Yeah, sure… I’m a hate talker. But Glenn Beck, apparently not so much:
I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.
For the past week, Geov, Paul and myself have been posting our take on the morning headlines, attempting to provide a little context to the daily news. And in a way, that’s exactly what Beck tried to do in referencing the wildfires ravaging Southern California.
California wildfires, view from space
There are a lot of stories within the story of the devastating fires that have now forced half a million people from their homes, but for Beck, the story that leaps off the page is that some of the victims “hate America.” That’s the context Beck chooses to bring to this tragedy… a tragedy Beck doesn’t view as simply unfortunate, but unfortunate “for them.” It’s almost as if he’s gloating.
What sort of person looks at a natural disaster, and instantly sees the political ideology of the victims? What sort of person chooses to bring this sort of context to this story? Glenn Beck.
Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) apologized today for his remark about Bush sending troops to Iraq “for his amusement.”
Wingnuts, who routinely make far more offensive and inflammatory statements, never apologize for anything.
Why the double standard?
Because we Democrats are evidently chickenshits. I just can’t understand what Nancy Pelosi can be thinking. And I’m getting really, really pissed about it.
Yep the Bush hate crowd believes that he started the fires in Southern California to get even for their lack of support in New Orleans. FEMA is showing up with trailers and open end credit cards to help the poor whites burned out of their homes. Now that doesn’t quite sound right but Roger Rabbit has a clairvoyant mind and will produce the truth. Bumper stickers for Free Iraq the money goes to Osama bin Laden defense fund. This week end you can buy your new silk prayer rug at the Seattle Center. Goldy will conducting the prayers so no one gets offended.
Ever really watch that guy? Beck thinks like a child.
just a timely reminder — klake is a nazi
Get the Thorazine, Klake’s back.
klake, the serial drunk-poster poster-boy.
posts 1-3, 5-7
I guess the HA off topic posting policy applies to non kool-aid drinkers only..
Well, it gets whiners like you in here. You have to have something to bitch about; that’s why you’re here. It gives meaning to your life.
@8 You flunked those aptitude tests that require you to pick two similar objects, didn’t you?
This thread is about Glenn Beck’s remarks about the California fires.
1 & 2 are about Glenn Beck’s remarks about the California fires.
Don’t know about @3. I guess you could argue everything about klake is just plain irrelevant to everything …
Right stuff is an idiot. This comment is not off-topic — see #10 for explanation.
OH I FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
re 8: You poor little victims! You guys just love to sit down in your own warm shit and squish around in it feeling sorry for yourselves.
You are a pussie and a fruitcake WingNut™.
A bunch of rich WASPs and Jews are losing their homes in So. Cal. I’ll bet FEMA will be more on the ball on this one, but, then again, the Katrina people expected federal government to bail them out when their state and local governments twiddle-farted around.
Lots of influencial and rich voters in So. Cal., so I guess the feds will be tripping all over themselves to help out. Plus Arnold’s a Republican governor.
Ya do have to ask the question, though: why do those pepole build multi-million-dollar places in a location where it burns to the ground every few years? Wouldn’t it be better to not build a house in an area like that?
If the 1,300 California homes that burned were worth a million dollars each, the government could rebuild them all for the $1.2 billion reported missing in Iraq today.
“WASHINGTON — The State Department so badly managed a $1.2 billion contract for Iraqi police training that it can’t tell what it got for the money spent, a new report says.”
Brought to you by the criminally incompetent wingnut regime.
What sort of person looks at a natural disaster, and instantly sees the political ideology of the victims? What sort of person chooses to bring this sort of context to this story? Glenn Beck
Only the Socialist Democrats; the Mayor of New Orleans, Governor of Louisiana, and the Lt Governor of California look at natural disasters to spread political ideology Goldy. To begin with those folks in Southern California know when you build houses in a canyon and put all fires out you are creating a disaster. The Indians use to call Southern California the valley of fires, because it was always on fire. Now that Al Gore showed up with global warming you will increase the carbon foot print if you don’t put out forest fires. Let’s turn a blind eye that he flies all over the world in his private jet.The real sultion would be to move them all to Green Lake and live in high raise buildings. Yep right in Roger’s back yard. They can eat right out of his garden.
@14 Yeah, better to take that $1.2 billion and make it disappear into an accounting black hole in Iraq.
@15 See #14.
Note: klake isn’t responsible for the idiocy he posts because he’s legally insane.
Democrats love overgrown forests because they enjoy watching half a million people flee from their homes and beg the government for help.
There are lots of examples of double standards. Kathy Griffin got some award for her comedy routines, and in her acceptance speach, she told the audience that “Jesus had nothing to do with” her “triumph” and Jesus could “suck” on something-or-other, blah, blah, blah. The audience laughed. After all, it was a sympathetic house.
What if she had said “Allah” could go suck on something? Well, the media would be all over it, wouldn’t they? I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth now about how she “offended” Islam, blah, blah, blah.
As far as I’m concerned, one religion is as good (or bad) as the next. But, you bozos in entertainment, don’t attack one religion because it’s politically correct to do so, yet get your nose out of joint about somebody attacking another religion.
That’s a double standard that seems to permeate the left, Roger. You homies are just as fucked up as the neo-cons and theirs.
Why do these guys keep building homes in such dangerous areas?
Many of those fires were arson. Right in the area where Blackwater wanted to build, but they were trying to stop them.
I bet Blackwater will be there soon, with there muscle bound freakazoid, machine-gun totin’ thugs.
It’s a republican way of thinking. One day it Glen Beck attacking fire victims, the other day Michelle Malkin attacking kids whose parents can’t afford heath insurance, recently Medvev has been blaming blacks for slavery, or it might be Limbaugh attacking the patriotism of soldiers wounded in Irag. It is all the same deal, their modus operandi, spew hate, bigotry and fear against the weak or victims. What a hell of a way to make yourself feel good and superior. They are shameless vermin.
But if Klake and Wrongstuff go there, they’ll probably get PICKED-ON!!
Here is klake’s childhood mantra: “I’m telling the teacher!!”
@12 Since we’re already using this thread to compare people to Goebbels, I thought I’d mention that the Bush Propaganda Bureau is up to their old tricks again:
“WASHINGTON — The White House severely edited congressional testimony given Tuesday by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the impact of climate change on health, removing specific scientific references to potential health risks ….”
You have to remember, democrats can dish it out but cant take it. They dont call democrats pussies for nothing. roof roof.
@23 Yeah, but fortunately, everyone but them now realizes they’re vermin.
Was that story before or after the “Scientific studies shows you can flush a Quran down a toilet afer all” story? Just wondering.
joe pine says:
But if Klake and Wrongstuff go there, they’ll probably get PICKED-ON!!
Here is klake’s childhood mantra: “I’m telling the teacher!!”
Nice try Joey but the Teacher got wack in the head with a log cabin block. Girlie boys like you got your ass wip every time you whine. Yep love to bully the wimps on the daily bases, push them down the stairs and made them eat dog shit. Something to make your mommy really proude of you and then walk you to school and complain how defense you are around little boys.Whimp
Testing filter Wimps
Testing filter Girlie boys
Testing filter eat dog shit
Testing Roger is a Bully
I’m glad to see all those rich assholes in socal lose everything.
econ is a zero sum game. whatever they got, they stole from somebody else.
new game…
Nice try Joey but the Teacher got wack in the head with a log cabin block. Girlie boys like you got your ass wip every time you whine. Yep love to bully the wimps on the daily bases, push them down the stairs and made them eat dog shit. Something to make your mommy really proude of you and then walk you to school and complain how defense you are around little boys.Whimp
Nice try Joey but the Teacher got wack in the head with a log cabin block.
testing filter klake
Them white folks now getting a taste of katrina living
how do you like it?
Let’s see if bush administration bails out rich white people while NO continues to suffer
Girlie boys like you got your ass wip every time you whine. Yep love to bully the wimps on the daily bases, push them down the stairs and made them eat dog shit. Something to make your mommy really proude of you and then walk you to school and complain how defense you are around little boys.Whimp
Joey the filter is protecting your sorry ass.
JESUS! But, then, I just looked out the window at the pahse of the moon and it’s all very clear why Klake and Jane are here.
pahse=phase. It’s Piperspeak.
Hey if we got a bunch of union democrats together they could build a levy right above the wild fires at four times the costs… and whamo… the levies would fail like they always do and no more forrest fires. I like it.
“WASHINGTON — The White House severely edited congressional testimony given Tuesday by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the impact of climate change on health, removing specific scientific references to potential health risks ….”
What are you trying to say AID’s victims get to protect their identity because of global warming? Wouldn’t want to quarantine them might it might deny them of their civil rights? Political Correctness has been doing that for years Roger no matter what set of goons are running the country. There is no Center for Disease Control and Prevention, they still let half wits still breed in prisons today. Who knows what diseases they are spreading when their love leave on congregate visits. What kind of impact would that have when they show up in your neighborhood?
No shortage of side-splitting demonstrations of syntax and elegant prose tonight…
Poor silly klake. He does not understand just how incoherent his babbling is.
@10 and 11
Thanks, appreciate it.
Answer to my question.? Kool-aid drinkers not edited…
How many posts you make today Rog?
Your legend (which occurs only in your self described miniscule rabbit brain) grows as the most pathetic, no life poster this side of the cascade range.
“look this thread is up to 43 posts……” etc etc etc
Hey, all you trolls out there: I saw one of your Republican heroes, Ahnold, on the news this morning. He said the fires in California have been getting worse by the year, the Santa Anas blowing harder, etc. And, you know what, dumbfucks? He blamed the worsening on global warming. What are you going to do with the good Governor Schwarznegger? He isn’t toeing your orthodox line. I think you’d better kick him out of your dwindling little narrow-minded party.
Please !
“…myself have been posting…” ?!?
…Geov, Paul and “I” have been posting…
Klake is a pussie and a fruitcake. Klake always was always chosen last for sports — after the kid who plays classical piano.
Klake’s ass was a wedgie-infested mess in junior high. Your mom told you that life would get better, but it never did.
We still wouldn’t let you play ball, even if you owned the park.
Am I down to your level yet, klake? I doubt it.
Getting down to your level is like social and mental spelunking.
Klake: Why don’t you put your false teeth in backwards and bite yourself in the neck? Then, go gargle with titanium razor blades!
But once that sort of person starts blasting at the lefties whose fancy homes are up in smoke, the sort of person I am knows he’s making it all up.
Only because the subject was brought up … it should be noted that the fire disaster area includes: Los Angeles County (voted D in the ’04 presidential election), Santa Barbara County (voted D), Ventura County (voted R) San Bernardino County (voted R), Orange County (R); and the most massive of the fires are in San Diego County (R).
I’m thinking that if we went precinct-by-precinct, we might find that the urban centers were less strongly R, and the view properties more so … but on that I have no more data than Glenn Beck, so I’ll leave it in the realm of speculation.
ELECTION MAP (red/blue reversed from common convention…)
Godwin’s Law.
klake, Google it you fucking moe-ron.
That’s because only rich Republicans can afford those homes and we like seeing them taken down a peg or two. Don’t worry though, insurance will cover it.
Fucking asshole!!
Another favorite of his is still:
Anytime, anywhere!
Choose wisely, Grasshopper.
29 thru 33
klake, put the crack pipe down and back away from your mommy’s computer.
That’s because only rich Republicans can afford those homes and we like seeing them taken down a peg or two. Don’t worry though, insurance will cover it.
Fucking asshole!!
Of course republican carry insurance, they are responsible. Of course we will see your typical democrat whiners form San Diego to SF with their hands out wanting a $2,000.00 cash card and then march saying it wasnt enough. But what else is new. roof roof
Am I down to your level yet, klake? I doubt it.
Getting down to your level is like social and mental spelunking.
10/23/2007 at 9:54 pm
joe pine says:
Klake: Why don’t you put your false teeth in backwards and bite yourself in the neck? Then, go gargle with titanium razor blades!
Hehehehehe Down is up in lib speak. hehehehe
What sort of person looks at a natural disaster, and instantly sees the political ideology of the victims? What sort of person chooses to bring this sort of context to this story?
The same people who say that a president caused a huricane. If libs vote why can’t dogs??? A lib can’t remember last week let alone a couple years back. Geeeesh
How do you like the impending destruction of the Republican Crime Family HEHEHEHE
How do you think you’ll like Hillary as you next president HEHEHEHE
How do you think a supermajority of Democrats the House and Senate will feel HEHEHEHE
How much do ypu think we’ll miss your fetid comments after you crawl off into hiding after the elections
Say goodnight now, pussbrain.
Let’s see if bush administration bails out rich white people while NO continues to suffer
Hey its getting better. They just elected a republican governor. You can’t just fix over 40 years of democrat misery overnight you know. Relax.
So my Republican-leaning, fixed income, evangelical christian mother is someone Glenn Beck thinks hates America? Or maybe he was talking about the people from the assisted-living facilities that they have had to evacuate? Maybe those ‘terrible Americans” that they have evacuated from the hotels.
Mr. Beck is obviously just an asschihuahua.
You can sure tell that Jane’s dog is a bitch.
@27 Come to my burrow at 9 PM tomorrow night to get euthanized. Directions: Go to Green Lake Park, find a big tree on the east side of the lake, march 7 paces to your left, and look for a hole. Note: You may not see the hole at first. It’s cleverly camouflaged, and its bottom is full of punji stakes.
@33 “Testing filter eat dog shit”
I’m sure Goldy can set you up on a date with Balogh’s mutt. Bring your spoon.
@34 “Testing Roger is a Bully”
Fuckin-A, pussie! First time you’ve ever been right about anything in your life! I punch, bite, kick, scratch, and eviscerate wingnuts! For an appointment to get vivisected, call 1-900-ROG-BITES. This is a toll call. All proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@35 Just what this blog needs, another wingnut liar posing as a Hillary voter. Probably the same fucking one all the time. So repetitive. Sooo yawn.
P.S., Econ IS a zero-sum game, the way I play it! I take money from fucking idiots who sell me their stocks cheap and buy them back from me after they’ve double. This creates absolutely no new wealth! It results in zero innovation! It creates no jobs! All it does is transfer money from stupid Republicans to a clever rabbit. It must be tough looking in the mirror knowing you got taken to the cleaners by a fucking rabbit.
@39 My rabbit instincts tell me this particular troll is whiter than Wonder Bread.
@39 (continued) Whole-wheat trolls just don’t talk like that, and the phonetic spelling is a dead giveaway.
@47 I keep waiting for that combination of pills and alcohol to put him into a permanent coma.
@48 You’re welcome. One more thing — pull your dick out of your own ass; that’s not where it goes.
If I can be of further service, please let me know.
@48 “the most pathetic, no life poster”
That would be klake, with the Pipster a close second.
@51 “joe pine says: … Klake always was always chosen last for sports”
No no no! Klake was chosen FIRST for sports. The coach made him roll up in a tight little ball, then all the rest of the phys ed students tried to kick him into the goal net.
@52 “We still wouldn’t let you play ball, even if you owned the park.”
Of course we’ll let him play ball — if he agrees to be the ball. JCH is a nazi.
Hey Klake, the guy that helped kill my friend along with thousands of others on 9/11 is still at large. Whose fault is that, Michael Moore? I don’t think so…Your hatred is misplaced…
The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
– G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
“I want justice…There’s an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive,'”
– G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI
“…Secondly, he is not escaping us. This is a guy, who, three months ago, was in control of a country [sic]. Now he’s maybe in control of a cave. He’s on the run. Listen, a while ago I said to the American people, our objective is more than bin Laden. But one of the things for certain is we’re going to get him running and keep him running, and bring him to justice. And that’s what’s happening. He’s on the run, if he’s running at all. So we don’t know whether he’s in cave with the door shut, or a cave with the door open — we just don’t know….”
– Bush, in remarks in a Press Availablity with the Press Travel Pool,
The Prairie Chapel Ranch, Crawford TX, 12/28/01, as reported on
official White House site
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
– G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
“I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
Chris says:
Hey Klake, the guy that helped kill my friend along with thousands of others on 9/11 is still at large. Whose fault is that, Michael Moore? I don’t think so…Your hatred is misplaced…
The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
– G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
Sorry about your friend Chris but you were not the only one to loose friends on 911, but six months I was in the desert doing my part, what did you do? I don’t remember the last name of Chris on any uniforms. Yes I was there when we though we had your friend Osama but all that was living in that stone shack was a goat herder milking goats. Yep the chap your friends here supports is still at large but not for ever. But those that support his causes are dying ever day in large numbers and I don’t support you paying him a visit for you could join him in hell. Don’t forget Bush will allow us to continue the hunt until he is caught dead or alive. Roger may get to defend him in a court of law. WOW!!!!!!
Chris says:
Hey Klake, the guy that helped kill my friend along with thousands of others on 9/11 is still at large. Whose fault is that, Michael Moore? I don’t think so…Your hatred is misplaced…
P.S. I will leave the hatred up to you, it’s not my style, you can’t win traveling that road.