing me of doing, here?
Vista was a piece of junk that was trashed by customers and pundits alike.
For a variety of reasons, yes, but not anything having to do with security. If you can find anyone trashing Windows Vista’s security features, by all means, point them out. (What was that about producing a “SINGLE number”?)
Position? We need radar just to track it!
Since, apparently, simply reading what I’ve written is a task beyond your kin, I suppose using RADAR is as good as anything else.
@43 Whoa! Exactly which claim have I made
I see this is still going on. Gotta say, after reading through the thread, you’re the one doing the cherry picking DJ. I went back and checked Secunia – a site you first mentioned – and the data these guys presented above pretty much tells the story accurately re: Mac OS vs. Windows. Windows 7 is a different story, but the history of Windows up through XP has been a security horror story. Things improved with Vista, but that OS brought a whole new batch of problems.
Incidentally, I’m the IT administrator (22 years) for a very large department with a mixture of Mac and Windows desktops, and Windows servers. My worse day of the month is always the second Tuesday. The stories I could tell . . .
Anyway, this is from someone on the front line, in the trenches. I hope this helps.
@ 44
Gotta say, after reading through the thread, you’re the one doing the cherry picking DJ.
That would only be true if I had made any specific claim about which OS is more secure than the other. Care to point out where I made any such claim?
Windows 7 is a different story, but the history of Windows up through XP has been a security horror story. Things improved with Vista, but that OS brought a whole new batch of problems.
Frankly, I wouldn’t disagree with any of those statements. What I disagree with is people trying to make claims about one OS over another and stopping at Windows XP. I do believe I’ve used the word “trend” already in this thread.
My worse day of the month is always the second Tuesday.
It’s probably worth noting the irony of this entire thread. Not only am I a Mac enthusiast, I’m a Mac enthusiast because Microsoft hired me to work on Mac software. I’m typing this comment on a MacBook Pro that’s owned by Microsoft. (If you think your IT department is Windows-centric, you should see mine.)
In any event, yes, there is much work to be done on the security front, and that’s true across the industry. But, I do have to ask, would you life be any easier if Windows updates occurred in an ad-hoc manner the way Mac OS X updates are done? My guess is it would be orders of magnitude more chaotic :-).
Yeah … pointing out the fact that the nutcase who calls himself “Puddy” inquires if a political opponent’s daughter is “turning tricks yet?”, fantasizes that the same daughter is a “nympho slut” and brags about his own sex organ size to his own sockpuppet..
Nothing mean-spirited. Just the fact ma’am..
Never listen to the fiend. I don’t like the feeling of my guts churning and my blood boiling..
38 – Look in the mirror, there’s the lie..
And a right wing lie at that.
My condolences to Stupes on the passing of his friend..
’nuff said…
Now back to never ending battle against right wing idiocy.
@44 Gotta say, after reading through the thread, you’re the one doing the cherry picking DJ.
Welcome aboard, IT Guy! – how many’s that who’ve come to the same conclusion, viz., that Don Joe has NOOOOOOOO idea what he’s talking about?
Just in case you’re new to HA – this is NOT the first time DJ has had his butt kicked up one end of HA and back again!
But you probably figured that out already!
50 – reminds me of Stupes – mirror, mirror on the wall…
@ 50
Just in case you’re new to HA – this is NOT the first time DJ has had his butt kicked up one end of HA and back again!
Gotta love how these people are more interested in kicking my ass than trying to draw well-founded conclusions based on all available facts.
And, we’re still waiting for Jon to connect all this Windows vs Mac OS security stuff up with my original comment about Java programmers.
All you have to do to get 53 comments on HA is to say basically nothing.
Don Joe, well-founded conclusions?
sarah68 has hit on something – Don Joe’s comments are as bloated as the code he “writes” for Microsoft. It’s no wonder he’s defending Vista tooth and nail – it’s his!
Another five posts from “we ylb arschloch” and nuthin was said again. Well dumb bricks don’t really say anything.
Mirror? Your reflection scaring you again? Is that a cave man in your reflection? How much do those GEICO commercials pay you for being a real missing link in 2010?
Hey, you are one of those evolutionists “we ylb arschloch” so you can make some moolah being a Cro-Magnon.
@ 54
Don Joe, well-founded conclusions?
If you can find a comment wherein Jon connects his anti-Microsoft diatribe up with my original statement about Java programmers, please point it out to the rest of us.
Don Joe’s comments are as bloated as the code he “writes” for Microsoft.
Ah. So I write too many words. Is this like Mozart using too many notes?
I’ll note that not one of my detractors as contributed any advice about iPhone/Cocoa/Objective-C programming to this thread. Not one of them has demonstrated one iota of knowledge about programming and software engineering in general. Not one of them has taken any issue with the design advice I gave earlier in this thread.
What my detractors have done is succeeded at reinforcing, in their own minds, the low opinion they already have of me, while, simultaneously, demonstrating to everyone else their complete inability to string together a coherent argument.
@ 55
I gotta say, you’ve gone on record as saying that “arschloch” was “brilliant”–as if even non-German speakers couldn’t go to Babelfish and and look it up. At that point, you started living in a glass house.
If my detractors have finished with finding ways to convince themselves of that which they already believed to be true, perhaps we can get back to more Cocoa programming advice.
First, if this technical note isn’t already bookmarked in your browser, make it so. You’ll refer back to it time and time again.
Second, the single problem that’s going to plague you most is retain counts. Aaron Hillegass has a nice post on the subject, but it falls a bit short. His advice will tell you which object is getting over-released. It won’t tell you which release is the wrong release.
One trick to do that is to override the retain and release methods:
#ifdef DEBUG
-(id) retain
return [super retain];
-(oneway void) release
[super release];
#endif // DEBUG
With those in place, you can set breakpoints in your object’s versions of those methods. You can then add gdb backtrace (‘bt 5’ usually suffices) and printf commands to the break point actions, and click the continue checkbox (far-right column in the Breakpoints window). The result will log the entire reference count lifetime of each instance of that object.
BTW, I’m willing to bet that more than one of the self-proclaimed experts in this thread will view my above advice about debugging code as sure-fire evidence that I don’t write solid code. That, of course, would only reveal their ignorance.
I was told very early on in my career (back in college in fact) that programmers are only allotted two instances in their lifetimes when their code compiles, links and runs without error on the first effort, and “Hello World” counts for one of them.
No problem looking myself in the mirror fool.
It’s you that has the problem. You’re obsessed with that database, you’re obsessed for good reason. The database is the mirror.
And believe me, we’re going to hold it up. Your ugly mug and better yet your ugly mind is going to be up for you and everyone else to see.
Hey Don Joe,
Glass houses Don Joe? You erect one every day you visit HA Libtardos. You know little about Puddy as you seem to know about your “detractors” above. Go back and determine when Puddy first called the Clueless One ylb arschloch. It’s on this blog regarding the first use of arschloch; how and why. Hint for you Don Joe… Hate 24×7. And maybe some peeps know some German without using “Babelfish”.
You should ask the arschloch himself as he has the whole HA blog saved on his personal system AT HOME. The he bragged about using it to attack Cynical, Stamn, and Puddy. Of course he was called monomaniacal by one of your leftist friends last year and that name stuck too. He tried to use his “wonderful backup” in a feckless chronological attack but was off by over a year in posting dates. That’s the arschoch for you Don Joe.
Now if that isn’t a perfect definition for a leftist pinhead progressive arschloch what is Don Joe? You? Really? You arrive on this blog with the standard holier-than-thou attitude of a porgressive pinhead. Then when slapped silly what do you do? Compare yourself to Mozart? What a crackup.
That’s the second time you’ve used we to DESCRIBE yourself “we ylb arschloch”. So do you have a ghost searcher? Your caveman self?
So is it just two personalities in the feckless single celled mind or are there more personalities poking around up there?
62 – LMAO!! We’re going to keep using that common form of usage and pay no mind to your feckless attacks.
I say we because I’m in solidarity with my fellow lefty-leaning folks in the never-ending struggle against greed, fear and right wing idiots and sycophants like you.
61 – You’re too silly. You really think Don Joe would pay any mind to a lunatic like you?
@ 61
Once again, Puddy misses the point. “Arschloch” isn’t “brilliant”. It’s sophomoric.
As for the rest of Puddy’s rant about this thread, I note the distinct lack of any suggestions or advice from Puddy or even any discussion of the advice I’ve given. Like all the other inane wingnuts who troll this blog, Puddy completely lacks the ability to string together all the known facts into a coherent argument that reaches a well-founded conclusion we’ve seen this time and time again.
Indeed, one need only refer to Puddy’s claim that Alan Greenspan is a liberal in order to grasp the intellectual vacuity in Puddy’s arguments.
“Arschloch” is “brilliant.” Indeed.
We’re is only in your mind ylb arschloch.
You aren’t funny anymore. You’re sad arschloch.
Since you brought up sophomoric oh Don Joe, do you remember your economic commentary where jon and others destroyed you earlier isn’t remembered?
Wanna see it again? Need further embarrassment like you received above?
You just don’t get it do you? The “we ylb clueless arschloch” is hate 24×7. Only arschlochs hate 24×7.
Hope that changes your opinion of “we ylb clueless arschloch”! Hope and change…
Don Joe, did you forget how this started?
So where are the distinct suggestions or advice Don Joe?
You don’t know me or my code fool. Yet you lump Puddy with others who use Java. That was one system Microsoft couldn’t hijack even though they tried some time ago and failed miserably. So Puddy naturally lumped you with Microsoft BUGS. Keep using SilverDark or .NUTS for your web presentations. Were you on the Kerberos project where Microsoft tried to hijack that too? Sound like you the way you “argue” here.
Nuff said sucka
Exactly . . . to recite, Don Blow took a broad swipe:
The vast majority of them understand neither programming nor software design
when he works for a company which has delivered notoriously bad products DUE TO POOR PROGRAMMING PRACTICES over the years which have exposed millions of PCs to criminal hackers from around the world year after year after year.
And while Vista may have improved on the security front, it was a TOTAL BOMB with customers, retail and business, alike!
Yet Don Blow is calling out Java programmers?
BTW, BLOW, do you have data – as in NUMBERS – to support your claim above?
Exactly . . . to recite, Don Blow took a broad swipe:
The vast majority of them understand neither programming nor software design
when he works for a company which has delivered notoriously bad products over the years which have exposed millions of PCs to criminal hackers from around the world year after year after year.
And while Vista may have improved on the security front, it was a TOTAL BOMB with customers, retail and business, alike!
Yet Don Blow is calling out Java programmers?
BTW, BLOW, do you have data – as in NUMBERS – to support your claim above?
@63…I thought your never ending struggle was to stay unemployed….
@ 67
Don Joe, did you forget how this started?
No, I haven’t forgotten. I made a sweeping comment about Java programmers in general. It was a comment not at all unlike the sweeping comments some of you guys make about liberals. Why wingnut Java programmers should find it at all offensive is very much a mystery.
So where are the distinct suggestions or advice Don Joe?
Apparently you didn’t read my comment at 15? You’ve said nothing about the advice given there.
You don’t know me or my code fool.
I know you, and I’ve interviewed quite a few Java programmers. You are a monumental idiot (“Greenspan was a liberal”), and every Java programmer I’ve interviewed had problems figuring out what it means to take the address of a pointer. So far, I’ve seen absolutely no reason to believe your programming skills are any better than those of any other Java programmer I’ve ever met.
You are, however, quite welcome to try to dispel the impression I’ve garnered over years of experience. Pissing and moaning about it, however, isn’t going to change my impressions.
@ 69
when he works for a company which has delivered notoriously bad products over the years which have exposed millions of PCs to criminal hackers from around the world year after year after year.
Finally someone at least tries to make a connection between my comment about Java programmers and the various diatribes about Windows. It sure took you guys long enough.
There are, however, two problems with that argument. First, it completely ignores a wide array of very good software that Microsoft has shipped over the years (do I need to list them?). It also completely ignores the trend in the security of Microsoft operating systems from from Windows XP to Vista to Windows 7. All I need is a handful of counter examples to disprove the conclusion that programmers at Microsoft don’t know how to write good code.
The second problem is that I’ve never worked on a Microsoft operating system. The argument that seeks to disparage me based on the work of other Microsoft programmers commits the same rhetorical error of which I am accused of committing with my off-handed remark about Java programmers.
Indeed, one could just as easily argue that, because Microsoft has shipped some shoddy software in the past, I have some pretty good first-hand knowledge of the work of incompetent programmers, and, therefore, ought to be regarded as an expert on the subject. I won’t make that argument, but it does show just how poorly my detractors have covered the rhetorical bases.
do you have data – as in NUMBERS – to support your claim above?
Nope. Not one. Just my personal experience. If that’s not good enough for you, frankly, I don’t give a shit, because I have absolutely no interest in wasting my time trying to convince you of anything. You are, as always, completely free to agree with me or disagree with me.
What I don’t do, however, is attack you personally simply because I don’t agree with some sweeping generalization that you’ve made. You and your friends have used this as just another excuse to attack me personally, because, by and large, that’s all that you have in your rhetorical bag of tricks.
Call me “Don Blow” all you’d like. It’s not any skin off my nose, but you should realize that you make yourself look way more stupid than you make me look.
I should probably point out that part of my experience with Java programmers in general was watching James Gosling demo a Java program written for the Mac at an Apple WWDC several years ago (early on in the life of Mac OS X). As a Mac OS app, it was a piece of crap. It had none of the look and feel of a Mac OS app. Even standard dialogs weren’t standard. Yet, Gosling didn’t have a clue. I suspect that that demo is one of the primary reasons you just don’t see any Mac OS X applications written in Java.
Now, if y’all don’t know who James Gosling is, you have absolutely no business participating in this discussion.
Oh my Don Joe,
Oh so you are trying to bait Puddy again? That’s for fools like “we ylb clueless arschloch”.
If you understood MVC-2 and Spring Flows we’d have a discussion. Butt, Puddy doubts it.
@72 Just my personal experience
FINALLY, what we already knew! This SWEEPING, BROAD BRUSHED assertion:
The vast majority of Java programmers understand neither programming nor software design
is based upon no study, no data gathering, no third party results . . . JUST Don Joe’s personal experience with a
special emphasis on “personal.”
WELL, it has been the personal experience of MILLIONS of PC owners to have their computers hacked and data stolen because of poorly coded software in XP, IE, Office and a bevy of other Microsoft products:
Microsoft To Emergency Patch IE As The Web Gathers With Pitchforks Around IE6
When Microsoft updates its software, it typically likes to do so in bulk, which it often calls “Patch Tuesday.” But amid growing controversy around the vulnerability of its Internet Explorer web browser, and particularly IE6, Microsoft has decided to go “out of band” and release the update as a stand-alone fix, which it will do ASAP, it notes today.
Microsoft Security Holes Hit Record High
The software maker plugged 34 holes and designated most of them “critical,” Microsoft’s most severe rating. Among them are fixes for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and even Windows 7, which doesn’t go on sale to consumers until Oct. 22 but has been in use by early testers and software developers.
The patches target a wide array of Microsoft software, including the Internet Explorer Web browser, Media Player, Outlook and the Silverlight technology underlying multimedia Web sites.
Security researchers at McAfee Inc., which makes antivirus software, noted that many of the holes addressed Tuesday are dangerous because they expose regular PC users to harmful programming code when they visit rigged Web sites or play media files that have been tampered with.
And this is all within the last 5 months . . . so much for security trends!
The best programming talent is not at Microsoft, that’s apparent.
Good one on Gosling Don Joe. You almost have a sense of humor. But it wasn’t originally called Java. And why was it named ____ without looking?
Yes, you Microsoft guys tried to hijack his baby didn’t you? Visual J wasn’t it?
I rarely post here, but I have to say we’ve personally had very bad luck with our Windows computers over the years. We’ve had several PCs infected with serious viruses, the result of either IE or XP problems we were told by technicians. In another case our son’s computer was actually hijacked (I thought that happened to other people, so this was a shock). About a year ago we started to switch to Apple computers, and we could not be happier. We’ve had absolutely no problems and have found them much easier to maintain. I guess using Don Joe as a guide (re: personal experience about Java programmers), we could say “the vast majority of Windows computers suck!”
Sorry, had to toss that in after following this thread!
@ 74
If you understood MVC-2 and Spring Flows we’d have a discussion.
For once, Puddy’s actually correct. ASP.NET’s MVC-2 and SpringSource are, essentially, development tools designed to relieve programmers from having to understand the concepts behind the Model/View/Controller pattern. Since Puddy’s interested in relying on a couple of development crutches rather than understanding the design concepts behind the, there’s nothing for Puddy and me to discuss.
@ 76
Good one on Gosling Don Joe.
Well, I could quote a Lynyrd Skynyrd song, but I’m guessing the reference would be lost on you. What’s curious is, why would the fact that Gosling had a particular kind of tree outside his office window be relevant in this discussion?
@ 75
FINALLY, what we already knew!
Finally?! FTW? Nobody asked. Had someone thought to actually ask rather than rambling off into incoherent diatribes, this discussion would have been much shorter. ‘Course, then, you clowns would be deprived of the self-righteous sense of satisfaction in the belief that you’ve kicked me in the ass, now would you? It’s always about me, and not the issues. Why is that?
That’s a rhetorical question. We know why:
WELL, it has been the personal experience of MILLIONS of PC owners to have their computers hacked and data stolen because of poorly coded software in XP, IE, Office and a bevy of other Microsoft products
True. Unfortunately. But what, exactly, does this mean about me? After all, I’m the one whose head you want to kick in, no?
Turns out, this means nothing about me, as we’ll see in a moment. First, however, allow me to point out the latest flaw in your reasoning: the fact that the downward trend in critical issues has yet to reach zero doesn’t mean the trend isn’t downward. I’ll repeat, though I have no hope that this idea will actually register with you or anyone else, all software has bugs. This will be true as long as there is software. Therefore, the fact that the number of bugs has yet to reach zero is meaningless.
Now, for your broader argument. Even if we accept your factual claims as having been established, we can, at best, only conclude that some programmers at Microsoft don’t know what they’re doing. Your argument about me, then, becomes:
1) Some Microsoft programmers are incompetent.
2) Don Joe is a Microsoft programmer.
3) Therefore, Don Joe is incompetent.
Now, most grade-school children are capable of seeing the flaw in this argument. But, for some reason, my detractors are not. Go figure.
And here we have PhotoShop 1.0 for the iPhone. Really.
@ 80
Not bad, but it would have been so much cooler with the Quadra’s startup sound.
Speaking of startup sounds, anyone remember the scene in True Lies where Arnold’s character starts up a brand spanking new Windows NT box?
@79 Now, most grade-school children are capable of seeing the flaw in this argument
Grade-school children? I think a potted plant could find it:
I’ve interviewed quite a few Java programmers
The vast majority of Java programmers understand neither programming nor software design
Maybe you should hire one as a consultant, Archimedes!
@ 82
I think a potted plant could find it:
Perhaps, but you seem to have failed to notice that the structure of the two arguments is entirely different. One argument attempts to argue from a population to a specific individual. The other argument generalizes about a population based on the characteristics of a subset.
So, the question is, would a potted plant understand the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning?
Discussing something with Don Joe is talking to a brick wall. MVC-2 and Spring Flows have a specific programming interface along with the decoupling of the M, the V and the C. That’s the reason why Puddy placed it on this blog. So you proved you don’t have a clue. Well that’s obvious Don Joe. Maybe you could contact one of your buds and buy one! For you to throw Another Stupid Paradigm.NUTS programming scheme as your reference provides a standard for all to see your “mind” Don Joe.
Since you were called one you figger it out! Puddy bets on inductive for you, “potted plant”. You love to deliver arguments through an example of something near and dear to your “heart” and make generalizations on others about it. When someone reasons and debates your from the deductive side, you throw a fit as seen in this thread along with other threads.
BTW my college roommates listened to Lynyrd Skynyrd when the band was whole. It happened two days after Reggie Jackson went glorious! Puddy remembers people in his apartment house having a vigil for Ronnie Van Zant and Steve Gaines. So if your inductive reference is Freebird, we agree you can’t change! Or if your inductive reference is Simple Man, you’ve proved yourself to all of us many times over.
Don Joe vs. Puddy… an allegory…
A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by.
The jet jockey decided to show off.
The fighter jock told the C-130 pilot, ‘watch this!’ and promptly went into a barrel roll followed by a steep climb. He then finished with a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier. The F-16 pilot asked the C-130 pilot what he thought of that?
The C-130 pilot said, ‘That was impressive, but watch this!’
The C-130 droned along for about 5 minutes and then the C-130 pilot came back on and said: ‘What did you think of that?’
Puzzled, the F-16 pilot asked, ‘What the heck did you do?’
The C-130 pilot chuckled. ‘I stood up, stretched my legs, walked to the back, took a leak, then got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll.’
We all know Don Joe is the F-16 pilot. Lots of dazzle and pizzaz, speed and flash. But what was really said and done in the final analysis? On the otherhand, Puddy keeps chugging along delivering the heavy payloads.
See ya Don Joe!
@ 84
Discussing something with Don Joe is talking to a brick wall.
Puddy has found this to be true, because he’s found that his bullshit doesn’t move me.
I’m talking about basic programming skills–you know, like understanding what it means to take the address of a pointer. Puddy wants to talk about programming frameworks that relieve people have having to know these basic programming skills.
Since you were called [a potted plant] you figger it out!
Why should I need to “figger” it out? Wouldn’t that be the responsibility of the person who called me a potted plant? That would be the same person who doesn’t know the difference between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning, and the purpose of the question would be whether or not that person can take heart in the knowledge that a potted plant is not smarter than he is.
Now, here’s the funny part. Puddy is throwing a fit, because I used an inductive argument to reach a generalized conclusion about Java programmers. The thing about an inductive argument is that it’s easily rebutted by a counter example. All it takes is one counter example.
But, what did Puddy do? Rather than try to demonstrate any actual programming skills as a rebuttal of my argument, Puddy tried to make hay about some specific programming frameworks the purpose of which is to relieve programmers from having to understand the fundamental concepts behind them.
If this argument were about driving, and I were to say that minivan drivers don’t know how to drive semis, Puddy’s argument would be tantamount to saying, “Yeah, but semi truck drives don’t know where the shift lever is in a Ford Aerostar van!”
Not only has Puddy utterly failed to prove himself to be a legitimate counter example to my generalization, he’s managed to add himself to the list of Java programmers who have confirmed it.
So, Puddy, can the bullshit. Show me you know what it means to take the address of a pointer, and give me an example of a data structure where that knowledge comes in rather handy.
On the otherhand, Puddy keeps chugging along delivering the heavy payloads.
Which would be something to crow about if the heavy payloads didn’t consist of nothing but rotted and festering manure.
@83 So, the question is, would a potted plant understand the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning?
Actually, Don Joe, anyone who makes arguments like this from just above:
I’ve interviewed quite a few Java programmers therefore the vast majority of Java programmers understand neither programming nor software design
must have been consulting with a potted plant. We have a very good elementary statistics course for freshmen here in Seattle (local university) that you would most certainly benefit from.
We actually had a pretty good chuckle about this in the dept. Thanks!!
@ 87
The second italicized paragraph in your comment is not a direct quote of me. Nice try passing it off as one, but the phrase “therefore the vast majority” doesn’t appear anywhere else in this thread.
What I actually said was:
[E]very Java programmer I’ve interviewed had problems figuring out what it means to take the address of a pointer. So far, I’ve seen absolutely no reason to believe your programming skills are any better than those of any other Java programmer I’ve ever met.
We have a very good elementary statistics course
When did I make a statistical argument? Have I, at any time, claimed that my experience is, in any way, representative?
I’ve made a simple, inductive argument, and, in its form, it’s a perfectly valid argument to make. I’ve also pointed out that any inductive argument is easily rebutted by a counter example.
Yet, folks like you keep trying to take issue with the form of my argument while failing to do the one thing that would legitimately rebut it.
Do the potted plants who teach statistics at Seattle U understand elementary logic?
I’m no fan of Microsoft products in general but Java?
The JVM is passable technology with some really compelling stuff in it. But the language? The toolset around it?
That’s miserable stuff.
Exactly.. And Hank Paulsen… That’s one for the ages in the annals of right wing lunacy here in these comment threads.
Don Joe, the sitting fool. Puddy called it on your “inductive reasoning” argument. Yet you skip over this.
Now onto the MVC argument. The MVC is used to provide a better communication method for java to data interactions. Butt, as always Don Joe will call BS on anything that fit into his small little world.
Once again “we ylb clueless arschloch” arrives adding nothing to the conversation, as always.
Hank Paulsen gave to Dummocraptics until he was tapped for the Treasury job fool. Puddy produced the OpenSecrets/NewsMeat links. Go and look them up on your free Goldy HA backup of HA.
@ 91
Yet you skip over this.
Yes. I didn’t make fun of the fact that I had to point out the structure of my argument before Puddy “called”. I figured I’d already heaped enough embarrassment on the poor fool.
Now onto the MVC argument.
This is truly funny. Not only does Puddy completely fail to rise to the challenge I gave him, he manages to demonstrate that he doesn’t grasp the basic elements of the Model/View/Controller design concept or why one would want to use the set of design patterns that comprise it.
Puddy, here’s a clue for you. If you write a sentence that includes the word “better” but doesn’t include the word “than”, then you’ve omitted something important from the discussion.
@88 I’ve made a simple, inductive argument, and, in its form, it’s a perfectly valid argument to make.
More like perfectly stupid. Your claim:
the vast majority of Java programmers understand neither programming nor software design
has no support other than your “personal” experience. You can blather on and on all you want about “inductive” reasoning, but the bottom line is you can’t point to any objective data to support this claim. And because WE KNOW you don’t have the SKILLS or TRAINING or MENTAL ACUMEN to perform the necessary spade work – analysis or numbers ARE NOT your thing, that is painfully apparent – we can forget EVER getting anything but BLATHER out of you.
Got it, you don’t have the mental acumen to address this issue seriously?
This is why you will never be able find work outside of Microsoft . . . there are just too many smarter people out there.
I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.
@ 94
Your claim…has no support other than your “personal” experience.
So? By it’s very nature, an inductive argument is a weak argument. People who understand basic logic don’t need to be told this.
Got it, you don’t have the mental acumen to address this issue seriously?
OMFG, but you people are hilarious. There is a variety of legitimate ways that one can counter an inductive argument. Calling me stupid isn’t one of them. Indeed, finding someone who is more of an expert would be a legitimate counter, and, if I am as incompetent as you claim, that shouldn’t be very hard for you to do, should it?
But, then, the ad-hominem argument all you clowns have, isn’t it? Or, indeed, are you even more than one person? Are you just one person who keeps switching screen names to make yourself look like more than one person?
This is why you will never be able find work outside of Microsoft…
Why do you even care? That’s a serious question. Why are you putting so much effort into bashing me over some off-handed remark about Java programmers?
I have to say, broad-brushed comments regarding the skills of Java progammers are utter nonsense. I’ve been in the software startup/vc business for 31 years, and most people would recognize my current company. We have no problem attracting the best talent in the business, and the majority of those we interview for positions, including for Java programming, are top-notch.
The best companies attract the best talent, and that may explain the lesser talent you’re seeing in your interviews.
@ 96
Curious how an “expert” magically shows up at the end of this long discussion only after I’d pointed out that one could find some other “expert” to counter my argument.
Curious, also, that this “expert” has never posted a comment here before the one above.
Gads, but these people are so transparent.
Again, the best companies attract the best people. I have close friends who are or have been at your company, and you may even report to one of them if you go far enough up the chain.
I doubt very few of them would disagree with me when I say that we are very difficult to compete against for the best software talent, and we lose very few recruits – especially to your employer.
@ 98
Again, the best companies attract the best people.
Well, Apple’s a great company. It’s not even in Forbes’ 100 best companies to work for. The current head of Forbes’ list is relatively small computer storage and data management company out of Sunnyvale. They do a fairly good business, but I’ve not heard anyone refer to NetApp as “great”.
Interesting, also, that you talk about recruiting talent, but don’t discuss talent retention.
Those strike me as a couple of uncharacteristic mistakes for someone who claims to have been, “in the software startup/vc business for 31 years.”
Oh, and you’ve not even claimed that you have any experience, whatsoever, in actually evaluating programming talent. That’s somewhat crucial in this discussion, because anyone with any expertise in evaluating programming talent would know that there’s an issue with the Java programming language itself. Can you name that issue for us?
Geek Warz 2010…..
@100 Geek Warz 2010…..
Funny, this is still going on. However, it’s a mismatch – DJ’s a low level geek, the other is brass. Don Joe is playing far beyond what his pay grade and Microsoft pedigree permit (as usual).
@ 101
Well, given the number of hits you get when you search this site for any one of the strings “hacked PC spews:”, “Cauchy spews:”, “IT guy spews:”, “Firefox user spews:” and “valenica spews:” it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what the score really is.