NPR reads the Declaration of Independence:
[audio:]Martin Bashir’s Top Lines: Independence day political fireworks.
Keb Mo:
Buzz60: Best 4th of July fails.
Young Turks: Epic Politics Man goes looking for an American-made American flag to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Morgan Freeman:
Big Eddie’s (Ed Schultz’s) barbecue and Obamacare tips for July 4th.
Newsy: July 4th fireworks being cancelled across the U.S.
Note: Tune in at 10:00 AM today on KUOW (94.9 FM) for a one hour Capitol Steps “Politics Takes a Holiday” program.
Just got word that Rmoney’s tens and tens and tens of millions of OFFSHORE tax-sheltered dollars wish we Americans in America a very happy Independence Day.
Was James Madison, Father of the Constitution, a secret Kenyan mooselman communist?
An analysis of how Southern culture (not just racisim) and its absolute fealty to hierarchy and power relationships is taking over the whole nation, much to the detriment of the vast majority of us.
Happy 4th to everyone.
Reflections On Gettysburg
“The speech lasted two minutes. Almost no one thought it special at the time. … In the time it takes people these days to enter a Facebook update, Lincoln articulated what the United States of America, in its best moments, is about. I am moved by his … words about … government of the people, by the people, for the people. …
“Today, Americans are so divided, so unwilling to see the good in our political opponents, so unable to agree upon a shared, common good. … Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, Rob McKenna and Jay Inslee: … move us, elevate us, call us to a better place together. … Show us … the … words of Gettysburg echo in 2012.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lincoln spoke of government of, by, and for — us. This government, he said, not only belongs to us but is us.
Lincoln was right; and that being so, how can those who call the “people’s government” that Gettysburg’s heroes fought and died to preserve “The Enemy” possibly be thought of by anyone as patriotic?
A bullet costing only 25 cents can start a wildfire that costs millions of dollars to put out.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It doesn’t make any sense to give guns to people who have no sense.
“Two people were wounded … in Mount Vernon … Monday …. Officers … arrested a 16-year-old for investigation of drive-by shooting. … A 19-year-old man [was] wounded … [a] 16-year-old girl had … cuts from broken glass.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: America’s gun fetish is insane. When
16-year-olds are shooting 16-year-olds, guns are too easy to get.
You mean stuff like this?
OK, so first we had righty wet dream George Nethercutt come out in favor of using bicycles as a form of transportation, but I just stumbled across something even better. Mick Cornett the Republican mayor of the Very Republican city of Oklahoma City is not only pro-bike he thinks cycling projects should be included in the federal transportation budget! Take that James Inhofe (R-OK).
Amid fresh revelations that bankers are dishonest and the banking system is corrupt, how can anyone plausibly argue that banks are overregulated and need less, instead of more, oversight
and supervision?
@9 This is GOPers’ idea of progress: In the 21st century, Chinese will drive cars and Americans will ride bicycles.
Hey global warming deniers, get ready to pay more for food:
“The … U.S. corn crop continues to deteriorate as scorching heat in the corn belt threatens the crop ….”
“Relentless heat in the key U.S. corn- and soybean-growing areas drove benchmark Chicago corn futures higher on Tuesday, marking the grain’s biggest eight-day advance in three-and-a-half years. Soybean prices jumped to their highest levels since 2008 … while U.S. wheat hit its highest price in over a year ….”
Ummm nope Roger the DOPEY DUMB Wabbit… It’s you leftists who want to take away our cars through useless laws and fiats.
Good try at slinging BULLSHITTIUM again. Puddy calls them as I see them!
@13 puddles,
Me and my leftest friends are coming in our fiats to take away your car this afternoon. We expect our leftist expedition to be EPIC.
Roger Rabbit’s Stock Tip Of The Day
The oldest listed stock on the NYSE is Bank of New York Mellon, which you could have bought when George Washington was president.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I was a little dilatory about adding this one to my stock collection; I didn’t buy it until March 2012. BNYM is the only bank stock I own. It’s a custodial bank that makes 80% of its revenues from service fees, and engages in minimal lending activity with no mortgage lending at all. Trading under the symbol BK it’s currently trading slightly above the midpoint of its 52-week range and yields 2.3% on a payout ratio of 23% which leaves plenty of room for future dividend increases. This isn’t a get-rich-quick stock but could be worth a lot more 5 or 10 years down the road. This is the bank the U.S. government hired to manage its TARP funds.
Nice 4th of July post from the Market Street Railway blog in San Francisco, saluting the volunteers who put flats on the historic streetcars used on the San Francisco Municipal Railway F-Market and Wharves line. The photo in the post is of a PCC Streetcar painted in Twin Cities Rapid Transit Co. colors.
@13 “Puddy calls them as I see them!”
That’s been the problem with your comments all along. GIGO applies.
The great DECEIT of the right, the horribly destructive lie, is that government is inherently bad.
The one action that makes us all equal – one person/one vote – and the organization to carry out that will – government – has been systematically undermined and delegitimized in the pursuit of power, oligarchy, neofeudalism by the Republicans, and the right in general.
@17 Historically, there was an ugly downside to trolleys: They were owned by monopolists who ruthlessly expropriated the poor working stiffs who had to ride them.
Paranoid much?
What is it with you and cars? Will you be bragging some more about the size of the rental your employer allows you to take out? I suspect, given all the bragging, that you likely actually drive a Pinto.
Doesn’t such exploitation run counter to the Christianity that is so ostentatiously paraded about by the party of money?
Roger Rabbit @5
One of the great ironies of Gettysburg, Pickett’s Charge was fought on a farm owned by a free black man. Pickett’s Charge was really supposed to be a pincer move, with Jeb Stuart’s cavalry coming in from the rear, but thanks to a maverick Union Cavalry officer from Michigan, George Armstrong Custer and his brigade of Union Cavalrymen, Stuart did not make it.(I know, the same Custer who lost an entire squadron(battalion) of the 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn)
Roger Rabbit @20
Good point, even though Seattle bought the trolley company in 1919, the mortgage was so high, they spend the better part of the next two decades paying it off, and maintenance suffered, and sometimes the workers did not get paid except in IOUs. When the banks did not honor those, well, the bankers got a surprise from the city of Seattle. The fareboxes were confiscated on payday and the workers paid in nickels and dimes. In the case of San Francisco, they had competition in the street railway market from 1912-1944, when MUNI competed with the Market Street Railway, until the former bought out the latter. The next batch of restored PCC cars going into the MUNI fleet will include a what might have been. A double-ender painted in a paint scheme that the MSR was going to apply to a few they were about to purchase. For Seattle, my guess of a what might have been if the city had ordered some of the streamlined cars, would probably be based on Seattle Transit PCF-Brill trolleybus
(The current MSR is a non-profit organization that works with San Francisco Municipal Railway, which the latter is a division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency).
Some interesting analysis of Mexico’s Congressional Election system. First, there was no incumbant winning last week, thanks to the Constitution of 1917’s ban on consecutive terms, and the single-6 year term limit for the President.(Congressmembers can run again at the next mid-term, and Senators have to wait 6 years before they can run again). 500 seats in the lower house, 300 single seat districts, 200 by proportional representation, a variant of what is called Mixed-Member Majoritarian(also used in South Korea, Japan, and pushed, but failed, in New Zealand last year).
MMM and MMPR(Mixed Member Proportional Representation, used in Germany, and New Zealand) are a best of both worlds electoral system. Although, with our Congressional seats apportioned by state population, I prefer a best system that meats the state’s delegation size, so MMPR or MMM(which would make a good party choice over the former, because the Party vote is separate from the district vote, unlike MMPR, where the Party Vote determines how many seats a party wins) would work in the larger states, like California, Texas, Florida and even New York, while the Irish System(Single-Transferable Vote in multi-seat districts) would work for the middle size states, while the Australian System(Ranked Preferential Voting) would work for states with 1 or 2 seats. THe fact that the PRI candidate won with less than 51% shows that if the Electroal College here is reformed, it should be modified to at least make sure that the winner of the popular vote, is by a majority, which Ranked preferential voting, or Instant Runoff Voting, would ensure. The GOP and the Democrats would oppose, because both would have to moderate their positions. Has a party with all the advantages adopted something that would undo their grip on power, voluntarily? Meixco with the PRI.
One of the assumed President-Elect’s ideas, is to open up the state-oil company PEMEX, which like much of Mexico is rife with corruption, to some private competition. The problem is they have to amend the Constitution, which requires a supermajority, and there is another reform that they put in, that prevents a party from getting the supermajority to amend the Constitution, by itself.
The Mexican Senate is an interesting situation, 96 seats at the State and Federal District Level, 2 in each going to the majority winner, and 1 to the First Minority in the state. Their is also a proportional tier that is awarded based on party vote nationally. Basicallly a theoretical US example, at least 1 Republican Senator elected in a heavily Democratic State, like New York or Hawaii, and at least one Democratic Senator elected in a heavily GOP state like Idaho, with the Green Party and the Libertarians winning in the proportional tier, and D.C. having representation in the Senate.
Yes, you are sooooo superior to everyone else, arent you libby lab tech.
Good god, you sounds like such a douchebag.
sounds like a douchebag
I can’t imagine the type of person that would know what a douchebag sounds like.
Dwarf-Big Giant Idiot: purveyor of Pig shit and a douchebag’s douchebag.
Happy 4th to all of you liberty loving, patriotic Americans. Oh, and a Happy 4th to you trolls as well.
For my part, I started my commemoration of the 4th by riding my bike to Planned Parenthood, where I assisted a 12 year-old in getting past the protesters so she could get another elective abortion – her third, she told me. Next I’m pedaling off to sabatoge the fireworks display that some vets are putting on tonight. Heh. I’m hoping for a twofer out of that one and that I’ll get to spit on a vet. God, I love this country!
thank god someone here has a sense of humor! :)
The bigger and faster the better!
What is it with you and lunacy? You wear it very well!
Nice twisting of the real deal Lib da schmucko. Government isn’t bad… libtard use of government is BAD!
“An analysis of how Southern culture (not just racisim) and its absolute fealty to hierarchy and power relationships is taking over the whole nation, much to the detriment of the vast majority of us.”
You’re sure about that, right, Lib Sci? Ever lived in the South? Ever been to any Asian countries? Ever had any contact with the descendants of the original Spanish land grant families of Mexico?
A lot of uninformed people think that racism only exists in the South and that only white people are racists. This idea is quite uninformed. I’ve been to a lot of places, and I can tell you that Asians can be quite racist to both outsiders and other Asians. Take the Japanese for example. Do you think racism didn’t motivate some of their actions in the past century, vis-a-vis Korea and China? Don’t forget the Phillipines, too.
The descendants of the Spanish land grant families of Mexico (who still own and control everything there) look at the more aboriginal Mexicans as sub-human de facto slaves.
How about South Boston and the attempts to integrate the schools with black kids from Roxbury? Man, there were some first-class NORTHERN racists rantin’ and raving’ there!
You’re a pompous fucking asshole who couldn’t find his ass with a fucking flashlight. Stop critcizing others because you’re no fucking better than they are. Your “absolute fealty” is to your own ego.
Steve @ 29,
Man, I wish you would have let me in on your plans. I’d have happily joined forces. I’m currently wiping my ass with the flag. Next, I hope to moon a submarine at Bangor. After that, I’m just going to wing it with regard to expressing the anti-Americanism that so naturally flows from being a leftist.
Apparently driving like a complete maniac on I-5 is a holiday tradition for some folks. Never saw as many speeders as I did today, and not just speeding a little, I saw a few folks going 90. The State Patrol was out in force and had all sorts of folks pulled over. More power to them.
Leftists like George Nethercutt and Mick Cornett!
If you’re driving a Fiat you might also want to get a bicycle and strap it to the back, because you’ve only got a 50% chance of making it where your going in one of those things.
Oops, double post.
Spent a good chunk of my 4th hanging out with a couple of relations who spent a couple of 4th of July’s locked up in Manzanar.
I love my country, but we’ve done some fucked up shit.
Woo-hoo, go America! USA! USA!
@34 “I’m currently wiping my ass with the flag.”
Sounds like a great way to start the 4th. I have a septic system, so I can’t do that here. So instead I doused Old Glory in some Kingston BBQ Fluid and used it to fire up the BBQ. I had picked up a late-term fetus at Planned Parenthood earlier and and when I’m done basting it in my home-made Zygote & Honey BBQ sauce I’m gonna lay it on the grill. I don’t know about you, but I like my fetus served well-done, when you can cut it with a fork.
“Get My Property!!!”
Says the jackass who’s illegal fireworks were pegging my house. The funny part about it is that it’s not even his property and I’ve known his landlord for most of my life. Guess who’s gonna win this fight.
Hey lawyer type people!
Every 4th of July the city of Gig Harbor turns into a war zone. The city allows not only the firing off of legal “safe and sane” fire works, but illegal ones that are powerful enough to rattle my windows from several 100 yards away. The air turns blue and is hard to breathe. On the 5th of July I find other peoples spent fireworks on my roof and all over my yard. As more and more places ban and crack down on illegal fireworks, more and more people come to Gig Harbor to light their shit off. It gets worse every year.
The city has never done a damn thing about it. I’ve emailed people about it and never gotten a response. They’ve never put a press release in the local paper reminding people that it’s illegal to shoot this stuff off. The local police non-emergency number isn’t staffed.
My question to the lawyer types is: if something bad were to happen, someone’s house burns down, someone’s kid has an asthma attack and has to go to the hospital, can the city be held responsible for it? They know it’s illegal behavior, they know it goes on, they have a responsibility to follow the law, and they’ve done nothing to uphold the law. Aren’t they partly responsible?
I’ve just sent off an email to the city about this. I’d love to be able to compare your answers to theirs. That is, if I can get an answer out of them.
Mmm, that sounds like some mighty fine fetus. Steve, you know us leftists hunger for the best in fetus grill recipes. Why did you not invite me over for this event?
#43 continued
Here’s the Gig Harbor Police Department’s home page:
And the city’s:
See zippo about fireworks of any kind.
you must be the Debbie Downer of Gig Harbor. Jeez, its one day a year for christs sake….relax.
On the one hand you might be right on this one. On the other hand I’m betting you didn’t have people pegging your roof with fireworks and didn’t watch star burst shells exploding 75 feet up in 100 foot tall fir trees.
I am curious if someone’s kid dies from an asthma attack or their house burns down can they sue the city? I’d rather not have to shell out my cash to cover the lawsuit the city loses.
I’m also curious about the city’s complete lack of good faith effort to uphold the law.
Did you read my post that you quoted, that contained “Southern culture (not just racism)“???
You then go on at some length about racism in other cultures, specifically Japan and Mexico, THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WROTE OR THE ARTICLE I LINKED TO, you fucking idiot.
You did NOT write a single word about the thesis of that article that I linked to, that discussed differences in Northern and Southern culture, of which the nature of the racism was only a minor part and symptoms of something larger. Something that WAS THE WHOLE POINT.
Talk about not being able to find your own ass with a flashlight and two hands…
Yeah, that’s a great idea – never examine how we behave or how we organize our culture and society. Wouldn’t ever want to criticize – that might show critical thinking skills. Wouldn’t ever want to examine how we might be fucking up and maybe do something about it. Wouldn’t want to evolve the society, because that would make things all….different, or something.
You call me arrogant, but you’re a complete idiot.
This is quite good, A Declaration of Independence, from Leaders, here’s a sample:
There is a subset of people with strongly narcissistic tendencies and the ability to manipulate and lie exceedingly well, and they seem drawn to hierarchical structures, like government or academic administrations, or business management, and they’re just fuck-tards. We need to start designing a society that inoculates itself against these types, and finds something innocuous for them to do, without bothering the rest of us.
However, sad for politically incorrect, that would require examining the underlying assumptions and behaviors within society, something that seems to make him cry.
you have to wonder – who are the real barbarians? Gay people or people that kill their families like it is mainstream going out of style.
Gay people attack with glitter, how violent.
I see Obama’s buddies have been busted in the Countrywide loan scandal.
Also named are key Democrat Senators Chris Dodd (D-Conn) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) as well as Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., former chairman of the Oversight Committee. Towns issued the first subpoena to Bank of America for Countrywide documents, and current Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., subpoenaed more documents. The committee said that in responding to the Towns subpoena, Bank of America left out documents related to his Towns’ loan.
Also a few non-influential R’s and staffers related to both parties.
It’s not good folks.
Another thing for Obama to explain.
Is Gleeman’s real name Luka Magnotta?
Michael @ 43,
The short answer is no, there would be no claim against the city. If an injured party could track down the shooter of the rocket or whatever that causes harm, he or she would have a claim against that party.
Well, no worries about repeat performances from the asshole neighbors, they’re month to month renters (lease expired), always late on their rent, and act like aholes to their landlord. Turns out their land lord had already given them notice that they had to be moved out at the end of the month.