Tomorrow, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01) intends to offer an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill (H.R.5631) that would prohibit the use of all such funds to conduct electronic surveillance in contravention to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
More later.
Great idea. The only problem is that this administration doesn’t care about the law (We are a nature of Men, not Laws according to them).
But great to see Inslee putting their feet to the fire.
The main point is you are known by the enemies you choose:
the left takes on American civil servants, radio hosts and elected officials; while the right battles bloodthirsty merciless jihad terrorists.
“while the right battles bloodthirsty merciless jihad terrorists”
Really? Where’s that Osama bin Forgotten then?
Yes it’s a shame we have to introduce a law to get the pretend president and his regime to follow another law. And as someone has already noted, Baby Bush and his band of traitors think they are above the law so it won’t matter but it’s a good thing to do anyway since it highlights the criminal mind of the GOP!
Great idea. The only problem is that this administration doesn’t care about the law…
You’re right, and this is no small point. The administration’s theories of presidential power are so extreme, they do not represent anything resembling previous incarnations of the U.S. government. They believe there is literally nothing they cannot do and there is no force in American government that can stand in their way – not the courts, not congress. They are not bound by law or any other standard. If anyone thinks I’m exaggerating, read A.G. Gonzalez’s congressional testimony or virtually any of the Yoo memos.
As long as the “War on Terror” exists, they believe they can violate any law Congress passes that inconveniences them. While I admire Rep. Inslee for his proposal, even if it were to pass (and does anyone believe this rubber stamp GOP congress will actually stand up for the constitution?), the administration would simply ignore it, as they have many other laws, including FISA itself.
Ack. Of course, that should be Gonzales. My apologies.
As Rep. Murtha observed of Karl Rove, you aren’t fighting anyone. You are sitting in front of a monitor, typing, just as am I. The less than 1% on duty in Afghanistan and Iraqwith 70 lb. packs on their backs in >120 degree heat are fighting the terrorists, most of whom are native born and recruited since 2002.
The GOP is doing anything they can get away with to cut the pay of soldiers and marines, short them on equipment, and screw the wounded and psychologically traumatized among them out of health benefits.
Since when is the ACLU a rightie outfit, at least since the death of J. Edgar Hoover?
Das idiot at 2:
the left takes on American civil servants, radio hosts and elected officials; while the right battles bloodthirsty merciless jihad terrorists.
And the left also takes on those who would curtail YOUR civil rights. Or would you rather be living is safe and cozy China?
Speaking of Murtha:
Rove and Cheney are out there calling John Kerry and John Murtha cowards. Murtha and Kerry fought for their country. They bled for their country. They sacrificed for their country. They’ve done more for this country than Rove or Cheney will ever do (or I will ever do, for that matter). These are men who deserve to be respected, no matter what your political beliefs are.
If the Bush administration, through Rove and Cheney, can disrespect these men who honorable served our country, how do you think they’ll treat the soldiers who even now are fighting and dying in the occupation of Iraq?
Rove’s out there saying all democrats are “cut and runners” Is he including any soldiers in Iraq that are democrats?
If you ask me, Rove and Cheney are the cowards. The lying bastards.
Roger and Gang why is it always cities that are ran by Socialist Democrats always have to call out the National Guard when their socialist system fails? Same Mayor and same old problems, how long does it take to get that place under control so that its citizens can live safely? They seem to miss the point you have to flush the gene pool to clean up the neighborhood. That could be city hall, the police force, or maybe the folks running around town that escape from prison. You can talk blue in the face and the chap that runs the place still don’t get the big picture. You have to have that illegal vote to stay in office and life goes on in the Wild West.;src=rss
National Guard called to fight New Orleans crime
Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:50pm ET
By Peter Henderson
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) – Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco on Monday said she would send National Guard troops and state police to New Orleans to fight rising violence after five teenagers were shot and killed.
The brutal pre-dawn shooting on Saturday was one of the most deadly attacks in the history of New Orleans and raised fear among residents that crime is returning before the city can completely recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
“The situation is urgent and we will accelerate our plans to deploy law enforcement to the city tomorrow,” Blanco said in a statement after Mayor Ray Nagin and the city council called for reinforcements for city police.
“We will respond with personnel from the State Police and National Guard,” she said.
The mayor and city council members held a special meeting on Monday morning in the wake of the shooting in the city which used to have one of the highest murder rates in the United States
1. The GOP is doing anything they can get away with to cut the pay of soldiers and marines, short them on equipment, and screw the wounded and psychologically traumatized among them out of health benefits.
Comment by Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate — 6/19/06 @ 4:19 pm
Harry I’m glad to see you still support us troops, but my local pay check has been dimensioning due to the big tax hikes here in the state of Washington. My local health benefits have also gone up just to support those who stay at home and don’t work. Now the shortage on equipment is really not an issue, because as fast as you make new equipment it becomes obsolete due to technology advances. The only psychologically problems is you and some of your friends think we do not support this war. Now the rest comes with the territory and you learn to live with the problem and move on with your life. Life is a bitch; nothing is fair, so suck it up move on with your life. No Girlie Boys allowed.
Good plan. Inslee is a fucking genius. It’s a good idea to not spy on domestic terrorists so they can have more room to maneuver. Wait until something happens and then do something. Right?
This is what we mean when we say you guys are unfit to lead. Not just unfit, but actually dangerous…
And get your greedy fucking hands out of my wallet. If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you’re too fucking lazy or stoopid, or lack the moral character to do so, then tough shit. Wallow in the fucked up mess YOU made of your life.
1. Rove’s out there saying all democrats are “cut and runners†Is he including any soldiers in Iraq that are democrats?
If you ask me, Rove and Cheney are the cowards. The lying bastards.
Comment by rwb — 6/19/06 @ 4:46 pm
Rwb did you hear there is no Democrats serving in this man’s/women’s military or their votes would have been counted in King County. The only cowards that I see are those who support these nations’ enemies just because they hate President Bush. These fine chaps would betray their country just to get at the President. These fine specimens have real shallow minds that come from this poor gene pool, and now lack any guts to join their nation in a time of war. You know it was in their gene pool to wear a dress and answer to Girlie Boy.
Klake said at # 11: “…how long does it take to get that place under control so that its citizens can live safely?”
Well, let’s see. Take a major U.S. city, dunk it in several feet of water for a few weeks, promise to rebuild it (as Bush said) but then hold back on anything which would actually encourage citizens to return and rebuild, such as (a) assistance for public utilities to rebuild their systems, (b) housing assistance for renters, (c) pressure on insurance companies to settle claims fairly, (d) a commitment on whether federal flood insurance will – or will not – be available in the future (required before banks will loan money for rebuilding). Add to that: new population base is considerably smaller than it was a year ago but just as spread out, lack of social cohesion in devestated areas, property tax revenues are almost non-existent due to flood damage and citizen relocation, a police force which is, at best, 1/4 to 1/3 of its previous strength, but with a court & jail system which is almost a year behind due to lack of facilities (and little federal assistance).
I believe that the federal government has made a conscious decision to let New Orleans rot. Bush, Rove & Co. hope that the “new” New Orleans, consisisting of a much smaller population on higher ground which was less effected by the floods, wealthier, whiter, and more likely to be Republican, will add a few Republican seats to the House in the foreseeable future. In the meantime, federal contractors with white-house connections will soak up all available federal money, without making the mistake of allowing any of the profit to go to local contractors.
I cannot imagine someone wanting what you’ve got. Your posts present a psychological profile of an embittered, paranoid, and pathetic loner who suffers from delusions of grandeur. Your “wisdom” is limited to platitudes that you pick up from others. Your lack of friends and social relationships, from your perspective, is that no one is up to your standards, so no one is worth your time. By the way, I am confident that I paid more in taxes last year than you earned. If you actually were an empiricist (look it up in the dictionary) you’d find that liberals are very productive people. Conservatives like you are nothing but a drain.
Line 7 and 8, which read (in part): “In contravention of the provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978…”
Sloppy bill-writing. This creates a whole big enough to drive a truck through. The Bush administration is already on record as saying that they don’t believe that what they are doing violates that law, and also that they are the only ones capable of deciding what violates the law, and what does not.
They have also indicated that they would frustrate any attempt by any other branch of government to second-guess their decision, by (a) refusing to honor subpoenas on grounds of executive priviledge and inherent war-making powers, (b) refuse to grant security clearances to any Congressional or Justice Dept. investigators, and (c) prosecuting journalists who report on the issue (i.e., for receiving “leaks” without disclosing their sources to the government).
It’s not going to change anything until control of Congress changes, at the least.
1. In the meantime, federal contractors with white-house connections will soak up all available federal money, without making the mistake of allowing any of the profit to go to local contractors.
Comment by rhp6033 — 6/19/06 @ 5:06 pm
Rhp you can pack up your smart ass and move down there and help those folks rebuild. The work is being done by contractors from all over this country and you are not excluded. The local contractors are the ones who clean out the tills, installed poor products, and gave kick backs to the local politicians. Now with all the previous money sources plundered the smart thing to do is let someone else fix the problems. PS the Fed’s have provided all the money but your local friends still fighting over how to spend or squatter the resources. Maybe you could input some new suggestions on how you would fix the problem.
“And get your greedy fucking hands out of my wallet.”
No, you tell the GOPers to get their greedy fucking hands out of my wallet. I’m tired of paying for their imperialist military misadventures.
1. “while the right battles bloodthirsty merciless jihad terroristsâ€
Really? Where’s that Osama bin Forgotten then?
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 3:35 pm
Dr E did you visit your friend Osama bin in Pakistan last month, and what moral support did you give him? Maybe you should visit Somalia for a month and tell us all how sweet they are to chaps like you. By the way what would you like your head pickle in after it stuck in a large fruit jar?
No, you tell the GOPers to get their greedy fucking hands out of my wallet. I’m tired of paying for their imperialist military misadventures.
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 5:23 pm
Dr. E you forgot to move to Canada after the election. Oh I forgot you don’t have the money to buy your way into the country.
Mark the Yellowback:
First of all, pay your bet!
It’s a good idea to not spy on domestic terrorists so they can have more room to maneuver.
Who, other than the right, ever says you should not spy on domestic or other terrorist? Are you really that dumb that you have to make up dumb things or repeat dumb things you hear on talk radio to make a point?
All Inslee’s proposed law, or the laws that the President is ignoring say is that you have to get a warrant. You can’t, as the excutive, act unilaterally and ignore the constitution. There is a legal and constitutional way to act, and there is a the illegal, unconstitutional way to act. Strange that the President and his lakeys always chose the unconstitutional/illegal way when given a choice.
14 & 15
Wow. Unfit to lead. Hands in my wallet. Greedy. Geez, you project so much you should be working at Cinerama.
A President of a Company does need to have worked on the line to ensure the those folks are well paid and have benefits. Please apply that to Bush. (Kerry was an arse with his military duty)
Tell me something, klake. How on earth do you think an apparently end-stage kidney patient needing daily dialysis would have managed to live for such a long time? Is it really possible to give “moral support” (whatever the hell that means in your mind) to a dead person?
And what the hell does this mean?
“By the way what would you like your head pickle [sic] in after it stuck in a large fruit jar?”
“Arse is a coarse word for the buttocks, commonly used in Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia and many Commonwealth countries. In the United States and parts of Canada, ass is used (both spoken and in writing) instead.” Great choise of words sillyguy.
There’s no getting around the left’s liking for softball targets and the right’s taking the dragon head-on; there is no getting around it.
proud leftist
An empiric.
Definition: Emperic: An unqualified or dishonest practitioner; a charlatan.
Good to see you have defined yourself!
(Of course you do not fit the other definition of:
“One who is guided by practical experience rather than precepts or theory.”)
BTW – Your claims of making money are suspect.
“Rhp you can pack up your smart ass and move down there and help those folks rebuild.”
Went in December, helped rebuild a church in Mississipi. I’m going again in August. My grandfather was a carpenter, my father knew how to swing a hammer by the time he was six, I helped remodel our house when I was 13, framed my first house when I was 19. Any other comments, smart-ass?????
Here’s something for you moonbats to go apeshit over… In this week’s edition of Business Week (this is a magazine that us Producers read)there’s an article about why the economy will continue to thrive, and in the article there’s a graphic and some discussion about how “household wealth continues to surge”. Yes, people (at least The Producers) have a much higher net worth now than we did when GWB took office. Household net worth was about $42T in 2000 and is now about $54T.
I don’t suggest that you run out and buy the magazine to read the article because it has a lot of grown up words in it like “balance sheet” and there’s some discussion of ratios which requires knowledge of fractions which I’m sure most of you don’t have.
Just thought you’d want to know that most people outside the McDermott Zone are thriving. Have a nice day…
Hey E – Apparently you also got the memo that says to use the word “imperialist” a lot. Can you “educate” me what country we’re taking over? I’m not aware of any…
Tell me something, klake. How on earth do you think an apparently end-stage kidney patient needing daily dialysis would have managed to live for such a long time? Is it really possible to give “moral support†(whatever the hell that means in your mind) to a dead person?
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 5:39 pm
What makes you think he is dead Dr. E, hell he could be living in your extra bed room? Being a kidney patient does not mean the end of the world is coming. With your small change and support from the locals Osama bin could live a long time. Even if he was dead you still support his friends who would kill anyone for a free trip to heaven to make love with x amount of virgins from Berkley.
And what the hell does this mean?
“By the way what would you like your head pickle [sic] in after it stuck in a large fruit jar?â€
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 5:39 pm
All those folks who think you can talk to these friends of yours will be love and chariest will be in for a surprise. They prefer to cut heads off and deposit them where the critters will enjoy them. Now if they pickle the remains they could be put on display for your friends could martyr the fool in the fruit jar.
” Can you “educate” me what country we’re taking over? I’m not aware of any…”
How ’bout Iraq for starters. Our actions there would most certainly be imperialist. But I don’t exactly expect you to understand a grown-up word like “imperialist”.
“Being a kidney patient does not mean the end of the world is coming. ”
No, but it sure does mean you’re in a lot of physical danger if your access to dialysis is cut off.
The rest of your post is pretty much gibberish, as far as I can tell.
“the administration would simply ignore it” Commentby Another TJ— 6/19/06@ 3:50 pm
That’s why we need a Democratic Congress, and a Democratic president appointing Democratic judges to federal courts.
They should send the National Guard to fight District of Columbia crime. The prison bus already makes regular stops at Capitol Hill to pick up GOP congressmen commuting between the Capitol and Leavenworth.
Bush is presiding over the first administration in U.S. history to enjoy regularly scheduled prison bus service.
Geez Klake, if you could spell and put a sentence together you might be understandable. Maybe even dangerous.
Kerry an arse, huh? At least he served. That’s more than you can say for the Bushies
Lame, klake! Dr. E made a very good point — Republicans are spending money like crazy. Federal spending up 12% a year. Iraq a fucking disaster. And your answer is, move to Canada? You should be shopping for a lifeboat.
Mark The Cowardly Redneck. Be happy I don’t want the $2.00 in your wallet. If I did, I’d just take it and you’d bow down, cower and snivel away like all yellow cowardly republican chickenhawks do. You wouldn’t bust a grape because you’re a chickenshit piece of shit. I said that. What you gonna do about it bitch?
Yes, Mark is that dumb. FISA warrants can be obtained after the fact. The FISA court has turned down only 2 or 3 warrant requests of the thousands filed. There is one reason, and one reason only, to not get a FISA warrant:
Because you want to spy on someone you have no business spying on, for reasons having nothing to do with terrorism, namely to harass critics and political opponents.
We know from history what rightwingers are capable of. Nixon not only ordered illegal burglaries, but Charles Colson testified to the Watergate Committee that Nixon proposed firebombing the Brookings Institution, a non-partisan think tank. The reason wingnuts like Mark the Redneck want to spy on American citizens without court oversight or approval is because they want a license to commit politically-motivated criminal acts.
If I catch some guy in jeans and sneakers in my house and he can’t produce a search warrant, he’s a dead man. If it turns out later he was working for the NSA, his widow can collect government death benefits.
Bush has never done an honest day’s work in his life.
A few days ago, sillyguy asserted we should amend the state constitution to require revotes in close elections. I’m sure he didn’t have Karl Rove’s authorization to float such a proposal, but in any case, I called his idea “a flying machine that won’t fly.”
For photo of sillyguy, click here:
That photo cracks me up! I’m never gonna get tired of posting it! :D
Oh Roger – You are so behind the times….Get with it!
Roger – you are again delusional by stating rabbit nonsense. Wake up and smell the carrots.
Went in December, helped rebuild a church in Mississippi. I’m going again in August. My grandfather was a carpenter, my father knew how to swing a hammer by the time he was six, I helped remodel our house when I was 13, framed my first house when I was 19. Any other comments, smart-ass?????
Comment by rhp6033 — 6/19/06 @ 5:51 pm
Well rhp you did not come from New Orleans so you do not understand their short comings. We had our folks there in Mississippi helping out after the storm hit. They didn’t have to deal with complete idiots like they had in New Orleans. Wish your family the best of luck rebuilding and maybe they will not get hit again this year.
1. No, but it sure does mean you’re in a lot of physical danger if your access to dialysis is cut off.
The rest of your post is pretty much gibberish, as far as I can tell.
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 6:04 pm
Well Dr E. I really don’t give a rat’s ass in what danger that best friend yours is in and please save humanity a lot of pain and unplug his machine the next time you see him. Osama bin is really you favorite fellow in the entire world Dr. E.? Doctors are really smart people according to the higher school of learning and what I write you understand real clearly even if its gibberish. Don’t worry if this nation finds you with your friend Osama bin you both can enjoy the same place in hell. Now that would be a better place than your head pickled in a large fruit jar.
You are flapping your mouth much like an ornithopter that atttempts to fly by imitating the flapping of a bird’s wings. Get a life and not reply with nonsense or discuss the issue at hand of resolving close elections. The last election with a 133 vote difference was indeterminate. What are your ideas on the matter?
1. Kerry an arse, huh? At least he served. That’s more than you can say for the Bushies
Comment by rwb — 6/19/06 @ 6:35 pm
Rwb that does not make him any better that the next arse even if he served and the Bush’s did serve their country but not in the capacity that you expected. Kerry could be the neighborhood clown and you would give him a pass because he is your favorite Socialist Democrat.
You did hear that Bush’s six hours in Iraq last week will count toward his National Guard Service.
Imperialism draws heavy criticism on the grounds that historically it has been frequently employed for economic exploitation in which the imperialist power makes use of other countries as sources of raw materials and cheap labor, shaping their economies to suit its own interests, and keeping their people in poverty. When imperialism is accompanied by overt military conquest, it is also seen as a violation of freedom and human rights.
In recent years, there has also been a trend to criticize imperialism not at an economic or political level, but at a simply cultural level, particularly the widespread global influence of American culture – see cultural imperialism. Some dispute this extension, however, on the grounds that it is highly subjective (to differentiate between mutual interaction and undue influence) and also applied selectively (hamburgers being imperialist and black tea not).
Folks this is Dr. E view of the United States, so Roger you and him should pool your money together and move to Canada. For this country will always be view as imperialist to you two chaps. This is what Osama bin laden reasoning for hitting the United States in September 11, 2001. They his friends (al-Qaeda) believe that our culture was a threat to his religious world and was intent on destroying ours at all cost. Dr. E we all know you do not like this country and what it stands for, so why stop here from where you came from? Those folks in Canada will really like your distorted mind on how the world turns.
Inslee Issue Updates
Dear Mr. klake:
As your member of Congress, it is important for me to stay in touch with you through e-mail and give you updates about what is happening in Congress that affects you.
From time to time, I send out updates through e-mail on a wide range of issues, including privacy, health care, education, energy, and identity theft. If you are interested in receiving updates on these or any other issue, please click here to subscribe to my e-mail updates. I look forward to keeping you abreast of what happens in Congress.
At any time, please do not hesitate to contact me about the issues that concern you, as I both need and welcome your thoughts and ideas. As a service to my constituents, I maintain a website which contains valuable resources and information on congressional activities. Please feel free to visit the website at for information on recent issues and to learn more about the services my office provides.
I encourage you to contact me via email, telephone (202-225-6311), or fax (202-226-1606), because security measures are causing House offices to experience delays in receiving postal mail. Please be sure to include your full name and address, including your zip code, in your message.
Very Truly Yours,
Member of Congress
If only we can make an amendment to prohibit public funds from going into union PACs. Are you out there Tim Eyeman.
Kerry did more than just serve. He commanded a swift boat in the Mekong, and that was damned dangerous duty. He saw combat. He was in firefights. Kerry, as a Vietnam veteran, is the real deal — whether or not you like his politics.
Yeah, and I heard he’s going to get a campaign medal, too.
“Well Dr E. I really don’t give a rat’s ass in what danger [OBL] is in and please save humanity a lot of pain and unplug his machine the next time you see him.”
You don’t get it, do you klake? His machine would have been as good as unplugged sometime during or soon after the bombardment of Tora Bora. So, let me spell it out for you as clearly as possible. It’s probably one of the following scenarios:
1. Bushco has reliable, classified information that indicates OBL is still alive, as they continue to assert. In this case, their inability to find and capture him actually would indicate one of the following:
a) they are too incompetent to capture or eliminate him;
b) they don’t really care enough about OBL to want to capture or eliminate him, or;
c) OBL is of more propaganda value to Bushco alive and at large than dead or in captivity (which ties in somewhat with another scenario below).
2. OBL is in fact dead, and has been dead for several years, in which case the administration’s assertion of his continued existence indicates one of the following:
a) the administration’s inability to ascertain that he is actually dead demonstrates their breathtaking incompetence, or;
b) the purported existence of OBL via videotapes and other statements is part of a psy-ops campaign directed mainly at the (gullible) American population, i.e. he is of more value to be presumed to be alive and active than to be known to be dead.
My money is on a scenario more along the lines of 2a or 2b. If I’m even close to being right, then we are really dealing with a group of fascist, war-criminal thugs who will say and do nearly anything to stay in power. Think the US government never lied about such things before? Think again. The danger in this kind of perfidy is that of the nascent totalitarianism that likely lies within. That, by the way, is why everyone—all citizens and residents of the US—should be worried about the administration’s flippant disregard of FISA.
If you can’t see that, then you’re either uneducated, uninformed, or grossly and willfully ignorant.
Redneck — you keep calling yourself a “producer,” and I’ve asked you many times what you produce, but you haven’t answered.
I produce intellectual property.
“Household net worth was about $42T in 2000 and is now about $54T.”
Trouble is, ALL of it is going to the top 5% of households. The WORKERS who actually PRODUCE everything business sells have seen zero growth in real income since 1970.
That’s the kind of income imbalance that eventually leads to the overthrow of political and economic systems.
By the way, klake, you couldn’t be more wrong in your last post. I love this country. I just hate what these corrupt, morally bankrupt GOP thugs are doing to it.
“Can you “educate” me what country we’re taking over? I’m not aware of any…” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/19/06@ 5:54 pm
I’m not aware of any, either. Now, if you asked, “what country did we TRY to take over but get our asses kicked in,” I could give you one.
You know, there was an old Soviet joke where, following another massive crop failure, a scientist is ordered to find a way to make shit palatable so people would eat it and thereby not starve. After several months of tireless labor, the scientist reports to the Politburo that he had proudly solved half of the problem: “you can spread it on bread, but you still can’t eat it”.
You’ve got to hand it to Bushco, though—they’ve done something that even the Soviets couldn’t: They’ve found a way to make spreadable shit forbread and convinced a third of the population to enjoy eating it, every day.
. OBL is in fact dead, and has been dead for several years, in which case the administration’s assertion of his continued existence indicates one of the following:
a) the administration’s inability to ascertain that he is actually dead demonstrates their breathtaking incompetence, or;
b) the purported existence of OBL via videotapes and other statements is part of a psy-ops campaign directed mainly at the (gullible) American population, i.e. he is of more value to be presumed to be alive and active than to be known to be dead.
My money is on a scenario more along the lines of 2a or 2b. If I’m even close to being right, then we are really dealing with a group of fascist….
Commentby Dr. E— 6/19/06@ 7:59 pm
Actually Dr. E you are on the right track. Back in the 70’s OBL actually was killed when he fell down a well and died. It was the federation of galactic planets and the Bush family through a joint top secret project, known as the “project for a new galaxy”, that changed the course of history. They were able to go back in time and replace OBL with a robotic drone (half human/have machine) to carry out their evil mission. You see 911 was preprogrammed to happen. The federation has long since been dissolved. The Bush families are the only ones who know what will take place. You are one of the enlightened ones Dr E.
(Oh, sweet Jesus, save us from scifi freaks.)
(Or at least the Republican ones…)
Harry I’m glad to see you still support us troops,
I support them a hell of a lot more than Bush voters did or do. I don’t want them fighting unnecessary battles (Iraq) when required ones (Afghanistan) go unattended. I don’t want the National Guard to be misused so that they are unable to respond to stateside emergencies. I want all of our military forces to be in the business of defending the fifty states and not some politician’s fantasy of paternal one-upsmanship.
but my local pay check has been dimensioning due to the big tax hikes here in the state of Washington.
Your wages have nothing to do with attempts by Republican legislators to cut hazardous duty pay. One less permanent base in Iraq should have done it fine. A good thing there were Democrats around to kick the righties in the but and shame them into ponying up the dough.
My local health benefits have also gone up just to support those who stay at home and don’t work.
Again, for the troops, their health benefits could be assured by doling out the present military budget in more troop oriented ways, to the detriment of Bush/Cheney campaign contributors who profiteer of the Iraq quagmire. Your health benefits have no bearing on that, one way or another.
Now the shortage on equipment is really not an issue, because as fast as you make new equipment it becomes obsolete due to technology advances.
Gee, I guess guys should be using M-48 tanks, then. They were good enough for me, though we did refer to them as rolling coffins, particularly before the diesel engine upgrade was rolled out. Shoot, klakker, we should have you in charge of defense spending. The troops would love you.
The only psychologically problems is you and some of your friends think we do not support this war. Now the rest comes with the territory and you learn to live with the problem and move on with your life. Life is a bitch; nothing is fair, so suck it up move on with your life. No Girlie Boys allowed.
I’ll ignore your ten-cent advice, and focus on you two-cent psychology. The namesake of my loved/hated M-48, General George S. Patton. Old-blood’n’guts had the same attitude toward post traumatic stress you seem to harbor, which the doctors of that day called combat fatigue. George called Yellow-bellyism, and even in 1943 he couldn’t get away with that horseshit, and you can’t either, nearly fifty-five year later.
But then, horseshit is what you’re all about, klakker.
Citation please.
I for one stand with our fighting men and women and support the troops 100%. I vote republican not only because I know it is right, but because I know a majority of troops want it that way. I vote republican for all those soldiers who were unable to vote because they were stationed in liberal voting districts. Together we will defeat the enemy at home and abroad. God bless America.
The Bush administration is already on record as saying that they don’t believe that what they are doing violates that law, and also that they are the only ones capable of deciding what violates the law, and what does not.
It’s worse than that. The Bush administration has openly admitted that they are violating the law. As you point out (below), they say they are the only ones who get to decide if their illegal actions are allowed. Judicial review? Congressional oversight? Antiquated notions best left to the history books and the Federalist Papers.
They have also indicated that they would frustrate any attempt by any other branch of government to second-guess their decision, by (a) refusing to honor subpoenas on grounds of executive priviledge and inherent war-making powers, (b) refuse to grant security clearances to any Congressional or Justice Dept. investigators, and © prosecuting journalists who report on the issue (i.e., for receiving “leaks” without disclosing their sources to the government).
It’s not going to change anything until control of Congress changes, at the least.
Exactly. And changing control of congress is only the first step. We also need a less servile and/or right wing news media, among many other changes.
*Everyone* should read Glenn Greenwald’s book “How Would a Patriot Act?” (then read Eric Boehlert’s “Lapdogs”) to understand the enormity of the problem and the necessity for immediate action. The Bush administration has started down a very dangerous road, and we must make it clear that it is unacceptable.
It is not an exaggeration to say that our entire system of government is at stake.
What a bunch of flag waving, apple pie gorging horseshit. Do you talk like that for real, doofus?
God, what an idiot. What the hell does it mean to support the troops 100%, when you want to keep them in a country where even the people benefit from them hate their guts?
What’s the mission, doofus. There are over 250,000 Iraqis in service now. We push out a new recruit in six months, what’s up with the people for whom Iraq is their native land?
How long do we wait for them to be able to do for themselves.
Rabbit @ 63 – So what’s your solution? Tell me, what should the minimum wage be? I’m guessing something around $30 hour is about right according to your moonbat economics. Am I right?
Or should people be paid what they’re worth? Should a lawyer who’s not good enough to work in private practice and settles for a low level gummint job make about $25/hour instead of the $200/hr that his competent colleagues make? yeah… that’s about right…
das @2 is right. You suicidal liberals whine about surveillance but you can never point to examples where you have actually been harmed by it, just a bunch of hypothetical crap. The threat isn’t hypothetical, it’s real. You are knee-jerk, soft on crime libs who oppose law enforcement in general. The criminal’s best friend is a liberal. When liberals were in charge in the 70’s crime went sky-high. Now you want to tie the govt’s hands when looking for terrorist sleeper cells here. They should be able to plot as much as they want over the phone, right? That’s how 911 happened, you dfks.
Thanks for that das, it’s heartening to see that you still agree with yourself.
Exactly. And changing control of congress is only the first step. We also need a less servile and/or right wing news media, among many other changes.
Commentby Another TJ— 6/19/06@ 9:08 pm
That is exactly right. The left needs to re enstate the fairness doctrine. I am telling you the repeal of the fairness doctrine has done more harm to the democrats then Reagan, Bush,Newt, Rush or any other single individual could ever do. The bottom line is that the left needs to control free speech on the airwaves to survive in todays political world.
That is exactly right. The left needs to re enstate the fairness doctrine. I am telling you the repeal of the fairness doctrine has done more harm to the democrats then Reagan, Bush,Newt, Rush or any other single individual could ever do. The bottom line is that the left needs to control free speech on the airwaves to survive in todays political world.
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy
I made no mention of the Fairness Doctrine in my comment, yet you jumped right to it. Why is that?
The federal minimum wage should be $8.00 an hour and it should be tied to Congressional pay raises to keep up with inflation.
The In-N-Out Burger chain provides a starting hourly wage of $8.00 to part-time workers in its 150 stores. They are an example that good wages reduce turnover and improve productivity, and their ranking of first among fast food chains in food quality, value and customer service indicates that good pay is good business.
Because many people including me think that the repeal of the fairness doctrine changed the political landscape of this country. The reoeak if the fairness doctrine has created a competing news media which brings more balanced and truthful news. Without this new media the slaughter of 94 would never have happened and we would be stuck with the old MSM (ie memogate,newsweek ect)
In case anyone thinks there can be no additional money for troop pay, equipment and health care:
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) released the first comprehensive assessment of federal contracting under the Bush Administration today in the House Government Reform Committee. The 65-page report “Dollars, Not Sense” identifies the substantially high spending on contracts since 2000. Instead of shrinking government as promised, Bush has increased procurement spending by 86% to a whopping $377.5 billion annually.
Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration
The phenomenon of stagnant U.S. working class real wages is extremely well known, and there are countless sources and discussions available for anyone willing to do a little research, but here is a specific quote with cite from economist Paul Krugman, published by the New York Times in October 2002:
” … the average annual salary in America, expressed in 1998 dollars (that is, adjusted for inflation), rose from $32,522 in 1970 to $35,864 in 1999. … Median family income has risen only about 0.5 percent per year — and as far as we can tell from somewhat unreliable data, just about all of that increase was due to wives working longer hours, with little or no gain in real wages.”
This article also discusses the explosive concentration of wealth and income in the top 1/10th of 1% of households in recent decades, and discusses the reasons why income inequality is growing in the U.S.
The federal minimum wage should be $8.00 an hour and it should be tied to Congressional pay raises to keep up with inflation.
Why $8.00 an hour? Why not $12.00 and hour? After all isn’t that the more compassionate thing to do?
Because a workforce who can afford to buy the things that are on sale is good for the economy and the society as a whole. It is a matter of good business and good sense.
Neither of which, apparently, you relate to.
You’ve got to hand it to Bushco, though?they’ve done something that even the Soviets couldn’t: They’ve found a way to make spreadable shit forbread and convinced a third of the population to enjoy eating it, every day.
Comment by Dr. E — 6/19/06 @ 8:12 pm
that is one more reason you should move to Canada Dr. E..
71 (continued)
OF course, I would expect a wingnut like you to be in denial about the fact that the uber-rich are hogging all of the economy’s income gains. As Krugman pointed out,
“Census data clearly show a rising share of income going to the top 20 percent of families, and within that top 20 percent to the top 5 percent, with a declining share going to families in the middle. Nonetheless, denial of that evidence is a sizable, well-financed industry. Conservative think tanks have produced scores of studies that try to discredit the data, the methodology and, not least, the motives of those who report the obvious. Studies that appear to refute claims of increasing inequality receive prominent endorsements on editorial pages and are eagerly cited by right-leaning government officials.”
It would be wonderful to hear Congress critters justify not raising
the minimum wage at the same time they are raising their pay.
I’d just love to watch their performances, and the campaign ads.
The funny thing is most wingnuts are wannabes who have deluded themselves into believing the people looting the American economy will, for some reason they can’t identify, share their wealth with them.
Wouldnt the work force buy more things if the minimum wage is $12.00 or 15.00 and hour rather than $8.00 and hour? What is there to not understand? You would be for that right?
Those rich ‘un butts must taste sweet.
After all $8.00 is nothing. Why not $20.00 and hour with benies.
Explain something to me, Dufus. Since the public owns the airwaves, and half the public is liberal, why should right-wing media control more than 50% of the broadcast bands and programming?
Lincoln made a mistake fighting the Civil War to keep the union together. He should have let these fucks keep Jesusland and live in their own fucking country.
If you can’t accept an answer, don’t keep asking the same question. It makes you look stupid. You premise is foolish.
Not that you care.
Because the public cant fund the airwaves. They tried with PBS but no one listens. You have to have a product that everyone wants to listen to.
The 3rd tier Republicans that post comments on this site are addressed in such a way as to convince a third party reading the comments and the Republican commenters should in no way imagine that we are attempting to communicate with them.
Too bad Seward wasn’t successful with the Albany Plan.
re 97:What do you mean “wants”?
Why is it the repubs fault that no one listens to lefty drivel on the radio?
I like to listern to Goldy. Got Sunday 7-10 PM on KIRO programmed
into my RadioYourWay.
re 97:What do you mean “wants”?
Commentby L-Mur Phd.— 6/19/06@ 10:01 pm
want ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wnt, wônt)
v. want·ed, want·ing, wants
v. tr.
To desire greatly; wish for: She wants a glass of water. See Synonyms at desire.
To desire (someone to do something):
and just in case:
I1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key ()
Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.
You donks have hard time with the last on., hehe
I?ll ignore your ten-cent advice, and focus on you two-cent psychology. The namesake of my loved/hated M-48, General George S. Patton. Old-blood’n’guts had the same attitude toward post traumatic stress you seem to harbor, which the doctors of that day called combat fatigue. George called Yellow-bellyism, and even in 1943 he couldn?t get away with that horseshit, and you can?t either, nearly fifty-five year later.
But then, horseshit is what you?re all about, klakker.
Comment by Harry Tuttle — 6/19/06 @ 8:43 pm
Well. Well Harry it is amazing that I did not see you silly little ass on the drill field ready to be deployed to hells half acre. You can give the name of battle fatigue any witch doctors name you want but to win wars or conflict that is the cost one pays to win. Now you and that funny rabbit have different or same points of views but that doesn’t change the principles of war. Like it or not General George S. Patton had more class and respect than Stalin’s gulag of fools, and you couldn’t compete with the wart on his ass let alone win wars. Now if you are a twenty Century Physiologist maybe you would quality to make valid comments on this subject matter. The scares of war is a subject matter that even the rabbit is having trouble dealing with and some never do and end their life. Harry those who wear the uniforms make many sacrifices and learning to live with those problems is what make them heroes too many of us who follow their footsteps.
“hen liberals were in charge in the 70’s crime went sky-high.”
Commentby libsare5thcolumn— 6/19/06@ 9:19 pm
The total number of crimes rose rapidly during the Nixon administration, rose slowly while Carter was president, grew about 40% during the Reagan-Bush1 administrations, steadily declined throughout Clinton’s administration, then leveled off and have not dropped at all during the Bush2 administration.
The statistics show Clinton was the best crime-fighter of recent presidents. One of the first thing Dubya did in office was slash federal funding to communities for more cops on the streets. The current administration has also refused to fund homeland security and imposed unfunded homeland security mandates on state and local governments, forcing them to divert funds away from law enforcement.
Why do wingnuts ALWAYS lie? They pull shit out of thin air and claim it’s fact. Watch out for wingnuts, they’re all fucking liars.
Here, here rabbit. Youv’e got gravitas. Courage rabbit, courage.
RUFUS Fitzgerald (You are not a Kennnedy)
Exactly how did we get from a 2 trillion dollar surplus to a 3 trillion dollar deficit? Was it only a coinkydink that Bush and the Republicans were in charge? Maybe they want it that way?
If adjusted to inflation, the minimum wage would be about $20.45 an hour, according to CPI inflation calculator on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website:
By entering $1.00 at the year 1913, you can see the result.
But even if we go to post WWII, say 1956, the minimum wage was 1.00 ( ). That translates to $7.44, around the same as Washington, which is $7.63.
Ah the philosophy of cheap labor conservatives. You have to love it, if you do so without loosing your soul:
See the pattern? Cheap-labor conservatives support every coercive and oppressive function of government, but call it “tyranny” if government does something for you – using their money, for Chrissake. Even here, cheap-labor conservatives are complete hypocrites. Consider the following expenditures:
150 billion dollars a year for corporate subsidies.
300 billion dollars a year for interest payments on the national debt – payments that are a direct transfer to wealthy bond holders, and buy us absolutely nothing.
Who knows how many billions will be paid to American companies to rebuild Iraq – which didn’t need rebuilding three months ago.
That’s all in addition to the Defense budget – large chunks of which go to corporate defense contractors.
Is the pattern becoming clearer? These cheap-labor Republicans have no problem at all opening the public purse for corporate interests. It’s “social spending” on people who actually need assistance that they just “can’t tolerate”.
God, you are full of horseshit, aren’t you.
Hell, I should get out my old uniform, acutally I should have one tailored since I’ll never fit the one from the days of yore. Polish the brass on a floor buffer, just like the old days, polish dem shoes, pin on the medals and march in the Veteran’s Day parades with my three stripes displayed on jutting arms, just like the rest of the old fools.
But then I remember that what was horseshit then is still so today, and I rescue myself from infamy.
Who knows how many billions will be paid to American companies to rebuild Iraq – which didn’t need rebuilding three months ago.
estimate $320 billion as of this post. Numbers based on Congressional approriations:
Senate approves $94.5b for Iraq war, storm relief
RUFUS Fitzgerald (You are not a Kennnedy)
I beg to differ. It seemed just like yesterday……..
Hey I want to be a Kennedy too. Here it goes… hiccup…..
Hey that was fun. Wait what is going on…. oh no
Commentby RUFUS— 5/6/06@ 11:09 am
Well, maybe you’d rather not draw any moral;
I’ll leave that to yourself
Maybe you’re still walking and you’re still talking
And you’d like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on:
Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the
Big Fool says to push on.
Dan dont speak for me. Geeeesh. Go back into retirement.
“The last election with a 133 vote difference was indeterminate. What are your ideas on the matter?” Commentby sillyguy— 6/19/06@ 7:26 pm
Your guy lost. If you can’t move on, get therapy.
In-N-Out Burger ………. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
We need them here in Washington, I miss their double-doubles and fries!
But then I remember that what was horseshit then is still so today, and I rescue myself from infamy.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 6/19/06@ 10:24 pm
Harry you are the horse shit today and you can’t even compete with the troops today. You are still lock in the past and lost track of time and reality. Harry you cannot complete with my worst troop let alone the wart on his ass. The military does not waste time having their troops buffing floors for a living that why we hire folks like you to do that today. Maybe you should quite watching movies on TV made in Hollywood about this nation military. You would not have all those nightmares about getting a GI bath with scrubbing power and a scrub brush.
sillyguy sure is thin-skinned, even for an unpatriotic America-hating trollfuck! here’s another photo of his constitutional amendment: http://www.scienceandsociety.c.....imagepos=3
Hey Y’o — if Washington hadn’t raised the state gas tax by 5 cents, how much cheaper would gas be at the pump?
[ ] 1. 0 cents
[ ] 2. 5 cents
[ ] 3. 10 cents
[ ] 4. 50 cents
[ ] 5. $1.50
Most wingnuts will answer “5” but the correct answer is “1” — if the state reduced gas taxes by 5 cents tomorrow, the oil companies would raise their price by 5 cents! Pump prices are determined by supply and demand, not by how much of the pump price consists of tax.
Did I hear a squeaking sound coming from our favorite chromosomal abnormality? Yes, indeed, YO struggled mightily to raise his little deformed fish-like head and squeak out,
Isn’t our little mutant simply adorable! Keep on fighting the good fight little YO. And remember, we don’t care how deformed you are…we love you! Yes, we do.
Y’o — do you feel a special kinship with Ann Coulter now that part of your mother’s anatomy is part of Coulter’s anatomy?
Rubberstamp Reichert
Does the Defense Department fund the NSA?
Just wanted to remind everyone that the hero of the right Lush Flimbaugh is peeing into a cup today in front of his probation officer. Another shining example for the right wing youth of today!
117 and 120
Yep – that is about par for the rabbit – no original ideas and always flapping his mouth like a ornithopter’s flapping wings.
BREAKING NEWS! The party that was going to restore “honor” to the White House has just set the record! Most felony CONVICTIONS by Bush and GOP officials. Another republican crook bites the dust. You righties must be so very proud.
No, you are full of shit, klakker.
To be sure, the military of today has much better equipment and training than the one forty-five years ago, which belies the nonsense you blathered about equipment becoming obsolete, so why provide it. Replacing and maintaining advanced weapons is what makes the US military the best. A tank driver/gunner like I was thought a lot about how an enemy round could pierce his armor, just as he could blow a whole clean through the hulks used for target practice. Today, only a handful of deaths have occurred among tank crews in Abrams models.
But, a tank isn’t the thing to use on the street of a populated city. The patrols that are done today are done with HumVees, and the sensation of those crews is a lot like mine in 1961.
So, put a cork in it, Mr. Theater Nuclear Weapon. You have no credibility. Stupid old men, like you, cheering the death and destruction of the young are immoral. I’ll bet you were and officer, too.
You big fool.
Stupidity@127. He pees in a cup everyday? Yeah, and you scratch your brain with you right index finger up your nose every 10 minutes!
These chicken shit Republicans have a lot of nerve, denigrating the military service of their political opponents.
Mr. Theater Nuclear Weapon attacks my service, and mine wasn’t much, but the two years I wasted in the Army was thought to have value at the time. What is more, I did it even though I had better things to do with my time, just like Dick Cheney did.
But, when some jerk like Karl Rove has the chutzpah to call a thirty-seven year, Bronze Star winner like Jack Murtha someone who gives up after the easy, early battles, it is about time to tell the Karl Roves of the world to STFU.
See 83.
One other way that the government screws veterans is by losing their records.
Special Extra Earnings for Military Service Service 1957 Through 1977 [Social Security]: You are credited with $300 in additional earnings for each calendar quarter in which you received active duty basic pay.
It isn’t a big deal, but when my estimate of Social Security payments came back, there were no extra earnings on it. Seems
like there was a fire in a records facility in 1973 and mine were
burned up, along with those of millions of other veterans.
Now, you would think that the US Government would have
computerized those records by 1973, but nooooooo.
Lucky for me, my folks are pack rats who put my discharge papers
in a trunk way back then, so I might get the credit, after all.
Anytime some young punk politician is weeping about “support our
troops” figure out what he’s doing about seeing to it that
the benefits the troops are due get dispensed.
Inslee should of challengened Cantwell.
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