Not much consolation for the anti-government folk, but at least Initiative 912 campaign manager Brett Bader gets a guest column in today’s Seattle Times.
I can honestly say that the elation I-912 supporters felt after the historic qualification of the measure in July was matched, at the opposite end of the spectrum, by the deep disappointment we experienced after the tax-cut initiative’s failure at the polls on Nov. 8.
Yeah… well, I appreciate your honesty, Brett. There’s a first time for everything.
The rest of his column is the usual bullshit. “Will WSDOT be able to rebuild trust with voters?” Bader asks, a particularly amusing query coming from a guy who has made a career out of destroying the public’s trust in WSDOT. And a high paying career at that; as of the last disclosure report, Bader’s consulting firm had received over $97,000, nearly one-third of all the campaign’s expenditures.
My question is, will Bader ever be able to rebuild trust with reporters, who by now must be awfully tired of the lazy spin he constantly tosses in their direction? Take for example his closing dig at WSDOT and the gas tax hike:
Now that gas taxes have been raised 14.5 cents a gallon and billions more will be flowing from the new diesel tax and new license and weight fees, we can see if things, instead, start to get better.
But, with news that an $800,000 bike lane in Moses Lake will be the first project built with the rescued tax, I won’t hold my breath.
Oh no… an $800,000 bike lane! How scandalous! But if you actually bother to look at the details of this “bike lane” it reveals a cost-effective project coming out of a healthy political process.
Bader is apparently referring to the Potato Hill overpass in Moses Lake, which replaces the last under-height bridge over I-90. This project was funded in the Nickel Package passed by the Legislature in 2003, and WSDOT had scheduled to advertise it for construction in October 2005 at a cost of around $3 million.
Everything was on schedule until the City of Moses Lake found they couldn’t afford to build a nearby pedestrian overpass, and Republican state Senator Joyce Mulliken came upon the bright idea of combining the two projects together. By adding 12 feet to the width of the Potato Hill overpass, locals would get a twofer: the Nickel overpass plus the pedestrian overpass in a single, less costly project.
Sen. Mulliken managed to get an additional $700,000 or so included in the 2005 Transportation Package to add a pedestrian/bike lane to the Nickel overpass already slated for construction… a smart move, and a net win for taxpayers.
WSDOT held the project to see if it would survive I-912, and now that it has, the twofer contract will be advertised on Monday. The project will build the already slated Nickel highway overpass, but with sufficient shoulder for a pedestrian/bike lane, courtesy of the 2005 package… saving Moses Lake a pile of cash they didn’t have, while delivering a sensible overall improvement.
This is exactly the type of smart, nimble resourcefulness we want from our government, delivering necessary improvements for the least amount of money. But in the misleading soundbites of somebody like Bader, it gets twisted into a prime example of WSDOT’s lies and misplaced priorities.
And of course, attacking WSDOT’s priorities is one of Bader’s biggest lies of all, for WSDOT doesn’t set priorities, the Legislature does. You want to know what WSDOT will build, and when? It’s all laid out in the transportation improvement package passed by the Legislature last spring, and approved by voters last Tuesday.
So if Bader has a problem with this bike lane, I suggest he take it up with Sen. Mulliken… though I’m guessing the citizens of Moses Lake are pretty damned pleased with the fine work she did on their behalf.
The Seattle P-I editorial board chimes in tomorrow morning, chiding Bader for his dishonest attempt at a “gotcha”:
Thanks to state Sen. Joyce Mulliken, an Ephrata Republican, a deal was struck to use money from the new gas-tax increase to add the bike-pedestrian lanes to the soon-to-be-rebuilt Potato Hill Bridge. The result: a new bridge able to accommodate auto, pedestrian and bike traffic and capable of being expanded later to accommodate four lanes of auto traffic — which local officials say will be needed — for less money and in less time.
Mulliken called the combined project “government efficiency at its best.”
That’s hardly the post-election poster child the would-be tax repealers were hoping for.
Kudos to a conscientious REPUBLICAN legislator serving her constituents and saving the public money.
Still can’t fly with the wingnuts here though.
Maybe we should make the lying liars like Bader pay for his failed inititives? After all, he made money and we taxpayers (who he pretends to represent) had to foot the bill. And if it were up to me, Eastern Washington’s highways would be left to rot.
Let’s have at least a little honesty from you here, Goldy.
The anti-912 campaign sold their ‘NO’ vote on two points 1. Safety and 2. Traffic Congestion Relief.
You yourself, in the post just below this one call I-912 “Anti-Roads”, so where are the roads going in in Moses Lake, exactly? As a matter of fact, where is the ‘Safety’ or the ‘Traffic Congestion Relief’ in a new bike lane?
AnalogKid just doesn’t get it.
So, saving money is not important to you? And guess what – accessibility and funding transportation alternatives is also part of the 2005 transportation package.
Your biggest failure is your inability to take the blinders off. You lost. Get over it and stop whining.
Get over it and stop whining. -Comment by Mount Olympus Hiker— 11/16/05 @ 3:54 pm
No whining from this quarter, sweetcheeks.
This falls into that category of ‘becareful what you wish for’ and I for one, can’t wait to see you fruitcake fringies, nutburgers and loonies GET exactly what you wanted…I’d say it’s only a matter of time.. but the time has already arrived with the advent of the 800K bike path and the back pedaling on that must-be-condemned-for-the-good-of-the-people AWV… by the way, they have closed that societal menace to start emergency safety work, haven’t they?
Lying Legislators would be a better topic….it aint the initiative guys to blame, and the bigger liars all meet in Olympia…
Analog @ 3
“Safety” was achieved by the initial “nickel tax” replacement of an under-height overpass on I-90. “Traffic congestion” is relieved by adding a pedestrian lane to said overpass. However, not every project in the 2005 Transportation Partnership Program has to be justified by these criteria in order for the total package to be justifiable by them. The AWV and seawall alone are reason enough, but the hundreds of other safety and congestion projects don’t hurt.
ASS @ 5
You just got shot down on the “800K bike path” canard. You never do get it, do you?
I don’t recall “traffic congestion relief” as a selling-point for opposing I-912. It was more “we need to fix up a shitload of bridges and roads before they’re impassable or destroyed, because we haven’t been able to afford infrastructure maintenance for, oh, the past couple of decades.” And we aren’t talking only about the AWV and 520.
I suppose you could view prevention of impending bridge and highway collapses as “congestion relief”.
ProudAss cannot get off the talking point script she was handed. It just confuses her to think for herself.
LardAss doesn’t get any “talking points”.
She actually LIVES in a parallel universe that has nothing whatsoever to do with this…the REAL one.
Thanks for posting about this junk opinion column from Bader. Another thing to point out: the 14.5 cent gas tax he mentioned doesn’t exist. He is obviously including the nickel tax, which once the bond is paid for goes away. Then the 3 cents added last July. The rest of the tax still is not in effect and will be added in 3 cents, 2 cent and 1.5 increments over the next 3 years, so no income exists from those increases yet.
Since your title was paraphrasing Al Franken, I thought this blast from the past would be fun:
“Comedian Al Franken last month wrote an apology letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft, admitting that he was not truthful when he previously sought Ashcroft’s views on abstinence.”
Quite ironic coming from someone who seems to be obsessed with the truthfulness of others.
If the legislature didn’t LIE by using fake “emergency” clauses….we wouldn’t even have the 912 initative, among others…
by the way, what’s up w/ end around by UW on racial quotas…despite us voting them down…UW violating the law…?
Go ahead and bitch all you want about paying the increased gas tax. When the roads are fixed you’ll enjoy them too.
Maybe we’ll see even better employment numbers once business can get their products to markets?
Maybe not everyone wants to drive everywhere and a bike/pedestrian path is a good idea?
Maybe someday the righties will realize no one gets a free lunch and it takes some $$ to make our government work?
Maybe I’ll just stop with the questions because we won and you lost. get over it.
If Joyce Mulliken can support a gas tax then the far right should be able to grasp the concept.
“and I for one, can’t wait to see you fruitcake fringies, nutburgers and loonies GET exactly what you wanted…”
I was thinking the same thing with the reelection of President God’s Will. However, now that it is occurring, I cannot say it is enjoyable. Be careful what you cannot wait for.
Go ahead and bitch all you want about paying the increased gas tax. When the roads are fixed you’ll enjoy them too.
A government ran by democrats build roads??? Hahahahaha
Yeah sure, in a couple more years we will hear about the short fall in WSDOT and the stupid fucks in KC will give them more money. At least we have I-900 and will have a better perspective on how WSDOT spends it’s money.
The mendacity of the right wing refucklicans never ceases to amaze. Lay out a clear and refutable (if you think goldy is lying)picture and what de you get…..?
“Look, over there! Politicians lie!”
Rightwing nutjobs call this “debate”. I can it oxycontin withdrawal syndrome.
Rufus @ 17
“Yeah sure, in a couple more years we will hear about the short fall in WSDOT and the stupid fucks in KC will give them more money. At least we have I-900 and will have a better perspective on how WSDOT spends it’s money. “
Wishing it is so doesn’t make it so, Rufus the Dufus.
It just makes you a sore loser!!!!!!!
The reason for taxes is so Democrat politicians can buy Democrat votes. It’s that simple.
You, for RUFUS any subsequent request for road money will vindicate his own view of the world. He is not completely imune from evidence, its just that any evidence he finds will support his view or be discarded. I think that is the new definition of science by the Kansas theocrats….
Kind of like the new definition of ‘honor’ in the White House.
Actually we will finally have good evidence once the first performance audit is done. Evidence is not found on a government web site or editorials. As far as teaching Kids creationism or evolution who cares!!!! Heck if more of them could only read their diploma when they graduate that would be a great accomplishment. Of course most public schools are run by donks so it makes perfect sense.
“Go ahead and bitch all you want about paying the increased gas tax. When the roads are fixed you’ll enjoy them too.
Maybe we’ll see even better employment numbers once business can get their products to markets?”
Just wishin’ and hopin’……….
Dude…I doubt any of us here will live that long!!
I totally agree roads must be fixed and traffic volume vastly improved.
The questions are:
1) At what cost?
2) What priorities?
3) What accountability?
4) WHO and HOW is WSDOT performance measured??
Exit polls showed over 55% polled did not believe WSDOT would spend the GasTax money wisely.
I-912 was defeated out of sheer desperation.
It is always a bad idea to borrow or agree to tax increases out of desperation…..feeling like more money is the ONLY solution.
8 DAYS since I-912 defeated and traffic is still worse.
I’ll still be saying that on DAY 1000!
Dufus @22 (and the rest of you righties),
WSDOT has had a number of performance audits over the past decade, they are not performed internally, they are contracted out to the same firms that the Auditor will use to do his performance audits.
But really, it doesn’t really matter who does it, because you would refuse to believe any positive audit nobody who conducted it. No… no matter how well WSDOT is run, you’ll still dredge up 15-year-old problems and ask “will WSDOT ever restore public faith.”
The fact is, the vast majority of WSDOT projects over the past half decade have come in on time and on budget.
re 13: You are truly an idiot.
WSDOT has had a number of performance audits over the past decade, they are not performed internally, they are contracted out to the same firms that the Auditor will use to do his performance audits.
Com on Goldy, look who is on the audit board.
Three citizen members, appointed by the Governor, with transportation-related expertise.
One citizen member with performance measurement expertise.
One at-large member appointed by the Governor.
The State Auditor or his designee.
One member of the Washington State Transportation Commission.
Four members of the Washington State Legislature, 2 each from the House Transportation Committee and the Senate Transportation Committee or their designees.
The Legislative Auditor, who serves as the ex-officio non-voting member.
Wow… so much for independence!
The stupidest person this side of PuddyBud wrote @ 17
“A government ran by democrats build roads??? Hahahahaha”
Yeah, the first one was FDR. You know the Interstate Freeway? That was a “donk”.
RUFUS your comments are so asinine, that sometimes I think it is Goldy posting them to draw attention to the idiosy of the right wing.
But then I remember that the right wing IS THAT STUPID!
Goldy sez—
“The fact is, the vast majority of WSDOT projects over the past half decade have come in on time and on budget.”
Who’s timeline and who’s budget Goldy???
Why WSDOT’s…of course!
ConservativeLasdt @ 13 Have you read “Liars and the lying lies that tell them”?
If you haven’t you probably do not realize what a fool you are.
The smoking gun post is the tip of the hat to people who have read the book.
Hint: Franken aknowledges the joke in the book!
Sucks to be an idiot like you, Conservative last!
And stuckonstuppiddon, he’s still smarter than you!
OK….time out for a wee bit of humor—
Why is it so quiet when Roger Rabbit is having sex????
Because he has cotton balls!
Mr Irrelevant and oblivious to the obvious said
“Who’s timeline and who’s budget Goldy???
Why WSDOT’s…of course!
Uh… yeah… the WSDOT sets the timeline.
Thast is the way it works in “reality world”
You might want to tip your toe in “reality world” sometime.
I reccomend it!
You moron!
A government ran by democrats build roads??? Hahahahaha
The Interstate Highway system consists of about 43,000 miles of roads. 14,834 of those miles were opened between 1959 and 1966. Another 8067 miles were opened between 1966 and 1970 (see Table 1 on the 27th of the 122 pages in this document). In other words, over half of the system was built in those years. Which party was in the White House during the great majority of those years?
Nearly a quarter of all bridges in the Interstate system were built in the five years between 1965 and 1969 (fact #21 in this short document). Which party was in the White House during the years in which that construction occurred?
But don’t let facts get in the way of your idiotic and assholic beliefs.
Mr. Cynical @ 32
“Because he has cotton balls! “
Holy shit! You made a funny, Mr. C!
I guess you ARE snapping out of it!
Try this one out on your laugh meter–
3 mice sitting around the neighborhood bar trying to impress each other with how tough they are.
1st mouse chugs a shot of scotch and says “I set off mousetraps with my foot. When the bar comes down, I bench-press it 20 times while I eat the fuckin’ cheese!”
2nd mouse pounds down 2 shots of bourbon and says “When I see rat poison, I gather as much as I can, grind it into powder, put it in my coffee and barely get a buzz!”
3rd mouse chugs a bottle of vodka, let’s out a long sigh and says to the other 2 mice “I don’t have time for this horseshit!! I’ve gotta go home and fuck the cat!”
And stuckonstuppiddon, he’s still smarter than you!
Comment by Puddybud — 11/16/05 @ 10:26 pm
Prove it PuddyBud… if you have the balls! Or the intelligence.
Har har har
Rural electrification!
Another “donk” idea.
Eastern Washington… you like electricity?
Thank FDR.
You inbred Mother beaters!
I have often traveled the “Going to the sun” roadway in Glacier National Park.
Built by FDR. And all the workers got the “prevailing wage”.
People like Chuck hatemthe “prevailing wage”, because it drains their trust funds.
To bad, so Sad.
Suck my “prevailing wage” donkey dick, fucktards!
What I am trying to say is:
You pencil dicked do nothing trust fund Neo-Cons are going to be serving lunch to the “Real Deal” workers that you spat upon.
While you are being cornholed by the people you economically fucked over, don’t wince. That will show you to be the cowards you are.
Maybe we will want to invade North Korea with your children… hmmm Sounds good.
Maybe a bit of sarin gas from Syria, that we sold them during the Reagan administration? Sound OK?
Payback is a bitch, you anti-american cowards!!!
Let’s not forget that Goldstein is the master and greatest wielder of the “misleading soundbite.”
And we can always count on Goldstein to feign shock when it’s to his benefit and otherwise remain silent.
John McDonald @ 41
“Let’s not forget that Goldstein is the master and greatest wielder of the “misleading soundbite.”
And we can always count on Goldstein to feign shock when it’s to his benefit and otherwise remain silent.”
But, you JUUUUUST cannot resist reading it, can ya Johnny?
John McDonald @41,
Wow. Thanks, John. Can I use you as a reference?
So I suppose, if all you’re going to do is attack me, that means you can’t defend Bader?
Well, at least the performance audit measure passed. That was one supported by Tim Eyman, I believe.
Couldn’t agree more with Times. If the AWV is truly a safety hazard, then we can’t afford wait around for funding to be found for the Cadillac, when most of the money for a Buick is already available.
“Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels ought to agree to a deadline for demonstrating he can pay for a replacement of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. His proposed $4 billion tunnel — the most expensive option — could impede transportation progress.
The most practical solution is a rebuild of the imperiled roadway. If the mayor can assemble funds for a tunnel, he should do so by February or March. Otherwise, our political leaders ought to move forward with a cheaper, more-achievable rebuild.”
Comment by Donnageddon— 11/16/05 @ 10:26 pm
So lying to someone to write a book is okay, as long as you are a leftist who writes books about lying. Interesting position.
At least Franken apologized. When have Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Carlson, Wilbur, Segal, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Libby, Rove, etc. ever apologized or admitted they were wrong?
Wow someone (Al Fraken) admiting to not telling the truth. And if you ever read his books you would notice there about people who keep perpetuating their lies. Like the fact that Bill O’riely was a registered republican, but still today claims that he was an independent. So instead of admiting the truth (like Al Fraken) he continues to lie. Isn’t honesty a virtue. Don’t you want your political correspondants, and politicians to be honest with you. I guess not otherwise you wouldn’t have posted such and idiotic thing.
Try this one out on your laugh meter–
3 mice sitting around the neighborhood bar trying to impress each other with how tough they are.
1st mouse chugs a shot of scotch and says “I set off mousetraps with my foot. When the bar comes down, I bench-press it 20 times while I eat the fuckin’ cheese!”
2nd mouse pounds down 2 shots of bourbon and says “When I see rat poison, I gather as much as I can, grind it into powder, put it in my coffee and barely get a buzz!”
3rd mouse chugs a bottle of vodka, let’s out a long sigh and says to the other 2 mice “I don’t have time for this horseshit!! I’ve gotta go home and fuck the cat!”
C’mon dj…..don’t tell me your are offended by this joke???
Is it too anti-mouse for you?
DAY 9–GasTax Traffic Congestion Improvement Vigil
Traffic still appears to suck!
you shouldn’t try parody and satire, Mr. Irrelevant… The hat doesn’t fit you that well.
Heres a hint; holding a vigil on road construction 2 weeks after they were allowed to start the process just makes you look like more of an ignorant moron.
On the other hand, congrats on your ability to google jokes! I’m glad to see that you can use the ‘net to cover your total lack of creativity~
As a typical humorless LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWN, you perhaps don’t realize that most jokes are concocted by someone else. That doesn’t make them any less funny you CLOWN!
Hey, I really hope WSDOT is successful relieve significant traffic congestion with these many BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. They better, don’t you think??
Our problem always has been and continues to be a lack of benchmarks and measurables to evaluate WSDOT and ensure taxpayers we are getting optimum bang for the buck. WSDOT sets Budgets. WSDOT sets timetables. When WSDOT overhead and planning costs are questioned….they tell questioners they aren’t smart enough to question.
When folks question measurables like cost per mile etc. and compare that cost with other states productivity which is much better, questioners are told it’s not fair to compare.
WSDOT can avoid any and all accountability as long as they have you CLOWNS running interference and being cheerleaders.
Cynical Irrelevant Clown:
When folks question measurables like cost per mile etc. and compare that cost with other states productivity which is much better, questioners are told it’s not fair to compare.
Have any links or cites to back that up or are you just spreading FUD?
Weren’t we told that the viaduct was dangerous and could pancake at any minute? Then why hasn’t it been closed already? If it should pancake during an eathquake, WSDOT will have blood on its hands.
Please don’t quote Ann Coulter at length here. Aside from being hugely off-topic, it’s a waste of virtual space. Give us a URL link; if anyone then decides it’s worth their time to read it, they can do so.
Dr. E—
I thought you were the voice of “tolerance and diversity”????
Ohhhhh, I forgot….tolerance and diversity AS LONG AS THEY AGREE WITH YOU!
Dr. E—
If you were really serious about your comment @ 56, you would first of all lecture your fellow LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS!!
Once you have your ilk buying into avoiding lengthy quotes…THEN you can lecture folks you disagree with.
It seems more sincere that way…know what I mean?
Comment by ???? — 11/17/05 @ 10:23 am
“Wow someone (Al Fraken) admiting to not telling the truth. And if you ever read his books you would notice there about people who keep perpetuating their lies. Like the fact that Bill O’riely was a registered republican, but still today claims that he was an independent. So instead of admiting the truth (like Al Fraken) he continues to lie.”
Why is O’Reilly’s voter registration important to discussing Al Franken’s truthfulness? Are you saying Franken has only be dishonest or disengenuous this one time, and as such he has moral superiority to others?
When righties here bring up Dems transgressions in response to similar transgressions by Reps, they are pilloried as being “trolls” (or much worse).
“Isn’t honesty a virtue. Don’t you want your political correspondants, and politicians to be honest with you. I guess not otherwise you wouldn’t have posted such and idiotic thing.”
Since the title of Goldy’s post is a paraphrasing of one of Al Franken’s book titles, I was merely pointing out the irony of Franken’s position. I’m unsure how my position makes me an idiot, or against honesty.
Geez, the wingnuts are all over the map today – From Coulter to Franken.
All to cover for the dishonest and disingenuous Bader who played gotcha with a rather good idea from a REPUBLICAN!!!
And they wonder why they keep losing…
What I am trying to say is:
You pencil dicked do nothing trust fund Neo-Cons are going to be serving lunch to the “Real Deal” workers that you spat upon.
While you are being cornholed by the people you economically fucked over, don’t wince. That will show you to be the cowards you are.
Maybe we will want to invade North Korea with your children… hmmm Sounds good.
Maybe a bit of sarin gas from Syria, that we sold them during the Reagan administration? Sound OK?
Payback is a bitch, you anti-american cowards!!!
Comment by Donnageddon— 11/16/05 @ 11:19 pm
Mr I Live in One Room sounds pathetically jealous, dontcha think? Get up off your ASS, and contribute TO society sweetcakes… the American Dream can indeed be yours with effort and breaking the nanny state tit habit.
At least Franken apologized. When have Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Carlson, Wilbur, Segal, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Libby, Rove, etc. ever apologized or admitted they were wrong? -Comment by JDB— 11/17/05 @ 10:10 am
Why would they lie… to placate the it’s-not-nice-to-hurt-feelings libs???
Oil companies are evil and must not be allowed to do business in the state of WASH. NO Gas!! No heating oil!! No electricity from nuks or fossil fuels!! The libs in WASH must stand tall!!! [hehe]
Mr. Irrelevant:
Your own humor sucks, and I doubt you have the sense to retain funny jokes on your own; that was kinda my point.
In other words; being able to rote-recite amusing jokes doesn’t mean you actually have a sense of humor of your own.
also, proudass… just a little hint. The condescending schtick is just a bit too transparent to really get people mad at you. When you’re trolling, you have to be more subtle.
They were funny as hell TIGHTASS!
Mr. C
I’m not intolerant of Ann Coulter’s existence, nor am I intolerant of the existence of the intellectually lazy drivel that issues from her pen on a regular basis. (Yes, that is my opinion: others think she’s brilliant, I think she is very sloppy with her fact checking, etc.) She has the constitutional right to write whatever she so feels fit to print. I do, however, think that reproducing an entire, off-topic article is wasteful (and diversionary); the poster would have better saved the post for a thread in which its content might be remotely germane, perhaps quote a sentence or two, and then provide a link.
Now, if Ann Coulter suddenly produced an insightful, well-reasoned, and professionally researched piece of work, I might read it, if the subject matter interested me. I haven’t seen anything heretofore that meets those criteria, and the article above certainly fails as well.
DAY 9–GasTax Traffic Congestion Improvement Vigil
Traffic still appears to suck!
Well, DOT would’ve already gotten started on some of the projects, but they had to wait to see if 912 was going to pass or not. So basically the result of the initiative that you supported was to delay projects, and now you’re bitching about the delay in projects.
Why can’t you take some responsibility for the consequences of your choices?
MoonbatPatrol @54,
First of all, let me just say… fuck you.
HA is the target of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of blog spam a day, and so I have a pretty robust filter in place that sometimes inadvertantly catches non-spam posts. There’s small print beneat the “Say it!” button to this effect, and all the regulars know it. I use a widely distributed list of filter words, and I’m not exactly sure what is in it or why, but I can tell you that after stepping away from my computer for a few hours, I came back to find over 400 spam comments and fewer than a dozen non spam in it. So it works pretty well.
In that filter were a bunch of yours, and normally I would have just approved them, but you know what? Fuck you. First of all, it really pisses me off when stupid inconsiderate fucks like you start reposting and breaking things up, thinking you can get around the filter, when all you succeed in doing is making a mess for me. Second, you posted a complete, copyrighted column from Ann Coulter, which is not only a violation of blog etiquette (post a fucking link) but also a violation of US copyright law. The last thing I need is some evil shrew like Coulter suing me because some dumbfuck like you lifted an entire column.
And finally, you come here, to my blog, where I let anybody post the most evil, insulting garbage imaginable… and then you attack me for censorship?! Do you think I even bother reading comments from people like you? Well fuck you. I deleted your posts… not as an act of censorship, but as a big FUCK YOU!
And one more thing… fuck you.
[And as an amusing update, I’d just like to point out that this comment got caught in the filter too.]
Geez….all of a sudden you’ve become semi-manly!!
You seem a bit over-agitated….
I thought you would be happy tonight.
After all….ALL those challenged voters by Ms. Sotelo were actually legit,,,,weren’t they???
Comment by Goldy— 11/17/05 @ 8:51 pm
“[And as an amusing update, I’d just like to point out that this comment got caught in the filter too.]”
With all those f-bombs maybe the filter thought your post was an ad for Viagra.
Hey. Why did WSDOT need to make this project the first one out of the box?. It seems like they had better projects to move forward first – even though there’s nothing wrong with it. Its sorta stupid to target this particular project as the first to move forward with the defeat of I 912. Couldn’t they have picked a project more representative of what the vote was about?
I am not sure about another vote on new taxes in 2006 for transportation. Didn’t Tim Eyman say he’s planning another “we said $30 dollar car tabs?” initiative. That’s probably what we’ll be voting on next year – not new taxes for light rail and to toll 520 and complete the Viaduct.
Eyman will be looking for stupid mistakes by the transportation agencies to make his case. They all better be focused on delivering good value for our dollars instead of wasting their time plotting ways to find more.
And remember, Seattle voter will still be paying Monorail taxes when Eyman’s $30 car tab initiative is on the ballot. And I’d bet Eyman could run a better campaign than Bader.
WSDOT didn’t target the bike lane as the first project out the door, they held off on the nickel project (the bridge replacement) for extra time in case 912 didn’t pass – it saves many truckers a 40 mile detour. It was to proceed with or without 912. Plus, other projects that *will use* 2005 tax package money are already well under way.
I’m also a Seattle voter, and I haven’t paid a dime of monorail taxes, because I *use* the public transportation.