The other day our good friend Stefan chose to comment on Monday’s massive immigration rally by posting a photo sent to him by one of his readers. No, it wasn’t a dramatic snapshot of 25,000 peaceful protesters marching through streets… it was a picture of an identified person (gasp) registering people to vote. Stefan quoted the following description:
“There were people running around registering illegals to vote. And it was obviously illegals they were focused on.”
“Obviously illegals”…? And how can Stefan and his reader be so sure? I can only assume it’s because these people looked illegal. (You know… they were brown.)
What might not be so obvious is that while WA state’s hispanic population is estimated at around 460,000 our total number of illegal immigrants is estimated at only 136,000. Go ahead, check out the stats.
And of course, not all of our illegal immigrants are hispanic. Indeed, while an estimated 11.3 percent of WA’s population is foreign born, only 22.4 percent of these are originally from Mexico. Fellow (un)Sounder Jim Miller wondered “what happened to all those Mexican flags” he had expected to see, and abused the Seattle Times and Seattle P-I for not asking the same question. But for some reason he didn’t bother to ask where all the Chinese flags were… despite the fact that a whopping 41.9 percent of our state’s foreign born population was born in Asia.
But the obvious answer to why so many protesters were flying American flags is that these people love America! These are people who struggled to come to this nation, seeking better lives for themselves and their children… these are people who seek the freedom and economic opportunity that has long made America the envy of the rest of the world.
These are people who carried American flags, while marching through the American streets, protesting American policies. What could be more American than that?
But you see, if you register to vote, it’s clearly because you hate America. And if you become a citizen it’s because you hate America even more. And waving American flags is so clearly America hating that it really doesn’t need to be mentioned how America hating it is.
Note Democrats demand that NO IDs be shown to vote. Gee, I wonder why?
Goldy, can we PLEASE do something about JCH? Is there nothing we can do to ban him permanently?
Number 1, Just how many millions of illegals shall we “adopt”?? 20? 40? 100 million?? Rhodesia to Zimbabwe…….California to Baja Norte……..Detriot to the Hillary Village of Sudan [God save us from Democrats!]
Mount Olympus Hiker, Try staying on topic, asshoe lib.
Are we allowed to “Remember the Alamo”, or would that be racist?
Turning the USA into a third world shit hole, one Democrat voter at a time……Welcome 80 million Mexicans to the Socialist Hillary Village of Baja Norte!!!!
You can just feel the disappointment over at U(sp). They were so hoping for a bunch of Mexican flags. Heck, they probably were secretly hoping for a nice riot. And you know that they were just sure that a white women would be raped.
And their shock, shock that people would actually try to register people with brown skin to vote is amazing.
Don’t forget, it was over at the minnows site where the great idea of challenging every voter with a foreign sounding name was floated and seriously discussed.
The only good thing about all of this is that is shows how desperate the wingnuts around this state have become. I assume that the next big story over at U(sp) will be that Maria Cantwell once had a parking ticket. Can we let a potential murder like that represent us in the Senate?
Mount Olympus Hiker:
No, keep [Just another Chicken Hawk] around. His racism and stupidity remind us of why Republicans should never be allowed in charge of anything.
Plus he is a proven liar, so it is sort of like having President Bush around.
Well, at least we know one thing for sure about Just another Chicken Hawk. There is no way his racist ass lives on Hawaii, he wouldn’t do well is such a multi-cultural enviroment, especially one where he is the imigrant.
Commentby JDB— 4/13/06@ 10:01 am [Wrong again, asshole. Try the 808 area code. I am John Galt. I surf, dive, cut the grass, and keep my taxes to a bare minimum. You asshole lib parasite Democrats will need to tax and eat each other, as I quit the game. Oh…….Fuck you.]
If Democrat Mexicans become the largest minority, will the Democrat blacks riot to keep the “guvment” checks coming?
I hope it was worth it to the painter’s who are now unemployed!
Democrats: blacks, illegals, and union “civil servant” guvment losers who could NEVER make it as a TAXPAYER.
JDB, Anyone who isn’t black, illegal, or a Democrat is racist, right? Fuck you, Democrat parasite.
80 million Mexicans must move to Seattle, Cape Cod, and the Hamptons. Enjoy, assholes!!!!
We need to move 10 million Sudanesse to Seattle. Anyone who disagrees in racist.
JCH Quote:
“Dooood…where’s my point?”
If you ban JCH … you won’t be able to kick JCH around anymore!
JCH Quote:
“Dooood…where’s my point?”
Commentby rujax206— 4/13/06@ 12:16 pm RUJAX, My point is clear. Democrats are economic and social parasite losers. Clear enough??]
JCH – it’s time to take your pill – you’re losing control and everyones laughing at you.
JCH Qoute:
“Owwwwwww…quit throwing FACTS at me! They HURT!!!!”
JCH Quote:
“I want my Mommy!”
I like JCH. He is such good advertising for the GOP. He exemplifies what Republicans are all about — greed, racism, crudity. There’s nothing subtle about JCH. Unlike Republicans who are a little smarter than he, JCH doesn’t try to hide what he is, or pretend to be something else.
(E.g., Mike McGavick, who doesn’t tell voters he’s a Republican or $14-million-a-year insurance CEO in his TV ads, and talks about health care for kids — as if he’s not part of the reason kids don’t have health care!)
No, JCH goes around with “Republican values” stamped on his forehead! With JCH, what you see is what you get, and what you see and get isn’t pretty — it’s Republican! I wish more Republicans were like JCH. If people knew what they really are, the Rapture would arrive immediately!
“asshoe lib”
Oooooooooooooo — JCH is getting CRUDE!!! A little testy this morning, are we??!!
Stefan is sinking deeper into irrelevancy as more people realize he’s just another lying Republican shill who, when nothing else is working, plays the racism card.
The so called – Shark – is an asskissing bigot. He has allowed and posted personal insults directed at gay folks, and recently trans citizens, on and on and on.
Watching him on TV with Dino – he was like a puppy just so eager for a pat on the head.
i have not seen language and crass rubish – at any site that is worse than his. Like an on going White Knight KKK rally. Yuk.
And they think the are posting about politcal leadership, reorm, and a better society. Amazingly crass and twisted stuff.
i hope Tom Delay shows up o campaign for Mc
Gavick……or maybe an endorsement letter from recently jailed Mr. Cunningham……corruption to the max, the house of cards is falling.
But most importantly, it’s spring planting time, and instead of screwing around on his keyboard, Stefan should be outside planting CARROTS!!!
Roger and Gang my commint to the editor of the seattle times.
The 2000 census counted 441,509 Latinos of all races living in Washington, the largest of any minority group in the state. Fewer than half of those live in the Puget Sound region, where many work in the construction and landscape industries, in restaurant kitchens or in the hospitality industry.
A recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 Washington residents are in this country illegally.
So where did they all come from and why are they flying Mexico flag when they want to be U.S. Citizens? Why are they flying a flag of a Cuban revolutionist who was killed in Central American? Why are they carrying a sign claiming to be a Latino Liberation Movement when all they want to be is a legal citizen of this country? Who is the Freedom socialist party and what do they want of our country? Now had all these folks entered this country like we enter Canada today this country would not be facing these issues. It appears that you (Seattle Times)support the over run of this country borders like the Albanians did Kosovo. Then you also support the same results the Serbs received when they tried to prevent the lost of Kosovo. I heard very little English spoken by these folks and it appears they want us to speak Spanish only. What is next? They get to vote in this state without becoming a citizen, and Dean Logan will provide ballots in their native language. Please who are these folks supporters beside Ron Sims and the city loudest Socialist Democrats. Could you explain why the Democrat and Republican Parties need this add attraction to legislate new laws. This country is not France when you allow the mobs to rule the nation. Tell me does the Seattle Times support the type of government that runs a nation like France, or one that represents it fellow citizens like a republic.
Thank you for listening but not represented in your newspaper. That should be a small clue why your reader ship is dropping.
I don’t see how Republicans ever thought they could exploit illegal immigration as an issue. Everyone knows Republican businessmen hire and encourage illegals. Then they want to PUNISH them!!
@ 28 That is beautiful, Klake! I hope they post it. More people should have the enjoyment of seeing you reveal your gross ignorance.
“So where did they all come from and why are they flying Mexico flag when they want to be U.S. Citizens?â€
“you also support the same results the Serbs received when they tried to prevent the lost of Kosovo.â€
“I heard very little English spoken by these folks and it appears they want us to speak Spanish only .â€
“They get to vote in this state without becoming a citizen,â€
“This country is not France when you allow the mobs to rule the nation.â€
Bravo!! , my racist Nazi friend! I dearly hope this gets published! You will have done more to sink the GOP in this state than even Sen. Stevens could!
How many conservatives here were offended by the march last month? All those immigrants took over 4th avenue in the middle of the day, flying their foreign flags(I think I saw *one* US flag), dancing foreign dances. They even had the gall to raise their flag at the courthouse. Afterwards, they got drunk on foreign beer. What happened to American pride?
Of course, it was St. Patrick’s Day and the paricipants were by and large white so I guess it was a-okay in their eyes.
It’s a Numbers game…
“There are an estimated 250,000 illegal immigrants in Washington, many working as agricultural laborers in the eastern part of the state; during a roll call of Washington cities, huge cheers went up at the mention of Yakima, Walla Walla, and Spokane.”
Who’s bluffing, you or Eli Sanders?
-No, keep [Just another Chicken Hawk] around. His racism and stupidity remind us of why Republicans should never be allowed in charge of anything.-
It also reminds us just how sick and morally repugnant “born again Christians” can be.
Frankly, I’m surprised Sharkansky didn’t go out and pull one of his “harrass random people with my camera” trick. That’s what got Shark notoriety when he was on his Rabbi Kahane kick in SF, right?
Hi! I’m James No from the We’re Against Discovery Institute. When I arrived on the boat from Korea 20 years ago, the first thing out of my mouth was. Look at all the brightly colored cars.
I want to be a conservative.
And I think you should all think like me.
James No
Official Jr. College Grad. and Fellow
Willie @32,
Could you be any lazier? I provided a link to my source, which lists its source as the US Citizenship and Immigration Service 2000 report. So next time you disparage my numbers, try clicking through the links first.
Unlike some bloggers, I don’t just pull statistics out of my ass.
Goldy, How many illegal Mexicans can you take in at YOUR home? A few hundred?? Think of all the drugs and tacos you will enjoy!!! And, you can help them register to vote!!
Monday is TAX DAY!!! Libs, pay more than you owe because there is sooooooooooo much need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People registering are “Obviously illegal”, like persons at certain addresses are “obviously using a mailing address”, and felons are obviously voting for Democrats.
If these idiots actually went to the bother of researching an issue and standing behind the results, there might be a way to solve any problem. But, when they just pull it out of some orifice.
Goldysteinburg, Less to the Temple……..more to the FEDS!!!!!!!!
… it’s just a pile of shit.
We need 20 million more illegals to move to Seattle, WASH. There is soooooooooooo much need for them!!!!!
Great timing, JCH.
Just smashing, klakker, keep up the good work. I certainly hope it get published.
jch, I actually agree with you for once! Bring in your 20 or 80 million immigrants and we will finally be able to hammer that last nail into the GOP’s cofin. God speed that glorius day.
Liberal Redneck @34:
“That’s what got Shark notoriety when he was on his Rabbi Kahane kick in SF, right?”
Do tell us more.
jch, I actually agree with you for once! Bring in your 20 or 80 million immigrants and we will finally be able to hammer that last nail into the GOP’s cofin. God speed that glorius day.
I think I finally understand [Just another Chicken Hawk]’s reasoning. He is at a lost of why people would risk their lives to get into this country when Bush is president.
Well, [JCH], despite how much you hate this country, it is just that wonderful that people will risk their lives to work crap jobs even with the leaker-in-chief in charge.
Sorry to rain on your parade lefties, but there are a few factual problems with Goldy’s reporting, as usual. First of all, read around the web a bit. I know it will be challenging for you to go to a few conservative blogs, but when you do, you will find that contrary to what Goldy is reporting, there were a lot of Mexican flags. There are many, many pictures posted all over the blogosphere that also show the placards handed out by socialist groups like A.N.S.W.E.R. There were a lot of American Flags, but there were a lot of other flags and other signs indicating a less than “wholesome American demonstration” impression with which Goldy wants you to come away.
Second, the truth is that the protests had a far more negative impact than many were lead to believe reading the MSM or left leaning bloggers like Goldy. Go here to read a Zogby poll: It appears that the protestors probably did more to harm the immigrant cause than help it, and that could easily have some backlash in November. It appears Americans don’t trust Democrats or Republicans to truly fix the problems and address immigration and security. But to frame the issue as simply a protest on the denial of rights to a particular group on behalf of Americans, is naive, shallow, and innacurate.
Third, it’s innacurate to represent the sum of SP views as assuming that all registration activities at the protests were automatically attempts to register illegals. One reader made the comment, but just look at the readers here. One reader certainly does not constitute the overall opinion of this blog, or anything approaching sanity. If you actually read the comments, you will see that most of the readers of SP are offended by the unwillingness of the registers to make any distinction or effort to assure that those registering, were in fact legal residents. One register when questioned about whether or not they were registering illegals put it best: “WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS.” How noble. Was there an assumption that many at the rally would be likely to vote with a specific party, hence the registration drive? Or was it just that these registers were filled with the spirit of good will in registering people to vote, and happened to be at this rally? Interestingly unremarkable to Goldy.
I know that the folks here thrive on reactionary hatred, and Goldy does a great job of drumming it up, but there’s always a bit more to the story that Goldy creatively omits.
Commentby What Goldy didn\’t say is usually more interesting than what he did.— 4/13/06@ 3:45 pm
Great Post and you English, Grammar, and Spelling is by far better than mine. I have the public school system to thank for that gift.
jch, I actually agree with you for once! Bring in your 20 or 80 million immigrants and we will finally be able to hammer that last nail into the GOP’s cofin. God speed that glorius day.
Commentby Cougar— 4/13/06@ 3:02 pm [CougarJewstein, Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, California to Baja Norte, and Detroit to the Sudan. Thank you, Democrats!!!]
Cougar, Tell me about your military service! Just like Goldysteinburg and JDB’s??? [none……You libs love to whine and bitch, but you NEVER serve in the military because you are sissies and pussies. [See UC Santa Cruz] You truely are America’s parasites.]
Hello ASSHEads: I was working hard these past few days and I was playing hard here on the east coast. Damn good to be working among some people who respect laws.
You ASSHeads need to read a smart black man Thomas Sowell. Remember I mentioned him as an articulate, intelligent, economics educator? Well he’s done it again. I missed this entry flying around the country and such! You ASSHeads need remedial immigration edumications!!!
Way to keep those anti-semitic comments coming, JCH.
Why is it you don’t use racist or anti-semitic remarks on Sound Politics? Chicken?
As if you ever leave your little hole and go anywhere in public, Puddy. That’s rich!
at 49:
If there were ton of Mexican flags, why does Jim Miller over at u(SP) complain about there being none?
And the minnow was the one that decided to lead a post of his with the wild specualtion of a reader of his that since people were signing up brown people, they must be breaking the law. If Goldy started posting things based on the ravings of [Just another Chicken Hawk] you would have a comparision.
However, unlike the minnow, Goldy usually likes to have facts to support his charges.
On the other hand, unlike U(sp), there is no hate here. You don’t see anyone getting banned, and given the nature of the wingnuts that hjang out here (see their rantings in this thread), that seems very tolerant, I think you will agree. On the other hand, post a few facts that show how foolish most of the u(SP) posters are, or the fact that the minnow doesn’t have any facts, and you are quickly banned.
Since you come from U(sp), undoubtably, you are use to hate and propaganda, and it will take you a while to get used to truth and facts. Actually read what is posted and I think you might find that the real world is quite interesting and not as full of paranoid fears as that of U(sp).
JDB: pussy lib whiner Democrat who never served in the military because Democrats just don’t “do” the military. That is always for someone else.
Note Democrats demand that NO IDs be shown to vote. Gee, I wonder why?
[Just another Chicken Hawk]
Come on, we all know the only “service,” you ever gave the military were the blow jobs you gave sailors when the fleet was in town.
“Uniquely American”???? WTF??? You gotta be kidding ! When did we decide that non citizens get a vote or even an influence on Murka’s policies? Ya ever hear of “sovereignty”? That’s a grown up word that means “feriners should STFU”.
Take this the logical next step. Should we ask france to approve Murka’s gummint policies? Or the UN? Or… should we just abolish the concept of nations and just be one big happy global family?
I support immigration because the immigrants, business, and Murkan consumers are better off economically because of it. But if we decide to let them in, it’s because WE decided to do it. They don’t get a say.
[Just another Chicken Hawk]
Come on, we all know the only “service,” you ever gave the military were the blow jobs you gave sailors when the fleet was in town.
Commentby JDB— 4/13/06@ 5:27 pm [Fuck you, Democrat lib pssy. JCH, USN 77-84] Any you?? Yeah, That’s what I thought. Just like Goldysteinburg. Libs NEVER serve. They bitch and whine and act like pussy 12 yr old girls.]
Adele Ferguson’s Nazi attitudes are typical of Republicans
Of course yesterday, she “apologized” in the Statesman-Examiner for her slavery column by suggesting that the Holocaust might not have been so bad because it created Israel.
So Africans who arrive in the 1620s are immigrants because they’re black, but she’s a “native American” because she’s white.
Millions of people dead are okay so long as it serves some Fundamentalist/Zionist fantasy in the “holy lands”. What kind of sick maniac do you have to be to be a Republican?
You read their screed here. What do you think?
I love people like this fucking clown JCH.
They support the party that has done everything they can to make sure that there is no way for employers to check an employees legal status and they have kept all penalties off employers. They do nothing about border security. They let millions upon millions of illegals into the country during Republican Administrations. They support NAFTA which has been a virtual HIGHWAY for illegal immigration.
Then when literally millions of illegal immigrants send the IRS and Social Security administration obviously bogus SS ID numbers EVERY YEAR OF THE BUSH PRESIDENCY AND OF COURSE THE ADMINISTRATION DOES NOTHING they still, somehow, think that Republicans oppose illegal immigration. This despite the fact that every Republican business paper is applauding Bush’s Guest Illegal program and every business association that depends on illegal labor supports the Republicans.
It’s stupidity on such an enormous scale you’d think even Republicans would be unequal to it.
—[Start Idiot]————————–
JDB, Anyone who isn’t black, illegal, or a Democrat is racist, right? Fuck you, Democrat parasite.
Comment by REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon — 4/13/06 @ 12:12 pm
—[End Idiot]—————————-
No, anybody who repeatedly makes racist comments while claming that they aren’t racist, is in fact a racist. If this is confusing to your extra small brain, just read your posts and understand that those are racist comments, and you are in fact a racist.
cmahnken @66
And you know, I could be wrong but I think JCH’s gleeful use of an idiot parody of Jesse Jackson’s name suggests that he wants to associate Democrats with black people. Hmm, and yet his party says they want more black votes. But still he SEEMS to be suggesting that black leaders and people of color generally are logical objects of derision.
I wonder, is there any history in this region of radical racist groups? I can’t remember, but I seem to recall…..
Please, please, please JCH, don’t leave. I just long for the opportunity to mock you, you whining Nazi.
JCH is proof that God DOES make mistakes.
I challenge your source of statistics about the number of illegal aliens in Washington. You have used StateMaster.Com
That source shows a total of just under 7 million illfor the entire United States of America:
Most reputable sources estimate the number in the USA as a whole at approximately 12 million.
So obviously StateMaster.Com has grossly underestimated the number of illegal aliens in Washington as being only 136,000.
The Pew Hispanic Center estimate of 250,000 illegal aliens in Washington is much more like it.
There are an estimated 10 million adult Mexican citizens in the USA, including both legal immigrants and illegal aliens.
Mexico recently passed a law to allow Mexican citizens residing outside the country to vote by absentee ballot.
However, only 56,749 absentee ballot applications were timely submitted by Mexicans living outside the country. The vast majority of these applications, of course, were from Mexicans in the USA.
This means that 99.5% of the eligible Mexican electorate residing in the USA is refusing to participate in their own country’s election.
RE72: SO?
RE72: SO?
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 7:49 pm [Headless Lucy, maybe the illegals should all come to your home and enjoy!!!]
I think 250K is slightly high, but I have seen numbers ranging from 200K to 230K.
As for why Mexicans may not vote in their own elections, I can think of various valid reasons.
1. They didn’t know how the new process worked.
2. They didn’t know they could.
3. They don’t want to let either their or the US governement know they are here.
4. They’ve been here so long they no longer care about mexican elections, they just want to be US citizens.
5. Too busy hiding from racists like JCH.
LibrulRedASSNeck sez: As if you ever leave your little hole and go anywhere in public, Puddy. That’s rich!
Commentby LiberalRedneck— 4/13/06@ 4:16 pm
Hey dingleberry breathe. Ask Goldy where I am right now. Go on white liquid face, make our day.
Goldy, looks like that advice I suggested to you about having your family support a great Republican man, Lynn Swann, Footboll Hall of Famer, running of Guvnur of Pennsylvania; is paying off. The race is neck and neck! I expect some racist slur to appear from some librul ASS soon though! Just like your side did against Michael Steele here in Maryland!
JCH @ 74
Your fucking party imported the illegals. Hell, how do you think all that Hawaiian fruit gets picked?
Hey PuddyBud!!!!
Tell everyone about what happened on July 14, 2003!!!!
Then tell them what happened on July 18, 2003!!!!!
I LOVE that story!!!
C’mon PuddyBud!!!!
Tell us all about Bush’s traitorous act!!! Just as you proved it before!
PuddyBud!! Remind us all how Bush leaked classified intelligence information, then later decided to “de-classify” it!
You know what they do with TRAITORS don’t you PuddyBud!
They hang them!
Tell us all about Bush’s treason!
Let me help myou PuddyBud!!!
It goes a little like this!
<1> Donnageddon, I just posted Bob Novaks article. It was JULY 14, 2003. Get it. Post #68
The winner of this weeks dull knife award is donnageddon!
Commentby puddybud – Remember Moonbats, GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT!— 4/10/06@ 11:46 pm
Now JustDumbBozo, when did Bob Novak write his article? July 14, 2003.
Donnageddon let me repeat it to you. It was declassified in June 18, 2003. How can it be leaked you DUMBASS when it was previously declassified? Explaining something to donnageddon and his four dumb knife brothers is like talking to a brick/cement block wall. All you hear back is your echo because nothing penetrates the block!
Commentby puddybud – Remember Moonbats, GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT!— 4/10/06@ 11:37 pm
It ends a little different tho.. doesn”t it.
How did that go….?
Oh yeah, it has to do with the June 18, 2003 date… Now what was that???
Now I remember! It was declassified on July 18,2003!!!!
“Mr. Bush’s alleged instruction to release the conclusions of the intelligence estimate appears to have been squarely within his authority and Mr. Fitzgerald makes no argument that it was illegal. While Mr. Libby said he gave that information “exclusively†to the Times reporter at their breakfast meeting at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, many of the findings of the estimate were formally declassified and discussed at a White House press briefing ten days later, on July 18, 2003.â€
4 days after it was reported in the press, and long after Bush had leaked it!!!
Question: DO we have to officially Impeach a President before we hang him for treason?
Oh, well. We will all find out soon enough!
GLad to see you come back, PuddyBud, so I can remind people about how you showed that GWB is a TRAITOR!!!
I will remind people often when I see you post here.
This means that 99.5% of the eligible Mexican electorate residing in the USA is refusing to participate in their own country’s election.
Commentby Richard Pope— 4/13/06@ 7:28 pm
Richard Pope if you can not read you can not vote no matter what language you speak. Most folks who have less than a high school degree do not vote.
Gosh, I wonder how many people died because Bush leaked classified intelligence information?
Oh well. All’s well that hangs well!
Hey, Klake!!! You got any new information from the Barnes Review Nazi publication that “proves” you contention that “more Black and Indian people owned slaves than white people did”?
I always love it when you post your collection of NAZI propaganda!!
How did that go, Klake…? Oh yes! I remember!
Short order history lesson, if you need more info let me know. Thanks klake
By Robert M. Grooms
� 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.†Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically….
Comment by klake — 3/16/06 @ 8:58 pm
Tell us some more Racist stories from you collection of Nazi propaganda Klake!!
PuddyBud!! Tell us all about Bush’s Treason!! C’mon!
[Just another Chicken Hawk]
I was at Star Fleet Academy 2245-2249. It’s the web, you can say anything you want.
I don’t even think you are as big of a racist as you pretend to be, so why the hell should I believe you were in the Navy.
And, if you are as much of a racist idiot as you seem to be, I have enough faith in the Navy, and hell, the Military, Coast Guard, Foreign Service and Civil Service that any of them would have gotten rid of you before you could do any damage, or get your punk ass beaten.
But, even if you were in the Navy, it gives you no cred. There has to be the worse of anything. The worse Doctor, Lawyer, Pilot, and even Ensign in the Navy.
But we all know that when the ships were in port, everyone thought you gave the best blow jobs.
Don’t ban any of the wingnuts… They serve a purpose.
“I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking”
— Woodrow T. Wilson
RE immigration.
Voter registration requires a id or a utility bill (which also requires an id) If one fills out the mail in registration, one is required to show an id before getting a ballot.
RE central WA. Since the care and harvest of orchards, nuts, stone fruit, mint and hops have utilized migrant (mostly illegal yes) labor since the 70’s, many of the grandparents may be illegal, but most of the current population in the upper and lower valley are actually natural born citizens and yet still brown, voters, and demonstrating under provisions of the bill of rights to the constitution.
While that may not make up for their being “brown” in the eyes of the wingnuts, it does not mean they will vote as Democrats.
The current Pope (aka Joey the Rat) replaced both of the moderate bishops in eastern WA with Spanish speakers who are not shy about insisting to their overwhelmingly Catholic parishioners that it is a sin to vote for non wingnuts or anyone who cares about children *after* they are born.
So Dems cannot count on legal immigrants tilting the vote in Central or Eastern WA until the 3rd or 4th generation realize they are being manipulated by those who do not have their best interest in mind.
So Dems cannot count on legal immigrants tilting the vote in Central or Eastern WA until the 3rd or 4th generation realize they are being manipulated by those who do not have their best interest in mind.
Commentby Ken In Seattle— 4/14/06@ 8:34 am
Ken you dream a lot lately? Those folks are not as dumb as you make them out to be and the only one being manipulated today is yourself.
92 – ‘If one fills out the mail in registration, one is required to show an id before getting a ballot.’
Unless the voter requests a provisional ballot. The signature is all that is checked on the provisionals before counting. As long as the voter uses the same signature on both the mail-in registration and the provisional ballot the vote is counted. Do not repeat more than once at the same time and/or the same place or someone might catch on.
-I expect some racist slur to appear from some librul ASS soon though! Just like your side did against Michael Steele here in Maryland! –
Puddy – you, JCH and MTR seem to have cornered the market on racist and anti-semitic comments. Why on earth do you think we sane liberals would ever think about stooping to your sick level?
In the news media I looked at the people interviewed were here because they love dollars not America. The initial ANSWER/Stalinist actions didn’t note the effects of the Mexican flag on American soil. After the bad PR there was an effort to tone down the Mexican nationalsim in the rallies and show flag support for the US. Cynical or inspiring? One would have to be there.