You know I love you Josh, and I did my best to help you breath life into PubliCola, but honestly, how do you write this about Rob McKenna, without mentioning this?
I mean, the whole raison d’etre behind PubliCola at its onset was to help fill the huge news hole left by the sudden collapse of the Capitol press corps, yet this is exactly the kinda lazy conventional-wisdom-spouting-in-the-face-of-conventional-wisdom-changing-facts that McKenna is counting on to sneak his way into the governor’s mansion as, you know, a “different kind of Republican.”
Yeah sure, McKenna won a Supreme Court case he should’a won (thanks in no small part to the staff attorneys that actually wrote his brief), but the fact that he did his job for a change is not reason enough to ignore the times he doesn’t.
Dog bites man.
McKenna doesn’t care about black people.
In Farrakhan vs. Gregoire, which found that institutional racism in our criminal justice system violates the Voting Rights Act by disproportionately disenfranchises minorities, McKenna has promised to appeal the ruling, hopefully all the way to the Supreme Court, to make sure felons are denied the right to vote. He has totally dismissed the institutional racism that led to the ruling, indicating he has no intention of doing anything about it. Interestingly, he will not be challenging the institutional racism that led to the ruling, only arguing that given such racism, the VRA is nonetheless misapplied.
It’s complicated, but read that again if necessary. Trust me on this, I have it exactly right.
Furthermore, McKenna has joined the Florida Law suit over the Health Care Bill. Since health care reform disproportionately helps the poor who are shut out of the health care system, it disproportionately helps blacks in this state.
Thank you, AG McKenna, for being a good Republican operative and looking out for the interests of the most privileged in our Society, and ignoring the plight of the least advantage, that have no money to contribute to your Gubernatorial campaign and that are denied health care and equal justice under the law because, well, they just can’t afford it.
“by disproportionately disenfranchising minorities”.
Here’s another link with more info on McKenna’s position regarding the undisputed systemic racial bias.
There’s this Josh Feit masterpiece as well:
Is Josh becoming a tool or what?
shorter goldy:
tow the party line or else I will go after you
Good god listening to KUOW right now.
The McKenna love fest continues! Both Erica and Joni B. say that there’s no way McKenna can lose.
Good grief!
I guess McKenna’s a shoe in because this state has lurched to the right in recent elections — what with us electing a very conservative Seattle mayor last year along with getting rid of domestic partnerships and voting for Tim Eyman’s latest anti tax initiative last year.
@6 not much 06/25/2010 at 11:01 am,
Another read could arguably be that despite his affection for and personal investment in Josh, Goldy has some standards about news reporting that if not met he’ll call colleagues out on it.
Goldy is not saying Josh should “tow the party line” whatever that means.
He’s just merely pointing out that Josh’s article is very flawed.
Josh is trying to suggest that McKenna is appearing bi-partisan, but Josh doesn’t even mention that the AG is currently being sued by the Public Lands Commissioner.
That’s a huge omission.
7. PassionateJus spews:
AND because you Rootless Atheist Progressives have nearly bankrupt the State and your tax increases are ceaseless.
His co-editor is also very anti union, and the main target is the ATU (primarly Metro divers); her positioning on labor sounds a lot like the Cato Institude. Josh is also a supporter of the WTO, and he openly defend that position. Progressive? Another term devoid of meaning, sort of like “free markets”.
The governor sez it’s time to start getting tough regarding the budget:
Time to start getting tough is now? No wonder those readers are hopping mad in their commentary.
I believe we truly have the stupidest governor out of all 50 states.
Nothing but lies, spin, ignorance, and head in the sand politics.
See, Goldy:
I told you he was just a self-serving, opportunistic, no-talent little piece of shit. Maybe now you see the light.
12. bruceN spews:
Bruce N–
The Governor and the Democrat controlled Legislature passed 3 consecutive unsustainable Budgets. The Labor & Industries Actuary last October said 2010 rates needed to be raised 23%. The Governor overrode they reality and commanded they only be raised 7.6%…essentially kicking the can down the road.
It all comes down to the fact the Governor & Legislature is OWNED by the State Employees Union. She is too gutless to admit what other states like NJ have admitted. The Unions are bankrupting Washington State.
She is awaiting more ObaMao handout money like last year to sustain the Union power…all at the expense of increasing the National Debt, which is accelerating & now over $13.1 TRILLION…not to mention over $110 TRILLION of unfunded liabilities.
Get ready for the collapse…courtesy of gutless Democrats.
It’s time we have a serious discussion about this becoming a right to work state. Until then, the slide continues.
PDuke @16:It’s long past time to eliminate the anti-worker, anti-American misnomer “right to work” from every state in the union.
“now over $13.1 TRILLION”
The Konstitutional Konservative KLOWNS had no hand in that.
“Get ready for the collapse…courtesy of gutless Democrats.”
So says a dumfuck KLOWN. So it must be true, huh?
“It’s long past time to eliminate the anti-worker, anti-American misnomer “right to work” from every state in the union.”
Sure, Konstitutional Konservative KLOWNS hate the American worker, but they hate the unemployed American worker even more. The new KKK in a nutshell – they’re nothing but hate-filled fucktards.
Just a reminder….
Take your meds and stay on topic. :-)
Off topic…
For you anti-union boosters, there now exists an opportunity for you to put your beliefs in to action. Either do it yourself, or recruit close friends and family.
Get out there and pick some apples and grapes! Show ’em how it is done cheaper and faster without all that union overhead. And, if you could, blog about it so we can follow your progress.
Else, stfu.
@15: Gee I really miss such a dumbass like Klynical….not so much.
Hey Klynical fool, who caused the massive national recession that led to this deficit?
Did you forget already? Is your tiny brain already full? Are other states worse off?
Rerpublicans, Bush, Phil Gramm and deregulation caused the massive problems in the banking industry and started the worst recession since 1929.
Yes, we have an unsustainable tax sturcture in this state…and what is the republican solution? Oh, there is NONE.
Just cut all the services to education and the needy – that will really help our state.
Yup, once again Klynical shows how incredibly STOOPID the rightwing nuts really are.
Do they have a plan? No
Do they carp about everything forgetting the underlying causes? Yes.
Do they have half a brain? Probably not that much. Let’s not give them credit for more than they deserve.
Oh, and let’s not forget that it was Bush who turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history – something an idiot like Klynical also cannot remember.
Attention ignoramuses and other idiots who complain about “ceaseless” tax increases…
U.S. Tax burden at a 50 year low.
Also, WA state is well below the national average, and well below the level we were in the early 90’s prior to the greatest economic expansion ever.
We haven’t spent our way into huge deficits, we’ve tax cut our way into them.