You wouldn’t know it from reading the Seattle Times’ reprinting of an Associated Press article on matter, but two local congressman—Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01) and Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-7)—have been out in front of the House Dems’ rejection of President Obama’s tax deal appeasement with Republicans. In fact, it was Inslee who actually seconded the motion to refuse to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.
It’s almost as if the Times is invested in not representing local Dems as national leaders.
“It’s almost as if the Times is invested in not representing local Dems as national leaders.”
National leaders? Inslee? ROFLMAO!!! McDermott? Double ROFLMAO!!!
You wouldn’t know it by Goldy’s reporting, but South Sound Democrat Adam Smith is out in front of the House Dems’ rejection of President Obama’s tax deal and the Seattle Times is reporting it on their website!
And the Tea people too:
I’ve been calling Dicks daily. He’s now critical in things going forward as he was just elected Ranking Member — everyone should be calling him.
Edit: Dicks will be Ranking Member of Appropriations.
Dicks’ DC office number:
You wouldn’t know it from reading, but had story on this posted at close of work two days ago.
Joel @7,
But then, I’m just one blogger, not our state’s paper of record, so I’d argue that my lapses in coverage are a bit more excusable.
The Miami Herald has better coverage of this than ST, minus the trolls. Washington state Democrat to vote against tax cut compromise
Read more:
Let me see if I have this straight.
– Obama caves into the Republicans.
– Democrats are furious with Obama.
– So Goldy’s conclusion is it’s the Seattle Times’ fault?
When the Times had a headline that read
Isn’t a laps in coverage… Unintended on your part for sure, but that’s way too sloppy.
Shame on Inslee and McDermott.
Compromise is a dirty word…Obama showed great courage — moving toward a Clinton presidency — by compromising.
Let’s hope the movement, bringing reasonable Rs and Ds together works. Too much of this Stefan/Goldy hate the other side, we’re right and you are wrong attitude. It’s awful out there.
Hanging out in the middle of the road is dangerous; they don’t call it roadkill for nothing.
Corporate suckups would be a better a term for those at nolabels (Bloomberg, Christie, etc…)
That’s the exact attitude the group is trying to counter. You picked 2 folks who are willing to sign up along with many others (including those from the other side).
Let’s move forward….not against each other. Reagan/Oneill could do it…why can’t folks now? Why must McConnell’s top priority be preventing a 2nd term for Obama? Why must Inslee fight a compromise that moves things forward, if not imperfectly?
Sad..but hope!
“That’s the exact attitude the group is trying to counter.”
I’m sure it is, otherwise no one in the right mind would listen to them. The last thing we need is more centrists to tell us how we need to give more to the poor corporations.
@12: It’s only compromise if both sides give up something they want. R’s didn’t. They didn’t really want to be the party that denied an extension of unemployment benefits just before Christmas, and this way they don’t have to be (while also getting ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy, a decrease in the estate tax, and the opportunity to run against Dems on a tax cut platform in 2012).
I love watching the Democrats gut ImamObaMao.
It’s almost too good to be true!
Who is getting a tax cut? Who’s taxes are going down next year..I missed that.
The Rs have moved way too far to the right since the Reagan days for compromise to be a worthy objective. You can’t compromise with crazy.
Well RV@12 should happy…
Not you that’s for sure, but your masters would.
Really. Who is going to pay less income tax as of Jan 1 than they are currently paying?
Why weren’t these Congressman jumping up and down before the midterms when the tax cut issue should of been addressed. The Democrats in Congress screwed up big time by not having the political backbone to fight the good fight then when they had more leverage. Now it expedient for them to blame Obama when most of the incompetence and the lack of a strategy emanated from the legislative rather then the executive branch from the start. This is pure theater. In the end they’ll do their duty and vote for the compromise.
I laughed last night when McDermott and Bernie Sanders were raging and ranting about the “sellout”on Countdown. These pols hold two of the safest seats in the Congress. Were the fuck was McDermott on any major political issue of the day for the last 10 years, (okay he was against the Iraq war) I ask you? What major piece of legislation has he introduced that would benefit the 7th district lately. Zip! He’s almost irrelevant and should of put himself out to pasture long ago since that’s the only way you will see him go.
Really. Who is going to pay less income tax as of Jan 1 than they are currently paying?
That is exactly how the right are going to frame any temporary tax cut, like the suggested payroll tax holiday. They would rather starve Social Security of funding, than ever let any payroll tax holiday end.
To be followed up with more calls for balancing the budget at every election.
That only works if all sides are willing to act like adults and hammer out legislation that is what is best for the country. When one side takes a “take no prisoners, party before country” view of the world you have to do the Untouchables thing:
The difference here is that there are no tax cuts…. The “deal” is to keep existing income tax rates where they are… Now if the HA faithful were honest about this issue they would be calling for a tax increase. That’s whats on the table. Either keep existing tax rates, or play class warfare and increase taxes.
There are no tax cuts….This doesn’t add to the deficit.
I just heard the same dishonest drivel spewing from Lamar Alexander being interviewed on NPR.
Yes, there are tax cuts. They were dishonestly engineered to expire in 10 years, in order to obscure and disguise their MASSIVE effect in ballooning the deficit. They were also engineered to disproportionately favor the already-wealthy, further expanding the chasm between haves and have-nots (and really favoring the have-mores – GWB’s admitted true constituency.)
You engage in a dishonest word game that is far too endemic in our culture.
That just as loony as saying that the earth is 6000 years old.
You’ve just imploded your credibility, or what passed for credibility.
If you ask me, we could use a lot more class warfare right now. And there are helluva lot more of us than the 3% who are fucking over my country.
Oh, so 10 years ago there was a reduction in tax rates. Got it. And we’ve had the same tax rates since… Got it. And if these rates were allowed to expire? What would happen?
The rate should have been permanent from the “get go”
Under Bush the bottom 50% don’t pay income taxes.
I submit it is you and the willing liberals in the media who are engaged in dishonest word gaming and continue to label this deal as a tax CUT when it’s not. The rates stay the same, therefor it cannot be a cut.
Actually it is you who offers no evidence to refute. Please explain how keeping current tax rates the same, adds to the deficit?
Reasonable people, voters, understand that keeping current rates doesn’t magically increase the deficit. If the Democrat majority and President Obama based their borrowing and spending policies on INREASING TAXES, and assumed a tax receipts level based on HIGHER TAXES then the true problem is exposed…
Too much spending…..Reckless, wasteful spending is what is increasing the deficit.
So please again explain how keeping current tax rates increases the deficit?
Right Stuff, Puddy asked that of Roger Rabbit earlier today.
Libtardos,… They are checking in with the progressive mothership for their next answer!
If the Seattle had a story two days ago and nobody read it, how is that site relevant?
The SeaTimes cannot speak well of Inslee because King Blethen has already knighted Boy Governor McKenna. Alternatives must not be acknowledged.
The Sea Times ran this headline yesterday:
See #2
This is really sloppy work on Goldy’s part.
stuff @ 26
Up is down.
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.
Tax cuts create jobs.
We had to level village to save it.
Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative works great.
stuff @ 30
Now you want us to teach you math too?
GOPers Play Hardball On Tax Cuts For The Rich
Just how badly Republicans want this tax deal to pass became clear tonight when they defeated a defense bill containing a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” holding it hostage to passage of tax cuts for the rich.
The House has already approved the repeal. The Secretary of Defense was depending on Senate passage so the Pentagon could implement an orderly change in policy on gays serving in the military.
Three Republicans — Collins, Brown, and Murkowski — said they would vote for it. But Brown and Murkowski voted with the GOP bloc to hold up the defense bill until the Senate extends the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
That means the courts are likely to order immediate repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” an outcome the Secretary said would lead to chaos and disruption in the military.
Unpatriotic bastards! They’d rather throw our military in disarray — never mind we’re involved in two wars right now — than let the rich pay a dime of higher taxes.
The next time a Republican tells you his party “supports the troops” laugh in his face.
@12 Yeah, well, considering the amount of hate Republicans have thrown at liberals, it’s more than a little hypocritical to diss us for hating back. What entitles Republicans to a free ride? Why do you think they can hate us but we can’t hate them?
What Roger Rabbit forgets to tell you is the DUMBOCRATS who everyone knows hates the troops wanted to extend the pay freeze to the military fighting two wars and then the DUMBOCRATS relented and voted the smallest pay increase to the military over the last 30 years.
Of course our resident Dumb Bunny forgets those “small” details.
PUD! There you are – I was worried about you. During our last exchange you just disappeared into the ether – I’m so glad you’re intact and still spewing drivel.
So, just to pick up, and to assess your links with reality, I have to ask:
Did Noah have Tyranosaurs, aardvarks, penguins and mastodons on the ark?
@30 RS
It’s clear that Republican logic can only construe time-space relationships relative to RIGHT NOW! No context, no history – if things change, there’s no understanding of relationships beyond what we have RIGHT NOW.
That’s your dream, isn’t it – and it gives the lie to your position. I do concede that that would have been a more honest approach – but we’re dealing with the Bush administration, and Republicans in general, so don’t hold your breath.
The tax cuts, as I said before, were engineered to expire – on purpose, so as to disguise their effect on the budget deficit when analyzed back then for their effects going forward. It was a part of a dishonest lie that was essential to enacting them in the first place.
Here’s quite a bit of refutation.
Partially correct.
-Reckless wasteful spending on keeping Bush-era tax rates on the wealthy, check.
-Reckless wasteful spending on two wars without a purpose (one of them no better than GWB’s wet dream about besting his daddy – how sick is that), check.
-Reckless, wasteful spending on a medical system designed to shuttle money to insurance and pharmaceutical companies, check.
Headline over at DailyKos:
Here’s the whole nightmare, um, story.
The relentless hypocrisy and dishonesty is nauseating. How can one have a constructive discussion with people so willfully wrong?
How do you discuss a budget when the only permissible change to revenues is for them to go down, always and every time?
How do you discuss a budget, when only spending is seen to affect the deficit, not the balance of spending and revenue?
How do you discuss a budget when only spending that aids poor and working people is considered appropriate to limit? Or that demands for it “be paid for” by cutting from other programs for poor and working people?
These people are monsters.
So, budget warriors, we can keep spending what we are AND maintain the historically low tax rates on the rich that only date back to the last Administration (and were the result of dishonest budgeting and politics)
We can do things like return the higher marginal rates to where they were just 2 administrations ago, and still historically low AND we can invest in our infrastructure and capture all the benefits of increased efficiency that comes with it, as well as putting many people to work.
Either way we have to see about the same number of Treasury securities. With the latter way, we get all sorts of new goodies that we all share and make our economy stronger, with the former, we get a bunch of richerer Republicans.
Conservatives want to live off the past,
Progressives want to invest in the future.
uptown@#44: If “progressives” (an oxymoron) want to invest in the future, why are they so invested in returning to the Maoist, Stalinist and Hitlerian models of governing?
What king of ignorant motherfucker makes a patently idiotic statement like this?
…oh yeah, he’s a banana-republican.
PS dumbass @45…
Don’t you have to have TWO concepts to create and “oxymoron”…like “republican leadership”?
44. uptown spews:
Invest what??
More National Debt????
Wealth is created by the private sector fool.
You need to focus on taxes, regulations, getting rid of ObamaCare…and help create an investment-friendly, job-creating environment.
I thought Democrats already invested in our future…and failed because of all the pork and mis-spending?
Our National Debt will soon be 100% of Annual GDP.
We are f*cked.
Watch Europe and the riots.
We are next…especially when you have gutless fools like Gregoire on the State Level and Reid/Pelosi/Obama nationally.
Which party has historically made the aggregate debt go down? Democrats.
Which party has historically created more jobs when they held the presidency? Democrats.
The Republican playbook has always been, run up debt so vast as to hamstring any government spending that actually helps people.
One hears not a peep from people like Cynical or right stuff when Republicans are running up debt – like when GWB started wars to kill brown people while at the same time giving the richerers here even more.
Republicans cannot govern, they can only steal.
They are about class warfare – that’s why they use the term so much as a weapon against their adversaries – and thus try to make it a non-discussable term – classic Rovian. Their version, however, is to take from the many and give to the few, neofeudalism, essentially.
It certainly is, which is why going further into debt to give more money to rich people is insane.
@49. Then why do you advocate giving more tax breaks to the people who DON’T need it?
We need to invest in INFRASTRUCTURE!
JOBSjobsjobsjobsjobsjobsjobs for AMERICANS!!
Fuck you Cynical and your fucking myopic selfishness.
Every $1 Billion dollars invested in infrastructure creates 35,000 jobs for Americans that cannot be oputsourced. Those employed pay taxes support local business who also pay taxes and support other local busineses.
The money earned by regular working people ripples through the economy and brings about economc recovery.
Tax cuts DO NOT ripple through anything but pricks like MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klowns investment accounts.
Capitalism WORKS when there are checks and balances. Now there are none. THAT’S why the fucking banksters could destroy the housing industry. THAT’S why there’s an EIGHTY FUCKING SQUARE MILE KILL ZONE one mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
Cynical, Puddy, rightstuff, john425 (or whatever…) FUCK YOU ALL. You had it your way for fucking thirty years and where are we? Now you want MORE? We didn’t do it RIGHT? We didn’t do it ENOUGH? JUst exactly WHAT was it that you fucks did that WORKED???
Rujax, my friend, I think you may be suffering under the illusion that republicans want what you and I do, that is the greatest good for the greatest number. From that point of view, indeed, Republican policies over the past 30 years have been a miserable failure.
However, egalitarian broad-based prosperity is NOT what they want. They want Neo-Feudalism, and their policies toward that end have been working brilliantly, to all our loss.
Republicans are all about maximizing the economic insecurity, powerlessness and fear of the maximum number of people – thereby making them cowed and malleable. This reduces the resistance to the flow of wealth from the many to the very very few, which ultimately is their goal.
Clearly and unfortunately you are correct. It’s infuriating to me that my kids, for the first time since the Great Depression will have less opportunity and a lower standard of living than I did.
A very few people have captured vast amounts of power.
I don’t know how we do it, but it depends on voting, because that is the one thing we each still have in equal measure, although it is certainly under assault, particularly if you’re poor and/or of color.
I’m not sure how we move forward, but the problem is that both parties are deeply corporatist, though I think the present Republican party has truly gone over the deep end. The democrats are perhaps salvageable but it will take a great deal of effort and creativity.
Okay let’s ASSume what rujax copied is correct. Then why didn’t Odumba and his merry band of henchmen/women do dat? Why did it go to his pals?
787 X 35,000 = 27,454,000 jobs would have been created. Amazing what “facts” do to an argument. Even just half of it? 13,772,500 jobs?
So to the dumb brick who farted…
You should talk to the hand and look at yourself in da mirror moron!
Looks like the dumb brick rujax learned a new word…
Your exalted leader Odumba decided to go for health care instead of JOBSjobsjobsjobsjobsjobsjobs.
Sucks to be you!
That “FUCK YOU” just doubled for the big p’dumbski.
You see…maybe the jerk can use his john the baptist (oh…do the millerites believe in JtB?) signature model calculator (the one with Adam and Eve riding the dinosuar) to figure out what would a mere $50 Billion or so could do for job creation. Nahhhh…makes too much sense. The big p’dumbski would rather try to explain why Noah kicked the dinosaurs off the Ark.
What a stupid asshole this idiot is.
Notice how rujax didn’t explain the problem with the job creation math?
Keep posting rujax… you make us laugh at your mathematical “intelligence”!
I believe Rujax said every Billion dollars invested in infrastructure.
The stimulus only partially invested in infrastructure, and far too much went for tax cuts, which is not a very efficient investment strategy.
I don’t know where Rujax got his numbers, or if they’re correct, but your rebuttal is flawed for the reason I just gave.
So – do you deny that the federal government needs to spend money on infrastructure? Do you think that that is a bad investment or inappropriate use of federal money?
Oh, and how did the Wrangel Island mammoths get to the Ark departure pier?
LS @63…
You’re bothering p’dumbski with facts again. That just won’t do, you know.